
How to learn to dance lambada? The history of the emergence and features of passionate dance. Lambada or Samba, which dance is better? Forbidden Lambada - myth or reality


In official statistics, the birthplace of modern lambada is listed as Porto Seguro, a city on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in the Brazilian state of Bahia. French producer Olivier Lamothe, who visited the local carnival, was brought there in the mid-80s of the last century. The melodies and rhythms impressed him so much that upon his return he created the Kaoma musical group from black Hispanics.
The enterprising Frenchman created the song "Lambada", in which he used the Bolivian melody and lyrics, for which he paid as a result of a lawsuit for copyright infringement. As a result, the text of the song had to be abandoned, and an instrumental version became widespread. Nevertheless, the triumphal procession of the lambada around the world has begun. Like a spark, her popularity flared up, and, having circled the whole world, the lambada returned to Brazil for a new story.

Lambada originated in Brazil while it was still a Portuguese colony. It was derived from Carimbo, which was a simple and sensual dance. The clothes in which this style is danced are women's skirts and long trousers for men. It is based on movement from side to side, and never from front to back.. Due to its movement and popularity, this sensual dance receives a new name, Lambada dance, which means "bounce" in Portuguese. Basically, there is a wave, as if we are floating, these are very fluid movements compared to other Latin countries.

What is Lambada dance?

Lambada is a couples dance. The idea is a triumph of youth, beauty and sensuality. Musical size - 4/4, tempo - 70 bars per minute. On the first beat of the measure a slow movement is made, on the next two beats - two fast ones.
It can be danced on the spot, or you can move around the dance floor so as not to disturb other dancers. Its movements have much in common with Dominican merengue, samba, forro, carimbo. It is based on constant rotational movements of the hips, reminiscent of a figure eight. Lambada figures can be danced in any order. Traditionally, women's costume consists of a fluffy skirt, above the knees, with numerous flounces.

Lambada video training:

Features of the lambada

The partner begins the movements; she takes a step with her right foot, and the partner takes a step with her left. Accordingly, the partner ends the figure with the left leg, and the partner, on the contrary, with the right. The peculiarity is the constant contact between the inside of the man's right leg and the inside of the woman's right leg. The partner can stand on the floor with a whole foot, and the partner moves exclusively on her toes and keeps her legs more straight than the partner in order to be able to make turns. Read more about the meaning of the word

Waltz or Cancan? Tango or Foxtrot? Rock and roll or lambada? Find in each pair an indecent dance that would dishonor the gray hairs of the parents of the unlucky dancers. If you know the history of the last two centuries well, then do not hesitate to choose all six dances and add a couple of your own. For example, Matchish and Charleston. What was terrifying in these youth dances of other generations? Adults, without too much embarrassment, explained what exactly.

Double cancan

Cancan, thanks to the nightly variety shows from films, we do not associate with anything decent at all. After all, this is when a crowd of women throws up their legs, showing off their underwear, and violently waves their skirts to the beat of the music. In fact, the can-can was originally a pair dance and it originated from one of the quadrille figures. In this figure, the dancers tossed their legs - who is taller. Basically, of course, the gentlemen tried, the ladies were very shackled by the fear of showing their underwear. The movements of the young men began to move almost into a vertical split.

Many girls also wanted records, and soon dance costumes were invented that perfectly protected the pantaloons at any swing. The arsenal of young men was supplemented with jumps in a handstand, lower splits and even a wheel. The dance became absolutely independent, something like a competition was arranged for it. At the evenings, where couples excelled in acrobatics, it was full of onlookers who tried to catch the moment when the lady might still flash her underwear. It is precisely because girls arouse such desires and fantasies that many parents considered the dance obscene and forbade it to their daughters.

What we know as the French cancan - that very demonstration of underwear from the stage - appeared as an imitation, a reflection of the aspirations of many men. But it also requires excellent physical shape and stretching to perform it. Just lifting the hem of the skirt is not enough.

Tango and matchish

For some time they were promoted as Argentinean and Brazilian tango - music sellers in the style of matchish (mashishi) and teachers of this dance hoped to attract more buyers and students by comparing with a competing style. But in fact, tango and matchish are not even related to each other. Differences are noticeable even in music - the matchish dances to the march.

It’s generally difficult with matchish-mashish, rather strange interpretations of it spread outside of Brazil. But all of them were of a pronouncedly erotic nature, and in all of them there was a movement when the gentleman took a step with his foot between the legs of the lady, touching, as far as possible through several layers of clothing, her hips. In general, debauchery.

During the tango as the Europeans saw it, the lady had to hang on the gentleman, clinging to him with her whole body. The notion of tango as a radically obscene dance led to incidents when in the USA they tried to sue a teacher of a more technical, but quite authentic version of the Argentinean dance for corrupting minors, and when the teacher was shown the dance right in the courtroom, the prosecution decided that they were being shown some kind of fake tango .


It is difficult to say why the syncopated dances, including the foxtrot, invented at the beginning of the twentieth century, did not please the public. Partners in them “hugged”, of course, but by modern standards - very modestly. Rather, adults were embarrassed by the speed and some sharpness of movements. Not a dance, but savage dances.


Emperor Paul, who was very fond of ordering and forbidding, among other things, banned the waltz as an obscene dance. And he was not alone in his view. The waltz came into fashion at the end of the eighteenth century, but how it shocked priests and parents! Just think, the gentleman hugs the lady, and their legs seem to intertwine in motion! Even at the time of Natasha Rostova's first ball, many adults at the ball saw not an innocent girl in an eternally youthful waltz, but a girl dancing something dubious, perhaps with the aim of being hugged by a man.

When the cross-step waltz appeared in the early twentieth century, it incorporated some of the fashionable syncopated dance moves and even the tango. And again became half-decent.


In the USSR, the dance was considered undesirable as fashionable in the West, in the USA - as the brainchild of the "black" Lindy Hop, in Europe - simply because the girls spinning this way and that with might and main sparkled with underwear (unless they put on breeches instead of a skirt, which was also at first outrageous). If the girls had to sew special skirts for cancan, then for rock and roll they had to pick up panties.


During Perestroika, young Soviet citizens learned lambada, pair and solo (the solo actually did not exist, but if there is no pair, then the one who wants to dance cannot be stopped). Mature citizens were very worried whether such dances would lead to early pregnancies and prostitution. According to the canon, during the dance, the legs of the gentleman had to go along the legs of the lady, and the bellies of the partners should cling to each other, or at least be as close as if they were being pressed.

But only the most daring danced like that. The rest maintained a semi-pioneer distance. Although the lambada was also danced in other countries, the USSR, it seems, was in the lead in love for it.

Translated from the Brazilian "lambada" means "passionate kiss." Our homeland got acquainted with this incendiary dance in the 80-90s of the last century. It was at this time that the popularity of this Latin American composition boomed. At the current time, you can learn the art of lambada either on your own or with the help of an experienced instructor.

You will need it

  • - a special suit for lambada;
  • – appropriate music;
  • - mirror;
  • - tutorial.

If you want to learn how to dance lambada at home, you will need a spacious room, a huge mirror and appropriate musical accompaniment. Start by simply standing straight in the center of the room with your feet shoulder-width apart. Do the following exercise: swaying smoothly, shift your body weight from left to right and vice versa. Feel the rhythms of the music with your body - so that they resonate in your muscles. Choose the right clothes for this dance. For lambada, a flared skirt of the brightest colors and a top or shirt tied under the chest are used.

Move on to the second exercise: draw a figure eight with your hips. With all this, try to make the movements smooth, graceful. Don't bend your legs too much. Now combine both of these movements: wiggle and figure eight into one, do them at once.

Add steps to movements. Start moving forward by rocking and repeating the movements described above. At regular intervals, do lunges with your legs to the sides. In the process of movement, raise your arms alternately and swing your wrists.

Learning to dance the lambada is best not alone, but in a group of people. Stand in a line so that the engine comes out. Do all of the above movements, combining them with steps and achieving synchronization of actions. After you have worked out all the movements to the highest clarity of their implementation, build up the desired speed. Do not forget that the lambada is a very frisky dance and needs to be performed accordingly.

To master all the intricacies of the lambada, purchase in a store or download a disk with video lessons on this dance from the web. Specially developed step-by-step techniques will help you become a virtuoso of this dance in a short time.

Sign up for a special dance school that teaches lambada. An experienced instructor, a general incendiary atmosphere, a large team of like-minded people - in such conditions you will not only become a professional performer of this Latin American dance, but also get unforgettable feelings, as if you had visited an incendiary Brazilian carnival.

In the turbulent eighties, lambada quickly broke into our lives and conquered the whole world. Like a hurricane, it swept over the whole earth.

The lambada musical style originated in the Brazilian state of Para. This dance caused a lot of controversy and disagreement. At one time, the opinion of many converged to the fact that the eroticism of the lambada bordered on pornography. But time put everything in its place. The girls and boys were captivated by the captivating melodies and incendiary rhythms of the dance, in which the sensually graceful movements of the couple are subject to sharp accompaniment, and a very fast pace does not negate sophistication and tenderness. Lambada is a great opportunity to relieve stress, improve mood, and get a positive charge for a long time.

The history of the origin of the dance

The term "lambada" is of Portuguese origin and literally means "to touch". But in Brazil, this word was called any music they liked - a hit, a hit. The basis of the lambada is the dances of the Indians of the Amazon - carimbo, forro and matchish. From carimbo, lambada borrowed a sensual character, rotational movements of the hips, swaying of the skirt. Matchish also gave the lambada some of the movement. However, it should be noted that participation in an openly sexual and forbidden matchish somewhat spoiled the reputation of the new dance. There has long been a myth that the lambada was banned in Brazil because of its eroticism. In fact, matchish was banned in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and lambada became a “victim” of inaccurate information and gossip.

In official metrics, the birthplace of the modern lambada is Porto Seguro, a city on the Atlantic Ocean in the Brazilian state of Bahia. French producer Olivier Lamothe, who visited the local carnival, was brought there in the mid-80s of the last century. The melodies and rhythms impressed him so much that upon his return he created the Kaoma musical group from black Hispanics. The enterprising Frenchman created the song "Lambada", in which he used the Bolivian melody and lyrics, for which he paid as a result of a lawsuit for copyright infringement. As a result, the text of the song had to be abandoned, and an instrumental version became widespread. Nevertheless, the triumphal procession of the lambada around the world has begun. Like a spark, her popularity flared up, and, having circled the whole world, the lambada returned to Brazil for a new story.

What is a lambada?

Lambada is a pair dance. The idea of ​​dance is a triumph of youth, beauty and sensuality. Time signature - 4/4, tempo - 70 beats per minute. On the first beat of the measure, a slow movement is made, on the next two - two fast ones. Lambada can be danced on the spot, or you can move around the dance floor so as not to interfere with other dancers. Lambada movements have much in common with Dominican merengue, samba, forro, carimbo. The dance is based on constant rotational movements of the hips, reminiscent of a figure eight. Lambada figures can be danced in any order. Traditionally, women's costume consists of a fluffy skirt, above the knees, with numerous flounces.

Features of the lambada

The partner begins to make movements of the lambada from the right foot, and the partner from the left. Accordingly, the partner finishes the figure with the left foot, and the partner, on the contrary, with the right. A feature of the dance is the constant contact between the inner side of the man's right leg and the inner side of the woman's right leg.

The partner can stand on the floor with a whole foot, and the partner moves exclusively on her toes and keeps her legs more straight than the partner in order to be able to make turns.

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Performance technique

It is advisable that the room is spacious enough, but you can also go outside. In principle, lambada can be danced on a small piece of land, because the main thing in it is the movement of the hips, which does not require a lot of space. But when there is a lot of space, you can dance not just in pairs, but in a large group, standing, for example, behind each other like a “locomotive”.

First, you need to stand up straight and describe an imaginary figure eight in the air with your hips, actively moving your buttocks. In this case, you need to transfer the body from one leg to the other. It will seem easy once a few practices give you confidence.

After this, you need to add one more dance element - steps. Repeating all the movements that you learned earlier, you need to move forward. The combination of movements should look harmonious and flexible. In the process, you should take turns throwing your legs to the sides.

It is difficult to learn how to immediately use the whole body in the dance, so after you can perform all the movements described above well, you can add your arms. They need to be lifted one by one and swayed fervently.

When you finally master the dance movements, you will need to work on your tempo. After all, a real lambada is danced very quickly.

Positions in pairs

The man wraps his right arm around the woman's waist, and she places her left hand on his shoulder. He extends his left hand to the side and a little forward, just so that it ends up between him and his partner. The man then takes the woman's right hand and holds his clasped hands at chest level. The dancers' feet touch slightly.

It is important to remember that in a couple, the man begins to dance all movements with his left foot, and his partner begins with the right. The partner finishes, on the contrary, with the right, the woman with the left.

In a couple, a man can put his entire foot on the floor at once, while it is advisable for a woman to dance on her toes. At the same time, she should keep her legs straighter so that the couple can easily make various turns.

What to dance in

Lambada is a cheerful, playful, passionate dance. This means you need to dress accordingly. For the top, a bright top or T-shirt is suitable. The skirt should not be long so that it is possible to demonstrate the beauty of the body and the sensuality of movements. It is better to choose shoes with low or medium heels - they will lengthen your legs and emphasize your curves. Or maybe barefoot. Hair should be loosened or tied into a high bun.

A man can wear a nice bright shirt and trousers. A T-shirt and shorts are suitable for a more friendly circle.

How to dance lambada