
Step by step retirement. How to apply for a pension and benefits at the MFC Apply for a disability pension for a child at the MFC



The social security system in Russia is constantly being reformed in order to cover as many citizens as possible who need additional support. People with disabilities are the category of the population that is given priority. At the federal and municipal levels, disabled people are provided with a number of benefits and are paid one-time and monthly benefits, the amount of which depends on the state of health and disability group.

What cash benefits are due to people with disabilities

It is customary to classify as disabled individuals who, due to certain circumstances, congenital or acquired diseases, lose the ability to work or serve themselves independently. People with disabilities need special treatment. The state shows special concern for this category of citizens, therefore a whole list of preferences has been defined for them:

  • The right to receive free medicines.
  • Issuance of certificates for the purchase of assistive devices such as orthopedic shoes, wheelchairs.
  • Provision of housing on a preferential basis.
  • Discounts on rent and utility bills.
  • Free provision of food for children of the first 2 years of life.
  • Exemption from payment of duties for certain types of vehicles.
  • Compensation for the cost of dental prosthetics (regional privilege).
  • Free professional legal assistance.
  • Provision of household services at home.
  • Free travel on public transport.
  • Special assistance to families with a child with a disability.

In modern practice, several categories of disability are distinguished by groups:

  • disabled children.

The category of disability is assigned only to adults after passing a medical and social examination. Upon completion of the examination, the citizen is issued an official confirmation of the presence of dysfunction. Having a certificate in hand, you can get a certificate and apply for the accrual of various benefits:

  • insurance pension;
  • state pension;
  • social pension;
  • monthly cash payments;
  • a set of social services (his monetary compensation);
  • additional monthly financial support;
  • disability care allowance;
  • regional fees.

Legal Framework

People with disabilities have the same rights as other Russian citizens. In addition to the Constitution and the Labor Code, according to which everyone, without exception, has the right to work and a decent life, a number of normative and legal acts have been adopted. In September 2008, Russia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, undertaking to create all necessary conditions for the life of disabled citizens and to exclude any discrimination against them.

Of the legislative acts, it is worth highlighting:

  • Law No. 181-FZ (November 24, 1995), which comprehensively considers the areas of activity and life of persons with disabilities. The document reflects all aspects of the social protection of citizens with disabilities and reveals the meaning of all the norms that are laid down in the Constitution and the Convention.
  • Law No. 122-FZ (08/02/1995), revealing the main points of social services for the elderly and disabled.
  • Law No. 1244-1 (15.05.1991), which concerns the protection of citizens affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • Law No. 5-FZ (01/12/1995), regulating issues related to the social protection of veterans.

With regard to pensions for persons with disabilities, here you should study:

  • Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, covering all aspects of the calculation of labor pensions.
  • Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, which deals with the issues of pension provision in Russia.

In addition to this, a number of presidential decrees and government decrees have been signed, which in one way or another relate to incapacitated persons:

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1157 "On additional measures of state support for the disabled" (02.10.1992);
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 685 "On some measures of social support for the disabled" (05/06/2008).
  • Government Decree No. 95 on the approval of the “Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled” (06/20/1995), etc.

The amount of the disability pension

According to Russian legislation, people with developmental disabilities are entitled to pension allowances. The amount of payments and the term of provision depends on the group of incapacity and the age of the person. All disabled people are required to periodically confirm the group assigned to them by passing the ITU. To receive a payment to disabled people of group 2, as well as 3, you need to undergo a re-examination every year, and for group 1 - every two years. People who have reached the generally established retirement age can be assigned a group indefinitely.


An insurance pension is paid to all citizens who have a sufficient record of insurance payments and the necessary individual pension coefficient. Their values ​​are revised annually upwards. There is no such requirement for persons with disabilities. They can receive a labor pension if they have worked at least one day in their life, and insurance premiums have been paid from the earnings received by the employer.

Persons with disabilities have the right to receive a labor pension during the time when they are officially recognized as disabled or until they reach the age that makes it possible to receive an old-age insurance pension. For accruals, you need to prepare documents and contact the PFR department, a multifunctional center or directly through your personal account on the Pension Fund website. The insurance pension consists of a fixed part and a number of components:

  • degree of disability;
  • the presence of dependents;
  • place of residence;
  • age, etc.
  • 1 and 2 groups - 4982 rubles 90 kopecks;
  • Group 3 - 2491 rubles 45 kopecks.


Disabled since childhood, disabled children and all other disabled citizens who have never worked, are not left without a livelihood. They are entitled to a social pension - the minimum guaranteed by the state and paid monthly. The amount of payments is set once a year, and its indexation is made on April 1. The planned growth for 2019 should be 4.1% - this figure is included in the draft budget adopted by the State Duma deputies.

Until 04/01/2018, the amount of the pension is:


Persons who received during the performance of official duties or in the first 3 months after dismissal an injury or illness that caused incapacity can apply for a state disability pension. Such persons include:

  • military personnel;
  • liquidators of radiation or technogenic accidents;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • citizens who were awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • astronauts.


Percentage of the amount of social pension

Disabled due to war injury

Disabled during military service

Victims as a result of man-made or radiation disasters

WWII participants

Awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"

Some citizens can receive a double pension - state disability and old-age insurance:

  • military personnel;
  • participants in the Second World War;
  • awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • cosmonauts (in this case, they do not receive a fixed part of the insurance pension).

Monthly cash payment

Disabled citizens and children with disabilities have a legal right to receive monthly cash payments. For the appointment and payment of the UDV, you must independently contact the regional representative office of the Pension Fund or the MFC, since the accrual of funds occurs strictly on a declarative basis. If an individual has the opportunity to receive a monthly cash payment for several reasons, then the one whose amount is of greater importance is established for him.

The EDV consists of two parts:

  • Fixed payment. Paid exclusively in cash.
  • A set of social services. You can get it in kind or by monetizing the full set or part of it.

List of a set of social services

From the moment of establishing the right to the UDV, a citizen receives a set of social services, which is an integral part of the monthly cash payment. The NSO consists of 3 components that have a monetary equivalent. The applicant can independently choose whether to implement all the benefits provided for by the set or receive monetary compensation. The citizen independently decides which services to monetize and submits an appropriate application. Once a year, you can change priorities by writing an application before October 1.

Amount of EDV in 2018

The amount of the monthly disability cash payment varies depending on the degree of disability assigned and the selected NSO. In addition, annually on February 1, the value of the UDV is subject to indexation - the inflation rate for the past year is taken as the basis. In 2018, payments increased by 2.5%, although an increase of 3.2% was originally planned. From 02/01/2018, the following dimensions have been established:

Amount of EDV, rubles

Taking into account the NSO

Excluding NSO

1 disability group

Disabled children

Disabled WWII

Citizens who received a disability group as a result of the Chernobyl accident

Additional monthly material support for disabled military (DEMO)

Since May 2005, thanks to the decree of the President of Russia, a new type of assistance has been introduced - additional monthly material support. This event was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War, so the payments themselves concerned exclusively the participants in hostilities. DEMO is paid through representatives of the Pension Fund simultaneously with the pension allowance and has the following meanings:

Amount, rubles

  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • some participants in the Second World War;
  • imperfect prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos.
  • military personnel who served from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945 in units that were not part of the active army for at least 6 months;
  • persons awarded medals and orders of the USSR for service in the period from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945;
  • persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • adult prisoners;
  • widows of military personnel who died during the Second World War, wars with Finland and Japan;
  • widows of invalids of the Great Patriotic War.

Federal social payments to the disabled

In order to improve the social situation of people with disabilities, the state provides supplements to disability pensions. You can take advantage of the preference if a person’s income does not reach the established subsistence minimum for the region in which the citizen lives. The principle of providing assistance is based on the declarative system, with the exception of disabled children, for whom the additional payment is assigned simultaneously with the establishment of pension allowance.

When determining the total amount of a citizen's monetary security, all his monetary incomes are taken into account:

  • pension;
  • DEMO;
  • regional surcharges;
  • compensation payments.

care allowance

Citizens who, due to their state of health, cannot serve themselves on their own and take care of themselves need additional help. It can be provided by people from close circle or other citizens. For the provision of care by the state, a monetary reward is provided, to which regional coefficients are applied:

  • compensation payment for caring for a person with disability assigned to group 1 in the amount of 1,200 rubles.
  • Monthly payment. Assigned to a person caring for a disabled child and incapacitated from childhood with 1 disability group. For parents, guardians and adoptive parents, the amount of assistance is 5,000 rubles, for others - 1,200 rubles.

To qualify for this allowance, a caregiver must:

  • Obtain the consent of the person to be cared for.
  • Be unemployed and not receive benefits for this.
  • Do not receive a pension.

To whom is paid

The process of caring for a disabled person is a responsible occupation that requires a lot of time, effort and moral stamina. Not all citizens have the right to carry out such activities. Legislation defines the criteria for a person planning to provide care. There are no requirements for kinship - a completely stranger can take care. In addition to the fact that the caregiver must obtain approval from the incapacitated person himself, he must additionally be:

  • able-bodied;
  • not carry out business activities;
  • be officially unemployed, including under contracts;
  • do not receive unemployment benefits;
  • not receive a pension
  • be over 14 years old.

How to issue

To carry out care, you must contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or a multifunctional center with an application, to which a certain package of documents should be attached. If these documents are in the personal file of the person to be cared for, there is no need to provide them. The list of papers required for registration of care is as follows:

  • Identity document.
  • Employment record of both citizens.
  • The conclusion of the medical institution on the need for care.
  • Extract from the ITU act.
  • Statement of the person to be cared for or his legal representative.
  • Certificate stating that a person does not receive a pension.
  • Certificate that the citizen does not receive unemployment benefits.
  • Permission of parents and the guardianship authority to carry out labor activities, if the care will be carried out by a person who has not reached the age of majority.
  • A certificate issued by the administration of the educational institution on the completion of full-time studies.

Indexing in 2018

Every year the government reviews the amount of social payments. This is done in order to minimize the consequences of rising prices and ensure the proper level of life support for people with special needs. As a rule, the inflation rate is taken as the basis. According to the budget for 2018, indexation affects such payments as:

  • Insurance pensions - by 3.7% from January 1, 2018
  • Monthly cash payment - by 2.5% from February 1, 2018
  • A set of social services - by 2.5% from February 1, 2018
  • Social pension - by 4.1% from April 1, 2018

How to get benefits

To assign a payment, citizens can apply at any time after the official emergence of the right to receive it. To apply, you must visit the local branch of the PFR or a multifunctional center on your own, or submit an application through your personal account on the PFR portal. If a person personally cannot carry out this procedure, this can be done for him by his legal representative, who has documentary evidence for the implementation of such actions.

The procedure itself is not complicated, but can take a long time:

  1. Pass a medical and social examination and obtain a conclusion on the assignment of a disability group.
  2. Collect the necessary documents.
  3. Submit an application along with the required paperwork.
  4. Wait for the decision on the appointment of allowances.
  5. Start getting paid.

Application to the FIU

When receiving a pension, the declarative principle applies, so the citizen must independently take care of the appointment of allowance by submitting an application. This can be done in person or through an official representative. It is allowed to submit an application through the PFR portal or by registered mail. The form itself can be downloaded on the official PFR portal or received on the spot. It must indicate:

  • The name of the local authority where the application is being submitted.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the citizen who applies for the appointment of a pension allowance.
  • SNILS number.
  • Citizenship.
  • Place of registration, residence and telephone.
  • Information about the identity document.
  • Number of dependents.
  • Employment data, military service and other information that may affect the amount of disability benefits.
  • Data of the legal representative, if he draws up the application.
  • type of pension.
  • List of attached documents.
  • Date and signature.

What documents need to be provided

Documents must be attached to the completed application. Their list may vary in each individual case, but, as a rule, you will need:

  • The passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Disability Certificate.

If a disability insurance pension is assigned, you will additionally need:

  • Employment history.
  • Income statement.

For military personnel, you must additionally attach:

  • Military ID.
  • Other documents confirming the fact of military service.

To organize surcharges, you will need to provide:

  • Certificate of residence in the contaminated area.
  • Proof of registration in areas belonging to the Far North.

Payment procedure

When submitting documents, the employee must give you confirmation that the papers have been accepted, affixing the date and personal signature. According to the law, 10 days are allotted for consideration of the application. If it was found that any documents are missing, 3 months are allotted to correct the situation. Provided that the applicant has corrected the shortcomings within the specified period, the calculation of the pension occurs from the date of application. When the accrual of pension allowance was denied, the citizen has every right to appeal the decision in court.


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How to apply for a pension? What to pay attention to? Which type of pension is right for me? Citizens of Russia face such questions when they retire, so our topic today is devoted to the procedure for obtaining a pension for different categories of older people. We will also talk about early retirement.

Where to begin? List of documents

The process of registration of pension contributions is complex and lengthy, therefore, it requires preparation at least six months before the onset of pension!

Step 1: Gather Documentation

Documents are checked by employees of the Pension Fund (PFR for short). They often find errors in filling out a work book and other papers, which leads to an increase in the deadlines for submitting documents.

The basic documentation list includes:

  • the passport;
  • an application filled out according to the rules of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - we will talk about it in more detail below;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (hereinafter referred to as SNILS);
  • work book and papers confirming the experience;

Auxiliary documentation list:

  • certificate of employment for any 5 years before 2002 - can be obtained from the employer, in the archive;
  • disability papers;
  • certificate of dependents;
  • a document indicating the place of residence or the address of the actual location of the citizen;
  • papers confirming the length of service (extract from the order, employment contract);
  • education document;
  • documentation on changing the full name;
  • papers confirming the fact of work and life in the Far North;
  • papers indicating the special nature of the work.

Step 2. Filling out the application

The application form can be found on the FIU website. The form must indicate: the name of the PFR, where the completed form will be sent (write the name without abbreviations); name of the application; Full name of the future pensioner; SNILS number; citizenship; address by registration and actual residence; contact number; passport data; employment information; the number of dependents; information about the authorized representative of the pensioner; request for monthly pension payments; date; applicant's signature.

Step 3. Getting your first pension

By the way, the application deadline is the actual onset of retirement age or 30 days before the birthday.

Ways to apply for a pension: online, state services, MFC

Below we will analyze which methods are suitable for applying for a pension. It is worth noting that we are talking about ways filing an application a future pensioner, and the list of documents is provided personally by a citizen or through mail or an official principal.

Application methods:

  • FIU- the most common way, involves submitting an application with a list of documents to the nearest PFR branch. Specialists help not only in checking documentation, but also in assessing the completeness of papers, as well as making a request to the archive, sending a written request to the employer and prompting in choosing a more favorable type of pension;
  • Online service "Personal account"- initially you need to go through authorization on the PFR website at the link To submit the form, you must select the service "Application for the appointment of a pension", then indicate the general data of the applicant, such as: region; district; citizenship; passport data; mobile phone; SNILS; Email. After pressing the "Continue" button, we select the main parameters of the pension: type of pension, the presence of dependents and other supporting information. Do not forget to indicate the method of delivery of pension contributions;
  • Postal transfer- the applicant has the right to submit the form of the completed form through the mail of Russia, along with a general list of documents. The date of application to the FIU can be considered the day of dispatch indicated on the mail stamp. The list of documentation is sent by registered mail and reviewed by the FIU staff according to the standard scheme. The difficulty is in the duration, because most often specialists find errors when filling out the form, as a result, the papers are returned to the owner for corrections;
  • Multifunctional center (hereinafter MFC)- from June 1, 2016, public service offices accept applications for registration of pensions. Citizens who have reached retirement age or a month before the birthday of the future pensioner can apply. The result is the receipt of a pension or notification of the need to provide an additional list of securities to the FIU. The main advantages - the application can be submitted at a convenient time, as well as in the office, employees provide competent assistance in obtaining monthly pension payments.

The pensioner has the right to independently choose the method of delivery of cash contributions. These can be: home delivery; through a bank cash desk of the delivery organization (more often Russian post); confidant.

By age, old age

Old-age pension (age) - is a monthly payment to older people throughout their lives.

When calculating pensions, not only working days are taken into account, but also the period of the decree, the army, parental leave, sick leave and other periods under article 11 of the Federal Law-173 “On labor pensions” dated December 17, 2001.

Special conditions:

  • female age - 55 years, male - 60 years;
  • period of experience - from 7 years;
  • individual pension coefficient - at least 9 points.

The pension is assigned after 5 years of service! If the labor activity is less than this period, then the citizen is assigned a social pension, which is paid five years later than the pension period!

Features of applying for an old-age pension:

  1. To calculate pension payments, two components are taken: insurance and funded parts;
  2. The old-age pension does not depend on the actual state of working capacity;
  3. The laws of the Russian Federation do not contain a list of citizens eligible for registration of pension contributions by age; as a result, pension payments are received by citizens of Russia; Foreign citizens; persons who do not have Russian citizenship;
  4. The amount of the pension depends on age, salary, total length of service, the amount of additional savings (for example, participation in the "Co-financing" program);

By disability

Disability pension - pension payments to citizens of the country who, due to poor health, cannot fully work, so they need additional assistance from the state.

Age is not taken into account when applying for a disability pension!

Types of pension:

  • citizens of the 1st disability group receive an insurance pension;
  • citizens of the 2nd group - social pension;
  • Group 3 - state pension.

Step-by-step guide to applying for a disability pension:

The instruction is suitable for any type of person, only the terms and the list of documents differ between groups of citizens by disability.

Step 1. Obtaining an act on passing a medical and social examination (briefly ITU)

Such a document confirms the disability group of a pensioner. To obtain it, you must contact the hospital at the registration address and receive a referral from the therapist for a full examination. With a referral from a doctor, you must go to a specialized bureau, where a complete examination is carried out, the results of which determine the disability group.

Step 2 Clarification of the group for the preparation of documentation

To receive an insurance pension (group 1 for disability), you must prepare: a correctly completed application, an act from the ITU, passport data, a work book. The pension fund has the right to demand additional securities, in addition to the main list. The deadline for submitting a complete list of documents - three months.

For an insurance pension (group 2) - the same package of papers, but without papers, confirming the total work experience.

For a state pension, the following list is needed:

  • the passport;
  • application of the established form;
  • employment history;
  • act from ITU;
  • base paper for the formation of a pension, for example, a document on residence in the Far North,
  • certificate of the participant of the Great Patriotic War (WWII).

PFR employees have the right to demand an additional list of documents.

Step 3 Submission of documents to the Pension Fund

The main ways are:

  • personal appeal;
  • mail;
  • online service "personal account";
  • confidant;
  • Read more in the second chapter of our material.

Step 4 Pension accrual

The deadline for issuing a pension for disabled people is 10 days after submitting a list of papers to the FIU. The insurance pension is accrued from the date of submission of the application. Social, state - from the 1st day of the month in which the documents were submitted. For example, you submitted documents on November 20, and payments are made from November 1.

On the loss of a breadwinner

To receive a survivor's pension, you must have the following papers:

  1. applicant's passport;
  2. death certificate of the deceased breadwinner;
  3. documentation confirming family ties between the parties;
  4. work book (or military ID);
  5. certificate from work on the average wage for the last 5 years;
  6. certificate of experience;
  7. birth certificate.

All cases have nuances, so the FIU employees have the right to require additional information!

The term for consideration of documents is 10 days;

The allowance is assigned once! The exceptions are children under 23 and the disabled.

Payment types:

  • main part- a fixed amount, annually subject to indexation;
  • insurance part- is formed from the insurance amount of the breadwinner, the calculation takes place individually. Deductions are affected by: the amount of capital for pensions; seniority; the number of possible recipients;
  • compensation- paid by social services to raise the pension to the minimum living wage (SMIC).

The pension is formed by combining the basic and insurance parts!

Applicants for this type of pension:

  • a child under 23 years of age;
  • minor relatives (brothers, grandchildren) if they do not have able-bodied parents;
  • adopted;
  • citizens who have reached retirement age or have a disability;
  • close relatives involved in the care and upbringing of children;
  • widow.

By seniority teacher

By law, teachers have the right to apply for a pension with more than 25 years of experience.

The following apply for benefits: the head of an educational institution, the head of the educational department, a teacher, an educator, a speech therapist, an organizer of extracurricular educational work. A complete list of specialties is indicated in Government Decree No. 781 of 10/20/2002.

A pension is not assigned if the title of the position in the labor office does not correspond to the official title according to the law! Or the name of the organization does not appear in the list of the government Decree.

To calculate the pension, labor activity is taken into account before 09/01/2000 and after, as well as vacation, a period of incapacity for work (except for a decree, suspension due to the fault of an employee, downtime at work).

The pension is calculated in the amount of 40% of the monthly salary. Allowances are provided only for honored teachers with a scientific degree; teachers working in hospitals or in the Far North.

List of papers for applying for a pension: passport data, SNILS number, work book, birth certificate of children, military ID (for men), salary certificate for 2001, 2002 or for any 5 years before 2002.

Working hours

Teachers should take into account the number of hours worked, since since 2015 the teacher is required to work out the time norm at the full rate. For example, physical education teachers, librarians, methodologists must work at least 36 hours a week. The entire list is recorded in the above Government Decree No. 781.

After receiving a pension, it is not necessary to stop teaching. If desired, the teacher can continue to work for the benefit of the children.

Preferential pension

To apply for pension benefits, you must meet the parameters according to the law. Benefits are provided:

  • citizens engaged in work activities at a hazardous enterprise, in difficult conditions, in hot shops, underground;
  • tractor drivers;
  • women working in the heavy textile industry;
  • employees of Russian Railways (Russian Railways), metro;
  • logging workers;
  • firemen;
  • divers;
  • workers of the Far North;

A complete list can be found in Articles 27 and 28 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001.

List of documents:

  1. FIU statement;
  2. insurance certificate;
  3. Passport details of the applicant;
  4. Documentation of work experience;
  5. Clarifying certificate on the appointment of benefits to a pensioner - it should contain information about wages, bonuses, benefits;
  6. Certificate of average salary for the last three months. The same certificate is needed for any 60 months of service before 2002;
  7. Birth certificate of children;
  8. Military ID.

Refusal to accept documents arises due to staff reduction, liquidation of the company; submission of documents during the period of suspension of payment of unemployment benefits; refusal of vacancies of the Employment Center twice.

The deadline for submitting documents is one month before the official retirement age.

military pension

Types of pensions for military personnel:

  • length of service- experience must be at least 20 years;
  • disability- Citizens who were injured in the service, which led to a deterioration in health. This subtype of pension is accrued when the period of incapacity for work occurs no later than 3 months after the dismissal. In the event of a disability several years after the end of the service, the pension must be recalculated;
  • survivorship- widowed women receive pension payments when the spouse died during the performance of official assignments. This group includes the military who went missing, died in captivity.
    Pension can be received by: minor children, invalids; wives; elderly parents; adopted children and so on.

The following persons have the right to issue a military pension: Military personnel who served in the Ministry of State Defense. Police officers; fire department, the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN); the executive-criminal structure.

Steps to apply for a military pension:

Step 1. Registration with the Commissariat

For the first step, you need to contact the local commissariat with a passport, prescription, personal file, military ID. The entire list certifies the proper person with the help of a seal, a signature.

Step 2 Immediate clearance

For this stage, you will need: a correctly completed application form; passport, certificate with a mark on registration; money certificate; clothing certificate; employment history; photo 3x4; SNILS; certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the lack of data on previously received pensions.

The terms for assigning pension payments are 3 months after receiving a cash certificate.

As for indexing, in 2016 pension payments were increased by 2%, not taking into account inflationary adjustments. Changes in indexation occur at the beginning of the year and October.

Early retirement

You can count on early retirement:

A woman has the right to transfer early retirement to her spouse after he turns 55 years old. To do this, you need to submit the necessary documents to the PRF!

Procedure for applying for early retirement:

  • drawing up an application;
  • receiving an official offer for a pension;
  • sending a list of documentation with the necessary information about the period of work;
  • consideration of documents by PFR employees;
  • sending a response to the Employment Center.

List of documents:

  1. the passport;
  2. employment history;
  3. military ID;
  4. certificate from the accounting department on the average salary for the past 5 years.
  5. Depending on the features and type of pension, fund employees may require supporting documentation.

All issues of obtaining a pension ahead of schedule are regulated by draft law No. 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation” dated April 19, 1991.

If you still have questions about applying for a pension, then most likely you will find the answer in this video.

Residents of Russia, who will soon reach retirement age, are required to take care of all the nuances of applying for a pension in advance. Therefore, we have devoted our material to the procedure for obtaining pension payments for all categories of citizens.

Receiving benefits is an important part of the state program to support socially vulnerable citizens in Russia.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Such measures of assistance are the pension for disabled children in the Russian Federation in 2019. With this cash they can receive a small amount of compensation for their consumption purposes.

Initial Information

Children with disabilities require significant material and social assistance. Because they, more than other children, need to receive high-quality medical care and constantly carry out comprehensive health measures.

Photo: statistics on the number of children with disabilities

For such purposes, the state issues pension benefits. In the case of different disability groups, not all citizens will be able to fully work and receive education.

A pension benefit will help increase your ability to buy things and pay for services.

Benefits for various things and services are not canceled in various institutions - mainly in state ones.

Important Concepts

Where can I apply

To receive a pension benefit for a child with a disability, a number of actions must be performed. First of all, you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Of all the territorial branches of this state organization, you should choose the one that corresponds to the place of residence of the child.

Since it will be most convenient in the future to apply for benefits and, in case of any problems, solve them at the place of residence.

For residents of large settlements in Russia, it is possible to submit documentation through multifunctional centers - MFC. This can save you time in the application process.

What can you spend it on?

The pension benefit for a child with a disability is not a targeted payment. Every month, the guardian or parent of the child gets the opportunity to freely dispose of the funds from the allowance.

You can spend money for the following purposes:

  • rest, health improvement and rehabilitation;
  • everyday expenses - for food, clothes, equipment, utility bills;
  • payment for education, tutors, tutors;
  • conducting treatment.

There is no reporting of funds spent..

Normative base

The payments that a child can receive should be read in the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” under the number 166-FZ. Article 11 contains all the conditions for the appointment of security for disabled citizens.

Information on the procedure in accordance with which payments are made can be found in Federal Law No. 181-FZ “On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation”.

In the second chapter of Articles 7 and 8 they talk about what a medical and social expertise is and for what purposes it was created. Here is information about the places where you can go through this procedure.

Key Aspects

Registration of a pension benefit is possible only on the basis of passing a medical and social examination.

If during this procedure the existence of violations is recognized and the status of disability and group is assigned, then it will be possible to start processing payments from the state. Without this nuance, it is impossible to receive assistance.

In addition to the pension payment, a citizen will receive privileges from the state in the form of various types of social benefits.

How to apply for this type of grant

To apply for this type of assistance, you must complete a number of steps. First of all, this is the passage of the medical and social commission. It will depend on the provision of the basis for applying for benefits.

Collect a package of documents and transfer it to the Pension Fund of Russia. In the same instance, an application for payment is written.

After reviewing the documents, funds will be credited to the specified details. If the decision is negative, then the citizen will also be notified about this.

Medical and social expertise

This stage of obtaining the status of a disabled person is quite complicated. It is impossible to predict the decision of the commission both in terms of positivity and in terms of what disability group a person is given. Even the predictions of the attending physician cannot be accurate.

An important point is to stay in the hospital - under the supervision of doctors. This procedure is carried out before the examination itself for an independent assessment of the patient's condition.

List of documents to collect

To apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a request to provide a pension benefit to a disabled child, you need to stock up on documents.

The first paper, an application for benefits. Its form will depend on the institution to which the parent applies.

The list of documents may vary, but the standard set consists of the following items:

  1. Passport document of the official representative of the child. This could be a parent or guardian.
  2. A document confirming the identity of the child is a birth certificate.
  3. Information about the composition of the family.
  4. Document on the passage of the ITU and on the decision to grant disability.

Filling out an application

The application is made directly to the FIU. And it is best to take a sample document there - so that it meets their standards.

A sample application for a pension for disabled children is available. There is no all-Russian sample application.

The document itself should include the following data in the structure:

  • about the child;
  • about parents - or their representatives;
  • on pension provision;
  • about the pension body that will calculate the payment.

This is a standard document, to fill out which you will need only those papers that certify the identity of the parents and the child.

How is the accrual

Accrual is made from the moment an application for such an allowance was submitted to the Pension Fund.

The pension is calculated from the month of application. Even in case of any delays in payments, they will be made in full.

The first day of the month in which citizens applied for a pension benefit is taken as the starting date for calculations.

The processing time for applications is a maximum of 10 days. During this period, the FIU must familiarize itself with the submitted documentation and check its accuracy.

The citizen receives a notice of the accrual of a pension and clarifications - if necessary, provide additional documents. This can be done within three months.

Terms of receipt

There are several options for setting deadlines for receiving pension benefits. Because there are some nuances.

Option for an indefinite grant. This is possible in the case when a citizen has received an indefinite status of a disabled person.

During the medical and social examination, a specific period of validity of the status was established, then pension payments are accrued for the same period. This happens when the disease can go into a milder stage or disappear altogether.

For this, a specific period is set and after the citizen will need to undergo a re-examination. According to its results, subsequent payments are determined.

The amount of benefits and other monthly payments

A child with a disability is provided with several support options, including child support from the other parent.

And for children, some of the highest payments are determined:

Benefit Size, in rubles
Social pension 12 thousand
EDV minimum - with a full range of services 1.5 thousand
EDV maximum - with refusal 2.5 thousand
Preservation of the right to medicines 1.7 thousand
Sanatoriums, holidays and refusal of railway transport 1.6 thousand
Preservation of sanatorium rest and railway transport 2.4 thousand
Railway transport and medicines 1.6 thousand

What is the range of social services

This set can be used in different components. The full package of services from the state includes:

  • medical medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • sanatorium-and-spa treatment in the direction of the main disease of the child;
  • travel by rail to the place of treatment and back - for disabled people of group 1, escort also receives preferential travel conditions.

This is a complete list of opportunities provided by the set of social services - NSO. Moreover, each of the options has a clear equivalent in rubles. Therefore, a citizen is given the opportunity to receive either a service or a cash benefit.

Amount of allowance for a non-working parent

Additional payments from the federal budget and at this level for parents who care for a child are not provided.

Photo: payments from the state budget

The main payment is pension and maternity capital. From the calculation of this amount, care should be taken.

There are some regional initiatives. In Moscow and the region, you can get 5 thousand rubles. In Yaroslavl, child care is paid 2,000 rubles a month.

Features of the tax deduction

Every child with a disability has the opportunity to receive a tax deduction. Such a refund is available to the parents of the child in terms of personal income tax - personal income tax.

Photo: an example of calculating the deduction for a disabled child

You can receive deductions until the child is 18 years old or up to 24 years old if the child is studying at the day department of a secondary educational institution or university. The deduction is given to both parents in the event that they carry out labor activities.

According to tax law, the amount of the deduction depends on which category the representatives of the child belong to:

This deduction is standard. Has several features:

  • its size depends on the number of children with disabilities in the family;
  • can be issued once a year;
  • if the child has only one parent, the amount of the deduction is doubled.

Is it possible to increase aid in 2019?

The increase in payments is carried out on the basis of legislation on indexation. These pensions are increased twice a year - in February and April. In total, in 2019, the increase was 4%.

Due to limited capacity, children with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable sections of our society. Such people need special care, including from the state. Therefore, the payment of pensions to children with disabilities is regulated by federal law. In the article we will tell you how the payment of pensions to children with disabilities is processed in 2019, we will consider the calculation procedure.

Who is considered a child with a disability

A child may be recognized as disabled if one of the following conditions is met:

  • the child has health problems or violations of body functions that were caused by diseases, birth defects or injuries;
  • the child has a disability, which implies a partial or complete loss of self-service, movement and other vigorous activity;
  • the child needs rehabilitation and social protection.

At the same time, it is important that a child's disability group is not established until the age of majority. That is, only after the age of 18, a child is assigned a 1, 2 or 3 disability group, if due to recovery it has not yet been removed, and until that time the child has the status of “disabled children”. Read also the article: → "".

Registration of pensions for children with disabilities

The registration of pensions for children with disabilities can be handled by both the child's parents or guardians, and official representatives. At any time after the entitlement to a pension, you can apply to the relevant authorities, while the pension will be assigned from the month in which the application was sent. In order to apply for a pension for a child with a disability, you need to apply to one of the authorities with a statement:

  • Pension fund of the Russian Federation. You need to choose a fund either at the place of registration or at the place of residence of the child;
  • Multifunctional center (MFC).

Application methods:

  • personally (meaning that the application is submitted by a parent or guardian);
  • through a trustee in the presence of a notarized power of attorney;
  • via the Internet, in the form of an electronic document in the "Personal Account" on the website of the MFC or PFR;
  • by mail, with the date of submission of the application being the date of posting.

The list of documents required to apply for a pension for children with disabilities

To apply for a pension, you will need the following list of documents:

  • An application for a pension;
  • Documents proving the identity of the applicant (one of the parents, guardian or legal representative), in this case a passport;
  • Documents confirming the authority of the representative. In this case, it is necessary to provide an adoption certificate, or a decision of the guardianship authority, or a notarized power of attorney confirming the right to represent the interests of the child;
  • Birth certificate of the child, or his passport, if the child is 14 years old;
  • Disability document. Such documents is an extract of their certificate of examination issued by the ITU .;
  • A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, or permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for granting a pension

Regardless of the date of the application for a pension for children with disabilities, it will be assigned from the 1st day of the month in which it was applied for. A pension is established for the period during which the child is recognized as disabled, or indefinitely.

The amount of the pension for disabled children

In accordance with the law No. 166-FZ of January 15, 2001, a minor with a disability status is provided with a social pension and supplements to it. So, for 2017, the amount of the pension for children with disabilities is 12,082.06 rubles. In addition to this amount, a child with a disability status has the right to count on a monthly cash payment in the amount and a set of social services in cash or in kind (in the form of services). Read also the article: → "".

Consider what payments a disabled child is entitled to claim in 2017.

Payment name Payment amount, rubles
Social pension 12 082,06
EDV, including NSO 2 527,06
NSO, including: 1 048,09
free medicines and health food 807,94
free voucher for spa treatment 124,99
free travel in suburban railway transport, or intercity transport to the place of treatment and in the opposite direction 116,04

A disabled child is expected to receive a set of social services in kind, that is, in the form of specific services or medicines. However, the legislation does not prohibit receiving such a package in cash. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund, which appointed the child the payment of a social pension with a corresponding application.

Of course, in general, the decision to receive services in cash or in kind is made by the official representatives of the child, his parents or guardians. But it is worth remembering that the monetary replacement is so small that it will not replace the receipt of expensive medicines, or treatment in a sanatorium. In this case, it is necessary, of course, to take into account the interests of the child. However, under certain circumstances, a child cannot use a set of social services. For example, if it is impossible to go to a sanatorium, or use the right to travel intercity. In such a situation, the ability to compensate for unused benefits in cash is justified.

It should also be borne in mind that it is possible to get only from a part of the NSI, for example, from medicines and receive them in money, and use the rest of the services in full.

Benefits for families with disabled children

In addition to the payments that the state is intended for children with disabilities, there are also payments to families and other people who care for them. The monthly amount for child care in 2017 is:

  • if the child is cared for by one of the parents (either a guardian, or a legal representative, or a trustee) - 5,500 rubles;
  • if care is provided by another person - 1,200 rubles.

To receive such benefits, you must also apply to the Pension Fund at the place of residence or registration with an application from the caregiver. You will need to provide the same list of documents as when applying for a pension for a child, but additionally confirm the fact that the caregiver is not currently working. Such documents will be a work book and a certificate from the employment service confirming that the person submitting the application does not receive unemployment benefits.

The care allowance will be transferred together with the disability pension in the manner determined when the application was made.

The procedure for paying a pension and the method of receiving it

A social pension for children with disabilities is paid monthly from the moment of its appointment, but not before the date of the emergence of the right to it. A feature of the pension payment for a disabled child is that the child can receive it either by himself or through a representative (one of the parents, guardian, trustee or adoptive parent). You must choose one of the following methods for issuing a pension:

  • Using the services of a credit institution, in this case, the pension is transferred to the personal account. In this case, you can withdraw money at the cash desk of the bank, or through an ATM. Additional commission is not charged;
  • Using the services of the Russian Post, receive a pension at home, or directly at the post office. When choosing this method, a specific date for its receipt is set, based on the pension delivery schedule. In this case, payment may be made later than this date, but within the delivery period. The end date of the payment period is different for each post office;
  • Using the services of other organizations that deliver pensions, receive a pension at home or at the organization's cash desk. The list of organizations that deliver pensions can be clarified at the Pension Fund.

A disabled child has the right to receive a pension on his own upon reaching the age of 14. A trusted person can also receive a pension, for whom a notarized power of attorney is drawn up for a period of one year or more. Initially, the choice of delivery method is made in the application for the payment of a pension. In the future, when changing the delivery method, you must submit a corresponding application in person or electronically. Read also the article: → "".

Pension to parents of children with disabilities before the due date.

Only one of them can use the right to receive an early pension to the parents of a disabled child. In this case, the parent of the child must meet the following requirements:

  • he was engaged in raising a child with a disability for at least 8 years;
  • the presence of a certain insurance experience (15 years for a woman, 20 years for a man);
  • age from which a pension is assigned (50 years for a woman, 55 years for a man).

The length of service is understood as the period of work during which the employer made contributions to the employee's pension savings.

Legislative basis for registration

Legislative act Document date Content
Law No. 181-FZ 11/24/1995 On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 20.02.2006 The procedure for recognizing a person as disabled
Law No. 178-FZ 17.07.1999 About social assistance in the form of a set of social services
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 175 26.02.2013 Monthly payments to persons caring for children with disabilities

Answers to common questions

Question number 1.“What if the mother of a child with a disability spends his pension at her own discretion for her own needs, and not for the needs of the child?”

The expenditure of such funds occurs without prior agreement with the guardianship and guardianship authorities. However, you can contact them with a complaint about the mother of this child, perhaps they will be able to oblige her to report on the spent pension, and also checked the conditions in which the child lives.

Question number 2.“The child has lost one of the parents. Does he have the right to count on both a survivor’s pension and a disability pension?”

Unfortunately no. In this case, you must choose either one type of pension or another.

Question number 3.“What pension will a disabled child receive when he reaches 18?”

Upon reaching the age indicated by you, the child undergoes a re-examination and receives a new disability status - “Childhood Disabled”. At the same time, he will also be paid a pension, but in a different amount and for its registration, you need to re-submit documents to the Pension Fund.

Question number 4.“Can a child with a disability receive medicines that are not included in the List of Medicines?”

With a complex course of the disease in exceptional cases, this is possible. But they can be discharged only by decision of the medical commission.

Question number 5.“Are there payments to children with disabilities of a regional nature?”

This question depends on your region, you should clarify it with the social security authorities and your doctor.

Disability pension is included in the category of state payments. The assignment of this type of pension occurs after passing the procedure of medical and social examination, as a result of which the person receives an examination certificate.

On the basis of the document, employees of the pension fund draw up monthly payments to citizens in accordance with the established disability group.

Who counts

Disabled persons of the third group are disabled citizens who are not able to work in their specialty due to their state of health, but are suitable for lighter types of employment.

The list of diseases for which a person can receive group 3 is not legally approved. The final decision on the assignment of disability will remain with the specialists of the medical and social expertise.

Persons who have received a disability are required to undergo a medical examination every year, confirming the status of a disabled citizen.

The following are exempted from the annual examination:

  • citizens of retirement age (men over 60 years old, women over 55 years old);
  • disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War who have confirmed their status over the past 5 years;
  • military personnel who were injured in the defense of the Motherland upon reaching retirement age (men over 55 years old, women over 50 years old).

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The Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1997 defines the criteria by which doctors are required to confirm permanent disability. These include:

  • incurable diseases of internal organs;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • defects in the anatomy of the body, as well as surgical diseases;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • eye damage.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 1/30 contains a complete list of diseases for each of the listed sections.

What does it consist of

Depending on the individual characteristics of the applicant, the disability pension may consist of the following parts:

  • state pension + monthly payments;
  • insurance pension + monthly payments;
  • social pension + monthly payments.

The category of monthly payments includes funds allocated for medicines, travel and spa treatment. Regardless of the chosen type of pension, a person can be provided with monthly payments for dependents.

How is it calculated

Each type of pension is calculated according to an individual scheme.

Insurance payments are calculated on the basis of seniority, EDV, the presence of dependents.

The social pension has a fixed rate. Every year, as a result of indexation, the size of the social pension changes. Reindexation occurs on February 1st.