
Thomas Leviev instagram. Yulia Latynina: why in Russia the rich can crush the poor. Why did Leviev lie to the police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident about his age?


"Diamond Boy" at the wheel. Photo: Thomas Leviev / Facebbok

A young human male has high levels of testosterone and adrenaline. This is how nature arranged it. As a result of an excess of testosterone and adrenaline, in ancient times boys became Vikings, fought for brides, and generally performed Hercules in every possible way. Nowadays, things are a little tight with the Vikings, and in normal countries, testosterone-excessive youth engage in various types of extreme sports: roofing, base jumping and skateboarding on virgin soil.

In a failed state, youth release adrenaline in a different way. If a young male is poor, he enlists in ISIS (an organization banned in Russia - Ed.), and if he is rich, then daddy buys him a Ferrari, and he crushes those around him at a speed of 200 km per hour.

Nothing personal, just biology.

So, on October 16, at about 11 pm, in Moscow, the young barchuk Thomas Leviev, expelled from the first year of MGIMO for poor academic performance, got into a brand new Ferrari without a license for 13 million rubles, given to him for his eighteenth birthday, accelerated to 200 km per hour, took off oncoming traffic, smashed two cars, overturned and burned a gift. Miraculously, there were no corpses.

Leviev fled the scene of the accident and later showed up in the hospital. There, a relative of the young talent, Alexander Mirilashvili, was rightly indignant that some slaves represented by journalists were interfering in the private life of his ward, and punched them in the face, and then, while leaving, threw him off the hood and almost ran over a policeman.

Then miracles began. For law enforcement agencies, it turned out to be an insurmountable task to establish the name of the “diamond boy.” This problem was solved by the authorities, using only Facebook, Bozena Rynska, who was the first to write that the “diamond boy” is MGIMO student Thomas Leviev. She also brought wonderful photos of a boy in a Cod bless Givenchy T-shirt with girls on his sides, as well as excerpts from his Facebook, from which it follows that the young MGIMO student (Leviev, after expulsion, was reinstated as a paid student) writes the word “your” as “tvaimu” .

After Bozhena Rynska’s blog, the Investigative Committee finally made an appearance in the person of its representative, Mr. Markin. Mr. Markin, of course, did not refer to Rynska, and explained the long silence by the fact that Russian legislation prohibits the dissemination of information about minors in the media, and the boy’s relatives said that he was 17, “hiding the youth’s age, his citizenship and other data,” - Markin noted.

In other words, Mr. Markin wants to assure us that establishing the exact age of a MGIMO student who sits on social networks and advocates for his native university in all kinds of massacres turned out to be an impossible task for Russian Pinkertons.

Immediately, without leaving the spot, Mr. Markin proposed a solution to the problem - it turns out that driving a car without a license must be equated with carrying a weapon. It’s just completely unclear how this will help in such a complex matter as establishing the name and date of birth of a MGIMO student.

Further more. Mr. Markin revealed to society a terrible truth: it turns out that Leviev and Mirilashvili are citizens of Israel. That's what it's all about! “A rhetorical question arises,” said Mr. Markin, “would they dare to play around like that in the state of which they are citizens? I doubt. They would have been “parked” there during acceleration.”

Mr. Markin, why weren’t they “parked” here?

Because we don’t “park” anyone.

Because after the son of the ex-Minister of Defense killed a 69-year-old woman with his car who was crossing the road when the light was green, a case was opened against the son-in-law of the deceased.

Because when the minivan with the wife of the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nurgaliev was rolled into bloody mince by a Zhiguli with two workers, the matter was somehow hushed up.

Because when Anastasia Maltseva, a relative of Minister Zurabov, hit and killed pregnant Muscovite Evgenia Pugacheva, a relative of the minister quickly appeared at the scene of the accident, near the corpse with broken cervical vertebrae, and the matter was hushed up.

Because impunity in Russia extends to anyone who has status and money. As it turned out, it even extended to a young lady named Anna Shavenkova, who drove onto the sidewalk right under the video camera and hit two girls, after which she calmly got out of the car and, without even approaching the corpse, began to inspect the car. Anna Shavenkova received a sentence suspended for 14 years and was amnestied. Shavenkova’s entire benefit was that her mother was a member of United Russia and the chairman of the election commission of the Irkutsk region.

All these cases proved to young Thomas Leviev and his relatives an obvious truth: namely, that if you have money, connections and an expensive car with a good security system, then you can crush people on the roads with impunity. This does not threaten anything except your wallet.

This is typical behavior of drivers in a third world country. In Afghanistan, Syria or Namibia, any important person knows that if he runs over someone on the road, the issue will be decided by a couple of heads of cattle. In the USA, Israel and Europe, any politician, official or businessman knows that if he or his son runs over someone on the road, it will be a double disaster: criminal and also public.

In October 2010, the whole of China was rocked by an accident: 20-year-old “golden boy” Li Qimin drove his car into two students and crushed one of them to death. When he was stopped, he shouted: “Try to judge me. My father is Li Gang." The Internet exploded. The phrase "my father Li Gang" has become a meme. Li Qimin was sentenced to six years. Li Gang himself, the deputy chief of the local police, publicly cried on TV and asked for forgiveness.

In Russia, Leviev paid a fine of 15 thousand rubles. and hastily left abroad, and Mr. Markin from the Investigative Committee began to argue that Leviev would have been “parked” in Israel. Who stopped him from parking it in Russia, eh, Mr. Markin? "Fifth column"? Obama?

Russian propaganda can talk for a long time about how we got up from our knees. How respected and feared we are. But here's the problem. No one will ever respect a country in which any rich 17-year-old sucker can play bowls with other people's machines, and yet the country's investigative authorities will not be able to determine his date of birth.

Journalists (so-called) are too lazy to dig, so the dunce Thomas LevAev, who caused an accident with a Ferrari near the Crimean Bridge, and whose driver then bullied a policeman, was declared the son of the Israeli diamond king Lev LevAev. Which is completely untrue.


Lev Leviev really does not have and never had a son, Thomas, he is not lying, which is not typical for oligarchs. Lev LevAev has a bunch of children, but they all have Jewish names like Ruta, Tsivi, Shalom and so on. Jurie could have Googled it himself, by the way. These are the Orthodox, the Bukharian Jews, the forgotten Israelis. And in the LevAev family it is not customary to play checkers in a Porsche in Moscow. Almost all the children there are also religious, and in general the family lives in Bnei Brak. Here is proof of all LevAev’s children by name.

Thomas Leviev has who studies at MGIMO for International Economic Relations, has a brother, apparently disabled since childhood, (something with his legs) and a sister, Michelle. And also grandmother @Nana Danieli. These are Georgian Jews, Caucasians, who are different from the Mountain Jews. Journalists could Google all this on their own if they just put in a little effort, instead of writing “Dad, of course, doesn’t confess.”

A relative of the dunce Thomas, (and judging by the ask and Facebook, he is still a young idiot),
it’s most likely this stamp:
Lev Leviev, co-owner of VKontakte (maybe already a former one). His partner is also a Georgian Jew, and Thomas Leviev's driver, who was said to be his relative, is a Georgian Jew, so the data agrees.


For the father of an 18-year-old stunner, Lev Leviev looks too young and decent, and besides, he is only 31 years old. Those who know him claim that he does not have idiotic children, and that he himself is smart and rather reserved. But perhaps the fool’s father is his namesake relative. Georgian Jews married early. Thomas's grandmother is at least very young. Outwardly, Lev Leviev and Thomas Leviev are similar. At the very least, we need to dig in the direction of Georgian Jews. The diaspora is small, and tomorrow I will tell you who exactly raised such an epic idiot.

I hope that the shit eaters will apologize to the Levievs, and in the morning, when referring to this information, they will not pass it off as something they dug up on their own, but will refer to my Facebook or LiveJournal. Yes, Thomas Leviev has an Instagram, something like jewful, but it is closed.

Thomas Leviev, who caused a scandalous accident with victims on the Crimean Bridge in Moscow last summer.

In Russia in Moscow note, that the case was dismissed on the basis of the victim’s application for compensation by the accused for the damage caused. At the same time, as law enforcement officers explain, Leviev fully admitted his guilt in the accident and also asked to stop the criminal prosecution.

At the same time, earlier law enforcement agencies assured that they would certainly bring the case to court. “The accident caused a great resonance, so the investigation into the case will definitely not be terminated, even if the participants in the accident officially enter into a settlement agreement,”

— “Gazeta.Ru” in the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

In addition, in the wake of the resonance caused by the behavior of the 18-year-old “diamond boy”, who drove a car without a driver’s license at all and fled the scene of an accident, the Investigative Committee of Russia even equated driving without a license with illegally carrying weapons and brought such violators to justice. criminal liability. In particular, such an initiative was made by the now former official representative Vladimir Markin, at whose suggestion journalists dubbed Leviev the “diamond boy.” At that time they supported the idea, but after the hype around the incident subsided, the parliamentary impulse also dried up and no changes were adopted.

Let us recall that the accident involving Leviev occurred in October 2015. After a family dinner, Leviev, driving a Ferrari at a speed of about 200 km/h, crashed into a curb, and then flew into the oncoming lane on a bridge and rammed two cars - and a Volvo. The supercar overturned from the impact and caught fire, but the driver was able to quickly escape the flaming car. The young man in a sports car was accompanied by a motorcade with security. In one of the cars was his father, the owner of a car dealership, who owned a Ferrari that eventually burned down completely. Security took the person responsible for the accident to the hospital without waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Neither Leviev nor the people accompanying him took care to call an ambulance or provide assistance to the victims of the collision in other cars.

One of the victims in this accident, French citizen Philippe Perez, was seriously injured. Investigators subsequently refused to recognize another participant in the accident, Ildar Khamitov, who also received moderate injuries and lost his car, as a victim.

A few days after the accident, Israeli citizen Leviev, who was a student at that time, left Russia, flying from Moscow to Tel Aviv. In November, when the culprit of the accident was already abroad, the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow opened a criminal case against him for violating traffic rules, which negligently resulted in the infliction of serious harm to human health. In December 2015, he was charged in absentia.

As a result, Leviev was fined 15 thousand rubles for the scandalous accident. (for driving a car without a license), and the owner of the sports car received a fine of 30 thousand rubles. (for transferring control of the car to a person who does not have a license).

Obviously, the culprit of the accident paid substantial financial compensation to Perez, who was injured in the accident, and he refused the claims.

However, it is unlikely that fines and compensation could cause serious damage to the budget of Thomas Leviev’s family. According to media reports, the father of the culprit of the “fiery” accident is entrepreneur Levi Leviev, whose fortune is estimated at $1.12 billion. Leviev ranks 1533rd in the ranking of the richest people in the world and 15th among the richest citizens of Israel.

What happened on October 16 on the Crimean Bridge in Moscow is gaining new rumors and speculation. The reason is banal. Information about the culprit of the accident - an 18-year-old Thomas Leviev, a citizen of Israel, is carefully hidden. From the very beginning, reports appeared in the media that the father of the reckless driver was the “diamond king,” the famous businessman Lev Leviev. Allegedly, it was he and his guards who followed the guy along Moscow highways when his “diamond boy” (as the “pilot” was dubbed by the Investigative Committee) was rushing in a car worth 13 million rubles, driving into the oncoming lane at a speed of almost 200 kilometers per hour. And after the accident, a caring parent allegedly took the child away from the scene of the incident, out of harm’s way. The other day it became known that the culprit of the accident admitted guilt and was fined 15 thousand rubles for driving without a license (the guy turned of age just a couple of weeks ago, he did not have time to receive documents for the right to drive a car). But the boy's father is not Lev Leviev. We were wrong. Apologize.

Thomas's father is a rabbi, a famous religious figure in Israel, a Hasid (translated from Hebrew as pious) David Leviev. A friend told us about this Leviev family Anatoly Aronov.

- Anatoly Borisovich, but it doesn’t fit in my head: a car for 13 million rubles, a rabbi...

You have the wrong idea about rabbis. A rabbi in Israel is not just a priest, he can have a business.

- Which?

David has diamonds and real estate. For people like him, 13 million rubles is pennies. But Thomas is not a gentleman. The Levievs have a large family. Parents wanted Thomas to study in Israel, but he chose MGIMO. He speaks English and Hebrew well. The guy is religious, but very athletic. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke.

-Where is Thomas now?

They are with their father in Israel. The family wants the matter to calm down quickly and for them all to forget about it.

- Will the Levievs pay compensation to the victims?

Necessarily. This is the kind of family that always pays for its mistakes. They pray to the Almighty that their son remains alive. And they believe that the accident that occurred is a warning from God for Thomas that he needs to come to his senses, that he cannot do this. The Almighty protected Thomas this time, there were no casualties. Next time the situation may be worse. In general, the Levievs themselves are very decent people. They will never play around and deceive.

- Who took Thomas away from the scene of the accident?

Thomas was shocked at first and even walked. Then he began to come to his senses and called a friend, who immediately came and picked him up.

Where was dad at that time? They say that it was he who took him away from the Crimean Bridge, because he was following his son with security.

Dad was in Moscow, but he didn’t follow him.

- How did a father allow his son to drive without a driver’s license?

Thomas can drive. It's just that the Ferrari is such a fast car, you need to know how to handle it. The boy couldn't cope.

P.S.: I can imagine what a violent reaction this note might cause among our readers. I beg you, dear ones, do not be anti-Semitic. Jews are a worthy nation, but in it, as in any other, there are those who neglect both everyday morality and religious commandments. Condemn sin, but do not unfoundedly condemn all Jews.


Diamond cut patent

This is not a joke. It was decided to patent the journalistic label “diamond boy”. The application has already been submitted to Rospatent (this was done by a friend of the Leviev family - Yakov Goldberg). It is planned to produce amulets for drivers under this name. Diamond. Owners of expensive cars can easily afford these. The essence of the idea is that the driver was almost unharmed in the accident. He flew out of the burning cabin like a ball and remained safe and sound. So his story may well serve as a prerequisite for the creation of such amulets. Here, as they say, there is nothing to add.


Hasidism is a religious movement in Judaism. Today it is a widespread movement of Jews in Israel, the USA, and Russia. Notable contemporary Hasidim include the artist Marc Chagall and film director Steven Spielberg.

A 17-year-old teenager caused an accident in a Ferrari on the Crimean Bridge. The police are finding out how the young man ended up behind the wheel of a high-speed car.

In discussing a high-profile accident in Moscow near the Crimean Bridge, where a young guy in a Ferrari flew into the oncoming lane at high speed and became the culprit of a major accident, the greatest interest aroused the question of who was behind 18-year-old Thomas Leviev and Alexander Mirilashvili, who stood up for him .

In the media and blogs, he is associated either with billionaire Lev Leviev or with former VKontakte investors. Medialeaks found out whether the young guy has influential patrons.

Where did the “diamond boy” come from?

The media, at the suggestion of an Interfax source in law enforcement agencies, linked the culprit of the accident, Thomas Leviev, with Levi Leviev (or Lev Leviev), a 59-year-old Israeli billionaire who made a fortune in the diamond business. This is where the expression “diamond boy” came from - this is how the media dubbed the main character of the story. AFI Development hastened to refute these assumptions.

“None of Mr. Leviev’s family members are related to the incident described. The AFI Development company reminds the media of the need to thoroughly check the information received and the inadmissibility of replicating rumors and speculation,” says the letter received by RBC.

Bozhena Rynska also declared the family’s innocence on Facebook, claiming that among the businessman’s nine children there is no son named Thomas; in addition, they are all strictly religious, “they fast, pray and listen to Radio Radonezh, and do not drive around Moscow at night.” A list of all Leviev's children can be found on the website

“Please stop smearing Leviev. This is slander. Leviev, poor thing, deliberately pushed a bunch of his children into religion from a young age so that they would not grow up to be such golden monkeys. Lev Leviev has nothing to do with this accident. Apologize to him, please. And Thomas Leviev is no diamond boy,” wrote she.

However, the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, did not comment in any way on the rumors about a connection with the famous billionaire and on October 20 continued to call Thomas a “diamond boy,” however, referring to journalists.

Suspicions against former VKontakte investors

The next theory put forward by bloggers was the connection between the culprit of the accident and the family of Lev Leviev, a 31-year-old former co-investor of Vkontakte. In addition to the same surname, the main argument in this favor was that a man named Alexander Mirilashvili stood up for the guy in the hospital - the same surname is shared by another ex-investor of the social network and a close friend of Leviev, Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, who comes from an influential family. His father, Mikhail Mirilashvili, is the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Jewish Congress; in 2001, he was arrested and accused by prosecutors of kidnapping two immigrants from Georgia.

The Ruspres website, which specializes in publishing compromising evidence, published an article accusing Vladimir Markin that a representative of the Investigative Committee was deliberately covering up for the Leviev and Mirilashvili families, which was distributed by several popular bloggers.

It says that Markin deliberately distorted the surname of Thomas’s patron and on the Investigative Committee’s website he was called MiLiRashvili. The surname was later corrected to the correct one, but a copy of the old version remained in the cache. It is possible that this was a typo.

The publication claims that Alexander Mirilashvili, who was involved in the incident, was born in 1971 in Georgia and repeatedly flew on a plane with a man named Shota Leviev, who, in turn, may be related to the family. The credibility of this version was added by the fact that people with the names Leviev and Mirilashvili were involved in one accident, which could hardly have been a mere coincidence.

The Investigative Committee says that he “has Russian and Israeli citizenship, is engaged in the bakery business in Israel and visits Russia extremely rarely.”

Representatives of Lev Leviev only told Forbes that he is not connected with the Israeli billionaire Leviev; they did not explain whether Lev Leviev is connected with Thomas.

Who is Thomas Leviev really?

UPD Later, the publications Moskovsky Komsomolets and Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that Thomas’s father’s name is David and he is known as a religious figure. At the same time, the young man and his family are protected from excessive attention by journalists, and the victims of the accident were offered monetary compensation.

Several facts prompted bloggers to realize that there was someone influential behind the young guy who caused the accident. Firstly, for several days the media did not report his last name, as they believed that he was 17 years old. Vladimir Markin blamed relatives and hospital staff for this.

“The whole point is in Russian legislation, which prohibits the dissemination of information about minors in the media, and this is exactly how relatives and so-called family friends wanted to present him. In any case, they tried very carefully to hide the young man’s age, his citizenship and other data. At the same time, they carefully disguised the documentary traces of his stay in the medical institution,” says a representative of the Investigative Committee.

In addition, suspicion was aroused by the daring behavior of Alexander Mirilashvili, who came to help, who rammed his car into a policeman who was trying to block his path. However, on October 17, he was arrested for two months, and Markin criticized him.