
How to use a cat litter box - care instructions. Inexpensive and convenient way to fill the cat litter How to replace cat litter


filler for cat litter- an important hygiene product that allows a busy owner not to rush to the tray every time the cat went out of need. But there are a lot of types of filler, so right choice make it difficult. First of all, you need to find out in the nursery where the kitten was brought from, whether he was accustomed to the tray, what kind of filler they used there before. You can choose a litter that is convenient for the cat on your own by trying various brands.

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    What to consider before choosing a filler

    Cat litter neutralizes the unpleasant smell of urine in the litter box. However, not every animal is ready to go to the tray with any filler. It is necessary to choose the one that will appeal to a particular pet.

    To begin with, it is worth taking a closer look at the habits of the cat, its habits. If a kitten in the cattery is accustomed to silica gel filler, and there is wood in the tray, then you can expect capricious behavior from the animal. The pet will go to the toilet in the place that he considers more convenient for this.

    It is recommended to consider the safety of raw materials. A curious kitten will want to taste a particularly fragrant litter. If a cat digs the litter with its paws, pollen from the litter can settle in the lungs, and strong-smelling litters can cause allergies. Therefore, preference should be given to a product whose packaging indicates that the product is environmentally friendly, does not contain additives and has not been chemically processed.

    One of the important parameters for selecting a filler is its price. Before choosing one or another option, you need to see how often the filler in the tray is replaced, how often a new package is bought. Knowing this, you can easily calculate how profitable the purchase of a particular product will be.

    Types of fillers

    If the animal is prone to allergies or skin diseases, you should try to choose the most environmentally friendly option. If the pet has an obstinate character, you should not experiment too much: you need to choose the option that is most similar to the previous filler. The owner of several cats should pay attention to a product that will be used sparingly, and the owner of a kitten should pay attention to a lighter and safer litter.


    This type of filler is chips and shavings of coniferous trees pressed into granules. There are large and small granules: the first are intended for adults, the second - for kittens.

    The low cost is a big plus. The product has an aroma of pine needles and effectively fights odor. The filler can be purchased at any pet store. But the granules can quickly disintegrate, turning into sand, which the cat on its paws will carry around the house, adding trouble to the owner during the cleaning process. Also, sometimes you can find large chips that can injure the animal, but they are easy to notice and remove.

    Based on paper and grain waste

    The cheapest and most environmentally friendly option. If the base is paper, the filler has low absorbent and water-retaining properties. If the basis of the filler is the products of processing of grain crops (especially corn), then the filler acquires a quality of a completely different level. The product is made from corn cobs. Due to the porous structure, they absorb moisture well, eliminate excess odors and have a long service life. The disadvantage is the small weight of the granules - the particles are easily carried around the house by a cat and scattered on the floor.

    "Grain" fillers have not yet received sufficient distribution in Russia. To date, they are widely used only for rodents.

    The most popular and affordable among fillers. The material for it are bentonite clays. various types or opalcristoballites. Bentonite absorbs liquid well and swells, forming lumps (hence the name), which are easy to remove when cleaning the tray. Such a filler retains odors rather poorly, which causes significant inconvenience to cat owners. When burying feces, a cat can inhale the dust released by the bentonite or spread it across the clean floor.

    Some cat owners have to deal with the fact that the litter does not clump. However, the point here is not the quality of the product, but how to use it. According to the instructions, you need to pour at least 8-10 cm of filler into the tray - then clumping will occur correctly. If there are several cats in the house, lumps may also not have time to form, so the owner of two or more animals should look at other options.

    absorbent mineral

    It is a small stone that darkens on contact with liquid. Such a filler is made from an environmentally friendly volcanic mineral zeolite. Due to the abundance of microscopic pores, zeolite evenly absorbs moisture and retains unpleasant odors. The principle of operation of the filler is the complete absorption of urine by the granule - so moisture does not linger in the upper layers of the zeolite.

    If the liquid accumulates at the bottom of the tray and causes an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to mix the filler. This is necessary so that it is completely saturated. The disadvantages of this option include the fact that it will not work to change the granules in portions. Cats are used to burying their feces, which makes it much more difficult to replace stones piece by piece. But this option is suitable for the owner of several animals.

    silica gel

    Considered the highest quality. These are small white crystals produced from a dried polysilicic acid gel with a high absorbency. Usually, special substances are added to the composition of the crystals, which help to better retain moisture and odors. So, you can completely change the composition of the tray every 3-4 weeks. The downside to silica gel is that it makes a crunchy sound when digging, which can be stressful for some cats and make it difficult for them to get used to it. Prior to use, store the crystals in sealed packaging to avoid loss of absorbent properties - silica gel can begin to absorb moisture contained in the air.

    Advantages and disadvantages of each type of filler

    To decide which filler is better to choose for a pet, it is necessary to summarize all known information about each option and take into account the individual characteristics of the cat.

    The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each type of filler:

  • 4. Paper / grain - the most environmentally friendly.
  • 5. Absorbent mineral - the most successful for the owner of kittens or several cats.
  • filler type pros Minuses
    WoodyEco-friendly, pleasant smell, inexpensive, can be used for kittens, absorbs wellIt can be carried around the apartment by a cat, rarely a cat can get large chips that can cause injury
    paper/grainEco-friendly, absorbs well, pleasant smell, inexpensivePaper does not absorb moisture well, is not common in Russia, cannot be used for several animals, not suitable for all cats
    Clumping mineral and clayEconomical, highly absorbent, easy to clean in parts, eco-friendly, as close as possible to the natural ideas of a cat about a toiletCannot be used on multiple animals, may form dust and stick to paws, does not retain odors very well, lumps that are too large may harm the animal, difficult to clean if not followed instructions
    absorbent mineralSuitable for use by several cats and kittens, inexpensive, effectively fights odorsWhen cleaning, it can smell strongly, not suitable for cats that cannot tolerate even partially dirty trays, uneconomical due to frequent replacement
    silica gelGood moisture absorption, effectively fights odors, economical, suitable for use by several cats, easy to clean in partsExpensive, not suitable for kittens, some cats may not tolerate silica gel crunchy sounds

The fact that there are special fillers for cat litter was recently discovered in Russia - a quarter of a century ago. Until the 1990s, there were not even trays for cats in our country - plastic trays (they are also cuvettes) for photo printing were used in this capacity. Who else remembers these?

The most advanced urban cat breeders made with their own hands a “miracle of technology” - a dry tray of two cuvettes. Holes were melted in the bath with a hot nail. Then she was inserted into another bath, and a “sandwich” was obtained, in which urine was drained through the holes in the upper bath into the lower one.

Less advanced cat owners acted easier. The intelligentsia, who used toilet paper in everyday life, made bath filler from finely chopped newspapers. And simpler people, who themselves needed newspapers, dragged sand from children's sandboxes.

With the advent of the market economy, we have special cat trays and even special fillers for them. Ironically, there was a boom in silicate fillers in the West at that time. Then silicate fillers were cheaper than natural ones and promised all sorts of benefits, such as the absence of smell and efficient absorption of liquid. And natural fillers with the same properties also existed, but were much more expensive.

For a quarter of a century the situation has changed dramatically. Today, natural fillers for trays have become cheaper than silicate ones. And this is their big plus!

What are the disadvantages of silicate fillers?

  1. Most of them contain sodium bentonite. This is a chemical agent that, when interacting with water, creates a sticking effect. Absorbing moisture, bentonite swells - 15 times its original volume - and forms a dense, water-insoluble mass. Unfortunately, not all of this mass remains in the tray. Her lumps stick to the paws of the cat. And the cat gnaws them out of its paws and swallows them.
    By itself, sodium bentonite is not dangerous for the body, it is even used in the food industry - as an absorbent for clarification of wine or purification of moonshine. However, it would never occur to anyone to swallow already used bentonite.
  2. Silicate fillers contain silica. When you pour the filler into the tray, you can clearly see it as silica in the form of white dust rising in a column. The same dust flies in all directions when the cat digs in the tray. But silica is not just dust. When inhaled, it acts as a carcinogen, increasing the risk of cancer.
  3. Silicate fillers often contain artificial flavors. Their purpose is to give the cat's tray a pleasant floral smell. But even a person, pouring the filler into the tray, sometimes holds his breath so as not to feel this stuffy smell. What to say about a cat, whose scent is much thinner! Ideally, the litter box should not smell like flowers or urine. It shouldn't smell at all!
  4. From an environmental point of view, silicate filler is a disaster. According to ecologists, about three billion tons of dust are blown annually by winds from municipal waste dumps. The used filler that you throw in the landfill does not decompose. Never ever. And this means that the mummified excrement of our cats will remain on Earth even when there is no trace of humanity left.

Discussions 5 posts A lady named Kay Draper, a resident of the village of Cassopolis, Michigan, always had a supply of sand on hand for her cat. But in the winter of 1948, during a severe frost, the unexpected happened - the sand froze, and the woman went for help to her neighbors named Lowe, unsuccessful entrepreneurs who set up the production of dried clay in the village and unsuccessfully tried to sell their goods to the surrounding poultry farms under the guise of " advanced nest litter".

The cunning neighbors gave the neighbor a bag of clay pellets, assuring her that it was “the best cat litter,” even though they themselves had never tested their clay in this capacity.

To the surprise of the hostess, dry clay granules completely fascinated the cat. Businessmen found their luck where they did not expect to find it. Of course, modern sorbents for cat trays are made not only from clay.

How to replace cat litter?

Do not offer scraps of newspaper! Cats are not stupid - they understand that they were swindled.)) Sand is an option, but it is heavy, you can’t drag it.

The best thing is sawdust, they are sold and you can ask for it if there is a furniture shop nearby.

Some cats also like hay, dried grass. I bought the filler for a relatively short time, then put the net and my cat calmly walks on the tray without filler, I bought something just for the smell. It is hardly possible to fully replace the "filler" for the cat litter, so that there is no "specific" smell. In "fillers" special chemical "reagents" are usually used, which "bind" this smell.

Maybe someone will need such an "environmentally friendly" "filler". Why do you need a filler - absorbs moisture (dampness in the tray can cause the cat to stop using it); - absorbs unpleasant odors; - allows the animal to realize its natural desire to "bury" excrement; — simplifies cat care, making cleaning the tray less frequent. Newspapers Fuel pellets (pellets)

Tip 3: Why does a cat need a tail? www.

Cat litter - litter

Cat litter Which cat litter is better at absorbing odor and moisture, absorbent or clumping Both litters do an excellent job.

Each of this type has its pros and cons. Cat litter absorbent types and which one is better to buy, can be flushed down the toilet or not, rating Granular wood perfectly absorbs, it can be flushed down the toilet. "Zoonik", "Pussycat woody", "TsapTsarap", "Kuzya", "Chistulya woody", "Tarzan" and "KisPis".

The price varies from 70 rubles per pack to 500 rubles.

Fillers from waste and corn cost from 150 rubles.


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Cat tray: what to fill?

Less advanced cat owners acted easier. The intelligentsia, who used toilet paper in everyday life, made bath filler from finely chopped newspapers. And simpler people, who themselves needed newspapers, dragged sand from children's sandboxes.

For a quarter of a century the situation has changed dramatically.

Today, natural fillers for trays have become cheaper than silicate ones.

  1. DIY
  2. home
  3. How to make a toilet for a cat?
  4. Good to know

The toilet for a cat can be completely different.

And this is their big plus! What are the disadvantages of silicate fillers? Most of them contain sodium bentonite. This is a chemical agent that, when interacting with water, creates a sticking effect.

Granules-pellets as cat litter

Despite the variety of types of filler itself, it is optimal to start the production of granular wood filler, where the diameter of the granules is approximately 5-8 millimeters.

The most common is a purchased plastic tray with artificial filler. Our grandmothers used to accustom their pets to a bucket of sand. Some people teach cats to go just to the toilet or sink.

The advantage of the finished product is the absence of binding impurities in the processing of environmentally friendly wood, due to which moisture and odor are well absorbed.

It is these pellet-pellet fillers that they prefer to purchase for their cats.

You will also need a dryer, crusher and sieve, cooling equipment, all this will cost about one million rubles. float:="" left="" margin:="" clear="">

"What's inside the toys, what do you fill them with?" - such a question is often asked by needlewomen. Me too :) This article is about various types stuffing - what to choose and how to stuff it correctly. How to get rid of "cellulite" when stuffing? Advantages and disadvantages different types fillers, how they differ from each other and where you can get them. I'm talking about my personal experience:) - I sew and knit mainly play toys, that is, children play with them.
About natural fillers: cotton wool, wool, loose, herbs.
About synthetic fillers: synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, silicone "balls", foam rubber.

natural fillers.

1. Cotton wool. The first thing that comes to mind is her. Cotton wool is sold in any pharmacy, it is cheap, always available, there is in every home. Cotton is cotton. Natural materials are good.

But what happens when stuffing? Cotton wool is quite difficult to evenly distribute inside the toy, it falls off and rolls, as if rammed in "layers". If you unsuccessfully stuffed a toy (especially not a small one) with cotton wool, then you will have to redo it all over again. But, pulling it out, you find that it is impossible to bring it to its original fluffy appearance.

After washing a toy stuffed with cotton, you will lose its shape (this is especially true for knitted toys sewn from thin fabrics or knitwear): cotton wool falls off a lot when wet, and becomes hard when it dries.

What else? Having stuffed the toy tightly with cotton wool (and this is a necessary condition for the toy to look decent), you make it heavier - and this is not always necessary. Also cotton wool draws moisture from environment, but what happens to wet cotton? That's right - it rots, mold can start in it. What mother would give her child such a toy?

Output - cotton wool is the worst filler for toys, especially children's toys.

2. Wool. Also a natural material. Where to get it?
The first way: cut an old sweater, socks, etc. into small, small pieces, use the remnants of thread for knitting. It is better to stuff knitted toys with such remnants, and small ones that keep their shape well (tight knitting); or sewn from dense fabrics - irregularities will not be visible.
The second way is to buy a sliver. This is if you want to fill the toy more evenly and efficiently.

Sliver - this sheep's wool, undyed, but combed and brushed (the quality of cleaning varies from manufacturer to manufacturer). It has the appearance of a 5-8 cm wide ribbon wound into a reel or skein. It is sold in needlework stores, sometimes in the market, and, of course, from manufacturers (but there in bulk). The price for 1 kg is approximately 70-90 UAH, for 100 grams - from 9 UAH. It is customary to buy from manufacturers no less than a reel, and 6-8 kg are wound in it. Sliver is usually light, beige or natural white. But it also comes in grey.

Wool gives a feeling of warmth, some soulfulness or something ... A toy stuffed with wool is very pleasant and soft to the touch.

How to beat? Each needlewoman has her own tricks and secrets that they do not want to reveal. This is not from greed, but from the fact that it is not always possible to describe it in words. It's much easier to show. But I'll try:)
First, fluff up the piece of ribbon you tore off for stuffing. No scissors, just fingers: tear the tape into pieces. In the end, we got a fluffy bunch. Try to stuff evenly. To do this, do not immediately tamp the bottom layer, it is better to put a small amount of wool inside (let there be a doll's leg, for example) and distribute it on the sides, put a little more in the foot. So you got a kind of wool pipe inside the legs. Then we fill this pipe further inside, making sure that the amount of wool in different parts of the leg is the same. Filled? Now remember the leg :) Is it soft? So slowly start adding more wool. Only not on top or on the sides, but again inside the pipe. Put your finger (or tweezers, pencil, stick - if the part is small) into our wool pipe and make room for the “additive” with a rotational movement: at the same time, make sure that the previous layers do not move much. Then there will be no cellulite)))

Yes, not very easy. But it's doable. Maybe even the first time? Well, if you have to redo it, then do not forget to carefully fluff the wool again.

What are the disadvantages of wool?
1) Some people are allergic to it. If you are making a toy for a gift, especially for a child, be sure to find out if he has allergies (this is very dangerous, very ...).
2) Wool is a favorite delicacy of moths and not only: (If you can still somehow cope with the moth, save the toy from being eaten, then this is problematic with uninvited guests inside the toy. Maybe periodically steam it?
3) Washing ... Toys stuffed with wool are recommended to be wiped with a damp cloth and washed only as a last resort - in cold or slightly warm water. None washing machines, no dryers. Be prepared for the fact that after washing the toy will look a little different - the wool will still settle down when wet and the stuffing will not be "like new". If your child has such a toy for a long time, then about once a year (depending on the degree of use) it is re-stuffed.

3. Loose fillers - cereals, seeds, husks, salt, sand, pebbles, etc.. These fillers are used either as granulate (to make the toy heavier or to make it sound like a rattle) in combination with the main soft filler; or as an independent filler for relaxant toys. Soft heavy balls, for example, perfectly relieve stress in adults, and children will be useful for the development of fine motor skills.
Buying them, of course, is not a problem.
Now about the features of stuffing:
1) all of these fillers must be sewn into a bag before being placed inside the toy. This is especially important for knitted toys. If you are making a rattle, then a container from a kinder surprise will do (just seal it with tape so that it does not open).
2) Cereals must be calcined in a pan or in the oven - so that bugs do not start.
3) Sand, pebbles, husks, etc. - sift and wash with soap, you can boil (except for the husk).

The disadvantage is the washing of such toys. Moisture is detrimental to them. Be careful not to let them get wet. Well, you can’t wash toys with salt at all. And the same advice as for wool - sometimes change the stuffing.

4. Herbs. Fragrant herbs are bought in a pharmacy or in the market, or you can collect and dry yourself if you know how. Lavender, lemon balm, fennel, dill, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano, chamomile, linden, jasmine, rose petals... You can pack or fill with one type - it depends on the purpose: for sleep or vice versa, refreshing.
Herbs are placed in a bag made of natural "breathable" fabric - linen, calico, silk. It is better that a toy or pillow with such a filler be on a zipper or buttons - for the convenience of replacing bags. Herbs do not retain their fragrance for very long.
Care: wash the toy separately without filler.

5. sawdust."In the head of my sawdust, yes-yes-yes!" - sang the famous bear. Sawdust is mainly filled with collectible teddy bears. You can buy them in specialized stores for teddists or ... like me - clean up after my husband when he works with wood :)
And there are sawdust in pet stores. But I don't know if they will fit. The sawdust itself has not yet come in handy anywhere - I have not yet been inspired by the teddy. So - call me, I won’t tell you anything about them.

synthetic fillers.

1. Sintepon. Often sold in hardware stores. This is a non-woven fabric of various thicknesses with a width of 1.5-2 m. It is sold by cut, like fabrics.

To fill a toy with synthetic winterizer, you must first tear it into small pieces. It's tiresome. In addition, it falls off over time, and it is difficult to achieve uniformity with dense packing.
When might it be useful? When nothing else was available. Or when it is not necessary to tear it for stuffing, i.e. it will be used as a spacer - to give volume to flat toys (for example, a crescent moon, an asterisk).
There is another one siliconized synthetic winterizer - it is better because it does not fall off as usual, keeps its shape longer, is more elastic. It is better to take it, often it is simply called "silicone" - it is also sold for a cut in the same place as the usual one.

2. Sintepukh. It looks and feels like bird down - soft, airy. It also happens regular and siliconized. Better second.

Where could I buy? This is more difficult. Basically, it is sold by manufacturers in bulk (a bag of 5 or 10 kg, or several such bags). But now there are more and more online stores that sell them by weight (price from 5 UAH per 100 grams). You can also look in the markets where they sell pillows and blankets, it happens that you can buy 1 kg (from 35 UAH). You can buy in clubbing with other needlewomen. A bag of 5 kg costs about 120-150 UAH. This is enough for all of you and there will be more.

3. Sintepukh-balls.

Siliconized sintepuh balls- this is a combed highly crimped hollow siliconized polyester fiber, subsequently twisted into balls. Unlike synthetic winterizer, "balls" do not cake over time, therefore ready product retains its original shape for a long time.
Search in the same place as sintepuh. The prices are about the same.
Many consider it the best filler for toys. But there are nuances. About them a little lower.

From synthetic fillers, I personally choose siliconized synthetic fluff and "balls".
The first one I use for stuffing sewn toys- from flax, coarse calico, jersey. Why? It is smooth, and any bulge is visible on thin fabrics. "Balls" can leave bumps, because. they are tougher than down.
But on the other hand, the "balls" are much more elastic, it is easy and quick to stuff them, the toy takes its shape without much effort. And then - with the active use of children, washing - it is quickly restored. "Balls" are good for toys made of thick or textured fabrics, for knitted toys.
The principles of stuffing are the same as for wool, although everything is much easier with balls :)

Advantages of synthetic fillers:

  • you can wash and not worry that everything will turn into porridge
  • dries quickly
  • does not cause allergies
  • keeps the shape of the toy better
  • it does not become food for small insects.
Minuses: it's still synthetic. In fact, this is a product of recycling - recycled plastic (bottles, packaging, etc.). For some, this is important everything was in a toy of natural origin ..

4. Foam rubber. Sold in sheets in hardware stores. There are different thicknesses. The thickest furniture is the most expensive. These are mattresses or underlay for a sofa. If you have leftovers of such thick foam rubber, you can make cubes. It is enough to first cut the base of foam rubber, and then sheathe it with a cloth or tie it. Cutting thick foam is not easy. To make it come out neat, you need a hot wire (this is if you do not have a special tool). Please note that melted foam rubber emits toxic fumes, this is dangerous. But with a knife, and even more so with scissors, it is difficult to do it accurately.

Thin foam rubber is suitable in torn form for stuffing knitted toys and sewn from thick fabrics. Uniformity is difficult to achieve, but possible. Over time, the foam inside crumbles, crumbles and the toy loses its shape.

It is not difficult to wash, only it dries for a long time, it is necessary to let the water drain. And then if you squeeze like a sponge - the toy can be deformed.

I bought an ordinary foam sponge in household goods, tied it with embossed cotton thread - it turned out to be an excellent washcloth for a child :)

Finally, general stuffing rules:

  • a sewn or knitted blank should be without holes and stitched with high quality (translucent filler is so ugly; and if it gets into your mouth).
  • fill tightly, no need to save. The toy will be picked up, played and hugged tightly. You don't want it to turn into a shapeless something in 10 minutes, do you?
  • make sure the stuffing is even. If you see that it doesn’t work out, you don’t need to add it here and there, it’s better to take everything out and try again.
  • for loose fillers and herbs, always use a pouch.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


A pet kept in the house requires constant care. The main issue concerns maintaining the cleanliness of the home. If your favorite animal is a cat, then the primary task in caring for him is the organization of the toilet. To make sure that the cat does not pollute everything around, cat litter will help, which will solve hygiene problems, you just have to choose the right kind.

What is cat litter

More recently, cat litter consisted of sand poured into a tray or cut paper pieces. Modern industry quickly adopted a new direction for production, and it was invented special agent, which copes with the task much better than sand. It consists of small granules that mimic the natural environment and do not cause rejection in the feline family. The granules are made of materials that, once liquid has entered, absorb it, and some even absorb odor.

Granule sizes

Cat litter differs in the size of the granules, which is convenient when choosing products for small and adult cats. After getting wet, the granules may change size or gather in lumps. In this case, the entire composition does not need to be changed, you just need to throw away the crumpled elements. The size of the granules (their photo can be seen on the package) is chosen, focusing on age, coat length, sensitivity. If you have a kitten or an adult with sensitive skin, choose small granules. For long-haired cats, it is better to take a filler of large or medium sizes.

Which cat litter is best

There are two main types of cat litter: clumping and absorbent. They absorb moisture differently and will take away different time for cleaning. Any of the types can be made from sawdust, silica gel granules, minerals. The main difference is that the clumping product collects into lumps after use, which will have to be thrown away immediately, while the absorbent product absorbs moisture and crumbles, which does not require daily replacement.


According to the manufacturers, this type of mixture should absorb moisture and turn into lumps. The owner will have to clean them up with solid waste daily, supplementing the tray with the right amount of granules. Problems with the fact that the product does not cope with the task, that is, does not absorb moisture, but passes it to the bottom of the tray, are due to improper use. It is important to pour only 8-10 centimeters of the composition so that it can turn into lumps in time and eliminate the smell.

Absorbent filler

The principle of operation of this type of mixture is completely different. It does not change the structure after use, but it also absorbs moisture and retains odors. It is necessary to change the entire contents of the tray after it is completely wet. The cat itself will let you know about this when it refuses to go to a dirty toilet. This litter is chosen by owners who have several pets and those who do not want to mess with cat litter every day.

Types of fillers for cats

Pet stores have about eight varieties of cat litter for you to choose from. They differ in price, materials of manufacture, absorbent properties. One product may be enough for a month without any replacement, the other will have to be changed a couple of times a week. In addition to the financial capabilities of the owner, you will have to pay attention to the needs of the pet.


One of the most popular cat litter products is mineral fillers. They are made from pieces of clay. average price is 100 rubles per kilogram. When choosing, start from the following features:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, forming lumps that are easy to clean, reasonable price.
  • Cons: does not cope well with the smell, fine dust comes from it, sticks to the cat's paws, spreads around the house, cannot be washed down the drain, not suitable for kittens.

in clay granules

This type of product is available in two types: clumping and absorbent. The best grades are made from bentonite clays, which swell with moisture. When buying, you need to pay attention to the size of the granules. Large pellets can injure your pet. Small and medium grains are suitable for kittens. The cost varies from 50 rubles per 1 kilogram. Sold packaged in 3, 5, 10 kg. When choosing, consider:

  • Pros: natural product, a large number of species, cats like it due to its similarity to ordinary earth, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: when using and filling the tray, dust can rise, partially carried around the house by the paws of animals.

woody clumping

These products are compressed wood pellets from sawdust. Basically, coniferous trees are used in the manufacture. Cats easily get used to this type of product. It is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. For pet owners, the mixture will cost about 100 rubles per 1 kilogram. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, pleasant smell of pine needles, which animals like, is allowed to be thrown into the sewer, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: The only drawback is that small particles of sawdust can be carried around the house.

silica gel

One of the latest developments is silica gel filler. It is made of polysilicic acid, the photos show that it is cloudy white balls with patches. It costs from 190 rubles for 3.8 liters. This product has the following features:

  • Pros: changed once or twice a month, harmless, prevents the spread of smell, quickly absorbs moisture, always stays dry, bacteria does not multiply in it, does not spread, does not generate dust.
  • Cons: high cost, makes a crunchy sound that repels many pets, the sound can irritate people too, especially when heard at night, can be dangerous for kittens if it enters the esophagus.


Another material for making cat litter is corn on the cob. Corn filler is made from their finely porous core. This species is similar to wood, but it is much less common and more expensive. The starting price is approximately 160 rubles per 1 kg. When choosing, start from the following data:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, odors, natural raw materials, economical.
  • Cons: very light, which is why it is easily scattered around the tray, has a specific smell that the animal may not like.

How to use cat litter

The cat litter is easy to use. It is necessary to pour an even layer of the mixture into the tray with a height of 5-10 centimeters. Some manufacturers may indicate the exact amount of the mixture that must be observed. Then the product properly absorbs moisture and forms a lump. The clumping species is cleaned daily, removing hardening and hard excrement. Then add a new batch. The absorbent type is completely changed as it gets dirty (1 time in 5-10 days). Wash tray thoroughly before replacing. Some products are allowed to be flushed down the toilet, others to be thrown away.

How to choose

Often, owners of furry pets have to try more than one type of mixture for the tray before they find the best option for convenience and suitable for the cat itself. Each composition has its own characteristics. Mixtures differ in their ability to absorb moisture, retain odors. They can be hypoallergenic, flavored. It is worth paying attention to these indicators when choosing a filler.

Ability to absorb moisture

The best ability to absorb moisture is observed in clumping mixtures. They do not just absorb it, but form a solid lump that does not crumble and does not stain the clean product. Leading the way in this area is silica gel fill that stays completely dry long time. Wood and corn formulations perform no worse, but they crumble and require frequent replacement.

Odor absorption and retention

In the fight against the unpleasant smell of cat litter, the owners are ready to go to great lengths, including not skimping on expensive mixtures that are distinguished by their ability to neutralize odors. Mixtures made from chemical compounds are again leading in this parameter. More natural species due to their natural qualities, they are less effective in removing an unpleasant odor, and a mixture such as corn mixture itself has an unpleasant odor.

Ability to flush down the toilet

For many owners, the ability to flush the used filler down the toilet is decisive. You won't have to bother with a trash bag if you're buying woody, corn based products. Manufacturers warn that the used mixture should be sent to the toilet in small portions to avoid blockages. Minerals are not included in this number. It is forbidden to flush them down the drain.

Presence of fragrance

Such a technique as flavoring the mixture for cat litter is used by many manufacturers. This is one way to deal with bad odors, but it often backfires. In a pleasantly smelling tray, many pets simply refuse to walk. Even if the packaging attracts you with the inscription “with the smell of lavender” or another popular plant, do not rush to purchase such a mixture. Your cat may not appreciate the noble scent.


The safety of pet health will be ensured by those mixtures that are made from natural materials such as wood shavings, corncobs, clay. The silica gel product loses in this regard, although it is positioned as completely harmless. Allergies can be caused even by those natural materials that raise a cloud of dust when used, since the cat will have to inhale it.


The most economical is a mixture for trays of mineral components. Next comes wood. Silica gel products, corn are expensive. When buying, you need to consider not only the cost of packaging, but the frequency with which you will have to empty the tray. So, expensive silica gel mixtures turn out to be cheaper than others, because they require replacement only 1-2 times a month, and wood, for example, will have to be changed every three days if your cat refuses to go into an already soaked, although still suitable, filler.

Rating of cat litter

One of the first in the line of popular products in this category is Fresh Step Extreme Clay cat litter. Buyers note that it does not cause rejection in cats:

  • name: Fresh Step Extreme Clay;
  • price: 1498-1768 rubles;
  • characteristic: 15.8 kg, clay, absorbent, antibacterial, anti-odor;
  • pluses: flushes down the toilet, easy to clean;
  • cons: not found.

In second place is N1 Crystals. This is a silica gel filler, one package of which will last for a long time:

  • name: N1 Crystals;
  • price: 1845-1925;
  • characteristics: volume 30 l, absorbent, silica gel, anti-odor, hypoallergenic,
  • pluses: retains moisture well, does not stick to the paws;
  • cons: very dusty.

Third place goes to Catsan Hygiene Plus. He is chosen when a small kitten appears in the house:

  • name: Catsan Hygiene Plus;
  • price: 392-836 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume 10 l, absorbent, composed of chalk, quartz sand, antibacterial unique properties, protects from smell;
  • pluses: suitable for a small kitten, micropores ideally absorb odor and clog moisture;
  • cons: not found.

In fourth place in terms of demand from buyers is Cat Step litter. It is purchased in small volumes, since it does not require frequent replacement:

  • name: Cat Step;
  • price: 240-304 rubles;
  • characteristics: 3.8 l, silica gel, absorbent, anti-odor, hypoallergenic, for long-haired cats;
  • pluses: perfectly absorbs a large amount of moisture and odor;
  • cons: not found.

Another tool that cat owners prefer to buy for their pets is Pi-Pi-Bent Classic. This filler is made from natural material:

  • name: Pi-Pi-Bent Classic;
  • price: 399-589 rubles;
  • characteristic: 10 kg, clumping clay, protects against the smell of cat urine;
  • pluses: prevents the spread of bacteria;
  • cons: not found.