
Halloween Scenario: A fun Halloween program for kids. Halloween script for a corporate party in the office Halloween script for a cafe


Halloween Scenario: Fun Halloween Program for Kids

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On the night of October 31 to November 1 in the USA and Europe, and in recent years in the CIS countries, Halloween is celebrated - All Saints Day. The Holidays Workshop has prepared a Halloween script that is suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old and a selection of entertainment for younger children. If you decide to try on a mystical image and have a fun Halloween - this article is for you!

This Halloween scenario does not require long and complex preparation, and the holiday will turn out just wonderful! The leading events are the Witch and the Barabashka (artistic adults dress up in them). If you wish, you can pick up other characters. All invitees should be warned in advance to come up with images of all evil spirits: ghosts, witches, sorcerers, mummies, zombies. For greater effectiveness, you can invite a face painter to the event - he will help guests transform into the right characters.

As prizes for contestants, you can use themed souvenirs (eyes on springs, key rings in the form of pumpkins, cats, witches) or sweets.

The holiday begins with the speech of the leading witch.


Hello! Welcome to the holiday of horror! I see that all the evil spirits have already gathered ... because today is our day - the terrible and solemn Day of All Saints. It is on the night of October 31 to November 1 that the souls of the dead come from the underworld.

Barabashka (in a mysterious tone): Finally! Here comes the night! Scary stories about coffins, creepy dances in the company of ghosts and just horrible entertainment! You are ready? Then let's start our party!

The game "I'm the most terrible and terrible"

The purpose of entertainment is to introduce all those present, to liberate and create a friendly atmosphere.

Guests stand or sit around the leader. The host takes a small pumpkin (you can use a soft toy) and starts the game with the words "I am the most terrible and terrible witch who ...". Then she tells what she does, for example, takes away sweets from children or eats spiders for breakfast and why she chose this image. Then the host passes it to the first participant, who talks about himself and so on in a circle until everyone introduces themselves.


Everyone knows that the symbol of Halloween is a glowing pumpkin. But do you know, my dear monsters, where did this attribute come from?

The legend of the glowing pumpkin

A long time ago, the swindler and drunkard Jack invited the devil himself to his Halloween celebration. After the gatherings, the man argued with the guest that he would not climb the tree. The devil quickly climbed to the top, but cunning Jack drew a cross on the tree and the devil could not come down. The man then offered to remove the cross in exchange for never tempting him again.

After his death, Jack was not allowed into heaven because he was a sinner, but the devil did not allow him to go to hell either, giving only a red-hot corner. Jack hid the charcoal in an onion and has been showing up with it ever since on All Saints' Eve. Later in the United States, the onion was replaced with a pumpkin, and since then, a luminous orange vegetable with a sinister smile has been a symbol of Halloween.

Competition "Symbol of the holiday"

The hosts offer the children to make the main attribute of the holiday on their own. Each participant is given a small pumpkin and a black marker (if they are children under 10 years old) or a knife (if they are older children).

The task is to draw or cut out a scary face in the allotted time (for example, 15 minutes). Then the hosts determine the "Most Scary Halloween Symbol", "The Most Original Halloween Symbol", etc. Children will be able to take their creations home after the holiday.


Oh, how many times I had to celebrate All Saints Day ... already and can not count. But, one thing I remember well - there was always a fun game with donuts!

The game "Sweet tooth"

This entertainment is traditionally present in the Halloween scenario. For the competition, you will need donuts (you can replace with soft bagels) and two ropes or threads. Two donuts are hung on threads at the height of the participants. Then a couple is selected who wish to take part in the competition.

The task of the players is to eat a treat without the help of hands. The winner is the one who copes faster and receives a prize from the presenters.


My old friend Count Dracula passed over a treat for our holiday.

Contest "Feel like Dracula"

The hosts offer the most daring guests of the holiday to taste the “blood of the old magician” (tomato or cherry juice). Everyone gets a glass with a drink and a straw. At the leader's signal, the participants begin to drink. The first person to empty the glass wins.


My friends, monsters, witches and ghosts. Yesterday I received a letter from my nephew, Kasper. He has a big problem with his horror studies homework. Little Casper needs to learn how to appear in public so that everyone's knees tremble. And we can't do without your help.

The game "What a horror!"

Each contestant takes turns making a "scary and gruesome" public appearance. To do this, you can use a white cloth or sheet. The winner is chosen by voting or applause.


Eh, Witch, what terrible guests we all have! But this is not enough, because often evil spirits have to get out of the most unexpected situations.

Fun "Magic Pumpkin"

From a large one, you need to make a container in advance, cleaning out all the contents and washing thoroughly. You should also prepare tasks for the participants - write on pieces of paper (for effect, their edges can be burned) what they should do, for example:

  • Tell a scary story;
  • Recall 5 proverbs or sayings that mention mystical creatures (“the devil is not as scary as he is painted”, “in the middle of nowhere”, “sell the soul to the devil”, etc.);
  • Dance the dance of Baba Yaga with a broom;
  • Name 13 mystical characters;
  • Name 10 ingredients of a magic potion, etc.

Participants take turns pulling out a note with a task from a pumpkin and completing it. After the competition is over, everyone gets sweets.


Although they call us not very kind, we love to have fun and dance. We invite everyone to the disco!

After the dance, the hosts offer festive treats to the children. You can organize a candy bar, where guests can enjoy at any time of the event. Read more about how to decorate a Halloween sweet table in an original way.

If children under 6 years old are present at the holiday, changes can be made to the Halloween script by adding a few entertainments appropriate for their age.

"Gather the Monster"

Each participant receives a picture (witches, pumpkins, ghosts) cut into pieces. We need to collect an image. You can have a speed race.

"Magic Potion"

In the room you need to scatter artificial flowers, leaves, pumpkins, rubber spiders, frogs, snakes. The task of the children is to collect the ingredients for making the potion in the amount indicated by the host. For example, 10 maple leaves, 3 daisies, 5 frogs and 4 snakes.

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I'm always happy to help in holding and organizing a holiday!

1 presenter: Taymkafe Khobot welcomes you - a modern cafe in the heart of the city of Odintsovo! Today we have gathered to say goodbye to the old, bad and unnecessary with the help of rituals. Say goodbye to autumn and welcome Halloween!

2 leading: Today, on Halloween evening, we will move into the unknown new, we will meet winter. Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions.

1 presenter: Only this evening, Halloween night, there is no past and no future. Only today we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.

2 host: Halloween originates far, far in history, it is said to be at least two thousand years old. According to ancient belief, it is on this night that the door to the other world opens and the inhabitants of hell penetrate the earth.

1 presenter: Going to another time is not easy. The gates of hell are well guarded.

2 leading: The symbol of Halloween is a pumpkin head. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares it away.

1 presenter: Today you have to dress up in scary costumes and do scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the spirits. The only thing not to do on this day...

2 leading: no need to be offended by anything!

Leading: It's time to start our concert. Meet the first star of our evening. This artist is a legend, an idol and the king of pop. An amazing dancer, a wonderful person and a favorite of millions of people all over the planet - and all this is Michael Jackson !!!

Leading: Now, the singer will appear on this stage, whose catchphrase was "You can never have too many tattoos" Infamous, charismatic, bright and unique Emmy Winehouse!

And now I want to check how well you, my dear guests, know the history of Halloween. So the first question

1. To which tribes does Halloween originate? (Celtic)

2. What is the name of Halloween in Russia? (All Saints' Day)

3. What religion does Halloween belong to? (Paganism)

4. Why is the holiday called "All Saints' Day"? (Day of Remembrance of the Deceased Relatives and Friends)

6. The symbol of what was a pumpkin with a fire lit inside? (Symbol of scaring away evil spirits)

7. In which countries is Halloween most popular? (USA and Canada)

8. What does the phrase “treat or be sorry” mean? (trick or trak - children with this phrase collect candy when they walk around the neighbors)

9. Why do people dress up (dress up) and wear masks on Halloween? (so that the spirits cannot recognize them)

10. Where did the Celtic tribes live? (in England, Ireland and France)

And now, on this stage, you will see an amazing singer with a magical voice, who has become the favorite of millions. 211 songs, 32 albums, various styles and directions, a modeling career, the gift of acting - and all this is Whitney Houston!

Now I suggest you eat someone else's flesh and drink blood and gather again at this stage!

The favorite word of the next hero of our today's show was "joke". The owner of one of the kindest and most sincere smiles, a person who can make a pencil disappear. So, meet Heath Ledger – aka the Joker!!!

At the end of our evening, we will hold a competition for the best makeup and costume, and the prize will be free time in our wonderful cafe!

The next hero said about himself "It is better to burn out than to fade away." The founder and songwriter of the legendary band Nirvana is Kurt Cobain!!!

Now the person who made the REP style popular will enter the stage. He entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most successfully sold hip-hop artist, the total number of albums sold is more than 75 million, of which 50 million are in the United States. Without further ado, Tupac Shakur!

2 leading : And now it's time for the best makeup contest!

And our concert continues! And now, yes, yes, right now, on this stage you will see an idol of several generations. As a child, this singer predicted fate along the lines of the hand, which earned him his first fame. Incredibly sunny reggae artist Bob Marley!

And at the end of our show program, dear guests, you will receive the most delicious dessert. The true sex symbol of all times and peoples, whose photo graced the first cover of Playboy magazine is the incredible, exciting blood, the most desirable blonde in the world - Marilyn Monroe!

1 presenter : And now it's time to hold a competition for the best costume


Today, the craving for everything otherworldly, magical and unknown is becoming more and more interesting for today's youth. Everything secret and mystical has always fascinated. The Halloween holiday allows you to remove all the mysterious taboos and arrange a theme party the day before. Even for those who do not believe in mysticism and the outside world, this is a good opportunity to have fun and play games with evil spirits. A Halloween-style corporate party will be mysterious, mysterious, and at the same time fun, emotional and unforgettable. At such a party, no one will be bored, as the unusual atmosphere will not allow you to lose heart even for a single minute.

History and Traditions of Halloween

The history of the celebration of this holiday dates back to the time of the pagans, and Ireland and Scotland are considered to be its homeland. Even the ancient Celts began to celebrate this holiday on the eve of the Evening of All Saints on October 31st. It is believed that on this day everything otherworldly comes to earth, and everyone can meet them. Previously, this holiday was more often celebrated in English-speaking countries, but with the processes of globalization, it is gradually being celebrated more and more often in many countries.

The main tradition of this holiday is to dress up in various costumes, arrange parties and corporate events. By dressing up in an unusual costume, you can deceive the evil spirits that have passed through the open doors between the living and the dead, and they will take you for their own. This night is considered special and mystical.

Another tradition of this holiday is that children and adults in costumes go from house to house begging for candies and various sweets. When doing so, they say "Sweets or life." Homeowners also leave treats at the entrance to encourage evil spirits.

Images of corporate party participants in the style of "Halloween"

When going to a corporate party in the style of "Halloween" you definitely need to dress up. The scarier and more creative your outfit is, the better. You can dress up as a dead man, an evil gnome, a merman, a werewolf, a ghost, a pirate or a super hero. Images of vampires, witches, magicians and sorcerers are always in trend. If you prefer something less scary, then you can choose the image of a cat, wolf, mermaid.

Having done a completely non-everyday make-up and applying a good layer of makeup will complement the image. You can add to it a mantle, cloak or pointed hats. Accessories can be magic wands, flasks with a magic potion, brooms, objects glowing in the dark.

Decoration of the premises and attributes for a corporate party in the style of "Halloween"

Such a theme party can be arranged both in a restaurant, a bar or a nightclub, and in an office. You can decorate the room with cobwebs with threads, spiders, bats. The main attribute of this holiday is a pumpkin. Make lanterns from it, cutting out the middle, and put a candle inside. Instead of light bulbs, light the candles placed around the room. Clutter and chaos in the room will suit this style well. Make a skeleton or a ghost and place it indoors.

In the decoration of the room, yellow, orange, red and black colors should be traced. Walls can be decorated with posters of witches and other evil spirits. Small decorative brooms, brooms, caps are also great for decorating the room.

Music for a corporate party in the style of "Halloween"

As for music, it is better to give preference to the rock style. Ominous and gloomy music will complement the overall atmosphere. A kind of Halloween anthem is the song "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett. Another composition, without which no party in this style will take place, is the song "This Is Halloween". A common playlist can be created from the soundtracks of famous vampire films. If we are talking about specific artists or groups, then choose Rammstien, Mushroomhead, Linkin Park and something else like that. The main thing is that it would be fervent, danceable and fun.

Menu for a themed corporate party

Since this holiday falls at the end of autumn, when nature is rich in vegetables and fruits, then the main menu should include them. Apples are the main ingredient in all meals. They can be baked or simply baked separately. Ordinary dishes will also work, they just need to be decorated in an unusual way and give them scary names. You can also bake cookies in the shape of fingers, on which the nails will be nuts. Drinks are better to choose red. And the main alcoholic drink is the Bloody Mary cocktail.

Entertainment program and corporate competitions

Unconditionally, a Halloween-style corporate party should be fun and interesting. And the fun should start from the moment the guests cross the threshold. Witches can meet them, offering to pull out a wish or prediction from a bag filled with rubber worms and spiders. At a corporate party, you can arrange an unusual auction, selling various goodies for a wish.

Competitions can be included in the program. They can be very diverse: from the speed of eating sweets or drinking cocktails and ending with the competition of the most beautiful, scary and unusual costume. You can also come up with entertaining contests, for example, create a spider, a bat from improvised materials, or carve the best Jack lamp from a pre-prepared pumpkin. But it is best to turn to.

You can arrange an evening of fortune-telling. You can guess on the apple peel, coffee tug. Also don't forget the disco. And at the end of the party, everyone present can be presented with a medal with a special title, for example, "The Best Witch", "Irresistible Koshchey" and so on.

The Halloween holiday in our country is, most often, just a costume party in a hall decorated in the appropriate style, where guests do not really think about the true traditions of celebrating this day and, oh, they are happy to pretend to be various "evil spirits". Therefore, it is more correct to speak not about the scenario of this holiday, but about a party for young people in the style of Halloween called "Nightmare Night".

We offer a variant of the game program of the evening, which can be arranged at the very beginning of the holiday before dancing and a buffet table. The organization of such a program can be entrusted to professionals who will include several beautiful themed concert numbers in it or cook it on their own. (dance and musical number may well be prepared by their own talented youth) Musical arrangement of the game program is attached(thanks to the authors and performers)

Halloween party script.

The evening begins with a mysterious and beautiful dance, symbolizing the opening of the ball of evil spirits.

Sounds 1 Composition Holiday Halloween

Presenter: Greetings, gentlemen and ladies! From your outfits and eyes burning in the dark, I see that this evening does not promise to be languid. (turns to the hall). Is everyone ready to spend a nightmarish night in this terrible hall and in this strange company? I can't hear you, are you ready? Not? Well, as they say, the faint of heart, please leave the premises.

Music number. A parody of F. Kirkorov (one of the guys to the soundtrack and in a suit, as in the video) depicts the singer.

Sounds like 2. Kirkorov. Mouse.

Presenter: Thanks, of course, for the advice to the king of pop, but no one is going to sleep here, right? And in order to shake off all sorts of drowsiness and tune in to the drive of our party, we will hold a small noise-maker game. Now I will pronounce the first two poetic lines, in the third line there will definitely be some kind of verb: we tickle, trample, cackle, etc., what these verbs mean, we quickly do it ourselves or with the help of our nearest neighbors, especially since we pinch and it is more pleasant to tickle a neighbor than oneself. And then I say: “and we wish ...”, and you all answer me in chorus: “Nightmare night!” and so several times.

Noise Maker for Halloween "Nightmare Night!"

We're having a hard party, not a siesta

Hypocrites and squishy people have no place here!

We tickle each other's nerves (tickle neighbors)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

If an evil spirit comes to us here,

And he will beckon us into the dark world,

We will cackle loudly in her face in chorus (everyone cackle)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

We will walk until the third cocks,

We will defeat the vampires and the witchers!

To the music together we all flood (stomp feet)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

And if we are in competitions, who will bypass,

Or our humor he suddenly will not understand!

We just want to laugh at this (laughing horribly)

And we wish..

All (in chorus):"Nightmare night!"

presenter: Well done! Now you are definitely ready and we are moving our symbolic hours to midnight and starting to have fun not like a child!

Sounds like 3. Mole. The battle between good and evil

(The lights are dimmed in the hall, perhaps candles are lit)

Auction "Unclean Force"

Sounds 4. Scream of horror

A sound of horror is heard, the host's assistants walk around the hall and suddenly scare everyone.

Presenter: Fearfully? I must say that most of all we are afraid of something unknown, incomprehensible and invisible, so let's face our fear and call the evil spirit by name. This is an auction, whoever comes up with the last one, not in a figurative sense, but the one on whom your imagination runs out, receives an amulet as a gift.

(The game is over. The guests call: “Satan”, “ghouls”, etc. The winner is awarded a prize - an amulet)

Party Contest "Collect the Bones"

Presenter: Today, evil spirits have a great day, a day of celebration, today each of us can lose everything or gain magical power. Everyone who wants to become stronger is invited to participate in the "Collect the Bones" contest. As soon as the first sounds of music sound, go in search of bones scattered in the hall, whoever collects the most will receive amulets and a boost of strength, and a chance to dominate enemies for the whole next year. With the last sound of music, the search stops.

Sounds 5. Composition Good night

Auction "Magic amulets"

Presenter: We have already remembered today about the most universal remedy for evil spirits - the magic circle, and what other ways of defense and protection against them, do you know? The most active gets a prize. But in this competition there is also a bonus, an additional prize, it is received by the one who named the remedy encrypted in this envelope. (The envelope is solemnly opened, in it the phrase "Aspen stake" is read out, the one who named it also receives a charm)

Dance entertainment "Aspen stake".

Presenter: Our night is in full swing, it's time to try yourself in the role of fighters against evil spirits. (Helpers take out a well-polished, so that no one gets hurt, stick or pole). I have an “aspen stake” in my hands, now we will pass it to each other like a baton, it is forbidden to refuse to take it. So, while the music is playing, we quickly convey who the stop of the music finds with a "stake" in their hands, we come out to me.

The game passes, the music stops 5 times, so participants are recruited for dance entertainment.

Sounds 7. Musical composition (with stops)

Each of the participants draws out a card with a situation that he will need to play with the corresponding musical passage, using the "aspen stake" as a prop. The improvisations of the participants take turns, first they read out their task, then they play, dance - as fantasy tells, but always with a stick.

5. "The Seduction of the Beloved by the Vampire Edgar" (Twilight movie)

Sounds 12. excerpt from the movie "Twilight"

(All participants receive amulets and applause)

Optional: If it is justified, then you can

also arrange a defile of the best costumes and award the winners.

Sounds 13. Sounds of nature. Roosters

“Third roosters” sound. At this moment, there is full light in the hall.

Presenter: So the third roosters sang, this does not mean the end of our evening at all, they only announced that from now on nothing threatens you, and you can have fun and dance freely and with pleasure. We just wanted to say that ours was just a game for which, we hope, neither the forces of good nor the forces of evil will be offended by us. We wish everyone for today, let's once again in chorus: "Nightmare night" and forever bright days, remember the forces of good and evil are fighting in us and for us, and the choice, after all, is ours! Be happy, kind and loved! And we will start the dance program with a beautiful slow composition.

The light can be dimmed again

Sounds 14. S. Surganova. Gray angel.

The evening continues with dancing and a light buffet.

Halloween party script for adults: Executioner, Death, Witch.

From 19 o'clock the presenters meet guests:

The executioner at the entrance, Death pretends to be dead at the table and scares the incoming ones, the Witch messes (throws evil spirits into food) on the first and second floors.

The Executioner and the Witch persuade everyone, under pain of a curse, to order something from the special Halloween menu.

At this time, music is being played. The musicians arrive at 19-30.

At 20:00, when live music appears, the hosts take the stage.

Executioner: Welcome to the cafe ... (cafe name) - a stylish cafe in the heart of the city ... (city name)! Today we have gathered to say goodbye to the old, bad, unnecessary with the help of rituals. Say goodbye to autumn and welcome Halloween.

Death: Today, on the night of Halloween, we will move into the unknown new, we will meet winter. Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.

Witch: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and no future. Only today we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.

Executioner: Halloween time is the time to throw off the burden of worries and fuss accumulated over the summer. Today we are following the example of trees that are shedding their outdated leaves. After all, if a tree does not throw off dead leaves, they will not give it the opportunity to come to life again in the spring.

Death: Halloween originates far, far in history, it is said to be at least two thousand years old. According to ancient belief, it is tonight that the door to the other world will open, and the inhabitants of hell will penetrate the earth.

Witch: Going to another time is not easy. The gate is well guarded. We Witches and Demons legitimized this holiday for especially evil and dark jokes.

Executioner: We came up with a Halloween symbol - a pumpkin head. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares it away.

Death: Today you have to dress up in scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the ghosts. The only thing not to do on this day...

ALL (in unison): No need to be offended by anything.

Witch: today you have to guess, dance until you drop and misbehave, only today you can do whatever you want. So let's start our evening with a groovy dance and have fun today with might and main!

The orchestra plays 2-3 catchy melodies. At this time, the presenters invite the audience to dance, and also go around the hall and distribute ivy sheets to everyone, explaining that they have to guess and everyone must take them for themselves.

Three leaders come out - the Executioner, Death, the Witch.

Executioner: So, we begin Halloween divination!

Death: Everyone needs to make a wish! Guessed? Did everyone guess?

Witch: Women are the first to guess! Get your ivy leaves! Everyone raised a leaf!

Gotta say it out loud after me:

"Ivy, ivy, I love you,

I keep you on my chest."

Hiding a leaf on the chest!

"The first one to speak to me,

That husband will be mine."

The result of divination will be known literally within one dance.

The orchestra plays one slow tune.

Witch: Women were the first to guess and the first to know the result!

Executioner: And we are starting Halloween divination for men! Men, take out your papers and write your names and phone numbers on them. You do not need to indicate your last name, place of work, marital status, only your first name and phone number!

Give us your papers!

The Witch and the Executioner are collecting leaves!

Death: So, all the leaves are collected! In order to look into the future of our men, you will have to wait a bit, the result will not be as fast as that of women! The leaves will be stored in our café until Midsummer Eve.

If by that time the leaf is still green, you will have a happy year and all your wishes will come true. Men! Come to the cafe on June 22 and you will know your fate for the whole year.

Witch: By the way, it’s clear that if you look into our cafe more often, you will always be happy! Everybody is dancing!

The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

Executioner: I see, everyone is having fun, no one is scared anymore!

Death: We must scare everyone! Let's call the mummy!

ALL: Mummy here! Mummy!

The witch invites two teams of 3-4 people to participate in the game and conduct the game "Mummy": you need to wrap one of the team members with a roll of toilet paper, making a mummy out of it. The winner is the one who did it faster and more accurately.

Death: The winner gets a dish called "Halloween Study".

Hands over a dish. The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

Executioner: What a delicious dish from the chef of our cafe ... (first name, last name) was won by the previous winner! Who else wants to try their luck and eat a new dish absolutely free? Participate in the next game!

Death : This will be a game for those who want to know if he will get married or get married this year. We invite those interested!

The participants of the game become in the center of the hall. The Executioner and the Witch take out the basin and place it on a stool.

Witch: The one who first gets an apple out of the pelvis will marry or be the first to marry this year!

After the game, prizes are awarded to the winners - a girl and a boy.

Executioner: You are celebrating a wedding this year, so a wedding cake from a cafe ... (cafe name) will come in handy!

The witch brings out the "wedding" cake. The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

Executioner: As we found out, several weddings will be celebrated this year, and our next game is for those who are already swimming in the sea of ​​love.

Death: We invite couples to come to the site!

Spouses come out, line up, respectively, in pairs.

Witch: Now you will swim in a dance in the sea of ​​​​love. But as soon as the music stops, you need to stand on one of these "islands".

Leading conduct the game "Sea of ​​Love". They show and lay out "islands" (sheets of paper), the number of "islands" is equal to the number of couples playing. Music is turned on. While the music is playing, all players "swim" in the "sea of ​​love", without entering the islands. As soon as the music is abruptly turned off, couples should instantly jump "on the islands". It turns out that there are two players on one island. The islands are cut to size so that only two feet can fit on them.

Therefore, couples stand almost close to each other, each on one leg, holding each other. The one who cannot stay on the island and falls into the "sea" will be "absorbed by the sea", i.e., he is out of the game (and takes the island with him). The game continues. There is one less island, which means that again someone will not be able to resist and fall into the sea.

The last remaining pair is awarded a prize (souvenir).

The orchestra plays 2-3 melodies.

The game "Bows" is being played. Three or more players participate. In the middle, the main player becomes, let's start with the girl. The other two players are blindfolded. For example, men.

One of them is given yellow ribbons in his hands. He should go up to the girl with his eyes closed and tie a yellow bow on her anywhere. Now the second man comes up to her, fumbles for the yellow bow, and unties it.

Then the players change places - the girl ties a bow. And so on, until everyone has tried all the roles.

The "Symbol of the Holiday" contest is being held: yellow is considered the symbolic color of the Halloween holiday, we find among the guests the one in whose suit the most yellow is.

(The prize is a bottle of Champagne.)

The party ends with dancing, you can hold the competition "Best Dance Couple".

Funny announcements during the party:

Witch: Here one man really wanted to take a picture with me. The cost of a photo is 13 rubles, 28 kopecks.

(repeat 2 times).

Death: Who wants to talk heart to heart with Death - you are welcome to my table.

(repeat 4 times)

Executioner: Who wants to sing a love song with me? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles.

Who wants me to sing a love song? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles.

By popular demand of the audience, now I will perform a song about love. *********