
Club hour in kindergarten. Methodological development of the club hour station “Yummy - Tumbler” Synopsis of the “Club Hour “Mom is the best word”


Kiseleva Alexandra
Outline of the club hour at the preschool educational institution “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Plan - summary of a club hour at a preschool educational institution on the topic: « Journey to the land of fairy tales» .

Main goal club hour is: development of free independent children's activity through the formation of children's active cognitive interest in the world around them and creativity.

Pedagogical technology « Club hour» is that children can within one hours move throughout the building (or site) kindergarten, observing certain rules of behavior, and at the ringing of the bell they return to the group.

Main goals « Club hour» :

instill independence and responsibility in children;

teach children to navigate space;

cultivate friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;

develop the ability to take initiative and be grateful for help;

develop skills to plan their actions and evaluate their results;

teach children to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;

develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, independently find various speech means for this;

develop the ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;

encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various experiences with the teacher and other children;

help to gain life experience (meaning formations, experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

Type club hour: active.

Preliminary work:

Parents, at the meeting, are warned in advance that this event will be held at the preschool educational institution. (day of the week, hour).

For children of the senior and preparatory groups, preliminary training is also carried out Job: a discussion is organized during which children learn what it is and why it is needed « Club hour» what they will be doing during the event and who would like to go; it explains what rooms there are in the kindergarten, what they are called, who works there, what they do and what benefits they bring; penalties are established for non-compliance with the rules. Every child plans where he wants to go. Given instructions: “Children, you can within one hours move throughout the building, following the rules behavior:

- “Speak "Hello" And "Goodbye" when you join another group";

- “If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave”;

- “Don’t take toys from other children if they took it first.”;

- “Help conduct the lesson if it takes place during « Club hour» ;

- "Speak calmly";

- "Walk calmly";

- “Return to the group when the bell rings”;

- “If you don’t want to go to other groups, then you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired.”

Equipment: bell; chips with images fairy tales; attributes for a role-playing game "Animal Hospital"; various materials for crafts "House for a Pig"; projector; cut-out pictures with tools; toys based on the theme of each center; pictures of birds; pencils and paper for drawing; seven petals of different colors.

"Dr. Aibolit"

Center 2 – gym "Three piglets"

Center 3 – music hall "The Bremen Town Musicians"

Center 4 – psychologist’s office "Ugly duck"

Center 5 – speech therapist’s office "Seven-flowered flower"

Progress of the event:

We invite you guys to choose which one fairy tale do you want to go today (children choose a chip with a picture fairy tales) .

Have all the guys decided what they will do today? Let's hurry! But don’t forget that when the bell rings, we gather in our group. Children and teachers disagree club centers.

1 center – medical office "Dr. Aibolit":

Educator: Guys, we have animals as guests, but they ended up here for a reason, they are all sick.

Do you know which doctor treats animals? That's right - a veterinarian.

How many of you remember fairy tale, about such a doctor? Certainly "Dr. Aibolit".

Aibolit had to urgently go to another hospital to help the little crocodiles, they had chickenpox.

Who will help the animals that are left here? Yes, let's help them.

Conducted in a story-based role-playing game "Animal Hospital"

Children assign roles with the help of the teacher and make their own changes as the game progresses.

Well done boys! You did it, cured all the animals and helped Dr. Aibolit!

Center 2 – gym "Three piglets":

In the hall, on the table, there are three toys: piglets in different costumes.

Educator: Guys, do you know who this is? From what fairy tales they came? (points to the table). That's right, these are heroes fairy tales"Three piglets".

Who can name their names? (remember the names of the piglets).

What's missing here? (wolf, houses).

The piglets are very sad, they cannot build their houses, they have no materials, the wolf took everything and went into the forest, but he will soon return, and the piglets have nowhere to hide.

What should we do, guys? (children's answers). This is a good idea, we will help the piglets build houses!

Various materials are laid out on the tables; you can take everything you need and build houses for piglets.

Do you remember what kind of houses the piglets had? (call). You can make a house from any other material.

Piglets, we are very grateful to you for such wonderful houses, now the wolf won’t get to them! (we are setting up an exhibition of children's crafts)

Center 3 – music hall "The Bremen Town Musicians":

Image on slide: Bremen musicians without instruments.

Guys, do you recognize these characters? These are the Bremen Town Musicians.

They need our help. They went on a tour, but the roads were very bad, their transport was shaking so much that all the instruments were broken.

Will we help musicians assemble whole instruments from parts?

Look what they should be (slide showing tools).

What sounds do these instruments make? Try to picture it.

Now let's listen to how they sound (turn on recording).

Well, let's get started!

They lie on the tables (cut pictures) parts of different instruments, from which we will assemble whole (the teacher helps the children if they have difficulties).

Yes, now the instruments of the Bremen musicians will sound even better!

Thanks to you guys, musicians can move on.

Slide: Bremen musicians with instruments.

They tell you - Thank you!

Center 4 – psychologist’s office "Ugly duck":

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures on my table, what do they have in common? That's right, these are all birds.

Let's remember tales about birds: "Wild Swans", "Golden Goose", "Ugly duck" and etc.

What birds were in fairy tale"Ugly duck"?

Which ones were domestic and which ones were wild?

What other birds do you know? (children's answers).

What is the difference? (color, size, etc.).

Consider the structure of a bird (head, beak, wings).

I suggest you draw any bird using colored pencils.

What beautiful birds you guys have made! We will definitely hold an exhibition of your works so that everyone can see your drawings. Well done!

Center 5 – speech therapist’s office "Seven-flowered flower":

Educator: Guys, in front of you, on the tables, there are petals, they are of different colors.

Which fairy tale do these petals resemble? fairy tale"Seven-flowered flower".

Let's briefly recall the contents fairy tales.

What else do these petals resemble? Rainbow.

I suggest you play, to do this, you must find objects in the office of the same colors as our petals, and put them next to a petal of the same color.

Do you want to play? Then let's begin!

Now let's see what we got.

Name the objects and their colors (blue hoop, red cube, yellow watering can, green car, etc.)

Of what color were there more objects? Let's count.

Did you like the game?

Well done, you did well!

When the bell rings, all participants gather in their group, sit in "Reflective Circle" and a discussion begins, where everyone is asked questions:

Where have you been?

What do you remember?

Do you want to go there again, why?

Were you able to follow the rules, if not, why?

From work experience

"Club hour as an effective technology

positive socialization of preschool children"

Churkina Anna Innokentievna,

teacher of preschool educational institution No. 14,

Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region.

One of the most important tasks of the preschool period is the socialization of the child and its most important part is development of communication skills, that is, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.

The need for communication is one of the most important human needs. Relationships with other people begin and develop intensively in childhood. Without full communication, the child will not be able to socially adapt in society, this will also affect intellectual development and the formation of personality as a whole.

This problem is of particular importance at the present time, when the moral and communicative development of children is of serious concern. It's no secret that the best friend for a modern child is a TV or a computer, and his favorite pastime is watching cartoons or computer games. Children began to communicate less not only with adults, but also with each other. But live human communication significantly enriches the lives of children and paints the sphere of their sensations with bright colors.

Communication with peers occupies an important place in a child’s life: the pace of development of the child, his sense of self and self-esteem, and attitude towards other people depend on how successfully it develops. In communicating with peers, he learns to build relationships according to certain rules. Recognize yourself as a subject in a system of social relations.

Thus, formation of communicative competence preschool child is an urgent problem of modern preschool pedagogy.

To solve this problem, we decided to introduce such a new technology like “Club Hour”.

“Club hour” is a special modern technology for developing a child’s personality. The pedagogical technology is that children can freely communicate with each other for one hour and move around the kindergarten, observing certain rules of behavior, and return to the group when the bell rings.

Main goals"Club hours" are:

  • fostering friendly relations between children of different ages,

respectful attitude towards others;

  • instilling in children independence and responsibility for their actions;
  • spatial orientation training;
  • developing the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;
  • strengthening children’s skills to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;
  • the development of children’s desires to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this;
  • teaching children how to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;
  • encouraging the child’s attempts to consciously share various impressions with the teacher and other children;
  • acquiring one's own life experience (meaning formations) experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

You can select the following types of “Club Hour”:

free. Children move freely throughout the entire territory of the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests without the help of adults;

thematic. In this case, "Club hours" are included in the situation of the month.

active. This type of “Club Hour” is based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities.

creative. Children of the pre-school group themselves organize all the activities at the “Club Hour” for all children.

To conduct a club hour, educators and specialists first discuss and determine:

1) The theme of “Club Hours” - a long-term thematic plan for the six months. This is necessary, since “Club Hour” can be carried out in various forms: as an educational activity in the morning, as an activity in interest groups in the evening, as one of the forms of organizing a walk or leisure time.

2) Frequency and duration of the “Club Hour”. Activities typically take place once a week at the beginning of the program and 2-3 times a week thereafter. One of the main conditions for holding a “Club Hour” is its duration, namely at least 1 hour, since otherwise children do not have time to gain their own life experience;

3) Rules of conduct for children during Club Hour:

- “Say “hello” and “goodbye” when you enter another group”;

- “If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave”;

- “Do not take toys from other children if they took it first”;

— “Help conduct the lesson if it takes place during the “Club Hour”;

- “Speak calmly”;

- “Walk calmly”;

- “Return to the group when the bell rings”;

— “If you don’t want to go to other groups, then you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired”;

4) organizational aspects of the “Club Hour”. All kindergarten employees are warned about the day and time of the event. The event goes like this. The entrance doors to the garden are closed. Employees are at their workplaces and go about their daily business, waiting for the children to arrive. If possible, they communicate with guests, show and talk about their activities. Children are also encouraged to help employees with their work. To achieve this, various activities are prepared in advance for visiting children. At the end of the “Club Hour”, the person in charge passes through all floors (groups), for example, with a bell, giving a signal that it is time to return to the groups;

5) organizational aspects of the “Club Hour”. The preschool team determines how many groups and which ones will participate in the first event, how to prepare children for the first “Club Hour”.

Preliminary work is also carried out with children of the senior and preparatory groups:

1) a discussion is organized during which older preschoolers learn what “Club Hour” is and why it is needed, what they will do during this event and who would like to go to it;

2) it is discussed what groups there are in the kindergarten, the age of the children in these groups and on what floor (wing) they are located;

3) it explains what rooms there are in the kindergarten, what they are called, who works there, what they do and what benefits they bring;

4) a plan (map) is issued of what is happening and where, depending on what type of “Club Hour” is planned - thematic, activity-based or creative;

5) penalties are established for non-compliance with the rules.
Immediately before the Club Hour, the children discuss all the rules. A plan map is kept, each child plans where he wants to go. Instructions are given: “Children, you can move around the entire building for one hour, observing the rules of behavior. And at the ringing of the bell you return to the group.”

6) after the end of the “Club Hour”, all children participating, each in their own group, with a teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet, a discussion begins - a reflective circle. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and patiently wait for their turn to speak.

The following questions are discussed:

-Where was the child?

- What do you remember?

— Do you want to go there again and why?

— Did you plan to go somewhere before Club Hour? Were you able to accomplish this and if not, why?

— Did you manage to follow the rules, if not, then why.
The teacher records the problems that children have during the “Club Hour” and discusses them with children and parents (at a suitable time), finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

7) after each event at the pedagogical council, educators, teachers and employees exchange opinions on:

- what the children did when they came to his territory, what was special in the children’s behavior;

- how did the children who remained in their group react when guests came to them (a question for teachers);

— did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them, were there any conflicts;

— what tasks need to be solved at the next “Club Hour”.

As noted, during the event children can move freely throughout the entire kindergarten building (“go wherever you want, do whatever you want”). At the same time, at the initial stage of the “Club Hour” for children, it is advisable organize a wide variety of activities: art studio, music club, make free entry to the gym, the accounting department, the nurse's office, the kitchen, and not only to see, but also to do something interesting. And for safety, nannies can constantly “clean” the stairs and corridors, without interfering with the children’s movements, without making comments, but quietly keeping an eye on them. First children turn out to be not guests, but owners of the kindergarten. As if from a locked cage, they escape from the group room. Having escaped from constant guardianship, children very quickly acquire the ability to independently find something to do and bring it to the end. They easily learn what an hour is... and plan how best to spend it.

"Club Hour" proved: five- and six-year-olds are not only able to take advantage of the freedom provided, but are also able to draw certain conclusions.


Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. Individualization of education for preschool children. A manual for preschool teachers. (We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education) - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2015.

Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. Children's council: methodological recommendations for teachers. – M.: publishing house “National Education”, 2015.

Modern technologies for effective socialization of a child in a preschool educational organization. Federal State Educational Standard. /Author of the article Researcher, IS RAS Grishaeva Natalya Petrovna//Editor Sukhova E.A.: Ventana-Graf Publishing House, 2015.

Elena Razzhivina
Summary of the free club hour “I love my kindergarten!”

Scenario « Club hour»

"I I love my kindergarten

Target: positive socialization of a child in a preschool setting, introducing children to the work of employees kindergarten.


Build knowledge about kindergarten, about the professions of workers kindergarten;

Ability to navigate the premises of a preschool institution;

To develop in children the ability to listen and understand each other;

To foster independence and responsibility in children;

Develop the ability to express your feelings and experiences publicly;

Develop arbitrary cognitive abilities (memory, attention) and self-regulation of behavior in older preschoolers;

Encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various experiences with the teacher and other children;

Cultivate a friendly attitude, respect for preschool employees, neatness, and careful handling of objects.

Type club hour: free

Preliminary work:

A discussion was organized, during which it was explained what would be carried out in the group « Club hour» , repeated the rules of behavior.

1. Communication game "Good morning!"

Let's say hello to each other. To do this, I will take a bell, go up to one of you and ring it near your ear, sing your name and greeting. Misha, good morning! Now Misha takes the bell and goes to the person with whom he will greet... etc. Well done!

Today we will go on a short journey through our kindergarten.

Guys, what do you think? kindergarten? (IN kindergarten play, they are studying, there are a lot of guys here)

What is our name? kindergarten?

Children: Teremok

Why do you think our That's what the kindergarten is called?

And in our "Teremke" 13 groups.

And also in children's People from different professions work in the garden, and they all make sure that you feel comfortable, interesting and fun. And they will be happy to tell you about it today.

I also work in kindergarten, I work as a teacher. And very I love our kindergarten.

The teacher reads S. Pitirimov’s poem “ Kindergarten"

I I love my kindergarten,

It's full - full of guys.

One two three four five…

Maybe a hundred of them. Maybe two hundred.

It's good when we are together!

Well guys? After such a good poem, it’s time to go on our journey through children's kindergarten and visit all the stations you wish. The journey will last an hour. And when the bell rings, you will return to the group.

Now let's repeat the rules that you must follow.

- “Speak "Hello" And "Goodbye" when you join another group";

Speak "Hello" when you join another group, and "Goodbye" when you leave.

If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave.

Don't take toys from other children if they took it first.

Help conduct the lesson on time « club hour» .

Speak and walk calmly.

Return to the group when the bell rings.

If you don’t want to go to other groups, you can stay in your group.

If you are tired, you can return to your group.

Children, I wish you to be friendly. Help each other if necessary. Follow the rules. And try to return to the group, keeping all three circles. And at the end of the trip we will all get together and each of you will tell us what he liked most.

People on the planet are friends

Ships are friends at sea

Children from all over the world are friends

We are friends in our group!

(The bell rings...Children go to the stations of the kindergarten)

2. Stations:

1. Medical office

2. Manager's office

3. Methodological office

4. Laundry

3. Reflective circle

Sit back and let's remember the rules of our circle. A very important rule - says the one who has glomerulus.

We had an unusual journey through our kindergarten.

What was unusual?

(We went wherever we wanted, we walked alone without adults, we all stayed together)

Tell us what you especially liked? (Where have you been)

What new have you learned?

How did you feel?

Do you want to go there again and why?

Have you been able to follow the rules and why?

How many circles do you have left?

Let's clap our hands for the children who have three circles.

Who has two circles left?

What rule did you break?

Who has one circle left?

Guys, tell me he can go to the next one club hour?

And you know what I especially liked. When I heard magic words: Please come in, thank you, goodbye.

You are very polite children.

I also realized that you are very friendly and help each other if necessary.

Many people of different professions work in our kindergarten. They all take care of you so that you feel comfortable, interesting and fun.


1. Laundry

The children are met by Lyudmila Aleksandrovna and Svetlana Aleksandrovna, they greet them, get to know them and invite them to the laundry, reminding them of the safety rules.

The inspection of the laundry premises begins.

Valentina Leonidovna tells the guys that our large kindergarten, there are 13 groups attended by 260 children, so there is always a lot of work in the laundry. Modern Miracle technology makes the work of laundresses easier.

In the laundry room there is a bathtub for soaking clothes, a washing machine for washing, and a centrifuge for spinning clothes. After washing, wet laundry is hung out. When the linen is dry, it is carefully ironed and folded. Thanks to the work of the laundress, children in children's in the garden they dry themselves with clean towels, sleep on fresh bed linen, and employees wear clean challahs.

To wash clothes you need washing powder, laundry soap, and gloves.


We wash clothes in a basin,

We squeeze very hard.

It's time to shake it up

And hang it up until the morning.

We need to iron the clothes,

Put it in the closet and leave it there.

2. Medical office

Honey. sister: - Hello guys. You probably know who I am and what my name is?

Tell me, what do I do at work?

Today I will tell you about my work.

I check the cleanliness of your group room as well as the area. I also make sure that the products that are brought to kindergarten, were fresh. I ensure that they are stored correctly and used on time so that your breakfast, lunch and dinner are fresh and tasty.

And I’m also keeping an eye on your health, guys. I know that you have a game in your group "Hospital", and there are medical instruments for it. Come on, tell me them.

(Children name a thermometer, syringe, medicine, spatula, etc.)

I also have medical instruments, but they are real. Would you like to see?

(Nurse shows medical instruments)

Guys, what is this?


How many of you know what it is for?

Take temperature to find out if a person is sick.

But what is this?

Putty knife.

Right. What is it for?

To watch the throat.

Right. If you have a sore throat, I can look at it with a spatula.

Well, what kind of instrument is this?

This is a syringe.

What is it for, guys?

To give injections.

Absolutely right. I'll tell you why vaccinations are given. They are given to healthy people so that they do not get sick.

There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations and if you get them, you will be healthy.

Guys, remember, you underwent a medical examination. What other equipment did I need? What else did I do?

Height and weight were measured.

(The nurse and teacher advise if the children have difficulty)

That's right, I weighed you on these scales and measured your height with this stadiometer. I write down all the information on special cards. Each of you has your own medical card. (Shows) It records not only the results of a medical examination, but also your illnesses. When you are sick and do not attend kindergarten, then I immediately write down here about your illness, and when you return, I make sure that you are healthy.

I would also like to show you the medicines that I have, but you should know that you cannot touch them. Each medicine is intended to treat a specific disease, and only adults should give the medicine. Guys. And now I will give each of you a vitamin. Here are some empty medicine bottles for you. Put them in your game. Well, guys, that's all. This is my job. Did you enjoy visiting me? Come again, I will tell you a lot of interesting things. Goodbye, guys!

After getting acquainted with the premises and the Miracle equipment, children are invited to ask questions, ask if something is not clear or, on the contrary, interesting, and also take a photo as a souvenir….

Our cooks are called, and the kitchen is their workplace, it is also called the food department, where

What did you guys have for breakfast today?

That's right guys, look how big our porridge pan is, not like the one you have at home, but much larger, because we need to cook food for a large number of people. You need different kitchen utensils. We put the washed fruits in a special basin, and at home your mother uses a small bowl or plate for this. To add water, we use a ladle, and when your assistant teacher arrives, using a large ladle, the cook pours borscht into the pan. But in the kitchen we need not only kitchen utensils, but also various useful appliances and accessories.

Please note that in our kitchen the electric stove and oven are also much larger than at home. To strain cooked pasta, you need a large colander. There are graters in the kitchen to grate cheese or carrots for soup. And, of course, you can’t do without knives and cutting boards in the kitchen.

Children, please look at what almost all the dishes in this kitchen are made of?

Made of metal.

Right. This means that all the utensils in the kitchen are durable metal, and metal utensils also get very hot, and therefore you need to use them very carefully, wear special mittens and oven mittens.

After getting acquainted with the premises and the Miracle equipment, children are invited to ask questions, ask if something is not clear or, on the contrary, interesting, and also take a photo as a souvenir….

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 5 of general developmental type"

teacher: Khavanova N.S.

Project passport

Project duration: September 2016 - May 2017.

Project participants:

    Older children


    Kindergarten staff

Relevance of the project

In the modern world there are many problems that both adults and children have to face. How to find effective ways to resolve situations, how to avoid becoming a hostage to intrigue and fraud? The knowledge acquired in kindergarten and school is, of course, of great importance, but applying this knowledge and adapting it to certain situations is paramount.

Currently, the child will largely have to independently determine the strategy of behavior in a given situation, solve problems, and apply knowledge in practice. A child becomes an individual through the process of socialization, through which he acquires the ability to perform social functions.

Extremely busy parents, a generation gap, marketization and technologization of children's subculture, isolation of the child in the family and other trends negatively affect the socialization of modern children. In kindergartens, a clear preference is given to the cognitive development of a preschooler to the detriment of social and personal development. This is due, on the one hand, to the increase in school requirements for the intellectual level of first-graders, and on the other, to the insufficient development of methods for the social and personal development of a preschool child and the lack of organization of the pedagogical process. It is known that it is in the senior preschool age that the prerequisites for the formation of personality are laid. The development of self-regulation (voluntariness) of behavior begins.

The development of self-regulation is one of the central lines of development for children of senior preschool age. In various types of activities, the most important personal new formation of preschool age is formed - voluntary regulation of behavior and activity, the ability to self-control.


The preschool period is a time of intensive development. The driving forces of development of a preschooler's psyche are the contradictions that arise in connection with the development of a number of his needs. The development of leading social needs in preschool age is characterized by the fact that each of them acquires independent significance. Already in preschool age, the first self-esteem appears, the role of which in the regulation of behavior is constantly increasing. All these changes serve as prerequisites and create conditions for the development of the foundations of voluntary self-regulation.

The question of the development of self-regulation in preschool children is relevant. The isolation of children is largely related to the risk and fears of parents for their safety. In modern society, preschool children do not go out on their own, and, as a result, do not resolve conflicts between different ages. Kindergarten becomes the only place where a child has a chance to develop his independence. A child cannot show it only when choosing toys and food. Therefore, the main task becomes the organization of a friendly society on the territory of a preschool educational institution in order to develop social skills in preschool children. The life of a child in kindergarten should be aimed at developing his personality in interaction with children and adults.

Objective of the project: development of communication, formation of independence and self-regulation of behavior in children through the organization of “Club Hour”.



    To develop the ability to navigate in space.

    Plan your actions and evaluate the results.


    Develop the desire to express your attitude, politely express a request and thank.

    Encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share impressions, resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts.


    Foster friendly and respectful relationships.

    Develop independence and responsibility, gain your own life experience.

Expected results:

For children:

    the children got to know most of the kindergarten children;

    mastered the norms and rules of communication with each other and with adults;

    children know how to work collectively and enjoy it;

    children have become more responsive to each other;

    capable of self-regulation of their behavior;

    are able to self-assess their actions.

For parents:

    Increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children.

    Formation of an active position of parents as participants in the educational process.

    Increasing the level of parental competence, psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

    Parents' satisfaction with the content and effectiveness of educational activities in educational institutions.

    Establishing partnership relations with the family as a subject of educational and leisure activities.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1: Preparatory

Selection of necessary literature.

Development of a work plan for the “Club Hour”

Development of a series of events within the framework of the “Club Hour”

Creating a “Travel Map”

Stage 2: Main

Work with children

  • Creating conditions for a favorable mood to participate in the “Club Hour”.

    Conversation with children on the topic “What is Club Hour?”

    Familiarizing children with the rules of behavior during the “Club Hour”.

Organizing events with children.


1. "Free"

"Journey through the kindergarten"(familiarization with the territory of the preschool educational institution)

Target: Teach children to navigate in a preschool. Cultivate positive emotions and a friendly attitude, respect for adults and children.

2. " Thematic"

“I am a resident of Zheleznogorsk.”

Target: to instill in children a love for their hometown, to develop a sense of patriotism.

3. “Active” (meeting interesting people)

"City of masters"

Target: Creating conditions for the development of the child through the organization of various types of activities.

4. "Free"

(introduction to professions in preschool educational institutions)


1. “Thematic”

"Friendship Day"

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about friendship; cultivate a respectful attitude towards friends; cultivate a desire to please a friend; develop the ability to draw a portrait of a person.

2. “Active”

“Mom is the best word.”

Goal: to cultivate an effective feeling of love for the closest and dearest person - mother, attachment to the family, the ability to notice some work actions: mother sews, washes, irons, cooks dinner, etc. Encourage children to provide all possible assistance to mother in housework. To introduce how to properly care for mothers, take care of them, and love them.

3. "Free"

4. "Thematic"

"The ABCs of Security"

Formation of solid skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads; develop in children the ability to quickly assess the street environment and navigate it; educate competent road users; involvement in the systematic study and implementation of traffic rules.


1. “Activity” - “We want to be healthy”

Target: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of human life.

2. Thematic -"Good Deeds Fair"

Target: expand children's knowledge about polite and kind words and application in life events; deepen children’s understanding of a friendly attitude towards the people around them; to cultivate in children a sensitive, attentive, respectful attitude towards their neighbors; develop in children the ability to appreciate and cherish the great gift of communication and friendship.

3. "Free"

4."Activity" - "Santa Claus's Workshop"

Goal: to introduce children to folk culture through calendar and ritual holidays; promote the formation of interest in folk art, love of manual labor; create a positive mood on the eve of the New Year holiday.


    “Thematic” - “Christmas holidays. Carols »

Target:form ideas about why many people on Earth celebrate Christmas. Introduce people to Christmas traditions and participate in events dedicated to them.

2. “Activity” - “Little Explorers” (salt dough)

Target: to form children’s abilities for creative development, independence, and self-development;

introducing children to methods of activity - modeling toys, mastering the basics, skills of working from a whole piece of dough, creating images from individual parts.

3. "Free"


1.“Thematic” - “Visiting Aibolit” (meeting with interesting people) – gym.

Target: to form and improve knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; instill an interest in a healthy lifestyle, develop a desire to take care of your health; To cultivate in children a good comradely attitude towards each other, the ability to work in a team.

2. “Activity” - “Professions of our parents”

Target: Enriching children's ideas about the work of people of different professions; development of ideas about the professions of parents, types of encouragement by the state for the quality of work; development of skills to interact with play partners within the framework of the plot, conduct game dialogue, and equip the play space; formation of communication abilities; development of self-regulation of behavior.

3. "Free"


1."Thematic" -"Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: generalizing knowledge and expanding ideas about Russian folk tales; develop perception, memory, thinking and speech; creating a favorable emotional environment and psychological climate in the children's team.

2. “Activity” - “Young Artists”

Target: To form in children a positive – emotional perception of the world around them, to cultivate interest in everything new. The joy of creating together, showing perseverance, patience and skill.

3. "Free"

4. “Thematic” - “Visiting the samovar.”

Target: Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk art; awaken a love for folk culture; introduce children to the Russian samovar, the history of the origin and appearance of the samovar in Rus'; expand children’s vocabulary with the words “samovar”; instill in children a desire to be hospitable; bring joy from tea drinking, to form a tea drinking culture in children.


“Thematic” - “Yuri Gagarin”

Target: to form ideas about how man explored space.

1. “Activity” - “Space” making models of solar system planets

Target: include every child in activities and create a favorable atmosphere; develop communication skills in children, demonstrate the ability to listen to others, goodwill, a sense of camaraderie, volitional regulation of behavior .

2. "Free"

3. “Active” - joint holiday “Mom, dad, I am a healthy family”

Target: education of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family; ensuring effective interaction between family and kindergarten ; bring joy to children, actively involve parents in joint child-adult activities.

1 . "Thematic"

-"Laying flowers at the monument"

Musical and theatrical performance

“Years pass - our memory is alive!”

Target: development of cognitive interest and love for the Motherland, familiarization with the historical and cultural heritage. Fostering a sense of respect and gratitude for the participants of the Great Patriotic War for their feat, loyalty and devotion to the Motherland.

2. “Active” - "Bouquet for the winner"

Target: Develop a sense of belonging to the national celebrations associated with Victory Day; take care of war participants and monuments to fallen soldiers.


The final stage:

Holiday“I want to be friends with you”

Target: do good deeds towards loved ones, friends, neighbors.

Assignments for children for the summer: perform kind deeds towards loved ones, friends, neighbors; Be sure to study something in the summer, organize a party for friends and parents.

Working with parents

    Informing parents about the implementation of the “Club Hour”.

    Parent survey.

    Familiarization of parents with the work plan of the “Club Hour”

    Involving parents to participate and conduct “Club Hour”.


The use of the “Club Hour” pedagogical technology contributed to the formation of independence and initiative in children; they became more active and sociable.

Properly organized club activities help positive communication, contribute to the development of a unified strategy for raising, analyzing and correcting children’s behavior.

They got to know most of the kindergarten children, began to treat them more friendly, and began to communicate their needs in more detail and openly not only to their teachers, but also to other kindergarten employees. Many children’s level of aggressiveness has decreased, especially during the “Club Hour”, it is also important to note that club work activates not only children but also parents, and optimizes child-parent relationships in joint activities.

In our kindergarten, the practice of club hour and transitions is actively developing. Children are given a choice of the site they would like to visit. Venues of different types - creative, experimental, artistic, theatrical and others.



Conducting a “Club Hour”

in MADOU “Kindergarten No. 173 “Rosinka”

Participants: Children of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of these groups, English teacher, junior teachers.

Club hour type:themed on the theme "Space".

Resource support:plan for the event, route sheets for each group of children, equipment at the sites.

Preliminary work among teachers:

Develop a “Club Hour” plan by the creative group of the preschool educational institution;

Discuss organizational issues;

Discuss with children the rules of behavior during the “Club Hour”;

Determine the number of groups participating in the event;

Prepare the necessary props.

Target . Introduce children to the “Club Hour” situation. Create conditions for children to acquire life experience (meaningful education), experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.


To foster independence and responsibility in children;

Teach children to navigate in space;

Cultivate friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;

To develop the ability to take initiative in caring for others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention;

Develop the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;

Teach children to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;

Develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, independently find various speech means for this;

Develop the ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;

Encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various experiences with the teacher and other children;

Help to acquire life experience (meaning formations), experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

Event plan

1. Organizing time: discussion between the teacher and the children of the plan - a scheme for moving around the kindergarten.

2. Progress of the event:movement of children around the kindergarten territory according to route sheets.

Each group is offered its own route sheet along which they must move.


  1. Group No. 8 – intellectual platform;
  2. Group No. 9 – experimental site;
  3. Group No. 10 – creative platform;
  4. The gym is a cosmonaut training center.

Children stay on each playground for 20 minutes. Junior teachers accompany the children.

Upon the children’s return to the groups, a discussion is held - “Reflective Circle”, where each participant shares his impressions, talks about whether he managed to follow the rules, and if not, why; what you remember, what you liked.

The teacher records the problems that children have encountered during the “Club Hour” and discusses them with the children, finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

3. Bottom line.

After the “Club Hour” event during the teaching hour, teachers and staff exchange opinions:

What did the children do when they came to their territory, what was special about their behavior;

How did the children who were in their group react when guests came to them?

Did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them?

What problems need to be solved at the next “Club Hour”.

Creative Group:

  1. Aseeva V.P.
  2. Korepanova T.B.
  3. Belskaya T.M.
  4. Moskvitina I.Yu.
  5. Mokrova E.V.
  6. Mukhamadeeva L.L.
  7. Suturina E.Zh.
  1. Intelligent platform. Responsible Aseeva V.P. and Korepanova T.B. At the site, children took part in a quiz on the topic “Space”, a presentation and a space rhyme.
  2. Experimental site. Responsible Belskaya T.M. and Moskvitina I.Yu. The children conducted experiments:
  1. - “secret message”;
  2. - “space fuel”;
  3. - “cleaning in space.”
  1. Creative playground. Responsible Mokrova E.V. Children made crafts from waste material, cardboard and plasticine.
  2. "Cosmonaut Training Center". Responsible Suturina E.Zh. and Mukhamadeeva L.L. The children did exercises for endurance, coordination of movements, and development of the vestibular apparatus.