
Toasts to my son on his birthday. Category "toasts to son" Toast for 1 year old son's birthday


Only with the birth of a child can you understand that someone’s life can be much more valuable than your own, and someone’s well-being can always come first. Every mother wants her son to be her protector and best friend, to help and share secrets. For dad, a son is pride and continuation of the family line. Every victory of your child is perceived much more joyfully than your own, and in difficult times the parents are always there. Raising a glass on his son’s birthday, every parent wants to say the most important and necessary words that will not be forgotten in a moment, but will remain in the memory as instructions and wise advice. In such a toast you want to put all the love and tenderness for your child. Of course, such a congratulatory speech must be prepared in advance so that at the last moment emotions do not take over, preventing you from saying the main words to your son.

We drink to you, our dear son,
May your Guardian Angel protect you
From various misfortunes, hardships or troubles,
May your home be filled with only joy and light!
We drink to you, be the happiest of all,
Do not encounter any obstacles or obstacles on the way!!!
Son, we raise our glasses to you -
May happiness always accompany you!

Loves music and dancing
The wanderlust is in the blood.
Apparently he was born a wanderer,
Conqueror of the Earth.
They notice about my son,
They say he’s proud and careless,
He just strives for happiness -
And a little impatient.
Let him never know
What is evil-misfortune,
We drink to you, my love,
We are with you forever.

Today we are pulling your ears,
Friends and girlfriends will come to you,
We will drink to you so many times,
You will see us happy,
Over the years you have grown up,
You can answer any question!
Our dear son,
Happy Birthday to You,
And yourself with the fact that we have you!
Grow healthy and make us happy
Your good mood!

This is a life turn!
Everything has changed dramatically!
The birth of a son is not the end,
But only half.
Now raise and educate
Primary task:
What to teach and what to look for -
There is no other way...
I drink so that I will always be in my heart
Source of wise truth,
And so that there is strength to live,
And the son would absorb it.

Son, you are, of course, a wonderful guy,
Frank, honest, smart.
Kind and sociable,
Brave and decisive.
You will walk into the fire without looking,
For a fair purpose.
But a little shy
That's why you look so sternly.
Health and joy to you!
Good changes in fate!

This morning
There is liveliness in the family.
The desired time has come,
Today is my birthday.
Noisy from the clinking of glasses
And holiday gifts.
The culprit is the gift itself.
And to all of us - a gift from the gods.

You have become quite big already,
We come to you with all our hearts,
We wish you a lot of light in life,
We are ready to drink to this,
Look how many relatives there are
They all came to you,
So be you always loved,
Pour them a full glass!

I raise a toast so that my son
And all his friends are his comrades
Do not bend in servility to the strong,
They did not lose their prestige.
Respect worthy opponents
And with whom life would bring you into conflict,
Don't humiliate yourself with your courage
Over those who are helpless and weak.

The courage inherent in fighters
Since childhood, it has settled in your heart.
And sadness does not touch the face,
Only my heart began to beat wildly.
Having outlined a path among earthly roads,
You strive forward - you won’t catch up,
So luck will not leave the way
And it will curl up in the palm of your hand.
We are always with you, my dear son,
In grief or joy of the moment.
Be happy, but not alone.
We drink to you on this birthday!

You want to experience everything in the world,
Travel the whole world, visit everywhere.
Life is boiling in you, like a geyser, in full swing -
You are young, you don’t care about grief!
You often take risks without looking back,
It’s like playing hide and seek with fate.
And often, having lost caution,
To tell the truth, you are breaking firewood.
Listen to someone older than you.
After all, you have upset us so often.
But, children, we love you more than all of us.
And now we drink to the happiness of your days!

My verse carries far away
And in his sincere lines
I wish you - what?
To be both cheerful and strong,
So that life flows like a wise dream,
So that joy grows every day,
So that there is no end to happiness!
And we will be for you again
Raise your glasses loudly!

I want to wish you, daughter, that you will always be kind, beautiful, purposeful, that all the good that is in you will develop, and that your shortcomings will disappear by themselves - unnoticed. On your birthday, I want to say that the best thing in a girl is modesty, which ennobles her.
So be noble! For you, daughter!

If by the age of forty a person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares. Let's drink to the children!

Gentlemen! Today there are many young people among the guests who have everything ahead of them. Sometimes young people don’t know what to want and what to strive for. So let's have a drink and wish them the main thing - a kind attitude towards people. This is the most profitable investment of your spiritual capital.

The general had a grandson. The general sends an adjutant to the maternity hospital:
- Find out who you look like.
- At you, Comrade General! The same bald, red, pot-bellied man, he doesn’t understand anything and yells all the time!
Let your child inherit only good things from you!

In ancient times, there lived a married couple, they had children for whom they wanted a better life. They earned their bread through hard work. And no matter how much they wanted the best for their children, nothing worked out for them.
And these children grew up with children. And they wanted a better life for their children. But they didn’t succeed either.
And this continued from generation to generation.
Let's drink so that at least our children or our children's children will have the same share that our parents' parents dreamed of!

I want to wish you, daughter, that you find your betrothed, never know loneliness and never sit waiting alone!

“My son, he has his own mind,” people say. This is true. Never be ashamed of your parents, love them, treat them with understanding.
Let's drink to our son!

I want to drink so that our son learns not from his own mistakes, but from others. It's difficult, but possible. Try, dear!

The son asked his dad:
- Did man really descend from a monkey?
- They say.
- Why are there still gorillas?
- They turned out to be smarter.
Let's drink to development!

For my beloved, beautiful, charming and attractive, obedient and generous, affectionate and gentle - for my daughter. “The dear child has many names! »

As the great Schiller said: “Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them.”
Let's drink to our children being better than their teachers and getting rid of parental shortcomings. After all, this is the dream of all parents!

After the New Year's holiday, the father says to his son:
“You are already an adult, son, and you must understand that there is no Santa Claus.” It was me.
- Yes, dad, I know. After all, the stork is you too.
For our children - smart, quick-witted and quick-witted!

The Hungarian writer Etles said: “Children see the past in their parents, but parents see the future in their children, and if parents always have more love for their children than children for their parents, then this is sad, but at the same time natural. Who loves his hopes more than his memories?
Let's raise a glass to our future!

One little girl dreamed that when she grew up, she would become a princess and live in a fairy tale, where good always triumphs over evil, where people love each other and understand each other perfectly, where there is no sadness and grief. But over time, the girl learned with regret that fairy tales do not exist, and the world is cruel and unfair. Let's drink to our little princess. And although there are no fairy tales, let our girl be surrounded in life only by good friends and good people, so that luck and happiness hold her under both hands, and everything, even the most fabulous wishes, will surely come true!

One of the eastern sages said: “It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself.”
I want to wish my son to know himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy birthday son!

When a person is born, God descends from heaven and kisses the newborn child. A kiss on the head means the person will be a scientist or a philosopher; a kiss on the hand means a craftsman or musician; a kiss on the leg means an athlete or dancer. So let's drink to the fact that at the birth of our children, God will never kiss their ass!

“I don’t know what to do with my son, he’s so unreliable,” the father admitted to a friend.
“Get him a job in the meteorological service,” a friend suggested.
I want to wish you, son, a different profession - a reliable one! Happiness and health to you! Happy birthday!

“The father’s habits - both good and bad - turn into children’s vices,” said Klyuchevsky and he was right. I always tried to become better, realizing that the better I am, the better my son will be. I hope I succeeded to some extent.
I want to congratulate you, son, on your birthday. And on this wonderful day, so joyful for us, your parents, I wish you to be persistent in achieving your goal, not to become limp in case of success, but to become even more collected in order to storm the peak of your dreams with new energy.
I raise this glass to you, son!

Son, you have a child whom you will raise on your own. “Punish children with shame, not with a whip! “- knowledgeable people assure. Let's drink to the new father and to his ability to cope with the difficult responsibilities that have increased with the birth of the baby.

One person was asked: what do you think life is like? This is what he replied:
Up to 5 years - happy,
From 10 to 15 years old - carefree,
From 15 to 20 - excellent,
From 20 to 30 - beautiful,
From 30 to 40 - joyful,
From 40 to 50 - good,
From 50 to 60 - normal,
From 60 to 70 - carefree.
May this baby's life always be relatively happy and carefree!

They say that everything we do with our hands is sinful! So let's drink to our children!

Our children are the most precious thing in the universe, so let’s drink to the most precious and priceless thing for our children!

The Japanese leader's tour of the country is coming to an end. At the plane's ramp
Our journalists surrounded him and asked:
- What did you like most about our country?
- I liked the children.
- What else did you like?
-You have wonderful children.
- We love children too. What did you especially like?
- The most beautiful thing about you is your children! And what you do with your hands is very, very bad!
So let's drink to our children!

We have two children, they are very different: “they are not the same children from the same womb,” but we love them equally. No matter which finger you cut off, it hurts the same. So it is with you, children, that it is difficult for us to part with you, even for a day. Let's drink to our kids!

What to do if children sit on your neck?
- don’t worry, it’s even harder to carry them in your arms.
Let's drink to the priceless burden that we will carry with us all our lives.
For our children!

Only in old age is a person able to see and understand how fleeting and difficult human life is. Let's drink to our children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren living happily ever after.

The medieval Chinese sage Xu Xuemo said: “A man is stronger than a woman, but he gives up before a grumpy wife. Parents inspire more respect than their children, but they lose dignity in front of disobedient children.”
Let's drink to our children! Let them protect the dignity of their children!

“To give birth to children is not to break branches.” You were difficult for me, it was difficult for me to raise you alone. I am sure that you will never do anything bad. You, daughter and son, are my closest people. You are beautiful, smart. So let's drink to your health!

“Life is a turbulent river with many sharp turns and pitfalls, bordered by rocky banks of sadness, blooming gardens of joy and unremarkable plains of everyday life. By setting sail along it, a person becomes the captain of the ship of his destiny. The more hardened and educated this captain is, the more controllable his ship will be and the less the stormy current of life will carry him to the reefs of misfortune, and then he will not suffer shipwreck. You should be prepared in advance for the fact that the ship will be overgrown with shells of troubles and sorrows, slowing down its progress towards the pier of prosperity and joy, that the captain himself will have to fight such phenomena personally, often having to land on the rocky shores of sadness and the gray shores of everyday life.
These troubles and misfortunes should be perceived as a natural pattern, and not as some kind of accident or evil fate. The captain’s comprehensive preparedness is an indispensable condition in order to safely navigate the river of life,” said Zufar Fatkundinov. Let's drink to our son being a good captain, and his ship always sailing with the flow of a happy river!

Dear daughter, you always said that you wished you had a character like me, your father. I want to confess to you that I have a bad character, and I need to show a lot of willpower to curb it. I believe that your kind, gentle, feminine character is your “capital”, with which it will be easier for you to go through life. For, as the Japanese proverb says: “The apparent softness of dignity hides a thousand possibilities.”
I want to wish you to take advantage of these opportunities and achieve your dreams! For you, my daughter!

“The family begins with children,” believed A.I. Herzen. So let's drink to them, to the children!

I propose to drink so that on the path of life, there will always be a blue sky above our children, a peaceful sun shining and a green traffic light. And so that we never feel shame for raising and raising them.

We drink to you, our dear son,
May your Guardian Angel protect you
From various misfortunes, hardships or troubles,
May your home be filled with only joy and light!
We drink to you, be the happiest of all,
Do not encounter any obstacles or obstacles on the way!!!
Son, we raise our glasses to you -
May happiness always accompany you!

Loves music and dancing
The wanderlust is in the blood.
Apparently he was born a wanderer,
Conqueror of the Earth.
They notice about my son,
They say he’s proud and careless,

And a little impatient.
Let him never know
What is evil-misfortune,
We drink to you, my love,
We are with you forever.

Today we are pulling your ears,
Friends and girlfriends will come to you,
We will drink to you so many times,
You will see us happy,
Over the years you have grown up,
You can answer any question!
Our dear son,
Happy Birthday to You,
And yourself with the fact that we have you!
Grow healthy and make us happy
Your good mood!

This is a life turn!
Everything has changed dramatically!
The birth of a son is not the end,
But only half.
Now raise and educate
Primary task:
What to teach and what to look for -
There is no other way...
I drink so that I will always be in my heart
Source of wise truth,
And so that there is strength to live,
And the son would absorb it.

Son, you are, of course, a wonderful guy,
Frank, honest, smart.
Kind and sociable,
Brave and decisive.
You will walk into the fire without looking,
For a fair purpose.
But a little shy
That's why you look so sternly.
Health and joy to you!
Good changes in fate!

This morning
There is liveliness in the family.
The desired time has come,
Today is my birthday.
Noisy from the clinking of glasses
And holiday gifts.
The culprit is the gift itself.
And to all of us - a gift from the gods.

You have become quite big already,
We come to you with all our hearts,
We wish you a lot of light in life,
We are ready to drink to this,
Look how many relatives there are
They all came to you,
So be you always loved,
Pour them a full glass!

I raise a toast so that my son
And all his friends are his comrades
Do not bend in servility to the strong,
They did not lose their prestige.
Respect worthy opponents
And with whom life would bring you into conflict,
Don't humiliate yourself with your courage
Over those who are helpless and weak.

Happy birthday greetings,
Son, take it quickly
And to the birthday table
Seat your guests!
Raise your glass
Will you be drunk today?
From speeches and wishes,
Amazing confessions!
Well, I'll tell you,
I treasure you!

Be happy on this day.
Joyful, playful.
I’m not too lazy to congratulate you,
With a very strong feeling.
After all, this happens once a year,
There is pleasure
Raise a glass, a good reason,
On your birthday.

We wish you, dear
So that the road leads upward,
The greatest love - one,
There are many wonderful friends!
Good luck - there would be no end,
More pleasure...
Yes - I remembered, son, mother - father
Not just on birthdays!
Know: we praise our son in every toast
And we always look forward to visiting you with our beloved!

Raise our glasses and drink to the bottom,
After all, life is given to everyone as a reward.
Today, relatives wish with love
You have a lot of happiness, good luck, health!
And they believe that your life will always be
Full of nobility, hope and work!

Beautiful toasts for your son's birthday

A sea of ​​gifts, bouquets of flowers,
Clear, bright dawn in the sky.
Many warm and sincere words -
All this will not be in vain today.
Your birthday is a holiday for everyone.
Mom, friends and relatives will congratulate you.
Toasts, champagne, dancing and laughter
In honor of a very special day.
Like a long-awaited gift of fate
You were born once upon a time.
May heaven protect you from harm
At least a hundred joyful years.

Take it, our beloved son,
Our hero of dreams, vivid dreams,
You are a couple of lines from us in that toast
Congratulations and wishes!
We conceived you in great love,
You were born pink, weak and small...
In the middle of the night they warmed and rocked,
Now, he has grown up - he has become big and strong!
Always treat us with love and respect -
Well done to the elders, always respect...
We drink, wishing you on your birthday
The blessings of the earth, but not contrary!
And most importantly: no frills -
Mutual love and children like you!

My son, I am happy and rightfully proud,
You have grown, matured and become a man,
Today I want to make a toast to glory,
In honor of your birth - a glorious reason!
I'll say it like a man - be strong,
Try to be wise and respect people
Then your deeds will rain abundantly,
The desired moisture will smooth out the heat of your soul!
You mean so much to me in life,
I sincerely love you, dreaming of only one thing,
So that your home is always with good luck,
And the voices of the children did not subside in him!

On your birthday, let me make a toast,
So that your tail doesn't fall off from boredom.
So that there is always a ray in your life,
So that I can get rid of mental clouds.
Climbing the mountains, the traveler froze in place,
He met those who wished him harm and revenge.
He did not run away from them, but acted wisely,
He hugged them, apologized and forgave them.

The son is born! Congratulations!
Let's drink it to your health!
We wish you a lot of strength,
Tender love in my heart,
Have some patience
To raise my son,
And a little bit of luck,
To guess the course of life.

All the best, good luck, happiness
To be healthy and strong.
Give back when necessary
To love your parents
For my son, for good luck
I raise my cup!

Our toast is clear
For any people
The number of its repetitions is uncountable:
We drink to the children -
Successors of the family,
So that the tree of life
It bloomed forever!

It's my son's birthday!
Now there is a reason to drink!
For your health, son,
I drink with great love!
For your good luck, son,
So that you give change to your enemies!
To make life clear,
Always stay afloat!

I raise a toast to my son!
Happy birthday!
Much happiness to you!
Mischievous mood!
Peace, bliss and tranquility!
May love be with you!
Let on the road of life
Your legs won't get tired!

I hasten to congratulate my son now!
And drinking is an important reason!
Happy birth to you, son!
May God help you!
Let it be easy on the road!
Let people respect you!
Let happiness sparkle on your face,
Love flies to you like a bird!
So that you are honest and modest,
Well-mannered and tireless!
So that everyone can argue,
And life has always been sweet!

Son, congratulations
Happy birthday to you!
I raise this glass
For your luck!
I wish you success
Caresses, serenity,
Love, harmony, peace.
May the angels be with you!
May joy always knock on your home,
Love flies into the heart like a bird.
And may you always be healthy,
And you won’t forget mom and dad!

Dear and sweet son!
You are the only one in the world!
Here's to you on your birthday!
I drink your luck to yours!
Be successful and beautiful!
Be kind, always happy!
Strength and health to you!
Made friends with love!

On your birthday, son,
May God bless!
Well, I wish you love,
And I raise this glass!
To be always loved,
Affectionate, unique!
You were kind, young!
Let the sorrows go up in smoke!

The courage inherent in fighters
Since childhood, it has settled in your heart.
And sadness does not touch the face,
Only my heart began to beat wildly.
Having outlined a path among earthly roads,
You strive forward - you won’t catch up,
So luck will not leave the way
And it will curl up in the palm of your hand.
We are always with you, my dear son,
In grief or joy of the moment.
Be happy, but not alone.
We drink to you on this birthday!

For your further successes,
For your beautiful eyes,
Less sadness, more laughter,
The son is more mature, yes!
Our dear, today,
The most important day in the world
Happiness, joy, health,
Let the shadow of grief recede!
We'll be close to you,
We will always help you,
Happy birthday son,
We drink to the bottom for you!

I drink to the bottom for you,

I will support you, my dear,
Whatever I can do to help, I will help,
I wish that you don’t know troubles,

You are my hope and support,
You are my son, you are my life,
I wish the sea happiness
So that you do not know troubles and evil!
Be successful my son,
Troubles don't concern you
Happy birthday, little blood,
I drink to you today!

Loves music and dancing
The wanderlust is in the blood.
Apparently he was born a wanderer,
Conqueror of the Earth.
They notice about my son,
They say he’s proud and careless,
He just strives for happiness -
And a little impatient.
Let him never know
What is evil-misfortune,
We drink to you, my love,
We are with you forever.

We wish our dear son
So that you never lose heart in life,
After all, you deserve better - we know
And we want you to be happy.
May your dream come true
Let any business promise success,
And surrounded by joyful faces,
And the Lord himself will bless you!

I drink to the bottom for you,
And I want to wish you happiness,
Whether it's a storm, a blizzard or a thunderstorm,
I will always be with you, my son!
I will support you, my dear,
Whatever I can do to help, I will help,
I wish that you don’t know troubles,
Every day to greet you with a smile!

For your further successes,
For your beautiful eyes,
Less sadness, more laughter,
The son is more mature, yes!
Our dear, today,
The most important day in the world
Happiness, joy, health,
Let the shadow of grief recede!
We'll be close to you,
We will always help you,
Happy birthday son,
We drink to the bottom for you!

Toasts for your son's birthday in prose

I want to tell you this parable:
“One day an old cat met a little kitten who was trying to catch up with its tail. When asked why he was doing this, the kid replied: “They told me that my happiness is in my tail. So I want to catch him.” The cat smiled and told him: “Silly, you know, in my youth I also tried to “catch happiness by the tail.” I didn’t eat, didn’t drink, but kept chasing after this illusory happiness. Nothing worked out for me, then I quit this business and hit the road. And do you know what happened? My tail is always with me, and that means my happiness too...”
I want to congratulate you on your holiday and toast you to strive for your goals in your life. if you succeed, then you will be happy.

My parents had an only son, and the time had come for him to get married. The father gave him three arrows, the son went out into the field and shot them one by one from a bow. One arrow hit the merchant gate, the second hit the boyar gate, and the third hit the peasant gate. The son looked at 3 brides and chose the smartest and most beautiful. If there were three sons, each would get an arrow, and no one would be able to choose. Let's drink to freedom of choice!

There is such a belief: if the eastern wind blows at the moment of the birth of a child, then it will bring wisdom, if the western wind - hard work and perseverance. The north wind will give your baby such qualities as courage and bravery, and the south wind will give your child tenderness, softness and charm. But on the day when your wonderful baby was born, all the winds were able to meet and transfer these qualities to him. Let's raise our glasses to the young mom and dad and their wonderful son!

I'll tell you a parable:
“The little boy picked up a firefly and asked his mother in surprise what kind of bug it was. Mom replied that this bug only shines at night. It is very small, but it helps other people not to get lost, their light calms them down if they become scared and lonely. The boy was happy and said: “I also want to be a firefly.” Mom answered him: “Baby, if you do good and give love, then the light of your heart will warm other people, and your flashlight will become brighter and warmer. Do good and love and then you will become a firefly.”
Let's drink to our wonderful we, who has become a whole year older and smarter. Children, like no one else, are sincere and kind, so it is so important to preserve these qualities for a long time.

Son, my father and I have invested a lot of effort in you. We have always tried to give you the best education, tried to provide you with love and care. We denied ourselves something for your sake. Our love for you knows no bounds. Your birthday is great and the best holiday for our whole family. Raising my glass, I wish to drink so that you have the same strong family. Let your children make you happy and receive from you the best that you can give them. Therefore, son, here’s to you and your bright future!

They say that children do not choose their parents. It seems to me that this is not so. I think my son chose me. After all, he is such a smart and wonderful boy. Looking at him, I am amazed at his abilities. Every day I thank God that I have such a son. Son, raising a glass on your birthday. I want to drink to you being an angel, so that you never get into trouble. Let love be your driving force, let it inspire you and never allow you to do bad and thoughtless things!

Son, now I understand why your favorite color is green. This is the color of nature, which created you in the best way. Therefore, I wish you more green pieces of paper with large numbers, more green signals on the path of your life and green fireworks and balls, like today!

It is true what they say that an intelligent face is not always a sign of intelligence. They also say that it is with such a face that the biggest stupid things are done. Therefore, I want to wish you, son, that there would always be a smile on your face, and that your soul would be calm and joyful!

Son, today you have become an adult, now we will no longer be with you, you will begin your own, independent and hopefully happy life, on the path to happiness you may encounter many obstacles, but they will not stop you, I know, happy birthday.

No matter how old you are, for your parents you will always remain their son. It `s naturally. You are courageous and purposeful, so don’t lose these qualities in yourself, they are so needed in life. You are a cheerful person, and this makes me very happy. Son, stay as you are now: confident, cheerful, interesting. This is exactly how we love you. Happy birthday!

Every year you become older and more mature, and soon you will become an adult. We are very proud that such a smart boy is growing up under our care. Grow up to be as smart as you are and don’t give us reasons to be upset. I wish you health and strength to make all your dreams come true. I have already realized mine, and now I am celebrating the next birthday of my dream. Happy Birthday.

One of the eastern sages said: “It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself.”
I want to wish my son to know himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. For you, my son!

Son, happy birthday. I have waited so long for the moment to tell you these wonderful words of congratulations. I wish you to love firmly, do the right thing, choose only the best. Listen to the advice of adults, respect the opinions of others. For you to the bottom!

My dear and beloved son, happy birthday! You are my greatest joy and pride! Always remain the same decent and responsive! Let all the brightest things that human life is rich in come true in your destiny!

Dear son! On your birthday, we wish you a full life, warmed by the warmth of family and friendly ties, good health, great strength and courage to accomplish a huge number of good deeds. We wish you to become a happy father and wise grandfather.
For you, dear!

Dear son! Dad and I love you very much. You are our pride and hope. You and dad are a ray of light in our window. We congratulate you today and wish you to be an amazing person, son, friend and father in life. You still have many responsible roles ahead of you. Implement them with dignity and do not behave freely. Happy birthday, son!

What do parents usually wish for their children? Of course all the best. So I wish you, son, all the best things that exist on Earth: health, happiness, love, kindness, warmth, joy, inspiration, smiles, success, prosperity... May everything in your life be wonderful! Happy birthday!

It would seem that just recently
They brought you in a blue envelope,
Sometimes you cried at night,
We carefully kept your dreams.
Now my son has grown up,
And he’s already sitting at the table,
And at night she no longer cries,
He sleeps peacefully and quietly in bed.
Son, on your birthday,
I want to raise a glass to your success,
I wish you to have no doubts,
I wish you not to suffer in life,
And so that everything is just perfect,
To love and be loved,
So that the sun shines clearly,
And so that you have enough strength for everything!

When heaven gives a child, it is a great joy for mom and dad. And if this is a son, the parents receive the future man and the task of raising him worthy of this title. I want to drink to our son, to our gift from Fate, and to his wonderful masculine qualities. Happy Birthday honey.

Dear son, today on your birthday, I want to wish you to be grateful for what you already have and then God will definitely give you what you are missing! Appreciate what you have and hope for the best!

You are my hope and support,
You are my son, you are my life,
I wish the sea happiness
So that you do not know troubles and evil!

Be successful my son,
Troubles don't concern you
Happy birthday, little blood,
I drink to you today!

What can I wish for you son?
A year has flown by so quickly,
And we all gathered together,
And stock up on congratulations!

I wish you well
You will always be a man,
And keep promises
And never lose heart!

May you be happy, my son,
You are my good one, I love you,
Today I'll drink to you
Don't ever be sad!

Dear son, my ray of sunshine, happy birthday to you. With all my heart I wish to show good results in my creativity, studies, and other matters. Let's drink to that!

My beloved, beloved son, today is your holiday - your birthday! I hasten to tell you a few words: be loved, tolerant and kind, no matter to whom - to everyone. After all, how you treat people is how they will treat you. Good journey to you, dear boy!

Son, happy birthday. I have waited so long for the moment to tell you these wonderful words of congratulations. I wish you to love firmly, do the right thing, choose only the best. Listen to the advice of adults, respect the opinions of others. For you to the bottom!

I drink to the bottom for you,
And I want to wish you happiness,
Whether it's a storm, a blizzard or a thunderstorm,
I will always be with you, my son!

I will support you, my dear,
Whatever I can do to help, I will help,
I wish that you don’t know troubles,
Every day to greet you with a smile!

Don't try to catch happiness by the tail. What is given by fate will come on its own when it is needed. Walk towards your goal confidently, in slow steps. And if you need it, always ask your loved ones for help. Happiness to you and faith in tomorrow!

Toasts to my son on his birthday
New toasts. A set of the best table toasts for your son’s birthday in verse and prose on the PozdravOK.RU website. Choose the words for your Happy Birthday toast ahead of time - you will always be ready for the feast!


Toasts to son on his birthday from mom and dad

The best beautiful toasts for the birthday boy or girl in your own words - funny, good and interesting wishes, original, cool and simple:

Son, now I understand why your favorite color is green. This is the color of nature, which created you in the best way. Therefore, I wish you more green pieces of paper with large numbers, more green signals on the path of your life and green fireworks and balls, like today!

It is true what they say that an intelligent face is not always a sign of intelligence. They also say that it is with such a face that the biggest stupid things are done. Therefore, I want to wish you, son, that there would always be a smile on your face, and that your soul would be calm and joyful!

Son, today you have become an adult, now we will no longer be with you, you will begin your own, independent and hopefully happy life, on the path to happiness you may encounter many obstacles, but they will not stop you, I know, happy birthday.

No matter how old you are, for your parents you will always remain their son. It `s naturally. You are courageous and purposeful, so don’t lose these qualities in yourself, they are so needed in life. You are a cheerful person, and this makes me very happy. Son, stay as you are now: confident, cheerful, interesting. This is exactly how we love you. Happy birthday!

Every year you become older and more mature, and soon you will become an adult. We are very proud that such a smart boy is growing up under our care. Grow up to be as smart as you are and don’t give us reasons to be upset. I wish you health and strength to make all your dreams come true. I have already realized mine, and now I am celebrating the next birthday of my dream. Happy Birthday.

Dear son. Today is your birthday. years is a very important age in your life. We sincerely wish you to grow up healthy, strong, beautiful, responsible and loving. Happy birthday, dear son!

Son, learn in life not to focus on problems, not to notice the bad, to admit and correct your mistakes, to be honest everywhere and with everyone, to improve yourself every day. In short, I, like Lenin, wish you to study, study and study again. Happy birthday!

Son, you have become another year older, but despite this, for us you will forever remain a little toddler whom we love dearly. I wish you health, son, and success in everything!

I invite everyone to drink their glass to the bottom for my beautiful son! Drain them so that everything in his life is not just good, but excellent. And achieving what he wanted, he would be surrounded by people who love him!

Toasts for my son's birthday

Every parent’s birthday is perceived by any parent as a personal holiday. This day carries great responsibility, because the parents largely determine how full and vivid emotions the birthday boy will receive as a result of the celebration. Therefore, your main task here will not just be to attend the celebration, but to do everything possible to bring bright, rich colors and something unusual into it.

It is quite clear that you will not come empty-handed. Surely you have already figured out what to give your son and what congratulatory words to say to him. But have you ever thought about what will happen next during the feast? And we will tell you. There people will make toasts, and sooner or later it will be your turn. You as a parent will have something special to say. Something that will be able to be etched in your son’s memory for many years. And if you can’t come up with anything worthwhile on your own, or at least it seems so to you, then try to find a suitable toast option on our website. has collected for you in this section a wide collection of congratulatory toasts that are publicly available to you. Take any toast for your son’s birthday and give him joy and sincere love!

I make this toast to the best, irreplaceable, dear man: son, remain positive, desirable, smart and hardworking, beautiful, strong, strong-willed. And in the future we will love everyone. We are unshakable in our reasoning and maintain our steely self-control.

Mom's tenderness and father's pride, no matter how old you become, you will be our favorite boy. May life protect you from troubles. Happy birthday to you, son. For your luck and happiness, youth and energy.

Dear son. Today you are turning one year old - a very important age in your life. We sincerely wish you to grow up healthy, strong, beautiful, responsible and loving. Happy birthday, dear son!

I raise a toast so that my son
And all his friends are his comrades
Do not bend in servility to the strong,
They did not lose their prestige.

Respect worthy opponents
And with whom life would bring you into conflict,
Don't humiliate yourself with your courage
Over those who are helpless and weak.

You have become quite big already,
We come to you with all our hearts,
We wish you a lot of light in life,
We are ready to drink to this.

Look how many relatives there are
They all came to you,
So be you always loved,
Pour them a full glass!

We drink to you, our dear son,
May your Guardian Angel protect you
From various misfortunes, hardships or troubles,
May your home be filled with only joy and light!

We drink to you, be the happiest of all,
Do not encounter any obstacles or obstacles on the way!
Son, we raise our glasses to you -
May happiness always accompany you!

Toasts for my son's birthday
I make this toast to the best, irreplaceable, dear man: son, remain positive, desirable, smart and hardworking, beautiful, strong, strong-willed. And in the future we will love everyone. Russ

Parents are the dearest people who will support us at any moment and will be with us all our lives. And how often it happens - we forget to tell them how much we love and appreciate them.

An excellent occasion to tell your family everything that is in your heart and to thank them for everything are family feasts in honor of a birthday, anniversary, etc. If you want to make a touching toast, you can use ready-made texts into which you put your soul.

According to the rules of the feast, the third toast is dedicated to the parents, but you can pronounce it for your closest people and more often - they will be pleased. In the article you will find the most beautiful and touching toasts for living and deceased parents, as well as for mom, dad, grandparents.

Parents are the most honored guests

So, another family celebration is approaching... Of course, parents will definitely be invited to the celebration. These people are the most honored guests. They are always given special attention and given a warm welcome. It’s not surprising, because they are our honor and pride, heroes of past events, people who gave us life.

A toast to parents pronounced at a holiday should be distinguished by soulfulness and sincerity. Kind, well-chosen words can even bring tears to the eyes of those present, bringing back memories of a happy childhood and the care of mothers and fathers.

A good toast to parents - a speech from grateful children

How to choose the necessary phrases? The main thing is that they come from the heart.

  • A toast to our parents should mention that it is to them that we are born, it is they who educate and raise us, it is to them that we turn for help in the most difficult moments in life.
  • That is, you need to express your deep gratitude to your parents.

These people play a vital role in our lives. How many sorrows and sorrows they experienced with us, how many times they helped us out and supported us, it would seem, so independent and already adults!

Nevertheless, they always forgive us for everything, always love us and are close to us. We shouldn’t forget about those who gave us the opportunity to be born and walk under this sky.

Toasts to both parents

Toast 1

I propose a toast to the parents of our dear N. They are the creators and producers of her wonderful qualities, her mind. Let's greet them and wish them many years of happy life!

Toast 2

Our life is full of achievements and adversities, ups and downs. But we always remember to count on the support of our parents. With our own hands we take the first steps. Parents come to us when he arrives, even with hope. Let's take constant reliability for mother and father, hands!

Toast 3

Mothers give our spirit warmth, fathers give light. For this warmth and light, we will take it!

Toast 4

“Parenting is more difficult. You think: well, now it’s over! It wasn’t like that: it’s just beginning!” - this is how Lermontov spoke about all the vicissitudes of education.

Reminds us of the folk wisdom that says: “Little children, little troubles. Big kids are serious problems.” So, my dears, we are in trouble: children are for life. I want to drink because of my parents, and for the fact that his hard lifelong work brought wonderful and gratitude!

Toast 5

Filling a glass (which one is there?),
I ask you to put down your devices
And remind parents to care,
About everything that gives them a chance to survive.
You know, raising children is not easy,
And to go through life is not to cross a field,
And your children, but already adults,
But more importantly, keep going.
So come on, let's raise our glasses
We are for those who Levante this beautiful couple!
My deepest regards to you, thank you very much
Because they knew neither sleep nor peace.

Toast 6

No matter what event happens in life, there are always two who will share both joy and sadness with you. They will listen about successes without envy and will sincerely support you in case of failure. We turn to them for advice, and for support, for a gentle look and warm hugs. - For the parents!

Toast 7

Mom and Dad I want you to raise your glasses!
Let time multiply your strength!
So that music is most often in your home
And all the years that he led badly!

Toast 8

As long as our parents are alive, we remain children. Long life to our parents!

Toast 9

There is a proverb: why know if you don’t know. Why know if you don't do it? So let's drink to those who knew him, knew him, did him! - For the parents!

Toast 10

In adolescence there was a step
But childhood has flown away - don’t call me.
I propose a toast to mom and dad
As a sign of respect and eternal love.
For your support and kind views,
For your teaching and your warmth!
You don't need to wish for the best parents:
I am with you, family, and so lucky!

Toast 11

For the birthday girl, it seems
We've already drunk...
The second toast was, with whom,
For a simpler and lighter soul?
Nature pours buds
Before that, the fruit is the color.
That the world gave a miracle daughter,
What's better in the world?
They themselves are happy about success
Always, “from a young age,” thuja!
Parents! We are rewarded
Words of love, you only have two!
Forget about problems, troubles, pain,
Warm, comfortable, take, light,
Love and be loved
God willing, decades!

Toast 12

Movement of planets and stars -
Wonderful game.
Anytime it's a bridge
From morning until yesterday.
My toast now is very simple:
Parents, here's to you!
Your path will be joyful
And the stars - every hour!

Toast 13

Well we live
Or are we living badly?
There is one thing that always
It caresses and warms.
And, of course, this is -
Parental home:
There's nothing sweeter
There is nothing more dear.
And today we gathered
At this table
We open our toast
For my father's house!

Toast 14

I want to raise my glass to those who gave us life. For those whose meaning of life is us. For those who value their happiness more than their own. For those who will always protect, help, take pity and warm love. For you, dear parents! Live happily ever after!

Toast 15

Dad mom! I want that if the wind came into their destinies and the rain began, there would be a wind of luck, and rain, positive emotions. Good weather to you both indoors and outdoors.

Toast 16

There will be no sadness
It doesn't solve problems
Stay like this
As is, forever.
Joy in the home and happiness
They gave me a year.
A father must be strong
And the mother is young!

Toast 17

So that the star shines brighter for him, the sun is warmer! Well, we, his children, will simply try to create comfort in our lives! Dad and Mom are here for you!

Toast 18

“Every person is always someone’s child,” he said. This is a truth that no one will argue with.
I propose a toast to parents and children, for their understanding.

Toast 19

Dates like this are not celebrated often.
But if it’s time to celebrate this day,
We sincerely wish you a lot of happiness,
And with it health, joy, goodness.
So be protected by fate in future!
On your golden wedding day
We wish you love and peace,
The soul is forever young!

Toast 20

Dear Parents!
Health, joy, happiness
Friendship with you every hour.
Ask for harsh climate conditions
Some people ignore you.
That nothing upsets you,
Doesn't apply, unfortunately.
May nature give you
Life in the coming years!

Toast 21

The girl asks the young man:
– Did you ask my dad for permission for our marriage?
- Yes. She called me on the phone and he replied: “I don’t know who said that, but I don’t mind.”
Let's drink to the parents who rely entirely on their children!

Toast 22

Glory, praise and honor to the parents!
I think the people will agree
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
We wish you health and happiness!

Toast 23

A young man fell in love with a girl of a different nationality. I decided to marry her. The girl said: “I will marry you, but first do a hundred things for me.” The guy began to fulfill her whims.

  • First she made him climb a rock without a single ledge.
  • Then jump off that cliff. The young man jumped off and broke his leg.
  • Then she told him to walk and not limp.
  • And there were other tasks: to swim across the river and not get your hands wet; stop the enraged horse and bring him to his knees; cut the apple that the girl placed on her chest. The guy completed ninety-nine tasks. There's only one thing left.

Then the girl said: “Now forget your mother and father, and your language.” Without thinking for long, the young man jumped on his horse, waved his whip and rode off forever.

This toast is to never forget those who gave us life, and to our native language.

Toast 24

A meeting was held in one Georgian village.

  • First, the first secretary of the district committee spoke:
    - Genatsvale, you worked hard for our Soviet Motherland, and the party has not forgotten you - you all see the banner of the foremost workers, which was awarded to you according to your merits. But one thing worries me - you don’t have a club... Where do you celebrate holidays with the sweet speeches of the toastmaster? Where do you listen to the smart stories of our respected lecturer? Where do you finally come to meetings to talk about the glorious deeds of the party? In this barn you can only moo... I propose to raise money and build a club... Do you agree?
    - No! No! - the residents answered unanimously.
    The secretary shrugged and sat down resentfully.
  • The chairman of the district executive committee continued the meeting:
    - I understand you - fame would make anyone’s head spin, I know that... But don’t forget! The party offers you a way out on how to raise culture in your village... And how do you respond? And already with a threat in his voice: “So you will collect money for the construction of the club?”
    - No! No! - everyone answered unanimously.
  • Finally, the secretary of the local party organization stood up and raised his hand, demanding attention:
    -Do you remember what Grandmother Aniko told her granddaughter before the wedding?
    - We remember! We remember! — those gathered answered in the same unanimous manner.
    - So will you collect money for the club?
    - We will! We will! - Everyone answered readily and began to disperse.

After the meeting, as usual, they organized a feast and the first, giving a friendly pat on the shoulder of the collective farm secretary, praised him:
- It's time to promote you, dear! So what did old Aniko say to her granddaughter?
- Yes, everyone here knows this... Before the wedding, the granddaughter came to her grandmother for advice: which side should she lie next to her husband so that it would be comfortable...
- Well, so what?
“And the wise Aniko says to her: “Don’t be a granddaughter, he’ll take what’s his!”
So let's drink to the wisdom of the old people.

Toast 24

In one city there was a bullfight. The two bulls prepared for a mortal battle, but it was noticeable that their strength was not equal.

One was very large, the other was very small and fragile. Everyone understood that the healthy one would win.

But when they approached at a run, the healthy one knelt before the fragile one.
Why? He recognized his father in him.

So let’s drink so that even as adults, we will not be ashamed to kneel before our parents.

Toasts to mom

Toast 1

When a child has a tummy ache, the mother will kiss him and everything will go away. When he scratches his knee, mom will kiss him and the pain will subside. When he comes sad, mom will kiss him and he becomes a little more cheerful. So let's drink to mothers, whose tenderness heals all diseases.

Toast 2

No one in the world deserves all the wealth, all the happiness and love, except for one single person - mother. Mom is an angel from heaven, mom is the foundation of the family, mom is the best friend who will always understand and console. This is the hardy person who takes care of and educates us, loving and pampering us. So let's drink to mom, because she deserves all the best in this world.

Toast 3

My mother is my guide to this life. She gave me the whole world, taught me to live in it, helped me when trouble happened. My mother is my savior, helper and guardian angel. I want to raise this glass to the best person on this planet, to my mom!

Toast 4

Oh, how much tenderness is inside when we say “mom”... I’m always proud of you, dear... And even if you scold me from time to time, it’s not out of malice... I know it myself... We learn the value of lessons later, having left the family, having grown up... Ah, I want it like in childhood, mom... At a time when there are no adult problems.

Toast 5

This woman is exemplary, gentle, neat, sweet, caring, protective, giving her whole soul free of charge and putting a piece of her dimensionless heart into us, children. Exactly, mom, it’s all you. For you!

Toast 6

All I need in life, mom, is for you to be happy. Hear your ringing laughter, see your beautiful smile. I dream of always feeling your warmth and that you never grow old!

Toast 7

Dear mommy! Today, on your birthday, I would like to sincerely wish you the most quiet, cozy and dear happiness! May it always be by your side, just as we, your family and friends, will be by your side!

Toast 8

Dear mommy! I want to raise this glass to you. Always be full of optimism! Be cheerful and always in a good mood, because it suits you so well. And let others, but not you, turn their book of life into a book of complaints and suggestions!

Toast 9

My beloved mom, thank you very much for all the work you put into us. Let's drink to the bottom for your health! We wish to see only joy and a smile on your face; there is no need for grief. Be happy and know how much we love you!

Toast 10

There is no one dearer to me in the world than you. I can tell you about all my experiences and impressions. I don't often quarrel with people, but being in a quarrel with you is the worst thing. This is some kind of unbearable psychological torment! You will always tell the truth and will not flatter or lie. You are the most precious thing I have. I love you mom!

Toast 11

One day a child, preparing for birth, said to the Creator:

- Tomorrow I will go to Earth. I’m a little scared, because I’m still defenseless and small.

The creator replied:

- An angel will take care of you. You will hear songs from his lips, feel the love emanating from him and you will be happy.
- But how will I talk to the angel, because his language is not familiar to me... And how will I not lose touch with you, Creator?
- Your angel will teach you everything you need. You will be able to pray and speak in the language of people.
-Who will protect me from evil?
“Your angel will do this too.” He will protect you sometimes even at the cost of his own life.

The child thought for a while and said:

“I definitely need to know the name of my angel.”
- It doesn't matter now. You will begin to call this angel Mom.

And so it happened. Every person has an earthly angel. In my case, these are not just words. My Mom really always selflessly protected me, took care of me and continues to do so now. So let's drink to the health of my Mom, the best angel that exists on Earth!

Toast 12

You are the most beautiful in the world,
After all, there is no more beautiful mother!
Forever yours we are children
Even though we are many years old!
Be healthy and happy,
Be cheerful and full of strength,
The sweetest and most beloved!
For you, mommy, to the bottom!

Toast 13

One famous person said: “You will never stop being a child as long as you have a mother.” I propose to drink to the most selfless person who is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones - to our mother.

Let's congratulate her on her anniversary and wish her long life. Agree that your soul is warm and cozy when you know that mommy is thinking about you every minute.

Toast 14

In the house where you are, there is always peace and quiet,
Quiet happiness without edge,
All this is connected only with you,
Dear dear mother.

I will light these candles for you,
I raise this glass
I will keep your love in my heart,
Dear dear mother.

Toast 15

Mom's fragile shoulders
Chilly covered with a scarf,
On this gala evening
I drink to your happiness.
Mommy, dear, you know,
Over the years, you have become closer to me.
You often sigh at night,
Maybe you're sad?
I don't want years
Bitterness burned your chest,
If you can, today
Forget all your troubles.
There will only be happiness, do you hear?
You deserve it.
Let it be filled with collateral
There will be wine in glasses.

Toasts to dad

Toast 1

Two leopards were circling in the forest and came across a hut. There was a leopard skin on the floor.
- Do you know what this is? - one leopard asked the other.
He looked at the skin and trembled, whispering in horror:
- Let's run! This is my mother-in-law!
Let's move our glasses in honor of good mothers-in-law, whom we would not be afraid of!

Toast 2

One day a father called his sons, gave each one a twig and said: “Here are some twigs for you, children. Break them! The sons broke it.

  1. Then the father said: “Here are brooms for you, children. Break them! The sons broke it.
  2. Then the father said: “Here, children, a vacuum cleaner for each of you!” Break them! The sons broke it.
  3. “Here's a snowblower for you! Break it!” The sons broke again.
  4. “Here is my hand! Break her too!..” the father shouted in despair...

So let's drink to our father's wisdom, which sometimes loses to brute physical strength!

Toast 3

I ask you to raise your glasses
For the happiness of mother, father,
And I offer all guests
Drink to this until the end!
Toasts to dad
Let's drink to our debt to our parents - the debt of our minds and hearts.

Toast 4

In connection with the birth of my son, I want to tell you this anecdote.
The general had a grandson. He sends his adjutant to the maternity hospital to find out everything.
He happily tells him:
- Comrade General, your grandson looks like you!
- At me, are you talking? This is good! Give details.
- I’m reporting! Your complete copy: completely... bald, doesn't... think anything and all the time... yells!
Our child is also a complete copy of his parents!.. I mean - hairy, understands everything and, in the sense of screaming, restrained! Let's congratulate the parents on such success!!

Toast 4

The ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope said this: “Fathers and sons should not wait for requests from each other, but should proactively give what each other needs, with primacy belonging to the father.”

I want to raise a glass to our father, who devoted his whole life to raising us to be good people, gave us all his love and attention and always remained our best friend!

Toast 5

I want to say my toast to daddy,
I wish you to always be healthy!
Let there be a continuous increase in income,
May love always be with you!
I speak the words from my heart,
Be happy, joyful, father always!
So let's drink together to our father,
Let the sun and moon shine brightly!

Toast 6

You have become a real dad for me,
I am grateful for your love.
Responsible for the happiness in our lives
Mostly to dad and fate.
I want to drink to my dad today,
He taught me to live calmly,
Even though it hurt a little sometimes,
But we managed to overcome the pain.

May your family be healthy
May happiness be on the porch,
And let the sons be proud
Father's last name!
Let the features be rounded,
May the years be a succession
But let your dreams never grow old
Happy birthday, dear!

Toast 7

Our dad is just a treasure,
Everyone is glad to have one
We tell you again
That we adore you
We want to raise a glass to you,
We wish you health and happiness!

Toast 8

Let's drink to our beloved dad, congratulate him on the holiday and say a big thank you for being the pillar and support of our family.

Toast 9

Today is the birthday of the man who raised me to be a real man! Today is the birthday of a man who has become an example of intelligence, strength and nobility! Today is my father's birthday! Therefore, I raise this glass with the wish to be not just the same as you were, dad, but even better, because real men are like wine - they only get better with age!

Toast 10

The famous ancient Greek philosopher Democritus said: “The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children.” I propose to drink to my father, who has always been and remains the most important role model for me! I thank him for never lecturing me, but teaching me life by his example!

Toast 11

Saying thank you is not enough
We are all in your debt.
God bless you, dad, -
The wish of all relatives is great.
Your warmth, your goodness,
It always surrounds us.
And your soul will become warm,
When your holiday comes.

Toast 12

Popular wisdom says: “Living life is not a field to cross.” I think, dear dad, you know this better than anyone else. You worked all your life for the benefit of your family, passed on your experience and knowledge to us; taught to be kind and fair; don't give up when you encounter failures. Your philosophy of life is extremely simple, but at the same time very wise: “Don’t turn away from people, help, and then people won’t turn away from you either.”

Toast 13

On your birthday, I wish you health, inexhaustible optimism, so that every day brings you only joy! For you, dad!

Toast 14

My dear dad! Today is your birthday. I want this day to become the most extraordinary for you, because today everyone is trying to surround you with congratulations, wishes and love! And I want your every day to be such a holiday and every day you feel happy!
For you, dad and for your holiday!

Toast 15

I'm glad that I have such a father,
You were able to put many truths into my soul,
I grew up and became an adult at last
And I appreciated the fruit of your whole life.
I want to be like you
Invest in your son what you sowed,
Today I'll drink while standing, I'm wine
For our generational generations!

Toast 16

Happy Birthday, our beloved dad,
Your wisdom gives us the path to life.
Be healthy, live happily ever after,
And don’t forget about happiness in life.
Strong strength, boundless health,
Joy for many years to come.
Just know that we love you very much,
You are like a guiding star.

Toast 17

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin and said:
- Take it, son, and try to save money.
The son threw the coin into the water. The father saw this but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father’s house. Then the father called and said:
- Go, son, and earn money yourself.
The son went and got a job. From morning until late evening he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.
“Look, father,” said the young man. - I earned money.
The father replied:
- Well, son, now go and throw them into the water.
The son realized that he had previously been unfair to his father’s kindness and lowered his head. So let's drink not to the belt and rod, but to the wisdom of our fathers.

Toast 18

My dear daddy! On this day I want to drink a full glass for you! After all, a real warrior is one who fights with difficulties every day for the happiness, joy, carelessness, and peace of mind of his family and friends.

You are our protector, our support and wall, which no one and nothing can defeat! It’s always calm and reliable with you! I am sure that when you are nearby, nothing threatens our family happiness and comfort!

For you, daddy, our beloved and reliable defender and captain!!!

Toast 19

Friends came to visit one man. He waved his hand and immediately his wife and mother-in-law ran in - they set the table, put out wine, snacks...
- How did you manage that? - friends ask the owner.
- Very simple. One day I was sitting, eating pancakes. And the cat climbed onto the table and pulled one off. I gave him a warning. And he pulled the second one. I give him a second warning. He grabs the third pancake, I give him a third warning. He reached for the fourth, I grabbed him by the collar and out the window. And we live on the tenth floor...
- What does the cat have to do with it? - friends ask.
- And that’s what it has to do with it. The wife has two warnings, the mother-in-law has three!

Perhaps in this family the wife and mother-in-law also have many warnings. But the reason for their cordiality, apparently, is different: they are simply good and kind people. Let's drink to them!

For grandma

Toast 1

They say fairies never grow old. This is not true, fairies turn into the most wonderful grandmothers over the years.
Let's drink to our granny, who works miracles with her kindness, understanding and care.

Toast 2

A sorceress lives in our house. Don't believe me? Judge for yourself: where, if not at the behest of a magic wand, do these fabulous pies, cakes and cookies come from? And who, if not a fairy, cooks such delicious borscht and cutlets? And who else can do everything in the world: take their grandchildren to school, knit wonderful warm socks and peacefully doze off in front of the TV? Who knows how to tell fairy tales so sweetly? And who does our family cat Vaska love so much?
No, only a good sorceress can do this! So let's drink to her health!!!

Toast 3

I only had a granddaughter,
Now, now there is a grandson.
And for this we should drink,
You love him so much.
I want to babysit your children
Don't delay with this good thing.
There is love, there will be children, which means
We will still live on earth!

Toast 4

I have lived a lot and know a lot,
will not just live in this world,
Storms will scatter you more than once,
And sometimes it’s not easy for us to love.
But for the family to work out, to take place,
You will work day and night.
I drink to you, I wish you success -
Here's my blessing for you!

Toast 5

Soft, gentle hands
Tenderness in kind eyes,
Quiet voices,
Grandma, everything is about you.
I remember evening stories,
I remember pancakes in the morning,
I remember your tips
That they helped me out.
I want to drink to you
Let your heart beat
Let grief be forgotten
And nothing hurts.

Toast 6

We wish you happiness all year round
Just pleasant worries
Health, peace and good luck
Relax at your dacha more often
So that everything grows in the garden
It smelled and bloomed
Your grandchildren and children congratulate you
the best grandmother in the world.

Toast 7

For my beloved grandmother,
I'll raise a glass!
Oh, how about you grandma?
I still love it!
I wish you good health
And many, many years!
Let it light up in spring
You are a beautiful light!

Toast 8

For grandfather and grandmother,
I'll make a toast!
So that everything is perfect,
May everything always come true!
I wish you a lot of happiness
Health and good luck
And life victories!
Grandma and grandpa
You are together forever,
That's what we'll drink to,
Of course, to the bottom!

Toast 9

Let's drink from our grandmothers, because they are the only ones
know what scarf we need to wear today so as not to
get covered and don't get sick. For grandmothers.

Toast 10

Once a mother sent her granddaughter to her grandmother to take some pies. The granddaughter was walking through the forest and met a wolf. What happened next you know...
So let's drink to the fact that, despite all sorts of different wolves, we come to visit our grandmother as often as possible.
For you grandma!

The hands are weak, the temples are already gray, but the eyes are still so dear. I remember how she used to call us to give us a piece of the pie. I remember she knitted mittens so that we could run around in the snow. I remember her smile and patience, How I fell asleep on her lap. Years have passed, but love has not disappeared, only it has become more tender, honestly. I ask you to drink to our grandmother, Give her some wine in her cup too. May she please us and live, May she give us happiness with the tenderness of her heart.

Toast 11

Okay, okay, let's drink to grandma!

Toast 12

Grandma is the most unique person. Lucky are those who have a grandmother, or even better, more than one. Who else but grandma can calm you down and feel sorry for you? Who else but grandma will feed you delicious food? To whom, if not your grandmother, can you tell your secret?

Thank you, dear grandmothers, for having us. But you are not only grandmothers, but also someone’s mothers. Therefore, they love and appreciate you for your experience and knowledge, for your help, for your advice. Let's drink to you and smile together at the following words: When the Lord realized that he could not keep track of everything himself, he created grandmothers!

Toast 13

Once in ancient times, wise people ordered their descendants to obey their father and love their mother! And then, after thinking, they added: and honor my grandmother! And I agree with them! After all, it was our grandmothers who visited us in the summer, it was grandmothers’ jam that was the sweetest, it was grandmothers who loved their grandchildren as if they were their own children! And today I raise a glass to a wonderful person, my grandmother, with wishes of long life, good health and good mood! Let's drink to that!

Toast 14

We always come to you, and remembering our childhood, we plunge into the world in which we played, and you composed funny competitions for us, you wrote poems, love stories, and set them out. May there be happiness in your wise eyes, may love and joy flow through you. And so that all your cherished dreams are destined to come true.

Toast 15

Okay, okay
Let's drink to grandma!

Our grandmother is the best
You shine a ray of light for us in life.
You always play with us
And you clearly know how to please.

Toast 16

Happy birthday to you, our dear
May there always be a full cup on the table.
Be always radiant, always groovy,
Be endlessly loved and always young.

I’m ready to come to you both day and night,
And I will focus on the problem.
But now I want to make a toast,
May grandma have a happy life.

Let the wine play in the glasses,
And let life continue to sparkle,
And good health in congratulations,
I will wish in this toast - runner.

Cheerful summer sun
It's been waiting for you for a long time,
And the cherry tree is knocking on the window,
And it’s easy and bright for all of us.

Toast 17

For our mother and our grandmother
We raise a drunken toast.
And there is no one more beautiful than you,
There is no such good one in the world.

We wish you good health
And long happiness now.
You are very beautiful today
Bloom and make us all happy!

For grandfather

Toast 1

I would like to drink to the health of the head of the family, the eldest father. Grandfather, we all love you very much. Your wisdom and kindness have helped me more than once in difficult situations. Remain as responsive and cheerful for many years to come. For grandpa.

Toast 2

Any tree is rich in its fruits when its roots are strong and reliable. Let's drink to the prosperity, longevity and health of our wonderful grandfather! Thanks to him, the tree of our glorious family has reliable and strong roots, as well as a wonderful future!

Toast 3

Grandpa, I want to tell you a toast! Thank you very much for being such a good example for me throughout my life! You will always be a “beacon” for me that points me in the right direction in life! The main thing is to remain the same as you are! For you!

Toast 4

Dear grandfather, it is stupid to wish you wisdom, it is pointless to wish for success, because you have achieved everything in your life. There is no need to desire love, it always lives in your heart, repeats itself and responds in us, your children and grandchildren. Therefore, I wish you one thing - good health, and may what you have never be wasted. My glass to you!

Toast 5

Dear grandfather, you are the kindest, most responsive and patient.

It is this rare combination of qualities in one person that makes you want to drink, because not everyone can endure such a crowd of noisy relatives, and even in their own home! But you can. Thank you for being with us.

Long life and good health, because your great-grandchildren are not sitting at this table yet.

Toast 6

You will be forever in my heart
Warmth will melt the ice of loss.
You are like a warrior in a chariot,
He was an example for me to this day.

Your wisdom is limitless
The fire still burns in the eyes.
You gave me a piece of yourself,
You always see off with a smile on your lips.

May your happiness be eternal,
Don’t rush to say your “bye.”
Your path will never become boring,
And I love you, my grandfather.

Toast 7

I propose to drain these glasses in honor of our grandfather! You are a wise man and have been through more than one storm in your life, raised children and built a beautiful home. I wish you to live for many more years, to teach your grandchildren to be wise, while never complaining about their health.

Toast 8

They say that in this life one must choose everything according to the call of the soul and heart, and not according to the dictates of calculation. Otherwise, in the end, you can find yourself in a situation where everyone around you is not nice to you. I want to raise this glass to our grandfather, I hope that he is surrounded by all his family and friends and he does not regret anything!

Toast 9

I will raise this glass of wine to you, my girl, and wish you good health, happiness and success in your business. My beloved, I would like to emphasize, and also drink to your beauty, the care that you give me, marry me!

Toast 10

When I met you, I realized from the first minute that you would become my wife. On this romantic evening when only you and I are standing in this park. Kneeling before you, I ask you to marry me.

Toast 11

Since childhood I have always wanted
Be as brave as your grandfather.
So that I could, too, like you,
Protect all children.

I want to wish you a long life.
May you live another hundred years.
I wish I was healthy, I never got sick,
And don’t forget about us.

Toast 12

Today we came to congratulate you,
Don't be foolish that your head is gray
You will always give us wise advice,
You know that we love you very much.

Toast 13

We have the best grandfather in the world,
When you have questions, he will always answer.
Your grandchildren congratulate you on your birthday,
Be, dear grandfather, you will always be in the world.

Toast 14

I'm ready to raise a toast to my grandfather,
May your life always be easy.
So that children can help when necessary,
And the grandchildren never forgot.

Toast 15

Pour everything into glasses of wine
And drink it all down to the dregs,
So that I surprise you with my congratulations,
And you became a happy grandfather.

Toast 16

Let's drink to old age!
It's a good time of old age,
The milestone of old age is not at all scary:
Teeth don't hurt - they are no longer there,
And the wife is faithful - she has no time for mischief!

Toast 17

For grandfather
I'll make a toast!
So that everything is perfect,
May everything always come true!
I wish you a lot of happiness
Health and good luck
And life victories!
Grandma and grandpa
You are together forever,
That's what we'll drink to,
Of course, to the bottom!

Toast 18

Dear grandfather, happy birthday to you! And I wish that we will raise our glasses to your health many more times, like today. And so that on one of your birthdays, your great-great-great-great-grandchildren will personally congratulate you. Long life to you and a happy life! Don't get sick and don't get old!

Toast 19

Age takes something from us, but if we age correctly, it leaves us in return - valuable experience that can be shared! And I want to raise a glass to the treasure trove of valuable life experience - to our grandfather, and wish him many more years of life and great happiness, and, of course, that he shares his experience with us more often!

Toast 20

One very smart person said: a son must be raised to be a man! Obey your father for the rest of your life! And respect your grandfather! Therefore, I now raise a glass to my grandfather, whom I respected, respect and will respect, and I invite everyone to drink to this!

Toast 21

We love our grandfather very much,
We value our grandfather very much!
Therefore, gathered here now
Let's celebrate your grandpa's holiday! From all of us:

We celebrate a holiday in your honor
And everyone wishes you a lot of health!
So that you can live forever
For the sake of grandchildren and for the sake of children.

For deceased parents

Toast 1

I want to say a lot. And so few words are needed. In the life of each of us, only two people occupy a special niche, full of love and tenderness - our parents. Let's raise a glass to those who gave us everything for success and joy in life. Eternal memory and gratitude to them.

Toast 2

Every time we get together, in our warm company, in our native, family circle, there is a small drop of sadness. The closest people, our parents, are not with us physically. But they are with us invisibly, supporting and protecting. Let's raise a glass to them, those who gave us life.

Toast 3

Let's drink to those who are not next to us, let's raise our glasses to those who will forever be in our memory. Because everything in this life passes, but not everything is forgotten. Eternal memory to our parents, you will always be in our hearts, just as we were in yours!

Toast 4

Let's raise a toast to our deceased parents. They were the best, they gave us everything they could - their warmth, care, affection, education and love. Thanks to them for everything. May they rest in peace!

Toast 5

Let's honor the memory of our wonderful parents. It's a shame they didn't live to see this day. But, in our hearts, they are always there. Thank them for who we are. For the parents.

Toast 6

Our life is full of worries and bustle. Let's drink to those who are no longer with us. For those parents who gave us their youth, strength and soul. They are not around today, but their image is always in our hearts. Let them be our guides - our dear celestials!

Toast 7

They say that when we have it, we don’t keep it; when we lose it, we cry. I want us to now raise our glasses and drink without clinking glasses to our deceased parents. May their memory be blessed; they will forever be in our hearts!

Toast 8

Toast 9

The loss of parents does not lend itself to the possibility of replenishing spiritual support and confidence... But these people are in the heart, which is why we look at the heavenly kingdom of God, holding our hand on it when we feel bad. We are also strengthening this thread of kinship, which will save us more than once.

Toast 10

We will remember those who have passed away all our lives. Their meaning in this was as deep as the sorrow of their departure upward.

You have gone to the abode of eternal peace, leaving in our hearts the everlasting bitterness of loss. We will preserve your pure images in our suffering souls forever. You taught us to selflessly fight troubles, but there are no remedies against this pain.
Happy memory to the parents!

Toast 11

I honor your irreplaceable contribution to my personality... Thank you from the bottom of my heart... I remember... The Lord will be your talisman, the tears of others will not become a swamp, your strength will be transferred to me, giving me the opportunity to continue my journey.

Toast 12

I thought for a long time about what to say, but I never found the right words. Since childhood, they poured their soul into me, taught me various tricks and laws of life. I thought they would never leave me, but life took a sharp turn. I only remember good things about them. I hope that we will meet them someday and I will be able to say how much I loved them, and how much I miss them now. They were good people and I think they are in a better place now.

Toast 13

Blessed memory of those who have left us,
Let's drink to this now.
Let it be in our hearts, like granite,
Preserves the memory of loved ones who have passed away.
Let all the good things that happened to them
A damp grave will not bury you.
How long will we preserve the memory?
They will live with us for that long.