
The master found where socks go in the washing machine. Where do socks go from the washing machine and how to avoid it! How the washing machine sucks socks


Turned to the shaky topic of disappearing socks and extraterrestrial civilizations:

Let someone who has not experienced missing socks be the first to throw their disgruntled comment at me. Socks are disappearing - and this is a fact. Usually we are looking for a problem in ourselves, in our sloppiness, absent-mindedness, inability to keep cleanliness and order in the living room. But even the best of us are not immune to missing socks. So what if it's not about us, but about an unknown force that remains in the shadows? Of course, I'm talking about aliens. But before you twist your finger at your temple, I ask you to listen to my arguments, because if I'm right, we are on the verge of the greatest discovery.

, 2016

1. Science cannot fully explain all cases of missing socks.

I myself am a scientist, and when my socks disappear, I honestly admit that I don’t know where they went. If I knew where they went, I would find them, but I can't find them. I know that I am not alone. Scientists around the world are losing socks, looking for them and can't find them. This proves the complete failure of science in this matter. If there was a convincing scientific theory of missing socks, then scientists would have found all the missing socks long ago. Instead, socks are regularly found by the most ordinary people who have nothing to do with science, primarily the poorest, who do not even have a roof over their heads. Perhaps the aliens are taking care of them by sending them some of the stolen socks? Maybe some stolen socks fall out of UFOs and end up with the homeless.

2. There is no evidence that aliens don't steal socks.

There are no laws of physics that would be contrary to the fact that aliens steal socks. The fact that we do not have clearly recorded videos of this process only says that the aliens do not want to be discovered. You can test this hypothesis by attaching GPS trackers to your socks. Socks with GPS trackers will stop disappearing. This is consistent with the hypothesis that aliens do not really steal socks in cases where it would give them away. It is worth noting that the rate of loss of unmarked socks will either remain unchanged or increase.

3. Everything has a reason. Lost socks should have it too.

Remember the classic quote: “If the stars are lit up in the sky, does that mean someone needs it?” Who needs socks to go missing? I don't need this at all, just like you, and any other organisms living on this planet, reasonable and unreasonable.

Some might argue that missing socks are needed by their sellers, but socks sellers are not equipped with alien stealth devices that would make stealth theft on this scale possible. In addition, I (as well as other scientists) repeatedly encountered the loss of socks in a locked apartment, from which more valuable things did not disappear, for example, banknotes lying in a conspicuous place. This excludes the robbers of earthlings.

So, we do not know a single creature from this planet that needs socks to disappear and who could systematically and massively steal them. Therefore, it is logical to assume that we are talking about creatures from another planet. Only if we assume that there are aliens stealing socks can we find a reason for them to disappear.

4. Earth is the perfect crime scene.

The emergence of man and the development of a civilization capable of mass-producing socks on an industrial scale is possible only under the presence and combination of extremely harsh and paradoxically unlikely conditions. For example, if the Earth were a little closer to the Sun, all living organisms, as well as socks, would burn out. Various natural resources that the planet is rich in are needed for the production of socks. It is very important that the inhabitants of the planet have bare, and not hairy (like hobbits) feet.

It seems that the entire planet is located and oriented in such a way that socks can be created and worn on it. Given that the age of the Universe is many billions of years older than the age of the Earth, it is logical to assume that the Earth was designed by highly developed aliens. Perhaps their home planet was not so favorable for the appearance of socks.

5. Proof from personal experience.

There are a lot of people who claim they have been abducted by aliens. There are also a lot of people who claim to have lost their socks. Obviously, stealing socks is much easier than stealing people. Therefore, it is logical to assume that socks are stolen by aliens much more often. If we divide the average weight of a person (about 60 kg) by the weight of a sock (about 60 g), it turns out that for one stolen person there can be 1000 stolen socks. This could explain their massive loss.

6. Proof from the general ideas of people.

Socks disappear from representatives of all nations and peoples who, in their development, have reached the point of wearing socks. Also, all nations and peoples have ideas about aliens. This cannot be a coincidence.

7. Proof from the industrial revolution.

After the industrial revolution, the number of UFO sightings increased markedly, which coincided with the development of the textile industry. This cannot be a coincidence.

8. Proof from extrapolation.

Socks can be found at different heights: in apartments on the first floor, second, third, etc. Continuing this chain of reasoning, we can extrapolate that socks will be found at any height, i.e. even in space and even on other planets. But how did they get there?
By the way, the fact that socks are usually black may be associated with the “black matter” of unknown origin discovered by physicists. Maybe black holes are made of socks.

9. Proof from the talking bush.

There is a legend about a man who met a talking bush, who introduced himself as a creature not from this planet. This man was found without socks. Coincidence? I don't think.

10. So many socks could not be lost by accident.

The probability of missing each individual sock is not great, although it is large enough to be attributed to chance. However, millions of socks go missing around the world. If we assume that the probability of losing one sock is 10%, then the probability of losing a million socks at the same time is 0.1 to the power of a million, that is, it is practically equal to zero.


Of course, the arguments presented individually can be criticized, but from their totality, an obvious conclusion suggests itself: aliens exist and steal socks. But why do they do it? If we pay attention to the fact that not new socks usually disappear, but dirty and worn ones, we can assume that aliens either conduct scientific research with them (collecting and analyzing our DNA or statistics on the size of our feet), or use them in the perfume industry. It is not at all obvious that the perception of smells is the same on different planets. The smell of dirty, sweaty socks, disgusting to most people, could be considered incense on the distant planet Noskiru. Maybe that's why girls' socks disappear less often (their socks rarely reach the desired degree of sweating).

, 2016

And now I turn to those whom I have not convinced with my argument. It is, of course, your right to remain hardened skeptics. I dare to suggest that you do not believe in God, and you deny astrology with homeopathy, and you think that the eye itself turned out from random mutations. I recommend not to be such blinkered adherents of science who deny alternative methods of cognition, because in addition to science there is also religion and esotericism. If you continue to believe only in science, a lot of critical information will pass by your ears, and you will never know the truth about your socks, aliens and the foundations of the universe.

It's time to figure out where the aliens teleport socks after use. LiveJournal Media offers his version.

Where you are more likely (or less likely) to find your socks

1. Washing machine rubber seal. The most banal, but no less unexpected place. Those who steal socks like to sneak them under the rim of the drum. Don't forget to run your hand under it.

2. Your cat's favorite nooks and crannies. It has long been observed that aliens cooperate with cats. There is even a theory about cat avatars that are used as an affordable means of transportation around our planet. So it's worth it to search the habitat of your pet.

3. The inside of the cabinet (behind the chest of drawers). To go unnoticed. representative of an extraterrestrial civilization will diligently pretend that "it itself." It just fell apart, nothing personal.

4. Unexpected places outside the home. They are worth checking out too. Socks can easily be moved under the rug of your car or under the dining table in the country. The teleport doesn't always work well, you know.

5. Battery. Caring personalities come across among the kidnappers. They place socks in and behind the radiator to keep them warm for your return. Look there.

Although I complain about life, but rarely,

She is full of joy and light.

I have a Nose Eater in the washer,

And now there are no socks at all.

And Fate is looking after me vigilantly

And pretty much having fun, it seems:

Wound up in the dishwasher Lozhkozhorka,

Yes, and she eats forks out of friendship, too.

Miracles sometimes go close, close

On the track in a straight line and on a short one.

The Hand Gnaw came to visit us the other day,

And behind her is a Match Chew with a Book-throat.

Where do socks go from the washing machine and how to avoid it!

The master revealed the secret where socks disappear in the washing machine.

That's what happens with socks.

Have you ever experienced that things disappear after washing? It's hard to suspect someone in your own house of stealing their own clothes, isn't it. So where do all these things go? A washing machine master from the United States, while repairing appliances for a couple, decided to show a specific example.

The master revealed a terrible secret.

Over time, any washing machine (like any technique) begins to work "not as it should." An alarming sign, among other things, may be the fact that things regularly disappear after the washing process has been carried out. Most often, socks and similar trifles disappear magically, but sometimes much larger things also disappear.

In fact, clothes do not evaporate anywhere during washing. The washing machine is just a little "hungry". An old machine can chew on things, causing them to fall out of the drum and end up somewhere in its body. If the clothes began to disappear, it is best to call the master who will disassemble the machine.

It's strange somehow all this.

Specifically, in this case, in addition to numerous socks, the machine chewed up other clothes. During the repair, the master also found a lot of change, coins and two credit cards of the owners. In addition, the owners were pleased to learn that no one in their house suffers from kleptomania, perhaps, except for the old washing machine.

Where to look for a lost sock after washing?

If the sock was placed in the drum of the washing machine, then it will not disappear anywhere outside the machine. Where can a similar part of the wardrobe go?

Very often, the sock gets under the rubber cuff. To get it, you just need to move the elastic band.

Socks of small size can slip through the gap between the tank and the drum and get into the tank, remaining there for a long time. You can try to pull the sock out of the tank through the hole for the heating element, for which you will have to disassemble the machine a little.

If the sock gets into the drum, then from there it can get together with the waste water and get stuck in the drain pipe or drain filter. Pulling the sock out of the filter is easy, but to pull it out of the nozzle, you have to disassemble the machine and remove the pump.

If you wash your socks along with your bed linen, then very often the socks get inside the duvet cover or pillowcase.

Another thing is if there were an odd number of socks initially. Maybe the missing sock is in the leftover pile of dirty laundry, or maybe lying around in the room under the sofa or bed, maybe it was stolen by a cat or a dog.

How to never lose your socks

In order not to get a mountain of single socks out of the machine after washing, follow a few simple tips:

  • wash small items, including hosiery, in a special laundry bag;
  • use small clothespins for washing, fasten pairs of socks with them before washing and then they will definitely not lose each other. By the way, these clothespins can be used not only for washing, but also for storage;
  • for the lazy, a simple solution is to buy several pairs of identical socks at once. And even if one of the socks disappears, it will fit the sock from the other pair without any problems. You can stock several pairs of socks in different colors, for example, 7 pairs of gray and 7 pairs of black. With this method, you can not think about storing socks in pairs, and you can throw out broken socks one at a time, and not two at once. Very economical too.
  • hand washing will help to radically solve the problem with a disappearing sock from the washing machine, yes, no matter how sad it may sound, but where to go. Socks were worn and immediately washed by hand.

If your socks go missing in the washing machine, don't rush to attribute everything to supernatural forces. Carefully examine the washing drum, look, if possible, into the tank and filter. The likelihood that they are there is very high.

The issue of disappearing socks after washing excites many. Most of us, at least once, instead of two socks, took one out of the drum of the washing machine. During a quick examination, the sock was never found, but it could not have disappeared without a trace. Let's try to answer the question of where socks go in the washing machine, based on the postulates of materialistic science.

About the loss with humor

Some try to joke about missing socks after washing. As a result of such jokes, a lot of myths appear. Here are some of them:

  • The washing machine has a shredder. When a small thing enters it through a hole in the cuff, processing takes place. And the sock turns into small pieces and is washed down the drain;
  • one of the socks is taken by the brownie as revenge for the bad attitude towards him;
  • socks disappear as a result of a secret conspiracy of manufacturers who came up with a special impregnating composition for the fabric; when in contact with water, one of the socks simply dissolves;
  • socks move to a parallel reality, the door to which is in your apartment.

All this, of course, is nonsense, contrary to the laws of physics. Socks do not dissolve or disappear. They are material, and cannot disappear without a trace from the closed space of the typewriter, which means that there is a very reasonable explanation for their loss.

Where to look for a lost sock after washing?

If the sock was placed in the drum of the washing machine, then it will not disappear anywhere outside the machine. Where can a similar part of the wardrobe go?

The conclusion can be drawn as follows, if you put a pair of socks in the drum of the washing machine, then you only need to look for the missing sock in the car.

Another thing is if there were an odd number of socks initially. Maybe the missing sock is in the leftover pile of dirty laundry, or maybe lying around in the room under the sofa or bed, maybe it was stolen by a cat or a dog.

How to never lose your socks

In order not to get a mountain of single socks out of the machine after washing, follow a few simple tips:

  • wash small items, including hosiery, in a special laundry bag;
  • use small clothespins for washing, fasten pairs of socks with them before washing and then they will definitely not lose each other. By the way, these clothespins can be used not only for washing, but also for storage;
  • for lazy people, a simple solution is to buy several pairs of identical socks at once . And even if one of the socks disappears, it will fit the sock from the other pair without any problems. You can stock several pairs of socks in different colors, for example, 7 pairs of gray and 7 pairs of black.

    With this method, you can not think about storing socks in pairs, and you can throw out broken socks one at a time, and not two at once. Very economical too.

  • hand washing will help to radically solve the problem with a disappearing sock from the washing machine, yes, no matter how sad it may sound, but where to go. Socks were worn and immediately washed by hand.

If your socks go missing in the washing machine, don't rush to attribute everything to supernatural forces. Carefully examine the washing drum, look, if possible, into the tank and filter. The likelihood that they are there is very high.

Where do socks go from the washing machine? Put in five pairs and take out four and a half! Maybe they are stolen by a brownie or there is a cunning chopper in the unit, which insidiously selects things from the total mass and grinds them into small pieces? Everything is much easier!

Where do the socks go?

Believe me, not a single thing disappears without a trace! The second sock is always somewhere, lying and waiting. It's just important to know where to look. Yes, washing machines, their design features are to blame. For free rotation of the drum, the manufacturer leaves a gap between it and the casing. If you load a lot of laundry, then under the action of centrifugal force, small things are squeezed out of the total mass. In this way, small socks and handkerchiefs can go free swimming through the sewers. Although they are capable also clog the drain and cause a flood... In addition, due to the design, clothing can get into the slots of the seal.

In the event that shedding material is clogged under the elastic band of the seal, it can ruin other things during the next wash, so it is so important to inspect the drum after each wash!

How to find what's missing

I've put together a list of caches that will help in the difficult search for fugitives.

  1. Rubber cuff of the hatch of loading. This is a useful thing that provides tightness, but with insufficient elasticity, it stretches and hides a small object. It will be problematic to get it, you will have to disassemble part of the unit from the side of the heating element. Stretching often occurs when the machine is overloaded, so we remember the maximum load, and the machine will thank us with a long service life.
  1. The fugitive can be found in the plum. If the sock gets stuck in the drain filter, the release process is simple: unscrew the filter and remove it. If we are talking about a drain pipe, then you will have to look for a professional to completely disassemble the washing machine.
  2. But still, most often (fortunately!) The loss is found somewhere in the corner of a duvet cover or pillowcase. Large things often hide their smaller counterparts in secluded corners.

Don't forget to unplug your washing machine while searching!

Don't let your socks run away!

Now I propose move on to the main question - how to protect yourself from loss and unpleasant consequences in the form of disassembling the unit or a flood from a clogged drain . It's always easier to prevent than to fix.

  1. Since socks are paired items, then they can be tied into knots with each other several pieces at once, if the length allows.
  2. Proven and reliable method: collect all small items of clothing in a special bag for washing It has tight fasteners. As an alternative and cheap option, you can take an old pillowcase, tightly tying the hole tightly.
  3. Some hostesses advise racesputting socks in trouser pockets , but this method does not seem reliable to me, and they will wash worse.
  4. Handwash help anytime, anywhere. It is difficult to escape from the basin under vigilant supervision!
  5. Fasten products with special clips, they are sold in hardware stores. I do not recommend using ordinary clothespins - they will quickly break.

Do not be afraid to wash on your hands, modern tools make it quite easy and fast. I will add personally from myself: it is very pleasant to watch how things become pure thanks to their own efforts!

About mystically disappearing things. Of course, the vast majority of losses do not have any mysterious background. Things are lost, forgotten, stolen. But who needs your used socks? That's where it's hard to suspect malicious intent! But they disappear, I confirm. The main thing is to think sensibly. A conspiracy of brownies leaving their owners barefoot is too extravagant a version even for my blog. Consider all the facets of a strange phenomenon. There are special situations, yes. Mystical stories happen, but not out of the blue. Michael wrote to me two years ago. He spent the night in the apartment of an unfamiliar girl, and in the morning he went home without socks, which disappeared in an incomprehensible way.

“I am tormented by one question. I met a girl, my socks disappeared in the morning, they examined the whole apartment. She has a two-room, not big, no pets. So it's not a pity for them, but a fact. Why such a loss?

Stories of this kind are not uncommon. Cheating, empty lustful relationships, a frivolous attitude towards sex are considered sinful. No need to be self-confident and think that such ideas are outdated. Morality and decency are the basis of human existence, because we do not live alone. Why such a loss? I think Michael himself knows. To what needs to change. Build relationships, start a family. Otherwise, anxiety will increase. You undress in a strange apartment with another random lady and you don’t know what clothes the otherworldly forces will leave you in the morning. Not fun. The site is often visited by such requests, when infidelity and casual sex are accompanied by frightening mystical incidents: icons fall, a knock is heard on the window, things disappear. One girl was surprised that every time a married lover spent the night, the wall clock stopped.

“My husband and I did this even before the wedding ... As usual, clothes are in different corners. After the disgrace, we dress, there is no sock. Well, nowhere. He had to go home in my brother's socks. At home, his grandmother says: “What kind of socks are these, you didn’t have such, they conjured them on you!” Went and burned them. And these socks were the best of my brother, and laughter and sin. Sorry socks. Then I found his sock in the next room under the linoleum. And I didn’t burn it, but washed it and returned it.”

In this one can see the tricks of the brownie, the warning of the spirits (to personify the phenomenon). Or you can - just energy, which shows that the situation is wrong. The sock is associated with the sexual sphere of relations. Guess what he looks like? Therefore, such stories are often associated with sex. Here last week there was again a request: "The brownie stole a lover's sock." Similar stories happen with shorts, tights, any underwear.

“Maybe not quite about socks, about tights. Once, my then young man and I were drinking wine and a wild desire seized us, and since there were still people in the apartment, we retired to the bedroom and closed the door. In wild ecstasy, they began to take off their clothes, then it was clear what they were doing. Having satisfied their base instincts, they thought that it would be time to go to the people and began to dress. There were no pantyhose! We searched the whole room, climbed under the sofa, into the closets and even looked at the chandelier. No. Well, okay, I got dressed without tights, fortunately, I had pants. We sat with the people, I was impatient in the toilet. What do I see! In the corridor, picturesquely wrapped around a potato box, my tights hang! Well, where did they come from??? We did not leave the room, no one came to us, maybe they themselves fled, ashamed of the spectacle? Some kind of poltergeist.

Where do socks disappear in the apartment?

Socks have room to disappear. There are many places in the apartments where you can find them over time. I myself just put single socks in a special bag. In a large family, losing something is a common thing. And once a year I lay out the lost socks in pairs. Solitaire adds up to 80-90%! Here are a bunch of other comments on this difficult topic. Find out EVERYTHING about missing socks)

“I fasten the socks in pairs with plastic clothespins, with them in the washing machine, in the dryer and in the chest of drawers. Now I don’t know grief either with the disassembly of socks, or with their “steaming”.

“We have a machine from the old owners. Stopped draining after a short time. Drain failed to open. The master was called. Children's sock, bone from the bust and hairpins. And five rubles as a gift. The master left in shock.

“I sometimes get pulled into the rubber band, which is next to the door. I found there 2 more candy wrappers and a pack of orbit, apparently, it fell out of my pocket or the child put it in.

“At acquaintances, the dog dragged socks like that. Where he sees socks, he will surely drag one away.

“Mom told. She was still small, her father and brothers could not find the socks left in the evening in the morning. And so every morning, no, that's all. And nobody took it. Until grandpa showed ingenuity: he tied a rope to his socks, and in the morning they found a rope along the rope ... a rat hole. She froze, poor thing, so she warmed up.

“And my cat loves to carry his son’s socks very much, hides them under the pillow, buries them in a duvet cover, drags them to the wall, etc.”

“Once, in stagnant times, I hung my socks over the stove to dry (silly, but I was young). And one sock is missing. Then found. In a teapot with a lid. I don’t remember if they drank tea before this discovery.”

“In a month, up to 5 pairs of socks disappeared: “What is it!” And only when I took out another clean duvet cover to change, I found a sock house in it.

“The socks are after the second wash. It turns out that a couple of socks got stuck in the drum, and after the next wash with large things, they popped out and were washed again. Believe in science and technology!”

“Yesterday they came from a walk, my daughter messed up her jacket. I threw everything into the machine. I take it out to hang, but there is no sock. Once again climbed the drum, checked. No. I've already looked at the rubber. No. Looked around everything. After the third shaking of the washed things, the sock was found. Stuck in my pants."

“I was thinking about a brownie here, right socks, slippers are constantly disappearing .... I take off the sock, it is rolled into a ball, and I put 2 balls by the bed ... in the morning there is always no right one. And at night I burned it, it’s my cats digging, playing and rolling it behind the sofa, there’s no way to get it out, so we neighing! And the slippers, apparently, are dragged by dogs, the slippers are usually in the corridor or in the kitchen, but I don’t understand why it is the right ones that are dragged.”

“My boss’s husband and son steal each other’s socks. On a dark night they go to work. She constantly catches them at the battery.

“In front of school in the mornings, I dragged daddy out of the box. He always had a lot of them and they are all cool. Our size difference is insignificant: I have 39, he has 41.

Household reasons for the disappearance of socks in the apartment

  1. Take away by other family members and wear themselves.
  2. Hiding children or pets.
  3. Remain in the drum of the washing machine or under the rubber cuff.
  4. Get into the filter.
  5. Clogged in pillowcases and duvet covers.
  6. Fall for the battery.
  7. Falling off the balcony.
  8. They are under the sofa and the bed.