
A conspiracy to increase the salary at work. Rituals for salary increases. Conspiracy to find a job


It is rare to find a person who would be completely satisfied with his salary. It is especially unpleasant if a person works, tries, and the remuneration for work is not at all what we would like. A salary conspiracy will help increase the flow of finances, with its help you can achieve an increase in wages, a promotion, and receive a bonus. In order for a conspiracy to increase salaries to bring the desired result, it is important to take into account certain rules for its implementation.

Rules for conducting rituals

Rituals to increase salaries will be effective if, when performing them, you follow the simple rules and recommendations of experts in the field of esotericism and the occult:

  1. You can not dedicate anyone to the fact that magic is used to achieve their goals.
  2. It is very important to believe that the conspiracy to pay salaries will be effective.
  3. Strictly adhere to all instructions in the instructions for the ceremony.
  4. To quickly achieve the desired result, you can use not one, but several rituals.
  5. A spell or prayer for a good salary is recited by heart, without hesitation. Do not change anything yourself, do not remove or add anything.
  6. Rites can be performed by both women and men, regardless of the position held and the level of salary.
  7. It is recommended to perform rituals during the growing moon or on the full moon.
  8. Magical actions are not performed if a person feels unwell, in large church holidays and on Sunday.

The first results will be visible after a few weeks.

per coin

An effective ritual can be made to increase the salary. To do this, you need a coin. At midnight, light a candle, drive a coin over the flame and speak a conspiracy so that the salary is paid, and so that it becomes larger:

“Although the coin does not burn, it absorbs a bright flame into itself. I will heat you over the fire, I will lure money to me. For timely payment, to raise wages, to give back on time what was earned by my labor. Let it increase and multiply. Yes, it grows a little every day, the amount every day becomes more and more. And I will rejoice and thank you. Become my assistant and talisman, be a beacon for financial rewards. Let the flow of money never stop, never stop.

Always carry the charmed coin with you for three days, after which the ritual should be repeated, securing its effect. It is very good if you manage to conduct a second ceremony while sitting in the workplace, but so that no one sees. These rituals are very effective if they are carried out correctly, in compliance with all the recommendations and instructions in the instructions.

On threads

In order to receive payment of wages on time, you can perform a ritual with the help of threads. Conspiracies to return money if the salary is delayed is also carried out with the help of threads. On Thursday morning, purchase three skeins of thread - green, blue and white. From these threads you need to weave seven braids. They are braided for three days in a row in this way - weave on Thursday after the purchase, braid on Friday, braid again on Saturday. During weaving, the following slander is read:

“I braid, I braid, I attract money to myself, I lure, I bewitch. As these pigtails will be even, so let even money flow to me like a river. As in each pigtail there are three beginnings, so let them become paths for money. Let them flow like a river without stopping.

On Monday, put each pigtail in your shoes, hide the second in the workplace, throw two more in the personnel department, put one more in the manager's office. Burn the sixth pigtail in any part of the office, and put the seventh on the windowsill, let it lie for a week.

For church candles

If you work hard, and the salary remains at the same level, you need to open the eyes of the authorities to increase the salary. A conspiracy to pay wages is carried out using a handful of salt, church candles and consecrated water. Dial in a half-liter bottle of holy water, pour a handful of salt into a bag. Put them under the bed for three nights. In the morning after the third night, dissolve the salt in water. Sprinkle this liquid on your feet and read:

“In what places I will pass, they will notice me everywhere, they will fix their eyes on my work, they will pay attention.”

“I walked, I walk and I will walk. Wherever I used to go and go, I will do my work conscientiously. The boss will see me, he will appreciate me, he will shower me with money, he will make me his assistant.

The second candle is lit near the chief's doors, the doors will also need to be sprinkled with water. And the third candle is lit at home, let it burn out completely.

Other ritual options

There are cases when people, having come to a new job, very quickly go up the career ladder, growing in just a year from a simple office clerk to a deputy chief. To achieve such heights, you need to work very hard, constantly disappearing at work and delving into the essence of the process. And you can arm yourself with magic that will help you advance in your career much faster. The ritual for the first salary will help. Having received the money earned for the first time, you do not need to spend a penny. Bring all your paychecks home.

Wait until midnight, spread banknotes in front of you, light 6 candles and place them near the banknotes. Light the seventh candle and take it in your hands. Read the words for a big salary and for an increase in salary and position:

“My first salary, let it not be the last. Now you are small, but for me golden. I want to enlarge you very quickly. Rise a hundred times, grow in my pocket, do not fit in my wallet. So that I live in prosperity and well-being. I respect you, let me be respected.

Let all the candles burn out completely. Collect money and put it under your pillow. You can spend in the morning.

Ritual to get paid

If an unscrupulous leader delays the money earned, a simple but very effective ritual can be performed. It can be done any day before payday. Light a candle and read:

“I will light this candle, let it burn with a bright flame and the conscience of the boss inflames, awakens. Let the hard-earned come to me in time, there will be a reward for my labors honest and timely. And the authorities do not linger, they give money to my little hands.

Repeat the words of the spell three times, then extinguish the candle. Repeat the ritual in a week. And another one a week later.

Another version of the ritual is performed using three long church candles. Twist them in the form of a tourniquet, wait until midnight and set fire to it. Repeat 33 times these words:

“Thrice I will call wealth to myself. I fasten it with fire three times, I confirm it with flame. As these candles burn to the ground, so let my lack of money, failures, financial troubles burn out. I want wealth and profit. I wait at the gate, at the gate, I show them the path, let them free with a bright flame.

Let the candles burn out completely, discard the cinders. The action of the ritual should come exactly in 33 days.

Prayer for help

For a week, every morning after waking up, a prayer is read:

“As the Lord lives honestly and righteously, so may my life be correct and righteous. I will not need to know and poverty. I look forward to prosperity and good luck in business. May my paths and paths be light and bright, covered with money, honestly earned. And I will only be happy and good luck in all endeavors. Let it be so".

Prayer is very powerful. It is read seven days in a row every month.

Anyone wants to live better and get more money for your work. This desire is quite natural and especially relevant in conditions of economic instability. Prices are rising daily, and most office and hired workers in the Russian Federation no longer remember the last time they received a salary increase.

Salary increase rituals will be useful to those who, despite their efforts, experience and professional skills, do not receive proper financial rewards. These magic tricks will make the money energy flow in your direction and draw the attention of your superiors to you.

Features of the performance of rituals for wages

Fulfillment related to the improvement of the financial situation must be subject to strict rules. This will increase the effectiveness of conspiracies and speed up their duration. The basic rules are as follows:

  • Rites to increase monthly payments for the work done are held on the growing moon or in the new moon phase;
  • Perform rituals alone;
  • Recommended days of the week - Thursday, Saturday;
  • It is not advisable to perform rituals on church weekends and holidays.

Having chosen the most favorable day, try to cleanse yourself of negative emotions and tune in to a calm and peaceful way. Belief in the effectiveness of magic will give strength to any conspiracy. If on the day of the ceremony you feel weak or tired, it is better to postpone the procedure until a better time. Like any energy action, a ritual to increase financial status will require the investment of spiritual and partly physical strength.

Two powerful magical rites for a salary

Of the many conspiracies known to me to improve material well-being, I chose the most effective and simple in execution.

Rite one

A very powerful magical technique, which is carried out in several stages. At the initial stage, the procedure for cleaning the office or place is carried out. To do this, fumigate the room with mint or calendula.

This procedure is not always possible - you can simply leave a bag of dry herbs in a drawer or other secret place for 7 days. The second stage is the conspiracy itself. It is read on the growing or full moon. It is not necessary to memorize all the words exactly - the message and the feeling with which you pronounce them play a role: “Let my salary become round, like this month. And let it grow like the moon, and let my purse be filled! Amen". Repeat the plot three times, then go to sleep.

The third stage is carried out in the morning. Come to work early, open the window and say: “I let in the light, but I drive out the darkness!” The rite begins to work when the time for the next salary comes.

Second rite

Another strong conspiracy, this time using a coin. Any yellow metal coin will do. The words of the conspiracy are read on it:

“Just as there is no number of stars in the sky and drops in the ocean, so let me have countless money: both in my wallet and in my house. Amen".

The words themselves do not have a decisive meaning, the main thing is the mood and faith in a positive result.

But simple rituals are not always enough: some situations require the professional help of a magician. If you need the support of a strong practicing magician, please contact me directly: I guarantee the result and qualified assistance.

Sometimes the effort that a person spends on work is not enough to get a decent reward. If you work in a large enterprise or as a manager in a successful company, then you have the right to hope for financial stability.

A conspiracy will help you get a decent salary at work

However, our desires do not always coincide with reality. In this case, household magic will help. Reading a conspiracy to increase wages at work is a way out of the situation.

The conspiracy will help in any job if the company is developing and there is an opportunity for career growth. Prayer for the boss to be promoted will pay attention to your merits and efforts. It is good to read it in commercial institutions, where the authorities themselves set the "ceiling" of wages for their employees.

Prayer for the first salary will provide a stable payment in the amount that you expected when you got a job. A ritual for high profits will improve your financial situation if the company you work for is quite successful.

Features of rituals to increase rewards

The rite, in order to be well paid at work, requires accurate conduct and knowledge of some features. A conspiracy to increase salaries can be read to everyone, regardless of gender, age and position.

All rituals to attract money are carried out only during the full moon or on the growing moon. It is necessary to read the plot in order to add the desired amount to the salary without stammering and stuttering. If you can’t memorize by heart, make yourself a cheat sheet.

A prayer for the boss to be promoted is read when there are opportunities for this and your desire. For example, to move up the career ladder, you need a higher education or knowledge foreign language. In this case, you will first have to work hard and acquire the necessary skills.

These nuances must be taken into account. Magic can change your life drastically, but it will be even better if you put some effort into it.

A powerful ritual to raise wages

This ritual is considered very effective. First, the workplace is cleaned. This can be done with a church candle or holy water.

Juniper and other plants will attract money and good luck.

Then, in a secluded place, you need to hide a linen bag with dry plants:

  • hypericum;
  • calendula;
  • oak leaves;
  • cloves;
  • geranium;
  • nettle;
  • maple;
  • laurel;
  • juniper;
  • chamomile, etc.

Some herbs cleanse the energy space and protect, others attract success, increase fortitude, and attract good luck. You can choose one herb or several. For example, oak attracts money, and chamomile brings good luck. Before hiding the amulet at the workplace, on the full moon they read a conspiracy over it to add the desired amount to the salary:

“Flowers all bloom on the full moon, they obey the round moon, And I, the servant of God (name), ask the moon for clear light, complete consent. So that my salary is round, as you are now, And with your growth it increases, And as you decrease, so it will stabilize. The light is long, the month is full, my purse is golden. My chief boss will listen to the moon and solve my affairs. Amen!"

The next day, having come to work, open the window and mentally say:

"I let in the light, I let out failures!"

Ritual with a coin

This conspiracy to quickly raise wages is read only on yellow coins. The words of the magical text are:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, fish are found and not translated, As in the blue sky, the vast sky the stars shine, do not count them, As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass, do not interrupt everything, So it is with me, a servant of God ( name) there was always money. My words are strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr, I seal them with an iron sword in mother earth. Let my boss increase my salary, add money, see my talents. To always be like this. Amen!"

Ritual with coins is carried out on the growing moon

The ritual for high profits is carried out on the growing moon. A coin is brought to work and placed in the right corner. Such a talisman will act constantly and will strengthen any prayer so that the boss will be promoted.

Conspiracy in the new workplace

A conspiracy is carried out only if you have already worked in your position for at least three months. If you have just recently settled down, then you can perform any ceremony so that you are well paid at work or a prayer for the first salary.

To cleanse your new workplace of someone else's energy, use consecrated salt or holy water. Pour the consecrated salt imperceptibly into the drawers of the table, and scatter a few grains around. Only after that you can read the salary plot:

“As I cross the threshold, I attract money.”

Repeat this magic phrase for 7 days from the start of work in a new place.

Conspiracy to the moon

This ceremony, in order to pay well at work, is carried out during the full moon. It is necessary to bring some compact thing from the workplace that can serve as a talisman.

During the full moon period, you can conduct a ceremony to increase wages

It could be:

  1. Pen;
  2. Small calendar;
  3. An onyx figurine that stands near the computer - a frog, an Indian god, a pyramid;
  4. Paper cutter, etc.

Show your imagination - you can use the thing, but don't give it to others. Go outside, take the future talisman in your hands and show it to the full moon. Read the following conspiracy to add money well to your salary:

“All living things obey the full moon: earth, flowers and animals. So I, the servant of God (name), ask for light, consent and material prosperity on the full moon. May my salary be as round as the heavenly body. As the moon grows, so it will increase, and as the moon begins to decrease, so it stabilizes. The moonlight is clear, the moon is round, and my purse is full and golden.

In the morning, when you come to work, put the talisman in your workplace. Then go to the window, open it and say:

“I release shortages and failures, but I let in the light.”

Effective rituals for a pay rise

The conspiracy is read when they want to get a good increase in salary. However, if you are building your own business, then you need to read conspiracies for good luck or perform rituals for high profits.

Household magic for well-being should help stabilize or improve financial position. For example, conspiracies to add money to the salary, it is better to read after rituals for success for the entire enterprise. In this case, they will work great. In order to get a good salary or to get it raised, you need the financial stability of the company where you work.

Simple but effective conspiracies to increase wages

A ceremony to improve the financial condition can be carried out at home. Some of them are quite simple, but have significant magical power. Below are some effective rituals.

Prayer for the boss to be generous

To increase the number of banknotes in your statement, read the following prayer on the growing moon:

“The Apostle Andrew fished in the Sea of ​​Galilee, he spoke with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, row money with a shovel. Let the servant (s) of God (s) (your name) be not forgotten by the boss, not bypassed, endowed with good, fed, watered. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer for a quick pay rise is read all alone. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony.

Spell coins

On the growing moon, at midnight, take an even number of coins of different denominations in your hand. Pour them from palm to palm and say:

“As the coins in the hands are ringing, so the gold is ordered to come to me. All mine will remain with me, but new goodness will be added.

Then separate the coins. Bury one half in one pot with a house plant, the other in another. Keep one flower for yourself, and take the second pot to your work. If indoor flowers are banned there, the second half of the coins simply hides at the workplace in secluded places. This rite of passage for a salary increase is carried out only once at the current job.

Ritual with the first pay

To make the salary bigger, you need to lay out the first paycheck on the table and cast the spell

Bring all the money home, lay it out on the table and read the following plot over it:

“You are the first, but not the last, not small and not big, but the golden servant of God (name) for me. I respect you, but I want to increase it a hundred times. Grow in my pocket do not fit. To live prosperously for me, honor to you, and respect to me.

On this day, you can spend only a third of the money. After this ritual, in a month you can read the plot to add money to your salary.

Magic rite for a big salary

We grow income with the help of the following ritual. At midnight, you need to light a yellow candle and glow a coin over its fire. For the ceremony, you can use tweezers so as not to burn your hands. While holding the coin over the candle, say these words:

“Coins, money do not burn, but they conceal a fire in themselves. I’ll heat you up, ten, I want to bewitch money to myself. I need to increase my pay. Increase it so that it grows, little by little every day, so that more and more amount gets into my wallet.

The ceremony for a large salary is performed on the full moon. A talisman coin “settles” in a wallet, into which it will attract money.

Conspiracies before meeting with superiors

Such a conspiracy, read for a large salary, was recommended by the Bulgarian healer Vanga. You need to pronounce it at the moment when you go into the office of the authorities with a request for a salary increase.

"My angel, be with me. You are ahead, and I am behind you!”

Another powerful conspiracy from Siberian healer to add a big bonus. You need to read it if the authorities invited you “on the carpet” to offer you a promotion. In the morning, on the day of the meeting with the leadership, read the magic words from Natalia Stepanova.

“I go to the boyars, not young and not old. I'm going to contract - the owner will come in handy. My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone marvels at me, admires my words. Lord Jesus Christ - our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen".

Only after you get a higher place on the career ladder, you can conduct a ceremony for a salary. It will help you get it in the amount that you expected when taking on a new position.

When was the last time you received a pay raise? Difficult to answer? Well, you are from the majority ... Indeed, often, despite your diligence and diligence, skill and experience, the authorities are in no hurry to raise your salary. And if even your direct request did not bring the desired result, you can do a magical rite.

The ceremony, after which your salary will be increased, has its own rules. And if you follow them clearly, then soon you will definitely get the desired results:

  • Any person can make a conspiracy, regardless of gender, position and salary;
  • You should not perform the ritual if you are sick, on Sunday, or on church holidays;
  • The most effective is a conspiracy that is carried out on the full moon, or in the phase of the growing moon. The rite performed in the phase of the waning moon can have the opposite effect, so on such days it is better to refuse it;
  • The best days for conspiracy for money are Thursday and Saturday.

Guided by these simple rules, you can really do effective conspiracy. Its action begins literally immediately, and you will feel the first noticeable results after a month and a half.

Ritual 3-stage

In order to increase your salary, you can apply this rite. It is done in stages:

  1. You need to clean up your workspace. If it is possible, then it would be nice fumigate your workspace with a mixture of marigold and mint herbs. If this cannot be done, then in some place inaccessible to others, you need to hide a bag with these herbs for a week.
  2. CONSPIRACY. It must be read 3 times at home on a full moon:

“Flowers all bloom on the full moon, they obey the round moon, And I, the servant of God (name), ask the moon for clear light, complete consent. So that my salary is round, as you are now, And with your growth it increases, And as you decrease, so it will stabilize. The light is long, the month is full, my purse is golden"

  1. Carrying out the morning ritual already at the workplace. You need to come to work before everyone else and, having opened the window, repeat the following words 3 times:

"I let in the light, I let out failures!"

After that, you can begin to perform your duties. The action of the ceremony can be felt literally immediately, and you will see real results in a couple of weeks.

per coin

If the work of a talented and diligent employee is not noticed and not encouraged, then magic can come to the rescue. In order to raise wages, there is a special conspiracy. To make it, you need any yellow coin. On it you need to read the following magic text:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, fish are found and not translated, As in the blue sky, the vast sky the stars shine, do not count them, As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass, do not interrupt everything, So it is with me, a servant of God ( name) there was always money. My words are strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr, I seal them with an iron sword in mother earth. Let my boss increase my salary, add money, see my talents. To always be like this. Amen!"

This plot must be read three times. After that, you need to put a coin on the right side of your workplace. She must remain there for 3 days. After this period, it must be spent on the purchase of some thing that can be presented to someone. For example, it can be a chocolate bar that you treat your child to. You can feel the result of this ritual in a month.

How to draw a pay rise

In order to carry out this ritual for a salary increase, you need a sheet of paper and a new pencil. Before proceeding with the ritual, it is recommended to read a prayer to Spyridon Trimifuntsky. You need to draw your boss. Don't be embarrassed if you don't have a talent for drawing.

Try to make the drawing look good, and your leader on it should be smiling. The most important thing is that when drawing, you imagine exactly your boss. Then you need to draw that he is holding out money to you, and be sure to write the desired amount on the "money". Above this figure, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“Lord, as you turn your eyes on me, the servant of God (your name), so let my boss, the servant of God (name of the boss), turn his eyes on me and appreciate my merits. How are you. The King of Heaven is generous, so let the servant of God (the name of the boss) be generous. Amen"

Then the leaf with the pattern needs to be folded and carried with you to work. When you meet with your boss, you need to quietly touch this sheet with your hand and think about the amount of the desired salary. Soon your wish will come true.

To get paid on time

Nowadays, it often happens that for one reason or another, wages are delayed. In order to pay the salary on time, there is such a conspiracy:

“I ask Jesus Christ and the grieving Mother of God
Take my servant (name) from me and give it to my hands.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

It is pronounced standing opposite the place of your work, while you need to clasp the little fingers of your hands. Do not hesitate, very soon you will receive your earned money.

What to do if, despite all your efforts, the authorities do not want to appreciate your work and raise your salary? Maybe the point is not that you are not noticed, but in an insufficiently favorable environment of the workplace and the surrounding space. In this case, a salary conspiracy will certainly help you. The above rituals will also help those who wish to improve the financial situation not only in the workplace, but also in their own family.

Choose what you are interested in:

Ritual for salary increase

It is better to use this ritual immediately after getting a new job, before the first salary. But even with a long experience, it will also work. This strong conspiracy will help in two cases:

  • if you want your boss to raise your salary personally,
  • in a situation where financial problems have affected your entire enterprise.

A conspiracy will not help someone who does not believe in its effectiveness and decided to try it “just in case”. The ritual can be repeated several times. For greater efficiency, it is based on two important steps.

1. Workplace ritual

The first thing to consider is that your place of work should be energetically clean. The old, musty energy (especially when you came to the workplace that someone else occupied before you) does not contribute to increasing income.

For cleaning, you need to rid the place of everything that is not related to the labor process and free, for example, your office desk from all foreign objects. Next, you should purchase a church candle and light it every day at work for 7 days. It will bring a new, fresh flow of energy that will create a favorable atmosphere for further action.

After cleaning the room, every day when you come to work, you need to read the following conspiracy 3 times:

“As I cross the threshold, I attract money.”

This must be done within a week. In order for the salary to be raised faster, the words should be repeated not three, but seven times. If your earnings depend on the influx of customers or buyers, then an effective one will help you.

2. Things to do at home

To work and get a good salary, you need to have a good rest at home (not only with your body, but also with your soul). To do this, you need to establish a free flow of monetary energy in your own home. This should be done after cleaning the workplace (see the first stage).

To carry out the conspiracy, it is necessary to collect a small handful of coins at home (3-5 pieces) and at exactly midnight of the new moon or with the growing moon, say the following words:

“As the coins in the hands are ringing, so the gold is ordered to come to me. All mine will remain with me, but new goodness will be added.

Coins should be transferred from hand to hand. After pronouncing the plot (three times), all the coins must be buried in the ground of a home pot with a flower. Ideally, if it is a money tree. Bury from the edge, trying not to go too deep into the ground so that the plant does not get sick.

After such a ritual, on the day of salary, it is necessary to put a small amount of other coins on the desktop. After this period, buy sweets with this money and distribute them to children on the street. This will be considered gratitude for the help of higher powers that helped you get a higher income.

The same conspiracy should be carried out on the day of the first day of payment of salaries after employment.

Carrying out the “working” and “home” stages can coincide in time, the main thing is that both of them should be carried out after cleaning the workplace.

Conspiracy to give back the delayed payment

This is magical effect is based on calling a person, whether it is a familiar debtor or your boss, a sense of responsibility, anxiety and fear. Such emotional background, must force him to pay wages to subordinates.

To carry out the ritual, you need to take an old, wooden stool, cut a few chips from its legs, and put the chair itself outside the threshold of the office. This should be done after sunset. Cut out chips must be spoken as follows.

“Returns to the roots and does not go beyond the threshold. How to intercede the moon, mine will come to me in full.

Wood chips must be tightly tied with nylon thread and hidden in the working room. The stool can be taken away, it is no longer needed. After such a ceremony, you should not have problems with salary delays. If it does not help, use a stronger one.

For the husband to bring home the salary

Many women face the problem when a husband does not want to bring money to the family. If requests and persuasion do not work on him in any way, a ritual will come to the rescue.

In order for the husband to pay his salary, you need to wait for the waning moon before the day off, preferably on Saturday. Three teaspoons of salt are slowly added to the water from which the hostess will cook food for her miserly husband, and slowly stirring, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“I call on the young man to find that miser. The first is for generosity, the second is for gifts, the third is for his last pennies.

The amount of water doesn't matter. It is desirable that only the husband eat a dish prepared from charmed water. Although improvements in the husband's behavior may be noticeable immediately, the ritual must be repeated from time to time so that he does not lose his strength.

And remember, your inner mood and emotional background are very important to attract money. It is advisable not to complain to anyone about the lack of money and not to envy anyone. Money does not like bad energy, while they go in a generous stream to positive and creative energy.