
Fairy tale “Antoshka's boots. Lesson summary for the senior group on the topic: “Shoes Stories about shoes for children 6 years old


Fairy tale for preschool and primary school children

Ustinova Tanya, pupil of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Supervisor: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: This fairy tale is written for children of different ages. This fairy tale tells about the brothers boots - Left and Right, who brought autumn home. The material can be used in kindergarten, in extracurricular reading lessons at school and for reading in the family circle.
Target: Forming an idea of ​​autumn in children through the content of a fairy tale.
- educational: instill interest in the world around us, in changes in nature;
- developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
- educational: to cultivate goodwill, interest in the world around us, in nature, in reading fairy tales.

A fairy tale begins
Autumn is quiet.
She walks through the forest
In autumn boots.
Can't see
Don't hear
How to follow the branches.
But behind it you and I,
Let's hurry up ourselves.
You see, the boots are trampling,
Autumn trails.
You see, the leaf has turned red,
Under the ringing aspen.
We put on our boots
We went for a walk in the forest.
And the leaves rustle,
Under my feet.

Look at the boots:
Real pictures,
And laces, no matter where,
And always cleaned.
There lived two beautiful shoes - one Left, the other Right. Both boots were inseparable. But the nature of the boots was very different.
The Left Shoe loved to misbehave, and the Right Shoe always behaved well.
One day, they went for a walk in the autumn forest. The left shoe jumped through the puddles, splashing water from the puddles around, not paying attention to where it all ended up.

The right shoe did not like his brother's behavior and began to scold him.
- Why are you splashing water on me? I'm all wet and dirty now! – the Right Shoe began to be indignant.
- I like to jump and play around. Look, all the passers-by are paying attention to me! - answers the Left Shoe.
“So it’s because you’re behaving badly,” said the Right Shoe
But the Left Shoe does not listen to him, continues to jump and play around. He tries to run away from his brother forward.
And suddenly, on the way, the Left Shoe saw a pile of autumn leaves.

He jumped there and all the leaves scattered and began to spin and flutter in the air. The Right Shoe was watching the leaves and made a remark to the Left Shoe.
- You don’t spare the work of the janitors! They collected these leaves, put things in order, and again you scatter everything! – said the Right Shoe.
- But you can admire the gorgeous leaf fall! – exclaimed the Left Shoe.
The leaves continued to swirl in the air and fell on the wet Right shoe. The leaves, of course, stuck to the Right Shoe.
The right shoe was completely offended and came unglued.

They walk side by side, the left shoe is jumping, and the right shoe is squelching and shuffling its feet.
They reached the house, stood in the corridor at the door and stood looking at each other. The left shoe felt sorry for his brother, he stood next to him and apologized. While I was thinking about whether to forgive him or not, the right shoe became completely dry and all the leaves fell off from it! Now it’s real autumn in their hallway!!!
“What beautiful leaves you and I brought home!” said the Right Shoe and forgave...
They laughed and read a poem about autumn in one voice.
Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends -
Rain of leaves and me.

In one big house lived two brothers, two little shoes. One was called Left, and the other was Right. Often their noses stuck out in different directions because they were constantly confused and put on the wrong leg. In the morning they got up very early, and black men's shoes, and sometimes women's sandals, dragged them to kindergarten. The shoes resisted, did not want to walk and clung their toes to each other, but they were forced to walk faster. It was very difficult for them to keep up with the big shoes. They trotted after them and quickly got tired, but no one paid attention to this. Everyone just wanted the shoes to run faster.

All day long in kindergarten they ran and danced, and in the evening old sandals followed them with a shuffling gait. The Shoes knew that now they would not run home headlong, but would fly through the air, because they would be carried in their arms. More than anything else in the world, they loved these worn-out sandals, because they were very kind, never spanked them, and always told interesting stories at night.

At night, all the family shoes were collected in the hallway. There were boots, shoes, and sandals, and in the corner stood huge green rubber boots. When everyone in the apartment fell asleep, they began to tell each other stories that had happened to them that day. The slippers were always the first to start their story. They never went out, they always stayed at home, but for some reason they knew everything about everyone.

“Cough, cough,” the slippers cleared their throats, starting their story, “today vegetable oil was spilled on our left nose, and then an egg was dropped on our right nose.” Our backsides were trampled again and we were shuffled across the floor so hard that sparks fell from our eyes. That's why we wear out so quickly.

“But we jumped and galloped all day,” little Shoes laughed, “it rained in the morning, and we were dunked in a puddle three times and covered in mud twice.”

“There was no need to talk about this,” the slippers interrupted Bashmachkov’s story, “it’s already obvious, and, in general, you shouldn’t interrupt your elders.”

“And we,” the black men’s shoes began their story, “sat in the chair all day, although we ran out here and there several times.”

“Oh-oh-oh,” the slippers grumbled, “we know that, somewhere, you ran to smoke, it still stinks of tobacco.”

The black shoes lowered their eyes: “Well, these ones will find out everything, you can’t hide a thing!”

“And we’ve had it so bad today, we’ve had it so bad,” the ladies’ boats chattered, “we weren’t at work today, we were all shopping, in salons, up and down, up and down the stairs.” If there is such a marathon every day, we won’t last long.

“It’s not enough, it’s not enough,” the slippers mimicked, “they wear you once a month, there are too many of you, ladies’ shoes, and there isn’t enough space for others in the closet.”

- Well, why are you silent, rubber boots? – asked the brown boots.

- Oh! - the boots sighed. – We don’t even know where to start. Yesterday we were chasing a duck through the swamp, but we didn’t catch it - it flew away. And at night they put us near the fire, and we almost got burned. Today we spent the whole day trying to catch a tiny crucian carp, and because of it we stood in the water up to our necks for several hours. Apchhi! So it won’t take long for rheumatism to develop.

The hallway became quiet.

“And today Tuzik chewed us up,” they suddenly remembered the old worn-out sandals, “oh, and it got to us, first for us, and then for him.” He chewed up the left one, and they threw the right one at him so that he flew across the entire hallway, but didn’t hit Tuzik, but did break the glass in the door.

The shoes laughed loudly.

- Shhh, quiet down! Quiet! - everyone shushed them.

“And anyway, it’s time to sleep,” the slippers yawned, “tomorrow will be a difficult day.”

There was silence. Everyone had long since fallen asleep, and only little Shoes kept thinking about what would happen tomorrow.

And the next day, in the morning, such running around in the apartment began that even the slippers began to shuffle twice as fast. Then there was a delicious smell of baked pies. Shoes didn’t go to kindergarten today, but were lonely and bored in the hallway. Tuzik ran up to them twice, sniffed, but was afraid to chew.

Then everyone went somewhere and came back with a lace bundle that screamed so loud that it hurt their ears. A few days later, tiny pink booties appeared in the hallway. They were placed next to the shoes. Now the little shoes didn’t go to kindergarten, but every day we walked with the booties in the park and kept waiting for the booties to stop flying around our hands and come down to the ground. Soon this happened, only the booties did not walk, but immediately ran, and no one could keep up with them: neither shoes, nor rubber boots, nor slippers. And only the frisky shoes, catching up with the pink booties, were very happy.

Lexical topic “Shoes”

1.Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
2. Learn to correctly name the parts of shoes.
3.Practise the formation of relative adjectives.
4. Practice using diminutive and affectionate suffixes in nouns.
5. Practice using nouns in the genitive case with a preposition.
6. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Didactic exercise “Repeat without mistakes, don’t miss anything”

Repeat the words in the same order:
Shoes – slippers – boots – boots
Felt boots – sandals – shoes – boots
Children, what can we call these objects in one word? -SHOES.

2. Children, tell me, why do we need shoes? (To put shoes on your feet)

3. History of shoes (presentation)

4. Which store do we buy shoes from? (in the SHOE store)
In a shoe store there are many different shoes on the shelves.
Exercise “Agree a Word”
If the shoes are for winter, then they are WINTER.
If shoes are for summer, then they are
If shoes are for home, then they are
If the shoes are for sports, then they are
If shoes are for a holiday, then they are
Shoes for women –
Shoes for men –
Children's footwear -

5. Tell me, children, what kind of shoes do you need for winter?(warm, closed, winter, high)
Why should you wear such shoes in winter?
What materials are winter shoes made from?
What shoes do we wear in summer? (light, open, summer) Why?
Exercise “Form a word”
If the shoes are made of leather, then they are LEATHER.
If the shoes are made of fur, then they are FUR.
If the shoes are made of rubber, then they are RUBBER.
If the shoes are made of wool, then they are WOOL
In what weather should you wear felt boots, and why?

6. Finger gymnastics “BOOTS”

Everywhere, everywhere we are togetherThe middle and index fingers “walk” along the table. Let's go, inseparable.
We're walking through the meadows
Children bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb.
Along the green shores,
They ran down the stairs,
They walked along the street.
Then we climb under the bed,
We'll sleep there quietly.
Place your palms on the table.

7. Examination and naming of shoe parts.

Kids, let's compare winter boots and snow boots.
What is more comfortable for walking through deep snowdrifts, and why?

Comparing shoes and sneakers.
Comparing boots and sandals
The shoe has a clasp and the sandal has a clasp.
A boot has a heel, but a sandal does not have a heel.
A shoe has a heel, but a sandal does not have a heel.
A boot has a shaft, but a sandal does not have a shaft.
Leather boots and leather sandals.
The shoes are closed and the sandals are open.
The boots are warm, winter, and the sandals are light, summer.

8. Exercise “Let’s affectionately name” your favorite shoes.
Boots - boots.
Valenki -
Shoes -
Slippers -
Boots -
Sneakers -

9. Tell me, children, how to take care of your shoes so that they are in order?(children repeat verbs)

Shoes need to be washed, dried, wiped, cleaned, repaired, put away.
Who mends shoes? (shoemaker)
Where do we go if our shoes need to be repaired? (to the shoe shop)

Correct me:
They brought it to the shoemaker for repairs (children repeat the phrase in full)
Shoes WITHOUT (sole)
Boots WITHOUT (zipper)
Slippers WITHOUT (heel)
Sandals WITHOUT (strap)
Boots WITHOUT (tongue)
Sneakers WITHOUT (lace)

10. Conversation about the polysemy of the word LANGUAGE using pictures and objects.
The mischievous boy showed you his TONGUE, and the mischievous boy also stuck out his shoe

11. “Learn to speak correctly”

When we come home, we take off our shoes.
When we go for a walk, we put on our shoes.
In kindergarten we CHANGE SHOES (that means we take off dirty shoes and put on clean ones)

12. D.i. “4 extra” (pictures on the board – hat, fur coat,boots , scarf; boots, felt boots, sandals,sweater)

Choose the correct extra picture and explain why it is extra.

13. Result (what was discussed during the lesson, what we liked, assessment of the children’s activities)

Funny children's poems about boots and shoes:

E. Baeva

The girl Irinka is crying:
-It hurts my heels! Tinder boots!
-We'll take them to the garden,
Let it rain at night!

They will grow in the garden
And they won’t press on their heels!

O. Ukhalina

Boot walked and groaned.
The boot felt bad.
Turned out to be guilty
The apartment is in turmoil.
Because of her I put on my shoes
Not so three-year-old Seva.
Right shoe pair
Now he's walking from the left!

O. Grigorieva

At little Mary's
Big loss:
Her right shoe was missing.
In one she jumps
And cries pitifully
It’s impossible without the other!
But, dear Mary,
Don't cry about the loss.
Right foot boot
We'll sew you a new one
Or we’ll buy a ready-made one,
Just watch - take care!

S. Melnikov

I clean them on the shore,
I run along the path wearing them.
Left, right leg
I'll trample a little.
I will wipe away the specks of dust from them.
Let them shine boots!

N. Borisova

Asks for porridge shoe:
- Caught on a twig
Didn't eat anything
I just drank from a puddle.
From the cold water
I'm so hungry!
We'll regret the shoe
And we'll feed you delicious glue.
His mouth closed...
Wading through puddles!

Mother Kangaroo

We study boots:
Here are the laces in the middle,
There is a heel on the sole,
And here is the tongue!
Be careful like a cat
The son touched his shoe with his palm
And he laughs: “Guard!”
And my shoe licked me!”

O. Chernoritskaya

Grandfather once said to Pasha:
- Look, the shoes are asking for porridge.
Yes, I wore them for three years...
You've lost weight, look.
I'll go to the store
Stay alone, my friend.
“Okay,” Pasha answered.
And so as not to waste time,
Shoes became semolina porridge
Fill from the pan.
- They haven’t fed me for so many years...
Grandfather will be happy!

A. Barto

My brother's shoes fit -
Not small, not big.
They dressed Andryushka in them,
But he hasn’t moved yet!
He took them for a toy
He doesn't take his eyes off the shoe.
A boy with sense, with arrangement
Engaged in new things -
Then he will stroke the shoes,
T will pull the laces.
Andrey sat down and raised his leg,
He licked the shoe with his tongue.
Well, now it's time to hit the road,
You can take the first step.

M. Plastov

Look at the boots:
Real pictures,
And laces, no matter where,
And always cleaned.


Four spiders
They are in a hurry, putting on their shoes
On thin heels.
Four little spiders
Hurrying for spiders
Along thin webs
In boots with heels.

K. Kryukova

They stomped stubbornly
Somehow along the way,
Straight on the road
Small feet.
Don't go down into the pits
They didn't kick the lids...
It is very strange,
How did this happen?
And besides
We walked around the puddles.
Did you go around the puddles?!
Strange, why?
Quietly, carefully
We walked in the middle -
Didn't want to get dirty
New boots!


Pair boot stood in the hallway -
The right one is quite similar to the left one,
The left one is, of course, similar to the right one.
True, the right one was a little full of holes.
The left one was terribly jealous of the right one.
Well, I envied the whole one - the holey one!
What is the secret here, I don’t want to hide -
The right one hit the ball harder.
It was not easy in football battles,
Nevertheless, he scored many goals.
Left (but this, of course, is a secret)
Only one... Yes, and besides, by accident...
What can you do, this is the case,
It’s just that the boy was born “right-handed.”

B. Timofeev

ONE boot was second
And the other one was RIGHT
Two friends can never be separated
And in the snow, and in the rain, and in the heat!
One shoe was LEFT
And the FIRST was another!
Wherever THIS one goes
The faithful THOT was nearby!
One day they got bored
And it's the other way around
And immediately after him
who was ONE...)))

O. Ukhalina

Brown-white boot Aleshin
Over the summer, alas, it has become hopelessly worn out.
For days of endless football battles,
Trampling, jumping and various movements
The hint of store gloss has also disappeared,
Even the stripe on the heel was cracked.
Scratches everywhere on matte leather,
The laces look like shaggy brushes,
There's a splinter in the sole of a glass shard,
Dirt accidentally flowed into the insole.
But appearance is absolutely unimportant,
This is not what the brave shoe is sad about.
What worries him is ultimately
That a boy's legs will grow in a year.
And next summer... It’s terrible to think!
Alyoshka won’t be able to put on his shoes.

They will tell you how little Masha loved to put on shoes and which shoes turned out to be the best for her.


A story about shoes

Masha loves to put on shoes. In all kinds of shoes - sandals, shoes, boots, slippers, boots. She likes the boots best. Because she can put on the boots herself. Those without laces and fasteners. She sat down, stuck her foot into the boot, pulled and it was done. I stood up on my feet and put my boots on completely. Beauty! Slippers are also good shoes. Masha doesn’t have her own slippers yet. But there are many other slippers in the house! There are Marishka's sister's slippers. These are smaller. You can walk far in them. There are even ones that are too small for her and have Velcro. These, if you ask someone to help, you can fasten them well and they stick quite well on Mashenka’s tiny leg. And you can even run in them. There are bigger slippers. Marina wears them herself. But if Masha really wants to wear them, Masha can ask and Marina allows her - she will take them off and - “Here,” she says, “put them on!” And Masha wears them too. These, of course, don’t stay on the leg, but they’re still good. And mom’s slippers are even bigger. But Masha loves to vilify them too. And the most interesting ones are my dad’s huge tapas. If Masha lies down next to them, they are almost like Masha - these slippers. So Masha walks around in them too. Place the foot in the middle of the slipper. The leg in it is like in a basin. Only the basin doesn’t have such a special membrane, but the slipper does! And the Machine’s leg rests against it and pushes the slipper in front of itself. So Masha walks around the house and makes everyone laugh. And she herself - oh, how pleased she is.

For this they called her Masha the shoe.

Once Masha saw such a miracle - her mother put on black boots, so high, and even with heels. For some reason my mother walked around the house in them and got ready to go somewhere. And Masha quietly crept up while mom stopped, and grabbed mom by the heel. Mom had very interesting boots. Masha definitely had to touch them. And mom felt it, lowered her eyes and started laughing. Masha looked and looked, felt... And decided - no. She will not try on such boots. Scary. Masha will fall into them. And when mom left them standing in the hallway the next day, Masha didn’t even come up to them. I decided that when I grow up, I’ll become like Marishka, then...

And once Masha found felt inserts in Marishka’s rubber boots on the radiator. I immediately grabbed it and put it on. And it’s difficult for Masha to put them on. They squirm in your hands and do not obey. But then mom came to the rescue. I put these boots on her. Masha in them and let's stomp. And they are slippery. The legs are moving apart. But Masha even liked it. It's funny when the legs move apart. Or you can also stand on your hands and roll your feet in felt boots back and forth.

At the dacha, Masha tried on different galoshes. There are a lot of them - you can’t try them all on! And grandmother's and grandfather's and mother's and father's. And even the Marinkins! But for some reason the Mashins are no longer there! But nothing! Masha was like everyone in turn! And so, if they had their own boots, they could have said, “You can’t, Masha, touch other people’s boots, you have your own!”

In general, putting on shoes was Masha’s favorite thing. As soon as he sees the shoes lying there, he immediately shows, they say, take off my sandals for me - I’ll try on these shoes now!

And Masha gets tired of walking in someone else’s shoes, or she wants to ride in her big car, the kind that you push with your feet and drive, then Masha runs for her tiny sandals and asks - help! Put it on!

Masha herself cannot wear sandals yet. He will put it on and run around the house very quickly. Top-top-top! He shuffles his feet and goes out to run quickly in his sandals. And they are so clever and comfortable!

— It turns out that my sandals are the best after all. Better than dad's and mom's and even Marin's. — Masha thinks while running. - Which means I was luckier than anyone else with them!

Probably, according to children, the best children's shoes are practically anything that can be quickly put on and run. And everything else doesn’t matter! 🙂 I hope you liked the story “Shoes”. Leave your comments and reviews. Knowing your opinion is very important to me!

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