
How to concentrate on work. Distracted attention. What are the reasons and what to do about it? Ways to focus on work

Pathologies of the uterus

Elena, you are not alone; most people have problems concentrating and now I will tell you about 12 ways to concentrate.

How our brain works

Our brain cannot work in parallel, so the main problem when we cannot concentrate is other thoughts that wander in our heads. These distracting thoughts are what make it so difficult to get started.

Let's delve into the theory, the brain consists of neurons that form various connections among themselves. Neurons constantly change connections among themselves as we think. When starting a new task, new neuron connections are created in the head. The more unfamiliar the matter, the more difficult the process of creating new connections.

Making new connections is much more difficult and costly than using existing ones. Therefore, at the very beginning of work, the brain has to create new neuron connections. But after just a few minutes, most of the necessary neuron connections have been created and it is easier to concentrate in the middle of work or study than at the beginning. Remember when it is easier to concentrate - at the beginning or after 10–20 minutes. work, study?

Thus, any business consists of 3 stages:

-inclusion in work (0–15 min.), productivity increases. The most difficult and time-consuming stage, because the brain needs to create new neuron connections. Lasts the first few minutes.

-productive mode (from 20 minutes to several hours). The neural connections are mostly built, so this stage is the simplest.

- fatigue, productivity decreases. Our brain, like our muscles, gets tired, so when you feel that you are starting to think slowly and work ineffectively, it’s time to rest or do something different that would involve other neural connections.

Let's depict the stages on the graph: The x-axis is time, the y-axis is concentration on work or study.. When we start a new task, concentration grows, especially at first (the first 10–15 minutes). Then concentration levels off and begins to fall.

The most important

At the moment when you get into work and are at the peak of concentration - do not interrupt, otherwise the schedule will be something like this.

You just concentrated, you were distracted, you have to concentrate on the task again, you were distracted again and you will never be able to concentrate well on your work.

To maintain an efficient state, ideally, accumulate all incoming tasks, for example, if they call you, say that you are busy now, but call back after a while. In general, accumulate things until you start to get tired, and then do all the accumulated tasks at once. such.

At first, your concentration grows, then it reaches its maximum, because you don’t answer calls or get distracted by small things. When a fall occurs due to fatigue, it’s time to do all the accumulated tasks en masse. Then you also start the planned task and again accumulate new tasks...

Now let's look at 12 ways to focus on work.

1. Don't get distracted

Imagine, you started working on a project, and then the phone rings, asks you to respond by email, etc. We are constantly interrupted, because of this, the time of the productive mode is sharply reduced, we have to spend more time to get into work, and this is very unproductive. It's like driving a car, constantly stopping and accelerating. There will be high fuel consumption and low average speed. Also in work, if you are interrupted every 10 minutes, then you will not be able to achieve maximum productivity and the results will be appropriate. As a result, we get tired and do much less than we can.

How to be? Say no to multitasking

When you start working: Ask your colleagues or loved ones not to distract you, explain that you will be free in a while, for example, in an hour, and will be able to discuss the situation, but are busy now. Turn off your phone, don't check your email, avoid chatting, don't surf the Internet, don't get distracted. In general, try not to do anything other than your project to be as productive as possible while you feel your productivity isn't waning. When you feel tired and your productivity is dropping, it’s time to switch gears - answer missed calls, check your email, chat with colleagues, make the necessary calls and you can start a new circle.

The less distracted you are, the easier it is to focus on your task..

2. Remove everything unnecessary from the table

Extra things on the table are always bad because they distract the brain from what is important. Any extra item is an extra thought. What if the whole table is covered with something? Extra items create an information house in our heads and it’s harder for us to get involved in work, because our brain can only think about one thing. We have a single-core processor in our head. As soon as you pay attention to some thing on the table, the thought process is immediately interrupted and you begin to think about this thing. Make your desk completely empty and you will feel how much easier it is for you to concentrate.

3. Timer operation

Agree that until the time runs out you will work without distractions. You can set a timer or alarm, it’s not that important. Working on a timer strengthens self-discipline. The time for high productivity for each task, repeated day after day, remains almost the same. If you do the same thing every day, the time of maximum efficiency will be about the same and you can already know approximately how long it will take to get tired. Record this time on a timer, it will be very convenient.

We often get carried away and become less susceptible to our feelings, so a timer or alarm clock will help us realize in time that productivity is falling and we should now change our area of ​​activity in order to continue later with high efficiency. For example, I know that the time for maximum productivity in writing articles ends after about 30 minutes. So I set the stopwatch for 30 minutes. and after this time, I interrupt myself and start doing something else in order to maintain maximum efficiency.

We can focus on sensations and not use a timer, but then it will be more difficult for us to understand how tired we are. It is very easy to confuse reluctance to do something and fatigue. It happens that you can work for 10 minutes. and feel like all 30 minutes have passed. and the time has come to rest, but in fact it is not fatigue, but simply an unwillingness to work. You can’t fool the timer; if you see that you worked for 10 minutes, then you understand that during this time you could not get tired and you can overpower yourself. Conversely, when you know that you have worked productively for 1 hour, it is better to rest or switch to another task than to squeeze the last juice out of yourself. That’s why turning on the timer is so important, it’s like the fuel indicator in a car.

How long should I set the timer?

As much as you can work effectively without distractions. The time depends on the type of task and your abilities. If the timer rings and you still have strength, then evaluate how much energy you still have and set a new timer. If you have a good sense of when you get tired, you can use a regular stopwatch. There are a huge number of timer programs on the Internet for installation on your phone, tablet or computer.

4. Get up early

Everyone knows that morning is the most productive time for work. And now in more detail why it is easier to concentrate in the morning:

A. You have a lot of strength, because the brain rests and recovers during sleep.
B. Before the start of the working day, i.e. before 8–9 am minimum calls, requests and other distractions.
B. Sleep inhibits all obsessive thoughts well, which are very distracting at work.

If you have difficulty concentrating, then try to go to bed and get up early, for example, at 5 am and during this period begin the most difficult task, because it is easiest to concentrate at this time.

5. Work first, then play

Don't start your work day by watching news on social media. networks, useless communication, etc. It’s the same as eating sweets, after which you no longer want the main dish, because it begins to seem less attractive.

When you sit down at your desk, work until you get tired, and then you can relax by changing your field of activity, communicating with colleagues, watching interesting news, etc. But remember the time for business, and the time for fun, otherwise it will be difficult to concentrate.

6. Warm up with a plan.

Many people know that before the main training, athletes warm up by doing light movements. Warm-up exercises improve blood circulation and tone muscles. After warming up, the athlete has more strength than without it and it is easier for him to begin the main part of the workout. Warming up is a preparatory stage, an intermediate state that provides a smoother transition between the resting state and the load.

The situation is approximately the same with the brain, as mentioned above, when we are just starting a new task, at the initial stage our brain needs to rebuild the connections of neurons for this task, and this process is labor-intensive. Therefore, it is difficult to concentrate at first. But if you warm up, that is, start restructuring the connections of not all neurons, but some of them, then it will be much easier to concentrate.

How can our brain warm up? It’s very simple: make an action plan, write in detail on a piece of paper what you will do in the next few minutes or hours. If there is one thing, then break it down into several stages and write these stages on a piece of paper. Write at least 5-10 points on a regular piece of paper and you will feel how much easier it will be for you to get to work.

There is another addition - you can warm up by imagining the work process in your mind. Take a couple of minutes to think about how you will work and it will be much easier to concentrate.

Whenever you find it difficult to concentrate, use the warm-up technique, drawing up a detailed action plan on a piece of paper or imagining the process in your mind for a few minutes.

7. Turn on logic

Everyone knows that we have 2 hemispheres of the brain: left and right. So the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, movements of the right side of the body and determination. The right is for imagination, feelings, passivity and movements of the left side of the body. To concentrate faster, you need to engage the left hemisphere, which is responsible for determination.

You can activate this hemisphere with the help of logical problems, solving crosswords, playing checkers, etc. The left hemisphere is also activated by moving the opposite side of the body - you can pee with your right hand, move your right leg. That’s why many people twirl a pen in their hand, this is how logic is activated.

If it becomes difficult to concentrate, twirl the pen in your right hand, shake your right leg (this can be done unnoticed under the table) or solve a logic problem. This way you will activate the left hemisphere, which is responsible for determination, and it will be easier for you to start working.

8. Remove moving objects

The instinct of self-preservation is based on concentration of attention on all moving objects. It is moving objects at the level of our subconscious that can pose the greatest danger. For example, we will not pay attention to the wall of a house, but we will carefully watch a car moving in our direction. That is why, when something happens behind us, we turn around, this is how the unconditioned reflex works to make sure of our safety.

Do this to reduce the number of moving objects near you:

- At work. If you have your own office, close the door to reduce distractions from everyone walking in the hallway. Hang a sign on the office door, do not disturb until a certain time (for example, until 15-00)

- At home. Ask your loved ones not to come into your room, or put up a do not disturb sign. If you have active pets that like to run and jump, then remove them from the room for a while. An aquarium and a cage with birds are not so distracting because all movements are limited in a narrow space.

- When the motion source cannot be removed. It happens that the workplace is in a walk-through area and you cannot do anything about it. Then shift your area of ​​attention, that is, think about how to turn your table so that there is a stationary object in front of you. For example, if there is a walk-through area in front of your desk, rotate the desk at least 90 degrees, in general, make sure that there are as few moving objects as possible in your line of sight.

9. Control your excitement

Excitement is characterized by adrenaline. The higher it is, the more adrenaline in the blood. And vice versa, the weaker the excitement, the lower the adrenaline level. It happens that you are very excited and obsessive thoughts do not allow you to concentrate on the task at hand. And sometimes, on the contrary, you are sleepy and it’s hard for you to start doing anything at all.

So, in order to concentrate on work, you need to maintain an average level of adrenaline, because when it’s big, they try to think, but when it’s small, you don’t want to do anything.

For clarity, let's draw a graph. The y-axis will be the degree of concentration, and the x-axis will be the adrenaline level. The graph will be an inverted parabola. The zone from x1 to x2 corresponds to maximum concentration. Our task is to prevent overexcitation and too much relaxation.

Now to practice, first you need to determine the current level of adrenaline. Let's take the scale as a basis: where 0 is the state of relaxation, and 10 is the most excited. Now let's calibrate our scale. Remember the most relaxed state, for example, you are lying on the beach, you feel good and don’t want to do anything. Remember this state, it will correspond to 0. Now let’s take another boundary, when some incident happened, for example, you jumped from a parachute for the first time in your life or something similar. Remember your feeling, it will correspond to 10.

If you have to do physical work, then higher, about 6. The area of ​​maximum concentration will shift to the right.

For other tasks, you can get an idea of ​​what level of adrenaline is needed by remembering when you found it easiest to concentrate.

To reduce anxiety

- Listen to calm music, classics or sounds of nature;

Take a walk in nature;

Remember the moments in life when you felt good, calm, and relaxed;

Imagine an image of calm water, nature, calm animals;

Reduce muscle tone, i.e., take a position that uses fewer muscles. If you are standing, sit down. If you were sitting, then sit with your elbows on your back, you can lie down. The more area of ​​your body in contact with the surface, the less muscles are used and the lower your muscle tone, and with it your level of arousal. Therefore, it is easier for us to relax and fall asleep lying down, rather than standing or sitting.

Take things slowly. Our physical state is strongly connected with our mental state, since a single nervous system is responsible for both of them. When we consciously begin to slow down all our actions and breathing, then our excitement decreases.

To increase excitement

Listen to energetic music;

Remember the most vivid impressions that made your heart literally jump out of your chest;

Imagine yourself overcoming dangers (just imagine, no need to repeat them), for example, walking on burning coals, climbing Mount Everest, etc.

Imagine how you compete with someone in sports or another activity;

Dance or do some exercise;

- Increase muscle tone. If you worked with your elbows on your back, straighten up and don’t lean your elbows. If you worked while sitting, work while standing. The smaller the area of ​​contact of the body with the surface, the more muscles are involved. And muscle work increases the level of adrenaline and excitement. Working while standing is much easier to concentrate than sitting, unless, of course, there are health contraindications.

Get things done faster. The nervous system controls both physical and mental states. Therefore, if we move faster and do everyday activities, we activate the nervous system, resulting in increased excitement.

By controlling the level of adrenaline, it will be much easier for you to concentrate and get into work faster.

10. Remove unnecessary sounds

Just like moving objects, unexpected and unpleasant sounds distract us greatly. Sounds, as well as moving objects, are a clear indicator of possible danger. Therefore, whether we like it or not, sounds will distract us and prevent us from concentrating.

If you work in a team, you can wear earplugs (earplugs) or headphones (even without music). Another way to remove unnecessary sounds is to listen to your own music on headphones, but one that does not excite you too much and does not overly slow you down.

11. Work while standing

In many offices, people work standing at the computer to increase efficiency. The explanation is simple: The larger the area of ​​contact of the body with the surface, the less muscles are toned, and we relax more. Conversely, the less the body is in contact with the surface, the more muscles are activated and it is easier to concentrate. Example - we are lying on the bed, almost half of the body is in contact with the bed, the muscles do not work and it is extremely difficult to concentrate. If you sit down, the contact area decreases and more muscles are activated, making it easier to concentrate. And if you stand up, even more muscles work, overall tone and mental abilities increase. Restrictions on standing work are due to health reasons.

You can start working standing to make it easier to concentrate, and when you get started, continue sitting. To make it easier to concentrate while working while sitting, try not to lean on your back, this will make it easier to get involved in the task, especially in the first minutes.

12. Don't eat sweets (not just at night;)

Confectionery products: buns, pastries, cookies, sugar, candies and the like are called fast carbohydrates because they are quickly broken down in the stomach, unlike complex carbohydrates such as porridge. Confectionery products are like paper, which burns quickly on a fire and gives a lot of heat, and porridge is like logs, which burns slowly and gives heat for a long time. Confectionery products cause fatigue and lack of energy. Fatigue decreases tone, the desire to do anything and concentration drops to extremely low levels.

This is why you feel weak after eating pastries

1. Due to rapid decomposition the body spends a lot of energy to use these carbohydrates and send the excess to storage, i.e., to fat.

2. Soon the fast carbohydrates are broken down and there is no energy left for the body have to use internal reserves(not yet fat) reserves from the liver to meet energy needs.

If you eat healthy food, such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, then the stages of energy exchange described above will not occur because the food will immediately be converted into energy. There will be no unnecessary loss of energy, you will have more strength. And if you have more strength, it will be easier to concentrate.

Avoid eating baked goods and you will find that it will be easier to concentrate.

P.S. If you have difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as about the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. ask them to me, I will try to help. Consultation via Skype is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take the online training “How to get 1 hour of extra time.” Write comments and your additions;)

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Being able to concentrate on any activity in a timely manner is a very valuable quality, with which you can achieve good results in a particular area.

You have probably noticed that it is often extremely difficult focus on work or study, however you want it. Therefore, the skill of concentrating on a specific task is necessary and useful.

Here are some tips to help you focus on your work as quickly as possible.

Understanding Your Purpose. In order for your attention not to be scattered on all sorts of useless information constantly entering the brain, you need to continuously keep the goal in your head (read - How to set goals correctly). A sense of purpose will motivate you to do your best to achieve it. You need to run through your thoughts about what will happen when your goal is achieved. In this case, all actions will be as effective as possible, and nothing can distract you from the process of moving towards the desired result.

Realism of the goal. The inability to concentrate is often due to a vague task. When your goal is vague and difficult to achieve, there is a high probability that you will fail due to the fact that you will not be able to concentrate on the process of moving towards the result. When you have a very realistic goal, you can always determine at what stage you are. And this will motivate you to make every effort to get closer to the victorious end.

Setting commitments. Regardless of whether you are within a certain time frame or not, you must give yourself internal instructions to ensure that the task is completed. If you quit your job halfway, you are unlikely to achieve good results in your chosen field.

Quick start. In order for your working day to be effective, you need to set it at a businesslike pace from the very morning. This is not difficult to do; just start performing the task as soon as you are at your workplace. Don't let unnecessary little things distract you. Remember, a good start will lead to a very productive day.

Ability to take breaks. Researchers of the capabilities of the human body have come to the conclusion that labor productivity has a cyclical nature. In order to join the work process, the average person spends about 10-15 minutes. The next half hour is the most effective. After 45 minutes have passed from the moment you started the task, a stage of gradual exhaustion begins. Therefore, in order to maximize focus on studies or work requires ten-minute breaks between stages of the work process. This will allow you to maintain your performance at the highest level. There is no need to get stuck on any task, but at the same time you should not relax. Try to get used to a routine where you work for an hour and rest for 10 minutes.

Musical accompaniment. Here psychologists do not have a clear opinion. Music helps some people concentrate, while others find it annoying or distracting. All this is purely individual, but certain patterns can be identified. For example, church music can give you confidence and help you relax. Classical works awaken creativity in individuals, open up new areas of knowledge and help to concentrate. Modern genres have completely different impacts on labor productivity. So, for example, jazz and soul can both stimulate performance and set the listener in a romantic mood. When it comes to rock and metal, these genres can depress some people and inspire others. In addition, if external noise bothers you, then music will be your salvation.

Sense acuity training. Consistent exercises to improve sensory acuity may be the skill what helps you concentrate. You can train your senses of smell, sight, touch, hearing and taste in a variety of fun ways. Constantly visiting perfume stores can sharpen your ability to recognize a particular scent. You won’t notice how, after a short period of time, you can easily distinguish Boss 6 from Chanel Alure. Also, try guessing what you were served for breakfast using only your nose. An excellent way to concentrate and strengthen your vision is to watch the movement of the second hand. If you walk down the street, try to notice the most insignificant details in your surroundings: car license plates, clothes of passers-by, names of stores (walk attentiveness test And observation). To sharpen your sense of touch, try comparing different materials by texture, temperature, density, etc. Develop your hearing in the following way: while walking around the city, listen to the subtle sounds that are drowned out by the city noise. It could be a dog barking or a barely audible melody. In addition, a good exercise would be to mentally isolate one instrument from the orchestra and try to listen only to its part. It's also quite easy to train your taste. Buy many varieties of apples and take a small bite at a time, being aware of how each variety differs from another. Find spice packets at home and stimulate your taste buds by guessing which seasoning to use.

What prevents you from concentrating?

Extraneous sounds. It often happens that inability to concentrate caused by ambient noise. It could be annoying music or TV. Sounds coming from the street also make it difficult to concentrate. In order to reduce the influence of this factor to zero, you are better off moving to another quieter room or simply closing the window. In addition, people who are in the room with you can interfere with your concentration. You should ask them to remain quiet and argue that you are busy with important work that requires maximum effort and attention from you. Remember that the ability to concentrate in a noisy place is a talent that not everyone has.

Extraneous thoughts. Internal dialogue while performing any task is a very harmful thing, since it greatly distracts from the process itself. Anxious experiences for any reason do not make it possible to concentrate on work, because they scatter thoughts in different directions. In order to get rid of obsessive internal conversations, you need to scroll through your goal in your head. Then you can tune in to the result and complete the task as efficiently and quickly as possible. Keep a goal in front of your eyes, and this will motivate you not to be distracted by extraneous problems.

Information stimuli. Before you start or while working, there is always a temptation to get distracted and delay the moment of returning to your routine. You look at pages on social networks, correspond with friends, read articles unrelated to work and waste your time on unknown things. Planning will be your lifeline. Prioritize according to your goals. If you have set a certain amount of work for yourself, write down the stages of its implementation. Set time limits for yourself on visiting entertainment and news portals. Do this in the morning before starting work or during a break. You shouldn’t be distracted once again from the process of achieving results, since each time you will spend about 10-15 minutes to get into the business pace. Remember that taking on all the tasks at once means not completing a single one. Know how to set priorities, which will become the basis for focused work.

Mood. Often, in order to justify their laziness, people begin to come up with myths about a “non-working mood” and poor health. In most cases, these are excuses created only to avoid the work process. Try to discard such thoughts, constantly think about the result and the time frame within which you need to achieve it. This will help you stay positive and active in the workplace and get rid of procrastination. If you are really sick, it is better to start working after you have fully recovered.

Lighting. A workplace that is poorly lit can be a significant barrier to completing tasks effectively. The dimmer the light, the faster your eyes get tired. And fatigue leads to the fact that your attention is scattered on poor health. Choose a lamp for yourself that will shine from the side opposite the hand from which you are writing, so that no shadow falls. The light should be neither dim nor blinding. Choose the ideal option for you, and quality work will be completed for you.

Workplace.Workplace organization It's a serious matter! A soft chair or sofa is absolutely not conducive to concentrating your attention. A chair that provides good posture and a comfortable seating position is best for work. Remember that your place is not for relaxation and mental self-regulation. Take enough time to ensure that your work environment is as comfortable as possible.

Now you know, how to learn to concentrate and achieve your goals quickly and efficiently. Stay focused and success will not take long to arrive.

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James Clear

Blogger, entrepreneur.

Concentration: what it is and how it works

Let's start with the most basic: what is concentration? According to psychologists, it is the act of directing interest or action towards one goal. Yes, it sounds boring, but there is a very important idea hidden here.

What is concentration

To concentrate on one thing, you have to ignore everything else.

Concentration appears only when we say “yes” to one option and “no” to all the others. In other words, exclusion is a necessary condition for concentration.

What you don't do determines what you can do.

Tim Ferriss, writer, speaker

Of course, staying focused doesn't require saying no all the time; it's about saying no now, in the moment. Later you can do something else, but for now you should focus your attention on only one thing.

Focus is the key to productivity. By saying no to any other options, you open up your ability to complete the one remaining task.

Now the important question: what can you do to focus on the things that matter and ignore the unhelpful ones?

Why can't I concentrate?

Most people don't have problems concentrating. They have difficulty making decisions.

We can convince ourselves to focus on the task at hand by removing all distractions from the path. Have you ever had a task that you had to finish no matter what? You did it because the deadline made the decision for you. Maybe you are, but as soon as the matter forces you to make a decision, you act.

Often, instead of making the difficult decision to choose one thing to do, we convince ourselves that it is better to multitask. But this is an ineffective approach, and here's why.

Why multitasking doesn't work

Technically, we can do two things at the same time. For example, watch TV and cook dinner or answer incoming calls during a phone call.

But it is impossible to concentrate on two things at the same time. You're either watching TV while stirring pasta in the pan in the background, or you're cooking pasta and the TV becomes background noise. At any given moment you are concentrating on either one or the other.

But no matter what method you use and no matter how serious you are, at some point the concentration disappears. How to stay focused longer? To do this you need to follow two simple steps.

Measure your results

Attention often disappears due to lack of feedback. Naturally, your brain wants to know if you are achieving your goals.

We all have areas of our lives that we claim are very important to us, but that we don't keep track of. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. Only with the help of numbers and full tracking can we take action when we get better or worse.

  • When I started counting how many push-ups I did, I became stronger.
  • When I started following the 20-page-a-day reading habit, I read more books.
  • When I wrote down my values, I became more principled.

The tasks I was tracking remained my focus.

Unfortunately, we often avoid measuring results because we are afraid the numbers will be unimpressive. Understand that measurement is not needed to judge yourself. This is simply the feedback you need to understand where you are now.

Measure to discover, to know, to understand. Measure to know yourself better. Measure because it will help you focus on the things that matter to you.

Value progress, not outcome measures

The second thing you can do to stay focused longer is to focus on the process rather than the events. Too often we think of success as something that can be achieved and completed.

Here are some examples.

  • Many people think of health as an event (“If I can lose 10 kilograms, I’ll be in great shape”).
  • Many people think of entrepreneurship as an event (“If our business was written about in the New York Times, we'd be successful”).
  • Many people think of art as an event (“If my paintings were exhibited in a big gallery, I would become famous”).

These are just a few examples of many where we define success as a single event. But if you look at people who are focused on their goals, you will understand that it is not the events or results that matter, but the focus on the process itself. These people love what they do.

And the funny thing is, focusing on the process will allow you to enjoy the results anyway.

  • If you want to be a good writer and publish a bestseller, that's great. But the only way to achieve this result is to love writing.
  • If you want the whole world to know about your business, it would be a good idea to be featured in Forbes magazine. But the only way to achieve this is to love the process of promotion.
  • If you want to get fit, you may really need to lose 10 extra pounds. But the only way to achieve this result is to love healthy eating and exercise.
  • If you want to become much better at anything, you have to love the process. You have to fall in love with building an image of a person who does business, and not just dream about the desired results.

Focusing on goals and results is our natural inclination, but focusing on progress results in the long term.

Life hacks to improve concentration

Even when you are truly passionate about the process and know how to stay focused on your goals, daily practice can create chaos and harm your mindfulness. Here are some additional ways to improve your concentration.

1. Select an anchor task

Choose one (and only one) priority for each workday. Although I plan to complete other tasks throughout the day, my priority is one non-negotiable task that I must finish. I call it the "anchor task."

With a single priority, we don't hesitate to start building our lives around that commitment.

2. Manage your energy, not your time.

If a task requires your full attention, schedule it for a specific time of day when you have the energy for it. For example, I noticed that my creative energy is highest in the morning. I feel more alert in the morning, write better, and make better strategic decisions for my business. That's why I plan all my creative tasks for the morning. And I push all other work matters to the second half of the day: meetings, answering incoming messages, phone calls and Skype chats, analysis and processing of numerical information.

Almost every productivity strategy includes a better tip. But time itself is useless if you don't have the energy to complete the task.

3. Never check email in the morning

Concentration is the elimination of all distractions. And email can be your biggest distraction.

If I don't check email at the beginning of the day, I can create my own routine rather than having to adapt to someone else's routine.

I understand that for many people there is no point in waiting until the afternoon, but I want to challenge you. Can you wait until 10am? Or until 9? Until 8:30? The exact time of the restriction is not that important. The point is that you can carve out time in the morning where you can focus on what matters most to you.

4. Leave your phone in another room

5. Work in full screen mode

Every time I run a program on my computer, I use it in full screen mode. If I read an article on the Internet, the browser takes up the entire screen. If I'm writing notes in Evernote, I use full screen mode. If I'm editing images in Photoshop, the program window is the only thing I can see. I configured the desktop so that the menu bar would automatically disappear. When I'm working, I can't see the time, application icons, or all the other distracting things.

It seems like a small thing, but in terms of concentration, this is a very important action. If you see an app icon, you'll be tempted to click it from time to time. However, if you remove the visual signal from your field of vision, then the desire to be distracted disappears after a few minutes.

6. Remove all tasks that interfere with your concentration in the morning.

I like to do the most important things first thing in the morning, because at this time there is no rush yet. So I moved the first breakfast to noon to free up a little extra time in the morning to work rather than cook.

No matter what strategy you follow, remember that when the world distracts you, all you have to do is stick to one thing. You may not succeed at first. But you just need to start.

Many organizations care about increased productivity and proper quality of work. Conduct trainings or similar events. In the modern world with its speed, it is easy to fall into chaos, which will not have a positive impact on business. How to stay focused on work and not be distracted by everything around you?

Prepare a to-do list

Almost half the battle for productivity is the to-do list. Write down exactly what you need to do and when. Break down tasks into priorities, “A”, “B” and “C”, for example. Try to complete the tasks from section “A” first, because they are more important, only then proceed to the rest. Also try to allocate adequate time for completing tasks, even with a small margin, in case something goes wrong. Making a to-do list will help you focus better on your work, and will also teach you to divide tasks according to importance and urgency, plus you will learn to manage your time.

Start with the hard things

You have made a list of what needs to be done during the day. Take the most difficult task from section “A”, then switch to easier things. Likewise for sections “B” and “C”. The logic here is simple: in the morning you are fresh and alert, so difficult work will be easier to complete. The easier tasks will be saved for the end of the day, when you are already exhausted, so you don't have to torture yourself.

Take breaks

Don't rush into work headlong. Plan your day so that you can rest at least once every two hours. If you work without a break, you will quickly get tired and it will be more difficult for you to concentrate on your tasks. Go outside and walk around the office. However, resting too often is also harmful, you will be distracted from work, and then it will be more difficult to return to the process.

Learn to prioritize

If your job involves dealing with current and unexpected tasks, then you know very well how distracting it can be. Roughly speaking, you are working on a complex project with concentration, and subordinates or colleagues are constantly running around to you, throwing extraneous tasks at you. As a result, you don’t really do the main work and get overwhelmed with trifles. Learn to prioritize. Explain to your subordinates or colleagues that first you will do your urgent and difficult work, then only switch to their work. Don't waste your strength. Write down tasks and problems on your to-do list and schedule their implementation.

Avoid multitasking

As a continuation of the previous point, let us once again draw your attention to this. Try to avoid the temptation to multitask in the hope that it will increase your productivity. Most likely, it will be the other way around; you will scatter your energy and get tired quickly, and as a result you won’t really do anything well.

Try not to get distracted

In the modern world, people are constantly online. Social networks, various instant messengers, all this incredibly distracts you from work, especially when there are a lot of notifications and you try to answer everyone or constantly check social networks to see who has posted something new there. Yes, even a banal phone and text messages can be distracting. So here’s some simple advice for you: if you have complex and important work to do, turn off your phone, or at least the Internet on your phone, so as not to be distracted by notifications.

Use status in corporate chat

Nowadays it’s difficult to surprise someone with a corporate chat at work. If it has the ability to set the status to “busy” or “unavailable”, use it. This way your colleagues will see that you are currently busy with work and should not be distracted from it.

Protect yourself from external noise

Working in an office or enterprise is associated with noise. Whether it’s colleagues running around and chatting, or the phone ringing, whatever. If your work requires concentration, noise will distract you. Use headphones, or go to a quieter room. As a last resort, you can ask your boss to temporarily transfer you to remote work so that you can calmly finish the project in silence at home.

Manage stress

A complex project, sudden problems, changes in deadlines and any other troubles undoubtedly increase the stress level of a working person. Stress always impairs performance. Try listening to calm music, going to the gym, and getting enough sleep. Avoid consuming coffee, alcohol and smoking, this will not help you, but will make it even worse.

Organize your workplace

Creative clutter is good, of course, but when you're working intently on something and suddenly you can't find a pencil in the mess on your desk, it's unnerving. Before starting complex work, try to put things in order in your workplace, distribute everything you need so that it is within reach, and you are not distracted by searching for the necessary things or tools.

Of course, it’s difficult to follow all the rules at once, but if you strive for this and learn to properly organize your time and work, you shouldn’t have any problems. As the famous hero said, “calm, only calm.”

You are very busy typing something while sitting at your desk, and suddenly some irritant appears. You don't even realize how important this distraction is, but you give it your attention. Ten or fifteen minutes. And sometimes even more than an hour. When you return to your work, you can't figure out where you left off or what was keeping you busy before.

Many people complain of difficulty concentrating. Whether it's studying for an exam, talking to a friend, or completing an assignment, you have to fight for them by adding them to your daily to-do list. Many people try to manage their time using apps, gadgets, whiteboards next to the refrigerator, sticky notes on computer monitors, but still end the day with unfinished and unfinished tasks.

Let's look at the common causes of concentration problems.

  1. Multitasking

In our fast-paced world, where time is money, we are constantly pushed to do more things at once. There are two stages of multitasking, known in the scientific world as “task switching.” The first stage is called “goal shift” - you make a decision to do one thing rather than another. This is followed by “role activation” - the transition from the rules of the previous task to the rules of the new one.

Research by Meyer, Evans, and Rubinstein found that people lose significant amounts of time when switching between multiple tasks and lose even more time as tasks become more complex. Additionally, multitasking more trains the brain to have a shorter and less efficient attention span.

  1. Lack of sleep

Insufficient sleep has a direct link to car accidents, industrial disasters and other workplace hazards. Experts estimate that 50-70 million American adults have a diagnosed sleep disorder, and its most commonly reported side effect is difficulty concentrating.

Research shows that losing one hour of sleep at night is equivalent to losing two years of cognitive maturation and development. If you regularly experience sleep deprivation, you are more likely to experience persistent difficulty concentrating.

  1. Boredom and lack of challenge

Doing the same task over and over again is boring. Look at a child (or adult) with attention deficit disorder: if you ask him to repeat the same exercise for the hundredth time, he will not focus. Give him a new, interesting and challenging project, and suddenly he will not be able to be distracted by anything else because he will be so focused.

When we experience monotony, the brain works in energy and time saving mode, reducing attention levels. In other words, when we get bored, we can't concentrate. Mix up your tasks by making them new, ask for new assignments at work, study with a friend rather than alone, or do your weekly shopping at a different supermarket.

  1. Stress

Hans Selye once said, "Adopting the right attitude can turn negative stress into positive stress" - it's about how you deal with stress. Too little stress can leave you unmotivated, while too much can inhibit rational thinking. But the right amount of stress can help optimize performance. Anyone who has approached a looming deadline with a large to-do list knows exactly what that means.

Become a master of your own mind

Although you have a lot to do today, just like every day, try to sleep early, don't stress too much, work on one task at a time and keep your brain sharp. A balanced, healthy lifestyle is the key to success - helping you focus better today and tomorrow. It's normal to have difficulty paying attention, but it definitely won't help you in the future.