
Useful services for ICO evaluation and analysis. What startup evaluation methods are suitable for ICO analysis Examples of ICO scams


More than a hundred ICOs take place every day in the world. How not to get lost in the variety of projects? How to distinguish a good project from a soap bubble? How to decide to become an investor?

There is only one answer - to analyze.

We have compiled a step-by-step guide for you to help you with this.

However, we warn you, you carry out the analysis yourself. So, act at your own peril and risk. We do not give a magic formula, we only recommend some areas of analysis, and then be guided by your common sense.

So, let's begin:

Step 1: Get a picture of the business

“If I don’t understand something in a project, then I don’t invest”

Warren Buffett

1. Browse the project website, read the WhitePaper, and try to answer your own question “What exactly are these guys doing?”

Also, don't forget about Telegram, Facebook, Slack, Bitcointalk, Subreddit (if any).

2. Search the Internet for everything you can find about this project. Yes, that's all, Google to the rescue.

3. If you can finally figure out what the company does, try to search Google for other companies that do the same in both normal (centralized) and decentralized businesses (hint: search for keywords like "digital identity verification" )

4. Look at the roadmap and try to understand how long ago the idea was born and at what stage of implementation it is now (hint: if the idea arose two months ago, and now the guys were able to make WhitePaper, then most likely the investment is still very risky. Tip 2: if the project has existed for five years, all this time it has been unsuccessfully looking for investors, and now it suddenly decided to enter the ICO - most likely, the idea is unsuccessful, the project will not be implemented)

5. If you are technically savvy and the project is open source, it makes sense to look at the source code, its progress and comments.

6. If you understand what kind of business is at the heart of the project, try to answer the question from the point of view of common sense: why is there decentralization? Maybe everyone is happy?

7. Is there a network effect? As we know, the cost of a project is proportional to the number of users of this project. Accordingly, if the issuance of a token leads to the creation of an ever-expanding network of users, this is good.

Step 2: ICO Structure

1. Calculate ICO Project Valuation. For this you will need:

a) hard cap value

b) how many percent of the tokens the ICO participants will receive.

For example, if the hard cap of the project is $10 million, and 50% is distributed among the participants during the ICO, then the Project Valuation (and, accordingly, the Market Cap) will be $20 million.

You need to know this in order to roughly understand how cool the project will look against the general background, and how much the founders of the project will potentially earn. After some time, we plan to install MarketCapCalculator on the site, which will take into account more complex cases of token distribution.

2. Can a company issue more tokens after the ICO if it suddenly wants to? What other inflationary factors does the token have?

Step 3: What is the token for?

1. Try to understand what the token is for.

There are usually two options:

  • the token is used as a unit for launching or confirming a transaction within the platform
  • the token is used as a unit of account when distributing profits from the project between token holders.

All other variations are from the evil one.

2. How does a token gain value? Again, two options: either from the widespread use of the platform, or from the fact that the project generates a lot of profit.

Step 4: Project Team

1. Look up the names of the project members and see if they seem a bit strange to you (hint: be wary of investing in projects led by V Putin, Jesus Crist or SatoshiFavoriteDev)

2. Do team members have Linkedine and/or GitHub pages? Are the pages active, how long ago they were created, how many contacts. Are the team members listed on LinkedIn as working on the project, or are they working somewhere else?

3. List of advisers and investors:

  • treat it with some skepticism: the work of an adviser can consist of both a one-time ten-minute telephone consultation and daily work with the team. It’s a little calmer if the adviser’s page on Linkedin says that he works in this project
  • in our time, most adversers perform only marketing functions. Try to understand, based on common sense, what benefit a particular advisor can bring to the project. If it is not clear - most likely, this is just a well-known person on the site to give legitimacy to the project

4. Try to understand how long the team has been working together. Have they had previous joint projects, in what areas, were they successful?

Step 5: Risk Analysis

1. Think (in terms of banal logic) what could go wrong with the project. Well, that's just all the worst options.

2. Consider what factors can hurt the “core business” itself:

  • Is there a need for the proposed product/service at all?
  • What are the likely substitutions for this product/service?
  • What is the pressure to request a service/product from consumers?
  • what is the dependence of the product / service on suppliers (materials, energy, software, etc.)
  • existing competitors and their strength
  • risk of new competitors

3. Risks of changes in regulation and legislation for the project and token holders

4. Analyze the project promotion factors: if the main emphasis on the website and other promotion channels is not on the main ideas and advantages of the project, but on how you can earn money on these tokens, it is better to forget about the project.

Step 6: How does the project suit you personally?

If you like the project (analyzed and considered), you need to draw up a plan according to which you will manage your investment. In particular:

  • Are you going to sell the tokens immediately after they are listed on the exchange, or is this a long-term investment?
  • If you are going to sell tokens faster (for example, you bought them with a good bonus and don’t really believe in their further growth), check how popular the project is before the start of the ICO (according to reviews in social networks and other sources). Of course, don't forget to filter out paid posts. If you think that the project will collect almost all the money in the first days of sales (with maximum bonuses) - you are not the only smart one who wants to sell tokens quickly. But with good skill - why not?
  • The smaller the amount of money collected (and the smaller the gap between soft cap and hard cap), the greater the likelihood of a successful ICO (with, accordingly, good popularity, as mentioned above).
  • If you are absolutely sure about the project, go to it on the presale. There are fewer risks (if the presale did not raise money, then decent people return everything back), and more bonuses
  • Well, do not forget about the currency risks associated with the lock-up period. If it is long, then bitcoin may have time to rise so much that its growth will eat up all the bonuses.
  • And, finally, if you are investing “in the long term” - firstly, you need to have iron nerves (the price of a token can fall by 50% in a day, and then rise by 200%), and secondly, have an idea about those events the occurrence of which will pull your token up (listing on a good exchange, signing a cooperation agreement with a large corporation, and so on). But, in general, long-term investments are for professional investors.

Here, in a nutshell, is the entire guide to self-analysis.

Naturally, we consider projects more closely and in more detail. But we cannot cover everything at once. First of all, we will analyze the most interesting projects that cause the most questions and comments from our readers. So feel free to write!

Follow our blog and ICO reports, and together we will eventually learn, as they say, to separate the wheat from the chaff.

GoNetWork is a project focused on increasing the scalability of Ethereum specifically and exclusively on mobile networks. GoNetWork is creating a future where all the virtual content you buy online will be decentralized on the blockchain.

GoNetWork aims to build a super backbone for mobile networks in Ethereum. To increase the speed of transactions and scalability, the following method was chosen: part of the work will be performed outside the blockchain, and only then the information will be inserted there. Those. GoNetWork is an analogue of Raiden, Plasma, Lighting NetWork, but all these solutions are not designed for mobile networks.

According to the developers, the project is 90% ready to launch. It will involve existing tools and a ready audience of tens of millions of users. The success of the project can be safely attributed to the following - Game "Zombies vs Aliens" on the AppStore (2010), Game "Happy Park" on the AppStore (2011), Game "Happy Park" becomes the most advanced game in the AppStore (2014), Launch of – video social network for teenagers (million users). is in the TOP-10 photo and video apps!

The project launches the first mobile network infrastructure for Ethereum, which will be massively used by mobile, desktop and web platforms. All virtual content will be placed on the blockchain.

The use of blockchain technology to create and manage virtual goods will not only solve fraud problems, but also create a new revenue stream for developers. GoToken by GoNetwork is a cryptocurrency designed to solve the problem of liquidity of virtual coins for users. On GoExchange it will be possible to buy or sell any virtual element that is in mobile games or applications. Token holders will be able to earn on holding GoTokens (POS system). Every transaction that happens on the network will incur a fee, part of it will go to GoNetwork for maintenance and distribution work, part will be passed on to node operators, and the rest will be awarded to anyone holding GoTokens in their GoToken wallet.

The project team can rightly be called professionals in their field. They recently won the world's largest Ethereum Hackathon called ETHWaterloo (more than 400 participants from 32 countries participated). The founders of the project have experience in Google, Amazon, Citi Bank, Blackberry, SAP and Electronic Arts (EA).

The soft cap of the project is $20 million (60,000 ETH), and the hard cap is $30 million (80,000 ETH). The declared total number of GoNetwork tokens is 100 million. GOTS: ICO - 50%, team - 25%, advisors - 5%, developers, marketing, etc. - 20%.

The forecast for the growth of the token in the short term is difficult due to the general situation on the market. Regarding the long-term investment period, as mobile applications (mobile games, websites, computer games) enter GoNetwork, the demand for GoTokens will only grow.

The Token Fund team is conducting additional analysis of competitors and will make a decision regarding participation in the near future.

The Tokenbox platform is a project of the founders of The Token Fund, one of the first tokenized cryptocurrency funds managed by blockchain technology and smart contracts.

Most private investors and even many professional investment market participants do not have enough knowledge about the cryptocurrency markets or find it difficult to choose from a variety of investment objects. It is important for them not to miss the emerging opportunities to generate additional income, having a legal, safe, and at the same time easy-to-use tool for this.

The goal of the Tokenbox project is to develop and provide portfolio managers and traders with a ready-made “boxed” solution for creating their own tokenized funds that operate within the existing legal framework. An example of such a fund is The Token Fund.

Tokenbox plans to enter the market of cryptocurrency funds and professional trading of crypto assets, which is growing very fast, which increases the chances of the project for further development. Sooner or later, the time comes when an investor wants to try himself as a manager and move on to action. Tokenbox will provide this opportunity to many.

Tokenbox as an ecosystem for funds, traders and investors is designed for both sides of the trust management sphere. Each of the participants in the ecosystem is offered its own set of functionality and benefits:

1) For funds and traders:

  • KYC investors
  • Ratings
  • Professional software
  • Smart contracts for tokenization
  • Legal support
  • Secure storage of funds

2) For investors:

  • Multi-currency wallet
  • Verified traders
  • Data openness
  • Use of fiat currencies
  • Choice of Governors
  • Safety

Platform token – “TBX” is an ERC-20 standard utility token that provides access to platform services. A fund manager or trader who intends to operate his own fund on the platform purchases TBX tokens and deposits them on the platform. These funds, in the form of TBX, are placed in the fund's or trader's portfolio and are valued like any other asset. The share of TBX tokens in portfolios must be at least 5%.

This model of using platform tokens has several useful properties:

1. Funds and traders can determine how many TBX tokens they need to purchase in order to use the Tokenbox infrastructure;

2. The demand for TBX tokens reflects the level of development of the platform, the dynamics of the number of users who actually use ecosystem tokens;

3. Manipulating the value of TBX tokens is difficult. On the one hand, managers and traders are interested in the lower cost of TBX, which allows them to use the functionality of the platform at a lower price. On the other hand, undervaluing TBX is inappropriate because the low cost limits the amount of funds that can be managed by the fund.

The Tokenbox platform plans to receive income from commissions charged by funds and traders. At the same time, the amount of commissions and options for their combination are set by the funds and traders themselves, then these parameters are included in the terms of the smart contract. Investors can be sure that this process is automated and verifiable thanks to the Ethereum blockchain.

At the moment, the Tokenbox project is conducting a sale of TBX tokens. Current conditions for the bonus +15% tokens. The announced Hard Cap is $20 million. The release of alpha and beta versions of the platform is scheduled for Q2 2018.

The Token Fund does not plan to participate in the Token Generation Event of the Tokenbox project, as it believes that such an investment may be a conflict of interest.

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  • It is expected that in March 2018 the number of ICOs will decrease significantly.
  • Regulation of ICOs in the US remains controversial, with a number of projects currently under investigation.
  • ICOs are losing their appeal due to the growing number of fraudulent offers.
  • Increasing the level of control may cause a new wave of ICO popularity.

Last week I attended one of the biggest events in the world of digital assets - Token2049 in Hong Kong. Enthusiasts of the world of digital currencies from all over Asia, as well as from other parts of the world, came to discuss digital assets and blockchain technology. In addition, much attention was paid to the ICO mechanism - an analogue of an IPO held on the stock markets. To say that the number of people discussing ICOs was overwhelming is an understatement.

According to a report compiled by FabricVentures and TokenData based on their data, over $5.6 billion in funding was raised in 2017. “This figure should be compared to the $1 billion of ‘traditional’ venture capital investment in blockchain startups over the same period and the $240 million generated by the token sale in 2016,” the report said.

Source: Fabric Ventures / TokenData

ICOs raise billions of dollars by selling digital assets. But lately these still unregulated projects have come under scrutiny. On Saturday, March 17, at the MIT-sponsored exhibition, " bitcoin Expo”, one of the speakers, Christian Catalini, stated: “Currently, 40%-50% of the tokens of the conducted ICOs are trading below the initial offer price.”

According to, while huge sums are being raised through ICOs, statistics from 2018 show that of the 74 offerings completed to date, about 76% will be at a loss. Why do so many ICOs lead to losses or worse, fail? Some see the reason in the negative dynamics of the leading digital currencies: bitcoin And .

However, less popular currencies such as EOS(which has grown by almost 40% in the last seven days) and Cardano(which added about 12% over the same period) demonstrate that there is still momentum for growth in the cryptocurrency market.

US regulatory action

While U.S. ICO regulation remains weak and obscure, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently doing dozens of studies on the digital asset space. As of March 15, the agency has reportedly issued subpoenas to "dozens" of firms that it believes may be violating securities laws through their participation in ICOs. Indeed, reports note that recent SEC investigations resulted in asset freezes that blocked the completion of some ICOs and forced the suspension of trading in tokens already on the market.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the number of ICOs this March will be the lowest since last August. More than 180 placements are expected in March (data from Token Report). This number is higher than January's 175, but lower than February's 197 offers. Only $795 million is expected to be raised in March, down 45% from February's $1.44 billion.

What is the reason for such a decline? Yoav Keren, CEO of BrandShield in New York, believes that one of the main reasons ICOs are now facing is the result of phishing scams and online scams, which are increasingly a risk factor for the industry, coupled with a regulatory backlog in this area. .

“Cryptocurrency companies face numerous threats at all stages of their life cycle. During the ICO process (which is not protected from phishing), investors and companies risk losing significant funds, which are transferred by scammers to phishing sites. In the course of daily activities, token holders risk losing them from various fraudulent activities.

This market in particular is vulnerable to risk, as big money and lack of control attract scammers and little attention is paid to security. In the end, every fraud incident has a ripple effect and reduces the credibility of the market as a whole.”

Data aboutICOtransparent and widely available

CoinDesk head of research Nolan Bauerle takes a slightly different approach. He believes that ICOs offer investors the opportunity to invest in innovation by helping to fund companies in their early stages.

He concluded that the fact that we can measure their success in terms of funds raised and ROI in such a short time frame is a result of their transparency and evidence of innovation. According to Bauerle, the recession is just a temporary glitch. In his opinion, the ratio of successes and failures in the altcoin market is, in fact, better than in the traditional market.

Bauerle also notes that when VCs took over in the early stages of funding, the transparency we now see in ICOs was not available.

“The number of people who could ask a question about both fundraising and early return of capital was limited to a small group of venture capitalists who were the first to hear about new opportunities. It was a narrow circle of traditional investors.

Because the data onICOare now public and transparent, there are many new contributors and opportunities for scrutiny. All of this suggests that the success-to-failure ratio of ICOs will be similar to that of VCs, with the main difference being transparency and the ability to openly measure this in live markets with millions of buyers and sellers.

It is worth remembering that VCs agree that 90% of their portfolio is doomed to failure, which is much higher than the 40-50% of failed ICOs.”

The value of the tokens should not be confused with the value of the entire project, emphasizes Moshe Joshua, director of development for Blackmoon Crypto. He believes that there is insufficient provision of data on the supply side. In addition, many investors in the field of digital currencies easily succumb to panic and fear of being left behind. This leads to the spread of misinformation instead of accurate data and increased volatility.

“This is a common mistake in most cases. Price volatility can be attributed to the lack of a standard protocol when it comes to analyzing investment tactics.

To be more specific, there is a lack of supply-side research at the moment, meaning that current cryptocurrency exchanges are flooded with inexperienced investors making rash decisions too easily, which act as a catalyst for volatility as a result. So, in conclusion, in most cases, the cost of tokens should not be considered a metric for the success or failure of the entire project.”

ICO activity in March could really slow down. However, the general consensus seems to be that it is too early to say that ICOs are a thing of the past. Rather, the introduction of additional regulation, combined with current or even greater transparency, could spark a new wave of ICOs.

Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Auctus was founded with the goal of improving the pension market by increasing transparency and eliminating issues such as corporate governance, corruption, fraud, bribery and bureaucracy, as well as reducing transaction costs.

In essence, the Auctus smart contract and system based can replace the entire structure of pension fund management.


According to the company's website, the project was based in Brazil in Belo Horizonte, where some of the management and developers are located, but the Auctus administration is located in Zurich, Switzerland. No other information about where the company is registered was found.

The project is under active development. On Github, you can find and familiarize yourself with the code of a smart contract, a demo version of a platform for managing pension funds, and much more.

If we talk about competition in the pension fund market, then we can mention a project called, but it did not move beyond the idea. Given the increasing news in the media that this or that bank wants to test blockchain technology in relation to pension funds, it is safe to say that there will be fierce competition in the future, but so far the Auctus project is seen at the forefront ( , ).

The project is covered in a discreet manner without spam and water, which gives it a seriousness, which is quite in line with the area Auctus is going to work in. Official pages are presented on the following resources: (3262 readers), (42 readers), (704 readers), (1906 members), (1262 subscribers), . Some of the articles about the project on third-party resources:,. There are also articles on

In addition, judging by the successful one, which was closed in 10 hours and 56 minutes, having collected 958.9 ETH, which is about $300,000, and because the topic of pension savings is relevant for so many of us, community interest in this project is quite high as investors and potential users of the platform.


Thanks to the blockchain, the platform offers the following advantages over existing systems:

  • The best corporate governance. Governance is enhanced by the transparency of smart contracts.
  • Automated collection of contributions and pension payments. Paying deposits or withdrawing funds becomes much easier because all mechanisms are defined in smart contracts and can be automated.
  • Cost transparency. All fees will be automatically deducted from transactions. The value of these fees is determined publicly in smart contracts, and each fee is permanently recorded on the blockchain.
  • Fraud protection. Fraud related to payment terms and theft of funds can be eliminated once all transactions are recorded on the blockchain.
  • Control of insurance premiums. Using smart contracts registered on the blockchain, anyone can know exactly the nuances of insurance payments.
  • Economical data management. The technology can significantly reduce the cost of servers, storage, and maintenance personnel.

WhitePaper states that “Regardless of the monetization scenario, all commissions will be paid in Auctus Tokens (AUC) only, making it an integral part of the platform. There are no details in response to the question “How exactly will this work?”. However, comments were received from one of the team members () - "we have a project with a detailed description of the token in the ecosystem and in the coming days, after consulting with advisors, we will release our token usage model. It will be necessary to access services, tools and other functions."

The Auctus project plans to become a global blockchain platform for pension funds, designed to adapt to various legal and regulatory standards. From the point of view of the functionality of smart contracts, there are no contradictions here and it sounds quite feasible, although there may and most likely be difficulties with the legislation.

Legal requirements and restrictions for pension funds vary by country. Therefore, initially Auctus plans to work on the development of smart contracts for existing funds. Thus, each foundation will be responsible for checking the legal requirements.


White Paper is presented on 30 pages. Reading the document does not make it difficult to understand the material presented. The document describes the general principles of the platform, problems and solutions for the pension fund market.

There is a significant gap in the logical and consistent description of the idea about the participation of the token in the ecosystem. Plus the absence of any explanations on legal issues.


A clear sequential plan of action with a simple and understandable logic.

The development plan and some other factors (gradual unfreezing of tokens after, etc.) indicate that the company does not seek to obtain short-term benefits, but is trying to create a project for many decades to come.


The project is led by Felipe, who has over 12 years of experience in software development. He has over seven years of experience as an Operations Manager and DTI Digital Partner.

The team consists of 11 people and consists mostly of experienced software developers with a rich track record. It is strange that, according to information from WhitePaper, the chief programmer responsible for developments related to the blockchain cannot be confirmed in any way with professional skills and, in general, at least some of his relation to the project.

Advisory support is provided by experts in finance, pension law and analytics.


The pre-ICO started on October 3, 2017 and was closed in 10 hours 56 minutes, having collected 958.9 ETH, which is about $300,000. The price of the token was 2500 AUC for 1 ETH.

The main phase of the ICO will begin on November 14, 2017 and will last until November 28, 2017. If the maximum fundraising goal, which is 90,000 ETH (about $27,000,000), is reached earlier, then the ICO will close ahead of schedule. The price of the token will be 2000 AUC for 1 ETH. The minimum fundraising goal is 15,000 ETH.

The smart contract address will be shown a few days before the ICO.

Distribution of tokens

  • Auctus core team (20%)
  • ICO participants (51%)
  • Reserve for future stakeholders (18%)
  • Partnerships and consultations (9%)
  • Bounty program (2%)

Despite the fact that the project team receives 20% of the total number of tokens, and for some reason their number is not indicated, the project decided to act in a very attractive way for investors - all funds raised will be blocked during the ICO period. At the end of the ICO period, the contract will allow you to withdraw 20% in the first month and 5% in the next 16 months.


Rating 4 points out of 5 possible. The project is definitely capable of revolutionizing the pension savings industry. The disadvantage of the project, which does not allow us to fully appreciate the possibilities, is insufficient information about the participation of the token in the ecosystem (according to one of the team members

– a platform for launching new ICOs. Today we have a project from the same series - ICOBox. ICOBox intends to provide full support for projects launching ICO campaigns. According to the representatives of the project themselves, they have already launched 10 successful ICOs. Unfortunately, they do not reveal the details, but there is information that the Paragon project may have to the platform.

The purpose of ICOS tokens is to democratize the process of selecting ICO projects in ICOBox. In fact, they provide an opportunity to vote for startups that will subsequently be launched on the ICOBox platform. An important advantage is the ability to exchange ICOS tokens for tokens issued by startups on the platform.

“When a new project launches a pre-sale, a certain number of its tokens are placed on the ICOS platform, where ICOS token holders can exchange their ICOS tokens for tokens of such projects. The more ICOS tokens exchanged by investors, the less ICOS tokens and votes they have left. The exchange rate is fixed at the end of the ICOS sale and does not change from project to project or day to day for any ongoing ICOs. The standard price of an ICOS token is 0.01 BTC. They can be exchanged for tokens of other projects at an average rate of 1:4. In other words, ICOS token holders receive new project tokens at a 75% discount.”

This paragraph presents short-term and long-term implementation options for ICOS tokens. If you think that over time ICOBox will become the leading platform for launching ICOs, you can have some influence on what projects will appear. In addition, you get approximately 75% discount on tokens of any ICO that you may find interesting, but you will not use this opportunity if you do not want to lose votes.

Projects that will receive a passing number of votes will not pay any commission. Thus, these projects will not affect the holders of ICOS tokens in material terms. In a sense, the ICOS token enables startups with good ideas but no money to use ICOBox services for free, which can help them get started.

“ICOBox is a SaaS (software as a service) product where all the common elements of an ICO are standardized and simplified. While project teams are directly involved in the launch of proposals, every aspect of the campaigns is overseen by experts. This format allows you to launch campaigns in the shortest possible time at the lowest cost.”

The ICOBox team consists of market specialists and programmers capable of writing smart contracts, testing and improving them. They help projects get started without any hassle.

“This allows potential ICO projects to run their own campaigns, paying for it with their future tokens, and run them at a high level (PR campaign starts 2 weeks after the application is submitted). ICOS token holders can receive tokens of highly qualified projects, in the selection of which they themselves participate, with a 75% discount. Hundreds of great projects will enter the market, which will be supervised by ICOBox experts, selected by ICOS token holders and implemented as part of ICO campaigns, which will be created using new tools and with the support of the ICOBox team.”

If Paragon really was created with the support of ICOBox, then it's safe to say that they work on an all-inclusive basis.

Determining the long-term prospects of such projects as ICOBox, one must first of all look at the market in which they are going to work. Now everyone is interested in ICO and everything related to cryptocurrencies. We have already gone through all this. In 2013, when Bitcoin first rose to $1,000, an incredible number of altcoins were created. Some pre-mine and sell such tokens, which are early examples of ICOs. With the advent of the Counterparty and Ethereum platforms, the issuance of tokens was greatly simplified, and companies no longer had to create their own blockchains.

If interest in ICO subsides in the near future, then ICOS tokens will lose their potential value. Do not forget that the real value of the tokens is that you will have the opportunity to profitably receive project tokens that many at that time will not even know about.

ICOS tokens look like a lifeline that the ICOBox team is trying to throw into the ICO industry. They will receive funding from those who want to be able to select projects to promote and access their tokens early on.

The ICO ICOBox itself will be a little non-standard. They are not going to issue a fixed number of tokens and save some for themselves. Instead, they will provide investors with as many tokens as they want to buy. The cost of the ICOS token will be 0.01-0.012 BTC, that is, about $40 at the current rate. For every 100 tokens sold, ICOBox will receive 20 ICOS, which will be used to pay for the project and related services.

ICOS tokens can be bought with BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, Zcash and USD. This means that investments will not go through a smart contract, which often results in problems with receiving purchased tokens. In addition, such an ICO will not be completely transparent. In other words, you fully rely on the word of honor of the ICOBox team by participating in their ICO.

In the short term, while ICOs are at their peak, ICOS tokens can become a powerful investment vehicle. Investors will have an advantage over traders who will only be able to buy tokens on the open market. However, such traders can always unite and refuse to buy tokens at too high a price.

Thus, for short-term traders active in the ICO space, this is a very good project. The chances of making money are great. For long-term investors or amateurs who are interested in ICO from time to time, this project may not be suitable. The project is built on the ICO fever, and it remains to be seen what will happen when it comes to naught.