
How to remove dead skin from heels. No disappointments in sandal season! The best ways to cleanse the heels of rough skin at home


In the summer season, any woman wants to be beautiful from head to toe, and it is the legs and appearance heels begin to worry the most. Luxurious summer sundress, bright manicure, bronze tan - all this looks great, but the presence of hardened heels will spoil the whole picture. Getting rid of rough skin on your own heels is necessary not only for the sake of impressing others, but also for your own sake. Sometimes this is not only a visual problem, but also a painful one. Groomed heels crack, hurt when walking.

To avoid this, you should only give the legs some time once a week. Care should be correct, if the condition of the heels is neglected, at first they should be given several days in a row. After the skin is restored and a smooth soft effect on the heels is obtained, the procedures can be repeated less frequently.

You should be aware that there are circumstances in which the skin of the legs coarsens faster. This is facilitated by various professions, where the working day is spent mainly on the legs: a waiter, a beauty salon master, a postman, etc. With constant wear of shoes on high heels, and also through narrow shoes, there is the possibility of getting rough corns. Naturally, any fungal disease will also have its consequences for the deterioration of the skin of the legs.

Excess weight puts additional pressure on the foot, thereby accelerating the process of hardening of the skin on the heels. One of the causes of rough skin can be vitamin deficiency, as well as a violation hormonal background in the human body. Getting rid of rough heels is not such a difficult problem.

How to remove rough skin on the heels?

To remove the rough layers of skin on the heels, you should make a foot bath. After carefully steaming the skin, use a pumice stone and cosmetic nail files for a pedicure, removing a rough build-up on the heels. At the end of the procedure, it is applied to the skin of the feet fat cream or special oils that soften the feet.
To make the procedure seem more understandable to a beginner, it should be considered in detail and in stages.

The first stage - steaming the feet

It is performed in order to soften the skin on the heels. Softened skin is easier to remove without causing pain to the heel. It is advisable to steam your feet in water with the addition of sea salt. Sometimes decoctions of various herbs are added to hot water, such as: chamomile, succession, plantain. One way to remove skin at home is to soften the hardened heel with starch. One tablespoon is brewed in a glass of cold water, and then the resulting mixture is added to a liter of boiling water. Having cooled to an acceptable temperature, legs should be lowered into the starch bath for 15-25 minutes.

Adding aromatic tea tree oil will also not be superfluous while steaming the heels.

Removal of hard skin on the heels

After steaming the heels in the bath, you should begin to remove the keratinized skin. For this procedure, pumice stone and special pedicure files are suitable. Dead skin layers are removed gradually, you should not rush and cut off coarse corns with a razor blade. Such incorrect experiments increase growths in the future.

By repeating the procedure regularly, the skin of the feet will become thinner, smoother and softer to the touch.

Cream and oils that soften the skin of the heels

The final step in heel care is the thorough rubbing of creams or oils into the skin of the foot. You can also use vegetable and even creamy.
In some advanced cases, the skin on the heel is so rough that conventional care is not enough to restore.

Some of them you can try on your legs at home.
Experienced women recommend applying special softening masks all night, while wrapping their legs in cling film and wearing knitted socks on top, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. The next morning, the legs should be washed well and treated with a nourishing cream.

Folk recipes

From folk recipes you can use the following:

  • finely chopped plantain leaves mixed with chopped cabbage leaves. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet and secure with socks. Leave the mask on overnight. Rinse off in the morning and treat with cream;
  • mix two tablespoons of starch with two yolks and a spoonful of lemon juice, coat your feet and put on socks at night. Wash off in the morning, treat with cream;
  • apply warm mashed potatoes to the feet, put on socks and leave until the morning. Wash off in the morning and treat with a nourishing cream;
  • a baked onion is mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. Mix the mixture in a blender and apply on your feet. Wash off in the morning and rub in the cream. The next morning, rough skin is easily removed with files or pumice;
  • perfectly softens the skin of an ordinary banana. It should be kneaded to a pulp and applied to the feet for several hours. After that, rinse and proceed to remove rough skin with a pumice stone;
  • circles of raw onions are applied to the feet and secured with socks. In the morning wash and treat with pumice stone. Then treat with butter and do not remove warm socks throughout the day. In the evening - wash off the fat from the heels, wipe thoroughly;
  • Mix a bottle of vitamin A with calendula ointment. A similar mixture is applied at night on steamed legs, and in the morning the rough skin is removed with a pumice stone or nail files. For hardened feet, such a procedure can be used for several days in a row, and after 3-4 days the result will be quite noticeable.

In the summer season, all kinds of vegetables or fruits will be an excellent substitute for cosmetic masks. To do this, they should be crushed in a blender and apply the resulting mixture on the heels for several hours or even overnight. Nothing is more beneficial than natural products for the skin.

There is nothing difficult in keeping the legs in good condition. Steaming, removing growths, applying creams - these are the three main points that will help you get heels like a newborn.

Naturally, beauty salons will greatly facilitate the task. But the procedure takes time and financial costs, and both the first and the second are not always available in sufficient quantities. Moreover, applying foot masks at night is possible only at home, which means it is more effective.

Traditional medicine recipes

  • After thoroughly washing your feet, apply half a fresh onion to each heel, put on socks made of natural fabric and leave it for an hour and a half. After this time, the skin will become very soft and will easily give in to pumice. This method will work even in the most severe cases, if it is carried out every three days.
  • To get rid of rough skin on the feet, ordinary soap and soda will help. The soap needs to be crushed (you can even rub it on a grater), add a teaspoon of soda to it and apply this remedy on clean feet. Then the feet should be wrapped with a film or tightly wrapped with ordinary plastic bags.

You need to keep the mixture for about twenty minutes, and then remove the dead skin with a brush or file and rinse your feet in warm water.

In principle, this problem can be avoided. Just choose quality shoes and keep it clean at all times. And in summer, avoid shoes with open heels, as dirt and pebbles lead to roughness of the skin of the feet.

In the summer season, the skin on the heels very often coarsens. Rough heels look ugly, bring pain when walking due to cracked skin. Most often, heels become rough due to insufficient care when a person walks barefoot and encounters street dust. Let's take a closer look at what are the main causes of rough heels, as well as what treatment is needed to restore beauty to your feet.

In order to successfully bring rough heels back to normal, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to fully investigate, identify the exact causes of the development of roughness on the heels, and cure existing diseases. Only after that, you can begin to carry out methods of treating rough skin. Factors that cause rough skin on the heels:

  1. External causes: wearing uncomfortable shoes, the formation of corns and cracks, careless care;
  2. Internal causes: violation of the microflora in the body, problems with the thyroid gland, lack of vitamins and trace elements, the development of diabetes.

Important items for skin care

In order for rough skin on the heels not to form, it is necessary to properly care for them. Avoid using a pumice stone after bathing or showering, as it dries out the skin and removes young cells.

Every day, use a special grinding grater to care for your heels. When the skin layer on the foot is restored, it is recommended to remove the dead cells with a grater once every three days.

Buy a rich cream enriched with natural or organic oils. Apply the product every day before going to bed on the entire surface of the foot. After five minutes, treat the heels with a grater. Take a bath or shower and then reapply the cream. A couple of days after such procedures, the rough skin on the heels will disappear, and they will become soft and pleasant to the touch.

Treat rough skin

If you are sure that rough heels are not the cause of the development of the disease, you can start using cosmetics. It is important when caring for your heels to follow all the stages of care - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the feet. All actions must be systematic and regular.

We use baths

The keratinized skin can be eliminated after taking foot baths. For example, dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in warm water. Soak your feet for 20 minutes. During the procedure, you can do a foot massage.

Three times in seven days you can make baths with herbal decoctions. Decoctions of chamomile or St. John's wort will be useful. Thanks to medicinal herbs, the skin will steam well, tired legs will calm down, and fungal infections of the legs will be prevented.

Treatment of rough skin in the heel area is carried out using the following baths:

  • For two liters of warm water, take a tablespoon of soda, the same amount of crushed laundry soap and ammonia. Soak your feet in such a bath for 40 minutes and remove rough skin;
  • Take 30 grams of starch per liter of water. You need to do such a bath for 15 minutes, and then treat the feet;
  • Dissolve the fourth part of laundry soap in 250 milliliters of water. Add soap solution to hot water. Pour a glass of milk and 45 grams of salt into the basin. Soak your feet in the bath for 60 minutes. Then apply a nourishing mask;
  • Squeeze lemon juice from several citrus fruits into a tub of water. After holding your feet in it for fifteen minutes, rinse with water and treat your feet with a special grinding file or washcloth, removing dead and dry tissue cells. Thanks to citric acid rough epidermis very quickly succumbs to manipulation;
  • Add sea salt and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the water. Soak your feet in this bath for half an hour. Essential oil will help to relax, and the procedure will become more pleasant and useful;
  • To soften the skin, you can make a bath with the addition of white wine and linden flowers. Boil 250 milliliters of wine in a saucepan. Add 15 grams of linden. Cover with a lid and simmer the mixture for a couple of minutes. After pouring it into a bowl, wait until it cools down a bit, and steam the legs for ten minutes. After scrubbing your heels with a soft sponge, dip your feet in the wine again for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure three more times.

Can be done for legs oil mask. Heat up olive or Castor oil, smear it on the heels, wrap the bag on top and put on socks. In the morning, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Masks to soften rough skin

Steamed heels need to be lubricated with masks from time to time. Such a mask treatment will not allow the skin on the heels to re-harden. At home, you can use these foot masks:

  1. Chop up the aloe leaves. Attach them to your heels. Secure the top with a bag and put on socks. In the morning, the mask is washed off with warm water;
  2. Mix chopped cabbage leaf with boiled potatoes and half an onion. Apply the resulting mass on the feet, wrap with a film and leave for two hours. It is also washed off with running warm water;
  3. After scalding a large fresh onion with boiling water, cut it into two parts. Wrap the halves of the vegetable in a bag to the heels and go to bed. In the morning, remove the onion and wash your feet in warm water;
  4. After grating the zucchini, apply it for half an hour on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. This mask is also washed off with warm water;
  5. In the same amount, mix kefir with sour cream, honey and ground coffee. Apply the mask to your feet, wrap with cling film, put on your socks and go to bed. Wash off the rest of the mask in the morning;
  6. Apply crushed olives with red grapes on the heels and fix with a bag. Put on your socks and go to bed. Remove the remaining mass in the morning;
  7. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream and honey. Apply the resulting mixture on the heels for twenty minutes;
  8. Heels can be greased with mayonnaise. Wrap the bag on top, put on socks and leave the mask until the morning. Wash off in the morning with warm running water;
  9. You can mix olive oil with honey in equal proportions. Apply the mask on the heels, wrap the bag on top. Wash off with water after 40 minutes;
  10. You can also make a mask out of honey alone. To do this, they smear the feet with honey, wrap the bag on top, put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, the remains of the mask are washed off under running warm water.

The described masks saturate the heels with useful vitamins and help soften rough skin.

We clean the heels

The skin of the feet steamed in the bath must be processed, that is, the coarsened layers of the skin should be removed. Dead cells are removed with a special sanding file or foot scrub.

You can also clean your heels with a stiff foot brush. Heels should be rubbed well for three to five minutes, and then rinsed with cool water or herbal decoction.

Moisturize and nourish your heels

After a couple of procedures for taking foot baths and cleansing the skin, the heels will become soft and fresh. In order for them to remain so for as long as possible, it is necessary to further moisturize the skin so that it does not dry out.

You can moisturize the skin with special creams, or use folk remedies of cosmetology. Warm up the olive oil and rub it gently on your heels for a few minutes.

For the heels, you can do a nourishing compress. To do this, olive oil (1 spoon) is mixed with honey (1 spoon). The resulting mass is applied to the desired areas at night three times a week for a month.

We take care of the beauty of the feet correctly

So that the treatment of rough skin on the heels does not go down the drain, it is important after its completion to constantly take care of the feet as a whole. It is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin of the heels every day. For this there are special means. To nourish the skin, you can prepare the following remedy. Mix the yolk with olive oil and lemon juice (one teaspoon each). Apply the resulting mask to the skin and fix with a bandage. Wash it off with cool water after half an hour. Before going to bed, it is important to apply moisturizers to the feet daily and nourish them several times a week.

Now you know how to properly care for your heels so that the skin on them does not become rough and cracked.

The skin on the feet is affected by various negative factors. The condition of the heels is affected by wearing shoes and being on the feet for a long time. Dirt builds up on the skin. Dust mixes with sweat and grease. The upper layer of the epidermis becomes coarse. The appearance of the feet deteriorates. The question arises, how to clean the heels of rough skin.

Foot baths

Rough heels make it impossible to wear open summer shoes. For this reason, many are interested in how to remove keratinized skin. The best remedy for cleansing - foot baths. Such procedures soften the upper layer of the epidermis. After the bath, dead skin cells are easily removed. To enhance the effect, various substances are added to the water. Popular are:

Grated soap, dissolved in water, helps to quickly remove dirt. Sea salt has an antiseptic effect. Such baths are necessary in the presence of cracks on the feet. Soda is needed if the feet are affected by the fungus. Glycerin effectively softens the skin of the heels.

Oils and decoctions of herbs are considered universal helpers. The cleansing effect of such baths is combined with healing. Chamomile, calendula and celandine are especially useful for legs. Herbs are used both individually and in mixtures. Base oils further soften rough skin. Esters saturate the epidermis with useful substances.

After the bath, the feet are wiped. Dead cells can be removed with a pumice stone or a sanding file. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of exfoliating tool. Rigid and rough materials injure the skin. The risk of cracks and the development of an inflammatory process increases.

Hydrogen peroxide cleansing

There are several express methods for cleansing the skin at home. One of them is the use of hydrogen peroxide. The effectiveness of the methods is based on the ability of the substance to corrode pollution and destroy accumulations of dead cells. There are several proven recipes that make it easy to clean your heels at home:

  • Peroxide bath. Add 4 full tablespoons of the substance to hot water. You need to steam your legs for 10-15 minutes.
  • Bath with peroxide and salt. Feet are immersed in warm water. 2-3 tablespoons of rock salt are pre-dissolved in the basin. After 7-10 minutes, hydrogen peroxide is poured into the water. Enough 4 spoons. The legs are kept in the bath for another 5 minutes.
  • Rubbing with peroxide. This is the easiest way to remove rough skin. The substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:6. The resulting solution wipes the feet. Cleansing will be of high quality if a gauze cloth soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the heel for 5 minutes.

Peroxide-treated feet retain softness and smoothness for a long time. To enhance the effect, you can remove dead skin particles with a file, brush or pumice stone.

Cleansing with aspirin

Some folk recipes involve the use of popular medicines not for their intended purpose. So, in order to clean the heels at home, Aspirin is often used. The composition of this drug includes acetylsalicylic acid. The substance is often used for peels. It helps to remove the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. Aspirin helps with the following symptoms:

  • dryness;
  • cracks;
  • rough skin;
  • painful sensations.

For quick cleansing, take 10 Aspirin tablets. The drug is crushed to a powder state. The resulting substance is poured into a container with ethyl alcohol. You need 250 ml of ethanol. A vial of iodine is added to the resulting solution. The finished mixture is infused in a dark place for 5-6 days.

You can use the resulting tool in different ways. Heel pads are effective. The mixture is applied to a gauze napkin, which is applied to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. From above, the compress is fixed with a bandage. You can leave the lotion on all night. In the morning, the remnants of the product are washed off. Feet can be treated with a pumice stone and applied to the skin with a nourishing cream.

Another way is to rub the skin of the feet with the prepared mixture. Pre-legs need to be steamed in the bath. Next, do a foot massage using Aspirin. As a result, the skin is smoothed and cleansed.

How to clean the heels of rough skin with folk remedies

Pedicure masters know how to clean the heels of rough skin. It is not necessary to use expensive professional cosmetics. Many folk recipes can solve the problem in as soon as possible. To remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, scrubs and foot masks on a natural basis are used. The most common folk remedies are discussed in the table.

Ingredient Terms of use The effect of the application
Coffee Ground grains are used as a scrub. You can mix abrasive particles with any base oil. The skin of the feet is pre-steamed in the bath. The scrub quickly cleanses the heels of dirt and dead skin cells. Oils are needed to saturate the skin with nutrients and maintain smoothness.
Onion A porridge is prepared from a vegetable. It is applied to the skin of the heels. Cover with cling film on top to keep warm. The compress is left for half an hour. Onion juice contains essential oils and minerals needed for the skin. The heels are softened and cleansed.
Honey and viburnum The berries are crushed and mixed with honey. Kalina needs 2 times less than a beekeeping product. The mixture is used for compresses. Honey softens and nourishes the skin of the feet. Viburnum juice promotes accelerated regeneration. Heel injuries heal.

If we clean the heels with folk remedies, then the regularity of the procedures is important. Any mask should be done twice a week. The optimal interval between exfoliation procedures with scrubs is 5 days.

Many people know the benefits of natural ingredients for the feet, but not everyone knows how to clean the heels. There are a number of rules that must be followed to maintain the beauty and health of the feet.

The best time for cleansing is evening. During the night, the legs get a good rest. Active substances left for a long period will work as efficiently as possible.

Before applying a mask or compress, you need to soak your feet in water. This contributes to high-quality cleansing and penetration of substances deep into the epidermis. You can treat the feet with pumice.

There is one more important rule. Do not use sharp objects to remove calluses or corns. A razor or scissors can cut the skin. In the absence of antiseptic treatment, there is a risk of infection entering the wound. This is fraught with the development of the inflammatory process.

It is important to take care of your feet regularly. The skin in these areas needs to be cleansed, moisturized and nourished. It is allowed to use both purchased cosmetics and proven folk recipes. Only an integrated approach will help maintain smoothness and softness, as well as prevent the appearance of various defects.

Dry and cracked heels are the result of increased stress on the legs, lack of care for them, as well as the result of dehydration. Eliminating all these shortcomings is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to regularly clean the skin of the heels from the old exfoliating skin for the fastest renewal of the skin.

Observing correct sequence procedures, you can achieve amazing results without resorting to the services of beauty salons.

Where to start cleansing the heels, and what components are needed for this, depends on the condition of the skin, and the body's susceptibility to certain products and substances. Natural products are great helpers in the fight for soft feet at home. It is better to carry out procedures in the evening, so the benefits of natural substances left on for a long time, will be the maximum.

The first thing to do is to steam the feet, and then treat them with a pumice stone.

If there are corns, then they should be removed carefully, and on hand, in case of a cut, you must have an antiseptic.

At home, cleaning your heels is easy, the following components will do just fine:

  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • aspirin;
  • coffee.

Soothing baths for heels

Foot baths are the first stage from which care begins. Most often, milk, decoctions of herbs or soap solutions are used.

Bath with milk

One of the most common and easy to perform. It softens and heals the heels. The skin will become pleasant and very soft.

For the solution you will need:

  • warm water - 2 liters.
  • milk - 2.5-3 tbsp. l. (It is better to use homemade, but a high-quality store will do).


  1. Boil water, add milk and cool to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Pour the contents into the basin, lower your legs there and enjoy the relaxing effect for half an hour.
  3. Next, you need to remove the feet from the water and dry.

You can do the procedure twice a week. To enhance the effect and provide a massage effect, you can pour glass balls onto the bottom of a basin with a milk solution and roll them with your feet.

Herbal foot bath

For water procedures with herbs, the most beneficial for the skin are:

  • nettle;
  • Linden;
  • calendula;
  • horsetail;
  • hawthorn and many others.

Baths with various herbs will help in such a problem as cleaning your heels at home.

The most popular is chamomile. Unique properties, which she possesses, allow solving a whole range of problems: cracks, sweating, swelling, fatigue, heaviness and unpleasant smell from the feet.

For the recipe you will need:

  • Chamomile pharmacy - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 200-250 ml.


  1. Boil a glass of water and pour over chamomile.
  2. Cover and leave for half an hour, then strain.
  3. Pour the purified broth into a container with 1 liter of water and lower your legs for 20 minutes.

You can do this bath up to 3 times a week. The proportions can be changed, depending on the needs. Linden is another useful herb. The method of brewing is very simple: like regular tea, the difference is only in proportions.

According to reviews: the best effect is achieved by adding one tablespoon of honey to the solution. Upon completion of the linden bath, the legs must be carefully dried and greased with a fat cream.

Sea salt for heels

Baths with sea salt nourish, improve the condition of the heels, saturate the skin with useful minerals, heal wounds and help to cope with irritation, and also fight against fungal infection and unpleasant odor.

For the recipe you will need:

  • water - 2 l.
  • salt - 200 gr.

Cooking method: Dilute salt in hot water, let cool slightly and put your feet down. The bath time is 15 minutes, then wash the heels, wipe and smear with cream.

If this is the beginning of care, then the legs are treated with a scrub, and then a cream is used.

DIY scrubs: effective recipes

Regular exfoliation of dead cells will positively affect the health of the skin of the legs. This promotes healing, relieves calluses and corns, serves as a prophylactic against cracks, reduces sweating and increases resistance to fungal infections.

It is not difficult to prepare a scrub, as it contains components that are in almost every home.

Here are some options.

Coffee scrub:

  • freshly ground coffee or leftover grounds after brewing - 1 tbsp. l.
  • base oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients, massage into feet, then rinse.

Sea salt:

  • sea ​​salt - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • shower gel - 4 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and you can apply the scrub.

sugar scrub:

  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cream or body lotion - 1 tbsp. l.

Connect all components and use as intended. You can add a little almond oil to enhance the effect.

Mango scrub:

  • semolina - 50 g.
  • cinnamon - 20 g.
  • shower gel - 20 ml.

Mix all ingredients, apply as directed.

Scrub Instructions:

  • scrubbing is carried out up to two times a week;
  • pre-steam the skin;
  • movements should be gentle and accurate;
  • the maximum duration is 10 minutes.

Recipes for masks for soft heels

After steaming the heels and treating them with a scrub, the next stage comes - masks. They help soften, saturate the skin with vitamins, and, depending on the components, help get rid of the fungus.

Apricot pulp mask

Apricots are a great way to clean your heels.

For cooking useful mask you will need:

  • Apricots - 2 pcs.
  • Oil (olive, linseed, almond) - 50 ml.

Grind fruits in a puree, heat, pour in the oil component (any one of your choice). Apply the hot composition to the feet, wrap them with cling film and put on socks. Keep for about an hour and then wash off.

Zucchini mask

Zucchini - a vegetable familiar to a Russian person, is an excellent cosmetic, coping with dry feet, and sour cream will saturate the heels with calcium.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • zucchini - 1 small;
  • medium fat sour cream - 30 gr.

Puree zucchini and mix with sour cream. Fold the gauze in several layers, apply the mixture on it and attach it to the heels, secure with bandages. Keep the mask at any time, but it is better to do it at night.

Rye bread mask

Black bread is an excellent cosmetic product. It perfectly copes with the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin, relieves coarsened particles.

For the mask you will need:


  1. Pour the bread with milk and leave for half an hour, then remove and squeeze well.
  2. Apply the resulting mass to the heels, wrap the legs with a film and insulate.
  3. Keep 1 hour.

Thanks to this, the legs become incredibly soft and velvety.

Traditional medicine against rough skin

The means that you can use to clean your heels at home are very diverse. The main thing is to do it regularly. The most common and effective are: hydrogen peroxide, aspirin and glycerin.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a pharmaceutical preparation that is used to disinfect wounds, and, in addition, is a cosmetic product that has proven itself in foot care. It has an express effect and removes visible impurities.

There are several ways to apply:

Caution: The presence of open wounds can lead to pain.


Acetylsalicylic acid, and popularly aspirin, an effective tool in the fight against rough skin, is an excellent tool for peeling. In combination with fruit acids or base oils, it gives excellent results.

You can clean your heels with aspirin at home in the following ways:

  1. Lotions. The prepared product is applied to a gauze swab and fixed to the heel with a bandage. Leave overnight, and in the morning rinse thoroughly and apply cream.
  2. scrubbing. An aspirin mixture is rubbed, pre-steamed, feet. It is necessary to make massage movements Thanks to them, the skin will get rid of dead skin particles and become soft.
  3. Mask. Mix a pack of crushed aspirin with a vial of iodine and a bottle of medical alcohol. The mixture is applied to clean and dry heels, socks are put on, and left for a while. Due to the properties of the components used, the composition will have disinfecting and healing properties.
  4. Tray. Dilute a few aspirin tablets in hot water, lower your legs into a basin and hold for 15 minutes. Excellent remedy for calluses and cracks. Conduct this procedure recommended 10 days in a row, take a break and repeat. For prevention, you can use 1-3 times a week.

Important! Aspirin should be used with caution. He has contraindications.


Glycerin is a tool that contains a number of useful properties: makes the skin soft, promotes the healing of wounds and small cracks on the heels.

Mode of application: Steam your feet in the bath, using any recipe, treat them with pumice stone, and then grease with glycerin and put on socks for warming. Regularly practicing this remedy, the heels will become incredibly smooth and soft.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Take equal parts glycerin and Apple vinegar(9%), for one procedure a couple of tablespoons will be enough.

The composition is not stored, so each time a new one is made.

Initially, the legs must be steamed in a bath with sea salt and rubbed with pumice, and then use the prepared product. Having applied it, the feet are wrapped with plastic wrap, and the composition lasts for several hours. At the end, remove the film, wash everything off. Even one procedure will give a noticeable result.

Use of table soda

Soda is very popular. She struggles with especially neglected heels, when they become not only unattractive, but also cause pain and inconvenience.

Soda bath is prepared in the following way:

  1. Hot water is poured into a small basin and a package of soda is poured in, a soap ingredient is also needed to soften it, it can be a shampoo, gel or soap solution.
  2. Dip your feet in the water and hold until the contents have cooled.
  3. Next, remove them and carefully treat with pumice.
  4. Then apply scrub, massage a little and rinse.
  5. At the end, wipe your feet dry, grease with lemon juice, put on socks.

It is better to do it in the evening, then to go to bed.

Cleansing with lemon juice, chamomile and onion infusion

An effective ally in the fight against rough skin of the heels is an infusion of pharmacy chamomile, due to its properties it will have a cosmetic effect and a therapeutic effect.

Recipe for making a useful remedy:

  1. Brew 2 bags of herbs in 2 liters of boiling water, leave to infuse, and then add more hot water to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Next, you need to lower your legs and keep in the water for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Lemon can be used to soften the skin. To do this, it is enough to tie slices of lemon to the heels at night, and in the morning remove it, wash your feet and treat with cream.

It is better to carry out the procedure every day before going to bed.

Onion, or rather onion peel, is a great tool that you can use at home to clean your heels. The healing composition can be prepared according to the following recipe: put one full handful of onion peel into a container, then pour hot water over the contents, wrap and leave for several hours.

The composition is poured into the basin, if the onion broth has cooled down, then it should be heated, as it should be warm. Add baking soda and salt by a tablespoon and dip your feet into the liquid. Keep until the water becomes cold, then remove the legs, dry and use the cream, or, if this is just the beginning of foot care, apply a mask.

Homemade ways to care for beautiful heels are effective, simple and effective. The main thing is to be patient and properly care for them regularly, following the sequence of procedures.

Video on how to clean your heels at home

How to clean rough heels, see the video clip:

How to make a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide, see the video clip: