
The meaning of the name Xenia spelled. Photo gallery: famous personalities bearing the name Xenia. What qualities are


Winter Xenia - this is a soft, charming, amorous and incredibly feminine woman who, due to her weak character, often falls under the influence of others. The basis of marriage for her is love and trust, not physical attraction and passion. Winter Xenia is smart and wise, so there is no place for jealousy, reproaches and quarrels in her family.

Spring Xenia - An adventurer who likes to take risks. She is ambitious and proud, and therefore often achieves in life what she wants. And she wants an interesting and highly paid job and an ideal family. But her chosen one will have to work hard to provide her beloved with not only a decent, but also an interesting lifestyle.

Summer Xenia characterized by intolerance to other people's shortcomings. She is domineering, demanding, straightforward and strict, both to her colleagues and subordinates, and to her household. At the same time, the summer Xenia is very fair and objective, forgiving and responsive.

Autumn Xenia - an ideal wife and mother, who devotes most of her time to creating comfort in the house and raising children. She cannot be called sociable and open, on the contrary, she prefers to live in her small but calm world, in which an atmosphere of warmth, trust and mutual understanding reigns.

Stone - talisman

Xenia's mascot stones are chalcedony and sapphire.


Since ancient times, chalcedony was considered a stone that protects sailors from adversity.

In addition, this stone, symbolizing the feminine essence, is able to attract the love of men to its owner.

Our ancestors believed that chalcedony helps to cheer up and calm the nervous system, namely to get rid of bouts of anger, fear, melancholy, apathy and melancholy.


This blue stone symbolizes constancy, virtue, fidelity, modesty, chastity and contemplation.

Sapphire gives its owner power, helps to establish not only business, but also personal relationships.

In the East, sapphire is a symbol of friendship, modesty and selflessness.

Today, this stone is used as an amulet that promotes knowledge of the world around us, clarification of the mind, and getting rid of laziness.


Blue-green, gray, crimson and blue colors will bring good luck to Xenia, the influence of which can be read in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life".




Xenia's element is Air (more about this element can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").

Animal - symbol

The animal-symbol of Xenia is a rabbit, personifying cunning, timidity, cowardice, but at the same time fertility and lust.

But for Christians, the rabbit is not only a symbol of lust, but also the transience of life.

In China, the rabbit symbolizes longevity, the divine principle, good luck, virtue and prosperity, while Buddhists perceive this animal as a symbol of self-sacrifice.



Plants that favor Xenia are immortelle and cypress.


This plant is considered a symbol of health and longevity, modesty and elegance. In addition, this inconspicuous flower personifies energy and determination.


This tree is a symbol of death and mourning, sadness and sorrow, and all for the simple reason that it was used in embalming the bodies of the dead and in the manufacture of coffins.

Residents of Asia and Muslim countries associate cypress with longevity and immortality, while the Greeks - with rebirth and life after death. In China, this tree is revered as a talisman against misfortune.


The metals patronizing Xenia are tin and electrum.


This is a symbol of flexibility, softness and the ability to adapt to any situation. People who are favored by this metal are able to find compromises and avoid quarrels.


This rather rare metal symbolizes uniqueness, perfection, prosperity, well-being, power, purity, cordiality and wisdom.

But the benefits listed above can only be received by worthy people, while electrum will bring only misfortune and destruction to the owners of bad thoughts.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Xenia (Oksana)

Name translation

From ancient Greek, the name Xenia is translated as "hospitable", "foreigner", "guest" and "wanderer".

Name history

The origin of the name Xenia has several versions.

According to one version, this name is a diminutive form of the name Polyxenia, which translates as "hospitable". The fact is that it was hospitality that played a special role in ancient Greek culture. So, Zeus, who is the patron saint of wanderers and travelers, punished everyone who harmed the guests.

Interesting fact! In ancient Greece, welcoming humorous (and sometimes quite caustic) couplets for guests were called "xenia". The main task of such short rhymes is to cheer up the guest and arrange him for a friendly meeting.

There is another version, according to which the name Xenia comes from the Greek word "xenía", which translates as "wanderer" and "alien".

Interesting fact! The names Xenia, Oksana and Aksinya are related names, although today they are used as independent forms. So, the name Aksinya is formed by adding a vowel sound to a word that begins with two consonants. But Oksana is the Ukrainian version of the name Xenia.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Xenia: Ksenya, Ksenya, Ksyusha, Senya, Ksenia, Ksenyushka, Ksyushenka, Ksyunia, Ksyu, Xena, Ksyutka, Ksesha, Ksyunechka.

The legend of the name Xenia (Oksana)

The patroness of the name is the blessed and holy fool Xenia of Petersburg, who, having been widowed at the age of 26, sold all her movable and immovable property, which she inherited from her husband, and began a wandering life.

For about 45 years she wandered under the name of her deceased husband (she called herself Andrei Fedorovich), begging for alms and immediately giving it to the poor. During the day, she wandered around the city, helping people, and at night she went to the fields to pray to the Lord in peace and quiet.

At first, people thought that her mind was clouded as a result of her grief, but over time they began to notice that she had not only the gift of clairvoyance: Ksenia of Petersburg could heal the disease, avert misfortune, and strengthen family ties.

She secretly participated in the construction of the Church of the Smolensk Mother of God, located at the Smolensk cemetery (St. Xenia brought bricks at night, because she was very modest and pious).

Blessed Xenia died at the beginning of the 19th century, while a chapel was erected over her grave. A century later, in memory of this saint, the House of Diligence was built on Vasilyevsky Island, intended for lonely widows, as well as orphans.

The secret of the name Xenia (Oksana)

name patrons

  • Blessed and holy fool Xenia of Petersburg.
  • Martyr Xenia.
  • Venerable Xenia the Roman (or Eusebius).
  • Reverend Xenia (worldly name - Queen Irina).

Angel Day (name day)

January: 31 number.

February: 6 number.

March: 20 number.

April: 16 number.

August: 26 number.

September: 15 number.

October: 6 number.

Famous people

Famous TV presenters named Ksenia:

  • Ksenia Borodina;
  • Ksenia Strizh;
  • Ksenia Sobchak.

Famous actresses named Ksenia:

  • Ksenia Kachalina;
  • Ksenia Rappoport;
  • Ksenia Alferova;
  • Ksenia Baskakova;
  • Xenia Solo;
  • Ksenia Lavrova-Glinka;
  • Ksenia Kutepova.

Famous athletes named Ksenia:

  • Ksenia Ozerova - Russian figure skater (pair skating);
  • Ksenia Doronina - Russian figure skater (single skating);
  • Ksenia Monko - Russian figure skater, performs in ice dancing;
  • Ksenia Jastsenski - Serbian figure skater (single skating);
  • Ksenia Makeeva - Russian handball player;
  • Ksenia Zadorina - Russian track and field athlete;
  • Ksenia Dudkina - Russian gymnast;
  • Ksenia Pervak ​​- Russian basketball player;
  • Ksenia Tikhonenko is a Russian basketball player.

Ksenia Novikova - soloist of the popular Russian group "Brilliant".

Xenia Romanova - sister of Emperor Nicholas II.

Ksenia Godunova - Princess and daughter of Tsar Boris Godunov.

Oksana Petrinenko - Ukrainian opera singer.

Oksana Baiul - Ukrainian figure skater (single skating).

Oksana Marchenko - Popular Ukrainian TV presenter.

The meaning of the name Xenia (Oksana)

For a child

Ksenia shows energy, activity, independence and self-will from an early age. Therefore, do not try to force her to do anything, it is better to talk to her and explain the need for this or that act. Kind and sympathetic by nature, Ksyusha will definitely obey and make concessions.

Ksyusha does not tolerate objections and refusals, therefore it is quite natural that it is difficult for her to get along with her peers. She gives the impression of a sullen and closed child. She is more attracted to intellectual games and quiet pastime, rather than noisy games in the company of cheerful and carefree children. As friends, she chooses girls who agree with her in everything. However, he will not reveal his secrets to anyone.

At school, Ksyusha studies well, and is more inclined towards the humanities. She is neat, diligent and responsible, so she has no problems with teachers. She also prefers not to conflict with her peers.

A child with this name has a very developed pride, therefore it is very easy to offend her. Suspiciousness, excessive impressionability and vulnerability are not the best of her qualities. But nevertheless, good nature, justice, sensitivity and readiness to help at any moment smooth out the negative characteristics of Xenia listed above.

For a girl

Having matured, Ksenia still remains a quick-tempered, stubborn and narcissistic person who can hardly endure any defeats and failures.

Emotionality, irascibility, resentment and inability to control her emotions prevent Ksyusha from establishing friendly relations, moreover, she rarely compromises, preferring to defend her opinion to the end (at the same time, she is not shy in expressions and can offend her interlocutor with a sharp word). The heightened self-esteem of young Xenia, accustomed to being the center of attention, does not add friends either.

Ksyusha is a person of mood, so it is often very difficult to understand her. She can be meek and docile, or she can be proud and stubborn. This sociable and non-conflict girl, as in childhood, does not really like noisy companies (she is much more comfortable in the company of close people).

Young Xenia is charming and feminine, so it is not surprising that men like her, who are attracted by the charm and ease of this girl.

For woman

With age, Ksenia becomes more calm and balanced, although her natural emotionality makes itself felt from time to time: disputes with the owner of this name are always interesting and furious. It is typical for her to take on several things at the same time, while she does not always bring them to the end, as she does not know how to properly prioritize.

Adult Xenia is beautiful, charming, self-confident and independent. She is used to solving emerging problems on her own, not counting on third-party help, while she herself will always help those who need her support.

Among the positive characteristics of Xenia, the following can be noted:

  • openness;
  • responsiveness;
  • ingenuity;
  • hospitality;
  • assertiveness;
  • kindness
  • tenderness;
  • loyalty;
  • justice;
  • honesty;
  • non-conflict.

In addition, Ksenia is not prone to hypocrisy or gossip, on the contrary, she tries to stop other people's attempts to "wash the bones."

Negative traits of Xenia:

  • excessive straightness;
  • emotionality;
  • pride;
  • irascibility;
  • pride.

Because of the quick temper, it is not easy for men with this woman, although she is a caring and attentive hostess and a loving wife. Xenia's man must have a strong and firm character.

Description of the name Ksenia (Oksana)


Ksenia is a moral and principled person who does not accept lies, hypocrisy, rudeness and violence. She will always lend her friendly shoulder, help both in word and deed.


Ksenia cannot be called the owner of good health, and her emotionality is to blame. In addition, she takes all the troubles too close to her heart, which can lead to nervous breakdowns, problems with sleep and appetite.


Ksenia makes rather mundane conditions for men: it must be an understanding and strong-willed male protector who will not infringe on her independence and love of freedom. When choosing a chosen one, Ksyusha is least interested in the material side of the issue, since she will never agree to the role of a kept woman.

In addition, Xenia's partner must be a fairly skilled lover, because for this amorous, tender and dreamy woman, it is important that a man understands her in all aspects. In response, she is ready to give her chosen one not only love and fidelity, but also ease in relationships, which is so often lacking in family life with its routine and monotony.

Ksyusha will always calm and support her beloved man in difficult times, relieve his fatigue and cheer him up.


Ksenia gets married early, and, despite her young age, she takes very seriously the issues of creating a family, which for her becomes the meaning of life. Xenia's early marriage is far from always successful, while she rarely initiates a divorce, especially if there are children.

If a divorce cannot be avoided, Ksenia may fall into depression, from which only a new relationship can bring her out, in which the partner will not only take, but also give her attention, affection and love. With a faithful, loving and caring man, she will be a wonderful wife and mother.

Family relationships

Family life with Ksenia can hardly be called ideal, and this despite the fact that she tries to create coziness and comfort in her house, cooks deliciously and devotes a lot of time to her household. And everything is to blame for the hot-tempered nature of Ksyusha and her desire to re-educate her husband.

In fairness, we note that when she fails, she leaves her idea and accepts her companion with all his shortcomings, which she eventually learns to put up with. But Ksyusha rarely gets along with her mother-in-law.

The basis of family relations for Xenia is mutual understanding and absolute trust. Spiritual intimacy with her husband is also important to her. But she will not tolerate jealousy, rudeness and reproaches in her family.

Ksyusha brings up children strictly, but at the same time devotes maximum of her time to them.


In sexual relations, Ksyusha is extremely picky. She does not welcome intimate relationships with unfamiliar people, and she will also not agree to intimacy with a man who does not attract her spiritually.

Temperamental Ksyusha loves to improvise and experiment, so in an intimate sense, a man will never get tired of her. But keep in mind that in the sexual sphere, she prefers to dominate. Her chosen one should be gentle and attentive.

Mind (intelligence)

Without exaggeration, Ksenia can be called an intellectual with a sharp analytical mindset. The main thing is to learn how to correctly apply your mental abilities.


Ksenia has a pronounced ability in the humanities, so she will make an excellent teacher, educator, psychologist, sociologist, designer, journalist or actor. If Ksenia can cope with her inconstancy and impulsiveness, she will find herself in the profession of a lawyer, bank employee, manager or sales agent.

It is very important for her to enjoy her work, otherwise no material benefits will force her to fulfill her obligations with high quality and responsibility. In addition, the ambitious Xenia should feel the return of her leadership in the form of recognition of her authoritative opinion and promotion.

The authorities appreciate Xenia for her responsibility, dedication, diligence and pedantry. And subordinates are respected for justice, correctness and responsiveness, although they are considered a strict and demanding boss.


Ksenia has all the makings to become a successful business woman, she lacks only the poise and calmness that are necessary for making informed decisions. For this reason, she needs a reliable assistant who can point out to her certain shortcomings or blunders.

I must say that Ksyusha is used to looking at things realistically, so she is not interested in mega-projects that require large investments. She prefers to earn as much as is necessary for the normal life of her family.


Ksenia's main hobby is taking care of her family and arranging the family hearth. All her interests revolve around the family - these are delicious family dinners, and joint fishing trips, and baking cakes.

Character type


Ksenia is a person of mood who acutely perceives both the troubles and joys that occur in her life. She reacts sharply to any injustice towards herself or her loved ones, responding to it with aggression. At the same time, she cannot be called a vengeful person; on the contrary, she will quickly forgive her offender, but she will stop communicating with him.

She lacks balance, calmness and stability, besides, it is difficult for Ksyusha to trust people who are capable of deceit and lies, so she tries not to let them get too close to her.

Ksenia's principles and perseverance help her achieve the highest peaks, however, stubbornness and intolerance towards the opinions and desires of other people can play a trick on her (in the end, she will have no one to share her victory with).


Ksenia has a very highly developed intuition: for example, she is able to intuitively feel the connection of things that others do not see and do not want to understand. But she does not know how to fully use such knowledge, since such qualities as cunning and resourcefulness are absolutely not characteristic of her.

Horoscope named after Xenia (Oksana)

Xenia - Aries

This is a very powerful, ambitious and temperamental woman, for whom her own well-being is extremely important, for which she is ready to go to great lengths.

Ksenia-Aries will use people without a twinge of conscience to achieve their goals. It is interesting that luck accompanies her in everything, encouraging her diligence and perseverance. Ksenia-Aries is extremely jealous of her partner (not every man will like such a possessive attitude).

Xenia - Taurus

Calm, balanced, but at the same time strong-willed Xenia-Taurus is attracted by a measured and stable life, in which there is no place for conflicts and various surprises. She is sociable and friendly, but do not expect her to be completely frank with you. The love of Xenia-Taurus is comprehensive and limitless, and she requires the same attitude from a man to herself. If her chosen one is not able to be around her beloved around the clock, encouraging all her whims, Ksenia will find a replacement for him.

Xenia - Gemini

This cheerful, sociable and incredibly energetic woman prefers to live an active life and be aware of all the events. But Ksenia's desire to be everywhere and immediately leads to the fact that she does not have time to go anywhere, and often does not bring her affairs to the end. At the same time, she does not feel any inconvenience or remorse about this, referring to everything that happens philosophically. Ksenia-Gemini is very amorous, which prevents her from creating a strong family.

Xenia - Cancer

The charm, sophistication and femininity of Xenia-Rak can only be envied. Knowing all her strengths, she skillfully manipulates men who are attracted to her gentle image. In fact, Ksenia-Rak is a capricious, lazy and jealous person who sees life only in dark colors. Very quickly, men get tired of the cloying behavior of Xenia, leaving her alone with her pessimism.

Xenia - Leo

Xenia - Virgo

Reason and practicality prevail in Xenia-Virgo over feelings and emotional impulses. Therefore, she never relies on luck, but achieves everything on her own. Her hard work, perseverance and business acumen help her make a brilliant career, which she is often not ready to sacrifice for the sake of starting a family. Xenia-Virgo is attractive and charming, but she does not have time for novels. Only a truly loving and strong-willed man can understand, accept and love such a business woman.

Xenia - Libra

This woman can be compared to a carefree fluttering butterfly who is always cheerful, frivolous and open. Ksenia-Libra does not think about tomorrow, preferring to live to the fullest here and now. Her carelessness attracts the same carefree men who are not yet ready to settle down and become the head of the family. A successful marriage of Xenia, born under this sign, is possible only with a serious man who, nevertheless, will not completely limit the freedom of his chosen one.

Xenia - Scorpio

Praise and encouragement are important for this scrupulous and narcissistic nature. She should be admired tirelessly, and Xenia-Scorpio with equal pleasure will accept both a sincere compliment and undisguised flattery. She will definitely advertise all her positive aspects, so others will only have to confirm her words. A man with experience will easily win the trust and heart of Xenia-Scorpio, because women, as you know, love with their ears.

Xenia - Sagittarius

This is an unpredictable, active and sensual person, in whose society you will not be bored. So, in the head of Xenia-Sagittarius there are always a lot of brilliant ideas and plans that she will definitely try to bring to life. This woman is difficult to understand, but her charm is truly captivating. Ksenia-Sagittarius has a lot of broken male hearts in her assets, but this worries her little, because she will not calm down until she finds that one and only man with whom she will be ready to share both grief and happiness.

Xenia - Capricorn

This is a practical, reliable and thorough nature, which in making any decision is guided, first of all, by a sober mind. It is not surprising that it is to Xenia-Capricorn that they go for practical advice, especially since she will never refuse help, which she provides absolutely disinterestedly (and she also does not need recognition, on the contrary, she is getting old to avoid general attention, which tires her). Ksenia-Capricorn is monogamous. She carries her devotion and love throughout her life. Moreover, she is ready to fully devote her life to the interests of her partner.

Xenia - Aquarius

The fickle and rather absurd Xenia-Aquarius is always in the spotlight, because she is smart and charming, it is always interesting to communicate with her. A sharp mind and straightforwardness lead to the fact that this woman has few friends and many envious people who are afraid to openly go into conflict with the scandalous Xenia-Aquarius. However, she herself prefers loneliness to the company of flatterers, envious people and gossips. Ksenia has many admirers, but she is reluctant to make contact with them, fearing disappointment.

Xenia - Pisces

This hypochondriac, receptive and melancholy person lives in her invented world, in which she is the truth in the highest instance. Xenia-Pisces is very lazy: nothing will make her swim against the current and fight for her place under the sun. This image of a woman-mystery attracts men, especially since Ksenia-Pisces is fluent in the art of flirting and seduction. Her ideal is a reliable, strong and enterprising man who can protect her from all adversity.

Xenia (Oksana) name compatibility with male names

Xenia and Alexander

Xenia does not sit still, she is active and cheerful. Alexander, too, will not give up interesting trips and risky adventures. Therefore, it is not surprising that the owners of these names are comfortable and good together.

Ksenia and Dmitry

Ksenia and Alexey

Ksenia is a tender and attentive wife, and Alexei is a caring and faithful husband, so this family is a real idyll. In addition, both partners live each other and for each other, which only strengthens the marriage.

Xenia and Ivan

Both the woman and the man in this union are monogamous, for whom fidelity is the main component of marriage. Reliable and attentive Ivan sincerely loves his gentle and charming Xenia. Their union is long and happy.

Xenia and Eugene

In this passionate union, passions are constantly seething, because both partners have a sanguine temperament. They are disgusted by a calm and measured life, which, in the absence of patience and understanding, can lead to a break in relations.
Eugene - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Xenia and Maxim

This amazing couple finds its continuation in each other: for example, the calm Maxim often keeps the proactive Ksenia from rash acts. But Ksyusha can get bored with such a model of behavior, because her life is a holiday.

Xenia and Vladimir

Xenia is attracted by everything new and unknown. She likes to talk heart to heart, which Vladimir is only happy about, since he himself gravitates towards philosophical conversations. They look at life through the prism of their feelings and emotions, which really brings them together.

Xenia and Denis

These two look to the future without fear, as they know how to accept life with its joys and sorrows. They live in peace and harmony, illuminating everything around with their love, responsiveness and kindness.
Denis - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Xenia and Pavel

This interesting union is very unusual, since Ksenia and Pavel are completely different people who are connected by a strong thread that never breaks. Thanks to love and understanding, they move steadily towards their happiness.

Ksenia and Artem

People meet, make friends, fall in love, get married - this is about the relationship between Artem and Xenia. In their life, in principle, there is no place for accidents. Their feelings are deep and sincere, but Ksyusha's excessive emotionality can destroy this idyll.

Xenia and Anton

Ksenia and Vitaly

Xenia and Ruslan

Ksenia's unpredictability and impulsiveness prevent her from building a strong relationship with the balanced Ruslan, who strives for stability. Namely, Ksyusha will not be able to give him this.

Xenia and Nikita

In this long and happy union, Ksenia plays the role of the inspirer of her man. She is charming, feminine and economic, and it is precisely these qualities that Nikita appreciates in a woman.

Xenia and Kirill

Xenia and Daniel

Ksenia and Anatoly

In this pair, partners are gentle and caring, they try to anticipate each other's desires and bring them to life. Therefore, their relationship is stable, serene and strong.

Xenia and Stanislav

These relationships, which begin as an easy and non-committal romance, can eventually develop into a strong union, despite the fact that Ksenia and Stanislav are people who are completely different in temperament and character.

Xenia and Vadim

Both Vadim and Ksenia sincerely want great and bright love, they are emotional, but at the same time they know how to value their relationship. In addition, they have a philosophical approach to all their problems, which really brings them together.

Xenia and Egor

This couple is characterized by love at first sight, but the relationship between Ksenia and Yegor is not durable and long-term. And everything is to blame for the impulsiveness of Xenia and the inconstancy of Yegor.

Xenia and Valery

The owners of these names have been looking at each other for a long time, but even a serious approach to choosing a life partner does not guarantee a bright family future for the eccentric Ksenia and the practical Valery.

Before starting to study the meaning of the name Xenia, it is necessary to find out the roots of the origin of such a beautiful, sonorous female name. Today there is a theory that claims that Xenia is a name originating from ancient Greece, namely from “xenos”, which translates as “hospitable”, “guest”, “wanderer”.

To complete the picture, it should be noted that even though the meaning of the name Ksyusha is derived from the name Oksana, it is still a separate name. The patroness of all women with the described name is Xenia of Petersburg, according to legend, who became a widow early.

As a result, she sold all her property and began the life of a wanderer, actively helping people, healing patients with severe forms of the disease. Today, the meaning of the name Xenia in every aspect of her life will be studied in as much detail as possible.

Characteristics of the name Xenia

A woman named Xenia is characterized by considerable self-confidence, an amazing mind, and independence. Therefore, I got used to finding solutions to emerging problems with my own mind. Winning a dispute with Ksyusha is quite problematic, because such a woman will firmly defend her own rightness. Moreover, the meaning of the name Xenia “allows” her to be very offended by an awkwardly spoken word or remark by a debater.

Xenias simply love to emerge victorious from the dispute, while the failures that appear in life are very hard to experience. Since the woman named Xenia, whose origin and meaning is being studied, is distinguished by the presence of a restless character, she is simply not able to remain calm even for a short period of time. In turn, thanks to her perseverance, Ksyusha is able to bring every business to its logical conclusion.

In addition, the meaning of the beautiful name Ksenia suggests that such a woman has the character of an implacable fighter for achieving justice. Therefore, he will begin to fight for justice in the most hopeless situation. Ksyusha should not work in a large team, because in any case he will confront anyone, defending his own or other people's rights.

Ksyusha's character traits

Continuing to study the meaning of the amazing name Ksenia, it should be noted that becoming an adult, she will acquire the ability to pacify her own emotional impulses and turn into a calmer, and sometimes rather callous woman. True, at the same time he will remain a vulnerable person who loves himself very much. The feeling of painful pride will make Ksyusha constantly experience tension.

Therefore, it is ready at every second to repel the attacks of outsiders. For such a woman, authorities are completely absent, because the main ideal for her is only herself. Also, the meaning of the soft name Xenia describes her as a touchy person who hardly obeys anyone's orders. Deep feelings are not for her.

At the same time, the meaning of the name Ksenia, her fate and character allow us to assert that Ksyusha is so bright in nature that she always stands out from the surrounding masses. Therefore, even at great distances, its individual charm is felt. This woman is able to feel great in the company of men. After all, it is here that Ksyusha is able to show her own femininity, sexuality.

Among other things, the secret of the name Ksenia shows that she is characterized by the presence of excellent taste, her own taste in the field of makeup and clothing. This person with a big stretch falls under the category of lucky ones of fate - any life achievement is given to her quite problematically. Ksyusha achieves everything with her own work, perseverance. Moreover, she is able to please other people's achievements, successes, and grief is depressing.

Ksyusha's mascot stones

The considered secret of the name Xenia suggests that she has the following stones of talismans - sapphire, chalcedony. So, the chalcedony stone belonged to the talismans that are able to protect sailors from various vicissitudes of fate. As for women, he could attract the love of the stronger sex.

In turn, the talisman with sapphire endowed its wearer with constancy, virtue, modesty, contemplation, chastity and fidelity. A woman wearing a talisman with a sapphire was endowed with power, helping her to establish both personal and business relationships. Now you need to study the meaning of the name Ksenia for the girl, which is especially important for her mom and dad.

Ksyusha's childhood

As a little girl, she loves to play with dolls, because she is a sweet, obedient, kind child. In turn, the meaning of the beautiful name Ksyusha confirms - Ksenka loves to help her mom and dad, which makes her their favorite. However, the command line of education is not for her. Ksenka is able to succumb only to a detailed explanation, since she is distinguished by natural responsiveness.

The school program is given to her well, but the process of interaction with peers is quite problematic. Her friends must agree with her in everything. Teachers like this girl because of her perseverance and responsibility. It is this meaning of the name Ksenia for a little girl that her parents should know. Becoming an adult, Ksenia will remain in her soul a vulnerable, impressionable, suspicious girl.

Mom, dad of the child should teach the girl to accept life's defeats more easily. Little Ksyusha tries to avoid big, noisy companies, preferring the company of her own people. As a teenager, he will become a vulnerable, touchy nature. When causing offense, he will not be able to take the first step towards reconciliation, even if it turns out to be initially wrong.

Xenia's love relationship

Now you should answer the question of what the name Xenia means in love. A woman named Ksyusha is an amorous person who makes significant demands on her partners. A close relationship with a man who is unfamiliar or does not have common ground is not for her. It should be noted that such women only in extreme cases can become mistresses or women of “lightweight” behavior.

As for intimacy, Ksenia does not accept any prohibitions, complexes. She likes improvisation, various experimental experiments. Such a nature easily feels the mood of men, knows perfectly well when to speak and what needs to be done to deliver maximum pleasure to a man. But what does the name Ksenia mean in a career or business?

Career and business for Xenia

A woman named Ksenia needs a profession where attentiveness and perseverance are needed. She likes working with documentation more than, say, an archivist in a library. If this woman starts the introduction of any project, then there is no doubt that Ksyusha will complete it on time, and most importantly, with high quality.

Let's continue answering the question - what does the female name Ksenia mean in a career. Ksenia can become an excellent boss, fair, but not picky. However, it will still lack some measure of tact. In turn, being subordinate is not for her. At the same time, Ksenia is able to be a successful businessman with a slight lack of balance. Therefore, she is able not to see the main thing in the little things. The best option is to run a partnership business.

Knowing what the beautiful name Xenia means, we can assume that the principles of morality do not allow her to commit dishonest, illegal actions. Distinguished by a penchant for the humanities, an excellent teacher, journalist, lawyer or educator can come out of it. A big role for Ksenia is played by receiving returns, pleasure from the profession, rather than receiving financial benefits.

Ksyusha's health

The woman bearing the name Xenia, whose name meaning and fate is described, with a big stretch falls into the category of women with good health, since she suffers from various diseases from a very early age. Becoming an adult, she takes every defeat, trouble very close to her heart. This causes various nervous disorders, as well as difficulties with falling asleep.

From her earliest childhood, Ksenia, whose name and character is being studied, is quite sensitive to a variety of drugs, which suggests their careful use. Often Ksyusha gets diseases from her mother by inheritance. Therefore, it is not recommended to give her the name of her mother or grandmother, which can only aggravate the inheritance of ailments.

In addition, a woman named Xenia, whose name meaning, character and fate is being studied, faces gynecological problems. Therefore, she usually gives birth problematically, encounters violations of the genitourinary functions, delays in menstruation. In the process of aging, difficulties may arise with the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart.

Name xenia, what does it mean? Does the name xenia affect the fate of the carrier, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she's pure Xenia!".

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most complete information about the names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and the signs of the zodiac inherent in them on the site you know.Ru.

About the name Xenia: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Ksenia: guest
  • Origin of the name Xenia: Greek Latin Russian

The name Xenia has various versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Xenia in Greek "xenia" means "hospitable". Also translated from the Greek "xenios" as "wanderer", "foreigner", "guest", "stranger". The name Ksenia is one of the epithets of Afrophyta.

According to the second version, the name Xenia comes from the ancient Greek "xenia", which in the singular also meant "guest", and in Latin it sounded like "xenia". Xenia in ancient and modern European poetry was called short humorous or laudatory poems addressed to some persons, which were presented in addition to gifts to this guest. Previously, Xenia was written by Schiller, and Goethe, and Yaroslav Ivashkevich, and the original author of the name and the Roman poet Martial.

It is believed that the names Oksana, Ksenia and Aksinya are related names, but many consider them colloquial forms, options for each other. In modern times, these names are independent and are also used independently of each other.

Ksenia is a very attractive and sociable girl. However, when dealing with her, you should be careful. Ksyusha is touchy, takes all the troubles to heart, but at the same time she rejoices violently at positive events. Ksenia is sensitive to injustice, persistently defends the rights of herself and others.

As a child, Ksyusha is sweet and calm. She pleases her parents, studies successfully, is neat and not lazy. Due to resentment, it can be difficult for a girl to communicate with her peers. She does not know how to put up first, so Ksyusha's girlfriends change very often. Only girls who do not like to argue and argue can be friends with Ksyusha for a long time.

As a rule, Ksenia cannot sit in one place. Her mood can change suddenly. Now she is embarrassed, in a minute she is quick-tempered. However, the girl does not rush to extremes, although she clearly lacks balance. Ksyusha strives to express herself and is always ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of loved ones.

Ksyusha has a very developed intuition and high intelligence. She is able to see connections between events and things that are invisible to others. However, Xenia does not use her abilities for profit. The girl is devoid of cunning and the ability to dodge.

In her aspirations, Ksenia is able to show noticeable perseverance, she does not accept defeat. In friendship, she is faithful, reliable and principled. Shows himself as a caring and considerate friend.

In communication with the opposite sex, Ksenia often uses her charm, and this is bearing fruit. Being amorous and dreamy, Ksyusha chooses strong and experienced men. Ksenia is ready to obey such a man, but will not tolerate reproaches or jealousy on his part. Xenia prefers men older than her and with more experience. Love, tenderness and care from her husband are important to her. It is so difficult to be strong, and she seeks this protection in her husband. But a man must be her equal - in intelligence, in prosperity, in goals in life - otherwise a strong union will not work. Ksenia is very demanding of her partner.

Having met a suitable man, Ksenia devotes herself to the arrangement of the hearth. She knows how to be happy in marriage, becomes a faithful wife and an excellent mother, but it is not easy for her husband. Ksenia is a faithful wife and an excellent hostess. She prefers to raise children herself, without sending them to a kindergarten or entrusting them to a nanny.

Sewing can be distinguished among Ksenia's hobbies. Ksyusha sews not only for herself, but also for all her friends and relatives. She cooks well, loves to make preparations. She likes to draw.

Ksenia is not devoid of abilities, but everything she does is not paramount for her. Own world for this girl will always be of great value. Nevertheless, Ksyusha is conscientious and ready to do any job. In business, she becomes prudent, seeks to lead. As a result, Ksenia often achieves a leadership position, in which she manifests herself as a strict and intolerant boss. However, she still tries to be fair and generous.

Ksenia will be successful in her work. Such a job is suitable for her, where she will be left to herself, she does not need strict discipline and visiting the office during working hours. She needs results. Many athletes can be found with that name - figure skaters, biathletes, gymnasts.

Numerology Of The Name Xenia

  • Name number: 5
  • Heart number: 4
  • Personality number: 1
  • Happiness number: 5
  • Lucky numbers named after Ksenia: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, 113
  • Lucky days of the month: 5, 14, 23

The meaning of the letters of the name Xenia

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • k - mystery, endurance, nervousness, insight
  • c - nervousness, depression, common sense, depression, dominance, capriciousness
  • e - vitality, ability to mobilize in a critical situation, straightforwardness, talkativeness
  • n - energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind
  • and - impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • I - intelligence, creativity, self-esteem

Talismans named after Xenia

  • Lucky season: Winter
  • Lucky days of the week: Wednesday and Saturday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Sunday
  • Lucky Color: Blue
  • Mascot Plant: Fern
  • Stones-mascots named after Xenia: Silver, Lead, Sapphire, Black Pearl, Garnet, Alexandrite, Onyx, Turquoise, Zircon, Amethyst
  • Spirit Animal: Otter
  • Tree: Rowan

Astrology named after Xenia

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Xenia, the planet is Uranus and Saturn, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits from Uranus and Saturn: Freedom, genius, invention, brotherhood, peacefulness, openness

The disadvantages that Uranus and Saturn endow with a name: Intolerance, a revolutionary spirit, devoid of a creative beginning

  • Name astrological color: Purple
  • Cardinal direction: North
  • Astrological stone: Turquoise, Danburite, Emerald
  • Representing Animal: Stork, Raven, Cow, Doe, Fox, Peacock

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant planet for Xenia:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Proserpina

Planetary number and meaning of the name Xenia

For the name Ksenia, the planetary number is 4 and governs this name Mercury.

Four as the final number of the name leads to the mystery of gaining protection with the help of knowledge, information, the ability to distinguish between truth and lies

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Xenia

For the name Ksenia Zodiac number - 11 Aquarius.

Sacred number for the name Xenia - 11 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Aquarius

The name Xenia has the same key and sacred sign of the zodiac and therefore their life is more monolithic and integral and is suitable for people with the same monolithic horoscope. In this case, such a name creates in contacts with other people a field favorable for the disclosure of abilities and the realization of the opportunities available in fate. The names of Aquarius involve in the mystery of the search for a new and free conscious choice. They create around a person a field of change, independence, originality and unpredictability.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Xenia.

What does the name Xenia mean?

The name Xenia means - hospitable (Greek)

The meaning of the name Xenia - character and fate

A woman named Ksenia is persistent, overly stubborn in cases where she should give in. But if you find an approach to her, then she will be meek and docile. Rudeness and violence arouse protest in her. She herself is not conflict and tries to avoid any quarrels. However, it can be irritable, in a bad mood, strongly depends on its mood. A woman named Ksenia is sociable, knows how to get along with colleagues. Friends choose themselves. Does not impose itself, is proud and independent. He does not like noisy companies, he feels more comfortable in the circle of close people. Ksenia gets married after twenty years, seriously approaches the issue of creating a strong family. She strives to be independent from her husband, therefore she takes as her husband a man who is balanced, serious, firmly standing on the ground. A woman named Ksenia most of all appreciates devotion and integrity in a man. He knows how to manage the household, but he will not refuse the help of his spouse. That's just washing dishes, cleaning the apartment will not entrust her husband. A good cook, loves to cook according to her own recipes. "December" Ksenia is somewhat eccentric, unpredictable in her actions. If the marriage fails, Ksenia painfully experiences a divorce, especially since the initiative usually does not come from her. She tries with all her might to save the marriage, especially if the family already has children. Ksenia takes the upbringing of children seriously, is strict with them, but devotes a lot of time to them.

The meaning of the name Ksenia for sex

In sexual relations, as in many other things, Ksenia is a person of mood. She chooses a partner for herself, cannot enter into intimate relationships with a man who is unfamiliar or not very pleasant in the spiritual sense. However, in sex with a woman named Xenia, a man should be a fairly professional partner. Ksenia has a moderate sexual temperament, does not like to advertise her relationship, is secretive.

The nature and fate of the name Ksenia, taking into account the patronymic

Name Ksenia and patronymic ....

Ksenia Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna modest, does not seek to stand out, complaisant. This woman is purposeful, stable, thorough in business. Not prone to hasty conclusions, carefully thinks through the upcoming actions. However, Ksenia is quite sociable, easily makes contact with new acquaintances, at the same time, in friendly relations, she is demanding and scrupulous. Ksenia is a good hostess, she devotes a lot of energy to coziness and comfort in the house. He loves beautiful interiors, seriously thinks about how to change it for the better. The weakness of this woman is expensive dishes, various items for table setting. Ksenia treats her husband with warmth, is not conflicted, does not make scandals if her husband is late at work or comes slightly drunk. She understands everything, can enter into his position. A woman named Ksenia believes that her husband has the right to spend the evening with friends, to talk heart to heart. Ksenia is very attentive to children, brings them up in complete trust and mutual respect. He never raises his voice, all issues are resolved in a calm atmosphere. She has children of different sexes.

Name Ksenia and patronymic ....

Ksenia Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna quick-tempered, emotional, energetic. Strives to be in the center of all events, to have first-hand information. He knows everything, manages everywhere, takes part in all events. A woman named Ksenia with friends is strict and cautious, does not allow herself to be manipulated, used for her own purposes. She has few close friends, she is very devoted to them. Prefers to be friends with men, it is easier to find a common language with them. Such Ksenia is a wonderful hostess, everything burns in her hands, everything is arguing with her. Ksenia loves perfect cleanliness, every thing in the house has its place. She teaches children to maintain the order established by her, tries to re-educate her husband if he is not so pedantic in this matter. She is strict with her husband, not always affectionate, and not because she does not love him, she is simply not accustomed to sincerely express her emotions and feelings in relationships with loved ones. Ksenia is just as strict with children, although in a fit of tenderness she can caress them, show love. Excessive restraint is reflected in the upbringing of children, who, in turn, also do not know how to openly express their feelings. Ksenia is thrifty, the house always has everything you need, but nothing more. Ksenia is born more often than girls, but there is a chance of giving birth to boys, which depends on who her husband is.

Name Ksenia and patronymic ....

Ksenia Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a complex character, changeable mood. An unstable psyche, increased irritability prevent her from establishing good relations with others. Not everything is going smoothly for a woman named Ksenia and in family relationships.

In a good mood, Ksenia is virtue itself, ready to help everyone, knows how to win over everyone. If her mood is not the best, it is better not to approach her. Ksenia is emotional, does not always know how to listen to the interlocutor, can interrupt, does not allow her to speak out. But she is always fair, she does not know how to be hypocritical. Friends consider her the most reliable friend. She can be trusted with the most secret, without fear that it will become the property of outsiders. The hostess Ksenia is good, knows how to do needlework, loves cleanliness and order, manages the family budget economically. Excellent cook. A woman named Ksenia is thoroughly engaged in raising children, paying great attention to their education. Strict with them, but always shows that they are the dearest people for her. This woman does not raise her voice, even if the mood is bad, she controls herself and punishes for wrongdoing only when the first impulse of anger passes and her mind is sober. She gives birth to more boys.

Name Ksenia and patronymic ....

Ksenia Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna- mobile, energetic, cheerful. Knows how to cheer up. Likes to be in crowded places, always in sight. Gets along equally well with men and women. A woman named Ksenia organizes various entertainment events, takes an active part in them, and loves practical jokes. A good housewife, she easily learns the tricks of housekeeping from older comrades, listens to advice, collects unusual recipes for cooking old dishes. Many have a lot to learn from a woman named Xenia. It strongly depends on his mood: if he is on the rise, he manages to do as much in one day as he won’t do in a week another time. In a state of apathy, he cannot do anything. Economical, prudent, practical. She treats her husband well, allows him to feel like a leader in the family, a master in the house, although she rules everything herself. He consults with him in serious matters, and his opinion is not the last in the final decision. Trying not to infringe on his pride. He treats children with love, devotes a lot of time to games, reading books, tries to give them all-round development. Children of different sexes are born, often in different marriages.

Name Ksenia and patronymic ....

Ksenia Alanovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Filimonovna has an irascible nature. Any trifle can drive Ksenia out of herself, for which she is subsequently embarrassed. It is difficult to find a common language with "winter" people, with some colleagues. Yes, and households often receive from her "what they deserve." However, she is a good-natured and benevolent woman, and her outbursts of anger are short-lived. "December" Xenia is intolerant of injustice, solves all issues in a raised voice, is independent and unbending. "Autumn" is laconic, listens to others more than she speaks herself. Very serious, proud and independent. In the household, Xenia succeeds more than many other women. A woman named Ksenia is thrifty, thrifty, economical.

There may be a difficult relationship with a spouse due to psychological incompatibility. Ksenia is stubborn, strives to lead all household members, dictate her conditions of existence under one roof and her spouse. Therefore, in the first marriage there may be conflicts leading to divorce. The second marriage is more successful, because Ksenia is already more serious about the issue of marriage. If she does not find a suitable man, she may not marry again. For a woman named Xenia, marriage is not a goal in life. Only a calm, patient or even submissive man can make her a suitable match. Ksenia takes children seriously, does not spoil them, brings them up in severity. She can scream for the slightest offense, because she is not very restrained, but then she will make amends by admitting it and talking heart to heart with the child. "December" Xenia often breaks down, can bring the child to hysterics.

Sweet, obedient and calm girl. Ever since childhood meaning of the name Xenia reveals a rather balanced character of the child, whose successes are proud of relatives and friends. Easy to communicate, conscientious, assiduous, often looks like a mother, but inherits her father's character. He likes to do purely girlish things - play with dolls, sew outfits and equip a house, fiddling with dishes. Sincere and honest, she tries to help everyone who asks about it. Trusting, easy to deceive.

origin of the name Xenia

According to the second version, the name Xenia comes from the ancient Greek "xenia", which in the singular also meant "guest", and in Latin it sounded like "xenia".

Xenia in ancient and modern European poetry was called short humorous or laudatory poems addressed to some persons, which were presented in addition to gifts to this guest. Previously, Xenia was written by Schiller, and Goethe, and Yaroslav Ivashkevich, and the original author of the name - and the Roman poet Martial.

It is believed that the names Oksana, Ksenia and Aksinya are related names, but many consider them colloquial forms, options for each other. In modern times, these names are independent and are also used independently of each other.

Ksenia is a very attractive and sociable girl. However, when dealing with her, you should be careful. Ksyusha is touchy, takes all the troubles to heart, but at the same time she rejoices violently at positive events. Ksenia is sensitive to injustice, persistently defends the rights of herself and others.

As a child, Ksyusha is sweet and calm. She pleases her parents, studies successfully, is neat and not lazy. Due to resentment, it can be difficult for a girl to communicate with her peers. She does not know how to put up first, so Ksyusha's girlfriends change very often. Only girls who do not like to argue and argue can be friends with Ksyusha for a long time.

As a rule, Ksenia cannot sit in one place. Her mood can change suddenly. Now she is embarrassed, in a minute she is quick-tempered. However, the girl does not rush to extremes, although she clearly lacks balance. Ksyusha strives to express herself and is always ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of loved ones.


In a love relationship, the meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl is slightly ambiguous. This means that on the one hand, the girl wants to completely trust her chosen one, on the other hand, she can arrange countless checks on the fidelity of her man.

As life companions, the young lady chooses a strong and self-confident young man, next to whom she wants to feel protected and loved. He pays great attention to the opportunity to relax being next to the chosen one, without resorting to his "defense mechanisms".


As soon as a woman is determined with a life partner, the young lady has a desire to make a cozy nest and arrange it comfortably. He will happily devote himself to his family. The happiness of loved ones means a lot to her.

The interpretation of the name Xenia reveals the girl as a person who is not inclined to collective work. He perfectly copes with the role of a leader, which means that he can occupy such professions as an editor-in-chief, a lawyer, a social worker.

The secret of the name Xenia

Ksenia has an unbalanced and restless character, which can only get worse over the years. She is touchy, often changes friends, until she stops at a choice. For her, a friend who will not contradict anything is important. She is receptive and sensitive.

Ksenia's family life is difficult. Often she marries twice. She loves to study the humanities and has a talent for music. Ksenia loves to fight for justice, but most often she defends only her own rights, using others.

Ksenia rarely becomes a careerist. Most often, she becomes an ideal housewife and surrounds her husband and children with warmth and care. She is a wonderful hostess, who is also thrifty.

Astrological characteristics of the name

  • Zodiac: Aquarius
  • Name color: silver gray
  • Radiation: 92%
  • Planets: Saturn
  • Talisman Stone: Chalcedony
  • plant: cypress
  • Spirit animal: rabbit
  • Main character traits: attractiveness, sociability

Numerology Of The Name Xenia

Owners of the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. The Fours are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious.

They are respected by friends and colleagues. "Fours" rarely quarrel and are not prone to enmity. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, creative manifestations of character from the "fours".

Their whole life is calculated by the minute and there is little that can shift them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Xenia

TO- endurance, derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life's credo "all or nothing."
WITH- common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
E- the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
I- self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love of the environment and the ability to get them.

Translated from Greek - "hospitable".

This girl is sickly, nervous, receptive. She has a fickle personality. Ksyusha is emotional, quick-tempered. A girl with this name is unpredictable, often rushes to extremes. She is stubborn and irritable. Ksyusha is talented, draws well, is engaged in choreography. Good student.

Growing up, Xenia becomes more calm, but still stubborn. She is persistent, likes to win, does not tolerate defeat well. A woman with this name is principled, fighting for justice.

She always stands up for the unjustly offended. Ksenia is a good friend, reliable and faithful. Living next to this woman is not easy, she loves to argue over trifles, to impose her opinion, often Ksenia tries to direct the actions of other people.

But at the same time, a woman with this name is caring and attentive to relatives and friends, she will never leave her in trouble. She sews well and loves to do it. Often Ksenia sheathes not only herself, but also all relatives and friends. She knows how and loves to cook, housekeeping, and canning.

Ksenia is successful with the representatives of the stronger sex. She creates a family early, and is usually happy in marriage. She is an amorous, tender, dreamy woman.

She needs love, care, tenderness. She is sensitive to changes in her partner's mood, knows how to calm, relieve fatigue, and improve mood. Ksenia loves strong men, much older than her and with a lot of experience.

Only such a partner can fully satisfy a woman with this name, she completely submits to such a man.

Xenia, born in winter, is a soft, amorous, tender woman. She is accommodating, often weak-willed, easily amenable to other people's influence. This woman is easy enough to convince and make her change her mind. She always submits to a partner or husband.

Ksenia rarely takes the initiative when meeting men. Sometimes this woman is embarrassed, and she needs time to get used to a man. She really appreciates trust in a relationship with a partner and does not tolerate jealousy and reproaches. It is also important for this woman that the partner does not surpass her in terms of intellectual level.

Sex does not play a big role in the life of this woman, love is more important for her. In general, Ksenia seeks to start a family and have children. She is a good wife and mother.

Summer Xenia is intolerant of other people's shortcomings. At work, this woman strives to take a leadership position. She is a demanding and strict boss, she does not give concessions to her subordinates. But she is fair and never makes a final decision until she fully understands any case.

She herself, of course, is very clean, but she also demands a lot from her family, hardly forgives mistakes and shortcomings. This Ksenia easily gets acquainted with men, but her personal life often fails, because she is demanding of her partner, often trying to command him.

She marries late, but usually successfully. If Xenia comes across a soft and docile man, then usually the relationship is going well.

Ksenia, who was born in autumn, prefers to devote most of her time to home and family. She never sends her children to kindergarten and for after-school, but she herself is engaged in their upbringing. A faithful wife and a good mistress. She is not very sociable, likes to be at home, she does not like work related to business trips. This Xenia has few friends.

Ksenia is persistent, overly stubborn in cases where she should give in. But if you find an approach to her, then she will be meek and docile. Rudeness and violence arouse protest in her.

She herself is non-conflict and tries to avoid any quarrels. However, it can be irritable, in a bad mood, strongly depends on its mood. Sociable, knows how to get along with colleagues. Friends choose themselves.

Does not impose itself, is proud and independent. He does not like noisy companies, he feels more comfortable in the circle of close people. She gets married after twenty years, seriously approaches the issue of creating a strong family. She strives to be independent from her husband, therefore she takes as her husband a man who is balanced, serious, firmly standing on the ground.

Most of all, she appreciates devotion, integrity in a man. He knows how to manage the household, but he will not refuse the help of his spouse. That's just washing dishes, cleaning the apartment will not entrust her husband. A good cook, loves to cook according to her own recipes.

"December" Ksenia is somewhat eccentric, unpredictable in her actions. If the marriage fails, Ksenia painfully experiences a divorce, especially since the initiative usually does not come from her.

Positive traits of the name

Purposefulness, energy, lightness and independence, enthusiasm, the ability to literally rush to the rescue. Ksenia is observant, she has a sharp and mobile mind, which allows her to quickly memorize a large amount of information. As a rule, Ksenia has no problems with her studies. Moreover, she manages to study in several studios at once, loves sports.

Negative traits of the name

Self-love, incredulity, irascibility, conflict, vindictiveness. Ksenia does not experience deep feelings, and excessive experiences do not overshadow her soul. Another thing is if someone touches her to the quick or trouble hangs over her or her loved ones.

Xenia quickly loses her temper and calms down just as quickly. In this state, she briefly thinks about how best to act and avoid harmful consequences in case of any conflicts. She is self-willed, can do whatever she pleases, regardless of authority.

Name psychology

Ksenia does not easily adapt to the environment. She seems to be waiting for a trick from people. It is necessary to teach little Ksenia to restrain her ardent temper or direct her energy into a creative channel.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Ksenia.
  • Options - Aksinya, Aksenya, Oksinya, Oksinya, Oksana
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) - Ksyusha, Ksyundel, Ksyuha, Xenya, Xenya, Senya, Ksyu, Ksyunechka, Ksyushenka, Ksyushechka, Ksyura, Ksyuta, Xunya, Ksyushonok, Ksyunya, Ksyunechka.
  • Declension of the name - Xenia-Xenia.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Xenia.