
Is it possible to get a cumulative part. How to get your retirement savings. What can be lost


Funds, called pension savings, formed on the personal accounts of citizens in the Pension Fund or in a non-state pension fund (NPF), began to be paid from July 2012.

This opportunity was realized in connection with the entry into force of the federal law №360-FZ"On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings" dated November 30, 2011.

Who has pension savings in their accounts

These funds have been formed, since 2002, on the accounts of working citizens from the following sources:

  • Compulsory Contributions paid by employers. These are men from 1953 to 1966 and women from 1957 to 1966 - contributions to the funded part were paid for them for three years, from 2002 to 2004. Employees born in 1967 - for them contributions to the funded part are paid up to the present;
  • Voluntarily transferred contributions of citizens who entered the state pension co-financing program. Also, these are contributions paid by the state and (or) the enterprise under this program.
  • Facilities maternity capital, if they were transferred to the funded part.
  • Income from investment of all funds held in savings accounts.

Many of those who have already been assigned a pension do not even remember whether they transferred their savings somewhere or not.

You need to apply for payment to the NPF if they were transferred, or to the FIU - if no application was submitted.

If a person does not remember exactly where the money is, but falls into one of the listed categories, you can apply to the FIU and get such information.

In what form are pension savings paid?

There are only three forms of payment of pension savings:

  • lump sum payment
  • urgent payment
  • establishment of the funded part of the pension.

Lump sum payment

Assumes the receipt of all funds available on the account at the same time. Such an opportunity is provided if, when calculating the funded part according to the formula (available funds are divided by the expected payment period - 228 months), its size is less than 5% of the amount of the pension received.

The following citizens who have pension savings in their account are entitled to receive these funds:

  • Pensioners who have already been assigned an old-age pension and those who are currently applying for an old-age pension.
  • Pensioners - recipients of a disability pension or for the loss of a breadwinner, and who have reached the generally established age for retirement. That is, men upon reaching 65 years old, and the women 60 years who are not entitled to an old-age pension.

Urgent payment

An urgent payment can be assigned upon an application indicating a certain period during which the applicant wishes to receive his funds. The term cannot be less than 10 years (120 months). That is, in this case, according to the above formula, the amount of the monthly payment will be calculated. It is subject to annual adjustment, taking into account the funds received into the account. This payment can be made only at the expense of funds received voluntarily and income from their investment.

An important feature of this payment is that in the event of the death of the recipient, the remainder of this amount is inheritable.

Funded part of the pension

The funded part of the pension is established if its size is 5% or more of the amount of the assigned pension. The calculation is based on the total amount divided by the expected payment period. Now he is compiling 228 months, but from 2015, in accordance with the law on funded pensions, it will be established annually by a government decree.

The accumulative part is appointed for life, however, after the death of the recipient, the remainder of the funds is not subject to inheritance. Those who already receive a pension are entitled to this part from the moment they become entitled to a pension, with an additional payment for the entire previous period. In this case, it will be calculated from the amount that was in the account on the date the pension was established (for example, for 2010 - if the old-age pension is assigned on that date). If the applicant expresses a desire to receive it from the day of his application, then the amount will be calculated based on the amount available on the account on the date of application, without additional payment.

With the beginning of the pension reform, the concept of "contributory part of the labor pension" came into use. Despite the length of the story, many aspects of the program continue to remain incomprehensible. For example, is it possible to get and who can do it.

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The funded part of the pension: what is it, who can receive it

Persons who have reached the age of incapacity for work and are insured have the right to apply for the allocation of social security in the form of a labor pension.

Until 2015, pensions were formed in the form of 22% of wages, which were deducted by the employer.

This amount is divided by:

  • 16% were given in favor of the insurance part;
  • 6% were distributed by each future pensioner - the funded part.

The funded part of the pension is an amount that consists of the contributions of the head / owner of the enterprise where the future pensioner works, and the profit received as a result of investment, investment.

According to the current legislation, it is possible to manage the accumulative part (NC) by:

  1. State Management Company (UK)- in the event that PN (pension savings) remain in the Pension Fund;
  2. Private management company - place of "registration"- PF, but they will be managed by a non-governmental organization that has the appropriate right. The attractiveness of the option is high profitability;
  3. Non-state pension fund (NPF)- pension savings (PN) are stored exclusively here.

The table below will help to structure all the features and nuances:

State Criminal Code / PC of the Russian Federation Private management NPF
Form of ownership of PN
Eligible rights
Attachment objects
  • Central Bank of the mortgage type;
Investment directions:
  • deposits, government securities;
  • several UCs.
Risk, return
upon request;
No Yes
Individual approach
No Yes

Important information:

State Criminal Code / PC of the Russian Federation

Private management NPF Form of ownership of PN Acquire the status of federal ownership, the state is responsible for them Take over by the organization Eligible rights
  • Transfer to another NPF, PF, UK.
  • Appoint a person with successor rights.
Attachment objects Vnesheconombank, as a variant of the state management company, has the right to invest PN as follows:
  • government securities;
  • Central Bank of the mortgage type;
  • accounts of credit organizations (in rubles, any foreign currency).
Investing applies to any instruments that are among the profitable ones. Investment directions:
  • deposits, government securities;
  • several UCs.
Risk, return The level of profitability is below the inflation rate. This increases the risk of PN depreciation. Experts associate the increased level of risk with an excessively wide range of investment instruments. Profitability is higher than the inflation rate. The risk is reduced due to the possibility of distributing the fixed income among several management companies. Profitability exceeds inflation. Nuances Information about the state of the account is provided: no more than once every 12 months; upon request; Availability of an individual contract: No Yes Individual approach No Yes

The current legislation determines that the accumulative capital from social, i.e. paid by the employer, contributions are formed for two categories of citizens:

  • Born in 1967 and earlier, engaged in labor activity. An important condition is that the owners / managers must make transfers of insurance-type contributions for the financial support of the funded pension;
  • Men/women born 1953/1957-1966 Mandatory strictly in the period from 2002 to 2004. contributions were to be paid in their favour.

For other persons, PN can occur in two cases:

  • If they are participants in the State Co-financing Program and contribute an amount from 2 to 12 thousand rubles, which is subject to doubling (by the state);
  • They decided to transfer money, constituting maternity capital, in PN.

Important information: According to the Federal Law "On Funded Pension" (Article 18), the NPP, which was appointed up to January 1, 2015, after this date becomes a funded pension (NP). In other words, in Russia there are two types of social payments to the disabled - social and funded.

Persons who choose the second option have the opportunity to be protected, even if they do not have the length of service in the required volumes. The savings account can be replenished from the age of eighteen.

Concerning pensioners who continued their labor activity. They can get their PN in only two ways:

  • subject to a change in that part of payments that relates to the insurance type (Law No. 173-F3);
  • through a one-time, urgent payment, as well as a monthly payment (subject to participation in the SGSP).

In general, PN, as established by Article 2 of Law No. 360-F3, can be paid:

  • Lump sum payment (LB) in full amount;
  • urgent pension payment (accrued every month);
  • EV to successors in the event of the death of the owner of the PN.

Lump sum - definition, mechanism of receipt

It is a one-time payment of all PIs that are available and accounted for on a special type of account opened in the name of the applicant for it.

It can only be carried out upon submission of an application by the following persons:

  • Recipients, the payment of which began as a result of the onset of disability, in the event of loss of a breadwinner, social benefits;
  • Persons whose NP would be equal to 5% and less if it were accrued.

If a person is already a recipient of a funded pension, he or she automatically loses the right to claim MU. Subject to the above conditions-characteristics, you should apply for EB where the funded pension was formed. For example, when deductions are received into the accounts of the PF or the state management company, then these structures will deal with the EV. Other cases are the scope of activity of NPFs.

There are two ways to clarify the location of the PN:

  • contact the pension fund office;
  • request a certificate on the status of an individual personal account;
  • request information on the public services portal.

When appointing the EV with the participation of the Pension Fund, its implementation will be carried out in parallel with the labor pension. If it is about working with NPFs - to the current account after applying with the application of the client himself or his representatives if they have a power of attorney.

It is important to remember that starting in 2015, the right to apply for EB is limited to five years. Whereas previously it was possible to apply no more than once every 12 months.

Documents attached to the application:

  • (original and copy);
  • Passports of the insured person and his legal representative (if necessary) - a copy, the original;
  • Certificate containing information about receiving social benefits:
    • disability, loss of a breadwinner;
    • social allowance.

These documents can be presented both in person and sent through the post office. For the latter case, it is mandatory to submit only copies of papers that are subject to the procedure of notarization of fidelity.

The rules for the implementation of the UA, developed by the Government, establish that the PF is obliged to consider the case and make a decision no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the application, the required documents. If it is not accepted in favor of the applicant, a refusal must be presented to him. To calculate the size of the EV, the sum of the PN is used.

From the moment a positive decision is made to the start of payments, no more than two months should pass. Also, the special part of the individual personal account should receive the following changes:

  • the amount of paid SI (insurance premiums), from which the funded part is financed;
  • additional CV, contributions made by the manager/owner;
  • the result of the investment of the PF of all the above CB in its pure form;
  • contributions directed to the joint financial support of the formation of the PN;
  • PC investment income.

Important note: the period that is taken into account is the quarter when the application was accepted, and / or some period of time before that.

No later than the first day of July of the year following the time of applying for the MU, the territorial office of the PF may decide that a surcharge is due. It must be paid no later than one month from the date of the decision.

How to get an urgent pension payment

The term should be understood as a payment that is made every month during the period established by the insured person. Its duration cannot be less than 10 years. A prerequisite is that the right to insurance social benefits for old age should arise.

For urgent pension payment (SPV) those who formed the PN due to:

  • making additional social contributions to social payments (pension) of the accumulative type;
  • manager's/owner's contributions;
  • income from investment PN;
  • maternity capital (partially, completely), which was directed to the formation of a funded pension.

To determine the amount, a special formula is used, according to which PN are divided by the duration of the payment period. The funds can be paid out as SPV or as part of a funded pension.

It is important to remember that every year, starting from the first of August, the SPV is subject to mandatory adjustment. For this, a special formula is used, it must take into account:

  • the established amount of SPV, fixed on the last day of the month preceding the day of the start of the adjustment;
  • PN that meet the condition of the previous paragraph;
  • the period that has passed since the appointment of the SPV and before the start of the recalculation.

Obtain HRC exclusively in the declarative form of applying to the Pension Fund or NPF (depending on the method of managing the PN). Be sure to specify the length of time during which payments will be made.

In case of death of the insured person:

  • Until the appointment of the SPV, editing its size- all savings are paid to assignees. The procedure is determined by Law No. 424-F3;
  • After the appointment of the FPV(with the exception of those that were formed by maternity capital) - see the previous paragraph;
  • Remaining maternity capital (MK), which was used as a PN, is paid to successors in accordance with Art. 3 FZ No. 256-F3.

Payments to successors

Each citizen who is participating in the OPS (mandatory pension insurance) has the right to determine in advance the circle of persons between whom, after his death, the accumulated funds will be distributed. For its implementation, it is required to apply with an application to the place where the PN is formed. The document must also contain the size of the share of each successor.

If there is no declaration, the succession covers relatives depending on the primacy of the line of succession:

  • the first - children (officially adopted as well), husband / wife, parents / adoptive parents;
  • the second - grandchildren, brothers / sisters.

PV is paid upon the occurrence of death:

  • Before the payments were assigned (except for MC funds);
  • After appointment (exception - MK);
  • After the appointment, but payments have not yet begun. The term of circulation of successors is limited to four months. In the absence of an application, all funds become part of the inheritance, distributed on a general basis.

If an indefinite NP payment has been established, the heirs of the deceased insured person do not receive anything.

Payout procedure

After the death of the IP, the legal successors are obliged to apply to the organization that was engaged in the management of the ST and submit:

  • successor's passport;
  • documents in which there is evidence of family ties with the deceased IP - various kinds of evidence;
  • death certificate;
  • SNILS of the deceased.

The time allotted for the submission of these documents is six months.

The decision to make payments must be made within thirty calendar days from the date of application. A copy must be sent to the successor (their circle) no later than 5 working days from the date of acceptance.

PN are paid:

  • via mail;
  • to a bank account.

NPF: features of obtaining

Lump sum payment

An application must be submitted to the territorial branch of the non-state pension fund. Documents from which the right to the EB follows should also be attached. A receipt must be issued, which is also a notification that the documents were accepted (with a complete list), the application was registered.

The receipt of a funded pension is determined by each NPF, depending on the program chosen.

In December 2015, as part of the approval of the federal budget for 2016, a law was adopted to extend the moratorium on the funded part of social insurance payments (pensions). Previously, the government twice decided to freeze – in 2014 and 2015. Such measures mean that the 6% tariff will be transferred to the administrative part of payments, supplementing it. They concern exclusively citizens of 1967 and younger.

It is important to remember that all savings that were in pension accounts at the time the moratorium was introduced will be preserved. Investment programs on them will be continued. As soon as a citizen reaches the established retirement age, he will be paid a pension with investment income included.

All those who before 1.01. In 2016, he did not draw up a mandatory pension insurance document with NPFs, the management companies “voluntarily” refused to form a funded element of social payments.

When a participant of the Co-financing Program moves to a new place of work, it is obligatory to submit an application indicating the amount of contributions. It is not necessary to notify the PF.

The Program Participant has the right to apply to the PF at his place of residence to clarify the status of the special part of his ILS. Another source of this information is letters that are sent annually to insured persons without exception.

Working pensioners can make contributions to the funded part through the accounting department by writing an application. You can also do this in person - for this you should contact the pension fund, where a receipt will be issued with an individual barcode. Payment can be made through any bank. It is important to remember that interest may be charged for the operation. The exception is Sberbank.

Managers/owners can participate in the State Co-financing Program. Today, such employers are not numerous, being a kind of role model. A prerequisite for participation is membership in the Program of the employee himself and his contribution to the additional plan. The employer receives certain benefits. For example, an amount of up to 12 thousand rubles is not subject to ST for the OPS.

When an NPF license is canceled by its participant, no action should be taken. The Central Bank transfers the accumulated funds to the PF independently in accordance with the current legislation. It is important to remember that investment income is not taken into account. Its redemption is possible only if the proceeds from the sale of NPF assets are greater than the guaranteed face value.

1. My mother died in 2014, can I withdraw my pension savings now?

1.2. No. If the question is about not receiving an insurance pension for the current month, then the deadline for submitting an application for payment of a pension to the relatives with whom she lived has been missed (6 months from the date of death). Accumulated pensions for previous months are not paid to relatives in principle.
If about a funded pension, then the deadline for applying is also missed (6 months from the date of death).
Federal Law "On insurance pensions", Federal Law "On funded pensions".

2. I wanted to know who can withdraw pension savings.

2.1. Retirement savings can be withdrawn by a pensioner by receiving a pension.

3. Can I withdraw part of my pension savings?
I am 41.

3.1. Hello, before reaching retirement age it is impossible, after reaching retirement age it is possible, but even then with restrictions:
Lump sum payment - all pension savings are paid at once in one amount. It can be received by those whose funded pension is 5% or less of the total old-age insurance pension. Citizens who are paid an insurance pension for disability or loss of a breadwinner, a pension for state pension provision (it is received by those who have not acquired the right to an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the necessary insurance period or the number of pension points) can also receive a lump sum payment ;

In the form of an urgent pension payment, savings are paid over a period, the duration of which is determined by the citizen himself (but not less than 10 years).

4. I would like to know if I can withdraw my pension savings if I am 28 years old.

4.1. Hello!
It is impossible to simply withdraw money, as from a card or bank account. To obtain them, the occurrence of an event or fact, which is the condition, is necessary.
Article 32

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 for the following citizens:
1) women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 50 years, if they have an insurance record of at least 15 years; one of the parents of disabled people from childhood, who raised them until they reached the age of 8 years: men who have reached the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 50, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively; guardians of disabled children or persons who were the guardians of disabled children who raised them before they reached the age of 8 years old, the old-age insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law as of December 31, 2018, by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total, if they have insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, men and women;

1.1) women who have given birth to four children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 56 years, if they have an insurance record of at least 15 years;
(Clause 1.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018)
1.2) women who have given birth to three children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, who have reached the age of 57 years, if they have an insurance record of at least 15 years;
(Clause 1.2 was introduced by Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018)
2) women who have given birth to two or more children, who have reached the age of 50, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 years and have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 17 calendar years in areas equivalent to them;
3) disabled due to military trauma: men who have reached the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 50, if they have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;
4) visually impaired persons with disability group I: men who have reached the age of 50 years, women who have reached the age of 40 years, if they have an insurance record of at least 15 and 10 years, respectively;
5) citizens with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians) and disproportionate dwarfs: men who have reached the age of 45, women who have reached the age of 40, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively;
ConsultantPlus: note.
Persons specified in paragraph 6 of part 1 of this article, who in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020 will turn 55 (men) and 50 (women) years old, a pension can be assigned 6 months earlier than reaching the age established by Appendix 6 (FZ of 03.10.2018 N 350-FZ).
6) for men upon reaching the age of 60 and women upon reaching the age of 55 (subject to the provisions provided for in Annexes 5 and 6 to this Federal Law), if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to them and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. For citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are assigned an insurance pension with a decrease in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions. When working in localities equated to the regions of the Far North, as well as in these localities and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in localities equated to regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018)
(see text in previous edition)
7) men who have reached the age of 50, women who have reached the age of 45, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 and 20 years as reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters-traders.
2. When assigning an insurance old-age pension in accordance with paragraphs 2, 6 and 7 of part 1 of this article, the list of regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, which was used when assigning state old-age pensions in connection with work in the Far North as of 31 December 2001.
3. When determining the right to an old-age insurance pension in accordance with paragraphs 1-2 of part 1 of this article, children in respect of whom the insured person has been deprived of parental rights or in respect of whom adoption has been canceled shall not be taken into account.
(Part 3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018)

5. Is it possible to withdraw money from the pension savings?

5.1. For early receipt of pension savings are categories of preferential pensioners. Their list is contained in Federal Law No. 400

6. How can I withdraw my pension savings? I am 29 years old.

6.1. Hello. Alas, no way.

7. Can I withdraw money from my pension savings? I am 29 years old.

7.1. What is the funded part of the pension savings.

8. My experience is 27.7 years. can I withdraw savings in the pension fund without waiting for a pension. I am 49 years old. Thank you.

8.1. If you mean the funded part of the pension, then no, for this you need to have the right to receive an insurance pension, at least.

Federal Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on October 3, 2018) "On Funded Pension"
Article 6. Conditions for granting a funded pension

1. The following insured persons are entitled to a funded pension: men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55, subject to the conditions for granting an old-age insurance pension, established by the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" (availability of the necessary insurance period and the established value of the individual pension coefficient).
2. The insured persons specified in Part 1 of Article 30, Article 31, Part 1 of Article 32, Part 2 of Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" shall be granted a funded pension upon reaching the age or maturity determined in accordance with the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" as of December 31, 2018, and subject to the conditions giving the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension(presence of the necessary insurance experience and (or) experience in the relevant types of work and the established value of the individual pension coefficient).
3. A funded pension is granted to insured persons if there are pension savings accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person or on the funded pension account of the insured person, if the amount of the funded pension is more than 5 percent of the amount of the old-age insurance pension (in including taking into account the fixed payment to the insurance old-age pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", and the amount of the funded pension calculated on the day the funded pension is assigned. If the amount of the funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the insurance old-age pension (including taking into account the fixed payment to the insurance old-age pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions ", and the amount of the funded pension, calculated on the day the funded pension is awarded, the insured persons are entitled to receive these funds in as a lump sum payment.
4. A funded pension is established and paid in accordance with this Federal Law, regardless of the receipt of another pension and monthly life allowance provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changing the conditions for granting a funded pension, the rules for establishing a funded pension and the procedure for paying a funded pension shall be carried out by amending this Federal Law.

9. Can I withdraw money from my pension savings at a time? I retired due to old age, I want to withdraw all the accumulated money, how to do it?

9.1. Can I withdraw money from my pension savings at one time? I retired due to old age, I want to withdraw all the accumulated money, how to do it?
What kind of pension savings are we talking about?

10. I am a citizen of Kazakhstan, I work in Russia, how can I withdraw pension savings that are deducted from me.

10.1. No way. Russian legislation - does not provide for the withholding of any amounts from citizens in favor of the PF, except in the case of voluntarily concluding an agreement with the PF.

10.2. No way, you can only get them when you retire
Did the answer help you?

11. Can the bailiff seize the father’s pension savings (the father died) if he had a debt on credits and there was an enforcement proceeding at work to withdraw the salary of 50%. You never know, I didn't inherit.

11.1. It depends on where they are stored ... if on the card they can ... if the bank account ... you need to look there according to the contract ... the deceased person cannot dispose of and his property must also be enforced .. contact a lawyer, he will tell.

12. I am 33 years old, single mother raising a child alone, very hard, a lot of debts, I can barely make ends meet ((Tell me, due to a difficult situation in life, can I withdraw all my savings from the pension fund? Is this possible?

12.1. Hello. You will not be able to withdraw money in full, because. they only serve a purpose. If there are debts, then try to somehow come to an agreement with creditors.

13. I am 61 full years old. in my personal account of the official website of the PFR, I received a response to a request for pension accumulation, an application for a pension pending a question for you: do I have the right to withdraw all or part of my money.

13.1. Depending on the amount of savings, in relation to the assigned old-age insurance pension.
A funded pension is granted to insured persons if there are pension savings accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person or on the funded pension account of the insured person, if the amount of the funded pension is more than 5 percent in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension (including taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", and the amount of the funded pension calculated for date of the funded pension. If the funded pension is 5% or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension (including taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), calculated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", and the amount of the funded pension calculated for day of the funded pension, the insured persons are entitled to receive the said funds in as a lump sum payment.

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Funds for NC pensions are formed from contributions from employers. A personal pension account is opened for each citizen, where savings are stored. Without our participation, money is invested in the stock market. Unfortunately, you can’t withdraw them, but you can multiply and receive income from this money. To do this, citizens need to make a choice:
- transfer the funded fund into a non-state PF. In this case, the payment of the LF pension is carried out by the selected non-state PF;
- change non-state PF;
- LF pensions to be transferred and stored in a private management company;
- leave everything as it is and keep NC pensions in the Pension Fund of Russia in the selected investment portfolio (two portfolios in total).

You can choose a non-state PF or a management company on the official website of the Pension Fund. The Pension Fund must be notified of the choice made in the form of an application by December 31 of the current year.

How to get the funded part of the pension?

This question arises regardless of the chosen placement of funds. There are three options: one-time one-time payment, urgent and payment of only the funded part.

Lump sum payment

This method of receiving an LF pension is provided for people with a small funded part and is considered the most popular. A one-time payment is received by owners of less than 5%, at the onset of retirement age.

Urgent payment

In accordance with the terms of this mechanism, the NC is divided into parts of equal size and paid over a stipulated period of no more than ten years. This program involves those categories of people who participated in the state pension co-financing program and sent to the LF pension.

Payment of the funded part

The usual option for many to receive an LF pension is this method. Here, the NC is transferred along with the monthly pension. This method is classified as the most common.

Savings from a non-state PF or a private management company are transferred in accordance with the terms of the executed agreement.

So let's sum up the above. Firstly, in order for your future pension to please you, you need to choose a non-state pension fund or a private management company, conclude an agreement and increase funds every year. Secondly, it will be possible to remove the funded part of the pension only at retirement age. Therefore, you should take control of your future pension into your own hands.

Beginning in 2002, funds called pension savings began to form on the accounts of officially employed citizens. The source of the formation of a funded pension is the mandatory contributions of the employer, maternity capital funds, voluntarily transferred contributions from citizens and income from investing money in the funded account. Since July 2012, they began to pay out pension savings and payments continue to this day. If you are interested in how to receive the funded part of the pension, then you should choose one of the three forms of payment.

  • One-time payment;
  • Urgent payment;
  • Establishment of the funded part of the pension.
  • Important
  • The amount of the funded pension will be higher if you apply for a pension after acquiring the right to the specified pension.

Conditions for receiving the funded part of the pension

In 2018, the law provides for three forms of payment of pension savings. Each of them is characterized by individual conditions. Before you receive the funded part of the pension, you will have to familiarize yourself with all three forms of payment, and then choose the most suitable option for yourself. To make it easier for you to assimilate the information, we will only talk about the main aspects, without going into small nuances. Now your task is to understand what form of payment of pension savings you need and whether it is available to you. To draw the appropriate conclusions, the information below will be enough.

Forms of payment of pension savings:

  1. Lump sum payment. Allows you to receive a funded pension all at once. Surely, most of the citizens who found themselves on this page are interested in this particular option. A citizen who already receives an old-age pension or is only planning to receive it in the near future can receive the funded part of the pension at a time. Also, a similar opportunity is available for persons who receive a disability or survivor's pension, but on the condition that they have reached the generally established retirement age and are not entitled to an old-age insurance pension.
  2. Urgent payment. Appointed upon application indicating the period during which you want to receive your funds. The term cannot be less than 10 years. That is, during the specified time you will monthly receive funds from pension savings. In the event of the death of the recipient, the remainder of the amount is inherited.
  3. Establishment of the funded part of the pension. If the amount of the funded part of the pension is 5% or more of the amount of the assigned pension, then in addition to the insurance pension, you will receive payments from pension savings. The amount of monthly payments is determined based on the amount of savings and the payment period.

If you ended up on this page in order to find out how to receive the funded part of the pension in 2018 all at once, then your choice should be made in favor of a lump sum form of payment. Unfortunately, the law does not provide for many opportunities for a one-time receipt of pension savings. You can receive all the available funds in the account if the amount of the funded pension is at least 5% of the amount of the received pension. To make the required calculations, you need to divide the amount of your pension savings divided by 228 (the expected payment period). In addition, you must already be receiving an old-age pension, or you are currently in the process of applying for it.

A similar opportunity is available for disabled people of groups 1,2,3 and persons receiving a pension for the loss of a breadwinner. True, this is possible only on the condition that they have already reached the generally established retirement age, however, due to a lack of points or length of service, the insurance pension was not assigned. The law provides for one more moment when a one-time payment of pension savings is allowed. We are talking about receiving a funded pension for a deceased relative. We will consider this issue in more detail a little later.

What documents are needed to receive the funded part of the pension

If you have the right to receive the funded part of the pension, then it remains only to prepare the necessary package of documents. We have already told. In principle, in this case, the list will be almost the same.

The following documents are required to receive a funded pension:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Application (a sample will be provided to you);
  • SNILS;
  • Details of the bank account to which funds will be transferred.

This is the entire list of documents required to receive the funded part of the pension. As you can see, the list is not big. Additional documents may be required. The need to provide them will be reported to the FIU or NPF. Usually the documents above are enough. Now it remains to contact the organization that will pay pension savings, write an application and submit documents. Read more about this below.

Instructions for receiving the funded part of the pension

Perhaps everyone understands who can receive the funded part of the pension at a time. We also found out what documents are required for this procedure. It remains to explain to you how to get the funded part of the pension. The payment of the funded part of the pension in 2018 is made in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or in the NPF. The second option is relevant if you transferred your pension savings to a non-state pension fund. Do you remember if you did it or not? The answer to this question can be obtained by contacting the pension fund or through the citizen's personal account on the PFR website. If you prefer the first option, we recommend to avoid queues. If the savings are in the FIU, then you can get them in several ways.

How to apply for a funded pension:

  • Personal appeal to the pension fund;
  • Visit to the multifunctional center (MFC);
  • Using the public service portal or the PFR website.

The last option allows you to submit an electronic application for the payment of pension savings. After considering the application, you still have to appear at the pension fund to submit the original documents. If your pension savings are in the NPF, then the procedure will be the same as when applying to the PFR or MFC. Come to the selected organization, fill out an application and submit documents. Within 30 days you receive your money or refusal, indicating the reasons.

How to get the funded part of the pension of a deceased relative

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of receiving a funded part of the pension for a deceased relative if he died before retirement. If the owner of pension savings before death did not determine the person or group of persons who will get his funded part of the pension, then the next of kin of the deceased have the right to receive payments. First of all, the spouses, children and parents of the deceased. If they are not available, then brothers, sisters, grandchildren and other relatives can receive the payment. It is necessary to apply for the payment of the funded part of the pension of the deceased relative within 6 months after the death.

To receive the funded part of the pension of a deceased relative, the following documents will be required:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • A document confirming family relations with the deceased;
  • SNILS of the deceased;
  • Certificate of death of the insured person.

Documents are submitted to the FIU or NPF. Funds will be credited to the account within 8 months after the application is submitted. In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice, problems of a different nature may arise, especially if several relatives claim the pension savings of the deceased. Perhaps in such a situation it makes sense to seek the help of an appropriate specialist.