
Morning script for preschool classes “Autumn has come to visit us. The script of the holiday in the group of pre-school preparation "Autumn is a wonderful time Village riddles for kids


Autumn Festival

Matinee for children of the senior group.

Music sounds. A teacher enters the hall with two children - a boy and a girl.

Presenter: Barefoot across the lawn
warmed by the sun,
Behind the colorful moth
Summer has gone by
Bathed in the river
Lie down on the sand
Burned out, gone
And disappeared into the distance.
We call him and ask -
Summer, wait!
And in response comes autumn,
And it's raining.
Girl: Sad autumn has come,
There were no leaves on the bushes,
And all the trees
They are also naked.
The day goes by so fast
The night comes on so quickly.
I'm sad, so bored!
Boy(holds out an autumn leaf to the girl):
Do not be sad!
The wind flew from the north to the east,
Broke a maple leaf.
He was born last spring
All so beautiful, carved.
I give it to you from the bottom of my heart
Dry it in a thick book.
He will keep you warm in winter
Autumn leaf is my gift.
Do you want us to celebrate now?
Close your eyes and repeat after me:
"One, two, three - get away from boredom!"

Girl(repeats): “One, two, three - boredom away, go away!”

Music sounds. Children of the older group freely enter the hall and stand scattered facing the audience.

1st child: Everywhere - golden autumn,
Leaves are falling everywhere.
I'm walking around
The leaves are carpeted:
Yellow and red -

Oh, how different!
2nd child: Scattered the leaves
Autumn is golden.
The birds are flying
Gathering in flocks.
3rd child: Wind - mischievous flies,
Tears off the leaves from the tree.
Singing songs loudly
And it doesn't let us get bored!
4th child: There are few leaves on the trees.
On earth, it's a mess.
Patchwork blanket,
In parting, autumn sews.
5th child: Autumn is a glorious time
Kids love autumn!
Plums, pears, grapes -
It's all over for the guys!
6th child: We, autumn, love you, -
You are such a beauty!
Are you capricious
But still we like it!

The song is performed: "Autumn is waiting"

Children sit down

Presenter: Where is autumn golden?

Here's the riddle, here's the secret.
We sing songs here, but it's still not there.
Let's wave a leaf
And let's call Autumn for a visit!
Where are you, autumn? Respond!
Where are you, autumn? Appear! (children repeat)

Music sounds. Autumn enters the hall, dancing.
Autumn: Who sings so wonderfully?
Who is calling me?
Hello my friends!
Know that Autumn is me.
How beautiful in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth

You called me poems

Finally I came to you.

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields.

My dear friends, tell me about me.

Children read poetry


I walk, I'm sad alone:

Autumn is around.

Yellow leaf in the river

summer is gone.

I throw him a circle -

your last wreath.

Only summer can not be saved

if the day is autumn.

(G. Novitskaya)

mischievous people

circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

(L. Razvodova)

Autumn: Very beautiful poems the guys told!

Presenter: Autumn brought riddles, can we guess them, guys? (Yes!)

Autumn: Yellow leaves are flying
- Falling, spinning
And under your feet just like that
How the carpet lay down!
What is yellow snow?
It's simple … (Leaf fall)

September and October

There are so many in the yard!

The rain has passed - left them,

Medium, small, large. (puddles)

In autumn it is often needed -

If the rain hits the puddles,

If the sky is in black clouds,

He is the best helper for us.

Open it above yourself

And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend! (Rain)

Autumn: I observed an interesting game in the forest:

Rain autumn knocked on the leaves

music he composed the autumn.

Do you want to sing this song along with the rain?

Children: Yes!

Autumn lays down her brush while playing

Autumn: Then repeat everything after me (the game is played with the involvement of parents)

The rain starts - two drops fell! (children clap twice).

Four drops fell (four claps)

Five drops fell (five claps)

It started to rain heavily (claps randomly)

And then the rain began to subside

Three drops fell (three claps)

Two drops fell (two pops)

One drop fell (one pop)

While Autumn is playing with the children, Baba Yaga “invisibly” enters, steals a magic brush and runs away from the hall

Autumn notices the missing magic brush.

Autumn: Ah, that's the trouble! What to do, I don't know

I don't know where

The golden brush is gone.

The magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields!

Guys, have you seen where my magic brush went?

Children's answers

Baba Yaga enters the hall sings):

At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

From antiquity house,

And very handy even

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

To be a tower.

The ceiling is golden

And the window

Even the door behind the wall -

Like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won't forget you, chicken legs!

Presenter: Autumn, look, so that's who took your magic brush!

Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! Whatever got to me is gone!

Presenter: But after all, you stole this brush from Autumn, how will Autumn now bring beauty without a magic brush? Look how beautiful it is in our hall - this is Autumn so dressed up. And Autumn also needs to give golden outfits to the trees, cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in a skewed, shabby hut all my life? No, now I will bring beauty to myself, but I will live in clover. And I won't let anyone in!

(again it is important to sit in the corner)

Presenter: What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga for Autumn? Invented! (approaches Baba Yaga, knocks )

Baba Yaga: Who is there?

Presenter: We are your guests.

Baba Yaga: What are the other guests? (gets up, hands to the side) I won't let you go!

Presenter: Well, since you don’t want to let guests in, then take us to your workforce.

Baba Yaga: You? In workers? And what, pray tell, do you know how to do, workers?

Presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances, and bowls, and ladles, and your jet mortars, and your chicken legs.

Baba Yaga: Well, they laughed! Such tiddly - and count! What kind of counters are you? I have been making my property for three hundred years and three years, and you will let me go around the world in three days.

Presenter: Let's not let go! And we will rewrite your good.

Baba Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite! Now I'm falling apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

Presenter: Our guys know both letters and numbers, and they also know how to sing.

Baba Yaga: Yah? I love songs! Sing, I'll listen.

Song "Leaf fall", music. T Popatenko

Baba Yaga(thoughtfully): Oh, the song, what a soulful, touching one!

Presenter: Baba Yaga, and our children can also dance!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'd love to take a look.

Polka dance "Don't joke"

Baba Yaga: Can you guess my riddle? Then listen!

In autumn it is often needed -

If the rain hits the puddles,

If the sky is in black clouds,

He is the best helper for us.

Open it above yourself

And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

Here, smart people! The riddle was solved so quickly.

Presenter: And our guys also know a funny song about an umbrella and about the rain, and we suggest listening to it.

Song "Rain"


Put on hats for the participants of the performance and take them out the door

Baba Yaga: Well done boys! Very funny song!

Presenter: And we also know that birds and animals get wet in the forest. Let's see how Katya saved the animals in the forest with her umbrella. In the meantime, our artists are preparing, we will not be bored. I invite our guests to play in a cheerful orchestra.

Autumn: - There are maracas and spoons,

Tambourines, sticks, accordions

If you take them all at once

Play together..

I'll be the conductor

Who are you? Answer in chorus:

Parents: Orchestra.

Music and noise orchestra "Autumn Tale"


Quietly wandering along the path

Autumn in golden clothes. GLOCKENSPIEL

Where the leaf rustles, MARACAS

Where the rain will ring. TRIANGLE

There is a loud knock -

This is a woodpecker - knock, yes knock! SPOONS, DICE, STICKS

The woodpecker makes a hollow

The squirrel will be warm in it.

The breeze suddenly flew in, A RUSHING PACKAGE

Noisy through the trees.

Howling loudly, tambourine

Collects clouds.

Rain: ding, rain: don, TRIANGLE

Drop ringing chime.

Everything rings, knocks, sings ... TUTTI (entire orchestra)

Autumn is coming to visit us.

Autumn: The orchestra is amazing!

Presenter: And our artists are ready to perform.

dramatization"Katin's Umbrella"

Characters: Host, Katya, Hare, Fox, Bear, Sparrow.

Hare: Very chilly in the rain

I'm trembling all over, all wet,

Like an aspen leaf!

I would like a mink, but drier -

There would warm paws, ears.

Presenter: It opened up very nicely here.

Our Katya has a red umbrella.

Katia: Get under the umbrella, baby!

If you warm your paws, you will run away.

A bunny hides under an umbrella, and then a fox appears

Fox: Your umbrella is so wonderful!

The three of us will not be cramped?

Katia: To us, Chanterelle, hurry up,

Dry the fluffy tail.

The fox gets under the umbrella, the bear goes

Bear: Good afternoon to you.

Everything: Hello Mishka.

Bear: I will treat you all with a bump.

Can I get under the umbrella

Warm up your nose and ears

Fox: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Great is your growth!

Do you remember my lush tail!

Katia: Enough space under the umbrella

We are not close to four.

"Flying" sparrows

Presenter: Here the sparrow flies

Barely audible speaks.

Sparrows: I flew in the rain

I looked everywhere for grains.

The wings are heavy -

I can barely fly.

Katia: To us, sparrows, fly.

Enough room for all five.

Everything: We are with Katya under an umbrella

Let's weather the rain together!

The music of the rain sounds, the animals catch droplets from under the umbrella

Katia: And so the rain stopped. (Closes umbrella)

Hare: Well then I ran

Fox: Goodbye! to me it's time!

There in the forest is my hole.

Bear- Well, me too. time to go,

I'm going to sleep in my lair.

Sparrow: I flew and then

Together: Goodbye friends!

Katia: Goodbye, animals

I'll run to the guys.

Everyone runs to the music.

Presenter: You see how wonderful it all ended - Katya's umbrella saved everyone. The roles in the dramatization were performed by _______________________________

Presenter: Well, what about Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Baba Yaga: Oh, well done, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.

Presenter: This is Baba Yaga, you are bored alone because you have no friends.

Baba Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. And who will be friends with me?

Presenter: Guys, do you want to be friends with them?

Baba Yaga: Really want to! (approaches the children, shakes their hands, “greets” them, hugs them).

Baba Yaga: Or maybe you can play with me?

Presenter: Let's play guys with Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga: And now we will check: can you run away from the rain so that it does not wet you.

The game "Two under one umbrella" is held

(two pairs compete: whose pair will run around the puddle faster and return back)

Baba Yaga: I enjoyed your holiday so much! I've gained a lot of friends. And I return Autumn her magic brush ( gives the brush to Autumn )

Autumn: I don't know how to thank you

I will do so many miracles

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birches - yellow scarves.

Lay a carpet on the ground

I will warm Yezhov's mink.

And the wind - how happy it will be,

When the leaves fall!

And hello to you from Autumn -

Autumn holiday bouquet.

Music sounds, Autumn gives the Host a bouquet of autumn leaves, says goodbye and leaves.

Dance with autumn leaves

Presenter: Dear Baba Yaga! At the festival it is customary to give gifts. And we, Baba Yaga, also decided to give you a gift. We give you a bucket with a brush so that you paint your hut.

Baba Yaga: Thank you for the present. I'm going to paint before the weather turns bad.

Presenter: Autumn time, it's your turn!

Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.

And leaf fall, and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

In the autumn forest, every bush is sweet.

Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.

And a fine rain sprinkled from above

Foliage, its changing color

Clusters of ripe mountain ash turn red,

Mushroom will show us his hat.

And the gold of birches and aspens

So you want to take it with you in an armful!

Beautiful autumn! succession of days

Your gray winter is flying towards.

But we save every magical moment,

He will be marked in our memory.

Presenter: So our autumn matinee has come to an end. But autumn continues. And it's time for us to return to the group.

Characters - Host - Cloud - Rain - Autumn - Cat - Mushroom Host: Guys, Autumn invites us to visit, and we will go to her along the forest path. Look where the path has taken us. This is an autumn forest. What a beautiful, bright, elegant man he is. Autumn made him so. In the hall, a multi-colored path of autumn leaves is laid out on a carpet. To the music, the host leads the children into the hall and leads along the autumn path. Leading: What a beautiful Autumn, What a golden dress. And today, guys, the autumn holiday has come to us. Today I looked at the holiday in every house, Because autumn is wandering outside the window. I looked into the autumn holiday in kindergarten To please both adults and children. Music sounds, Autumn enters the hall, dancing. Autumn: You are talking about me - and here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends! I am Autumn, that's my name. Everywhere and everywhere they know. We haven't seen each other for a whole year. After the summer, it's my turn. Are you glad to meet me? Do you like forest outfit? Leading: Autumn is a beauty! Everyone loves your outfit! Guys, let's sing our song for Autumn. Children sing the song "Autumn". Autumn: You guys are great, real singers! And I want to give you my autumn leaves. You take the leaves and dance with me. Children perform a dance with leaves. With the end of the dance, the children hide behind the leaves. Autumn: Where are the guys? I see here only multi-colored leaves? Leaves, leaves, have you seen our children? - Not. Leaves, leaves, and whose legs are these? - Ours. Leaves, leaves, where are your pens? - Here they are. Guys, let's make an autumn salute from leaves. The children toss the leaves up. Autumn: And now the kids. It's time to play Quickly, together, do not yawn. Collect all the leaves! Children collect leaves in baskets and sit on chairs. Leading: How beautiful is the autumn bouquet! How bright and good he is! And the golden sun He is a little like. Host: Autumn! We not only waited for you, but also prepared for your arrival! We have prepared poems for you! Child What time of year? The rain is drizzling. It's just autumn In a kindergarten in a hurry. Child Autumn, autumn outside the window: The rain is falling like peas, The leaves are falling, rustling ... How good are you, Autumn! Child Sun smiles, Golden sparkling. We all really like Golden Autumn. Autumn: Oh, guys, hush, hush ... It seems that I hear something! The sun hid somewhere ... It's raining, guys Rain (sings). Capcap, dondondon! The drops began to ring. This rain again does not let you go for a walk! Autumn: Rain, rain all day Drumming on the glass. All the earth, All the earth got wet from the rain. Child Leaves are spinning in the sky, Raindrops are dripping. We run through the puddles, along the forest path. Child And we are not afraid of rain We sing and have fun. Let's take umbrellas together Let's start a dance together A dance with umbrellas is performed Rain: Rain dripped on the grass, On trees and foliage. I didn’t catch up with your children, I got angry ... stopped. You are wonderful guys, I'll tell you honestly, It was very interesting to have fun with you! Well, it's time for me to go home, And I say goodbye to you, goodbye! Music sounds, Dozhdinka runs away from the hall. Autumn: Oh, guys, look We tried, we were not lazy, We worked hard. They washed everything, watered everything, Everywhere they watered the earth. A mushroom grew in a dense forest. Mushroom: Oh! What fun all around! There are a lot of guys here, They look at me. Leading: They look at you, And they want to dance with you! Mushroom: Nuka, my mushroom squad Come out and line up! Let's start dancing, Have fun, keep up! The dance "Mushrooms" is being performed Autumn: How great we danced And we were not at all tired! Leading: The sun shines in the sky, the sun warms the earth. And on the hill, and at the bump - Mushrooms grew everywhere! There will be music - you need to collect mushrooms. The music will stop, friends, you can’t pick mushrooms! Nuka, who will go into the woods and pick mushrooms? Game: "Who will pick up more mushrooms" Mushroom: It was good to walk in the forest, And now it's time to part, kids. Have fun, do not be bored, Meet the holiday cheerfully! To the cheerful music, the Mushroom runs away. They knock on us, open the door, welcome the guests joyfully! Cat: Meow! Meow! Here I am! Meow! Meow! I came to the garden! Congratulations to all the guys! Autumn: Children, but this is Kitty Murysenka. The nursery rhyme "KisonkaMurysonka" - Kisonka - Murysonka, Where was she? - At the mill. - Kisonka - Murysonka, What did you do there? - I grinded flour. - Kisonka - Murysonka, What did you bake from flour? - Gingerbread. - Kitty Murysonka, - With whom did you eat? - One! - Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone! Educator: Murka, and the children know the song about you! The song "Pussy came to the kids ..." Cat: You guys are good, You sang the song from the heart! But it's time to say goodbye, And I'm going back home! Autumn: Each season has its own joys, its own colors. Autumn - pleases us with its generosity, a rich harvest. This is probably how it is in a person's life. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years are the time for the flowering of creative forces, the time for accomplishments, caring for children and grandchildren. On this day, we want to congratulate all the people dear to our hearts - the older, wiser generation. Life does not stand still, and it does not matter that gray hair has silvered whiskey, and cobwebs of wrinkles lay near the eyes. The main thing is that you are always young at heart. And let you become warmer from a good song. Happy holiday, dear ones, and all the best to you! Leading: At the edge of the forest As if in a picture, Girlfriends Gathered Bright mountain ash. The girls dressed up, Zaaleli too, Became like mountain ash They all look alike. Child Autumn along the path Walks with rain, Maples and mountain ash Quietly undresses Child Berries and mountain ash Flashed with lights. Golden autumn Again with us Child Different birds have flown away, Their sonorous rehashing has ceased. And the mountain ash celebrates autumn, Wearing red beads. Autumn: Rowan berries do not miss your dance, start! Dance of the girls "Ryabinok" Autumn - While I was visiting you, That's the kind of scarf I found. Multi-colored, painted, unusual, difficult! I suggest you, friends, I play with a handkerchief! Want to? Then get out! The game "Magic Shawl" is held. Fun, upbeat music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. Suddenly, the music changes to a quieter, calmer one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening a large scarf, goes around the guys to light music and covers one of them with a scarf. Autumn Time! Two! Three! Who is hiding inside? Don't yawn, don't yawn! Answer quickly! Autumn: We raise a handkerchief, Who will find out under it now. (Hide children one at a time) Presenter: No! All the guys are here. Autumn: We raise the handkerchief, What we will now find out under it. What is this? Basket! And in the basket ... apples! Here are apples for you, like honey, For jam and compote. Eat them and get better, get vitamins. Presenter: Guys, Autumn gives you this basket of apples. Sweet autumn is generous and beautiful. Let's say autumn together ... Children: THANK YOU! Autumn Brainring. Entertainment for children of the senior preparatory group with their parents. Autumn brain - ring. Joint entertainment for children 5-7 years old with parents Purpose: To develop children's speech and cognitive activity in a playful way. Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky and elementary concepts of the orchestra. Cultivate a sense of community. Attributes: 2 autumn leaves for each child, autumn leaves for the jury, emblems of mountain ash and raspberries on ribbons according to the number of children, for the game: maple, birch, oak and rowan leaves, 2 cords, 2 balls, letters of thanks, fruit basket Hod entertainment. Children with emblems (mountain ash, raspberry) enter the hall and perform a composition with leaves / at the discretion of the music director /, at the end they become scattered and read the poem "Golden Autumn" by V. Semernina. 1 child Spins the last yellow leaf And covers the earth, And the city will soon be clean - The wind sweeps everything. 2 child After all, autumn is coming to visit us, Winter is gray behind it. Rain and cold brings us, But it always happens! 3 child Let it rain and the wind whistle - A passerby wrapped himself up! The last yellow leaf is spinning, It looks like gold. A song about Autumn / at the discretion of the music director / Children sit on chairs Presenter There are no sad faces in our cozy hall today, It's great that we all gathered here today! Do you hear the music? / soundtrack / This is Queen Autumn in a hurry to us for the holiday! Enter Autumn. Greets (bows in all directions) Autumn I know you guys love to sing and dance, and now it's time to play. I invite the kids to a fun game called "Autumn Brain - Ring". You will compete in 2 teams, the theme of our game is “Autumn and Music” (seat the children on both sides: the Malinka team is on the right, the Ryabinka team is on the left) And their parents will help our children in the game / 5 people each in each team / please take a seat next to your children. Thus, 2 teams participate in our game: "Ryabinka" and "Malinka". The game will be evaluated by the jury, consisting of: the head ..., the teacher - psychologist ..., as well as respected parents /choose 2 parents/. For each correct answer, the team receives an autumn leaf. So, I see that our players have a fighting spirit, there is a desire to win. Are the teams ready to play? /team responses/ Autumn. Then I announce the first round! Children answer questions first. / a) - questions for the Ryabinka team, b) - questions for the Malinka team / 1. a) Who composes the music? b) Which composer wrote the "Children's Album"? 2. a) What pieces are in Tchaikovsky's "Children's Album"? b) What are the three whales in music? 3. a) What is an orchestra? b) Who is the most important musician in the orchestra? Autumn And now the parents answer the questions. 1. Whose team will name more composers? 2. Musical riddles: Team "Ryabinka": Here are the keys, like on a piano, But for them to play, For the song to be good, you need to stretch the fur (accordion) Team "Malinka": Three strings, plays loudly The instrument is "cocked hat". Quick guess. What is this? (balalaika) Autumn Well done, quickly completed the tasks. And your parents did their best too. Now let's ask the jury to sum up the results of the 1st round. Presenter And while the jury is summing up the results of the 1st round, our children will perform a dance. Dance /music director's choice/ Jury's evaluation Autumn Well, let's start the 2nd round! "Tarara! Tarara, the game continues! I will distribute the leaflets to everyone, and then I will give the assignments! (distributes autumn leaves: for children - maple and oak; for adults - birch and aspen) Whoever has a maple leaf, that artist is a tightrope walker! Can perform in the circus, hold the ball on his hand. (children with maple leaves, one from each team, walk along the cord lying on the floor, holding the ball in their palms). Autumn Whoever has a birch leaf, that mimic artist: does not say anything ... with facial expressions and hand movements, he can depict everything. The tasks are done by the parents. Team "Ryabinka" (eat sour lemon, pretend to ride a horse). Team "Malinka" (eat a sweet candy, pretend to skate). Autumn An oak leaf will tell a rhyme ... you can say a saying or a proverb (performed by children) Autumn Whoever has an aspen leaf - speak without hesitation: 1 team: “Karl stole corals from Clara”. Team 2: “Greco was driving across the river” / parents perform / So the 2nd round is over. Let the jury decide. Presenter And while the jury is counting the points, I announce a musical pause! Noise orchestra / at the choice of the musical director / The jury's word Autumn So, we begin the 3rd round. I propose to play, to show my dexterity. Game "Turnip" Description of the game: two teams of 7 people participate. 3 adults and 4 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a "turnip" - a child or an adult in a hat Turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the "turnip", runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the "turnip" and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a "turnip" clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip faster wins. Presenter While the jury is counting the points, we again have a musical break! Round dance "On the burning viburnum" / Russian folk song / Autumn invites the jury to announce the overall result. The jury announces the winner and presents certificates of appreciation. Autumn gives the children a fruit basket, says goodbye and leaves. Presenter So our braining ended. Children become scattered: 1 child We sang and danced, and read poems to you, Come to us more often, we are always glad to have guests! 2 child At parting we give a song, Our song is wonderful! "The song is wonderful" / sl. A. Kondratiev, music. M. Protasova / Children go to the group Entertainment "Autumn Festival" for older preschoolers in kindergarten AUTUMN HOLIDAY in the senior group. Scenario Children are ready for the holiday. Suddenly, a spider descends on the door, a maple leaf in its paws. Educator: Guys, look, in my opinion, adventures, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit by autumn. (Spider bounces) Educator: What? Do you want to miss us? Weird. What do you want? So that we read what is written on the leaflet? Good! (we read, the spider disappears). Educator: (reads) - Dear guys, I can’t come to you for the holiday. The evil spirit has bewitched me. If you are friendly and courageous, resourceful and cheerful, then go to a fairy tale. And the colored leaves will show you the way. I'm waiting for you. Autumn. (children with a teacher go into the hall.) 1 child Cobwebs fly With spiders in the middle And cranes fly high from the ground Everything flies, it must be Our summer flies by. 2 child A raindrop has fallen on the bunches of mountain ash, A maple leaf is circling above the ground Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise And again put on a golden outfit. 3 child You bring a sad violin with you So that a sad motive sounds over the fields But we meet you, autumn, with a smile And invite everyone to our festive hall. 4 child Probably with the rain together Everything brings beauty. 5 child She wanted to gild Birches, lindens, maples. In order not to miss anything Paint over the color green. Educator: The trees are all beautiful in the autumn day! Let's sing a song about golden leaves. Song "Leaf fall" op. E. Avdienko. music T.Popatenko. Lyrics of the song: 1. Clouds are spinning in the sky Whatever step, then a puddle, Whatever step, whatever step, Whatever step, then a puddle. 2. Autumn day frowns, Leaf fall on the street, Leaf fall, leaf fall, Leaf fall on the street. 3. A yellow blizzard is spreading along the road, a yellow, yellow, yellow blizzard. Educator: Well, guys, let's go help Autumn out of trouble? Then go. (we walk around the hall and sit down.) Baba Yaga runs in. Baba Yaga: Come, killer whales! I've been waiting for you! (laughs viciously) Educator: Don't scare us! Baba Yaga: My profession is to scare and ask everyone! From such a job and run wild for a short time. If only they would cheer me up. Look, it could be better. Educator: If you want, we will cheer you up, only first you help us. Baba Yaga: Me? To you? I never helped anyone. What if you deceive me? First fulfill my condition, amuse me, old woman, amuse Yagusya. Teacher: Do you guys agree? Just do it, Baba Yaga, everything is with us. Dance "Kukaracha" Baba Yaga: Wow, Christmas trees and pines! I liked your dance. Wow, you amused me to glory, only something else is not enough for complete happiness! Educator: Baba Yaga, and our guys know beautiful poems and can read them to you, do you want? Baba Yaga: Of course I love poetry! Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch burn with gold. Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale, The birds have flown away to distant lands. The sun is shining brightly The wind is catching up with the cloud Cloud, the cloud is floating away The sun you do not close. It suddenly became twice as lighter, The yard, as in the sun's rays, This golden dress At the birch on the shoulders. Leaves spun Motley dance Glittered in the puddles The first, thin ice. The rain was jumping fast like that, fast like that. Long-legged raindrops Cap yes cap, like yes cap. Educator: We fulfilled your condition. Now can we count on your help? Baba Yaga You can, as long as I'm kind. Educator: We are looking for Autumn with the guys to invite her to the holiday. Are you hiding it with you? Baba Yaga: Me? Not! I have enough worries without her. Let me know where she might be. Painfully I liked you, irises. Leshy has it, he does not like Autumn. Therefore, he turned it into a stump and keeps this stump in his thicket. And I don't know anything more. Educator: Well, guys, let's go to Leshy? Baba Yaga: Aren't you afraid of him, the damned one? Children: No! Baba Yaga: Well, brave men! Well, go ahead, if so. Don't forget Yagusenka! Educator: Thank you, Baba Yaga for your help. And now it's time for us. (children walk around the hall, the music of the forest sounds, they approach the chairs, sit down.) Guys, look, we are in the forest. How beautiful it is! But it seems to me that everything is so mysterious here. This makes me wary. Goblin: Who broke the silence of my forest. Who disturbed me, the owner of the forest? Children greet. Educator: This is us, preschool children from kindergarten. And they came to you with a request. Goblin: That's what I knew, just like that no one comes to me. Everyone wants something from me. And then they are still offended that Leshy is evil, but gloomy. Spread, why complained? Educator: We have come for Autumn. Her holiday has come, and you keep her at your place. Don't you feel sorry for such beauty? Goblin: That's why I hide it, because she is painfully beautiful, everyone loves her, admires her, invites her to her place. And I? Who remembers me? Do not amuse me, nor does he want to solve my riddles. Educator: The guys and I will have fun and guess your riddles. Really guys? Now listen to Leshy, our guys have prepared poems for you! Maple leaves turned yellow, Gardens were empty, Puddles spilled in the beams, Birds gathered in flocks! The starling says to the neighbor We're flying away this Wednesday We're flying far south, We don't want to freeze here! What a starling, fly! Be careful on the way! Keep up with your friends, Don't forget your native land! I will be glad if again in the summer, You will be my neighbor! Educator: It's raining outside the window, Wet paths. We can't go for a walk. We'll get our feet wet. Now the guys will sing their favorite song. Lyrics of the song AUTUMN: At this time of the year, the weather is frowning. And the leaves change their usual color. At this time of the year, Nature gives a sign, What will dawn in Autumn. Chorus: Naughty autumn, Again you came. And with a red flame, Foliage burned. And so that the wind does not play with fire, sheds cold rain. Here is the Indian summer, From somewhere it rang. And no longer heard, Songs in the moonlight. Leaving the last glance, Autumn will smile. And rush off into the blue On a dashing horse. Chorus: Naughty autumn, Again you came. And with a red flame, Foliage burned. And so that the winds Do not play with fire, Shed cold rain. Naughty autumn, You've come again. And with a red flame, Foliage burned. And so that the winds Do not play with fire, Shed cold rain, DADA Shed cold rain, WAAU Shed cold rain. Educator: And the guys and I love to solve riddles, right guys? Goblin: Guess, I'll give you Autumn, no, Autumn will remain with me. 1. They fly, spin, lie down on us They don’t get up from the ground And then they disappear. (leaves) 2. There is a cake on one leg Whoever passes by, everyone bows. (mushroom) 3. Scarlet, sugar, green caftan, velvet. (watermelon) 4. I look like the sun, and I love the sun I turn my head behind the sun. (sunflower.) grows ... (Cabbage.) 7. For the tops, like a rope, You can pull out ... (Carrot.) 8. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly make Tears shed ... (Luke.) 9. Well done Greens grow in the garden ... (Cucumbers.) Goblin: You guessed all the riddles, I praise you for that! Educator: Will you give us Autumn, as promised? Goblin: It's a pity for me to part with such beauty, Yes, I'll have to give it back. I am master of my word. Educator: Do not be sad, Leshy, you better stay on our holiday. And you are not at all angry and gloomy, we even liked you very much. Really guys? Goblin: Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for the invitation too. Only I will not leave my forest, there will be no order. It is impossible in the forest without a master. And you go. Autumn has already been waiting for you, I disenchanted it. And I give you these autumn leaves for your courage and kindness. Educator: Thank you, Leshy. Goodbye! Well guys, let's play with these beautiful autumn leaves. Mobile game with leaflets "Find a pair". (Autumn enters) Autumn: How glad I am for you guys! For your friendship and resourcefulness, for kindness and ingenuity, I give you the most beautiful holiday. Educator: We are glad that you came to our holiday, dear Autumn. After all, we were preparing to meet with you. And for you, beautiful Autumn, we will sing a song. The song “Oh, what, Autumn” (after the song, the children sit down) Educator: Dear Autumn, our guys have prepared poems for you. It flew into the distant forest, Illuminated the lake, And the water in it shone with pink mother-of-pearl. And the bird dropped its feathers Above the glade of light, On the trees sparkled Leaves of semi-precious color. At the heavenly pier, Autumn met summer. Autumn with suitcases Full of fogs, With a fine sieve for rain, And with umbrellas for people. And summer, and summer Has no baskets, no bags - Everything is left on the meadows, On the merry shores. At the heavenly pier, Autumn grumbled to the summer: “Your song, summer, is sung. What do you say to that?" Summer, standing at the pier, Smiled, said nothing. And the clouds sailed like ships, And the summer was taken away for the dense forest! Why are you early to visit, Autumn, come to us? The heart still asks for Light and warmth! Autumn: Thank you, dear guys! I commend you, you are great. Educator: Dear Autumn, every year you give us a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. We are happy to collect it. And now our guys will show how they can distinguish between fruits and vegetables Game: "Harvest" Autumn: And now it's time to dance, show yourself in dance. Russian folk game "Sunshine" Children stand around the "Sunshine" and sing: Sunshine, Hand in hand, the children walk in a circle. Looking out the window, the "Sun" is spinning in the center. Shine a little! The sun began to play, Stop and show "flashlights". The children were told: “The sun” performs the “spring”. - And play in the field, The words "sun". Jump at will. Children and the "Sun" jump in all directions around the hall (arbitrary jumps - on two legs, on one leg, jumps, etc.). The host says loudly: "Cloud!" Children should quickly stand in a circle near the "Sun". Autumn: And you are masters of dancing. But it's time for us to part. It's good for me on holiday, guys. But it's time to say goodbye. Things are waiting for me, I stayed up at Leshy locked up. Educator: Golden, sorceress autumn, Wait, wait, leave Well, please, we ask you, Wait, do not rush, look at our fairy tale THE TURNIP SCENE. Grandfather Danila: - Oh, I overslept the old one, it's time to pull the turnip. Has grown up, I look, slightly. Oh, yes, the turnip was born! I never dreamed of such a thing. I will go to the market through the forest, I will sell a turnip, I will buy a Mercedes. Presenter: - So Danila began to pull, but it wasn’t there, Well, there’s just no strength. We need to look for help, Grandma Dusya began to call Grandfather Danila: - Evdokia, come! Help pull the turnip! (Pull.) The old woman is of little use. Granddaughter, where are you? Ugh, gone! Grandmother: - Hey, Lyudmila, come, help pull the turnip! (Granddaughter comes out.) Granddaughter: - They won't let me play. (Three of them pull.) Maybe we should call the Bug? Three: - Bug, Bug, here! Bug: - What happened? Three: Trouble! Bug: - If you buy Chappie for me, I will help your trouble. Three of them wave their hands - okay, let's buy, four of them pull. Baba: - Maybe look for a cat? Cat Toska, hurry up, help pull the turnip! Cat: - Yes, I have no time now, I have an hour of vocals, I am engaged, I sing. Meow, meow, meow, meow! If you buy Whiskas for me, I will help your trouble! Everyone is waving their hands, - okay, they are pulling a turnip. Presenter: - They began to pull in the hall, but it wasn’t there. Apparently, the turnip has settled into the ground firmly, very firmly! Granddaughter: - Maybe quit, don't give a damn? Grandfather: - What a good way to disappear Grandmother: - Here is Danila, an old miser, he won’t leave until the morning! Cat: - I see a mouse by the window. Don't be afraid of me, baby! Run to us as soon as possible, help pull the turnip! Mouse: - Is the Mouse's strength great? Never dragged a turnip in my life. Presenter: Pull, pull. Grandfather Danila: - That's the end of the fairy tale. Oh, yes, mouse, well done! Grandmother: - This is how it is done from time immemorial - nothing is given without difficulty! Granddaughter: - Let the mouse not have a lot of strength, but the spool is small, but expensive. Mouse: - Just that one cannot do it - it's easy for the whole team! Cat: - As everyone leaned together, turnips came out of the ground! Bug: - Net weight of forty pounds! Not lost, you know, myshkin work! Autumn: Thank you, my friends, I'll still be with you. I will stay and in memory of you I will give you delicious apples. (Autumn distributes apples to children.)

Scenario of the autumn holiday for children 5-7 years old “Autumn, autumn, please visit!” with poems, games and dances.


REB: Autumn!
You make noise with dry leaves!
Your holiday is coming!

REB: It's a fading holiday
Groves, fields, meadows, orchards.
This is parting with the summer,
Expecting cold weather.

REB: In a variegated golden dress
Autumn came to us in the hall,
Like a beautiful queen
Opens ball!

(music sounds, children dance the “dance of the leaves.” Autumn walks between the children and scatters leaves, at the end of the music greets the children).

AUTUMN: In a golden carriage with a playful horse,
Autumn galloped through the forests and fields.
The good sorceress changed everything,
Brightly yellow painted the earth

(a song about autumn sounds, then everyone sits down).

AUTUMN: Guys, what kind of berries do you know?

(children call).

REB: If you don't know the berry, you'd better not pick it!
If you don't know the berry, don't put it in your mouth!
Take the berries carefully, do not trample the bushes in vain,
So that other people after you can come here!

(Squirrel runs into the hall, in the hands of a basket with mushrooms: edible and fly agaric).

BELLOW: Hello guys! Hello, autumn. Help me figure out if these mushrooms can be eaten?

(shows children pictures with mushrooms, children answer)

Squirrel: I watched an interesting game in the forest:
In the meadow, under the pine tree,
All the people of the forest jumped!

(the game “Help the Squirrel collect bumps” is being held)

REB: I picked a flower in the meadow on the run.
Broke, why? I can't explain.
In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted,
And how long would he stand in the meadow!

REB: I won't break the bell,
Let it grow in the forest.
From it, like from a glass,
The bees will drink the dew!

(children dance "Bee and flower are friends").

AUTUMN: Guys, do you know poems about me?

REB: Autumn… Leaves wither
And fall from the trees
It's raining so hard this morning
At night the wind hits the windows
Everyone around is very sad
After all, autumn has come to earth.

REB: Teasing rain: “Ay, guys.
He plays hide and seek with us.
It will let it go, then it will go away,
It will disappear, then it will return.

(Autumn plays with the children in the game "Rain")

VED: Guys, do you know what autumn is rich in?

(children answer. The presenter plays the game " Harvest" with the children)

AUTUMN: I brought you guys
Interesting riddles.

(Autumn makes riddles for children).

AUTUMN: Well done my boys
Solve all the riddles!

(the presenter conducts the game "Jump over the puddles" and "Guess what is in the bag").

AUTUMN: I feel good with you, cozy, pleasant. You did your best, prepared for the holiday. But it's time for me to go home - to the forest. I can't leave it unattended for a long time. But I see you are good children - you will never hurt a tree, a flower, or a bird.

VED: Yes, Autumn, our guys are really good. And never harm all living things.

REB: So that the forests can bloom,
And gardens and rivers
Take care of all living things
You are in this world!

REB: You love nature,
Every blade of grass
Let's be friends with birds
Take care of the blade!

REB: Garbage, friend, don't leave
In the forest and in the meadow,
Don't pollute the rivers
Let's declare a battle to the bottle!
Don't bring home the snake
Don't touch the butterfly!

AUTUMN: Children! Always remember -
There are not so many of them!

(Autumn gives the children apples as a gift and leaves.
Children say goodbye to Autumn).

VED: Our holiday, guys, has come to an end. Now you will have a fun break, and then you will go to classes again.

The scenario of the holiday in the group of pre-school preparation "Autumn is a wonderful time."

Target: the formation of a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, support based on collective theatrical performances, games, performance of round dance songs, dances.

To the music, the children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle. They have leaves in their hands.

Good afternoon, dear guests! And so the summer flew by. We met in this cozy, festive hall to plunge into the world of a fabulous, joyful childhood together with our children.

Here again, autumn came to our doorstep, decorated the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. Autumn rejoices that its time has come, and spins with the wind in a cheerful dance.

It's autumn, our autumn

Brought so many colors!

Leaves are spinning, flying

Quiet rustling song. ^ Performance of the song "Oh, what an autumn!"

1 . Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple, only green oak.

2. Autumn consoles: “Do not feel sorry for summer.

Look, the grove is dressed in gold!”

Autumn is coming, the leaves are falling.

The wind whirls and carries their cheerful round dance.

^ Performance of a round dance song. Performance of the song "Drip, drip in a puddle"

Children sit on chairs.

3. The rain fell, ran, made a noise,

Immediately everything from him - home.

The rain sang, danced, spun,

He began to tap on the glass for us.

Hare: It's getting colder every day

Very chilly in the rain.

I'm trembling all over, all wet,

Like an aspen leaf.

I would like a house, but drier, -

There would warm paws, ears. Up-chi!

^ A girl comes out and opens her umbrella.

Leading: It opened up very nicely here.

The umbrella is in the hands of our Katya.

Get under the umbrella baby

Warm your paws - run away!

^ Fox runs in.

Fox: Your umbrella is so wonderful

The three of us will not be cramped!

Katia: To us, fox, hurry up,

Dry the fluffy tail.

Enter Bear.

Bear: Good afternoon to you!

^ All: Hello Mishka.

Bear: I'll give you all a bump.

Everything: Thank you.

Bear: Can I get under the umbrella?

Warm up your nose and ears

^ Fox: Oh oh oh! Your growth is very great!

Do you remember my lush tail!

Katia: Enough space under the umbrella!

We are not crowded four! (Calls Mishka.)

^ Sparrow flies.

Sparrow (stops).

Sparrow: Here the sparrow flies, barely audible says:

I flew in the rain, looking for grains everywhere,

The wings are heavy, I can barely fly.

^ Katya: To us, Sparrow, fly!

Enough room for all five.

Two Ants enter.

Ant 1: hurry ants,

Not lazy, not stupid

One after the other along the path

They carry grains and crumbs.

Need to work hard in the summer -

Everything is useful in the winter.

Ant 2: Ants can't be lazy

The ant lives by work.

And he drags the bug and the caterpillar to his underground house.

When you see that he is in a hurry on his way,

Don't hurt him, don't touch him.

^ Katya: Now the rain has stopped! (Closes umbrella.)

Hare: Well, then I jumped!

Fox: Goodbye, I have to go, there, in the forest, is my hole.

Bear: Well, it's time for me to go

I'm going to sleep in my lair.

Sparrow: Then I flew

Goodbye friends!

Ant: We ran, friends,

There is a huge family.

^ They leave.

Katia ( waving to everyone). Goodbye, animals!

I'll run to the guys.

From the autumn forest

I'll bring you some mushrooms.

A cone from a giant cedar,

The smell of needles, leaves, wind.

And now we'll play.

^ Game "Find a leaf"

You fly, fly, leaf, right on the track. Children lead a round dance and sing a song. In the hands of

Lie down for a bit, rest a little. each child has a piece of paper. At that time

We'll start a round dance, we'll start to glory. the leader scatters leaves in the center of the hall.

And we will pick up a couple for our leaf. ^ After the song, the children must find a couple

to your leaflet.

4. It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard - as in the sun.

This dress is golden at the birch on the shoulders.

5. In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Underfoot they rustle and fly, fly, fly ....

^ Round dance "We are autumn leaves"

We are the leaves, We are the leaves Children stand in a circle with pieces of paper in their hands.

We are autumn leaves.

We were sitting on branches the children run away.

The wind blew - they flew.

We flew We flew children run around waving leaves.

And then they got tired of flying!

The wind stopped blowing children squat down

We all sat in a circle. leaves above the head.

The wind suddenly blew again the children scatter again, waving the leaves.

And the leaves quickly blew away.

All the leaves flew Children toss leaves and watch where they fall.

And they sat quietly on the ground.

6. We collect in August

Fruit harvest.

Lots of joy for people

After all the hard work.

The sun stands over the spacious fields,

And sunflower seeds

Filled with black.

Leading: With the onset of autumn, vegetables ripen in the fields and gardens. Do you know what vegetables grow in your garden? ^ Children list vegetables.

Leading: Guys, once mother sent her daughter Tanya to the garden to collect different vegetables for dinner. And that's what happened in the garden.

Scene "Tanya and vegetables"

Tanya comes out. She has a basket in her hand. Tanya looks around.

Tanya: Mom sends me to the garden

Both cabbage and carrots grow here.

But what to pick, I don’t know, vegetables

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?

How can I figure it out and find out.

What do I need to collect for lunch?

Who helped me in this difficult matter?

Where is the carrot, where is the cabbage, where is the onion?

Carrot: I am a red maiden, a green pigtail!

I'm proud of myself and I'm good for everything!

And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht,

In pies, and vinaigrette, and ... bunnies for lunch!

Cabbage: I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty!

I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak.

^ Green onions: They say I'm bitter, they say I'm savory!

With a green arrow I grow in the garden.

I am the most useful, in that I give you my word!

Eat green onions - you will be healthy!

Beet: I am round and strong, dark red sides,

Beets are young, so sweet!

I am fit for dinner, and in borscht, and in vinaigrette!

Potato: I'm a potato, look.

I am a potato, food!

Collapse - ma - whether - a hundred! Yes, once - wah - ri - hundred!

Without me - no, no - no lunch!

^ Goat comes out, shaking his beard, threatening with his horns.

Goat: I will not give carrots, I will not give cucumbers,

I'm ready to fight for every head of cabbage! Me-e-e…

All vegetables: Protect us, Tanya, protect us,

Save from the horned goat!

Drive him away quickly

Let him go his own way!

^ Tanya takes a twig and threatens Kozl.

Tanya: You, goat-goat, green eyes,

Go away, go away, don't harm the garden!

Do not knock with your feet, do not twist your horns!

Go away, go away, don't harm the garden! Here you are!

^ The goat runs away.

Vegetables: Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!

We couldn't kick the goat out without you!

Cabbage: Here is a head of cabbage (holds it out to Tanya).

Carrot: Here's a bunch of carrots!

Green onion: Here's a fresh one!

Beet: Here is the candle!

Potato: And here are the potatoes!

Everything: We all shared a little with Tanya.


Guys, did you like our today's holiday?

What qualities do you think helped our today's heroes not to disappear in the rain, not to get to dinner with a goat?

(Feeling of support, friendship, mutual assistance).

I wish you to always remain kind and true friends.

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory group for school with the participation of children of the different age group of the mini-center "Ak-Bulak"

"You are beautiful, autumn time!"

Purpose: development of creative and stage abilities of children.

To consolidate the ability to expressively and clearly perform songs and dances, the ability to expressively play roles, read poetry with expression.

Develop singing skills, a sense of rhythm, an ear for music, the ability to coordinate movements with music. Develop creative abilities. Cultivate friendly relations with each other, a sense of mutual assistance and compassion.

Children to the music "Autumn, autumn!" Golden leaf fall! are included in the class

Summer flew by quickly

Migrating bird into the distance

Autumn wonderfully spread

Fading shawl!

Presented by the guest-Autumn

fruit crops,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

So let's celebrate autumn

Song, dance and play!

Meetings will be joyful

Autumn, this is your holiday!

Hello golden autumn

Blue sky up!

The leaves are yellow, flying

Lie down on the path.

The garden is full of flowers

Asters, peonies, dahlia,

And above the fire blaze

Clusters of red rowans!

Christina S.

What to be sad now about summer!

Autumn has come to visit us.

In a gilded carriage.

I brought gifts for everyone.

Again autumn outside the window,

The rain is pouring down

Leaves are falling, rustling,

How beautiful is autumn!

Alexandra B.

Leaves embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps,

Everything to us, Autumn, you give!

Polina C.

Each leaf is golden

Small sunny -

Put me in the basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

Aruzhan E.

I take care of the leaves

Autumn continues!

Long, long time for me

The holiday doesn't end!

Sounds like wind music.

Wind blows into the room. It blows, and yellow leaves cut out of paper scatter in all directions. Performs an improvisational dance.

ROMA (wind)

Do you know, children?

I am the autumn wind.

Bold and free

But sometimes cold!

I am impetuous, cheerful, quick,

I tore off the hat from the maples.

Everywhere spinning, flying

golden leaves

And wrap the garden

Like fox fur.

Mists appear in the hall.

They are dressed in transparent dresses, they have light ribbons in their hands.


We are the autumn mists

At night we lie down on the glades,

To green meadows

To the river banks.

Children appear in the hall - the leaves are spinning to the music


yellow leaves

Lead a round dance

Fall on bumps

Dry swamps.

On flowers, on herbs

And to the bottom of the ditch

Covering everything around

Lush golden carpet.

Music of thunder and rain sounds

A boy appears in the hall - Rain.

DIMA (rain)

I am autumn rain.

Golden leaf. Fly!

Lead us along!

Before the long winter

I will water the earth.

Hush ... Autumn speaks to us.

Do you hear? The leaf rustles under the foot,

The silly gray bunny is trembling,

Squirrel cones from the Christmas tree are peeling.

Do you hear? Frequent rain drizzles.

Hush ... Autumn speaks to us.

Children of the mini-center sing the song "Autumn"

Leaf fall wanders in the grove.

Through the bushes, through the maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

Let's collect a fan from the leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Lightweight and playful.

Dance with leaves mini-center children.

Autumn us to your ball

Today invited

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.


"Autumn, autumn come to us, give us magic"

Enter Autumn and 7 Color Kings.

AUTUMN: Dasha S.

I, Golden Autumn, such a sorceress.

She came to the holiday, brought guests.

My guests are unusual: these are the seven kings of colors.

It's hard to choose the best color here,

You can be proud of every color.

Not only the artist

paints are needed

Nature is adorned with color.

She draws in the vastness of the earth

And pleases with a bright bouquet.

Yellow: Matvey

Queen Autumn is right about this,

Be proud of every color

But all the same autumn, friends,

I am the most important thing in the world!

Orange: Maxim

Well, no, in orange tones

Draws autumn on the sheets.

The trees are on fire.

Their beauty is just in me!

Red: Vadim

Let me tell you simply: I am red.

There is no prettier me in the world.

The berries in the garden turned red, the vegetables in the garden,

And in the forest, mushrooms put on red hats.

Green: David

I will say, there is no dispute about that,

What Autumn loves is red.

But the vegetables will tell

That I'm green is also important.

Blue: Anuar

Blue color and cyan

Surround the globe.

Rivers and seas are big

Also blue and blue.

Blue: Danil

Rain blue all day drumming on the glass

The whole earth is covered with leaves and wet from the rain.

He knocks on the window all day, plucking leaves.

The mischievous autumn rain comes running to us.

Purple: Zahar

Violet, friends, you can’t forget!

Fruits, vegetables, flowers - paint together - me and you.

So let's live together, love all the colors of the earth!

Friends, we have resolved your dispute,

When the boys were invited

And you saw them

Colors for you and others!

Dear Color Kings! Let's not argue.

In order for nature to surprise people with its colors, you are all very important in your rich kingdom.

Let's all celebrate beauty together.

The song "Autumn in a golden scarf" (sit on chairs)

Yes, autumn is the most expressive time of the year. I want to freeze in delight from the colorful autumn colors. Love - don't fall in love!


Gave us different fruits at first.

Then she treated us with mushrooms.

Watermelons, melons and grapes.

We like autumn, we are happy about autumn!

ROMA Ch. (cucumber).

Everyone loves green

Cucumber is vigorous.

DIMA Sh. (peas).

I am also green curly peas,

Beautiful in appearance and I taste good.

SOFIA M. (cabbage)

And I, juicy cabbage,

Proud of vitamins.

In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads

ME: Of course I'll come in handy.

Harvest song (vegetables dance)

And now I would like to know which of you is the most observant:

Who picks apples with his back? Hedgehog

Who has a cheek instead of a bag? Chipmunk

The leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? Aspens, mountain ash, bird cherry

What animal has babies in leaf fall? At the hare

What are they called? deciduous

What bird hatches chicks in the rain? Swan

Which bird flies the highest? Eagle

Village puzzles for kids

Here are my kids in the grass,

Yellow bastards.

I will find all the children

I'll take you to the pond.

I will teach them to swim.

Often I shout “quack-quack” to them. (Duck.)

A river flows behind the village

There is a good place.

I go there to swim

Dive and splash.

There I shout: “Ha-ha-ha!

How beautiful are the shores! (Goose.)

My naughty child

Runs into the meadow.

There is a foal grazing there

His little friend.

I tell my son: “Moo!

I know it's boring alone. (Cow.)

Squirrel dance

LEADING: Autumn is not only a beautiful season, but also a harvest time. We will also take part in the collection of vegetables and fruits. And for this we will be divided into two teams. Vegetables - in the garden, and fruits - in the garden. And each team will have to collect their own train with the gifts of autumn.


Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.

2 teams of 4 people participate.

1st participant "plows the ground" (puts hoops).

2nd participant "plants vegetables or fruits" (puts in a hoop).

3rd participant " watering the crop" (runs around each hoop with a watering can).

The 4th participant “harvests” (collects in a bucket).

The faster team wins.


Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other members can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand at the cars, run to the baskets on a signal and transfer the vegetables to the cars. Cars can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.


The game is played by two people. They take each basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. On a signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

GAME UMBRELLA with the children of the mini-center

Droplet dance

Rain song


And which of you, friends, saw

How has everything changed in the forest?

An autumn ball was given in the forest!

The trees are all dressed up:

Who is in motley silk, and who is in satin -

Only strict pines and ate

Your coniferous velvet - the joy of the eyes -

They didn't want to shoot again.

Having ironed his yellow cambric,

The beautiful birch has arrived

And suddenly she shook off the first leaf,

Like thin hair in a hairstyle.

Arriving before everyone else at the ball,

Deafened by the orchestra of the wind,

Ash danced with rowan,

To the surprise of the invited.

And, forgetting about etiquette,

The maple clapped its hands so loudly,

That dropped the golden cuff

And he became a little disheveled.

And the old oak, swaying to the beat,

Was unable to stop.

Would you like that too

Spin in the autumn waltz?

Dance with leaves (music at the choice of the music director).

OK it's all over Now! The time has come for goodbye.

With the November wind, autumn flies away into the distance.

And again we say goodbye to you,

To my good and big friends!