
Marriage age varies. At what age is it better to get married. Advantages and disadvantages


The Family Code of the Russian Federation in article 13 reveals all the features of marriageable age. Thus, this bill states that the state sets the age of marriage at 18 years. At the same time, there are certain nuances. If there are valid reasons, at the request of persons wishing to marry, local authorities may allow marriage at sixteen years of age. The procedure and conditions by which one can marry at the age of 16 are also determined by legislative documents.

At what age can you get married according to the law of the Russian Federation?

So, it becomes obvious that the family code provides for the possibility of registering a marriage no earlier than upon reaching the age of 18. However, it is possible to marry earlier, but there must be good reasons for this. Special and valid reasons include the pregnancy of a woman. When providing a certificate of pregnancy from a local clinic, you are required to sign in as soon as possible, and in this case, you do not need to wait until you are 18 years old. However, discussions on this issue are still relevant. Many people who have seen the difficulties family life, can tell you with confidence that you should not rush into marriage. But, the younger generation looks at everything much easier, it is for this reason that the provision that allows you to get married at 16 is very relevant at the current time.

Should you get married early?

Many psychologists believe that the age for marriage is determined by the development of personality. At the age of 18, a person meaningfully takes this step. As for marriage at the age of 16, as a rule, it occurs solely under the pressure of circumstances. These circumstances are primarily early pregnancy for which, in fact, young people are not yet ready. Such unpreparedness for an adult and independent life leads to the fact that marriage most often breaks up, under the yoke of social problems.

So, in our country, marriage according to the family code is allowed from the age of 18. However, there are peculiar exceptions that allow you to get married much earlier. The presence of such exceptions provokes the formation of opportunities to register a marriage on time so that the child is born in a full-fledged family. Without such exceptions it is impossible to imagine a normal, healthy society. But how correct and rational it is to marry in such a early age, to decide, of course, you and your parents. But, if you believe the opinion of psychologists, then such early marriages most often break up. So, you need to weigh and think everything over again before embarking on the path of an adult and independent life.

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Everyone has their own ideal age for marriage. Someone already at the age of 18 is ripe for a serious relationship and is ready to propose to his beloved. And yet, in most cases, it turns out that a man who marries early then begins to experience discomfort from the loss of his freedom, the lack of constant relationships with friends, and the many restrictions that family and marriage impose on him. Ultimately, this can lead to problems in the family, a crisis in a man, and even divorce.

The modern structure of society is such that very young people still have few financial opportunities, and there are enough temptations to spend their youth vigorously and cheerfully. Studying at school until the age of 18, then the institute and the army stretch the age of entry young man in the adult period up to 22-23 years. But even this age in society is considered too early for marriage, because you still need to start a career, earn your first money, learn how to provide for yourself, and not live with your parents.

In addition, the huge entertainment opportunities in the big city push back the date of marriage for some more time. Do you want to shift the burden of responsibility on yourself when there is funny company friends and you can lead an interesting, eventful life without thinking about serious things? All this leaves its mark on the personality of a young man, showing in him signs of immaturity and unpreparedness for marriage even after coming of age.

But time passes, and a man begins to think more about a career and creating a serious relationship. This period usually starts at age 24 or 25. It is at this time that important changes occur at the hormonal level, allowing the body of a man to enter a more measured and calm period of life. However, for each young person, everything is very individual and can begin earlier or a little later than this age. If at this age a man meets a girl with whom he wants to build serious relationship, after a while such a relationship leads to marriage. And such a union will be more deliberate and desirable than when marrying before the age of 20.

The most comfortable for marriage is the age of 30-35 years. This is the period when a young man begins to turn into a real man. He is in his prime, but at the same time he already knows a lot, he is experienced and has managed to take place in his career, he is confident in himself and has many plans for life. At this age, men become excellent fathers and give their children an excellent upbringing. If before this age a man has not yet managed to find his beloved woman, then this is the best time to start looking, and with the specific goal of getting married and creating a family.

The family is the most important social institution. And the basis of family relations is marriage - a special form of union between equal partners, a man and a woman, who are connected by a common life, sexual relations and mutual responsibility.

Today, about a third of marriages are not viable and break up. In this regard, sociologists and psychologists around the world are actively studying the question of how old to get married so as to form a strong cell of society with harmonious relations.

At the same time, the legislation of each country determines the minimum marriageable age before which it is impossible to marry or get married. AT different states the age bar is set on the basis of cultural and historical traditions. And even in Russia, it varies depending on the specific region.

History reference

In pre-Christian Russia, the minimum age for marriage was very low: 10 for girls and 11 for boys. After Christianity was firmly established in our country, the age of marriage was increased to 12 and 15 years for girls and boys, respectively.

For not marrying off daughters, the authorities took a large fine, so the girls were “handled off” as early as possible. Yes, and the girls themselves were waiting for this event, since with marriage, their social status. That is why fortune-telling “how to find out at what age you will get married” was extremely popular in Russia. They guessed on cards, candles, pins, a method was popular to ask the first person you met and thus find out your fate. The traditions of Christmas divination are still observed today, but to a lesser extent and more for entertainment.

Since 1774, the Holy Synod, as the highest body of spiritual authority, still raised the minimum threshold for girls - now they could be married from the age of 13.

In 1917, with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the minimum marriageable age was set: for women - 16 years, for men - 18 years. After 10 years, in 1927, a single minimum age for marriage was established, the same for both sexes - 18 years. But for the republics of Transcaucasia, it was reduced to 13 and 16 years, for girls and boys, respectively.

Russian legislation

At what age can you get married in Russia? According to 13, a man and a woman can register their union with the registry office only when each of the newlyweds reaches 18 years of age. There is no maximum age threshold (in tsarist Russia it was 80 years).

However, sometimes it is allowed for a number of reasons to reduce the age of marriage. In addition, in a number of regions of the Russian Federation the threshold has been lowered due to cultural and historical traditions.

Reducing the age of marriage in Russia

After how many years can you get married in various subjects of the Russian Federation? The marriageable age has been officially lowered in 27 regions of Russia, and you can enter into a marriage union in them:

  • from the age of 15 - in Ryazan, Murmansk, Chelyabinsk and a number of other regions of the Russian Federation;
  • without a minimum threshold - in Tatarstan, but here you need to understand that even if the legislation of the republic does not specify the minimum age for marriage, marriage cannot be registered before 14 years, since more young citizens countries do not have a passport;
  • from the age of 14 - in Moscow, Tyumen, Samara, Vladimir and some other regions.

In all subjects of the Russian Federation, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the minimum threshold for marriage, up to 16 years maximum, for the following reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • the couple already has a child;
  • heavy life situation, for example, the bride is an orphan or grows up in an incomplete or dysfunctional family;
  • life threatening;
  • serious disease;
  • finding a person in the army.

An application for obtaining permission to register a marriage, if one of the spouses has not reached the age of 18, can be submitted by the minors themselves, their parents or legal representatives.

At what age can you register a marriage in other countries

Many are also interested in how old you can get married in other countries of the world. In most countries, the minimum marriage threshold is approximately the same and is still the same 18 years. However, each state has its own nuances of local legislation that allow you to get married much earlier than recommended:

  • In the US, the minimum marriageable age ranges from 15 (with parental consent - 13) to 21, depending on the particular state.
  • China has one of the highest marriage thresholds in the world - 20 and 22 years for girls and boys respectively.

  • In India, it is officially possible from 18 (women) and 21 (men) years, but the problem of early marriages in this country is still relevant.
  • In Tunisia - 17 and 20 years.
  • In Ecuador, one of the lowest marriage thresholds is 12 and 14 years for girls and boys, respectively.
  • In Kenya and Yemen, you can from the age of 9.
  • In the UK and Spain - from the age of 16.


At what age do people get married in Russia? According to statistics, for the first time girls get married at the age of 18-25, average age for the first marriage - 23 years. For men, the indicators are higher; they marry for the first time at 22-27 years old.

If we talk about all marriages, including repeated ones, entered into by people under 50 years old, then the average age of the spouses will be as follows: 25-26 years for women and 27-28 years for men.

At what age do girls get married in other countries? The numbers are:

  • in the USA and Belgium - 25 years;
  • Sweden has the highest rates at 33 years;
  • slightly less in Norway - 31.5 years;
  • Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Austria Finland - 31 years;
  • in Japan and Canada - 27 years;
  • in France - 29 years.

So, despite the fact that girls in Russia marry later than a couple of decades ago, when the average age of the bride was 21, we are still different from confident Europeans who are in no hurry to walk down the aisle.

Early marriages

What is the best age to get married? Early marriage is most often dictated not by a conscious decision of two lovers, but by a combination of circumstances. Most often, early marriages are entered for the following reasons:

  • unexpected pregnancy;
  • desire to feel independent;
  • living in a family with a difficult situation, the desire to escape from negative environment;
  • the desire to escape from excessive parental care.

According to statistics, almost 70% of women who married before the age of 20 are unhappy with their union, whether it ended in divorce or not.

However, there is nothing terrible or frankly bad in early marriage if the person is quite mature and independent by the time of registration. Often such unions are quite successful - the spouse has greater psychological “flexibility” and adapts to her husband, it is possible to raise children early and remain young and attractive, etc.

However, when deciding what time to get married, one should not forget about the negative aspects of early marriages, namely: the lack of life experience, housekeeping skills, reduced time for entertainment and friends, and dissatisfaction due to missed opportunities.

Late marriages

Late marriages after the age of 30 are most often based on cold sober calculation. This does not mean that spouses do not experience tender feelings to each other, but they have all aspects of marriage clearly defined: domestic issues, budget allocation, even the intimate side of the issue. More like a business deal than a union of lovers. But such alliances are strong enough.

Psychological readiness for marriage

But at what age to get married, so that it is not too early and not too late? Lawyers do not recommend getting married before the age of 21, since it is after this figure that a person is considered more mature and responsible.

Psychologists consider marriage to be ideal in the range from 23 to 27 years. During this period, studies at the university are already behind, the first steps in a successful career have begun, and the girl is a fully formed person who understands what she wants from life and from the upcoming marriage.

At the same time, readiness for family life includes three components:

  • Socio-moral: suitable age, satisfactory health and economic viability.
  • Motivational readiness: this includes, as well as the formed feeling of love and affection for the spouse, and the readiness for increased responsibility, the birth and upbringing of children.
  • Psychological readiness: similar views, interests and preferences of the spouses, the ability to smooth sharp corners and compromise.

In order for a marriage to be successful, it is important to responsibly choose the time to start a family. Representatives of each Zodiac Sign, according to astrologers, have their own best period for a wedding.

If you have a clear idea of ​​what your future in marriage will be, you can go against the laws of astrology. If you don't know what expect from family life, then it is better to marry in a strictly defined period. In the life of representatives of each Sign, sooner or later there comes a stage that is most favorable for a wedding.


Aries mature quite late. It is best for them to choose a wedding either too early or too late, because in the midst of their youth, Aries are not ready to radically change their lives. According to current trends, the best age for marriage will be between 18-20 years and 30-40 years or more. The fact is that if Aries get married at the age of 25, then a period of global doubts begins in their life, which becomes difficult to overcome. It is better not to take risks even at 18 or 20 years old, although such marriages among Aries are considered very successful. If you have in life now black line, you should not look for its solution in marriage.


Taurus can't give a second chance in love. Taurus themselves are also obliged to look as skeptically as possible at remarriages. It is better for you to marry once. Early marriages will also be very positive if there is experience in love. Be 100% confident in your partner. If there is no certainty, then it is not worth climbing into these jungles.


your worst traits- this is windiness and selfishness. There is no place for this in love. If you want to get married with your soulmate, then it is better not to do it spontaneously. You can choose any age, because you don’t change much during your life. If you need specific numbers, then it is better to stamp your passport after 40 - this will be the safest for everyone around. If you want to protect a loved one from a mistake, then it is better to tell him right away that it is dangerous to deal with you. Do not go so far in a relationship - limit yourself to a civil marriage so as not to regret it.


Person's character, born in the period from June 21 to July 22, disposes to getting married as early as possible. As even simple statistics show, this is not the best way. Not worth pulling with marriage. The best age to start a family and stamp your passport is from 23 to 28 years old. The longer you wait, the worse it will be for you every year. Experts in the field of astrology note that it is better to choose partners who would have the same age as you, or would be a little older than you, but this is not particularly critical. Until the age of 23, you can also marry very successfully, but with less probability. In principle, any age will suit you if you are confident in your partner.

a lion

Lions, they say, are better off not getting married at all, but this, of course, is not so. You'd better do it as late as possible, but you can do it. A failed marriage will cleanse your karma, and the lucky one will confirm that you followed life path right. Even an unsuccessful marriage can bring a lot of benefits to you. Don't get hung up on how long you live together and how. Look at what you have learned living together with a person. The best age for a Leo wedding is closer to thirty and a little over thirty. If you decide to get married or marry early, then go ahead. All the same, you will not be convinced, you yourself know this.


The power of thought works wonders. In your case, this is real magic. If you are not sure that the marriage will be effective for you and your significant other and happy in general, then it will be problematic. You are very dependent on your thoughts, because you are tuned in advance to any result. In Virgo, the best age for marriage is the period from 25 to 35 years. For men, this segment can be shifted another five years ahead. The fact is that you are people of experience, not impulsive emotions, so you need to avoid making hasty decisions.


It is better for Libra to get married or get married before 30 years old. Then every year the probability of a successful marriage will decrease, because people, after overcoming the thirty-year milestone, lose self-confidence and age psychologically. Become more attractive already much more difficult after 30, so you need to spend much more energy to maintain beauty. This is especially true for women, who are very vulnerable in this regard. Libra men begin to age heavily around the age of 40, so their ideal period for marriage is extended.


Scorpios can start a family both in their youth and at a very late age. This brings only pluses to both those and other representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Starting in their early twenties, Scorpios enter a period of life when become happier they are helped only by success in business or recognition of society as a whole. This is a period of exploration when they do not need a life partner. Marriage can be a major mistake from the age of 20 to 30 for Scorpios. Look at marriage as a pleasant attribute of growing up and maturity.


Sagittarians know how attract what you want into your life because they are always working on themselves. In most cases, Sagittarians make decisions based on their own or someone else's life experience. These people can get married or get married at any time in their lives. Such decisions discipline these people, although they sometimes do not make them as happy as representatives of other Signs. On the part of Sagittarius, there are almost never problems in marriage, because they know how to successfully correct their shortcomings or seek some kind of compromise. Remember one simple truth: you can always agree with Sagittarius.


For Capricorns, marriage is a wonderful way increase your income and status in society. best age for such a responsible step, the representatives of this Zodiac Sign - from 30 and above. Up to 30 it is important to build your life, and then you can think about the "commonwealth" with another person. The word "commonwealth" is not used here by chance, because in marriage it is important for Capricorns to trust a partner and be friends. Marriage too early is doomed to failure, because Capricorns need free space and independence.


Aquarians simply cannot get married or marry unsuccessfully. Such relationships can ruin your life. What is the worst is that the risk of building unsuccessful family relationships there is almost always. The only way to reduce the likelihood of failure in love for you is to start a family as late as possible and with the wisest person possible. Before the wedding, the relationship should last at least 5 years, so that you can be confident in your partner. Sometimes even three years is enough, so don't get married too soon. Theoretically, if you start dating your significant other around the age of 16, then by the age of 20 you can try to get married, if everything is in order.


Not worth it drag on problems second half. Such relationships automatically become unsuccessful for you. Pisces manage to learn to value their strength and time only by the age of 23-25. It is from this age that one can think about marriage or marriage. Late marriages can also turn out to be successful for you, but it’s better to have time to put a stamp in your passport by the age of 35. modern world It is hard for Pisces to be emotionally cold and indifferent, so you need to learn how to restrain your empathy. This applies to men to a lesser extent. If you still have not learned to abstract from other people's problems and value your personal time, then it is better to wait with marriage for now.