
Poems about forgiveness. Poems of apology I was offended cool short poems


Resentment only hurts once
Then we ourselves every hour
We make resentment stronger
The memory of her.

Let's tell all our friends
We can't sleep at night
Flipping through everything in my mind:
And the gesture of the offender, and the look,
And again the words beat on the nerves,
And the pain is not less than it was ...

Resentment only hurts once
She wouldn't hurt us
When we ourselves have a large load
They didn't drag themselves along.

resentment is like winter - the heart goes numb from the cold
lips covered with frost and frozen words breaking from them
hurt like sharp ice icicles-knives
frost draws white, cold patterns in your soul
and the hands are fettered by the death of immobility
the cold breath of the cooled soul of your deathly blizzard is circling in the world "we"

Wake up, wake up my Kai .. and let go of resentment-winter
take love and affection from my hands
lips touch the heat and light
open up to me and you will know that
spring-love, and caress-summer always come after...

Trouble. Misfortune. Tears and curses...
Who's cursed? Who is the culprit of trouble?
To the one who trampled on the inflorescences of happiness!
Is he God? Is he a demon? Or our neighbor?
Resentment! Like a hungry wolf
Gnawing and chewing on the wound. She doesn't care
On whom exactly will the rage break out,
She is ready to destroy the whole world.
She will eclipse the light of reason,
Her breath is revenge, her food is pain,
Indignation will penetrate into thoughts sensitively,
She is salt for the wounds of suffering.
Neither God, nor the devil, nor even our neighbor
Revenge makers...

When the offense is evil, it takes power over us,
She blinds us, lulling our minds.
And the one who succumbed to it will find evil on the way.
I paid for revenge with my soul and heart.

And revenge does not correct mistakes and troubles.
What happened in life can't be changed.
After all, this is only in a fairy tale: he poured living water,
And the one that has already died begins to live again.

Oh, how easy it is sometimes, succumbing to the evil in yourself,
A momentary impulse to offend those people.
And everyone has met with this, at least once in their lives.
When we were offended, lost in ...

I know resentment never goes unnoticed
She will settle somewhere like a stone, and maybe heavy,
And it will live in me forever under a blanket of time,
And drops of poison sharpen my heart again and again.
And, if I, having gained strength, do not burn it out in one fell swoop,
I'll give it a chance, the word mold, rear up the asphalt, even if not immediately,
it will turn into a huge, vicious hernia,
Or it will settle in bulk in the lungs and suffocate with metastases.
So I understood myself, but I don’t like to read morality to everyone,
And, let, all insults to us will be, and only how ...

Where does resentment live?
Everything in me boils
manipura dura
The flame burns.

Honor cast aside
I cry like a child
Mommy dear
Have pity on me.

One hundred reasons for resentment
I am looking for others
And striving for freedom
I ache constantly.

I would like to step aside
I would like to realize
Angry tearfulness
Get rid of yourself.

Once again, uplifted,
Start creating.
Got a rhyme
So I will live.

Cold look, silent gestures,
Only the north wind pierces them.
What a lie, what a bluff or the truth to lead,
It doesn't matter anymore - there is no point in them anymore.
A secret has crept in that is public,
Or unsociable, how to say right.
Maybe even a word is unforgivable,
But the word is not the soul - there are no ideas in it.
Start offending, throw a flattering brilliance.
Or offend to the core.
Dignity to hurt, love, and maybe even worse,
To humiliate before itself, in the eyes of people.
Not right ... or maybe not right,
It is not right to judge or not in ...

When it hurts so much that it's no longer scary -
When you can't tell day from night
It becomes sad and ... terrible
When you sharpen a grudge in yourself ...
Everything is forgotten, as if they did not live -
As if there was not what was
As if lost and forgotten
What was once expensive and sweet.
Eats sadness, scratches resentment
Pride gnaws, and dreams scratch...
Someday, it will take off ... It will be seen -
But where will we be then?
A fork is not always the end of the road
Other paths? Maybe for the good ...
Tell me if it's worth going at all...

All the words have been said, the debts have been divided.
Well, that's all, the finale, all points are placed.
We are returning to the previous circles.
I'm not yours and you're not mine, we are alone.

In a strange bed and in the arms of strangers
Now you have to knock each other out with a wedge.
I'm not offended, you're no worse than anyone else.
And my man, I believe, he will still be found.

I'll try to convince myself
If it didn't kill you, then it made you stronger.
I need to erase you from my memory.
And make your image more transparent and paler.

It's a pity, I don't agree with myself, unfortunately.
When you talk to yourself, there is no falsehood.
There are two of us: I, who still love.
And I, who try to go further.

Gatilova Natalia

January 2011

Disappointment comes again
Comes again
And forget the old promise
Keep your love for others
You are not fulfilling God's will.
And again the whole world is offended,
Shutting yourself in...
Lonely book shelf
She won't give you advice.
Empty vanity of the earth...
Again, you will not lighten the heart
Forgiving your offenders
You can't soar into the sky with your soul.
What a pity that you often forget
You are the destination in life
You humiliate others without guilt,
Forgetting heavenly dreams.
And cry, cry, but
Nobody needs tears
No one will understand anyway
But only God alone
Not the same: "How are you,
What do you feel and why?
But under the veil of vanity
You forget about him
And resentment poisons the soul,

Don't call for help
And faith in the Lord is weakening,
But I will call on you in sorrow,
You will save me -
I will praise You with my lips!

I don't have a girlfriend
And life is sometimes so cruel.
And I want to cry
And pour out your pain.
I then take the paper
And I grip the handle tightly
And resentment pours into the lines,
Like tears for a best friend.
And it gets a little easier
Like crying into a vest
Adding another page
In the collection of a dumb friend.
And if the muse is silent,
And my mind is a complete mess
I leave my girlfriend

And like a silent movie
My whole life is in full view.
I leaf through - and suddenly it comes -
A friend is something else
He does not disturb peace,
Without pity reminding
About what you want to forget.
A friend is something else...
I don't have a girlfriend
And life is sometimes so cruel.
And I want to cry
And pour out your pain.
I then take the paper
And I grip the handle tightly
And resentment pours into the lines,
Like tears for a best friend.
And it gets a little easier
Like crying into a vest
Adding another page
In the collection of a dumb friend.
And if the muse is silent,
And my mind is a complete mess
I leave my girlfriend
A notebook containing prose in verse.
And like a silent movie
My whole life is in full view.
I'm scrolling - and suddenly it comes -
A friend is something else
He does not disturb peace,
Without pity reminding
About what you want to forget.
A friend is something else...

And the evening, and the field, and the sun, and the sky
All this is mixed up, wherever you are.
There is only darkness, emptiness and resentment in my head,
In my head only BG and "Adelaide".

And again again the evening, and again the sky
I haven't been anywhere all day.
And the winter turned out to be white, and the earth seemed to be summer,
The world turned out to be simpler, and I didn't even think about it.

So those years passed, until our first summer
When we met and I walked with a bouquet.
That evening you seemed to me a bright light
Stay the same, don't leave, where are you?

I'm looking for another Sylph.
You are mistaken bitterly Princess,
I'm not who you seem to be.
I am one of those who hang out in taverns,
Amusing themselves with wine from idleness.

Don't think that I'm lonely
I do not suffer from deaf longing.
I can be deep
Stir up curiosity in a row.

And now I'm leaving
Don't hold a grudge against me.
For you I won't be faithful
I'm looking for another Sylph.

Sylph - air spirit, female.

I am a creature ... And I do not hide it
Behind the faces of cute photos...
But I do not play with the feelings of friends,
I don't write grave epitaphs for them...

I am a creature! But I despise creatures
I'm not looking for my kind among you...
I rest on the graves of sinners
And in the twilight, and in the predawn hour ...

I am a creature, and I know for sure
And you have no right to judge me!
I may be looking down on you...
But I will cruelly avenge the offense ...

Are you scared?... Sometimes I am too...
You can't understand someone else's soul...
Your soul will always be more precious...
Standing nearby - he is always a stranger ...

M U F I K. (About family relationships. And only)
How much is given to us men,
Find the way in pitch darkness
Climb and conquer the summit.
Be dexterous bold, and in need
Be able to help anytime, anywhere.
Substitute the shoulder, if necessary,
Honor would be his reward,
Man, of course there is a locomotive.
.But to have the dignity of everything,
And much-needed positivity.
To be able to forgive when already unbearable.
When resentment crumbles teeth
And Ericho's trumpets are heard,
You must still stand
So that the male gender is not tarnished,
So that Mother proudly said:
My son, you did well, you resisted
And he did not change himself
And don't let your voice tremble.
Now you are a MAN!!
Tell me how to live, Mother of God?
And dry my tears with hope!
Worms are found under the diaper rash,
And I feel the rot inside me...

I drive away resentment, aching!
You, Desired, wash with holy water,
At dawn, me leaving
Have pity, seeing off, sad home !!

Tell me how to live, Mother of God?
Point out the right path to repentance!
Because the soul is exhausted
But the heart, knives pierce sins!

Moral values ​​will rise!
But stress helps to remove roasting.
Do not sprout the roots of laziness,
And Beloved, do not think that I am a dummy!

lilac branch

I was dying from a hangover migraine.
I didn’t want to live, here’s a cross for you!
Strength was returned to me by a lilac branch:
Unique and gentle color.

In a drunken stupor I did not see you,
How you knocked on my window.
I know the lilac is not mad at me -
It's not me, it's just wine...

I will not break you for my beloved,
I will not disturb the lilac color.
Let my happiness pass by:
The branch sways sadly in response to me.

You will not betray, you will not step on the nerves.
Pleasing to the eye, you will whisper to me with foliage:
That I am not the first to sing of you -
Everyone is in love with your lilac color.

Often we become someone's target.
Instead of love, evil is encouraged.
Don't miss the lilac branch!
I noticed that I got lucky...

It seems to me...
He: It seems to me that without you the sun turns pale ...
And the world fades, leaving sadness.

She: I think you're the one I've been waiting for...
Suddenly not with me, and I'm not me anymore.

He: I feel like I'll die for you.
And I won't let you get offended.
From everyone I will close, I will save,
Becoming your Angel, protection.

She: I feel so strong
That I will forgive everything, no matter what I do.
I will console you, I will support you.
I can always find the words.

He: I think I almost love
But in this age, only doubts...

She: I think I almost love
But in this age, it's so hard to believe...

O.b. gone (or spring meningitis)
I'm mad at you.
I am undressed by you
from within.
You are for the soul, I ask
do not take.
More beautiful words
do not say.
Go away and the door to my world
shut up.
With the tenderness of others
Every night in the dance of passion
In strong bonds of the moon-faced
Only in my head, please
do not take.
I forgot everything...

Forgiveness is a choice.

Stronger than all victories is forgiveness.

If you have been forgotten, neglected, deliberately driven into a corner, and you bow before the Lord and thank Him for all insults and humiliations, this is a victory.

RESPONDENCE - a defensive reaction caused by an attack on your idols.
Timur Rasulov

Try to look at her with a forgiving heart rather than a judgmental mind.
Film "Love comes quietly"-6 "Dream of love"

To forgive means to turn the key, open the door of the dungeon and set the prisoner free.

To forgive means to write in large letters on an IOU "Shouldn't."

To pardon means to strike with a judge's gavel and declare to the defendant: "Innocent."

To forgive means to shoot an arrow from a bow so high and far away that no one can find it and return it.

To forgive means to take out the garbage and throw it away, leaving the house clean and bright.

To forgive means to raise the anchor and set sail on a free voyage.

To forgive means to grant a full amnesty to a convicted and imprisoned criminal.

To forgive means to let go of the stranglehold.

To forgive means to wash away all the ink that stained the brick wall and whiten it again.

To forgive means to smash the clay pot to smithereens so that it can no longer be collected.

John MacArthur

X / f Champion / Champion (2017)
In a world of high speeds and racing tracks, one mistake causes two men's lives to change forever. One must fight for his family and the other must fight to forgive.

Wisdom - if you keep silent in time,
Do not answer rudeness with rudeness,
If it hurts - you'll forgive anyway,
And resentment, and someone else's stupidity.

Resilience and health

Resentment, resentment and cancer, or what is resentment, what it leads to and how not to be offended

"Did someone insult you? Pray to God that He have mercy on him: he is your brother, your member" - St. John Chrysostom.

Imagine that you are driving a car, in a hurry and suddenly ... a herd of cows or sheep, for example, crosses the road for you. They walk sedately, with dignity, wagging their tails, and are in no hurry at all.

I hope you don't get offended by them.

If a robber attacks you, then most likely you will not be offended either, but either get scared and run away, or get angry and fight him. But if you see that your friend neglects your interests, or the one you love does not behave with you in the way you expect from him, then an unpleasant feeling arises, which is called resentment.

Therefore, emotion arises from the collision of my idea of ​​the behavior of another person with the actual behavior of this person. At the same time, it is important that the other one be significant to me, and maybe loved.
Resentment is desire better attitude towards oneself than what one observes in others. Those. we get offended when we think we deserve better treatment.

In the external, it can manifest itself as a demand for recognition, respect, and a high appreciation of "high personal merits" in relation to oneself. A touchy person usually willingly supports conversations about the injustice reigning in the world, about the ingratitude of children and acquaintances, low wages, complains about people's misunderstanding of his complex nature and their inability to appreciate his, as it seems to him, high qualities.

In everyday life, he is picky, capricious, behaves like a child. Indeed, the emotional reaction to failure can come from childhood. The child is offended, cries, and the parents, because they love him, feel guilty. This guilt causes parents to change their behavior, which is what the child needs. On the other hand, the resentment of the child is necessary for the upbringing of parents. She helps them to turn from husband and wife into father and mother, develops in them certain traits necessary for the normal maturation of both a child and an adult, the formation of their personalities. But since the child's personality has been formed, the need for resentment disappears.

Resentment is an infantile reaction to the environment, a reproduction of childhood in an adult.

Look at the expression on your face when you are offended: it becomes childish and childishly angry! Being offended, I exploit the love of another and control his behavior, punishing him with guilt. In the interaction of two people, the resentment of one is necessarily complemented by the guilt of the other. If the other does not feel guilty, then the offense becomes useless. We do not resent those who do not love us. That is, resentment immature people manipulate others for their own benefit.

But if they fail, then resentment takes root in them, destroying the body, which leads to various, most often cancerous diseases. In itself, the feeling of resentment does not bring great harm if a person knows how to forgive or at least strives for it.

Most often, people set barriers for themselves when they say, for example: “I will never forgive my mother for not loving me” or “I cannot forgive my father for leaving us”, etc. And indeed, it is very difficult to forgive a mother who hires people to beat her own son, or a mother who does not work, drinks, does not take care of her daughter, choking from alcohol intoxication in a cluttered, dirty apartment, where she is forced to stay hungry all day. And there are many such examples.

What kind of love do you have to have to forgive this?!

But there are many more examples. When people get offended at each other because of some everyday trifles: someone said something wrong, or looked, or thought, or simply because “he is not the way I would like”, etc. And family ties are torn, families are crumbling. It is good if reconciliation does come, even at the end of life. And often people go to another world, leaving the next generations as a legacy of an increased sense of resentment, turning into passion, and with it the accompanying diseases. Resentment destroys our body in that it includes mental aggression. Thoughts in which we punish the offender deplete our immune system.

Do you want to be healthy? Learn to forgive sincerely, with all your heart and live long!

It's easy to say sorry! But as? How to learn not to be offended? Perhaps the following recommendations, taken from practical psychology and the Holy Fathers, will help you.

1. First, recognize your resentment, which includes:

- recognizing your expectations,

- understanding the causes of their origin,

- a real assessment of the true behavior and state of the other,

- understanding the difference between your expectations and reality.

2. When you are offended or insulted, think about the following:

- if it's not true, then it doesn't concern you,

- and if it's true, then there's no need to be offended,

- if someone said or did it because of his bad character, then look at him as a patient, because he is a patient. We are not offended by a patient with cancer, hepatitis and other somatic and mental illnesses.

Let us remember what the Holy Fathers advise us: if you have been offended, ask him for forgiveness, wish him happiness, health, pray for those who offend and humiliate you. As a reward, you will have peace of mind, a pure heart, good health.
Parenko N.F.

Forgiveness does not always lead to reconciliation. Forgiveness is only a step towards it, since real reconciliation is conditioned by forgiveness on both sides and the restoration of trust, which most often does not happen. More often than not, only one side is willing to reconcile and renew the relationship. But this does not mean that without reconciliation we cannot forgive.
Forgiving each other, even on both sides, sometimes, unfortunately, does not mean that we will return to our previous relationship. Only over time, with the restoration of trust, the relationship can gradually return to the original.

Anthony Surozhsky spoke about his acquaintance, who, being in a Nazi concentration camp, felt stronger, more powerful than his tormentors. “They,” he said, “had the miserable power to kill me. And even then, not me, but only my body. I had the power to forgive them and pray for them.”

Imagine that someone injured you, broke your arm, for example. And then he came and sincerely repented, asked for forgiveness. And you have forgiven him. Well, the hand will immediately grow together after that? No, of course, any bodily injury will hurt for a long time, and maybe always. But this bodily pain does not cancel forgiveness. Pain is pain and forgiveness is forgiveness. I think it's the same with the soul.
The person who offended you inflicted a wound on the soul that cannot immediately go away, it can hurt for a long time. To forgive is one thing, to recover the soul is another.
Archpriest Igor Gagarin

“Forgiveness is not to pretend that bad things never happened and not to call evil good. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself without giving others the strength to hurt you again every time you think about them. This The best way that I know to help your body continue to heal."
David Levy, San Diego neurosurgeon

If you, a man, do not forgive anyone who has sinned against you, do not trouble yourself with fasting and prayer - God will not accept you.
Ephraim Sirin

"The sign of unfeigned love is the forgiveness of offenses."
Mark the Ascetic

“Nothing saves love so much as forgiveness of insults to the guilty before us.”
John Chrysostom

"Resentment" is a Christian story. Svetlana Timokhina.

Old woman
I remember a house peeled like sticky.
Above the house, among the shimmering worlds,
Crazy, toothless smile
The moon, blinded by searchlights.

Another war was walking somewhere echo,
Thundering heavenly thunders out of place,
And it seemed to me that it was not at all in a hurry
Forgive the enemies who pushed me to hell.

But I heard nearby, like an old woman,
All from cast-iron widow's jaws,
The Lord all-seeing is deaf
Begged for mercy for enemies:

- Great God, the battle is over,
Nightmarier than Cain's dreams...
Give me strength to pray so that prayer
It was like a continuation of spring.

Give strength not to pull enemies to the chopping block,
Destroying the world with your own hatred,
Give me the strength to be reduced to dust,
So that the soul rises to forgiveness,

So that the fallen at the Volga crossing
In You, five of my sons have been resurrected.

... The old woman, like no one else, had the right
Forgive your enemies.

Have I really forgiven?
On the last week, preparing for the sermon, meditated on the text from the gospel of Matthew 18:21-35. This is a well-known passage about how Peter approached Christ with the question: “How many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? up to seven times? Christ's answer was unexpected for Peter, as Christ "raised the bar" for forgiveness to a staggering height - 490 times a day (in other words, about once every 3 minutes). In His response, Jesus showed that a believer must forgive constantly, not counting evil (1 Cor. 13:5). In the following parable, Christ well illustrated at least two reasons why Christians have no legal justification for not forgiving other believers. It is God's forgiveness and God's punishment.

In light of this passage, the life of any believer should be filled with forgiveness. When we agree with this, it becomes very important for us to answer the question: what do we mean by forgiveness? Or what meaning do we put in the word "forgive"?

Reviewing all of Scripture, we can conclude that God's forgiveness is not only a motivator for our forgiveness, but also an example of how we need to forgive:

…forgive one another, just as God in Christ forgave you. (Eph. 4:32)

We should treat the sins of the brothers and sisters, for which they apologized, in the same way that God treats the sins of the people who came to him with repentance. When we start thinking in this direction, then different verses on this topic pop up in our minds (respectively, different facets of forgiveness are considered). But perhaps the most striking phrase (according to many interpreters) describing God's attitude towards the forgiven sins of people is the phrase "I will remember no more":

I, I Myself blot out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins
(Isaiah 43:25)

…Because I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sins no more.
(Jer. 31:34)

Who are we not to forgive each other's offenses, even if God forgives us our sins.

God promises that He will not remember sins. Therefore, “forgiveness” is a promise not to remember sins (not a promise to forget, but a volitional decision not to remember). In the same way, our forgiveness of other people should be expressed in life. Whenever we tell another that we forgive him, we make a promise not to remember his sin.

Have I really forgiven?

This question is tantamount to another: “Do I remember the sin that I have forgiven?”

To clarify this, ask yourself 3 questions:

Do I think about the wrong the person has done to me?

Do I remind the offender of this?

Do I talk about this sin to other people?

If we answer yes to any of these three questions, then it is likely that we have not forgiven our brother “from the heart” of his sins.
Shpilko Dmitry

We have come up with many thousands of words,
Learned to write and read
We translate poems from a hundred languages,
Only relatives can not understand ...
And the dog will only look into your eyes,
Wet nose buried in the palm,
And understand at once everything that you want to say,
She doesn't need words for this...

I have a lot to say to her.
And then ask me to teach
How to understand all people without words!
We are proud that we have many friends,
We send congratulations to them on holidays,
Only our friends let us down sometimes
Yes, and we easily betray them ...
A dog cannot betray someone,
And she doesn't let her friends down
She is not sorry to give her life for her friends,
After all, she does not need a life without friends ...

I'll ask her to teach me,
How do I make friends!
We wrote thousands of books about love,
We shed tears over novels,
But so often we leave our loved ones,
And we sell love for money ...
And the dog does not expect anything for himself,
And we can't count examples of that.
Though you are a beggar, even a king, she loves you,
Just like that, just for the fact that you are ...
How I want to learn dog language
To speak on equal terms with her,
I'll ask her to teach me,
What is the right way to love.
We keep fasts, and we go to the temple,
To pray for your sins there,
But we can’t for years to relatives and friends,
Forgive even the slightest offense...
And the dog, if you lead to euthanize,
Even if she realizes it,
Without resentment, she will look at you,
And quietly lick your hand ...
How I want to learn dog language!
I have so much to tell her
I'll ask the dog to teach me
How insults must be forgiven!

06 Conflict resolution. Bill Gotthard

07 Offenders

The wiser a person becomes, the less he finds reasons for resentment.

Film Retribution / Railwayman 2013

Genre: Drama, military
Description: During World War II, British officer Eric Lomax is captured by the Japanese in Singapore and sent to a POW camp to build the Thai-Burman Army. railway. In the camp, he is tortured by a Japanese officer. Decades later, Eric, still suffering from the effects of psychological trauma, and his wife Patty learn that the Japanese officer who tortured Eric in the camps is alive. Former enemies will meet on that same railway bridge across the River Kwai, but will he want retribution now or will he be able to forgive the person who did his military duty and forget all the tragic events? A sublime film about courage and fortitude, based on real events. The main character of the film - Eric Lomax - died on October 8, 2012, without waiting for the release of the film on the screen.

Additionally: the film contains heavy military scenes and is not recommended for viewing by children.

There is something to ask for forgiveness,
A lot has gone bad.
I want to know what can be returned
The one that foolishly left.

Maybe it's time to grow up
Bring back the good.
Become brave, wise, wiser,
To not make mistakes again.

Accept the apology
And I ask you to understand
It was sad in my heart
The mood passed.

That's where it all spilled out
I blame myself for a long time
I feel bad without you
Reconciliation is urgently needed!

I beg, I beg, forgive me
And let go of resentment
Will we make peace with you?
Throw away your sadness!

I promise to leave, just order
An abyss forever, like a drop, just say "NO".
I will do any act, guilt cannot be exterminated ...
Forgive my love for you and just let go.
I'm hurt, sad, tearing my soul
The memory is
When this evil was done by my hand.
And it's a pity that it's too late to change the mistake -
I apologize tearfully, but from now on I have to live with this.

Life is not easy - there are mistakes,
The bitterness of strong resentment sometimes.
The mysterious world is very flexible,
Sorry if you can, now.

And then we remember with a smile,
What did you have to go through at that time?
What happened - it's a mistake
So let's just be friends.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
And my soul, do not worry.
Yes, here it is - my fault,
Lynches, cuts without a knife.
How painful, bitter to admit,
But I can't lie again.
I will speak the truth
And only love you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Life without you is always empty!

Despite all the sorrows
Despite our strife
I love you and you know
I feel good with you!
And I apologize tearfully
You, my life, forgive me.
My guilt before you
That there is no life without you!

Forgive me, I beg
Don't be angry, my love.
I'm lost without you
Everywhere I see your face.

We quarreled with you.
But is that really the problem?
We make peace with you
Let's be happy then!

"Sorry" is hard to say
It just happens sometimes.
Everything happened inadvertently
But I love you forever.

Please, forgive me, I'm begging
After all, life is not the same without you.
You know how much I miss
After all, I still love you.

I have been suffering from my words for a long time,
And, as if, the ice is melting in the sun.
So lonely without you
So listen, please!

We all need forgiveness
None of us are saints.
And we're sorry
Even if it's hard for us at times!

And how nice it is when they say:
“That’s all right, forget everything.
Well, with whom does this not happen!
Then forgive and understand us!

I'm sorry if something's wrong,
You know, I love you very much.
And I look forward to seeing you day and night
I can't do without you.

I'm sorry, I beg you very much
I will accept any punishment.
Here's a test for me -
Before your stand me strict eyes.

Don't trample love underfoot
Do not judge strictly like this:
Yes, they made a mistake, who doesn’t happen to?
Do not turn everything into dust!

Don't let your anger grow
Don't turn your heart to ice.
We, and on earth, under the sky -
Everything, loving, we will survive!

I see your heart is crying
Don't tell anyone about the hurt.
I know that the reason is me
After all, I did not understand you then.

I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry
Let the hurt go back.
I apologize to you now
After all, without you, I definitely can not.

My little one pouted her lips
My beloved is offended
All day she is gloomy and gloomy,
Doesn't notice me all day!

Forgive me, well, how much can you?
Forgive me my dear girl
I'm like that, believe me, I won't
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

My beloved, I'm sorry
I confessed my sins, I repent of everything,
And without you my dreams are not interesting
I swear to you that I will improve!

I'm sorry, please, please
I am bad, I know
And I can't live without you
Forgive me baby, I conjure!

You know how hard it is for me sometimes
Ask for your forgiveness.
But I love you so much
And I apologize again.

Darling, please forgive me
You heal my heart.
I already punished myself
For all the stupid things I said.

Understand me and forget everything
Please forgive me first.
We will take with you a white sheet,
And we'll start from the beginning!

It's hard to ask for forgiveness
But I can't live like this anymore.
My heart is very worried
After all, you are offended, my friend.

Forgive me for the lies, for the tears.
For shouting and unpleasant words.
Forgive what has been or will be.
I'm sorry, don't leave me.

Believe that it was already will not happen again,
I will never offend you.
I hate myself now
For what he did, what he said.

I am guilty before you
I won't atone for any guilt.
But I want to tell you
What I want to be with you again.

Forgive me, my love,
I will fight again and again
To earn forgiveness
It's a gift to love you!

The wind blows away all thoughts,
You stand all in the power of resentment.
Forgive me, dear, if
You love, and the heart commands.

You can't live without mistakes
I'm not making excuses, I'm asking.
I'm sorry, even if it's difficult
You know how much I appreciate you.

I cherish and love, and I hope
That you will forgive me anyway.
And then I warm my soul
Smile - I look, you are sad.

Forgive me my love
That I offended you.
Very bad at heart
But please, give me a chance!

I love you very much,
I want to be with you.
But there is one problem -
You are avoiding me.

Don't avoid me
And drive away the resentment.
And forgive me from the heart
Don't be mean to me!

It's a pity we had a conflict
Was wrong, got excited,
Guilty, I understand
Excuse me, dear.

I have no life without you
The light has come upon you.
Don't be angry, please, baby!
I'm waiting for you to forgive me!

I know I'm guilty of you
Forgive me for the stupid words.
For the fact that your feelings were wounded like a knife,
What I said too much, I realized only later.

I love you, my love.
And these are not just empty words.
I'm ready to bow before you
To be happy again with you!

I'm sorry, honey, I'm sorry.
I was wrong, to be honest.
You accept my apologies
I offended you for sure.

But I love you, I love you
What happened, and I myself do not know
I'm like a ship now
And I’m swimming where, I don’t understand.

I am now without a rudder, without sails,
You remove the stone from my soul,
I know I've done stupid things
I'm sorry, I'm sorry...