
Curry whose shoes. Health benefits of curry spice. Prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease


There are quite a lot of words that have two meanings. There are significantly fewer words with at least three meanings. The word “curry” is one of those. Depending on the context, the word curry can be used to refer to:

  • the Murraya Koenig tree, the leaves of which are used as a seasoning;
  • a mixture of spices characteristic of Indian cuisine;
  • dishes prepared using these spices.

The roots of this word go back to the Tamil word கறி, which means "sauce". But the Europeans, following their age-old habit and without really understanding it, began to put the label “curry” on everything, and the term stuck, giving rise to a kind of confusion. Since curry tree leaves are quite difficult to get here (I often replace kaffir lime with tangerine leaves, which are sometimes sold with a sprig), and to prepare a curry dish you will need curry seasoning, let’s talk about it.

Curry seasoning

Let's start with the fact that curry is not the only spice mixture in Indian cuisine. As we remember from the article about, there are a huge number of such mixtures, but it is quite possible to single out the curry family from this set.

Firstly, the main spice in curry is, due to which dishes based on it usually have a bright yellow color and a recognizable aroma.

Secondly, the set of spices that are included in curry is also more or less clear - these are coriander, cardamom, fenugreek (they replace the same curry leaves that do not tolerate long-term storage and transportation), pepper of various types and other spices, composition and the proportions of which depend on what dish is supposed to be prepared with them. In India and neighboring countries, you can buy curry mixtures for any occasion, but with us, unless you are talking about a specialized store, you will have to be content with just one, universal one (if you’re lucky).

Thirdly, although curry is certainly an Indian cuisine, it was not invented in India, but in Europe.

More precisely, in the UK. Of course, they didn’t come up with it out of the blue, but based on one of the recipes for a garam masala mixture that actually exists in India, but still. It is believed that curry powder originated in the 18th century, when the British returning from India began to take a supply of spices with them, and then tried to create something similar at home.

According to legend, as a result of one of these attempts to cook curry far from its historical homeland, it appeared - although, most likely, this is just a legend and nothing more.

Using curry

Traditionally, when preparing Indian dishes, spices are first roasted in a dry frying pan, but since they are already ground in curry, this is not necessary. On the contrary, common sense calls not to leave the hot surface of a frying pan alone with spice powder, which will instantly burn, so spices are usually used together with a liquid component - water, coconut milk, yogurt, vegetables, and so on.

If we consider authentic Indian dishes similar to curry, we will find that these spices are used to prepare both meat and fish, and vegetables, and curries are conventionally divided into dishes with sauce and “dry” ones, that is, those where there is no sauce at all or present in minimal quantities. In addition, curry can be used as a seasoning for rice and even other grains.

Curry works well when used as a dry marinade for meat, which is then cooked in a tandoor oven. By seasoning pieces of meat with curry and letting them absorb the aromas of spices, you can cook Indian-style kebab without any extra effort.

The people of India have become famous throughout the world for their passion for spicy food. They add their own signature mixture of spices - curry - to almost every dish. Few people know that the word curry has several meanings: it is the name of the leaves of the Indian plant - Koenig's muraya, as well as the name of the seasoning, sauce and dishes prepared with it.

Benefits of curry

It is believed that curry- a real storehouse of useful substances and microelements. All the ingredients of this seasoning are extremely beneficial for our body: turmeric provides excellent prevention of cancer and senile dementia, cumin strengthens the immune system, cardamom seeds improve digestion, and fennel supplies folic acid.

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On the shelves of our stores and supermarkets you can find many types of curry seasoning. In fact, there is no standard recipe for its preparation. Cunning manufacturers have learned to change the recipe and adapt the taste of the seasoning to a particular region.

Therefore, it is not surprising that you can find European or American curry seasoning. But how can you recognize a quality product among a wide variety of spices? Editorial "So simple!" will tell you!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to distinguish a fake by appearance. Only after purchasing a package of curry, you can conduct a small experiment: dissolve a small amount of seasoning in water and watch the reaction. If white streaks appear on the surface of the water, the product is of dubious quality. If the water is uniformly colored bright yellow, the seasoning is good for consumption.

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To be 100% confident in quality curry seasonings, you can cook it yourself. By the way, Indians prepare curry immediately before preparing a savory dish.


  • 3 dried chili peppers
  • 1 tbsp. l. turmeric
  • 1 tbsp. l. coriander seeds
  • 2 tsp. cumin seeds
  • 2 tsp. fenugreek seeds
  • 1 tsp. mustard seeds
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3 clove buds
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • piece of cinnamon stick


  1. Fry all the curry ingredients in a dry frying pan over low heat until light brown.
  2. Grind the resulting mixture in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Store the seasoning in a dark, cool place, preferably in a glass container. Don't forget to also find out about

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Today, supermarket shelves are filled with a variety of products, including seasonings. Everyone chooses to their own taste and color. Each of them has its own characteristics and exquisite taste. Some go well with meat, while others go well with fish. In this article we will look at curry seasoning, its composition, the benefits and harm that it can bring to the human body. It came to us from India, therefore it is unique in its taste and combination with individual dishes.

A little about the composition of the seasoning

Curry consists of several spices. Their interesting combination ensures its popularity to this day. Thanks to the use of spices, you can make a dish not only refined, but also tasty. Curry seasoning has a very diverse composition.

Its main part is turmeric. In addition to it, there are also such components as coriander and cayenne pepper. It also contains fenugreek. These spices form the basis of the seasoning. Other components may also be added to them. For example, to add an interesting taste and aroma, you can additionally add bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, and black pepper.

Curry seasoning: beneficial properties

One of its advantages is that the combination of different spices gives an interesting chemical composition. A lot can be said about curry seasoning and its benefits for the body. For example, turmeric helps improve brain performance and also provides good assistance in the fight against tumors. Improving blood composition is also one of the beneficial properties of the seasoning.

Coriander has a choleretic effect. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system. If you regularly use curry seasoning as part of various dishes, you can achieve normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood.

In addition, it is perfect for people who want to lose excess weight. The components that make up the seasoning prevent the formation of fatty tissue and also remove excess water from the body.

If you add cumin to its composition, the body’s protective functions will increase. Speaking about curry seasoning, benefits and harm for humans, we can say that there is much more of the former. But, of course, everything should be consumed in moderation. Zira, if included in the composition, will help remove toxins. And this spice effect is very valuable. Because there are a lot of harmful products nowadays. Ginger, in turn, will improve blood circulation. It will also help cope with constipation. A lot can be said about curry seasoning, its benefits and harms. But she has more positive characteristics. You will be convinced of this by reading the remaining sections of the article.

Thus, each component is rich in “useful things” for the human body. It is up to the individual to decide which option to add spices to choose. Because the taste of your dish depends on this.

Where is curry used?

This seasoning belongs to Some people use it in all dishes. But it goes best with rice. It will give the product a yellowish color and some varieties a pungent taste. The peculiarity of curry is that it has a different composition of spices. In addition, it can also be used in preparing various sauces. They will be fragrant and distinctive.

The spice mixture works well for chicken salads. Curry can also be added to both meat dishes and pasta with meatballs.

Curry (seasoning): properties

Spices, which are the main components, help strengthen the human body, which regularly uses them in dishes. Curry seasoning has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. She also fights cancer very well. Namely, it helps to reduce the growth of such cells. Curry seasoning has beneficial properties that include improving memory and protecting against Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, the seasoning has an antioxidant effect. Thus, it slows down the aging process. If you regularly eat curry dishes, eczema and psoriasis will not be a problem.

Salicylic acid in the seasoning provides an analgesic effect. Therefore, you can forget about migraines. The spice also promotes the production of endorphins. In this case, you will not remember the sadness.

Curry has repeatedly helped people who would like to lose extra pounds. Thanks to its unique composition, fat in the human body is burned, and bile secretion increases. Moreover, digestion improves.

What is the harm?

Some people can't eat a lot of spices. This time, while talking about curry seasoning, benefits and harms, let's focus on the second point. Eating too many spices can lead to side effects and consequences. People with blood vessel diseases and breast cancer are at risk.

Turmeric, along with its beneficial properties, helps to increase bleeding in conjunction with medications.

During chemotherapy, curcumin interferes with the immunosuppressant drug used in the treatment of breast cancer.

People who have kidney problems should also not consume curry. Because turmeric increases oxalate levels. It is this that increases the risk of kidney stones.

Thus, the benefits and harms of curry seasoning are not correlated in equal proportions. Of course, despite the harmfulness of the spice, it has many more advantages.

How should you select and store seasoning?

The moment you buy curry, pay attention to its components. The main requirement for seasoning is that the contents include the main 4 components that were listed above.

You can also rely on smell when choosing a spice. It should be rich. The color of the seasoning, regardless of its shelf life, should be bright. Any spice that has a dull tint should not be used. And the curry should be dry.

The seasoning is stored in a closed container in a dark place. It should not be exposed to sunlight. In the case when one of the constituent components is cumin, the shelf life of the seasoning will be exactly one year. The curry will have a bitter taste. Homemade spices can be stored for about two months.

How to make seasoning at home?

To make your own curry, you will need ingredients such as coriander and turmeric seeds, cumin, chili pepper, mustard and garlic, salt, cloves, cinnamon and fenugreek. All components are placed in a frying pan and fried until brown. The almost finished spice should have a rich taste. Afterwards, the prepared mixture is sent to a coffee grinder and crushed. A stupa is also suitable if the appropriate equipment is not available.

Thus, in this article, having examined curry seasoning, the benefits and harms for the human body, we can say with confidence that it is not only a spice, but also a good way to improve health.

Admirers of oriental cuisine know that the sophistication and unique taste of the dishes presented is based on the correct use of spices. Among them, curry seasoning occupies a special place; this mixture consists of harmoniously selected spices that can highlight the taste of a vegetable, fish or meat dish.

In India, this seasoning is prepared only before serving; this approach allows you to preserve the freshness and unsurpassed aroma of the ingredients.

Curry spice composition

What is this spice mixture made of? The composition must include:

  • Red and black pepper.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger.
  • Coriander.

In the future, everything depends on the taste preferences of the manufacturer; the following are often used:

  • Carnation.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Cardamom.
  • Cumin.
  • Fenugreek.
  • Fennel.
  • Garlic.
  • Caraway.

If you are going to buy the mixture at the supermarket, be sure to study the ingredients. Avoid spices with potato starch, salt or flavor enhancer.

Curry seasoning

Today, this spicy powder has several varieties, depending on the country of origin:

  • Eastern European - sharp and coarse taste and aroma, since the main emphasis is on pepper.
  • Western European - delicate taste and simple aroma, based on turmeric.
  • Middle Eastern - turmeric, pepper, coriander and fenugreek are used as a base, exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste.
  • South Asian is the leader in the number of components. The spice has a rich taste and smell.

The cost of the seasoning depends on the ingredients.

The benefits and harms of curry seasoning

Benefits of using spices in recipes:

  • Protects against cancer.
  • British scientists have proven that the mixture can support cancer patients during the rest period between chemotherapy courses. The powder destroys atypical cells.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  • Turmeric has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The spice mixture is recognized as the best antioxidant.
  • Taking the powder 2-3 times a week protects against dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Improves liver function.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Allows you to get rid of extra pounds by activating your metabolism.
  • Coriander helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps get rid of a hangover.
  • Has an antibacterial effect on the body. Recommended for use during seasonal colds.

It is worth noting that the use of spices can cause harm to the body:

  • During chemotherapy, it may block the effects of certain medications.
  • Prohibited for pregnant women, since the effect on the fetus has not been studied.
  • Children under 2 years of age do not have the enzymes to process hot powder.
  • Contraindicated for people who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Magic spice

Many people are interested in what curry looks like? Full spice is a homemade product that is a powder with a specific smell, consisting of 15 spices.


  • According to their pungency, they are classified into soft and hot.
  • Color – dark and lightened.
  • Diverse industry of use.

The website contains photos of this fragrant powder.

Application: for what dishes?

For which dishes is the spice the best choice? Let's figure out where to add the mixture and what flavor features it will add. Spice seasoning is used in combination with:

  • Meat. Gives a pungent taste and spicy aroma. Can be added during marinating or after cooking.
  • The second courses are porridge and stew.
  • Drinks and cocktails are filled with bright taste and unforgettable aroma.

Where to add seasoning?

Since the seasoning came to our lives from India, it goes perfectly with rice, naan flatbreads, steamed idlis, chicken, dosa pancakes and chanti sauce.

There are several variations of curry dishes:

  • Pasandra – when creating this masterpiece, lamb marinated in natural yogurt is used. During the cooking process, cream and tomato juice are used to soften the taste.
  • Palak is a green colored sauce. This rich dish calls for fenugreek, spinach and mustard.
  • Korma is a great recipe that consists of chicken or goat meat in coconut milk with nuts, cardamom and cayenne pepper.
  • Tika masala – chicken pieces in a sweet and sour sauce (cream and tomatoes) with the addition of masala spice.
  • Balti is a medium hot sauce with pepper and coriander. Combine with flatbreads.

What can be replaced?

Many people are interested in: what can replace curry powder? Some chefs answer that there is no analogue, but you can use the sauce. This product has a sharper and sharper taste, while the beneficial properties are much lower.

The best option is to create a mixture of spices and store them in a dry place protected from ultraviolet rays. Homemade seasoning can be stored in a tightly closed jar for up to 4 months.