
What to do for a pensioner. What should a pensioner do in retirement? Retirement is the third youth. Brewing is a hobby for real men


Most of us perceive 60 years of age as the milestone after which a full life ends. It seems that people who have crossed it lose intimacy and understanding with a loved one, the motivation for development and joy from previous hobbies disappear, and besides, they are overcome by chronic diseases. In general, life after 60 is steadily approaching its decline.

But this is not at all true! Life after 60 is qualitatively in no way inferior to life at 40 or 50 years old. Of course, no one questions the carefree delight and optimism of twenty-year-old young people who have grandiose plans for life, but one should not think that this all ends by the age of sixty.

Many scientific studies and sociological surveys lead to unexpected conclusions, namely, people who have crossed the 60-year mark perceive the world around them more positively. At this age, a person’s life is stable and measured, he is self-confident, he has no fears for himself and his future. In addition, a person over 60 years of age is more stress-resistant and has excellent control over his own emotions, which is undoubtedly an advantage over younger people.

Add to this the fact that people over 60 manage their time better, which means they have much more time to relax and do things that truly bring them pleasure. For example, this allows you to devote yourself to a hobby for which you previously did not have enough time, to fulfill a long-standing dream, and in general, to look more creatively at the opportunities that life gives.

Youth gives us enthusiasm and energy, which, it seems, will be enough for 100 years to come. However, over the years, the fuse gradually fades away. But is it worth worrying about? Now you don't have to sacrifice yourself to get up early in the morning and sit until midnight in the office. There comes a time in your life when you can feel the true taste of life by putting things off until later.

All this, of course, allows us to perceive the 60-year mark more positively. And if you still don’t feel this, it’s only because too many prejudices associated with your age have taken root in your head. We will talk about them in this article.

10 things you need to stop doing after 60

1. Diet

Have you turned 60 and are still searching the Internet for a suitable diet to lose a few pounds? Leave this idea aside. First of all, you must understand that at your age, diets simply do not work!

After 50 years, the body of men and women experiences a decrease in hormone production, which inevitably leads to weight gain. But if you have been eating right before and have not allowed yourself to gain weight, this failure will not cause you unnecessary trouble. At most, you will gain 5–7 extra pounds, which is considered normal for people over 60.

If you have eaten incorrectly before, allowed yourself fast food and abused sweets, there is no doubt that diets did not help you much before. So is it worth torturing your body now? Attempts to deny yourself your favorite foods and go hungry do not lead to positive results, and in the long run, even more so, they will play a cruel joke on you and add ten extra pounds!

Don't forget about mental balance. Unsuccessful attempts to lose weight with the help of diets will deteriorate your mood, which will invariably affect your well-being and quality of life.

2. Cover gray hair

Noticing gray strands, women, and sometimes men, begin to think about how to hide this clear sign of approaching old age. But this is self-deception! Attempts to hide gray hair look ridiculous, because age makes itself felt with many other signs, including wrinkles and changes in skin color.

But the point is not even that painting over gray hair will not allow you to hide your age. The whole point is that you just can’t come to terms with changes in your own appearance, you won’t love yourself for who you are here and now. And this is a sign of disharmony, which prevents you from liberating yourself and getting true pleasure from life.

That’s why don’t deny yourself the pleasure of dyeing your hair when you want to change your appearance and change your image, but you definitely shouldn’t hide your gray hair on purpose and worry about the appearance of new gray locks.

3. Putting off important things until later

We have already mentioned that after 50 years there comes a period when you have time and opportunities to fulfill your old dream and do what you are really interested in. Now is the time when you can implement your plans. So, don’t put it off until later!

Perhaps you have dreamed of visiting one of the distant countries? Maybe you've always wanted to become a farmer, learn a foreign language or build a summer house? Perhaps you have dreamed of enrolling in a dance course or traveling around the world on a bicycle?

Now that your children have grown up and you have a stable job, there is every reason to devote your life to your loved ones and do what you really have always gravitated towards.

And even if you have a job and you cannot devote the entire day to yourself, be sure to carve out 1-2 hours exclusively for your own hobby. Have no doubt, your life will only become brighter and happier from this.

4. Be ashamed of your mistakes

There is a prejudice inside many of us that a person at 60 years old is ashamed to show his ignorance, it is inconvenient to ask advice from others, and even more so to make mistakes that others may notice. But in fact, these are nothing more than prejudices.

A person cannot know absolutely everything, and therefore it is completely normal to be embarrassed about some questions in areas in which you have absolutely no understanding. Even if you are asking advice from someone much younger than you. Moreover, the fact that you ask questions when mastering a computer, newfangled gadgets or a modern car indicates that you want to keep up with the times and constantly develop. And this cannot evoke any other emotions other than admiration!

Moreover, when you are over 60, you can safely tell others about the mistakes, mistakes and misconceptions that you encountered when you were young. There is nothing wrong with this, because only after going through these obstacles did you become who you are now. Is this worth being ashamed of? Tell this with a smile, because the ability to self-irony is an important quality for a liberated person free from prejudice.

The arrival of grandchildren is a golden time for grandparents. I want to be closer to my own children, spend more time with them, show them the world around them in the brightest colors and give them a happy childhood. Next to your grandchildren, you yourself become much younger.

All this is true, but with one caveat. You shouldn’t “dedicate” your life to your grandchildren. You should have time to look after your baby and play with him, but at the same time you should not forget your own desires and aspirations. A happy family is one in which you are supported in realizing your aspirations.

Finally, practice shows that grandparents who from time to time help their children look after their grandchildren, but at the same time are busy with their own development, ultimately receive more gratitude than those who give their grandchildren all of themselves and all their time.

6. Repeat what you have learned

By the age of 60, you have already accumulated enough experience and knowledge to perform your usual work “automatically.” But there is not much reason for pride here. The fact is that neural connections in the brain do not restore themselves - the brain needs constant stimulation, and for this you need to set new tasks for it as often as possible.

This is quite easy to do. If you are used to driving or going to work along a certain route, change it and let your brain find a new optimal path. If you've been swimming breaststroke your whole life, learn a new swimming style.

In fact, it is not so important what exactly you puzzle your brain with, it is important that new tasks are set before it, which it will successfully cope with. In this regard, learn something new that you have never done before. Remember, after 60, keeping your brain active is just as important as staying physically active.

7. Worry about what others think

By the age of 60, it's time to stop paying attention to what they say behind your back. You have already lived long enough to understand that all this gossip and gossip only affects those who pay attention to them. You have already formed your own vision of the world, your own views on fashion and hobbies, and therefore worrying about whispers behind your back, and even more so worrying about the fact that your behavior will be condemned, is at least stupid.

After sixty years, a special time comes - a time of emancipation, when it should become completely unimportant to you what people say. Do you want to wear a mini skirt? Do you want to go to a nightclub and have a blast like you did in your youth? Or maybe you are still embarrassed to remind someone about this promise or unreturned money? Allow yourself everything you really want and talk openly about what really worries you! Believe me, understanding this makes life a lot easier.

When you were 20 years old, it seemed to you that after 50, life ends. But here you are sixty, and you are still fresh, cheerful and full of the craziest ideas! So is it worth being sad about the years when you were young? Even if you have a little more today, even if senile wrinkles have already appeared on your face, this is not at all a reason to complain about fate.

You have many years of a happy and incredibly interesting life ahead of you, which you have the right to manage as you wish. Moreover, if you look into it, a much higher quality, more conscious, and therefore happier life awaits you! You have become bolder, more experienced, more relaxed, you have something to be proud of and you still have many unrealized ideas ahead. So tell the world: “I’m still wow!” And boldly step forward, without sadness or regret.

Do you think it’s impossible to meet your soulmate after sixty? Completely in vain! Now you have become more experienced, including in communicating with the opposite sex. You cannot be embarrassed as you once were at 16 years old, and at the same time you have become more courageous to meet the woman or impressive man you like.

In addition, after 60 years, you are no longer looking for a life partner with an eye on children. You have become self-sufficient, you know exactly what your soulmate should be like in everyday life and in your intimate life. All this greatly simplifies the search. And you don’t need to think that by the age of fifty, all the best women and men had been “dismantled” a long time ago. Brad Pitt turned 55 and recently got divorced again. Here you are, believe, and do not despair if you have not yet met a person close in spirit. Somewhere he is also looking for you!

10. Tell yourself: “This is impossible!”

Some people, having reached the age of sixty, give up, believing that if they did not achieve something in their youth, then at the age of 60 there is no point in dreaming about it. Break this stereotype!

Try to think in terms of the impossible. All successful people achieved their goal precisely because they did not doubt their success, no matter how incredible the goal set for them may seem. So why should you be afraid to fulfill your desires?

Perseverance and hard work help you reach any heights, regardless of age and position. If you lacked the determination to take this step when you were young, take it now! In the end, you have absolutely nothing to lose and a lot to gain!

Vladimir Yakovlev wrote the book “The Age of Happiness,” in which he talked about older people and how to live better after fifty than before. You can watch the interview with Vladimir Yakovlev in this video.

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You've finally retired! Or maybe this event was not at all long-awaited for you? Are you afraid that you won't have anything to do in retirement? Let me dispel your fears and convince you that a free, harmonious, interesting life is just beginning in retirement...

You now have a lot of free time, which was so lacking before, when you sat at your workplace from 9 to 6, and in the evening you ran to kindergarten to pick up your youngest child and checked the lessons of the older one. Now the children have grown up, they have their own lives, they don’t have to go to work, and you have the question “what to do in retirement?”

Let’s say right away that the site considers only options for spending time that are beneficial for the soul and body. So…

If in recent years you have developed unattractive folds at your waist or gained excess weight, then now is the time to take care of yourself. Start with morning exercises, if possible, sign up for a swimming pool near your home or a yoga class.

For the most active and courageous pensioners, we suggest making it a habit morning jogging.

The main thing here is consistency and consistency. If you regularly include physical exercise in your daily routine, the question of “what to do in retirement” will not be so pressing: after all, there will be less free time!

If you once knitted well or started sewing, but then abandoned it due to lack of time, why not remember these skills now? (And if you’ve never tried it, try it!) Isn’t it tempting to sew and tie on yourself some cute, cozy little things – from dressing gowns and skirts to sweaters and hats?

Continue to follow fashion trends and go shopping. You can buy inexpensively at sales Fashion magazines and the Internet They will tell you what accessories to choose and how to update the items in your wardrobe.

And then, you see, throw out of the closets what is already outdated or tired of you.

Retirement is not a reason to look ugly and unfashionable!

Wholesome and healthy food is the key to active longevity. If before retirement you constantly snacked on the run, ate dry food, and abused unhealthy foods, then taking up proper nutrition in retirement is your responsibility to your own body.

Healthy foods(cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits in season, lean meats and fish) are not that expensive, especially if you exclude sausage, smoked meats, fatty meats, and sweets from your diet.

Make a menu and write down how many and what products you will need. Buy groceries from different stores and keep your receipts. Keep a diary of your purchases for a month, and after this period you will see how much money you actually spend on groceries and where to buy them cheaper.

Start collecting and mastering recipes. A pleasant bonus will be excellent health and improved digestion.

Yes, yes, this is such an unexpected, but very effective advice.

What do pensioners do while sitting at home? They watch TV, namely TV series, talk shows, crime news and other “brain-clogging” programs. And the result is dullness, fatigue, negative emotions...

Do you need it? You need to do something in retirement positive, life-affirming and giving pleasant emotions. So we encourage you to reread the eternal, never outdated classics - when you were working, how much time did you have for this?

Lermontov, Gogol, Kuprin, Bunin, Shukshin - remember these authors if you read them a long time ago, or discover the wonderful world of Russian literature for the first time!

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive volumes with beautiful covers in the store - just go to the library!

We are sure: reading is an activity in retirement that will not let you get bored!

Here’s another piece of advice on what to do with yourself in retirement: don’t isolate yourself within four walls.

Any will do types of walks– in the park, along the city streets, to museums and exhibitions. Go to those streets where you have not been for a long time, see how they have changed.

Find a good book on the history of your city from the library and take a walk through the places it describes.

Don't miss exhibitions and expositions (they are usually written about in newspapers and reported on the news) - you can visit them on a weekday without the rush and crowd. Find like-minded people with whom you can go on a long walk in nature or go on an excursion to neighboring cities.

Take advantage of the Internet - even if finances do not allow you to go where you want, you can always create your own virtual route through the castles of France or the fjords of Norway.

So, let’s summarize for our readers - what to do in retirement? Anything that gives you positive emotions, promotes good health, good spirits and improved health. Fill your every day with such things and you definitely won’t have to get bored and mope in retirement.

For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

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With retirement, a person has a surplus of free time. But it is often accompanied by the need for additional sources of income. It is no secret that the size of the state pension usually allows, at best, to survive, but not to live. The combination of these two factors sometimes becomes a reason to start a business. And to him, like to love, all ages are submissive.

Business ideas for retirees

Usually, owning a business is associated with offices, a huge number of employees and colossal investments. However, this is not always the case. A small business can include any form of self-employment that generates income. This could be a cottage industry, the provision of services on the client’s premises, growing vegetables and fruits for sale on a personal plot or dacha, raising animals and many other options. Some of them, for example, organizing a kindergarten at home, require licensing and require strict control by the state. And illegal activities are fraught with administrative and even criminal liability. Therefore, it makes sense to limit ourselves to simpler areas that do not require special permissions.

Business, like love, suits all ages

Ways to earn money for a pensioner can be divided into the following groups:

  • home-based;
  • in the Internet;
  • at the dacha/village.

Since the status of a pensioner implies the right to benefits, a reasonable question arises whether there are areas of effort for them where relaxations are provided. But here we have to disappoint - the answer is negative. The law does not provide any concessions in terms of business registration, tax breaks, or relaxations on mandatory payments for individual entrepreneurs (IEs) and peasant farms (peasant farms). And in terms of receiving financial assistance from the state to start a business, a pensioner is even in a worse position than a person of working age. A prerequisite for the provision of this subsidy is the recognition of the applicant as unemployed. But a pensioner is not entitled to this status; it is only for those able to work. Through the employment center, he can only count on assistance in finding a hired job without the right to benefits during the period until he finds one, and other benefits available to the unemployed.

In those areas where pensioners receive additional money from the region, such as in Moscow, the right to these additional payments after getting a job or starting a legal business is usually lost.

If you do everything strictly according to the letter of the law, the pensioner must fulfill his obligations to the state on an equal basis with everyone else from the income from his business. But here are the possible options:

  • pay personal income tax (NDFL) in the amount of 13% of income and submit a declaration once a year;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur (IP);
  • create a limited liability company (LLC).

The last two options allow you to use the simplified taxation system (STS) and pay 6% of all income or 15% of the difference between revenues and expenses. Individual entrepreneurs will additionally have to make mandatory payments to extra-budgetary funds (even if you are already retired, but its size will not increase).

When doing business in rural areas, you can register a peasant farm (peasant farm) or personal subsidiary plot, and for an individual entrepreneur or LLC, choose the option of paying a single agricultural tax.

Ideas for making money from home

This can be the production of various handmade products (it is now also called handmade from the English hand made - made by hand) for subsequent sale.

One of the options for earning money at home is hand-sewing soft toys.

The range of options is very wide and limited only by the range of human imagination. But there are several popular directions.

Candle production

For this earning option, you will need a special machine, casting molds and consumables (wax, stearin, wicks). The costs of equipment and raw materials for the first batch in 2017 are estimated at approximately 10 thousand rubles. On average, it takes four to five months to reach a net profit.

Making candles at home is considered a difficult but profitable business.

The ideal option would be a separate cool room such as a garage. But you will have to take care of exhaust hood, ventilation and cleanliness.

The demand for these products reaches its peak on the eve of such holidays as New Year, Valentine's Day, etc. However, the products are also in demand during other periods. After all, for example, romantic dates are organized all year round.

The cost of one candle is on average 50 rubles, and they can be sold at a price of 100. But a more detailed breakdown depends on the region. And in relation to any line of business, specific data on costs and profits can only be obtained as a result of an analysis of the local market.

Video: example of making candles at home

Soap making

Handmade soap is bought mainly as a gift. Therefore, along with the quality of the product, you will also have to take care of the design. The original shape and color of the product itself, colorful packaging are in demand more than ever.

To organize home soap production manually, you will have to spend money: purchase molds, essence, dyes, packaging materials. However, this business is considered highly profitable, so you should achieve payback and net profit in less than six months.

The minimum cost is distributed approximately as follows:

  • a cooking dish and a set of tools will cost about 1,200 rubles (you can buy a ready-made set);
  • from 300 - ingredients depending on the recipe, of which a great variety can be found in the public domain (olive, coconut or palm oil, ready-made base or baby soap, plant essences, dyes, aromatic essential oils, coffee beans or nuts for shells, if are you planning to do a scrub);
  • table scales - from 400 rubles;
  • from 200 rubles - a separate pan (you don’t have to buy it if you have a sufficient supply in the kitchen).

The cost of one piece is on average 50 rubles. Studying the range of similar products available in your region will help you navigate the prices of finished products.

Vidkoe: how to make soap at home

Providing services of a lawyer, accountant, tutor

The choice is determined by what you can do. A number of in-demand services, for example, an accountant, lawyer or tutor, require specialized education and relevant experience. If the road to a full-time position as an accountant or lawyer is often closed long before retirement (such a negative phenomenon as age discrimination, unfortunately, has not been eliminated in our society). But outsourcing opens up additional opportunities. And your trump card will be your vast professional experience. But a lawyer or accountant serving several clients who find it unprofitable to have a full-time specialist can earn as much or even more than a colleague from a large company. For example, in Kostroma, an outsourced accountant estimates his services for supporting small businesses from 5 thousand rubles per month per company or entrepreneur. And on average he can manage 10–15 such clients.

An accountant or lawyer who manages several small clients can earn more than a colleague from the office of a large company

Teachers and higher education teachers have a direct path to becoming tutors. In addition, many of them use this option for additional income even before retirement. And some do not disdain writing various academic papers (tests, laboratory papers, coursework, diploma papers, essays) to order.

An example from practice - a former primary school teacher living in a regional center teaches classes according to the Russian school curriculum with children of emigrants from the countries of the former USSR. She uses Skype to communicate with students. One 45-minute lesson costs $15. She has an average of 5–6 lessons per day.

Since the clients of home-based lawyers and accountants will be entrepreneurs and legal entities, the formalization of contractual relations is of great importance. So the status of an individual entrepreneur or your own company is required. However, it is unnecessary to explain this to professionals in these areas.

If you plan to engage in tutoring, the best legalization option would be to register as a self-employed person. To do this, you only need to visit the tax office once with a passport and a completed notification in a special form. Until the end of 2018, self-employed persons do not have to pay taxes and contributions to funds and report income. The opportunity to register in this capacity is also available to those who provide domestic help or care work.

The choice of how to apply force is yours. But you should not forget that sometimes a profitable type of activity can be found where you least look for it.

The pensioner registered on the English-language website Upwork, popular among freelancers. Initially, she planned to do typing, but quickly realized that she could not compete with performers from India. And then she put in her portfolio photographs of bags that she makes with her own hands as a hobby. Soon, customers from different countries began to turn to her to develop designs for handbags.

Ideas for making money on the Internet

Opportunities for online business are determined, as in the real world, by your inclinations, skills, knowledge, everyday and professional experience. And if you are already a webmaster, programmer, designer, copywriter, internet marketer, SMM or contextual advertising specialist, layout designer, etc., you don’t need to be taught anything. You yourself already know everything about the Internet and the opportunities to derive primary or additional income from it. Those who do not have such a trump card in their assets need advice. And for them there are also enough opportunities on the Internet.

Without a computer or gadget there is no access to the Internet

All that is needed at a minimum level for this is the presence of a computer and the ability to use it.

Many cities offer computer literacy courses for retirees. They can even be free (financing is provided by the state). You can find out if there are any nearby at the social service center (CSC) at your place of residence.

To work as a copywriter, it is not necessary to have a diploma in journalism or philology. But a good knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to write in such a way that it is easy to read and with pleasure, and literacy are vitally important. It is equally important that you have something to say to the world. Of course, you can sculpt texts on any topic. But it’s more productive to limit yourself to those that you are good at. It's best when they are somehow related to your education, profession or hobby. And you will get more pleasure from the production process.

The disadvantage of this method of earning money is low prices, especially for beginners. One thousand characters of text without spaces can cost, for example, 20 rubles. And on content exchanges, where they accept everyone without entrance testing, offers with even lower rates are not uncommon. Working on the principle of “without fanaticism,” you can issue an average of 20–30 thousand characters per day. Of course, there are cases of higher performance, but this is rather the exception. So calculate how much you can earn. However, with experience comes an increase in prices. For a high-class copywriter, one thousand rubles for the same number of characters of text is not the limit. But if such offers are found on stock exchanges, then only as an exception: the customer comes there just for the cheapness.

A copywriter’s bread cannot be called easy.

A more profitable direction is to make money on your own website. However, to do this you will have to spend at least on a domain (from 200 rubles) and hosting. It’s not difficult to create a simple website yourself using a template or using a website builder. You can also take on the writing of texts (as in custom copywriting, it is better to choose a topic in which you are an expert). Another option is to attract copywriters through exchanges or buy ready-made texts there. For example, on Advego, an article on financial topics costs an average of three dollars. But these are additional expenses.

You will also have to invest in promotion and attracting visitors. To roughly estimate such costs, it would be a good idea to look at auctions where ready-made websites are offered to buyers. For example, on Telderi there are often descriptions of resources offered for sale with detailed layouts.

Passive income from the site can amount to tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles monthly. But everything doesn’t happen at once in this business. First you have to invest and work hard to return and increase this money.

Reselling goods from China is also considered a promising way to earn money. Logistics today is so organized that you will not see the product itself being sold - delivery is carried out from the warehouse directly to the buyer. But you need to invest in purchasing the product itself and promoting it. For example, on the well-known Amazon website, which is one of the platforms for such trading, there is very high competition, and keeping offers in top positions requires a budget of several thousand dollars per month. These costs are ultimately justified, but the necessary amounts must first be obtained from somewhere.

Depending on your situation, you can use the Internet as a means of promoting your own goods and services (advertising on popular sites or your online store) or make it your main source of income.

Ideas for making money at the dacha

If you have a dacha or a house in the village, you can create sources of income based on them. But you can achieve a decent result only if you have a passion for what you plan to do. If you like to poke around in the ground or tinker with animals, cards in hand! But since these activities are not enjoyable, it is better to choose something else.

Health opportunities are becoming a key factor in rural areas. After all, peasant labor implies the need to do a fair amount of physical work.

The choice of activity is determined by how much time you are going to spend on your six or more acres. If you plan to limit yourself to the summer season, the choice is narrowed down to seasonal options. These include, for example, growing fruits and vegetables for sale or beekeeping.

One of the ways to make money in the village is an apiary.

It’s worth saying right away that all types of business on earth require investment. You will have to purchase at least seeds. If we consider livestock farming and beekeeping, then start-up costs will increase by an order of magnitude. Rabbits or nutria need cages, bulls need a room where they will be kept, bees need hives, etc.

In general, we can highlight the following popular ways to make money in the country or in rural areas:

  • sale of vegetables and fruits and canned products made from them;
  • keeping bees;
  • breeding rabbits (they reproduce intensively and quickly gain weight);
  • growing nutria;
  • fattening bulls;
  • keeping a cow and selling milk and products made from it (cottage cheese, cheese, curdled milk, etc.).

Each of the listed options has its own nuances. Animals must be fed, cleaned and cared for daily and all year round.

You will also have to take care of a sufficient amount of food. Purchased feed, for example, for rabbits and bulls, significantly reduces profitability. However, land for pasture and haymaking can be rented from local authorities.

Renting additional land for haymaking is more profitable than buying feed for rabbits or bulls

When breeding bulls, it is better to give preference to meat or meat and dairy breeds. But if you decide to have a cow to produce milk for sale, you should definitely choose a dairy cow.

The beekeeping season roughly coincides with the summer season. But it is advisable not to abandon bees to their fate even in winter. They need to be checked regularly and, if necessary, fed or treated.

Along with honey, beekeeping products include pollen, beebread, propolis, and wax. The latter, by the way, can serve as a raw material for making candles at home.

A good income from the sale of honey is considered to be 300 thousand rubles per season from ten families. The initial investment for the purchase of hives, the bee colonies themselves, a beekeeper’s protective suit with gloves and a hat, a smoker, a honey extractor, and a honey extractor is estimated at an average of 100 thousand rubles. But you can save money if you make your own hives.

The method of breeding bees in the Vladimir hive-lounger involves only six types of mandatory work per year. Experts attribute its advantages to the fact that it is as close as possible to the natural habitat of insects. The disadvantages are low productivity compared to others that require more human intervention.

Whatever direction of activity on earth you choose, you will definitely have to take care of the sale of finished products. As with the production of handmade goods, it will be more profitable to sell it directly to the end consumer, bypassing intermediaries. You can sell some of the harvest at the nearest market or busy highway. But this is an extra waste of time and effort.

In the summer, when city residents come to their dachas and villages and take their children out, there will be a special demand for your cow’s milk

You will be able to sell milk, honey, meat and other products of your agricultural activities to your neighbors, especially in the summer, when city residents go to their dachas and villages and bring their children.

However, you can advertise your product, including via the Internet. Consumers always have more confidence in household products than in store products - and this is your trump card. But you will have to take care, for example, of veterinary certificates. You will also need to think about delivery. The goods must arrive to the buyer without delay and suitable for consumption.

Another point that needs to be understood is that selling products obtained as a result of processing is always more profitable than selling raw materials.

To conduct business on land, you will need to officially register a peasant farm or personal subsidiary plot (LPH). The second option is more profitable and simpler, since it does not involve submitting reports and paying taxes and contributions to extra-budgetary funds. But after registering a peasant farm, it is possible to receive money for its development from the state.

Real estate rental business

If you intend to move to a village or country house, but you still have an empty apartment in the city, it makes sense to turn it into a source of rental income rather than utility costs. In this case, the responsibility for paying utility bills falls on the tenant's shoulders, and you gain a source of passive income. And from the point of view of the state, this is the same business as any other.

The cost of rental housing is determined by the market situation in a particular region. The larger the city and the higher the income level of its residents, the more expensive it is. You can find out the cost of rent using sites where advertisements for housing for rent in your region are published (the most relevant, in particular, are the regional sections on Avito and CIAN). Or consult your nearest real estate agency.

It's up to you to decide whether to renovate your apartment, buy new furniture and household appliances. Practice shows that a tenant can find housing in any condition and configuration. After all, the main value of such an area is a roof over your head. As for repairs, you can agree to have them carried out by the tenant, but usually at the expense of the rent. Repairs will have to be done at least once every few years.

But what you should take care of is insurance of the property of the apartment and civil liability to neighbors. The price of the policy depends on the region, so it is better to contact insurance companies that provide such services for up-to-date information.

No matter how good the impression the tenants made on you, the rule “trust, but verify” has not been canceled. However, the accuracy of bill payments is now easy to control in most regions via the Internet. According to the law and generally accepted rules, you can visit your tenants once a month.

The law allows you to rent out housing without obtaining additional permits or registering a business. Rent received by an individual is subject to income tax of 13%. An alternative is to register an individual entrepreneur using the simplified taxation system (STS) and deduct 6% of income plus mandatory payments (in 2017 - 27,990 thousand rubles per year and 1% of the amount of income in excess of 300 thousand rubles).

An individual entrepreneur has the right to receive an exemption from the obligation to pay insurance premiums for himself if he is caring for an elderly or disabled person. But when he himself is already retired, he is not entitled to such a benefit.

In a number of regions, a patent is becoming an alternative to the six percent tax. Its cost depends on the period for which it is purchased (from a month to a year), the location of the apartment and its area. For example, in Moscow, a patent costs on average from 18 thousand rubles per year in residential areas to 27 thousand in the center. According to realtors, with a housing price of up to 60 thousand rubles per month, it is more profitable to pay tax as an individual. And purchasing a patent is justified when renting out large apartments in the central areas of the capital.

Ideas for earning money without investment

Any income generating option for which you have the necessary skills and equipment does not require financial investments. For example, we intend to start tutoring, including via Skype, and we already have everything necessary for this. And the future copywriter by default has a head, a computer and Internet access.

Other options for generating income include, for example, organizing joint purchases. This type of activity is especially popular among women on maternity leave, but there are no obstacles to a pensioner being able to do this.

The trump card for an elderly person will be his social circle, consisting of an audience mainly of the same age and financial situation, and therefore interested in saving money.

You can search for participants for joint purchasing among your friends and neighbors

There are no costs required to enter this business. It is enough to register on a specialized website, select goods and suppliers and find buyers to complete a minimum batch. Net earnings minus delivery costs are usually 10% of the purchase amount, and you can make an average of up to 25 thousand rubles per month.

And for those who are interested in photography, at least at an amateur level, you can try to make money by selling your photographs through photo banks. Usually such a person already has a camera and access to the Internet.

Statistics on customer requests will help you figure out what to put in the photo bank and what tags to use.

A photographer just starting to collaborate with a photo bank receives an average of 60–80 rubles from each sale of one photograph. But as the number of photographs purchased from him increases, their price increases.

How to choose what business to start in retirement

When choosing a future field of activity, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What can you do?
  2. What is your soul?
  3. Would you be interested in learning something new?
  4. Do you have any health problems that might interfere with this or that activity?
  5. What do you already have that you need to start (a computer, a plot of land with a house, various tools, etc.)?
  6. How much money are you willing to invest without a guarantee that it will pay off?

The answers you receive will help you understand where to move next.

That you like the chosen business is of key importance. If an activity is not enjoyable, you won’t earn much from it.

Of course, in one publication it is impossible to consider in detail all the options for running a business for a retiree. The range of directions for applying forces is much wider. So, in the end, a completely unexpected method may turn out to be interesting and profitable for you.

Having started working, a person almost immediately begins to think about retirement, imagining a calm, measured life for his own pleasure, without fuss and bosses, and wondering what to do. But when the very moment of the end of work comes, many people panic.

Accustomed to constant movement, various activities and communication, at first they spend all their free time on rest and household chores. When there is nothing to do in retirement, and you are already tired of rest, apathy and a feeling of uselessness appear.

To prevent this from happening, we want to offer you a lot of options for what to do in retirement to benefit your soul and body, and maybe replenish your wallet a little.

This is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what to do in retirement as a single woman. Retirement is the best time to take care of your figure, remove extra pounds, tighten your muscles a little and tone your body. The best start is morning exercises. It's great to do something in a group, like yoga or swimming in the pool. This includes health, self-care, and communication.

Don't rush to get results. It is important to engage and enjoy achieving small goals. Start with the simplest exercises, adding repetitions and completely new tasks over time. Gradually, the body will get used to the stress, your exercises will bring only positive things, reinforcing your self-confidence with results visible in the mirror and on the scales. The most active and courageous pensioners can start every morning with a jog.

Systematicity and consistency are always important in caring for your face and body. By regularly devoting some time to training, you will make the question of what to do at home in retirement irrelevant. By properly distributing your free time, you can manage to do everything measuredly and calmly.

Don’t think about what a woman can do in retirement, but rather reconsider your wardrobe. If you already know how to knit or sew, then retirement is the time to remember and hone your skills. There is plenty of time in retirement to study some kind of handicraft and update your wardrobe with beautiful things. You will be able to independently design, cut and sew your own robes, skirts, and knit hats for yourself and your grandchildren. There is plenty of free time in retirement.

Even in retirement, do not forget to take care of yourself, follow fashion and treat yourself to elegant things. Visit stores and keep an eye out for discounts - this will help you buy a stylish and beautiful item for much less. Looking through fashion magazines, forums and websites on the Internet, you will find a lot of tips, recommendations, video shows about selecting accessories, scarves, updating existing items and much more. Don’t feel sorry for outdated and boring items; feel free to throw them out of the closet.

Try to take care of yourself, look great, find use for yourself and not think about what to do when you retire.

Healthy and proper nutrition is the key to an active and long life. Constant snacking, low-quality products, eating in a hurry and eating dry food can seriously harm the body. In the accelerated rhythm of the working day, you might not have thought about it while swallowing another sausage sandwich. Now there is something to do in retirement. Completely review your diet. Eliminate fatty, smoked, sweet, sausages, etc. as much as possible.

Allow yourself only high-quality and healthy products. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Lean meat and fish are also suitable.

Think over a sample menu and write down what and how many products will be needed. By counting your purchases, within a month you will be able to analyze the amount of money spent, determine the difference in prices in different stores, where you can get cheaper and more profitable.

Enrich your recipe collection with healthy, healthy meals. Share them by treating your family, friends, neighbors, teaching them that food should be healthy. Your efforts will not be in vain, but will return you with excellent health and improved digestion.

When deciding what to do at home in retirement, don't forget about books. The most common pastime of pensioners is watching a huge number of TV series, news broadcasts, various talk shows, and crime reports. As a result, you will get nothing but fatigue, negative emotions and dullness.

It’s a completely different matter if you devote your free time to positive things, pleasant emotions, adventures or romance. Reading your favorite books is a fascinating activity in retirement, for which there was always not enough time.

Pay attention to the classics by re-reading the works of Lermontov, Gogol, Kuprin, Bunin, Shukshin. Don’t try to buy all the books, you can just join the library and get more and more positive emotions.

What to do when you retire? Of course - reading! Coziness, comfort and a book - what could be better?

An important recommendation for what to do after retirement is not to confine yourself within the walls of your apartment. Walking in the fresh air will benefit your health, emotional state, and communication. Choose parks, city streets, museums, exhibitions. Wander through streets you haven’t been to for a long time: it will be interesting to see how they have changed. Alternatively, you can find a guide book for your city and visit the attractions and places that are described in it.

Try not to miss various exhibitions and expositions in retirement. Stay tuned for news of their arrival in your city. On weekdays there will be quite a few visitors there, and you will be able to see everything without rush and fuss. It is possible that you already have like-minded people who will agree to join you and visit a neighboring city as an excursion.

Use the Internet. If you don’t have the financial means to see world attractions, you can virtually visit the castles of France and the Norwegian fjords.

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I tied several of these coasters for hot dishes and gave them to all my friends and relatives on March 8th. It turned out inexpensive, but the gift was made with soul. I don't know how to draw a knitting pattern, but if you look closely, these crafts are very easy to knit. Experienced knitters will figure it out quickly.

During this time I knitted 2 shawls. I gave the first blue one to a friend for her birthday, which she was very happy about. It's a pity that I didn't think to take a photo of her. Now I am knitting my third shawl.

Why did I take up crocheting? I used to knit a lot, but never learned to crochet. But now it seems to me that crocheting is much more interesting. I knit for the soul and relaxation. Because it is impossible to sit at the computer all day. Of course, my eyes get tired from the computer and knitting, but I do exercises that help relieve tension and fatigue. A sedentary lifestyle can later lead to problems, so I took up.

No, of course, I don’t spend my days knitting, blogging, and studying at blogger school. I also go to the literary lounge; I shared the most interesting topics with you, for example, about or.

And I also told you about the walks that my friends and I take on skis, by bike or on foot. I love photography, especially nature. And our holidays too. I told about one holiday - the day of our district. And recently I went to see off Winter, it turns out it’s so interesting and entertaining. Here are a few photos from this holiday.

What to do for a pensioner in retirement

You can find many activities for the soul, many that will give you peace of mind and improve your health:

  • growing flowers and vegetables;
  • sports, dancing;
  • travel to interesting places;
  • fishing or hunting for men, trips to the forest in summer to pick mushrooms and berries;
  • embroidery, knitting and other types of needlework;
  • various interest groups, etc.

How to make money in retirement

Of course, you won’t be satisfied with hobbies alone. However, there is a wide field of activity here too. Some retirees, after leaving their main job, develop vigorous work activity in a completely different field, which is a good source of additional income.