
What to do at home when you're lazy. How to deal with laziness. How to kill laziness in yourself forever. Possible reasons for laziness


How to overcome laziness

There is no point in introducing your readers to laziness, because every person has it. The question often arises of how to overcome laziness, but the answer cannot be found. This time the article is devoted to 11 effective tips on how to overcome laziness, and we will also talk about the Kaizen method. Getting rid of the harmful influence of laziness on your own is not an easy task, and therefore we will try to clearly explain everything in simple words.

Laziness can influence not only our lives and careers, but also the harmony in relationships, which we wrote about recently. Often, due to laziness, people cannot make their dreams come true, and a person can never finish the work he has started. As a result, they miss out on many opportunities that life gives them. Even at the everyday level, the harmful effects of laziness are noticeable: the inability to take care of one’s body, health, and even simply quit smoking. The time has come not only to learn how to overcome laziness, but also to say goodbye to it forever.

Most likely, a person is aware of the problem that prevents him from living, but cannot find the strength to overcome laziness. Most of us need not only advice, but also a list of step-by-step actions that will help get rid of a bad habit. We will tell you how to overcome laziness and to do this we will go through a logically compiled list that will help solve the problem that has arisen:

    1. You should start every morning in a cheerful mood. Morning hygiene, comfortable clothes, a cup of coffee, and a walk in the fresh air are indispensable companions for a good and cheerful mood for the whole day.
    2. First you need to set a goal and find a reason to turn it into reality. Mentally assess the scale of future tasks, as well as the importance of the goal.
    3. To make it easier to achieve your goal, you need to create an action plan for the whole day. Never set yourself impossible tasks, because this will only make it harder to complete them, and everything that happens will irritate you. We recommend writing a to-do list on a piece of paper, and then hanging it in the place where your gaze falls most often. This will be a good reminder and motivation to do the work and will initially help you understand how to overcome laziness in the future.
    4. The first step is always the hardest, but it should be taken by stepping over yourself (we’ll talk about this a little later, namely in the next section). As soon as you start doing what you planned, you will immediately understand that the next steps will be much easier for you.
    5. Avoid monotony in your work. You should alternate classes and learn to combine physical activity with mental activity. This will help not only overcome laziness, but also continue what you started with a good mood.
    6. Motivation plays a huge role in how to overcome laziness. For every person, motivation can be anything. The admiration of your changes by loved ones or an increase in income can be a good motivating moment.
    7. Everything should be done only with optimism. Psychologists say that the companion of pessimists is laziness. Lazy people expect only failures from life and they worry about everything forever and for no reason. The truth is that optimists rule the world and pessimists are just spectators.
    8. You always need to be decisive and never give up what you start. It is better to move forward and look for new ways to overcome the difficulties that have arisen than to simply fold your hands and give up.
    9. If it is personally difficult to keep your word to yourself, then try to involve friends or relatives. Let them be the oversight body that will help monitor the progress and execution of the work. Perhaps this will contribute to the awakening of conscience and will be an excellent impetus to the fulfillment of the tasks set.
    10. When everything is tired and laziness begins to prevail over you, then simply do nothing. You will have to sit in a comfortable place and do nothing for some time, and also do not change your position. Soon every minute will begin to turn into an eternity, and everything around will go slower. Believe me, this will quickly get boring and will become an impetus for further action.
    11. The main rule of active people is to never put things off until tomorrow. Remember that work done on time is the key to success. Do not waste time on a useless fight against laziness. This approach will only become a hindrance on the path to a happy future and professional growth.

Above we discussed effective tips on how to overcome laziness, but you probably still have a question, how to take the first step. Indeed, starting any business is one of the most difficult things in life. Every undertaking is given to a person with great difficulty, and therefore there is a Kaizen method. It was invented in Japan and, unfortunately, is not very popular in the West. This is due to the fact that the West tends to think differently. Europeans argue that a person needs to work extremely hard and apply an incredible amount of strength to do the job. But the meaning of the Kaizen technique sounds completely different, and in another way it is called the one-minute principle.

It all begins at the moment when a person decides to instill a habit, but cannot decide to take the first step. By the way, we already wrote about it in the article, and therefore you can read about it. The essence of the technique is that a person begins to do a new activity every day and, most importantly, at the same time, but only for one minute. This is the principle of Kaizen. For example, if you decide to do exercises in the morning, then you only have one minute to do this. It turns out that such a short time has a beneficial effect on the brain and a person cannot find excuses for not fulfilling his plans. If you start charging for 30 minutes, then there is a greater chance that this idea will fail than charging for one minute. The same amount of time will create a cycle of action and this will help instill a useful habit. This technique can be used not only in improving the health of the body, but also in life in general.

On a moral level, it is easier for every person to take small steps towards achieving their big goals and not particularly burden themselves. Soon these tiny attempts turn into colossal changes not only in a person’s consciousness, but also in his life. This path of self-improvement is suitable for most people. Using the technique, you can improve your health, business, and personal life. Minimal labor costs allow you to perform any action and easily go towards your dream. After completing minute tasks, most people lose their negative attitude towards their goals. Every day it becomes more familiar and easier to do the necessary actions. As a result of such manipulations, a person forgets about the problem of how to overcome laziness and his life is filled with new useful habits.


Revisit your unfinished to-do list in your mind. Surely everyone has one of these. And there are almost certainly a number of reasons lined up against each one, which is why it ended up on this list. Choose one thing every day and see it through to completion. Bring it on by all means. Sweeping away all your excuses. Using willpower. Every completed task will be your personal victory over. Practice shows that those who have set out on this path cannot stop and continue to complete any work they have started. Laziness capitulates under such pressure.

Set realistic and specific goals and objectives for yourself. If the goal is obviously impossible (“I want to fly into space as a tourist”) or non-specific (“I want to lose a few kilograms”), then it is unlikely to be achieved. These items will remain on your unfinished to-do list. But if you set the goal more clearly - “Lose 2 kg in 1 month by following a fractional diet,” then it has a better chance of achieving. Follow your guidelines day after day and you will succeed. And your reward will be not only your reduced waistline, but also a feeling of satisfaction with yourself, because you have won another victory over laziness.

Do one thing at a time. In a rush to prove to yourself that you can cope with laziness, don’t try to embrace the immensity and redo a bunch of things in one sitting. Most likely, you will fail and, in addition, you risk falling into trouble, after which you will briefly give up and “give up” on everything in general. That is, you will allow laziness to ruin your life again. It is better to act step by step, defining specific boundaries of your actions.

Pamper yourself for every victory, no matter how small. It is very difficult to overcome laziness if only hard labor, hopeless everyday life, and the routine of endless tasks loom before you. Motivate yourself. Come up with rewards for stages of work or for completing the task as a whole - whichever is more convenient and enjoyable for you. Try to focus on the rewards, and not on what's in between. At the same time, enthusiasm increases significantly, and it does not seem so boring and dull.

Play out in your mind the situation of what could happen if you don’t do this or that thing. This move is called reverse motivation. That is, you stimulate yourself not with rewards, not with encouragement, but with troubles. Think about what negative consequences, setbacks, failures and inconveniences your inaction could result in. The worst thing is if your loved ones (family, friends, colleagues) suffer. And all because of your laziness. Usually this technique works flawlessly.

I’ll tell you how three simple ways help me overcome laziness and develop determination. If you are tired of being lazy and you have finally matured and understand that such a thing as laziness is destructive and you need to get rid of this quality, then read my tips.

So here they are

three simple ways to overcome laziness

1. The first way to overcome laziness and start taking action is the 5 second rule.

Just one simple super rule, the essence of which is:

You always need to act within 5 seconds after the thought flashed through your head that something needs to be done.

Why is it necessary to act immediately and how to put it into practice?

Everything is very simple and explained by our biology. The fact is that it consumes 25% of our energy.

In this case, our body may be against it. Why?

Because in this case, most of the energy will be spent on the work of the brain, but it is beneficial for our body and spent on the needs of the body. This is the so-called "law of conservation of energy".

By nature, our body is programmed to save energy and makes sure that a person does not waste his energy and “burn out.”

And since the brain is the most active part of our body, and if we also strain our convolutions, then the energy consumption is colossal.

What do the studies say about this?

According to research, this explains the reason for laziness and unwillingness to do something. It turns out that our body takes care of us in this simple way, preventing the brain from being active, because when it is active, the brain expends a lot of energy.

This explains the moment when some idea flashed through your head, the thought that you need to finally do something, get your butt off the couch, but at the same time the body starts to be lazy and provoke you to be inactive, trying to save at the same time energy.

See what an interesting thing - smart people for the most part are fit, slender, even "dry" in appearance, have you noticed?Why? Yes, because they work a lot with their heads throughout their lives.

The brain is the muscle that consumes the most energy. The body is designed to prevent the brain from working, thus conserving energy.

What should I do?

Helps me personally 5 second rule.

By applying the 5 second rule, you relearn and turn your every thought into movement. It’s not enough to just think, you also need to realize your thoughts.

Therefore, if some sensible thought came into your head, you urgently sat down, thought and began to act.

Or even just wrote it down in a notebook so that you could come back to it later. For this reason, I always carry a notebook and pen in my purse so that not a single valuable thought easily disappears.

Eh, my thoughts, my horses... If you don’t write them down, you won’t catch them.

This is the property of human memory. Again, according to research, any thought should be written down and placed on the inbox.

The main thing is to follow this rule within 5 seconds.

2. The second method, which is also very important and really helps, is to learn to break your goals into several small subgoals.

And turn them into reality step by step.

When you break down your main goal into several simple steps, you achieve it faster.

There are tasks that require us to be extremely concentrated and work for a long time, say, for 3-4 hours. In this case, the 25-minute rule works for me personally. This .

The essence of the Pomodoro technique.

Its essence is 25 minutes of work plus a 5-minute break.

When we tell our brain: “Well, listen, buddy, you only work for 25 minutes, and then you have a short break with coffee and cookies,” it works flawlessly.

It's easier to concentrate, easier to work, because you already know that in 25 minutes you will have a break and you can relax. At the same time, the work will be done and you will not need to persuade yourself for a long time that it needs to be done.

You need to come to an agreement with the brain and then everything will go smoothly.

25 minutes is not an hour or even half an hour. It seems like a very short period of time.

This method is especially helpful in situations where you don’t really want to do the work or it’s kind of dreary. And so, you work for 25 minutes, it’s kind of a little, and then a little relaxation for five minutes. Well, continue according to the same scheme, if the task is not completed to the end.

That is, such 25 minute periods can be made 2, 3, 4 or more, depending on the complexity of the task.

The Pomodoro technique is a suitable option in cases where the question arises of how to overcome laziness and fatigue from boring tasks. After all, such tasks also need to be completed, huh.

Many people would like to achieve more than they currently have, but they do not know how to overcome their laziness. There are goals, there is desire, but there is no persistence. Psychologists have been working on this issue for many years. Experts have developed many practical recommendations on how to get rid of laziness forever. Victory over such an unpleasant character trait is also a direct path to great success. Everyone can learn how to stop being lazy and start taking action.

The social nature of laziness

All people are lazy from time to time. Any person has had occasion to neglect work or study, because something inside him resisted work and was too lazy to work. When a person's subconscious perceives work as something meaningless, the mind fails to take over.

This is largely influenced by the developmental characteristics of the brain of a particular person and the state of his hormonal levels. Social factors act as the requirements of society, family, employer, that is, they are not a person's own desire, but a motivation imposed from outside. This is why it is so difficult to force yourself not to be lazy.

In the modern world, they often discuss what laziness is, what laziness is, how to find ways to increase efficiency, how to overcome oneself and cultivate a decisive character, and, most importantly, how to wean oneself from laziness. It is often called procrastination. Procrastination is a person's desire to use every opportunity to put off work and school until tomorrow. In the distant past, procrastination could be considered a self-preservation instinct. So a person defended himself from excessive loads and excessive physical labor.

However, today the situation is completely different. Laziness, or procrastination, has become a mechanism of self-destruction. The problem of laziness affects the studies of younger students and becomes more and more serious over the years. Adults are increasingly less likely to call hard work a valuable and attractive character trait. And passion for work causes sympathy and rejection. The younger generation is trying to figure out why laziness is useful and how it can be justified. But it is impossible to justify it. It is important to face the truth, admit what laziness really is, and directly ask yourself - is there a desire and understand how to deal with laziness? If the answer is yes, then, despite destructive social patterns, you need to learn how to stop being lazy and start living fully.

The biological nature of laziness

Physiology has always had a strong influence on human behavior. Character, willpower, motivation, personal preferences and even the strength of love for work can be determined by the characteristics of the body. Recent modern research convincingly proves that the psychology of laziness largely has biological roots, and not just social ones. Nature has instilled in the body the desire to conserve its energy and spend it on necessary actions. This is how patterned behavior is developed, and patterns kill curiosity - the first enemy of procrastination.

If all attempts are unsuccessful, and a person cannot understand how to overcome laziness and fatigue, you need to visit a neurologist and endocrinologist. Laziness may not be a character trait, but a sign of some disease. Symptoms of laziness are not trifles, but very real reasons to think about visiting a doctor.

Often, hormonal disorders cause fatigue, insomnia - all that we used to call laziness. A bad mood and lack of motivation that continues for a long time is a reason to visit a doctor. In some cases, 1 course of properly selected drugs can completely change the mood and attitude to life.

Pathological laziness

A lazy person cannot fully fulfill his duties, is not able to assimilate educational material and acquire useful professional skills. In severe cases, laziness can take on a pathological form. Then a person is not able to cope with himself on his own, and the help of a specialist becomes a prerequisite for defeating procrastination. Pathological lazy people do not even understand why change anything at all, how work can bring joy and satisfaction, how to deal with laziness.

Experts recognize this kind of laziness as a disorder or a violation of the motivational sphere. In such situations, the reasons for laziness lie in early childhood and the characteristics of upbringing. When self-control skills are not instilled in a child from a young age, he gets used to following exclusively his own pleasures and has no idea that such people become professional parasites.

Only a small percentage of people do not allow themselves to be idle and spend every day productively. Most of the adult population constantly feels the desire to shirk work. Chronic laziness most often affects the intellectual sphere, thinking, and paralyzes analytical abilities. Because intellectual laziness is not as visible as any other kind, it is less criticized. A person loses curiosity, interest in the world and the desire to learn new things. Laziness in psychology is considered a quality that protects itself. In other words, to stop being lazy and start living, you need to have an active mind, but it is the mind that is the first to be defeated in the struggle between hard work and procrastination.

Reasons for laziness

The reasons for laziness are quite varied, but they all require deep introspection. Without understanding the reasons, procrastination will not begin to recede, and you will not be able to understand how to overcome laziness and force yourself to work.

There are several reasons why a person allows himself to be lazy.

1. Fear of completing a particular task. Despite the fact that the tasks that people set for themselves seem important, in fact many are afraid of completing their work, so they do not understand how to overcome laziness and take action. After all, when the goal is achieved, everything will change. Subconsciously, people do not want changes in life, because the power of habit is extremely strong. Fear of change is one of the most powerful things a person can experience. That is why the problem of laziness is so widespread and well known to people of any age and social status.

2. The reason for laziness often lies in the lack of a clear goal. When there is no well-thought-out plan, it is unclear which step should follow the previous one. A person gets lost and doesn’t understand where laziness comes from and how best to act. And if a goal is imposed by other people or society, then it loses its attractiveness in the eyes of a person and he quickly loses the desire to strive for it. If motivation does not come from the depths of the heart, it will not last long. The fight against laziness will end in defeat. Therefore, it is extremely important to be sincere with yourself.

3. Fear of criticism can also become a strong obstacle and slow down any work. If you have heard unfair criticism quite often in the past, then each new task will be more and more difficult. Worrying about what other people will say, how highly they will appreciate the result of your work, is very constraining.

4. The development of laziness is also facilitated by the so-called acquired helplessness. If a person in childhood or youth had the opportunity to see people who could not cope with difficult situations, he remembers this destructive pattern of behavior and subconsciously uses it in the future when faced with new or frightening circumstances. The model of behavior absorbed in childhood does not allow one to objectively assess what laziness leads to, how sad the consequences of spinelessness, irresponsibility and unwillingness to work are. Only serious troubles make you think about this topic.

Laziness, the causes of which have been clarified, is much easier to overcome, since it remains only to select specific techniques and methodically apply them.

In bookstores you can find many modern publications on this topic. Many domestic and foreign authors are interested in the psychology of laziness. Knowledge in this area can always be replenished if you read at least 2-3 books on how to overcome laziness and change your life.

Excuses of lazy people

Even a visit to a psychologist does not always help. Lazy people come up with many excuses that they think justify their behavior:

  1. “There are different types of laziness, my laziness is useful, it does not harm anyone.” Procrastination is only useful if it protects you from overwhelm. However, the days of slavery are long gone, no one is forced to work 18 hours a day, so this argument cannot be accepted.
  2. “My laziness has good reasons.” It is work that deserves respect, not the lack of it. Even people with disabilities and developmental disabilities want to benefit society, and a healthy person will not be able to provide convincing excuses for their laziness.
  3. “I don’t know how to cure laziness, it clearly has hormonal causes.” Any clinic has an endocrinologist who will prescribe all the necessary tests, conduct a full hormonal examination and prescribe a course of treatment.
  4. “Methods to combat laziness are not effective.” There are many similar methods. If one does not bring benefit, you need to try another. In addition, it takes time to obtain convincing results. Therefore, each method must be used for at least 14 days and only then evaluate its effectiveness.
  5. “Procrastination is not my fault, others are to blame.” The role of the victim is very popular with people who do not want to work. But each person is responsible for his own life and actions. It makes no sense to shift responsibility onto your environment.
  6. “I just can’t figure out how to kill laziness in myself.” The algorithm for the fight is very simple: find (on your own or with the help of a competent psychologist) the reason for laziness, find out what factors support incorrect motivation, select ways and techniques that allow you to develop new habits. And soon you will be able to tell others about how to stop being lazy and start working. Victory over procrastination is real and possible, it is not a myth or a fairy tale.

How to deal with laziness: psychological methods

There are very diverse and interesting psychological ways to combat laziness, but none provides a complete guarantee of success. The main thing to remember is that there is no magic book that will tell you how to get rid of laziness once and for all.

- this is painstaking and difficult work. But it will bring magnificent results and lead to success if you move towards your goal every day and think about how to overcome laziness and start living a full, rich, vibrant life. You can do the following:

1. One of the main ways to combat laziness is to draw up a plan for your work in advance. The problem of laziness is partly a matter of personal disorganization. Smart planning is excellent in achieving any goal, both major and minor. Taking big steps may not be easy, but taking small steps is something most people can do. Therefore, psychologists advise first of all to divide the entire amount of work into small tasks. Then things will go much faster, and the quality of work will be much higher.

2. Procrastination is very characteristic of perfectionists - people who value only the impeccable result of their work. But the ideal is difficult to achieve. In most cases, it is not enough to do the job flawlessly, but simply to complete certain actions on time and to an acceptable level. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. This is normal and common to everyone. If you allow yourself to make mistakes, to be imperfect, then the work will go much faster.

3. It is impossible to work productively without rest. Not only the body, but also the brain, as well as the human psyche, needs restoration and pauses. Rest should not be confused with entertainment. Computer games or a nightclub party will not restore your strength and sanity. A good rest means healthy sleep, physical exercise, communication with loved ones, and doing what you love. If there is no way to allocate time for rest, then it is necessary to alternate different types of work so that the brain switches from one activity to another and does not become overloaded.

4. How is it useful to remind yourself of the successes that have been achieved before? If you remember situations where you have already won, this will become an incentive to win again. After all, if you managed to cope with yourself in the past, then it will work now.

5. It's useful to ask for help. Help can come in different forms. For some people, the approval of loved ones helps them fight laziness. Others need people who will push them to move forward. Sometimes someone's support is extremely important in work. If necessary, you should use the help of specialist psychologists and neurologists.

6. Self-hypnosis is considered a good psychological technique. This is an old method, but experts still successfully use it in the fight against various negative character traits. It is in situations of laziness that self-hypnosis is considered especially effective. The person believes what he says. Therefore, if you convincingly pronounce phrases such as “I love to work” or “I love to work” several times a day, then over time these statements will become sincere beliefs. You need to write a few motivating phrases on a piece of paper and say them out loud every day with feeling, preferably while standing in front of a mirror.

7. To show children how to fight laziness, it is necessary to present them with attractive examples of successful people - astronauts, doctors, even characters in children's books. Of course, your own example is extremely important. Children adopt the behavior patterns of those they like. So that at a young and mature age you don’t have to try to figure out how to force yourself not to be lazy, mom and dad should instill the right moral values ​​in the child from early childhood.

Organizational Techniques for Combating Laziness

Psychologists have developed several tips on how to defeat laziness and how to get rid of it using organizational techniques. Try to apply those that help you cope with laziness by organizing your work and workplace:

Changing your life completely, saying goodbye to destructive habits, changing your environment and starting to make professional progress is not at all difficult if you understand how not to be lazy and become a hardworking person.

Don't know how to overcome laziness? You don't have time to do anything, and it depresses you? Don't think this problem is unique. Millions of people around the world struggle with laziness every day, and many of them win. If they succeed, then you will definitely succeed.

Laziness is called a thief, stealing our time, abilities, well-being and prestige. One of the great people rightly remarked: “Laziness moves so slowly that poverty quickly catches up with it.”

However, laziness is just a consequence and has its reasons.

Possible reasons for laziness

1. Fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion, low energy level

All this causes a complete reluctance to do anything. A person who has had to work intensively for a long time can become lazy. In this case, laziness is his natural need for rest. It is not for nothing that the word “laziness” is translated from Latin as “slow, sluggish.”

Apathy and lack of interest in any activity can serve as a warning about some kind of “breakdown” in the body. For example, apathy appears due to a lack of vitamins and microelements. Too fatty and rich food, constant overeating also makes a person lazy.

In addition, laziness can be one of the signs of depression.

When we say: “I won’t do this because I’m lazy,” deep down we understand that the task at hand is not interesting to us, or we feel it is unnecessary, so we internally resist completing it. At the same time, we waste time in every possible way so as not to engage in something that our soul is not passionate about. After all, laziness does not necessarily mean doing nothing.

A student who, to put it mildly, does not like his future specialty, would prefer to sit aimlessly on the Internet, talk on the phone for hours, rather than do what he should do at the moment.

Another example: you can be lazy for years to learn a foreign language if a person understands that he will never need it.

3. Perhaps the main reason for laziness is lack of motivation.

The human body is designed in such a way that it itself motivates us to take actions necessary for our survival. Where basic instincts are present, laziness does not exist. For example, it is unlikely that a healthy person will be too lazy to eat if he is very hungry.

In more complex cases of behavior due to motivation or lack thereof, things are not so simple. For example, an unemployed husband lies in front of the TV, and an irritated wife shames him and persuades him to look for a job. But he is lazy, because everything suits him, except, of course, his wife’s lectures. However, the pleasant opportunity to lie on the sofa outweighs the irritation from her words, so he will continue to be lazy. Most likely, he will budge only when the lights are turned off for debts, the food runs out, that is, when this situation no longer suits him and when he becomes motivated (unless, of course, the same wife continues to provide for him).

This is too simple an example, but it shows that if there is no motivation, then there is no energy, and the person becomes lazy.

The lack of proper motivation, for example, appropriate remuneration, career growth, on the part of management can lead to the fact that the entire team in any field of activity “sick” with laziness. And this disease is dangerous because it progresses. In this case, each employee will expect that his work will be done by someone else, and not by himself.

4. Lack of dopamine

Some scientists have concluded that laziness may be inherited due to the laziness gene, which prevents brain tissue from producing enough of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine takes part in the formation of motivation and has an invigorating effect on the body. The lack of dopamine makes a person lethargic and inert.

Although, of course, the easiest way to justify your idleness is with the words: “I was born that way, you can’t go against nature.”

5. Laziness is contagious

Spending too much time in the company of inert people, we risk becoming lazy and becoming the same.

Is it possible to overcome laziness?

In fact, there are many methods to combat laziness. At the same time, some of the chronic lazy people came to the conclusion that it is impossible to fight laziness - but it can be used profitably by making friends with it. That is, don’t waste your energy fighting it, forcing yourself to do uninteresting things, work through “I don’t want to,” but do even less, but do what you like and leads to success.

Some people joke: “You can overcome laziness, but laziness.”

In addition, there is an opinion that in most cases the fight against laziness is the cause of neuroses. The loser in this struggle experiences disappointment and dissatisfaction, which can ultimately lead to depression.

Still, why not try? Moreover, knowing the reason for our own laziness, it will be easier for us to do this.

1. Review your daily routine and diet

A person who is overcome by apathy, lack of interest in anything and reluctance to do anything due to fatigue and decreased vitality cannot be made to work until he returns to his previous form. This means he must rest and reconsider his daily routine and diet.

Natural stimulants are used as tonics for physical and mental fatigue.

At least minimal physical activity will help get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Take a closer look at the people around us

If it turns out that we copy their behavior and easily succumb to the influence of others, in particular, we adopt the habit of spending our time idly, it is worth gradually changing our environment. No wonder they say that a king is made by his retinue.

3. Motivate yourself

Our brain is terribly selfish and it always wants to be sure that it is not wasting energy, but for some very pleasant goodies. The brain on average consumes up to 30 percent of all energy, it is very energy-consuming for the body, so first of all we need to convince it to be at the same time with us.

How to do it?

The language of the brain is pictures and emotions. If you want to convince him of something, then you need to speak his language. Rational beliefs won't work here. Therefore, you need to sit down and really imagine these very buns. How cool it will be for you and it (your brain) when you receive them. How you will rejoice in this, how your life will change. And as soon as you feel an emotional response to these imaginary pictures within yourself, the process has begun.

Remember, your rational mind may wonder - what if it doesn't work out?- he may doubt and this is normal, but your brain - your emotions must fully believe and want success.

4. Sometimes you still get lazy

There is a parable about laziness: after death, one person found himself in a wonderful place where he could do nothing, just enjoy delicious food and get all sorts of pleasures. And so time passed in idleness until the person became bored with such a life. And he asked a passing creature in white robes when he would be able to do something, because such a life is worse than hell. To which the creature replied: “Where do you think you got to?”.

Thus, if sometimes you want to be lazy, you need to give yourself this opportunity. After some time, we will get bored with idleness, and we ourselves will develop active activity.

5. Remind yourself more often that life is short and there is no time to be lazy.

Sometimes it’s worth making an effort on yourself and instead of saying “I have to do this,” say to yourself: “I want to do this,” because “the road can be mastered by those who walk.” Otherwise, if we do not learn to manage our lives ourselves, there is a high risk that someone else will manage it.

Therefore, if you decide that you are going towards a goal, working on something or learning something, you must always remember that by postponing things until later, you yourself are increasing the time to achieve this goal.

  1. Good Habits

When we think about how to overcome laziness and force ourselves to work, we often hope for a magic pill. And in principle, such a pill exists, but taking it also requires some effort. The mechanism of action of this pill is that if you force yourself to work every day for a month or two, then at some point you will no longer have to force yourself and work will become easier. Those. you will develop a habit of working.

Moreover, another important point is to develop the habit of working independently.

Believe me, if you learn to work without someone controlling you, it will help you achieve a lot in life. Very few people know how to force themselves to work. Most will procrastinate, call themselves procrastinators, and do anything but what they need to do.

  1. You have the opportunity to do this and it's great!

Stop thinking of work as something incredibly hard. Think about who doesn't have the resources you have.

Make the process of work bring you pleasure, pour some tea, turn on the music, let you feel good and have fun. Forget about the stupid beliefs that work comes from the word slave, remember that business comes from the word “busy”, and being busy with something you like is great!

If you manage to fully embrace this idea, then you are unlikely to again look for how to overcome laziness and force yourself to do something.

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