
How to make a dragonfly from chenille wire. Dragonflies and butterflies from plastic bottles How to make dragonfly eyes with your own hands


Dragonflies and butterflies from plastic bottles will serve as a decoration for the cottage, as well as for a themed holiday. Insects from plastic bottles are easy to make with your own hands or with a child.

The site offers a simple master class on making dragonflies and butterflies. You will need a plastic bottle, scissors, permanent markers.

Cut off the bottom and neck of the plastic bottle.

For ours, we need the central part of a plastic bottle. We cut it, we get a rectangle.

We impose this rectangle on paper with a picture of a dragonfly (use my picture, you can print it on a printer or circle it on paper from a monitor).

We circle the picture with the dragonfly on the plastic with a permanent marker.

Then we turn over part of the plastic bottle and circle the dragonfly on the other side.

Coloring dragonflies from plastic bottles permanent marker. You can fix the paint with a special varnish.

Carefully cut out dragonflies from a plastic bottle and bend their wings.

Similarly, you can make a butterfly out of plastic bottles. We prepare a plastic bottle, as described above. We print or draw a picture of a butterfly.

Trace the butterfly on the plastic bottle with a permanent marker.

To make a dragonfly, we need:

1. Plastic bottle, preferably transparent.
2. Scissors.
3. Acrylic art paints.
4. Marker.
5. Beads.
6. Stapler.
7. PVA glue or thermal gun.
8. Dragonfly stencil.

First, I found a dragonfly stencil I liked on the Internet. I chose this one, you can also draw it yourself, use this or find another one you like.

We take a plastic bottle, it is better to use a transparent color, since then we will paint our dragonfly. We cut off the bottom and neck of a plastic bottle, take the middle from it. Best of all, a plastic bottle will fit smooth without any notches. Print out the template or draw it by hand. We bend the middle of the bottle so that it becomes smoother with us.

We connect the stencil and the plastic bottle together and fix it with a stapler, you can glue it around the edges with a heat gun. We fix it with what is at hand.

We take acrylic art paints and paint at your discretion, as you like. I colored my dragonfly like this.

When painted, remove to the side and wait for the paint to dry completely. When the paint is completely dry, outline our dragonfly with a black marker.

To make our dragonfly even more beautiful, take beads and decorate the dragonfly's body with it. We take PVA glue or a thermal gun, apply it to the place where the body will be and then lay the beads at your discretion. I used black beads along the edge, and red beads in the middle. On the dragonfly's head I glued green beads instead of eyes. The antennae can also be made from beads, wire, or left unchanged, just painted black.

That's all the dragonfly from a plastic bottle is ready, I hope you liked my master class and leave a review. Thank you all, it is important for me to know the opinion of each visitor. Do not miss and look at the site more often, because you will still see many interesting and original ideas on it. A little later I will add my other works made from a plastic bottle.

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It is performed quite simply. It will take a little time to make it, but you can decorate the interior with a beautiful bright figure. If all triangular particles are glued together, then the dragonfly can be used as a toy.

To make a dragonfly, you need 63 triangular modules: 8 red, 16 yellow, 7 green and 32 blue.

The body consists of 19 modules: 8 red and 11 yellow. First you need to connect 2 modules by putting the pockets into each other with the long side. You will need 2 of these blanks.

With the help of three yellow modules, red blanks should be connected. The modules should also be dressed with the long side.

You need to insert one more yellow module into the free side yellow pockets. In the future, dragonfly wings will be attached here.

The fourth row will consist of two red modules. They need to be worn long side.

The fifth row consists of three yellow modules. The difference here will be that in the yellow pockets you need to hide not only the red modules of the previous row, but also the protruding yellow corners of the third row. Again, one yellow module must be inserted into the side pockets of the yellow modules. The second pair of wings will be attached here.

The sixth row includes 2 red modules, moreover, they need to evenly capture all the corners of the previous row.

In conclusion, the manufacture of the body of a dragonfly, you need to put on 1 yellow module in the middle.

To make one dragonfly wing, you need 8 blue modules. Each module must be inserted with one corner into the corresponding pocket.

The last module, which will be attached to the body, must be inserted into two pockets.

According to this principle, you need to assemble two right wings and two left ones.

The tail will consist of 5 green and 5 yellow modules. Alternating them, you need to insert them with two corners into 2 pockets. At the end, the tail should be slightly bent.

A mustache is very easy to make from two green modules. They need to be wound on a pencil or on a pen so that they become rounded.

When all the components are ready, you should start assembling the dragonfly.

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A dragonfly brooch is a rather popular and fashionable decoration that can be seen on the collars of shirts, dresses and blouses of many beautiful women and girls. And all because it fits almost any outfit and adds zest to the image, no matter how it is presented. Today we want to tell you about how to create a brooch with your own hands and what you need to use for this. If you are ready for the next handmade master class, then let's go!

DIY dragonfly brooch: a step-by-step master class


  • rhinestones in the form of a drop of medium diameter (variscite, Swarovski crystals or any other stones are suitable)
  • Czech or Japanese beads
  • a piece of genuine leather (can be replaced with high quality leatherette)
  • a handful of pearls and beads of any size and type
  • multi-colored sequins (they should be matched to the main color scheme of the product)
  • small brooch base
  • thread and needle for beads
  • cardboard sheet
  • glue moment


In this way, sheathe the entire bead in a circle. Upon completion of the work, the number of beads should be even.

  1. After that, sheathe the pebble with another layer of beads, only of a different shade.
  2. Now you can make dragonfly eyes. To do this, from the total mass of stones and rhinestones, you need to pick up two identical medium-sized pebbles that will act as eyes. They must be sewn on the widest side of the stone, placed next to each other.
  3. For greater beauty, sheathe them along the contour with white beads.
  4. Then you need to add a little volume to the dragonfly. To do this, it is necessary to sew 2 more rows of beads over the dark row of beads, placing them between the two beads of the previous row. To do this, string 1 bead on the needle and attach it to the future jewelry, indenting one bead forward. Thus, sew 2 more rows of beads.
  5. The end result should be something like this:
  6. Sheathe the wings with beads of a brighter shade, using the technique of the same “back seam”.

  7. Then you can show your own imagination and decorate each wing the way you like best. Here you can use both large crystals and very small beads. The main thing is that all this is firmly held and has a presentable appearance.

For example, a dragonfly's wing might look like this:

First you need to sew on the first stone, decorate it with beads, then the second and then the third.

  1. Now the almost finished dragonfly must be carefully cut along the contour and sealed with cardboard.
  2. To do this, it must be applied to a thick sheet of paper, outlined along the contour and cut out the cardboard so that it is a couple of millimeters smaller than the product itself. After that, firmly glue it to the base of the future brooch.

  3. After that, glue the dragonfly to the green leather flap, be sure to put it face down so that the brooch also has a presentable appearance from the wrong side.
  4. The final step is to sew the edge of the product along the entire contour, using the “back needle” seam. The result should look like this:
  5. And the final touch is to glue the base for the brooch to the wrong side of the dragonfly. It is best to use cement glue for this purpose, letting it dry for at least 6-10 hours.

After that, your homemade brooch will be ready to be attached to absolutely any surface, whether it be a blouse, a bag or a tight jacket.

Video lesson

Well, for those who like to follow the process of creating handmade jewelry “live”, so to speak, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a detailed video tutorial on how to make a brooch in the form of a dragonfly from beads and rhinestones:

We hope you liked this idea, and you will definitely make a similar decoration for yourself. Tell us in the comments what kind of clothes would you like to wear a cute dragonfly brooch with?