
Health in the hands of the parent meeting. Parent meeting “The health of the child is in our hands! Presentation: "The health of the child is in our hands"


"The health of the child is in our hands"

Dear parents! Remember, the health of the child is in your hands. It has long been noticed: in those families where adults get sick a little, and children, as a rule, are healthy. Today it is very important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in the improvement of ourselves and our children.

Unfortunately, due to the insufficiently developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in the first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for a child because of their own bad habits, and often have a poor idea of ​​how to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle.

What can parents do when joining a healthy lifestyle?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to actively use the healing natural factors of the environment: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air. Since the natural forces of nature are the usual components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the organism.
  2. The child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate. Quarrels in the presence of a child contribute to the emergence of neurosis in him or exacerbate existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child's body.
  3. Adults should not only protect the children's body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the body's defenses and its performance. And the important thing here is a properly organized daily routine. The daily routine is the optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day. It satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The regime disciplines children, contributes to the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.
  4. Walking is one of the essential components of the daily routine. This most effective type of rest well restores the functional resources of the body reduced in the course of activity, and first of all - working capacity. Staying in the fresh air helps to increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child's appetite and sleep are always normal.
  5. An equally important component of the regime is sleep, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).
  6. Good nutrition - the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices and preservatives. More often include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet of children.

It is important for children to form an interest in the improvement of their own body. The sooner the child gets an idea about the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. You can not force a child, you need to educate only by example. The principle of "do no harm" should be the basis of the upbringing and development of the child. It should be recalled that the desire of parents to educate a child from an early age in order to raise a "wunderkind" is fatal. “Early learning” leads to overload, adversely affects health, provokes neurosis and a decrease in interest in learning. In preschool childhood, while the child develops the psyche, the leading type of activity is the game. Without play, children develop a sense of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is the leading human need. Even for adults it is important. And we see a lot of adult game programs on TV.

Synopsis of the parent meeting in the preschool educational institution "The health of the child is in our hands"

This summary is recommended for a physical education instructor to work with parents of the middle-senior group. Holding a parent meeting promotes close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in matters of children's health.
Target: Ensuring close cooperation and uniform requirements of the kindergarten and family in matters of children's health.
To acquaint parents with the content of the physical education and health-improving work of the preschool educational institution and the results of the activities of the teaching staff to preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers.
To give advice and recommendations to parents about strengthening the health of their child and cultivating the habit of a healthy lifestyle.
To promote awareness of parents of responsibility for the formation of a value attitude towards their health in children.
To acquaint parents with the child's attitude to health, and the peculiarities of children's knowledge about human health
preliminary work:
Questionnaire for parents "How do you take care of the health of your family?"
Questioning of children "Healthy person"
Making a breathing simulator.
Creation of a presentation "Physical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution"
Exhibition of exercise equipment for breathing.
Selection of material for the game "Mouths of babies".
Selection of breathing exercises.
Meeting plan:
Parents award.
The game "Mouths of babies"
Consultation "Respiratory gymnastics"
Practicum of health: training of parents in methods of respiratory gymnastics.
Reflection. Filling out the questionnaire.
Distribution of the booklet for parents "Game massage".
Adoption of the decision of the meeting.

Hello. We are very pleased that you took the time to respond to our invitation.
A healthy, strong and developed child.
How to achieve this? What do we adults do for this?
Caring for the upbringing of a healthy child is one of the main tasks in the work of our preschool institution. Such a child has a good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, is socially and physiologically adapted. In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain interest in health improvement, both ourselves and children.
So what can adults do to encourage children to adopt a healthy lifestyle?
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Presentation "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"
Preschool age is a very important period for the early involvement of the child in caring for his health, for the improvement of the child's body, therefore the problem of maintaining health and cultivating a healthy lifestyle is relevant for our preschool educational institution,
The most important condition for recovery is the organization of physical activity of children.
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Physical activity contributes to:
- increasing the body's resistance to various diseases;
- growth of physical working capacity;
- normalization of the activity of individual organs and functional systems;
- the emergence of positive emotions that contribute to the strengthening of mental health.
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For this purpose, the kindergarten has a gymnasium equipped with gymnastic benches, sports mats, massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, balls, skittles, hoops, etc. And also in the hall there is non-traditional sports equipment made by the hands of teachers.
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The group is equipped with a sports corner, where preschoolers work out independently and under the supervision of a teacher. Items for games are located in an accessible place: small sports equipment for throwing, jumping, catching, etc.
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One of the main forms of organizing recreational work with children is physical education. At the lesson, children master the main types of movements (jumping, running, throwing, walking, etc.), develop physical qualities (strength, speed, flexibility, etc.). Also in the classroom, the skills of proper breathing are formed, the “muscular corset” is strengthened.
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It is impossible to imagine health work without morning exercises and awakening gymnastics.
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walks, the basis of which is motor activity, including outdoor games, hardening, labor activity.
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In order to increase the resistance of the protective properties of the body, improve physical and mental performance, health-saving technologies are used:
- self-massage
-breathing exercises
-prevention of flat feet
- prevention of posture disorders
- physical education minutes
- awakening gymnastics
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The forms of physical culture and health-improving work of the kindergarten also include the organization and holding of sports holidays, leisure activities, and entertainment.
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I would like to note the help of parents in the organization of physical culture and health work in the group. Many responded to the suggestion of a physical education instructor to keep a “Healthy Diary”, completed the tasks, realizing that this work is aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills in children, motivating them to manage the process of forming their own health.
We want to note the parents who took part in the manufacture of breathing simulators with letters of thanks.
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Thanks to the efforts of these parents, we have got some nice breathing machines in our group. The gym has non-traditional sports equipment that contributes to the prevention of visual impairment, the prevention of posture disorders, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, etc.

Slide number 13.
As a result of our joint work, I would like you to understand the need to change the approach to the formation of the health of a preschooler. This transition should be associated with a change in the attitudes of both parents and children to their health, awareness of its unique value, the possibility of its active correction, that is, managing the process of forming health and an individual style of a healthy lifestyle.
The end of the presentation.

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, hardy. But very often they forget that good physical data is due to the lifestyle that the family leads, the physical activity of the child. The results of recent studies confirm that in today's high-tech society, it will be necessary to pay much more attention to healthy lifestyles, the physical development of a person, since there are fewer and fewer incentives for natural movement. We live in economically built apartments, the pace of modern life forces us to often use personal or public transport, receive information through radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - with the help of physical education and sports, games, outdoor activities. In this regard, we must teach our children to use the beneficial effects of physical exercise in a timely and complete manner - as a vital necessity as opposed to the "diseases of civilization."

"Take care of your health from a young age!" This proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person has already developed a conscious attitude towards his health.
Slavia, on which the direction of the formation of the child's personality, as well as his health, depends, are laid in the family. What to instill
There are children from childhood and adolescence in the family in the sphere of moral, ethical and other principles, determines all his further behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others.

Therefore, parents themselves must accept the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health.
There is a rule:
"If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise he will have nowhere to lead!".
The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.
- Firstly, the observance of the regime of the day. In kindergarten, the regime is respected, but not always at home. Teach children to go to bed early and wake up early. And strictly observe this rule.
- Secondly, these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children should be able to think correctly, to know why this should be done.
- Together with children, consider situations of protection against germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink on the street; always wash your hands with soap after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Together with the children, count how many times a day they have to wash their hands;
- Thirdly, food culture.
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Tell the children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods they contain and what they are needed for - Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.
- Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart).
- Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).
- Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

Fourthly, these are gymnastics, physical education, sports, hardening and outdoor games. If a person goes in for sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say that. Be sure to do gymnastics daily
Among the many factors influencing the growth, development and health of the child, physical activity plays the main role. The development of motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, thinking largely depends on the degree of development of the child's natural need for movement. Therefore, it is very important to enrich the motor experience of the child.
At preschool age, a child is not yet able to consciously and adequately follow the elementary norms of hygiene and sanitation, fulfill the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, and take care of their health. All this brings to the fore the task for parents to develop in a small child the skills and habits that contribute to the preservation of their health.
Of course, the health of children directly depends on the living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygienic culture of parents and the level of their education.
As a rule, we, adults, become interested in the problem of cultivating the habit of a healthy lifestyle only when the child already needs psychological or medical help. Readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.
Must learn the best Russian family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of the family in human life, the role of the child in the family, master the norms and ethics of relations with parents and other family members. Spiritual health is the peak to which everyone must climb himself. Healthy lifestyle serves to strengthen the whole family.
The main task for parents is: the formation of a child's moral attitude towards their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy, to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. In this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult.
The home regimen of a preschooler is one of the important components of family education, which allows maintaining a high level of working capacity, pushing back fatigue and eliminating overwork. The family organizes a rational home regime - it must correspond to the regime in a preschool institution.
Forming a healthy lifestyle for a child, parents should instill in the child the basic knowledge, skills and abilities:
- knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of premises, clothes, shoes;
- the ability to correctly build a daily routine and perform it;
- the ability to interact with the environment: to understand under what conditions (house, street, road, park, playground) is safe for life and health;
- the ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict the consequences and find a way out of them;
- knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in the life of the human body;
- understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle for personal health, well-being, success in classes;
- knowledge of the basic rules of proper nutrition;
- knowledge of the rules of maintaining health from colds;
- the ability to provide simple assistance with minor cuts, bruises;
- knowledge of the rules for the prevention of diseases of the spine, foot, organs of vision, hearing and others;
- understanding the importance of motor activity for the development of a healthy organism;
Another very important problem related to the health of children is watching TV and using a computer. The computer and TV are undoubtedly useful for the development of horizons, memory, attention, thinking, coordination of the child, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the continuous time spent by the child in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.
The importance of the physical education of children in the family, prove that this is a very serious problem in the modern education of children. We are surrounded by machines, computers, virtual games - objects that are very interesting to us, but just because of which we move very little. Today's children see more interest in a virtual game than in a real game of football or tennis. The main disease of the 21st century is physical inactivity, i.e. immobility.
Parents consider caring for their children's health to be important, but only a few truly use the possibilities of physical education for this.
Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the child to sports. Observations show that parents are usually active and inventive in creating good living conditions, in making sure that their children are beautifully dressed, tasty and well fed. But excessive comfort and plentiful nutrition with insufficiently active motor mode often causes everyday laziness, weakens health, and reduces working capacity. Parents should show their children an example of an active, interesting and mobile life. Movement is the main manifestation of life, a means of harmonious development of the individual. It is important to exacerbate the child's sense of "muscle joy" - the feeling of pleasure experienced by a healthy person during muscular work. Every person has this feeling from birth. But a long sedentary lifestyle can lead to its almost complete extinction. Do not miss the time - this is the main thing that parents need to know in this regard.
Going in for sports also helps to develop important personality traits: perseverance in achieving goals, perseverance; the positive results of these activities are beneficial for the mental state of children, especially if these are joint activities of children and parents.

Such classes bring positive results:
- awaken parents' interest in the level of "motor maturity" of children and contribute to the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;
- deepen the relationship between parents and children;
- provide an opportunity to do physical education in a short period of time not only for a child, but also for an adult: the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;
- allow you to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child, serve for mutual enrichment, and contribute to the comprehensive development of the child.
It is great if parents teach the child, help him and participate in competitions and sports activities in kindergarten. Sports interests in such a family become permanent.

Outdoor games are of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child. Participation of a child in game tasks of various intensity allows mastering vital motor skills in walking, running, jumping, balance, climbing, throwing.

A feature of the outdoor game is the complexity of the impact on all aspects of the child's personality:
physical, mental, moral and labor education is carried out.
all physiological processes in the body increase, the work of all organs and systems improves.
develops the ability to use the acquired motor skills in a variety of ways.
Children who are carried away by the plot of the game can perform physical exercises with interest many times without noticing fatigue. Increasing the load, in turn, increases endurance.
During the game, children act in accordance with the rules. This regulates the behavior of the players and helps to develop positive qualities: endurance, courage, determination, etc.
Changing the conditions of the game contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity, etc.

Lydia Chernousova
"The health of the child is in our hands!"



Educator Chernousova L.V.

MADOU d / s combined type No. 87 "Ship"

The fact that child's health is the most important that only can be in the life of parents, no doubt. Since the mere sight of a sick child can bring the mother to a nervous breakdown, and at the same time the whole family. Also important is the fact that it is expensive to get sick now, especially for children, since an adult can be treated even without a doctor, only by asking the opinion of a pharmacist in a pharmacy about "efficiency" one drug or another "from a cold". Concerning child health, the iron rule works here, we are treated only by a doctor, and the best, and, accordingly, not cheap.

A steady downward trend that has emerged in recent years preschool health, an increase in the number of children with mental and speech development disorders, dictates the need to find mechanisms to change this situation. After all, preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental child health. During this period, there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body.

What can we as adults do to our children get sick as little as possible?

There are more than 300 definitions of the concept « health» . According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The most accessible means of increasing potential health- physical culture, motor activity. Observations show that healthy children enjoy their development and movement forward, acquiring new skills and abilities. A. Maslow, the founder of humanistic psychology, believes that the inner nature child you need to encourage and give it an outlet in every possible way, and not suppress it. By allowing her to control the life of the baby, we thereby help him find health, success and happiness. And if the existence of this personal core is denied or hushed up, child falls ill - obviously or implicitly, immediately or after a certain time.

Therefore the problem health saving children becomes not only medical, but also pedagogical. Quality education, especially pre-school, is possible only with health-saving and health strengthening conditions. Preservation and strengthening health children in the process of upbringing and education is a priority task facing preschool teachers.

Security health children can be called a priority activity of the whole society, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the acquired knowledge and in the future are able to engage in productive and useful work.

Health saving pedagogical technology, according to V. D. Sonkin, - it:

Conditions of stay child in kindergarten(lack of stress, adequacy of requirements, adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics and hygiene requirements);

Correspondence of educational and physical activity to age capabilities child;

Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode.

The currently observed chronic deficit of motor activity in children hinders their normal physical development, threatens health.

There is a growing need, starting from a very early age, to ensure the education of preschoolers of sustainable interest, the need for regular physical exercise, value motivation for healthy lifestyle.

The efforts of the employees of our kindergarten No. 87 in Belgorod are aimed at health care for preschool children, cultivation healthy lifestyle. It is these tasks that are priority in the program of modernization of Russian education. One of the means of solving the identified problems is health-saving pedagogical technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable.

Target health-saving technologies - to provide a preschooler with a high level of real health, arming him with the necessary baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for conducting healthy lifestyle, and nurtured his culture health.

Health saving pedagogical technologies are implemented on the basis of a student-centered approach. Carried out on the basis of personality-developing situations, they are among those vital factors by which preschoolers learn to live together and interact effectively. They must ensure the development of natural abilities child: his mind, moral and aesthetic feelings, the need for activity, mastering the initial experience of communicating with people, nature, art.

Forms of organization health-saving work:

physical education classes

independent activity of children

outdoor games

morning exercises (traditional, breathing, sound)

motor- health-improving physical minutes

exercise after nap

physical exercises combined with hardening procedures

physical culture walks (to the park, to the stadium)

physical culture leisure

sports holidays

Additionally, methods are used hardening:

Washing with cold water after a nap.

Bare walking in combination with air baths is carried out in physical education classes and after daytime sleep.

A huge role should be given to working with parents.

Health the child largely depends on the environment that surrounds him at home. Friendly family relationships determine the emotional state of the child. His mental health. Positive result wellness work is possible only with the support of parents. Fortunately, more and more parents are now aware of the fact that child health, a factor that only parents can influence, and not doctors or educators.

Parent meetings, consultations and conversations with parents about disease prevention, personal hygiene, the benefits of additional walks and classes in various sports sections, folders for joining healthy lifestyle, status survey health children joint activities (subbotniks, help in organizing the environment.) etc.

What can parents do to help them the child was less sick?

Attach child to a healthy lifestyle for exercise and sports!

spend more time with child outdoors!

Why for child health How important is fresh air? Let's analyze.

Do you know what causes 90% of acute respiratory infections in children, viruses. Viruses survive very well in house dust and stagnant warm air. Where do we have such conditions? That's right, indoors, at home, at work, in the garden, at school. On the street, catching a virus, say the flu, is possible only from an infected person; in the moving cool air, he will surely die quickly. But in a warm, unventilated room, the virus will perfectly find a place for itself, where it will wait for its next victim.

Introduce more foods containing vitamin C into the diet of children (lemons, black currants, a decoction of rose hips, oranges, apples, etc.)

Don't feed child forcibly. After an active walk, he will already have an appetite, and the food eaten with appetite will bring its result.

To sum up, the system of physical culture and health work carried out by teachers of the preschool educational institution, allows you to effectively solve the issues of the full physical development of preschoolers, the preservation and strengthening of their health, to educate in children the need for movement and a positive emotional perception of life.

Child health, the most important factor on which parents are able to influence. Inculcating from an early age the habit of healthy lifestyle spending active time outdoors with your baby, you can provide child healthy happy life. Let's remember this! After all child's health is priceless!

Prepared by: teacher Nikitenkova O.S.

Advice for parents "The health of the child is in our hands."

Your child's health is in our hands!

In modern society, in the 21st century, new, higher demands are made on a person, including a child, on his knowledge and abilities. Caring for the health of the child has become a priority all over the world. Any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy personalities. A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, is socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.According to surveys, only 5-7% of children are born healthy, 2-3% have I health group. At first glance, our children are healthy and there is no reason to worry. But what is health? According to the World Health Organization, health - this is complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects.

Factors affecting the state of health:

20% hereditary;

20% - ecology;

10% - development of health care;

50%- Lifestyle.

What is ZOZ? (healthy lifestyle)

    Balanced diet.

    Regime compliance.

    Optimal driving mode.

    Complete sleep.

    Healthy hygienic environment.

    Favorable psychological atmosphere.


Urban environmental factors adversely affect the development and health of the child. But the increase in the number of childhood diseases is associated not only with poor environmental conditions, but also with the very way of life of the child's family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor regime. In our kindergarten, a survey of parents was conducted on the topic "Are there traditions of physical education in your family?" Only 32% of respondents gave a positive answer. But with insufficient physical activity of the child, a deterioration in health, a decrease in physical performance, etc., inevitably occur. So let's fight for that 50% to be a percentage.healthy lifestyle life .


    First of all, it is necessary to actively use the healing natural factors of the environment. : clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, volatile properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for life and the body.

    The child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate. Quarreling in the presence of a child contributes to the emergence of neurosis in him or aggravates already existing disorders of the nervous system. All this reduces the protective capabilities of the child's body. Given this, we should always try to be in a good mood. Remember, when we smile, it immediately becomes easier, when we frown, sadness creeps up. Emotional resilience and related behaviors are nurtured. The ability to correctly and rationally relate to what we see and hear is important here. So let's smile more and give joy to each other!

    Properly organized daily routine: optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day. The regime disciplines children, promotes the formation of useful habits, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.Walk - one of the essential components of the daily routine. This most effective form of relaxation increases the body's resistance, hardens it. It is good to combine a walk with sports and outdoor games. An important component of the regime -Dream. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time (both day and night). The child's home regimen should be a continuation of the kindergarten day regimen, and especially on weekends.

    Complete nutrition: inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts and protein. It is desirable to cook all dishes from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices and preservatives. More often include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet of children. The diet is important - the observance of certain intervals between meals.

    To form an interest in the improvement of one's own body. The sooner the child gets an idea about the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If the child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education and observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this. When a child enters school, the level of his physical development is important. The principle of "do no harm" should be the basis of the upbringing and development of the child.

    Walking and running are effective for improving health, that protect the human body from disease. They have a pronounced training effect and contribute to the hardening of the body. What is hardening? Increasing the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors through systematic short-term exposure of the body to the same factors in small doses. As a result of hardening, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions. Hardening is more important for a weakened child than for a healthy one. Along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot procedures, gargling), non-traditional ones are also widely used:

    Contrast air hardening (from a warm to a cold room);

    Walking barefoot, while strengthening the arches and ligaments of the foot, there is a prevention of flat feet. In the summer, give children the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt, on small pebbles and cones that act as strong irritants. Warm sand, soft carpet, grass have a calming effect. When walking barefoot, the intensity of activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation is stimulated throughout the body, and mental activity improves.

    A contrast shower is the most effective method of hardening at home.

    Gargling with cool water with a decrease in its temperature is a method for preventing nasopharyngeal disease.

If you want to see your child healthy, you need to carry out hardening procedures daily. Minimum hardening - air and water procedures, properly selected clothing.

VII. To increase the defenses of the child's body, it is recommended to take vitamins. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate individual biochemical and physiological processes.

VIII. A blow to the health of the child is dealtharmful inclinations of parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchial lung diseases more often than children of non-smokers.



Remember - health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing!

Health you need not only you, but also the people whom you are obliged to protect and help.

Health not only physical strength, but also mental balance.

Health - this is your ability to satisfy your needs within reasonable limits.

Health is the physical and hygienic culture of our body: there is nothing more beautiful than the human body.

Health is the style and way of your life.

Walk barefoot periodically on the ground - the ground gives us strength, removes excess electricity from the body.

Learn to breathe correctly - deeply, evenly, calmly.

The family is our support and our happiness, do it in the family so that each family member feels his need and dependence on each other.

Health - this is love and respect for nature: nature is not a brother and sister, but the father and mother of mankind.

If you want to be healthy, make friends with physical culture, clean air and healthy food.

Remember - the sun is our friend, and we are all children of the sun, but do not joke with its rays: sunbathing should not become burning in the sun.

Health - the social culture of man, the culture of human relations.

Love our land - mother and nurse, take care of her and all living things to which she gave life. If you want to live, love life.

Health is our capital. It can be enlarged, it can be squandered. If you want to be healthy - be it!