
DIY basket: master classes with photos. How to make a paper basket with your own hands DIY basket from a box and paper


A basket is an essential attribute of any wedding. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. This article will talk about how to make wedding baskets with your own hands.

A wedding basket can be used for:

  • flower petals;
  • small trinkets;
  • for champagne.

In order to make such a product, a craftswoman will need:

  • a durable container that will serve as the basis;
  • 1 m of satin fabric;
  • 1 m organza;
  • strong rope;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • decorations at your discretion.

How to create a shopping cart?

With the help of this master class, any girl can make such a product.

Instead of a wicker basket, you can take an ordinary plastic bowl. You need to start decorating the product from the handle. In the bowl, you need to make 2 holes in advance in which it will be placed. They should be slightly wider than the wire for easy fastening.

Working on the handle

We take three pieces of rope 1.3 m each and 2 pieces of metal wire 1.5 m each. The ropes must be connected to each other using strong threads. After this, we turn the resulting belt over to the reverse side and glue the wire to it. It should protrude a little so that it can be conveniently secured to the bowl. The finished structure must be bent into a semicircle shape.

Let's start designing the handle. You need to sew clothes for it from satin fabric. It should be larger in width and length than the finished handle. This is necessary so that in the end she takes the gentle coattails. In order for the satin fabric to always have a beautiful appearance and not move, it must be sewn to the ropes using monofilament. On top of the satin, if desired, the handle can be decorated with airy organza.

Decorating the base of the basket

If you couldn't find a white cup, don't worry. It can be sheathed with a thin layer of synthetic padding, which will help hide unnecessary color. The inner part must be lined with padding polyester so that it protrudes above the surface of the bowl. When everything is ready, we begin to form a soft side. To do this, bend the padding polyester 4-5 times, and sew each turn to the previous one. After this, glue the soft side to the edge of the container.

Before proceeding to the next step, you need to secure the handles. To do this, they stick into the container, twist the edge several times and make a small knot.

Draping the container with fabric

First you need to drape the outside. To do this you need to cut out 2 circles. 1 – satin, 2 – synthetic padding. They should be the same size as the bottom of the basket. We put a glue web on the bottom, then a circle of padding polyester and finish with a satin circle. Glue by ironing with a slightly heated iron.

After this, you need to cut a strip from satin fabric along the diameter of the side edge. Then we sew the edges of the strip and attach them to the circles that are located at the bottom of the container. To prevent the fabric from moving around the bowl, it needs to be glued. We do the same with the inside.

Decorating a wedding basket

You can decorate the product with anything, the main thing is that it looks beautiful. The decoration must match the style of the event. Ribbons make the most delicate and sophisticated wedding baskets.

Let's start decorating. We will need 2 pieces of organza 1.5 m each. We fasten them to each other using a burner. When the weightless cylinder is ready, we sew it to the soft side of our basket. While sewing, you need to bend the fabric a little so that the final result has waves. After this, if desired, you can glue various satin decorations on top of the shuttlecock.

If questions arise during work, you can always refer to the video.

Candy decoration is the most unusual design option. To decorate, the craftswoman will need:

  • ready-made wedding basket;
  • candies in a round wrapper;
  • corrugated paper;
  • glue gun

On paper you need to draw how the sweet decorations will be placed on the basket. After this, we make small roses from multi-colored corrugated paper and attach them to the surface of the basket with glue. To make their edges shine, you can trim them with sequins or sprinkle them with sparkles. You need to glue a candy inside such a flower. This is how we decorate the edging and edges of the wedding basket handle. If the basket is intended for a bottle of champagne, then leave a little space in the middle and line the rest with sweet flowers. In addition, this decoration can be complemented with satin ribbons. With the help of them and the shine of candy wrappers, a solemn look is created.

10. Repeat the same with the other sides.
11. Cut off the remaining strips. Leave a margin of 5 cm. Weave the remaining parts into the wall that was woven first.
12. Fold the vertical strips that went over the last horizontal strip. To make the task not so difficult to complete, simply cut the vertical elements to the required length. Do this operation with all vertical parts. Half of the details will remain unwoven.
13. Fix another piece of veneer inside the basket. Secure the last element with a clothespin.
14. Secure all vertical elements with clothespins and weave them under the strip (second from the top).
15. Trim the vertical elements so that they do not stick out from under the horizontal ones.

DIY candy bouquets in baskets

You will need:

- Wicker basket
- candies
- glue gun
- sisal
- beads
- a small piece of foam
- corrugated paper in three different colors
- silicone glue
- artificial greenery
- identical bows

Cooking steps:

1. Choose multi-colored corrugated paper. Cut the blanks with a width of 5-6 cm. The length of each blank should correspond to the length of the roll.
2. Cut each strip into 3 parts. To speed up the process, fold several pieces at once and cut them.
3. Measure 1/3 of the cut strip, twist it in the opposite direction 360 degrees.
4. Take a candy, drop a little glue on one end, connect it to the base of the candy so that the ends do not stick out.
5. Apply glue to the second side of the ponytail and fix the skewer in the middle.
6. Form a bud. To do this, take a petal and insert candy. Coat the ends of the petal with glue, wrap it around the skewer, pressing the corrugation with your fingers to completely fix the ends. Glue 2 more petals in the same way, keeping a small distance between them.

DIY candy basket photo:

7. Select green corrugated paper, cut 19 strips, 20 cm each.
8. Form tulip leaves, repeat the manipulation for the remaining buds. Starting at the base of the bud, glue a strip of paper to create a stem.
9. Glue the tulip leaves to some flowers.
10. Prepare 20 skewers, break them into two parts.
11. Cut a ribbon 20 cm long. In total you will need 10 pieces of thin ribbon. Fold the ribbons in half and glue the ends to the skewers.
12. Measure the corrugation for the basket so that the ends hang slightly.
13. Cut the foam to the required size and secure it to the bottom of the basket with glue. Insert the flowers into the foam so that the same distance is maintained between them.
14. Take a sprig of faux greenery and glue it to a skewer. Place greenery in the center of the bouquet. Fill the empty spaces with green sisal.
15. Make handles from thin ribbon. At the base, fix the tape and bring it to the end. Decorate the sides of the basket with two identical bows.

DIY flower basket

The following varieties are suitable for creating a basket of flowers: callas, gladioli, carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums, roses. For small bouquets you can use lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, daisies, violas, miniature roses, as well as potted plants: primroses, pelargoniums, saintpaulias, etc. As a rule, such bouquets are complemented with ornamental plants: crotons, thuja, asparagus leaves, butcher's broom, etc. Bouquets can be asymmetrical or symmetrical. The shape of the bouquet will depend on the color, structure, and size of the selected plants.

Process of creation:

1. Choose a flowerpot or floral basket. If you bought them at a flower shop, then there should be a waterproof layer at the bottom. If it is not there, place plastic film or cellophane on the bottom.
2. Prepare a floral sponge that can be placed in the basket and secured with floral wire. Soak the sponge in a special solution to prolong the life of the flowers as long as possible. If you don’t have such a solution at hand, sprinkle the sponge with plain water.

DIY basket photo:

3. Choosing a color for a color composition. Shades can be adjacent or contrasting. If you are making a bouquet for the first time, it is better to play it safe and choose flowers of the same kind and type.
4. Carefully and carefully place the selected flowers into the prepared form. In order for the craft to stand evenly, remember to balance the colors. The flowers must be trimmed first. There should be a long oblique cut at the bottom.
5. Decor. The best options are decorative greenery. It is better to collect it in pairs or in separate bundles. For convenience, secure flowers and decorative details with floral wire. In addition, you can use feathers, beads, stickers, glitter, ribbons, figurines, etc. for decoration.

DIY paper basket.

Option #1

Prepare colorful strips of paper. The paper must be thick and flexible. It will be very good if it is double-sided. The length of each strip should be 30-40 cm, and the width - 1.5-2 cm. The basket weaving pattern is standard - it is fabric weaving. The beginning of the work is shown in the picture. It is necessary to continue weaving until it reaches a height of 12-15 cm. After this, you can begin weaving the side parts.

Make folds of paper strips on both sides, secure them with glue and paper clips. Continue weaving in the same way until the basket reaches the desired height. Bend the ends of the strips inward and glue them with glue on the inside. You can start decorating. Cut out several multi-colored circles from cardboard or thick paper, cut them in a spiral to make a kind of springs. Lubricate the back side of the spring with glue and squeeze it to form a semicircular flower. As soon as the glue dries, glue the multi-colored centers.

Option #2.

You can also make a beautiful craft from a simple decorative sheet of paper. Prepare thick cardboard or paper with a beautiful pattern on the outside. Draw 9 identical squares and make 4 vertical slits. Make folds so that the craft can be folded easily. Bend the structure so that 2 opposite edges are parallel to each other. The middle squares will fix the center of the craft. Secure it inside with a drop of glue.

Basket with pine cones

Necessary materials:

Pine cones – 50 pcs.
- hot melt adhesive
- thick wire
- thin wire

Stages of work:

1. Connect the cones in a circle. It is better to fix them with thin wire, which matches the color of the cones. Wrap the short end of the wire around the pine cone, and wind it around the second long end.
2. Place the second cone next to the first one, wrap the wire around it. In the same way, fasten 10-12 cones together so that they form a ring.
3. Make a second ring in the same way, which should be smaller in diameter than the first. All rings must be connected to each other with hot glue.
4. Handle them with cones attached to a thin wire.
5. Glue thick cardboard to the bottom.

With the holidays approaching, it's time to think about how to present your chosen gift in an original way. After all, the best will be the one that is chosen and decorated with soul and great love. For this reason, a huge number of needlewomen are already interested in the question of how to make a cardboard basket with their own hands. Because they can be used to beautifully present sweets, flowers and gifts. And also decorate celebrations, holidays and even weddings. Therefore, in the material presented below, we will explore the technology for making this particular amazing item.

What is needed for work

The embodiment of a cardboard basket begins with the preparation of materials and tools with which we will realize the idea. There is no need to cook something inaccessible or very expensive. A simple list of office supplies is almost always available in every home. So, to make the craft you are studying, you should prepare:

  • a set of colored or white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • paper adhesive tape;
  • PVA glue.

However, this is only a basic set of tools and materials. Each instruction on how to make a basket out of cardboard requires its own components. We will definitely tell the reader about them.

Square basket frame

The simplest is the model we will study in this section. In essence, it is an ordinary box, only without the top wall. To do this, you need to draw a square of the desired size on cardboard. Draw another square near each side. Just four. Then we cut out the resulting cross, carefully press through the joints and lift the side walls of the basket. Now all that remains is to glue them with paper tape on the inside. Add a handle to the finished frame and decorate it as you wish. This is how easy it is to make a cardboard basket with your own hands.

Round faceted basket bottom

Another version of the product being studied is more interesting. It is a little more difficult to perform than the previous one. However, the technology is quite accessible to novice craftsmen. The main thing is to make the calculations correctly. We'll talk about this later. So, how to make a round-shaped basket from cardboard:

  1. First of all, it is important to note that to construct an idea, you need to prepare a compass.
  2. Then we draw a circle on a sheet of cardboard.
  3. We draw a vertical and horizontal line, drawing a cross in the center.
  4. We divide the four resulting zones with two additional lines.
  5. The result is a circle divided into 8 sectors.
  6. Now you need to draw the edges on it, connecting the points marked in green on the diagram.
  7. Cut out the bottom of the future basket.

How to make the sides of a basket

Next you need to draw the side edge. If you want to make a cylindrical basket, draw a rectangle of the required length from the edge marked on the bottom (1). For a trapezoidal basket, prepare a face of the appropriate shape (2). Both options are shown in the diagram proposed above.

Assemble the basket and carefully tape the seams with paper tape. We start with the side edges, and then connect them to the bottom. We complement the finished base with a pen and decorate it at our own discretion. Moreover, it is important to note that according to these instructions you can even make a mini-basket. You just need to reduce the initial circle.

Heart shaped basket

The following original craft is very interesting. However, you should first prepare a sewing needle with a large eye, knitting threads of your favorite color and a piece of felt of a suitable shade. After this, we print out the template shown above on the computer, carefully cut it out and transfer it to cardboard. We add three additional parts to the base and attach them with paper adhesive tape. We fix it on both sides. We cut out the bottom equal in size. Raise the sides up and place a felt heart on the bottom. Then we get to the fun part. We take the prepared yarn, grease the tip with glue and hide it under a felt heart. Next, we wrap each vertical edge once with thread, moving in a circle. Our task is to wrap the product so as to completely hide the template. Finally, all we have to do is decorate the top edge of the basket using thread and cardboard. To do this, we thread a knitting thread into a needle and carefully run a seam “over the edge” along the entire perimeter. It is important to get into the holes of the cardboard.

Colored cardboard basket

If you don’t want to bother with pasting and decorating the craft, you can make a simpler, but equally original and effective option. We will study its implementation technology further:

  1. First of all, prepare a sheet of cardboard of your favorite color, a simple pencil, a ruler, scissors and glue.
  2. After this, place the cardboard face down in front of you.
  3. We measure the side and set this distance vertically.
  4. Cut out the resulting square.
  5. We divide it into nine identical smaller squares.
  6. On the upper and lower middle we mark the middle and draw triangles.
  7. Cut out the shape shown in the photo.
  8. We divide the two upper and two lower squares into three parts.
  9. Cut out the shape shown in the photo above.
  10. Now all we have to do is assemble the original craft from colored cardboard as shown in the instructions. Finally, glue a triangle and a small circle on top of it, masking all the imperfections. Then we add a handle to our basket.

Wicker basket

The following craft looks no less original and unusual. It can be made from colored cardboard, old magazines or newspapers, wrapping or colored paper. The technology is quite simple:

  1. The first step is to prepare at least fifty strips. The length of each is thirty centimeters and the width is four. Fold everything in half and get creative.
  2. We lay out the first six strips in front of us.
  3. We lay out the same amount perpendicular to them.
  4. We intertwine the strips as shown in the photo above.
  5. This way it is possible to form the bottom of the basket. Now we bend 16 strips, raising the walls of our colored cardboard craft. And between them we also pass new ones, making out the sides. Then we bend the vertical strips inward and glue them well. An interesting and original basket is ready!

Parchment paper basket

Another great idea offers a fun way to decorate. Moreover, you can decorate absolutely any base with it. The main thing is to purchase parchment or baking paper at the store. After this, we form the frame we like and add a pen. Then we cut the paper into strips about four centimeters wide. Lightly knead each one, and then twist it into a flagellum. Lubricate the sides of the frame with glue. And we begin to carefully lay out the prepared bundles, trying to position them as close to each other as possible. In this way we decorate the lower part of the basket and then decorate the handle. We design the interior of the original product at our own discretion. If desired, the craft can be made from white cardboard and then you will not bother yourself with additional work.

Baskets in one piece

Very interesting are the models that require a minimum of effort from the needlewoman. Therefore, we also could not ignore them. And we offer readers two templates that make it easy to make an original craft. Moreover, experienced craftswomen note that you can make a basket from colored or white cardboard. And then leave it in its original form, that is, do without registration. Or prepare a frame, and then decorate it with fabric drapery, colored paper, beads, beads, ribbons and other decorative elements. In addition, readers who have a color printer at home can simply print out an interesting template with a bunny. Cut it out, assemble it and glue it together into an interesting mini-basket. You can give a small souvenir in it.

Flower basket

The products under study are notable for the fact that needlewomen use cheap improvised materials to make them. However, the baskets still turn out very cute and are in no way inferior to store-bought options. In this section, we invite readers to study the instructions for making a children's basket:

  1. First of all, we should draw a circle - the bottom of the craft.
  2. Then divide it into eight sectors as we did when making the faceted basket.
  3. Round each resulting detail, turning the entire template into a flower.
  4. Now all we have to do is cut out the resulting figure and paint it according to our own wishes.
  5. And then glue the corners of the sides and decorate the cardboard basket made according to the template as you please.

Ribbon basket

And another interesting craft is also very easy to do. You just need to prepare a strip of cardboard. Its length is equal to the circumference of the desired basket, and its width is equal to its height. After this, using a ruler, draw a line, stepping back one centimeter from the bottom edge. We make cuts on it without going beyond the limiter. Then we twist the strip and glue the two edges. We carefully bend the lower parts and also glue them together. We leave the base of our future basket made of cardboard and ribbons for several hours so that it dries well. At this time, you can prepare the bottom and handle of the desired size. When the specified time has passed, take a satin ribbon of the color you like and glue the tip on the inside. And then we begin to wrap the sides of our basket. Having formed the entire base in this way, cut off the excess part of the tape and glue the tip on the inside. Next, we wrap the prepared handle, also attach it from the inside and place the bottom in the basket.

We hope that our tips for making cardboard baskets will help the reader create truly spectacular and original crafts with their own hands. Good luck!

Paper is a universal material. It can be used not only for office purposes, but also to make a large number of beautiful items for apartment decor. All the things made can not only be used as decoration, but also used for their intended purpose.

If you have a lot of unnecessary paper lying around at home, then it’s time to find a use for it and pass the time doing something interesting and creative. For example, you can make a basket with your own hands from paper. To realize this idea, you can use any paper, even newspapers or magazines. A future small basket can become a beautiful and original gift for someone dear to you.

DIY paper basket

To do this job you need:

  1. Any paper, newspapers and magazines can be used.
  2. Knitting needle or wooden skewer. Choose them as thick as you want the tubes of the future basket to be.
  3. An elastic band for clothes or money.
  4. Clothes pin.
  5. PVA glue.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Stationery knife.
  8. Brushes for glue and paints.
  9. Basis for weaving.
  10. Thick cardboard. If you don't have one, a regular candy box will do.
  11. Paint to give the product a more beautiful appearance.
  12. Weight to make the product more stable during the manufacturing process.
  13. Items that can be used to decorate the basket.

Cardboard option

If you have everything listed above, then you can safely start creating. The first step is to make as many paper tubes as possible, so as not to be distracted by twisting them in the future.

They can be done according to the following scheme:

When all the blanks are made, they can be painted and then dried. If you don’t want to wait, you can continue making the basket and paint the finished product.

Having prepared the tubes, you can start making the basket. First of all, you should clearly determine the dimensions of the future product.

Making the bottom of the basket

To make the bottom, you can choose one of two methods.

First way. It is the simplest and does not require much time. All you need is to cut out an oval or round bottom template from thick cardboard. After this, flatten the edge of the tube. Lubricate it with glue and attach it to the bottom. Do the same operation with all remaining blanks. In this case, you should evenly space them around the perimeter. Coat the second bottom with glue and connect it to the first. Make sure that the rays are between the two bottoms. For greater reliability, you can place a weight and wait for the product to dry. After this, you can bend the rays upward. Glue a tube from the inside to the bottom and weave the walls.

Second way. This option for making the bottom requires a little more time for weaving. We take four tubes and distribute them at a short distance from each other. This will be our first row. At the next stage, we take six tubes, place them in pairs and at right angles to the already prepared ones. They are placed in this order: under the first and above the second pair of rays in the first row we place two tubes. We place the next two tubes mirrored and side by side. We lay the remaining ones in the same way as the first two. As a result, you will get a checkerboard pattern.

We describe a further explanation of the steps on how to make a paper basket with your own hands. We take another tube, fold it in half and put it on the already completed pair of rays. To avoid confusion, we recommend marking them with a felt-tip pen or marker. Next, we cross the tube and braid other pairs. Their working part is crossed after braiding each pair. Similarly, we bring the matter to the end of the second row.

If the tubes made are too short, then they need to be lengthened. To do this, take glue and lubricate the narrow tip with it. After this, insert the new tube into the working one. This way you can increase them to the desired size. As soon as two rows of the bottom are ready, you can start making a single working tube, two more.

The next step will be making the bottom edging. To do this, bend the marked first ray behind the next one and direct it to the middle, bend the second one behind the third. We continue like this until the end. We fix the remaining ray in the loop obtained from the first one.

To continue weaving, take the next tube, fold it into two parts and put it on the first ray. We make the fourth row in the same way as the third.

The fifth row will serve us for decoration. You can take beads or other decoration and put them on the odd rays. After this row you need to weave two more. If leftovers appear, they can be trimmed and tucked between the rows.

Making a pen

In order to make the handle of our basket, you need to separate three rays on each side and fasten them with clothespins. The remaining tubes are trimmed and glued to the edge of the product.

The handle of the future basket is woven as follows:

  1. We connect the tubes of both sides to get three of them.
  2. The working tube must be glued with PVA at the base of the handle, perpendicular to it.
  3. After this, we braid the handle with a working tube.

Before finishing the work, the basket is shaped and impregnated with glue. Then let it dry thoroughly. This operation will give greater strength to the finished product.

The last step will be painting the basket. You don't need any advice here. Everyone paints it in their favorite color and gives it the shade they like.

Now you know how to make a wicker basket out of paper and can easily repeat this process. I wish everyone good luck!

Attention, TODAY only!

Greetings, dear friends! If you looked here, then you definitely want to learn how to make Easter baskets with your own hands. What I will help you with today by providing you with 20 detailed master classes on creating various kinds.

I recently became interested in this topic in connection with my husband’s upcoming birthday and Easter. I am just planning to learn how to weave from newspaper tubes, so the question arose about choosing a material that I have been able to work with for a long time. Of course, it was fabric, and in this case, faux fur. I am 100% sure that you have never seen fur baskets in your life

Next, I will show you countless ideas and tutorials for creating a wide variety of Easter baskets. They will be excellent options for Easter gifts for family and friends.

DIY Easter baskets: master classes

So, let's start with an unusual fur option. Prepare for him:

  • artificial fur;
  • a glass or something else in the shape of a cylinder with the desired diameter of the future basket;
  • plastic circle for the bottom;
  • wire for the frame of the handle and side;
  • threads;
  • scissors and nippers.

To begin, cut an odd number of strips of fur, fold each of them in half lengthwise and sew with a fine seam “over the edge.”

Then cut two circles of the required diameter from the fur. Sew them together by inserting the side strips from the strips made earlier. Leave a hole for turning the plastic bottom inside out and inserting it inside.

Cut a circle out of plastic with a diameter slightly smaller than the fur bottom itself. Insert the plastic circle and sew up the hole, sewing in fur strips.

Take a glass, attach the base of the basket to it, pull the stripes up and secure them temporarily with an elastic band or thread. Sew a long strip of fur to the bottom, which we will use to weave.

Now you need to weave the fur strip through the side strips, alternately passing it over and under the strips. I got three rows. By the way, if the strip suddenly runs out, then you can simply add a piece of the required length to it.

As we weaved, I sewed a fur border to the upper ends of the side bars, folding another strip in half lengthwise and sewing it, sewing in the bars at the same time. This can be done at the very beginning, then you will not have a question about holding onto the glass.

At the end of the weaving, I hid the tail by sewing it under one of the side stripes.

Since I sewed the top side a little high, I decided to bend it outward. Therefore, it became more voluminous.

To prevent the side from being too soft, I suggest inserting a wire frame into it.

Since the board is folded in half, it will not be difficult for you to thread a wire inside, a length equal to the circumference of your basket (top board).

Now let's prepare the handle. Again, cut a piece of wire to the desired length. Also prepare a long strip of fur. Apply a little glue to the tip of the strip and press it to the wire.

The result is a beautiful twisted handle (just don’t forget to properly secure the structure with glue at the end).

Sew or glue the handle to the outside of the basket.

Your faux fur Easter basket is ready! You can see it in the photo. All that remains is to fill it with cute souvenirs or put colored eggs.

Other ideas and workshops

Baskets for Easter can be made from both more classic materials and more original ones.

From newspaper and other tubes

Prepare newspapers, thick cardboard for the bottom, scissors, a glue stick, varnish for coating the final product, a brush and a base box. The weaving method is very similar to that described above, albeit with some nuances.

And here the bottom is already wicker. You will need a pan or something else cylindrical for braiding.

What do you think about the idea of ​​using plastic straws? It turns out that they also successfully play the role of building material, especially when there are a lot of them.

From paper

Or the same newspapers. If you remember (even vaguely) school craft lessons, then you will probably remember the square wicker rug that you can create there. This basket is woven in a similar way - first the bottom is woven (by interlacing strips), then the edges are folded and the weaving proceeds according to the method described above in mk.

From felt and other fabric

The trick here is that after finishing weaving the felt bottom, an additional strip of felt is placed under the stripes, under and above which the weaving of the basket continues. Then the strip is taken again and so on, until the very end.

A simpler option is offered by this master class, in which the template for the future product is a simple circle in which 16 segments are made along the edge using cuts. The length of the cuts will determine the height of the side. Then in each segment you need to make two holes along the edges using an awl.

Now take a thin rope and first fasten the first 8 segments together (they will be internal). The remaining 8 segments will respectively be external - repeat this operation with them. Then you can decorate the basket with any decorative elements.

My favorite option is with hares. Such textile baskets will definitely impress children and adults. For it you will need to sew the required number of rabbits (in this case 10) according to the presented pattern. Cut them out immediately with tape, stitching the side parts. If you follow the indicated dimensions, the basket will be quite spacious.

The bottom can be made in the same way as in the first master class (put a plastic base between two layers of fabric. Under the fabric, additionally put a layer of padding polyester for softness. The handle can be made from two tightly stuffed fabric tubes.

From dough or polymer clay

For such a product you will only need a large number of flagella, which will twist in pairs. Lay layers of such twisted braids one after another, forming a bottom and then a box (you will need a base). Both in the case of dough and in the case of polymer clay, we bake the structure.

And here is a mini version of a wicker basket.

Available materials (ideas)

In fact, baskets can be made from almost anything, from wire to plastic bottles. As an example - two wire baskets and one decorated with flowers.

Plastic cups and bottles

It would never have occurred to me to think, as it now seems so obvious, that garbage can be used as a basis in the usual sense.

For the first option, you will need a bottle, the top of which must be cut into several segments (the main thing is an odd number). Next, take a satin ribbon and weave it through these segments, as shown in the photo. For the handle, simply wrap the plastic strip with tape.

With a glass it’s even easier - mark the cut border and the border of the petals on it, make cuts and give them the shape of the petals. The structure itself can be painted.

Cups with a smooth surface are more suitable for work.

Both of these options are great if you need to make a craft for children (they often organize competitions for recycling waste).


We have already encountered the use of a tray (or other base). But there it was removed from the structure, unlike in this case. Here you will need a plastic bucket and clothespins. Using glue, attach the clothespins to the bucket and wrap it with a rope. The handle can be made of thick wire, a thin rubber cable or something similar, also wrapped in a rope.

The inside of the structure can be decorated with fabric.

We use threads

Do you remember when we used to make crafts out of balls and threads during labor lessons? You can also create an Easter basket using this method. To do this, wrap the inflated ball with threads, gradually applying glue, after drying, cut holes on both sides to form a handle and decorate.

Another method uses thick cardboard, toothpicks and knitting threads. Secure the toothpicks along the edge by coating them with glue and sticking them into the cardboard. Next, wrap the structure with threads and decorate at the end.

We use twine, jute and rope

Make a pencil basket out of thick rope. The principle is similar to the one used in the master class with polymer clay, only here hooks are periodically made with the previous layers.

Decorate a simple glass plate by wrapping it with a strand of silicone glue. Great idea for rustic decor.

The bottom can be woven separately or together with the main structure.

So, how do you like Easter baskets? Have you got your eye on any?) In any case, subscribe to updates and share your impressions in the comments! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva