
What to do if thrush starts. How can you get rid of thrush knowing everything about it. Having sex during treatment


Most representatives of the fair sex know about the symptoms of thrush firsthand. It must be said that this disease does not bypass men either. Meanwhile, the causative agent of thrush is a resident of our normal microflora. Gynecologist Albina Romanova will tell you why he begins to behave aggressively and what to do about it.

How to properly treat thrush?

Thrush(vulvovaginal candidiasis) is a fungal infection that is caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (most often Candida albicans), and is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vulvar ring, vagina, urethra, and perineum as a whole. These fungi are classified as opportunistic microorganisms (that is, they are part of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon of almost all healthy people), therefore, for the development of this disease, it is important not just the presence of fungi of this genus, but their reproduction in very large quantities, and this, most often, occurs when immunity decreases.

Doctors call thrush and candidal colpitis, and vulvovaginal mycosis, and urogenital candidiasis, and genital fungus, but the essence does not change, it is the same pathological process.

Unfortunately, thrush is a very common disease among the female population. More than 75% of women all over the planet have suffered from this disease at least once in their lives, and a third of them, who have received sufficient therapy, get sick again (a relapse of the disease occurs).

Factors contributing to the spread of thrush

  • wearing synthetic, tight-fitting underwear (for example, the well-known “thong”) - damage to the mucous membranes in areas of friction, transfer of microflora from the anus to the vagina.
  • Use of daily sanitary pads.
  • Unnatural sexual intercourse (anal, oral) - there is a disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina, which contributes to the development of thrush.
  • Diabetes mellitus - strong changes in the immune system, frequent urination, obesity (usually accompanying diabetes mellitus), difficulties with personal hygiene, ulceration of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract - contribute to the development of thrush.
  • Treatment with broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs - they kill not only pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease (for example, pneumonia), but also opportunistic microorganisms inhabiting our gastrointestinal tract and genital tract: in the “empty” place, fungal flora develops and grows very well - thrush occurs.
  • Pregnancy - during pregnancy, immune protection decreases so that the fertilized egg is not perceived by the body as a foreign body, so expectant mothers are more susceptible to any infections, including candidiasis.
  • The use of high-dose oral contraceptives (containing 30 mcg or more of ethinyl estradiol), intrauterine contraceptives (spiral), spermicides, diaphragm (for contraception) - weakening of the local protective barrier in the vagina.
  • The use of glucocorticosteroids is a factor in changing metabolism in organs and tissues, contributing to the development of thrush.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis (thrush) is not a sexually transmitted infection, despite the fact that the same strains of fungi are detected in sexual partners. Most likely, this pathology can be associated with a defect in the immune system at different levels (decreased general or local immunity). Candidiasis carriage is not a disease, since a healthy person has these opportunistic microorganisms.

Thrush is classified into:

  1. Acute candidiasis.
  2. Recurrent (chronic) candidiasis.

Manifestations of thrush:

  1. Itching and burning in the vagina and in the area of ​​the external genitalia, intensifies during sleep, after water procedures, after sexual intercourse, during menstruation.
  2. Leucorrhoea is a profuse or moderate curdled discharge from the genital tract, white to gray-yellow in color, odorless.
  3. Painful intercourse.
  4. Painful (with pain) and frequent urination.
  5. Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, traces of scratching (maceration of the skin and mucous membranes).

There may be all of the above signs of thrush, or some of them (the disease is erased, without pronounced complaints from the patient).

What is required to diagnose thrush (candidiasis)?

The patient has complaints of itching, curdled discharge from the genital tract, impaired urination, symptoms of local inflammation in the external genital area (swelling, redness, maceration), laboratory data: microscopy of vaginal smears - detection of yeast-like fungi and pseudohyphae, vaginal pH 4 -4.5, the amino test is negative (when alkali is added to the vaginal discharge - there will be no smell of stale fish), when sowing the vaginal discharge on appropriate nutrient media, the growth of fungi is observed (here you can evaluate their species, quantity, sensitivity to this or other antibacterial drug). There are additional (and expensive) methods for confirming the diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis - immunofluorescence diagnostics (“CandidaSure”), compliment binding reactions, immunological studies and express methods. They are most often based on an antigen-antibody reaction, that is, to a pathogenic microorganism (antigen), our immune system produces protection (antibody): the antibody binds to the antigen, neutralizing the latter. This complex (antigen-antibody) can be identified by these diagnostic methods, or only the antibody is recognized.

Treatment of thrush

Carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, self-medication of thrush is fraught with the transition of the acute form of candidal colpitis to chronic, with frequent exacerbations and difficult cure.

Stages of treatment for thrush:

  1. Combating predisposing factors(rational antibiotic therapy, maintaining and protecting the immune system, personal hygiene)
  2. Diet(restriction of carbohydrates)
  3. Rejection of bad habits.
  4. Drug local treatment of thrush (choose one drug):
  • Butoconazole, 2% cream 5 g once, topically.
  • Ketoconazole, suppositories 400 mg, 1 suppository x 1 time per day for 3 or 5 days.
  • Fluconazole, orally 150 mg once (Flucostat).
  • Itraconazole, orally 200 mg x 2 times a day for 3 days or 200 mg (Irunin) x 10 days tablets that are inserted deep into the vagina.
  • Sertaconazole, 300 mg (1 suppository) once.
  • Clotrimazole, 100 mg (1 tablet in the vagina) for 7 days.
  • Miconazole: vaginal suppositories 100 mg (1 suppository) at night for 7 days.
  • Nystatin: vaginal tablets 100,000 units (1 suppository) daily x 1 time, before bed, for 14 days.
  1. Drug treatment of chronic thrush:

- systemic antimycotic (itraconazole 200 mg orally 2 times a day for 3 days or fluconazole 150 mg once a day for 3 days) and

- local therapy with azole drugs (most often within 14 days):

Imidazole preparations:

  • ketoconazole (nizoral) - Use 400 mg/day for 5 days;
  • clotrimazole (canesten) -Used in the form of vaginal tablets, 200-500 mg for 6 days;
  • miconazole - 250 mg, 4 times a day, 10-14 days.
  • bifonazole - 1% cream, 1 time per day at night, 2-4 weeks;

Triazole preparations:

  • fluconazole - 50-150 mg 1 time per day, from 7 to 14 days;
  • itraconazole (orungal) - 200 mg 1 time/day, 7 days.

Despite the high effectiveness of local treatment of thrush, many patients experience a relapse (exacerbation) after 1-3 months. This is due to taking antibiotics that change the normal microflora of the vagina, concomitant diabetes mellitus, taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy (increased glycogen levels in the vaginal epithelium - a good environment for the proliferation of fungi), an increase in the number of infected patients who are more pathogenic (and more resistant to traditional methods of treatment ) species of fungi - C.pseudotropicalis, C.glabrata, C. parapsilosis.

Is it necessary to treat the patient’s spouse for thrush?

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, and most often there is no need to treat your spouse. But there are situations when a man has clinical manifestations (symptoms of itching, irritation and scratching on the penis, white discharge that worsens after sexual intercourse) with a confirmed diagnosis of candidiasis in a woman. In this case, the treatment regimen for thrush is the same as for a woman. Only treatment is carried out not with local drugs, but for oral administration (Pimafucin, 100 mg x 1 tablets 4 times a day for 10 days).

Typically, a man does not have symptoms of this disease, even if the woman is sick and undergoing treatment. If symptoms of thrush occur in a man, then his body as a whole should be examined to exclude infections that significantly reduce immune surveillance (such as HIV (AIDS), hepatitis B and C, acute leukemia).

What to do to prevent thrush recurrence

In order to prevent relapse (exacerbation) of the disease, it is necessary to use:

- systemic antimycotic (itraconazole 200 mg orally or fluconazole 150 mg on the first day of menstruation for 6 months, that is, 6 courses);

- therapy with local drugs once a week for 6 months (drugs that are used in suppositories for vaginal use).

Monitoring the treatment of thrush

— In the acute form of thrush, treatment control is carried out 7 days after the end of treatment (smears and cultures are taken to test the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics).

- In case of chronic candidal colpitis, the effectiveness of treatment is assessed during 3 menstrual cycles on the 5-7th day of the cycle (as soon as bleeding from the genital tract stops after menstruation - smears and cultures are taken for sensitivity).

In special cases, for example, treatment of thrush in pregnant women, local antifungal drugs are used, such as: Natamycin 100 mg (pimafucin) 1 suppository at night for 3-6 days (the drug is approved for use in pregnant women even in the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, up to 12 weeks), or clotrimazole, 1 vaginal tablet (100 mg) x 1 time per day at night, for 7 days (the drug is approved for use in pregnant women only from 13 weeks of pregnancy).

If the sick patient is a child, then thrush is treated according to the following regimen: fluconazole 2 mg per 1 kilogram of the child’s body weight; the entire dose is taken orally once with a small amount of water.

However, when describing in detail the drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush), their dosage regimens and courses of treatment, it is necessary to understand that all treatment must be supervised by a doctor. After all, the clinical picture (symptoms of the disease) typical for thrush are also characteristic of many pathological processes in the vagina, for example: bacterial vaginosis, atrophic (cyanotic) colpitis, bacterial vaginitis, chronic cervicitis, leukoplakia or krause of the vulva (vagina), chlamydial cervicitis, adnexitis , gonorrhea, therefore the question of treatment should only be in the doctor’s office, under careful laboratory and clinical monitoring of the patient’s cure.

Be healthy!

Gynecologist Albina Romanova

The most common cause of discomfort and itching in the vulva and vaginal discharge. 75% of women have had at least one episode of thrush during their lifetime, and almost half have it more than once. The situation is almost like with: it happens to the majority, it has been studied well, but there is no vaccine or other way to eradicate this condition - but there are a lot of misconceptions associated with it. Let's figure out where candidiasis comes from and what to do about it.

Olga Lukinskaya

What is the reason

The cause of candidiasis is the Candida fungus, most often the Candida albicans species, although others also occur. In general, candidiasis can be not only a relatively harmless infection of the mucous membrane - on the genitals or in the mouth - but also a dangerous systemic condition, affecting internal organs, when the fungus is detected in the blood. This is called invasive candidiasis and requires serious treatment. In this material we talk only about vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Fungi that cause thrush are a normal part of the genital microflora; the problem comes when there are too many of them. They penetrate the mucosal cells, causing inflammation, and characteristic white curdled discharge, itching, burning or pain appear, including during sex or urination.

Risk factors

The microbiome of the vagina and vulva is both a stable and fragile system: it can maintain itself for a long time, but it can also be easily disrupted. Considering that one of the influencing factors is hormonal, thrush occurs in 30–35% of pregnant women and in 30% of women with endocrine diseases.

During the intrauterine development of a child, a woman’s body’s defenses are significantly reduced. Patients become defenseless against many diseases controlled by the body's immune system. Thrush during pregnancy is a pathology that occurs when immunity declines.

The main cause of pathology in the first trimester is a hormonal surge in the body. The fungus of the albicans variety, which provokes dysbacteriosis in the perineum, is contained in the microbiota of the genital organs even before conception, but does not bring significant discomfort to the girl.

When ovulation occurs and fertilization of the egg with sperm occurs, a hormonal surge occurs in the body, affecting the intimal microbiota. Rising progesterone plays a key role by changing the acidity of the environment.

When the imbalance is disturbed and acidity increases, the most fertile time comes - their active reproduction begins and their number increases in relation to opportunistic microorganisms. Outwardly, this manifests itself as symptoms of a vaginal infection.

Signs and symptoms of thrush in pregnant women

Thrush during pregnancy manifests itself with typical markers, but sometimes the symptoms of the pathology even intensify. The main symptom is the appearance of white discharge with a curd or creamy consistency, as well as in the genital area, irritation at the vestibule of the vagina and labia minora. The discharge is characterized by an unpleasant sourness.

A severe form of the pathology worsens general well-being, lethargy and fatigue appear. Signs of vaginal dysbiosis appear in any period, but in the latter period the disease is especially dangerous - complications during childbirth can also appear in the baby.

Features of therapy: drugs and remedies

The main problem for doctors is that not all medications prescribed for therapy can treat thrush during pregnancy.

The basic principle of treating a mycotic infection in a “specific” population is the choice of medication that is most gentle for the health of the mother and child.

What tablets can I use?

If systemic assistance is necessary, if a severe stage is diagnosed, the use of . Gynecologists predominantly prescribe vaginal tablets. The instructions indicate that they can be taken during pregnancy, they do not have a teratogenic effect, and are well tolerated by expectant mothers. Terzhinan contains the active component ternidazole, as well as neomycin sulfate, nystatin and prednisolone.

Thanks to its unique composition, Terzhinan has a strong antimycotic effect and helps restore the surface of the mucous membrane. It is noteworthy that Terzhinan can also cure gardnerellosis, which often worsens due to hormonal imbalance.

Using Terzhinan is not difficult - one tablet needs to be moistened in water and inserted into the vagina, then it is recommended to lie down for about 15 minutes until the tablet dissolves. The duration of taking Terzhinan will be determined by the doctor, observing the dynamics of the situation, but on average it is 10 days.


For mild cases, doctors prescribe 500 mg once - in most cases, the medicine at this dosage successfully copes with entire albicans colonies.

A good way to get rid of the cause of dysbiosis in any period is tampons with honey. For preparation, you need to purchase real fresh honey, not candied. A small tampon is rolled out of gauze, but you can also use the smallest tampons. The tampon is dipped in honey and inserted into the vagina in a supine position, but not deeply. You need to soak with honey for several hours. The procedure is repeated the next day and so on for 5-7 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Severe thrush goes away in 10 days.

Good reviews are left after using sodium bicarbonate. will not harm the fetus at all, so it is approved as a solution for local treatment of the genitals. It’s easy to prepare a soda solution - you need to add 20 g of soda per liter of warm boiled water, and to soften the liquid you can also dissolve a little sea salt in the water. The resulting medicine is recommended to be used as. This is possible in the first 6 months of the “interesting situation”, when the stomach is not yet large. Stay in the baths - up to 20-25 minutes, course - no more than 7-10 days.

At the end of the second and third period, when it is difficult for a woman to take baths, washing with soda will be useful.

How to treat thrush during pregnancy: by trimester

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy largely depends on how far along the woman is. We will analyze the methods and specifics of therapy by trimester.


Thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is treated with a limited number of medications, since not all medications are allowed to be taken during this period. Doctors prefer to treat with the safest drug Pimafucin.

It does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. During the period of use of Pimafucin, medications are prescribed to help boost immunity so that the problem does not return in the future.

If an infection is detected in the first 3 months, help should not be delayed. You need to be treated for a week, maximum ten days. During this period, itching and discomfort can be eliminated and the baby can be protected from the spread of the disease. After complete recovery, partners are allowed to have sex.


The infection activates in the second trimester much less frequently than in the first, because hormones have already stabilized, although immunity is still not high enough.

The developing fetus ceases to dictate conditions to doctors - in case of vaginal dysbiosis, a prescription is given even for medications prohibited in the first three months. Thrush during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is treated with the drugs Nystatin, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Livarol, Pimafucin remains popular.


The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is special for both mother and baby. The fungus in the last week carries a high risk of giving birth to a fetus affected by the infection. Patients in the third trimester risk being left with ruptures, since the areas of the birth canal affected by infection do not stretch during the passage of the fetus, and it is in those places that women in labor experience damage to the intimate area.

Stitching up tears is not a pleasant sensation, so it is better to protect yourself in every possible way from such a nuisance. You can treat the disease, as before, at home - use Clotrimazole, Pimafucin or Ketoconazole ointment to get rid of it.

What to do if it doesn't work?

If the fungal pathology does not go away during this time, gynecologists prefer to preserve the manifestations during childbirth and breastfeeding.

In the future, when a woman is allowed to take all medications, doctors insist on using stronger drugs, and in some cases they use hardware methods to treat the disease. Women should not do this while expecting a baby, but after giving birth, all methods of combating pathology will become available.


For the purpose of prevention, doctors conduct conversations with women, placing special emphasis on the health of both sexual partners. Dysbacteriosis of the mucous membrane will no longer appear if you normalize your diet, increase your immunity, and take vitamins.

In order for thrush to be cured during pregnancy, treatment must be carried out completely and completely, without stopping medications on your own. It is very important to eliminate all diseases at the initial stage so that you don’t have to use them - it is after them that the disease worsens more than ever.

If you treat vaginal dysbiosis correctly, it will go away quickly. However, the fungus candida albicans continues to live in the patient’s body, and this threatens a new exacerbation. The most important thing in this case is careful prevention of fungal infections.

Thrush is an inflammatory disease caused by a fungal infection of the Candida species.

Often this fungus affects the genitals, especially in women. Contrary to popular belief, thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, but is often considered together with them due to the similarity of some symptoms.

Thrush is quite common among women; according to statistics, three-quarters of those who have reached puberty experience this unpleasant disease at least once in their lives. This type of fungus is present in the body of every woman, but the disease most often develops when immunity declines. If you do not take action during the first manifestation of the fungus, there is a high probability that the disease will become chronic and will periodically remind itself.

What it is?

In the normal microflora of a woman’s healthy vagina, one way or another, the Candida fungus is present in small quantities; if its quantity begins to grow rapidly, that same thrush appears. The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed, which leads to itching, burning, heavy discharge and other symptoms of the disease, which, by the way, is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease.

The danger of thrush lies in the disturbed microflora of the vagina, which becomes an excellent place for the emergence of other infections, inflammations and diseases. If a woman is pregnant, there is a high risk of infection of the fetus. That is why treatment of vaginal candidiasis should be appropriate and timely.

Is thrush transmitted to men?

Normally, a man’s body constantly encounters the same fungi as a woman’s. Since they are contained in the vagina of most women, the partner’s genitals in any case come into contact with the causative agent of thrush. A man can also develop candidiasis of the genital organs, which has approximately the same manifestations and causes as in women. Therefore, if a man has a reduced immune system, has diabetes mellitus or other prerequisites, then he can easily become infected with thrush. Moreover, a sexual partner can bring a large amount of fungus into a woman’s body, which will trigger the development of the disease.

Thus, thrush is transmitted to a man only if he has the prerequisites for its development and does not observe basic rules of personal hygiene. In the end, it is much easier for a man to remove all pathogens from the surface of the penis by simply washing it thoroughly, unlike a woman. And sexual intercourse itself in the presence of candidiasis is a rash action, contrary to the recommendations of doctors and is unlikely to bring pleasure

Reasons for development

The attitude of thrush to infectious diseases may serve as the basis for the belief that it is transmitted from another person. In fact, there are enough Candida fungi in the body itself; they are a natural part of the bacterial environment of the intestines, oral cavity and other mucous membranes. It is important to understand that candidiasis is not the presence of these spores in the body, but rather their excess.

In a healthy body, the environment itself prevents the excessive proliferation of harmful bacteria, maintaining their normal concentration. Immunity disorders are the main factor that provokes an increase in the number of Candida albicans bacteria on the mucous membranes and their concentration in the genital area.

Provoking factors include:

  • changes in the condition of the vaginal mucosa on the eve of menstruation;
  • increased humidity, including from sweat or poorly dried laundry, which is an optimal environment for the development of many types of bacteria;
  • changes in the acidity level of mucous membranes as a result of the use of intimate hygiene products;
  • allergic reactions to bath and hygiene products used;
  • allergic reactions to synthetic underwear and tampons;
  • violation of the vaginal skin during sexual intercourse without sufficient natural moisture or lubrication;
  • pregnancy;
  • endocrine system disorders (including diabetes mellitus);
  • general weakening of the immune system, as well as age-related changes in the body;
  • recovery period after complex diseases or surgery;
  • reactions to hormonal contraceptives, antibiotics, etc. drug treatment.

Most of the factors that provoke the development of Candida are related to weakened immunity and allergic reactions to certain substances associated with these indicators. For a long time it was read that thrush is also caused by the use of low-quality bedding and underwear. Doctors assure that underwear has no direct relation to the occurrence of thrush, but it can still provoke it indirectly. This is most often associated with a violation of normal ventilation and sweating, as its consequences. In a humid environment, the development of bacteria occurs more actively, thus, in women who wear tight synthetic underwear in hot weather, the risk of disease is indeed higher, as well as in those who violate the normal schedule of hygiene procedures.


The symptoms of candidiasis vary and depend on what type of disease we are talking about. It should be noted that many women do not even suspect that they are a carrier of the Candida fungus or suffer from a chronic form of candidiasis.

The classification of thrush in women is as follows.

  1. Colpitis (candidal vaginitis) - pathogenic flora is localized in the vaginal area.
  2. Vulvitis - yeast-like flora progresses, localizing on the external genitalia and skin.
  3. Vulvovaginitis is a type of disease that combines the clinical picture of vaginitis and vulvitis.

All types of thrush have similar symptoms. The tactics of therapy depend on the exact form in which the disease occurs. With thrush in women, symptoms and treatment are closely related concepts that are almost impossible to understand without the help of a doctor.

First signs

The following first signs of thrush in women will help make you wary and suspect the presence of the disease:

  • acute burning, itching of the external genitalia, worsening in a warm environment, after taking a bath;
  • redness (hyperemia) of the vagina and labia;
  • copious white vaginal discharge with a cheesy consistency;
  • increased pain a week before menstruation.

After this, more specific signs appear:

  • curdled discharge - looks like mucus with white lumps;
  • itching, burning in the vagina - do not scratch, so as not to damage the epithelium and allow the fungal infection to penetrate the bloodstream, increasing the area of ​​​​inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • pain and discomfort when urinating - due to increased sensitivity of receptors;
  • pain and burning during sex;
  • slight sour smell of discharge.

Symptoms of thrush

Thrush (see photo) does not always occur with noticeable symptoms; sometimes the disease is discovered only at a gynecologist’s appointment and comes as a surprise to the woman herself.

However, the appearance of the following signs should alert you in any case:

  1. Whitish rashes that quickly spread throughout the mucous membrane. They are usually noticed during hygiene procedures, such as washing. Rashes can appear on the vulva, or inside the vagina, this often happens during thrush during pregnancy.
  2. Itching and burning. They appear even before visible signs of the disease. These sensations do not disappear after washing.
  3. Pain during sexual intercourse and urination. Appears due to microcracks accompanying the disease. The skin is severely injured, so any impact causes pain.
  4. White cheesy discharge. Their appearance is especially noticeable on underwear, so if at some point the discharge becomes particularly large, it acquires an unpleasant odor, and there is a reason to consult a specialist.

Since thrush does not always manifest itself immediately, the best way to detect it at an early stage is through routine preventive examinations with a doctor. If the disease is detected immediately, treatment can begin before severe symptoms appear.

What happens if thrush is not treated or if it is done incorrectly?

Thrush is like a boomerang - it can come back again and again. Candidiasis can affect the cervix, bladder and urethra. Cystitis, cervicitis, urethritis are all complications of this disease. If thrush is accompanied by sexually transmitted infections, there is a risk of inflammatory processes that can lead to infertility.

There is no need to be scared, because we are talking about cases when a woman for some reason does not go to the doctor, or independently uses medications that are not suitable for her. There are many medicines for various gynecological diseases, including vaginal suppositories, which we have already written about earlier. But not every drug is suitable. Gynecologists, if therapy occurs without visible progress, can replace one drug used with another. Not because they “sort out medications at random due to incompetence.” It’s just that the immune response of a particular organism to a particular treatment may be weak.

Severe recurrent thrush may indicate problems with immunity, then it is important to find out the reason for its decrease. There are cases (albeit infrequent) when acute thrush signaled diabetes mellitus and even HIV. But with professional and timely treatment, it proceeds without complications, and soon leaves the woman alone.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of thrush in women expecting a child. Firstly, their immunity is weakened and their hormonal levels change, and these are favorable conditions for the development of bacteria in the vagina. Secondly, pregnant women need to worry not only about themselves: thrush can also threaten the unborn child. While the baby is inside, candida and other fungi cannot get close to him, but during childbirth they can get into the baby’s eyes, mouth and nose. To avoid candidiasis in children, women with thrush are prescribed antifungal therapy with vaginal suppositories.

If at the time of pregnancy a woman already has an advanced stage of thrush, which has spread to internal organs, candidiasis may occur in an unborn child. Cases are very rare, but often result in premature termination of pregnancy. As for the expectant mother, she may also have a difficult time during childbirth. After all, the fungus leads to a loss of elasticity of the vaginal tissues and increases the number of ruptures. The matter, you understand, is unpleasant.

But with the right approach to treatment, complications of thrush can be avoided, and this largely depends on the woman herself.


What thrush looks like in women, the photo is shown below:


The assumption about the cause of cheesy discharge and burning in the vagina requires confirmation by laboratory methods. Signs of chronic thrush can be confused with manifestations of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, especially if the infections develop together.

During a gynecological examination, a smear is necessarily taken from the surface of the vagina to study the composition of the discharge under a microscope and detect fungus and other types of microorganisms. A bacterial culture of the vaginal contents is done, which makes it possible to detect the size of the fungal colony and accurately determine its type. Sensitivity to antifungal agents is determined.

Using the PCR method, the genotype of infections present in the microflora is determined, and the causative agents of hidden infections (Trichomonas, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella and others) are detected.

How to treat thrush in women?

Thrush is treated mainly with tablets and suppositories; ointments and creams are also used. The drugs are divided into two groups. The first includes topical medications. With their help, gentle therapy is carried out and used for uncomplicated forms of thrush. If the disease is severe, it can be used in complex therapy with antimycotic agents.

The second group includes general action tablets that affect the entire body as a whole. Drugs of this group are used for complicated forms of candidiasis and for relapses.

Only a doctor can prescribe the drug; self-medication is dangerous!

Quick and effective treatment of thrush in women in 1 day begins with eliminating the causes of its occurrence and eliminating provoking factors. This is followed by treatment with antifungal drugs, restoration of the microflora of the vagina and intestines.

For mild and uncomplicated forms of candidiasis, the following topical drugs are used:

  • Clotrimazole (Candizol, Kanesten, Candibene, Yenamazole 100, Antifungol).
  • Miconazole (Gino-daktarin, Ginezon, Klion-D 100).
  • Isoconazole (Gyno-travogen).
  • Feticonazole (Lomexin).
  • Fluomizin.

Treatment of chronic thrush includes general restorative therapy, antibiotics, and can be treated with the following drugs:

  • Fluconazole and its analogues: Diflucan, Flucostat.
  • Itraconazole (analogs Canditral, Irunin, Rumikoz, Itrazol, Orunit).
  • Pimafucin (prescribed for the treatment and prevention of intestinal candidiasis).
  • Ketocanazole (analogues of Fungavis, Oronazole, Nizoral).

In the initial stages, treatment usually goes like this:

  • Clotrimazole suppositories (200 mg). The course lasts 14 days, 1 candle is consumed for each day.
  • Fluconazole tablets (150 mg). Tablets are taken on the first, fourth and seventh days of treatment. Or Itroconazole tablets (200 mg): 7 days, one tablet.
  • After completing the course, you can take a course of special probiotics to quickly restore the microflora.

During pregnancy

It is most difficult to treat the disease in question in 1st trimester of pregnancy– it is during this period that the formation of all organs and systems of the child occurs. Fortunately, in the first three months of pregnancy, thrush is diagnosed very rarely - the body’s hormonal levels are still corrected by nature, and immunity remains at its usual level.

But if symptoms of candidiasis appear, the doctor will definitely prescribe the following medications:

  • Pimafucin – 1 suppository per day for 6 days;
  • Betadine – 1 suppository per day for 6 days in a row.

This does not mean that you need to use both drugs for treatment - the doctor will make a choice in favor of one of the listed ones.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester treatment can be carried out more extensively and the following antimycotic agents can be prescribed at the discretion of the gynecologist:

  • Pimafucin – 6 suppositories;
  • Betadine – 6 suppositories;
  • Clotrimazole – 7 suppositories;
  • Gyno-Pevaril – 6 suppositories;
  • Vaginal applicator Ginofort – once.

Please note: treatment of thrush during pregnancy must be carried out fully. The fact is that some women stop the course of therapy immediately after the disappearance of severe symptoms - this happens on the 2-3rd day of treatment. But the absence of symptoms does not indicate complete relief from the fungal disease - after a short time, the symptoms will resume, and even more vividly.

Effective suppositories for thrush

Suppositories and vaginal tablets for the treatment of thrush are local treatments. They are prescribed when the lesions are not deep and no complications have arisen. Here is a list of the most effective remedies for thrush. The active substance is indicated in the arms.

  1. Pimafucin (Natamycin) is the least toxic. Can be used during pregnancy. Causes the death of various fungi. Candles are used before bedtime. They quickly relieve symptoms, but treatment must be continued for another 2-3 days after improvement. On average, the course is 3-6 days.
  2. Antifungol, Yenamazole 100, Candibene, Kanesten, Kanizon, (Clotrimazole) its components dissolve the Candida shell. Suppositories or vaginal tablets are inserted into the vagina once a day before bedtime. The course of treatment is 6-7 days.
  3. Gyno-Travogen Ovulum (Isoconazole) disrupts the permeability of the cell wall of fungi. Has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Quickly eliminates itching. Used to treat forms of fungi that are resistant to other agents. A suppository (candle) is inserted deep into the vagina before bedtime once a day. The course of treatment is 3 days.
  4. Ginezol 7, Gino-Daktarin, Klion-D 100 (Miconazole) - destroys fungi and some bacteria. Treatment lasts 14 days. One suppository deep into the vagina before bed.
  5. Polygynax, Terzhinan (Nystatin) - these vaginal tablets must be moistened before insertion into the vagina. Use one before bed for 10 days.

It should be noted that minor itching and other discomfort may occur for two weeks after treatment.

Tablets for quick treatment

Treating thrush with tablets has several advantages. You will get rid of unpleasant symptoms in 1-3 days.

While treatment with suppositories, vaginal tablets and gels takes an average of a week. Taking the tablets provides comprehensive treatment of fungi in all organs. Therefore, the likelihood of thrush recurring is reduced. If the course of the disease is mild, then one drug will be enough. In another case, you will need to take several antifungal agents from different groups. To enhance the effect and relieve itching, local treatment in the form of creams or suppositories is additionally prescribed. There are several types of drugs designed to combat fungi. They have different mechanisms of action, but they all lead to the death of Candida and the destruction of their mycelium.

Here is a list of substances that destroy fungi and preparations based on them.

  1. Fluconazole (Diflucan, Mikosist, Medoflucon, Forkan) – a single dose of 150 mg of the drug is sufficient.
  2. Ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Nizoral) – 1-2 tablets per day. Course 5 days.
  3. Natamycin (Pimafucin) – 1 tablet for 3-5 days.
  4. Miconazole (Miconazole, Micatin, Funginazole) - take 1 tablet for three days.
  5. Nystatin (Nystatin) – 1 tablet 4 times a day. The treatment period is 10-14 days.

These drugs should not be taken by pregnant women to treat thrush. To prevent exacerbations of candidiasis in the future, it is advisable that both sexual partners undergo treatment.

How to cure uncomplicated thrush for 1 day?

Modern antifungal drugs can get rid of thrush in 1 day. In most cases, it is enough to take one capsule of Fluconazole 150 mg to destroy the fungal infection. If a woman suffers from recurrent thrush, then she will need to take one capsule once a week or a month for 6-12 months. The doctor selects the regimen individually.

For a quick recovery, it is advisable to combine systemic treatment with Fluconazole in capsules and local treatment: suppositories with antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs, the use of creams and douching. Various pharmaceutical companies produce drugs based on Fluconazole: Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikosist, Medoflucon, Forkan, Flucostat. The active substance of these medicines disrupts the metabolic processes in fungi, which leads to their death. The medicine is well absorbed into the blood and reaches all organs, where it accumulates in the required quantity. Thus, these drugs rid the body of any diseases caused by fungi.

With vaginal candidiasis, after taking Fruconazole, a woman usually notices a significant improvement within a day. But complete recovery occurs after 3-4 days. If, a week after taking the drug, you continue to be bothered by symptoms of thrush, you should consult your doctor again.

Folk remedies

There are folk remedies against thrush, which we have already written about in detail; they are effective in the early stages of the disease, when complex therapy, including pills, is not yet required. Traditional medicine knows many different herbal medicines and more.

Douching with chamomile

Chamomile is a plant with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It does not fight the causative agent of the disease, but relieves itching and burning and reduces inflammation. Chamomile is suitable as an aid against negative symptoms.

  1. Take two glasses of cold water for two tablespoons of dried plant.
  2. Chamomile is infused for several hours.
  3. The resulting infusion can be used for douching no more than three times a day.

Douching with sage

Sage is a well-known bactericidal agent with anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. It is also used for medicinal douching against thrush.

Take two liters of water for two tablespoons of dried plant and leave for several hours. Douching is carried out twice a day - morning and evening.


For thrush, douching with soda is done. You should be careful with this product; soda can negatively affect the mucous membrane; you should not make the solution too strong.

  1. Take no more than one teaspoon of the substance per liter of warm boiled water and mix thoroughly.
  2. Douching is done twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

If only the external tissues are affected, it is enough to simply wash with this solution several times a day.

You can also take short baths based on medicinal plants; they soothe the skin and help you heal faster.

Important! Folk remedies often cause allergies, so if individual intolerance occurs, you should avoid them.

Diet and nutrition

During treatment for thrush, you should exclude some foods from your diet:

  • any dishes containing large amounts of sugar;
  • sweet fruits and fruit juices;
  • white bread, pasta, flour products, since the starch they contain is processed by the body into glucose - a breeding ground for bacteria;
  • any products with yeast, because this will only increase the number of fungi in the body.

On the contrary, yoghurts with a high content of active bacteria will come in handy. Microorganisms will be good competitors for fungi and will somewhat complicate their life. Doctors say that regular consumption of such yoghurts can reduce the risk of developing candidiasis by almost 40%. The main thing is that they are unsweetened.

Thrush is a type of infection caused by fungal bacteria. Candida bacteria are constantly present in the human body in small quantities. Once in favorable conditions, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, irritating the mucous membrane. The infected area swells, itches, plaque appears and increased mucus production. Bacteria settle into neighboring areas of the integument and multiply. The disease may precede more serious internal diseases with serious consequences.

Important O! Treatment of fungal bacteria is carried out with the use of an antibiotic, which affects the functioning of the liver. Any changes in your health should be reported to your doctor.

The disease mainly affects the female body, but children of all age groups and men are also susceptible to the disease.

The main reasons for the frequent occurrence of the disease:

  1. weakened immune system;
  2. climate change;
  3. infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  4. changes in the endocrine system;
  5. prolonged stressful situations;
  6. after taking certain medications that contain antibiotics;
  7. integument injuries;
  8. unbalanced diet, metabolic disorders;
  9. excessive consumption of sweets;
  10. lack of high-quality hygiene, use of a new product that does not suit the composition;
  11. hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause);
  12. tight synthetic underwear;
  13. infection with other types of fungi through sexual contact.

The disease affects the external surfaces of the skin and internal mucous membranes, causing discomfort to the wearer.

Causes of thrush in women

Women are the most vulnerable to candidiasis infection. Almost everyone has experienced the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. Women may develop thrush after visiting a gynecologist or having a curettage. The cause may be an allergic reaction to the material of latex gloves.

After curettage, the cervix contracts and it is difficult for the remaining secretions to come out. After a day, the process of decomposition of the residues begins, which causes an inflammatory process. Burning discharge, unpleasant putrid odor and color intensify, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and general weakness. In some cases the temperature may rise. Drugs are prescribed against inflammation, to relieve spasms, against fungal infections, or repeated vacuum cleaning.

Candidiasis may also appear after hysteroscopy. The most microscopic intervention during hysteroscopy can cause an inflammatory process. To prevent this from happening, a thorough examination for the presence of concomitant infectious diseases should be carried out before the procedure.

Thrush may appear after colcoscopy in the case of a weakened woman’s body. Other causes of the disease: reduced immunity, blood loss, recent surgery or the fault of the gynecologist.

Surgical intervention in the treatment of infertility and some pathologies of the reproductive system can cause the development of fungal bacteria. Laparoscopy is performed with minimal wounds, but in some cases thrush is observed.

Thrush very often develops after taking antibiotics. Antibiotics, when they enter blood vessels, affect organ tissues, in particular mucous membranes, reducing protective functions. The increased development of bacteria on the mucous membranes begins, which causes thrush. It manifests itself in the form of a white coating on the genitals and on the oral mucosa.

During an abortion, the flora of the mucous membrane is disrupted, which often leads to thrush. Drug treatment is required.

Important! Inappropriate treatment leads to a chronic form of thrush, which causes pathological diseases and infertility.

The inflammatory process that leads to thrush occurs in the area of ​​simple depilation or sugaring. Sugaring involves removing vegetation using soft strips of powdered sugar. Reduced immunity or poor disinfection of instruments leads to candidiasis infection.

A woman’s period is in no way associated with fungal infections. The appearance of thrush before or after menstruation requires a visit to the gynecologist, laboratory examinations and appropriate treatment.

Fungal bacteria can actively develop on tampons and pads. It is worth abandoning their use or using gaskets made from natural materials.

The cause of thrush can be alcohol abuse. Toxins affect not only the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the urinary tract and reproductive system. The female body is the most sensitive to the effects of toxic substances of alcohol. They inhibit the body's protective functions, fungal bacteria actively develop, affecting the reproductive system, kidneys, and liver.

Important! When taking medications to treat thrush, it is not permissible to drink alcohol even in the lowest doses.

Causes of the disease in men

In rare cases, thrush is observed in men. It has several subspecies:

  • postitis - inflammation of the foreskin;
  • balanitis - inflammation of the head;
  • balanoposthitis is a joint disease;
  • urethritis - thrush of the excretory canals.

The disease is accompanied by swelling, burning, discharge and plaque. The causes of the disease can be:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • disruption of hormone levels;
  • unprotected sex;
  • excess body weight;
  • stressful situation;
  • integument injuries;
  • hormonal imbalances or low levels after 60 years;
  • unsystematic use of steroids.

Important! You should not self-medicate. This leads to irreversible processes.

Thrush during pregnancy

The disease often appears in pregnant women against the background of reduced immunity. It is very important to completely get rid of thrush before childbirth, so as not to infect the baby while passing through the birth canal. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that cause allergic reactions. Also give up sweets. Work with a nutritionist to choose a balanced diet of natural foods. Avoid other causes that may lead to a fungal infection.

Thrush in children and adolescents

Babies and children of different age groups are also susceptible to infection with fungal bacteria and the development of candidiasis. The reasons may be: poor diet (allergic reactions), taking antibiotics, vitamin deficiency, excess weight, pancreatic disease, trauma to the mucous membranes, contact with carriers of infection.

Simple pain when swallowing may be the first symptom of thrush. It appears as a white coating on the mucous membranes, and also as a yellow coating on the nail folds. In babies, the cause may be infection of the integument during childbirth. The infection can be transmitted through wounds on the mother's nipples while feeding the baby. A burning sensation in the mouth, refusal to suckle at the breast, a white curd coating on the baby’s tongue – this is candidiasis.

Candidiasis can affect a person over 50 years of age. A weakened immune system and decreased hormonal levels increase the risk of disease. Also at risk are people with chronic diseases of the reproductive system, diabetes, and increased levels of allergic reactions. Fungal infections can enter the body through wounds due to injuries to the skin and mucous membranes.

Apart from discharge, burning, and odor, candidiasis in the early stages of development does not cause much harm. The consequences in which thrush becomes chronic are important. Various pathologies of the internal systems of the body and infertility develop.


The disappearance of candidiasis symptoms does not indicate a complete cure. It is worth completing the full prescribed course of treatment and undergoing laboratory tests again. For married couples with children, all family members need to undergo research. Preventive measures are not particularly difficult.

  1. Careful care of the genitals reduces the risk of disease.
  2. During menstruation, you need to change pads often and wear cotton underwear.
  3. Take antibiotics and medications only as prescribed by your doctor.
  4. Avoiding uncontrolled consumption of sweets will reduce the risk of fungal bacteria growing.
  5. You should not use frequent douching, which washes out and disturbs the flora of the mucous membrane.
  6. Avoid infections from carriers of fungal infections, take care of your health and family members.
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