
The name of the quest game for February 23. Military Quest. Quest "Football Clubs"


Choose your quest for February 23

Especially for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer several scenarios of wonderful quests that are perfect for congratulating men of any age! Now you can entertain your men in an original way during a family, corporate or school celebration! And the search for hidden gifts will be the most memorable event of the holiday! All quests can be organized both for one participant in the game, and for one or more teams!

Quest for February 23 for men

A universal quest for teenagers and adult men is the perfect way to congratulate and entertain your husband, beloved man, brother, dad or friend on any significant day.

Location: apartment, private house.

Age: 15+.

Corporate men's quest in the office on February 23

If over the years of office work you have already exhausted the entire supply of ideas for congratulating male colleagues, then our quest will be a real find for you!

You will be able to hold a competitive game for two teams, great fun and at the same time unite the male team!

Location: office.

Age: 15+.

Family quest for fathers and sons on February 23

Arrange a real adventure for your men right at home! The peculiarity of this quest is that players can take part in it at the same time different ages, starting with boys 8 years old and ending with dads and grandfathers.

It is also possible to conduct a team game.

A great way to have a fun and varied family celebration!

Location: apartment, private house.

Age: 8+.

Quest for February 23 for boys from 9 to 14 years old

This quest is perfect for congratulating a boy or a group of boys on February 23rd. Tasks are designed for any age, starting from 9 years.

It is possible to hold team competitions.

Location: apartment, private house.

Age: 9-14.

Quest for February 23 at school, for boys from 9 to 14 years old

If your task is to arrange a holiday for students on the school grounds, then this quest is ideal for you. It is specially designed to be carried out in a school environment. Tasks are designed for any age, starting from 9 years. Both one team and two can take part in the quest.

Location: school premises.

Age: 9-14.

Quest "February 23" - a ready-made exclusive set (the idea and its implementation belong exclusively to the site site), consisting of colorfully designed tasks with which you can organize a team quest game for men in a room (apartment, cottage, office) with a search for a hidden surprise or beat the presentation in an original way gift for February 23. Give men an unforgettable holiday!

All the tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

The site has ready-made sets for quests. For getting detailed information click on the picture you are interested in.

About the kit

  • A ready-made set of colorfully designed tasks will help you conduct an exciting quest for colleagues or congratulate your loved one, friend, son, brother, father on February 23 in an original way.
  • The kit contains interesting and varied tasks based on word games(including anagram words with a rearrangement of letters, puzzles, phraseological units encrypted with pictures). The tasks are not very difficult, but not primitive; they are more designed for ingenuity and ingenuity than for any specific knowledge.
  • A wide variety of versatile places in the room, including an office where you can hide the puzzles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can lay out tasks in any order and make any number of stages (maximum 9 stages).
  • Attention: this set is an analogue, they differ in postcards for the start of the game and some tasks.

The February 23 set provides for a game for two teams: each type of task is made in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and quick wits of the players. And those who are planning a quest for one person or for one team will have a wide choice of the most convenient places in the room for compiling a search chain.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards. It is stable and cooks in just a few minutes (details included), in the middle is the first clue; postcard format - A4. When finished, it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in parentheses are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. "Military cipher" hint (mirror, hanger,battery, bedside table). military cipher. First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them.
  2. Hint "Military ranks" ( armchair, flash drive, kettle). Difficult logic puzzle.
  3. Hint "Firearms" ( painting, printer, plate). Interesting task for composing anagrams. Example from hint: set + pilot = pistol.
  4. Hint "Tools" (box, copier, ladder, plant). It is necessary not only to remember the names of the instruments, but also to find the key to the cipher.
  5. Hint "Gentleman's Accessories"(package, shelf, cup). An entertaining task, you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  6. Hint "Proverb in a square"(table, chair, clock). A task for quick wits and quick thinking: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and put them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  7. Tip "Alcoholic drinks" (door, magazine, mug). A fun task for the knowledge of strong drinks.
  8. Hint "Sports"(envelope, phone). It is necessary to determine which sports the balls shown in the picture belong to.
  9. Hint "Encrypted Phraseologisms" ( the calendar,computer, window sill). The original task for associative thinking. You need to guess which phraseological units of the Russian language are encrypted with pictures.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest + a handy sign for compiling a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in in electronic format- you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 57 pages, recommendations - 5 pages (pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

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I really like that our holidays are not held according to the scheme "sat down and drank and ate", but with scenarios, roles and rehearsals. So this time, our "diffchons" did their best: they developed a military quest in advance to search for an important document. Let's go straight to the script...
Our "fighters": perform tasks and receive a piece of a common document (secret document). The tasks involved choosing from several options, one of which is false, making a mistake, they "are punished" (guess riddles.
1. Base of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, special forces unit
General construction: conducts a new general, introduces him to the situation, hands over a map and sends him to the first task:

"The security of our country is under threat. And you will once again serve the interests of the Motherland. Your mission is to return a secret document stolen by enemy intelligence officers with unique technologies in the field of education. But this is not an easy task, on the way from Russia, parts of this document were scattered around different parts of the world.You need to pass the test and put together all the fragments.
To complete the mission, you get a map, at each stage you will complete the task and receive new clues about the route."

2. "Swamp"
"Language" gives them a riddle, by guessing which they get the first piece of the document. Now the "language" goes along with them through all the stages prompts.

3. "Bunker"(server)
A secret bunker, here you can get confused in kilometers of wires, get lost in the labyrinths of computers, and our descendants will also have enough terabytes of information.
The enemy, in order to hide information, flooded the bunker. And you can get information only by “pumping out” excess water. All glasses are filled with water, but one has salt added. They need to exclude one of the glasses, because it is with poison. And drink.

Our fighters were blown up by a mine - they were guessing a riddle.

4. Forest"(our flower beds)
Since ancient times, the forest has been the breadwinner for the Russian people and helped the fighter survive in difficult moments. With closed eyes, it is necessary to determine by touch what kind of forest object is hidden in the bag: walnut, rosehip, pine nuts, cones, etc.

5. "Sea"(our huge aquarium)
The waters of our sea are full of danger, predatory fish inhabit it. Watch out, soldier! It is necessary to raise objects with a hint from the bottom of the sea. Two of them have a mine.

They lifted 3 items, but they didn’t immediately find the right one. Therefore, they began to solve riddles:

6. Desert(our meeting room, which, when the script was written, was completely empty))
There is no life there, there are only sands of knowledge, only travelers and wanderers have a road there. There, in heated debates, new ideas are destined to be born.
It is necessary to get 3 keys without the help of hands and opening the accounting cabinets, find a piece of the document.

7. Volcano(kitchen)
It's easy to get in, but hard to leave. There you can get burned and then freeze, explode, cut yourself, drink, but what's there - get drunk!
Description: Women are often compared to a volcano, they are just as unpredictable and explosive, but at the same time attractive. Therefore, now we will check how well you know women and what interests them. On the diagram for tailors, disassemble the details of the dress

Surprisingly, our "fighters" guessed both the slot, and the peplum, and the jabot, and the corrugation.

8. "Far Land"(the far room, which from time immemorial has been called Alaska)
Oa seems to be ours, but too far away. But not Kaliningrad and not Okhotka. The land is distant, rich in money.

Here's a photo of a clue:

I offered to solve puzzles about the army. Again they guessed everything:

Having collected all the fragments, the fighters came to the headquarters and received an award for the completed task - a gift army daily dry ration (IRP-P - an individual daily diet):
1. Beef stew
2. Porridge with beef
3. Minced pork
4. Bread
5. Instant tea
6. Concentrate of dry natures. drink "Well done"
Portable heater
can opener
paper napkins
Packing bag
... also army 100 grams)))

It seems that everyone was satisfied. And the set table too))

A home quest (in this case, rather "quest in the office") is a chain of several tasks. Each task is a beautifully designed card with an entertaining puzzle, the solution of which indicates the place or object where the next task is hidden. Players must consistently solve all the problems and at the final stage find a gift or congratulation. In other words, this game is also called "search for a gift by notes", although the purpose of the search is not always a gift. In the case of a corporate quest, this is just a great opportunity for February 23 to congratulate and at the same time rally the men of your office.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are completed in several versions - each version has its own answer. This is done to make it easier for you to choose places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Note that the words are combined into groups. Within the group, the answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words, we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Calendar/calculator, battery/picture, keyboard/phone, ice/tea, glass/mat, book/folder, shelf/cooler/template, mirror/closet, plant/bedside table/template, lamp/window sill/template, cashier/sofa/ template, coffee maker/copier, chair/marker, sink/figurine/template.

Description of tasks

Below is a brief description of each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. Task "Mustache cipher"

It is necessary to solve a simple, but very interesting "whiskered" cipher.

2. Quest "Secret Message"

3. The task "Great battles"

History assignment. It is necessary to recall the great military battles in order to find a clue.

4. Task "Count the cubes"

5. Task "Football clubs"

There will definitely be football fans in the team. Here they are, and will be able to complete this task!

6. Question

An interesting question about an office item.

7. Task "Plates"

An interesting puzzle creative thinking and the ability to concentrate.

8. Task "National drinks"

It is necessary to remember the national drinks different countries to decipher the clue word.

9. Task "Draw a star"

You need to draw a star in a certain way to read the hint.

10. Task "Auto-puzzle"

11. Task "Hint"

Understand the “hint” shown in the card and find out where to go next!

In addition, the kit includes empty templates cards on which you can write your own tasks.

"Quest by February 23 for men" - one of the popular requests that have been appearing in our mail since December.

What are the quests for February 23? What could be the scenarios? How long should the quest for February 23 last, and how long does it take to prepare?

Quest for February 23 for men

In most cases, the so-called gender holidays are carried out from the budget of the employees themselves. And women want to give their colleagues an unusual and cheerful gift. Therefore, the quest is a fairly convenient and relatively budget format for such an event.

However, nothing prevents to carry out. After all, a good walk of male colleagues can end in a cozy cafe!

Scenarios for the quest for February 23

In our view, the quest is a team game that combines search, intellectual and creative activities. Usually, story line is set in the quest legend: "Search for a treasure (or an antidote, if the quest is very limited in time)", "Find a mysterious cipher", etc. For a "male" holiday, legends can be more "heroic". For example, "Special Agents".

We try to adapt the legend of the quest to the specifics of the company's activities, and also take into account the number of participants/teams. Therefore, each time, in fact, we develop a new quest.

We… each time, in fact, develop a new quest…

Naturally, an important element of success is the logistics of the quest. We design the quest in such a way as to periodically "cross" the teams, creating conditions for cooperation.

Quite often, the female part of the office becomes part of the game - "secret agents", for which we come up with quest stages.

And, of course, we need a common ending: the opening of a treasured castle or finding a “treasure (treat)”, the creation of a common art object that will decorate the office later.

Like any office quest, the duration is from 2 to 4 hours.

How long does the quest take?

We prefer to have about 1.5 weeks before the event in order to complete all the agreements, carefully familiarize ourselves with the company, its office and develop / adapt the quest.

The cost of the quest depends heavily on the number of participants and additional improvements, but on average it is 1200-1400 rubles per participant. And this cost takes into account the basic adaptation and the arrival of our game technicians to your office to manage the quest.

A holiday in the office on February 23 for men can be arranged not only with the help of a quest. We will offer other formats.