
How to spend the old year and celebrate the new year correctly. Secret rituals: how to properly spend the old year and celebrate the new year How to see off the old year


Make sure that the New Year becomes more successful than the outgoing one. Do not take the negative baggage of the Old Year with you into the future, but get the maximum possible from the New Year. Mystic? Almost.

Family psychologist-consultant, natal astrologer Olga Korepina has prepared a detailed plan especially for you - how to meaningfully spend the end of December and celebrate the New Year correctly. You need to start from December 20th.

It’s not for nothing that they say that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. The New Year is a new birth, a transition from one state to another, a renewal of everything that surrounds us. With the birth of a new year, there is a change in energies that greatly influence our lives. Therefore, you need to prepare and try to adjust these energies so that the year will be successful in everything.

12 days before the New Year...

Start consciously spending the year on December 20th. During this time, try to free yourself from everything superfluous and unnecessary in your life - literally and figuratively. If you have any unnecessary or unfinished connections, situations, relationships, debts and affairs that have arisen this year, they need to be completed as much as possible, putting an end to the energies of the outgoing year.

A week before the New Year...

During the seven days before New Year's, we have the opportunity to work out karma for the past year and enter the new one with fresh energy. By clearing the past, we solve many problems in the family, in relationships, and at work. We pay off debts on a subtle level and prepare to set new, desired goals.

DECEMBER 25. Time to be alone with yourself. In a calm atmosphere, remember the past year, analyze what was done correctly and what was not done well. Realize your dreams and true desires and start planning for next year.

DECEMBER 26. Day of health and active lifestyle. Hurry up, give up bad habits - even if only one - but right today and rush into the fresh air - to strengthen your body. Clean up, get rid of old and unnecessary things.

27TH OF DECEMBER. If your soul asks for a holiday, today is just the right moment. Go on dates, play with your children and declare your love to your loved ones and friends.

DECEMBER 28TH. Make time for your parents. You can also do household chores - but always with pleasure. If necessary, ask for forgiveness from your family and friends.

DECEMBER 29TH. This day is suitable for harmonizing relationships with men. Ask for their forgiveness and forgive them.

DECEMBER 30TH. A good time to make long-awaited purchases. Time to figure out whether you are doing what you love, or should you find yourself in another profession?

31TH OF DECEMBER. A day of change and bright, joyful plans. Time to communicate with your closest and dearest people.
On New Year's Eve...

With each chime, mentally repeat your deepest desire. After you have repeated it 12 times, and the sound of the last blow is still hanging in the air, spin the energy funnel, imagining how the energy of expectation, anticipation and joy gathers in your glass. After taking a sip, mentally redirect this energy to the heart chakra, holding the piece of paper with the desire in your left hand. Carry it with you for the first 12 days of the year, and on the morning of January 13, put the leaf in a container of water, add a drop of your favorite perfume and put it in the freezer for 12 hours. Before going to bed, light the candles and set the container to thaw. This will become a symbol that the ice has broken.

In the first 12 days of the year...

The first 12 days of the year influence how you will spend the coming 12 months. It is important to maintain the right attitude and work through one of the most important aspects of life every day.

1ST OF JANUARY. Dedicate the first day to communication with your family and re-define your goals for the coming year. Do not skimp on giving warmth to those you love - this is the most powerful energy in the universe.

JANUARY 2. Call those you haven't had time to wish Happy New Year yet. Or maybe there is a person with whom you communicated as a child, but have not seen each other for several years? Believe me, he will be very happy to hear from you again!

JANUARY 3. Take a break from the material world for a while, turn on relaxing music, do meditation. It’s not a sin to just bring yourself joy on this day. However, this should not be just physical pleasure, but joy for your true self.

4 JANUARY. Take the first step towards realizing your main dream. Bold desires love active action and real deeds, not abstract plans. So today, tune in to the result.

5 JANUARY. Today it’s good to spend money on yourself, visit a spa, beauty salon or sauna. Enter the New Year fresh and renewed!

6TH JANUARY. Time for strategic planning. It doesn’t matter what you are going to do throughout the year - business, gardening or creativity - make a clear plan and be sure to discuss it with your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to communicate and let others in on your secrets – you may need helpers.

On the night of January 13-14, Russians celebrate the New Year according to the old style, or as people say, the Old New Year. This amazing holiday has a lot of traditions and signs. Let's understand the history of the Old New Year, how it was celebrated at different times in Russia, and also find out what to cook for the Old New Year, what traditions should be observed, what signs to believe in.

Old New Year - the history of the holiday

New Year in Russia, by decree of Peter I, began to be celebrated on January 1 in 1700, and they began to celebrate the Old New Year in 1918, when Soviet Russia switched from the former Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar adopted in Europe. The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year appeared thanks to believers. Due to the difference between the calendars in Russia, until 1919, Christmas and New Year were celebrated 13 days later than in Europe. But the Russian Orthodox Church did not obey the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of 1918 and did not accept the Gregorian calendar. With the official introduction of the new calendar, Christmas, as before celebrated on December 25 according to the old style, “moved” to January 7. And the Orthodox continued to celebrate the New Year as before - six days after Christmas, that is, on the night of January 13-14.
in 1918, when, during the transition to a new chronology, an amendment of 13 days was introduced, immediately after January 31, 1918, February 14 came in Russia.
The discrepancy between the dates of the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century. In the 20th-21st centuries this difference is 13, and from March 2100 it will be 14 days.

January 13 - Vasiliev evening

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated(among Belarusians and Ukrainians it is known as a generous evening, in the central and some southern regions of Russia as autumn). This tradition arose after 1918, when a new chronology was introduced in Russia. Once upon a time this day fell on January 1 and was called Vasily's day(memory day of St. Basil the Great, and its eve is December 31 (which became January 13) - Vasilyev’s evening.

The evening on the eve of the Old New Year was popularly called generous. On the morning of January 13 (the day of Melania (Melanka)) it was necessary prepare porridge made from whole wheat grains. It could be seasoned with meat or lard, or topped with honey, sugar or jam. In addition, the hostesses baked pancakes, prepared pies and dumplings with cottage cheese to thank the guests. The most important dish for the Old New Year was considered pork dishes, by the way, a saint Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers. “A pig and a boletus for Vasily’s evening”, “a pig is not a clean animal, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will sanctify winter!”, say the proverbs about this day. This animal symbolized fertility and well-being. On this day, it was customary to generously set the table: a generous table on this day means prosperity throughout the year.

In the evening, people visited their neighbors to celebrate the New Year in peace and harmony.. According to popular beliefs, it was considered important who will be the first guest in the house in the New Year. It was a good sign if the first was a young man from a respected large family with a good household. And on the morning of December 14, young people walked to the crossroads burn “Grandfather” or “Didukha” - sheaves of straw. Young people jumped over the fire, which symbolized cleansing from wickedness.

Signs and traditions for the Old New Year on January 14

We prepared for Vasilyev's evening in advance. They sewed or bought beautiful clothes for him. The housewives put all the best things in the house on the table: pies, kutya, meat, wine, beer, vodka. Traditionally, a pig was prepared for this evening. It was a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock in the coming year. Our ancestors, just like modern Russians, believed “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it”: it was believed that an abundance of food on the first day of the year would bring prosperity for the whole year.

Another custom associated with cooking is cooking porridge. The ceremony was performed before dawn; When the porridge was ripe, the housewife took the pot out of the oven, and the whole family began to look at it. If the pot was cracked or the porridge turned out unsuccessful, this foreshadowed bad things. If the porridge turned out fluffy and tasty, happiness was expected for the whole house.

In some parts of Russia they caroled on this day. For example, in the Tver, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and Orenburg regions, the roundabout ritual of bunting was popular. The tradition got its name from the song that was sung while going home - “Osen”. People walked from house to house and sang songs. Participants in the walk-through approached from house to house and asked the owners for permission: “Can I call the oats?”, and they answered: “Click!” Then the ritual participants sang autumn songs to each family member individually. The most important “ovsen”, designed to ensure the well-being of the home and family, were addressed to the owner and his eldest sons. At the end, the generous owners of the house presented gifts to the performers.

  • Gardeners shake snow off apple trees at midnight for harvest.
  • If at night the wind blows from the south, the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - expect a fruit harvest.
  • Vasily's night is starry - for the harvest of berries.
  • A lot of fluffy frost on the trees foreshadowed a good honey harvest.

What to cook for Old New Year

It is customary to spend the evening and night from January 13 to 14 with family at the festive table. Our ancestors always cooked for the New Year's table pig in its own juice, and made a dish of hare and rooster. All this was very symbolic:
  • the pig promised wealth and prosperity in the house next year;
  • hare - speed and success in business;
  • rooster - flying lightness and freedom.
If you want to set your festive table this evening according to ancient traditions, prepare generous kutya or sochivo. It is believed that the more varied, tasty and satisfying the kutia is, the greater the wealth in the family will be next year. So try and make it really generous and rich: don’t skimp on nuts, raisins, halva, honey, etc. In previous years, kutya was cooked from buckwheat, wheat, and barley, but ordinary rice will also be quite suitable. When choosing wheat, try the grain on the tooth; it should fall apart easily; hard grain is not suitable for kutya. All Sochiv products have a symbolic meaning:
  • the grain symbolizes new life;
  • honey - well-being and health;
  • poppy - wealth in the house.

Traditional kutia recipe

Ingredients for traditional kutia:
Wheat - 2 tbsp., poppy seeds - 200 g, walnuts - 200 g, raisins - 150 g, honey - 3 tbsp.
How to prepare traditional kutya:
Soak the peeled and washed wheat grains overnight in cold water. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the wheat, add hot water and cook over low heat until tender. Add a little water as needed. The porridge should turn out soft and crumbly. Cool the finished porridge and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Pour boiling water over poppy seeds and raisins for 30 minutes, each separately. Then strain the poppy seeds, add 1 tablespoon of honey and grind in a blender to obtain poppy milk. It’s better, of course, to do it in makitra for authenticity. Roast the nuts until crispy. Strain the raisins. Mix all ingredients, add honey. If the kutia is thick, then it should be diluted not with water, but with uzvar, the recipe for which we have given at the end of the article.

Generous rice kutia recipe

Ingredients for generous rice kutya:
1 cup rice, 100 g honey, 100 g nuts, 100 g raisins, 150 g poppy seeds, butter to taste, salt to taste
How to cook sochivo (kutya):
Prepare fluffy rice as usual. Roast nuts, if necessary, peel and chop. You can use any according to your taste. Wash the raisins and steam with boiling water. Also steam the poppy seed with boiling water and let it stand until it swells. Drain the water and grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. You will get milk of poppy seeds. Melt the butter and season the porridge with it. Send nuts, raisins, milk of poppy seeds and liquid honey there. If the honey is thick, you can dilute it slightly with water or cream. Mix everything and let the kutya stand. The taste of this sweet porridge can be varied with homemade jam, vanilla, candied fruits and so on.

Recipe for generous wheat kutia

Ingredients for generous wheat kutia:
200 grams of wheat, half a glass of poppy seeds, 100 grams of walnuts, sugar to taste, sweets (raisins, candied fruits, marmalade) to taste
How to cook kutya:
Wheat must be washed well, pour warm water over the grains, allow them to swell a little and cook in a large amount of water into a crumbly porridge. Add water (or uzvar), sugar (honey), crushed nuts, raisins to the steamed and ground poppy seeds and combine all this with wheat. The finished kutya can be put on low heat again and warmed up (5-7 minutes).

Dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year

The Old New Year is a quiet, family holiday with its own traditions. One of them is to make dumplings with surprises. This is a long-standing tradition that originated from the custom of telling fortunes during Christmastide week. The filling in the dumplings symbolizes good wishes for the next year. Or rather, the filling is made as usual - cottage cheese or potato, and when molded, “surprises” are added. You can avoid putting your guests’ teeth in danger and fill the dumplings with oranges or cabbage - such fillings also have a special meaning.

Important! Be sure to warn your guests if you put hard objects in the dumplings!

Recipe for dumplings with a surprise

If you are short on time, you can use store-bought unleavened frozen dough and make dumplings from it.

Ingredients for dumpling dough:
1 egg, 4 cups flour, 1 cup water, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tsp. sugar, salt
How to cook dumplings with a surprise:
Mix flour with sugar and salt and make a mound.
Make a depression on the top and break the egg into it, pour in the water and oil.
Knead the stiff dough, knead until it becomes smooth and homogeneous.
Place in the refrigerator for two hours, covering with film to prevent drying. Meanwhile, prepare the filling.
Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the dough into a thin layer, and cut it into circles with a glass.
Place the filling in the middle of the circle, fold the dough in half, and pinch the edges.
Cook by throwing into boiling water.

Meanings of surprise fillings

Orange - for pleasure
Peanuts - for a love affair
Cherry - good luck
Peas - home peace
Walnut - health
Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
Mushrooms - to a long and happy life
Big money - big win
Grain - to wealth
Raisins - to great temptation
Cabbage - for money
Caramel - for love
Potatoes - for a promotion at work
Cranberry - to unexpected changes in life
Ring - for the wedding
Red pepper - to chagrin
Dried apricots - to joy
Bay leaf - to fame (career growth)
Honey - health
Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
Carrots - for new acquaintances
Torment - to suffer
Meat - for well-being
White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
Green thread - the road abroad
Thread with knots - for a difficult year
Black thread - a short and not very long trip
Cucumber - for a strong man, good sex
Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
Pepper - thrill
Ground allspice - to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes
Button - for a new thing
Millet - futile efforts
Rice - prosperity in the home
Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year)
Seeds - to new fruitful plans
Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
Capsicum - for sexual pleasures
Cheese - to win
Cottage cheese - to new friends
Dough, beans, or fish scales - to add to the family
Dill - to good health
Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
Bread - the year will be full and good
Chain - strengthening family ties
Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
Apple - to a well-deserved reward

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

Vasilyev's evening was recognized as the most successful time for predicting the future. They said that everything predicted at this time would certainly come true. However, the Orthodox Church does not approve of fortune telling.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year on a ring, bread and hook: the listed three things are placed in a vessel along with pieces of bread, coals, pebbles and other small objects. The vessel is covered with a towel, after which each young lady, without looking, drags the first thing she comes across (the pulled out item is then returned to the vessel). If he pulls out bread, the husband will be rich, if the ring is handsome, if the hook is disabled or poor.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using bulbs It is carried out like this: all the girls take an onion and place them with their roots in the water, after which they observe - whose onion will give green sprouts first, which girl will be married sooner.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by dogs. The girl is left alone in the room, after which the dog is allowed in. If a dog immediately runs up to a girl, then family life will be happy; if it starts sniffing the floor first, then the husband will be angry, and family life will be unhappy; if the dog begins to caress, then the husband will be affectionate.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using the names of passersby. You need to leave the house and call out to the first male person you meet, asking what his name is. Whatever name he gives, that’s what his future husband will be called.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using a comb. Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the person in the dream.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year using conversations. They went to eavesdrop under the windows of their neighbors and, based on what they heard, judged their future marriage. If they scolded in the hut, then the husband will be angry, if they laughed, he will be a merry fellow, if they drank, he will be a drunkard, etc.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year from a book. To do this, take a book and each girl in turn asks a question, and then names the page number and line (bottom or top) where the answer is contained. The answer is read in the book. The works of classics of Russian literature are great for fortune telling (just be careful with Dostoevsky! But Tolstoy or Pushkin are simply ideal). It is better to formulate the question so that it requires a detailed answer, rather than “yes-no”.

On the eve of the most beloved holiday for many and the end of another year, many are trying to finish things off, pay off debts, put the house in perfect order in order to enter the New Year without carrying with them unnecessary burdens from the past.

In this article we will talk about how to properly see off the outgoing year so that the coming one will be favorable and successful.

In Rus', in the old days, our ancestors treated the farewell to the passing year just as responsibly as they did to the meeting of the New Year: they prepared kutya, baked pies, set rich tables - but all this only after all affairs were put in order. Let's look at what you need to focus on as the year ends.

Health. If something has been bothering you for a long time, pay a visit to the doctor, get a consultation, get treatment - 2 weeks before the end of the year you can do a lot more. If there are no serious problems, go for a couple of wellness treatments at a beauty salon: sauna, massage, cedar barrel - all this will give you a fabulous feeling before the New Year, and your mood will rise to a festive and elated one!

House. Try to do a thorough cleaning of your apartment a few days before the holiday.

Things you haven't used in the last few years can be put up for sale online or given away - don't let unnecessary things linger in your home, from a feng shui point of view this is very bad, and generally not convenient - why give space to unnecessary things?

Put cleanliness and order in all the corners and bins, and if the year has not been very successful, the science of Feng Shui advises after cleaning to also rearrange it - moving the furniture is very useful in such situations. After such a thorough cleaning, you can start decorating your home for the holiday: decorate the Christmas tree, hang garlands, tinsel, rain - make your updated home festive!

Job. Try to finish all the things, pull up all the “tails,” as they say. This way you yourself will be calmer and more useful for a successful career.

Relationships with people. Think, remember what the past year was like in terms of relationships with people, thank it for the good moments, and forgive those who offended you for the bad ones, let go of this unnecessary burden.

And they also say that at the end of the year it is very good to admit feelings that you were afraid to express - if they answer you with a refusal, then you should not despair too much, because this failure will remain in the outgoing year, and the new one is preparing a lot of new meetings and surprises for you. If it’s really boiling, you can just turn on the music and cry all your tears - give them free rein so that they, too, remain in the past year.

In addition, this is a great way to relieve stress - stop holding everything in and cry to your heart's content (only without nervous breakdowns, of course!), and then make yourself a soothing herbal tea, get some sleep, and the next day you will feel like a new person!

Financial questions. It is believed that debts must be repaid, but under no circumstances do this on December 31 - all the money that you owe to someone must be repaid before the last day of the year.

New Year. The time to make plans for the holiday itself is 2-3 weeks before it, if you don’t want to do everything at the last moment and feel like not one of the heroes of a funny fairy tale about the New Year, but a hunted animal. Decide on the place of celebration, if it will be at your home - make a list of guests, a menu, agree with the guests on how the New Year's table will be assembled (for example, different dishes can be distributed among the guests, then you will not have to stand at the stove for 2 days), choose the outfit in which you will celebrate the New Year - it is better, of course, if it is new.

Many people know that new things will not come into their lives until everything old is released. In order to let go of the heavy load and everything old, you need to celebrate the Old New Year. In this article we will talk about how to spend the Old Year and welcome the new one.

Why is it necessary to see off the Old Year?

Be sure to celebrate the Old Year and all the events associated with it. This must be done primarily for psychological reasons. Accepting something new is considered stressful for every person. But if a person spends the Old Year surrounded by his family, then this transition will occur more smoothly. Moreover, it will not become exciting.

In other words, seeing off the Old Year for a person is considered not a simple procedure for him due to the fact that his mental state is in a kind of stress. Indeed, due to the upcoming changes in life, many people can be seriously worried. But a feast in the family circle will allow everyone to calm down. As a rule, farewell to the Old Year takes place on New Year's Eve, December 31st. People should not only celebrate the Old Year, but also thank it for what it brought to them. Of course, after this, many of these people look forward to the New Year in order to greet it.

In order to prepare for a new life next year, it is worth leaving everything past and unpleasant in the outgoing year. But if you fail to do this, then be prepared for the fact that the Old Year will remain with you, and therefore, along with it, all the problems that will haunt you again in the New Year will remain.

How to spend the Old Year

Of course, the country always celebrates the New Year correctly. However, this article focuses most on the psychological aspects. On New Year's Eve, the most important thing is gratitude. Think about what this year has brought, of course, a lot of good things for you. Therefore, you should definitely thank the past year for what it was able to bring to you.

On New Year's Eve, it is imperative to get rid of those things that have long been worn out. Don't keep junk in your home or in your heart. Of course, with used items everything is simple. But you don’t need to give your things to your loved ones. They definitely need to be thrown away. Acceptance of the new will not happen until everything old is removed from your home. It's not just material things that you should get rid of. It turns out that you should throw out those people from your life who do not value you. Stop your communication with them, and also delete all their contacts.

If you are in a marriage that is considered unhappy or your friends are mean people, then you should consider removing these people from your life. At first glance, this matter will seem difficult to you, but these feelings are temporary. Console yourself with the fact that soon you will have not only new friends, but also a good spouse.

On a note! Welcome the New Year in psychological freedom and in anticipation of wonderful changes.

Asking ourselves questions

Surely, you already know how to celebrate the New Year of the Yellow Dog 2018. You already understand what to cook and what to wear for his meeting. However, this is not enough for happiness. It is also necessary to prepare your soul for this event. Psychological preparation is also important. Before you celebrate the New Year at the table with your own relatives, you should ask yourself and invite everyone to do the following questions:

  • What happy moments are you ready to thank for in the past year?
  • What was the saddest thing that happened to him?
  • Which person has offended you?
  • What memories were the most vivid in the past year?
  • What experiences in the past year aroused your emotions?
  • What achievements make you proud of yourself?
  • What were you able to achieve in the past year?
  • What has the past year taught you?
  • What would you like to have in the New Year? What do you want to get rid of?
  • What are you expecting from the New Year?

The sequence in which the New Year is celebrated also includes one special ritual. You need to take a piece of paper and write down on it all your difficulties, grievances, and problems that you may have encountered in the past year. Write down all your sorrows and sorrows on this sheet. This leaf is usually burned on the street an hour before the New Year. Then his ashes are simply thrown into the wind. You will watch how the wind carries away all your negative lines.

What customs does the Old Year have?

The most popular question is how to celebrate the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. And if you are also looking for an answer to it, then our article will offer you the information that will definitely be interesting to you. So, what time should you celebrate the Old Year? This question arises for many people. And it should be answered like this. Each family before and today has its own customs and traditions. Some families sit down to the table an hour before, others, on the contrary, 15 minutes before it begins. The most interesting rituals and ceremonies of the Old Year will be presented below.

It is not customary to celebrate the New Year with debts. Otherwise, throughout the New Year, you will be considered a debtor. Financial bondage has never brought happiness to anyone. Therefore, before the holiday arrives, it is worth settling accounts with everyone.

There should be many dishes on the festive table. He should be bursting with them. Don't skimp! After all, this celebration happens once a year. Consider treating yourself and your family to something special from time to time.

The forces of the New Year will encourage those people who were able to let go of all adversity and sorrow. Therefore, there is no need to accumulate melancholy and resentment in your soul. If you treat your problems more simply, then you will solve them with ease.

If on the eve of the New Year you received good news, then this is considered a good sign. It is believed that the whole year will be successful for you.

If you were in a disagreement with some person, then after the chimes, you need to kiss him harder. Remember that the New Year is celebrated while letting go of all grievances. After reconciliation it will be easy for everyone. Both for you and the person with whom you were in disagreement. It’s worth doing this even if you turned out to be right in this situation.

You can't sleep on New Year's Eve either. It is believed that in this case you can sleep through your luck. This rule is relevant for those people who have just begun to build their lives.

During the festive New Year's gatherings, you cannot quarrel with anyone. There is also no need to get involved in unpleasant situations. Remember that such situations scare fortune away from you.

If you cry at the time of the Old Year, then prepare for the fact that next year you will cry regularly. Therefore, on such a magical night you can’t be upset either.

On such a holiday, hard work is also an exception. Remember the saying about how you celebrate the New Year and spend it.

New Year's Eve is considered magical. And every wish must come true. In particular, if you dream of wealth, then at the moment when the holiday is in full swing, you should put a banknote of money in your pocket, which should be large. Such an action will definitely attract fortune to you in the financial side of your activities. To attract this fortune, it is also worth creating a noise in the house from ringing rubles and kopecks after the chiming clock strikes.

Well, in addition to what we have already reported, we must not forget about the 3 wishes that are written on a piece of paper, and during the chiming clock they are burned. The ashes themselves are thrown into a glass of champagne, and the drink is drunk. It is believed that after this all wishes should come true.

Toasts to the Old Year

If your motto is “Let’s celebrate the New Year together,” then you can’t do it without a feast and toasts. That's why we've collected the best New Year's toasts for you that will lift your spirits and charge you with positivity.

Let's raise our glasses to the passing year
For the best in the future and in the present
For what you loved, for what you dreamed of
For happiness that somewhere along the way there was a delay
For our problems and our mistakes
For good feelings, beloved smiles,
For the sound of crystal over the snowy plain
For new friends, for love, for hope!
May joy and luck
They knock on every house!
It shouldn't be any other way
In the year we are waiting for.
So that all your plans come true
Dreams came true
May you be lucky in big and small
Let us raise our glasses to the passing year!
May the outgoing new year
He will take all the problems with him!
And the new one will bring us love and joy!
Happy holiday!
Let's raise our glasses so that seeing off the old year will be different from seeing off a train at the station: the departing train takes away friends and loved ones, and the passing year will bring them to us!
Let's drink so that it will always be like this!
A little more and the chimes will strike
We will be told that the old year
Having said goodbye to us, irrevocably
It will quietly become a thing of the past.
But still, he is still with us,
Let's raise a toast to this year!
Achieved a lot with friends
And how much more awaits us!
The year gave sweet moments,
Allowed us to taste good fortune,
And epiphanies visited us,
And so many problems solved!
For the old year we raise
Glasses of good wine.
We see him off with honor,
We drink to the dregs for the old year!

The New Year is a kind of milestone, at the crossing of which a new life begins.

On New Year's Eve, families do general cleaning, and some throw out old things. In this case, a simple tidy turns into a kind of sacrament, because many people believe in omens.

How to spend the Old Year correctly to improve life in the new one?

What is the importance of seeing off the Old Year?

The main and main reason is a psychological problem. The appearance of something new in the life of every person is a stressful situation. Seeing off the outgoing year with your family allows you to make a smooth transition from the old to the new without worries or strong feelings.

Every person is afraid of changes in life. The New Year is an unusual, mysterious time, full of miracles and fears, and seeing off the old year is help, a way out of stress and psychological preparation for important changes that you will have to face in life.

December 31 - we say goodbye to the outgoing year in gratitude for everything it brought. After all, this is an important aspect when meeting and preparing for life in the New. There is a belief that if you do not see off the outgoing year, then the acquired problems and failures will haunt you for a long time.

Customs and rituals

There is no direct answer to the question of what time the Old Year is celebrated. All families have their own traditions and rules. Some people prefer to gather at the festive table 2 hours before the start of the celebration, while others prefer to gather a quarter of an hour before.

For good luck in the New Year, people since ancient times have observed and performed certain rituals that help them believe in the beginning of a new and happy life. Let's look at some of them:

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules and signs of the Old Year, you should not forget about faith in the future. Then the first of January will be the start of a new, happy life path.

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