
Return of husband after divorce. Do ex-husbands return after a divorce from their mistress? How to save your family and keep your loved one


I understand why, once they've slept together, people pretend that nothing happened. I don't understand why they do the same thing after living with someone for years. They slept together so many times! They also gave birth to children, got emotional, moved on vacation... If you want to get to know a person, divorce him, says popular wisdom. I wouldn't want to know such a person. But I want to know why this happens.
“There are no problems with money,” Boris, 34 years old, Capricorn, assured me on a dating site, “I officially pay alimony, but the salary is black, so my ex won’t get much, a couple of thousand.”

Boris tried. He amazed me not only with his spelling, but also with his photograph (in a green jeep, with a bouquet of skewers, his face visible behind pieces of fried pork), and his serious intentions. “I want to get married again,” the hero honestly warned. I didn’t go to the cafe with Boris and I didn’t marry him either. And she didn’t even ask him the questions that she wanted to ask (for example, the following: “Boris, what does your child eat for a “couple of thousand” a month?” or: “And when you and your wife were together, you called her sunshine or kitten?"). I just left the site. Boris probably thought that Capricorns did not suit my horoscope. No "problems".

Pan on head
Before I went on a dating site, I got divorced. My husband and I lived together for 8 years. They gave birth to a boy, Kuzya. In recent years, nothing good has come out of the marriage - well, except for the boy. One day I turned on Skype, and they told me: “I’m warm here in bed, will you be there soon?” I read it and... I was happy. No jealousy or resentment, no sense of ownership. I breathed a sigh of relief: now someone warm is waiting for him, and I can go.
We agreed on a divorce on the balcony. I suggested, he considered the proposal. I finished smoking and said: “Well, I don’t know, but what will you live on?” I promised that I would live on something, and my child and I were asked to find a rented apartment before the 28th. When on the 27th I arrived for the remaining things , a woman from Skype greeted me with a tray of dried mushrooms. The house was warm. In the hallway there was a checkered “shuttle” bag, already packed. My clothes were stuffed into it, and an aluminum pan was placed on top. Nearby stood a large bag with my son’s soft toys “Take it if you want,” said the lady with the mushrooms, “we were going to throw them away anyway.”
I took the bag and shouldered the bag. The pan fell out and I put it on my head. In the guise of the crazy August Santa Claus, I set off into a new life. I felt good, but the pan was a little in the way.
I spent the next two years after the divorce “establishing civilized relations.” What other relationship could people have who parted so amicably on the balcony? Moreover, they have a son who loves both mom and dad. And the total past, almost three thousand days. I considered the episode with the dried mushrooms an accident.
I wanted Kuzya and I to communicate equally. So that the father did not feel excluded from his son’s life, so that he knew everything that was happening at school and was aware of the results of swimming competitions - Kuzya made progress in the freestyle. I was not going to file for alimony - it was absolutely clear to me that dad, who once fed one-year-old Kuzya from a bottle and opened his mouth so funny with the child, would not leave Kuzya, who had grown up, without a piece of bread. I wanted to divide things not according to the court and not even equally. Whoever needs what is more takes it - this distribution seemed correct to me. Yes, I used to drive a jeep, but I don’t need such a big car, I’ll make do with an old sedan. I remember I was going to buy my ex-husband a microwave... I didn’t take into account only one thing - that I had become an ex-wife. Or rather, just an ex. No one, in general.

Cake "potato"
I called, he didn't pick up. I arrived, he didn’t open the door. I wrote SMS and emails, they remained unanswered. We lived a five-minute walk from each other - I had to rent an apartment next to Cousin's school - and the child did not see his father for six months. Then we accidentally ran into each other in the store, and he said that he had finally filed for divorce, and that the general power of attorney for the jeep had disappeared somewhere - maybe I have it lying around. I asked if he wanted to take Kuzya for the weekend. He said that his cat had kittens and generally needed to be vacuumed.
I realized that Kuzya is now also an ex. She came to her rented apartment, sat down on the floor and began to sob. An hour later, my friend Olya arrived, picked me up from the floor, wiped away the puddle of tears and poured me some tea. I saw the tea and began to cry with renewed vigor. Chatting my teeth on the cup, I repeated: “Olya, what about the potato cake?”
My friend was puzzled by my impudence: she rushed at the first call, or rather, via SMS “I can’t get up,” and I demanded sweets, and promised to bring a whole cake next time. “No, you don’t understand,” I said, “he bought me potato cakes!” Why is he acting like this now?"
When we first got married, my husband met me from work on the subway every evening. He stood in the wrong place, at the exit door. The wind was blowing there, my husband was sometimes pestered by overindulgent passengers, I worked late, until the hour when there are almost no sober people on the subway, but he still came. And he brought me a potato cake. Each time he said, I have a surprise for you, and took out a cake.
Then we didn’t have a jeep or a power of attorney for it. Even Kuzya wasn’t there yet. And it was this time, the “cake”, the happy one, that I remember best.
And I'm sad that he forgot.

Stranger in the mirror
Well, enough about my personal life. I think that every separated couple has a dozen of these “potatoes.” Few people, upon entering the registry office, think about divorce and about who will get a toaster and six acres in the village of Lipovy. We blow on bruises and treat late chickenpox. We make tea and iron shirts. We fill out visa forms and put magnets on the refrigerator. Finally, we give birth to children, look for each other’s traits in them and rejoice if they are found.
The marriage may not work out. This happens (according to some data, in as many as 60 percent of cases). But all those years or even months that we spend together are our life, our only one.
We don't become exes after divorce. We remain ourselves. Our life has been filled all these years with various events, emotions, experiences, chickenpox and magnets. She made us who we are today. If it weren't for her, we would now be seeing a stranger in the mirror. It cannot be crossed out, it cannot be abandoned. And, whether we like it or not, the ex-spouse is part of this life. And that means a part of you. He is not a former person - he is just a person.

Disaster movie
No, I haven’t gone crazy yet and haven’t watched an American movie about natural disasters, in which, as a rule, the main character and his ex-wife adore each other, and the only thing preventing them from reuniting is the fact that she has a new rich husband (I just realized why Such films are called “disaster films”). I think that if people decide to break up, let them break up, and if they still have something to save, let them save. But!

I will never understand dads who don’t see their children for years, but try in every possible way to save money on them.


I will never understand ex-husbands who saw off every sofa during a divorce and then sleep peacefully on their sawed-off half.

I will never understand ex-wives (and you thought only men resent me?) who do not allow their child to see their father because of their grievances against their ex-husband, because “it will be better for everyone.” Who are they kidding? Why is the fate of three people decided by one offended person?

I will never understand girls who do not allow their divorced lover to visit his child.

I will never understand girls who date a divorced man if he does not visit the child (but he saws off the sofa and tells scary tales about his ex-wife). This is short-sighted (see the parable about the guinea pig).
To be honest, I wouldn’t want to turn to a psychologist or some other specialist to understand all this. Because…

…I don’t want to hear that people are worried about divorce too much and are repressing negative information. An adult citizen is able to remember that he has a five-year-old daughter and she wants pasta, Bratz dolls and Hello Kitty T-shirts. And also sit on daddy’s lap and go to the movies with him. If a citizen does not remember this, let him look at his passport and refresh this “negative” information.

...I don’t want to hear that two people are to blame for the breakup, which means that the second spouse is not an angel either. Two people are to blame, but everyone is responsible for themselves. And it depends only on him whether he will answer the phone, open the door, pay for T-shirts and study the schedule of children's sessions. And he personally chooses what to tell the child about mom or dad. And if he says nasty things, it means he chose wrong.

…I don’t want to hear that the children will grow up and figure it out on their own. Maybe it’s better for children to grow up in a normal environment and not be tormented at the age of five by the question of why mom is crying and dad is absent. Children already have a lot of problems - the Bakugan is not magnetic, the Wolf ate the Red Cap. And by the way, when they grow up, there will be no fewer problems - ask any adult. Why do they need another one?

...and I definitely don’t want to hear that, since I care so much, I still have feelings for my ex-husband. No, I don't have feelings for him. But I have a sense of justice. And also common sense. And it seems to me that if more people had the same wealth, everyone would be better off. And the former, and the present, and the future.

And finally the parable of the guinea pig
(which is actually not exactly a parable)

In Kuzya's classroom, Ryzhik, a guinea pig, lives in a cage. One day I asked Kuzin’s class teacher where they got this animal from. And Natalya Mikhailovna told me: “He brought one boy. Or rather, at first he brought it home, but his parents did not want to keep animals at home and ordered him to put the pig out of sight. They said, at least in the trash. The boy did not dare to go to the trash heap and dragged Ryzhik to school. I then called my parents and asked them one question: “Do you think you will always be young?” They didn't understand ,

We have sent a confirmation email to your email.

Divorce is always the end of a marriage, but not always the end of cohabitation and not always the end of family life. Moreover, divorce does not mean that you can give up on your personal life altogether. It is possible and how! Divorce is simply a legally formalized stage in life to which you need to be able to adapt.

Sometimes it happens that ex-spouses are happy and continue to live together. There are a number of reasons for this, each such couple has its own reasons.

Reasons why ex-spouses live together

The divorce was fictitious

The concept of a fictitious marriage is known to many, but the concept of a fictitious divorce is not particularly widespread. However, sometimes spouses divorce to resolve some financial and housing issues, but at the same time they preserve their family and continue to live together. For example, their total income does not allow them to receive any subsidies, subsidies or other social support measures.

Such a family is practically no different from a family in which the marriage has not been dissolved. As a rule, others do not even know that the spouses have divorced. Such a divorce does not affect children in any way. However, one must understand that such cohabitation is not a marriage, and therefore is not protected by law in any way.

The divorce was hasty and thoughtless

Typically, such a divorce occurs between young spouses without children. In the heat of a quarrel, they threaten each other to file for divorce and actually submit an application to the registry office. In order not to “lose face,” they go and file a divorce, but in fact have no intention of truly separating.

Such couples continue to live together and sometimes remarry, for example, in the event of pregnancy. For mature couples who already have children, such divorces practically never happen. Firstly, they value family more and strive to preserve it, and secondly, divorce with children is possible only in court.

And the court always provides time for reconciliation, so by the time of the divorce process, spouses who have no real intention to divorce will have time to change their minds.

Divorced spouses have nowhere to live separately

This happens if the family lived in a small apartment or even a room, the division of which would not allow purchasing housing for each of the spouses.

Or the housing is registered in the name of a minor child and therefore cannot be divided between the spouses, since they are not the owners. Or the family does not have their own housing at all, only rented one, and they cannot afford to rent housing for each spouse separately.

If the housing issue comes down to the reluctance of one of the spouses to share the jointly owned living space, then it can be resolved by going to court.

Divorced spouses do not want to advertise their new marital status for some reason

For example, in order not to traumatize the psyche of an elderly or seriously ill relative, spouses end family relationships and only share shelter with each other. With the normal organization of life and neighborhood, the relationship between former spouses resembles the relationship between those living in a communal apartment.

If they do not have children, then they can easily coexist peacefully next to each other. Having children will complicate the situation, since a clear change in the quality of the relationship will be noticed by him and will raise many questions.

The appearance of family is maintained for the sake of the child

This is not always correct. Sometimes it is easier for a child to cope with the stress of learning that his parents have divorced and will no longer live together than to witness a “cold war” day after day between his closest people. The child sensitively perceives that a different relationship is developing between his mother and father than it was before - without love, trust, and mutual assistance. The child begins to delve into himself, feels guilty for the parents’ cooling towards each other. This leads to various child health disorders. Therefore, the supposedly humane preservation of the family “for the sake of the children” is in fact very undesirable, since the harm from such preservation is much greater than the benefit.

Cohabitation meets the needs of joint business

Ex-husband and wife have a chance to become reliable business partners for each other in such a situation. For example, a family’s business is based at their place of residence - a mini-poultry farm, a farm, a beauty salon, a store, a pet hotel, etc. Family relationships may exhaust themselves, but partnerships will survive.

Therefore, a divorce will provide an opportunity to re-arrange your personal life without losing either your business or your profits.

However, each couple living together after a divorce has its own reason.

Should ex-spouses live together?

It is possible to coexist normally, like neighbors, with your ex-spouse only under a number of conditions:

  • The ex-spouse does not abuse alcohol, does not use psychoactive and narcotic substances for personal use, in other words, does not enter an antisocial altered state;
  • The ex-husband is not aggressive and does not show signs of violence against his ex-wife, otherwise living with him is simply dangerous;
  • He does not insist on maintaining family relationships if the wife does not want to renew this relationship with him, otherwise such harassment will sooner or later lead the woman to a nervous breakdown;
  • He does not abuse the opportunity to live with his wife, arranging noisy get-togethers with friends, bringing new women into the house if the dimensions of the housing do not allow for intimacy (if ex-spouses live in separate rooms, then they can bring into their living area whoever they consider necessary without violating the rights of others).
  • He does not refuse to participate in paying for the use and maintenance of the housing in which he continues to live with his ex-wife.

Sometimes living together between spouses leads to remarriage. But most often the marriage is not registered, even if the neighborly relationship has again become a full-fledged marital relationship.

It happens that some time passes after a divorce and the spouses realize that the “divorced” life does not suit them. Then they can start living together again after several years of separation. The relationship between them has a chance of becoming strong and stable, but only if they do not become jealous of each other for those partners with whom each had a relationship after the divorce.

Thus, living together after a divorce sometimes helps to rethink your life and return to each other, learn to truly value family.

However, if the former spouses are clearly determined to completely end their relationship with each other, if the contradictions between them are excessively significant, if maintaining normal good neighborly relations between them is out of the question, then living together will only aggravate mutual negativity. In this case, the most reasonable thing is to immediately leave and resolve all legal issues remotely.

In general, living together with a former spouse is a rather ambiguous concept. Psychologists, for example, tend to believe that in this situation the man is considered free, and the woman is considered married. On the one hand, this allows a woman to feel more confident, on the other hand, it can significantly infringe on her ability to feel free and establish a new life.

Today, divorce is nothing new. People disperse all the time. The reasons for this are very different - from everyday problems to betrayal.

What happens after is a purely individual matter. Having received the status of “ex”, some women fall into despair, others quickly recover, find a new companion, others remain lonely, continuing to maintain good relations with their ex and hope that he will return.

At the very moment of separation, the wife is confident that she will never take her husband back again. But after a while, emotions calm down, regret comes, and with it the question creeps in: do husbands return to their ex-wives after a divorce?

The answer is yes, and life partners return in more than 50% of cases. But how expedient this is still needs to be clarified.

Men who decide to get a divorce believe that they will cope just fine without their significant other. But, judging by statistics, the number of people who left for a good reason and built a relationship with a new passion is very small. The overwhelming majority want to prove something to someone by their actions - their spouse, mother, friends, themselves.

Ex-husbands go through three main stages after divorce:

  1. At the first stage, the chosen one considers himself a male, he is full of confidence and independence. He awakens to the desire to conquer the highest peaks and win the most beautiful girls. Now he doesn’t regret one bit that he broke with his past life.
  2. The second stage is calming. The uncontrollable desire for sexual pleasures with beautiful ladies disappears, I want to be alone, to relax.
  3. The third stage is rethinking and awareness of what happened. There is regret about breaking up with your beloved, and a desire to establish relationships again. At the same time, the person understands that the period of youth and fullness of strength is behind. He walked around, felt what it was like to be unmarried again and... missed him. According to statistics, it is at the third stage that the ex-husband returns to the family. Or strives to return. Everything will depend on how acute the conflict was, and whether the spouse can forgive and accept back.

When do exes come back?

When the faithful will be pulled back depends on what kind of conflict there was. For example, if the breakup occurred because of a mistress, then expect the first calls within six months. Of course, it is impossible to accurately predict. But if we take a typical situation - getting used to each other with a new person, identifying shortcomings, making comparisons - then perhaps your chosen one will run away even earlier.

If the reason for the separation is the insolvency of the head of the family, then it will take him less time to return. Men tolerate their defeats very poorly and when they realize that they are not able to support their family, they sometimes disappear without thinking about the consequences. It will take time to reflect and realize the mistake. How much depends on the individual.

Also, the husband may return out of pity for his wife. Let's say he is a good person and, having divorced his wife, continues to visit her and provide moral support. It is not easy for such a person to see the suffering and torment of a loved one; he strives to help somehow. It seems to him that the only consolation for his ex here will only be a return. That is, sacrificing oneself. Then he will say with a clear conscience: “I did everything I could,” without thinking that he is turning life together into torment.

The fastest to return are those who hid behind the reason - to breathe a breath of freedom. Even statistics show that such individuals always run back. The period of “living for yourself” quickly turns into a test - a man gets acquainted with everyday trifles. He cooks for himself, irons, cleans, does laundry, but, as a rule, he is bad at creating home comfort. Realizing that the idea was ridiculous, the companion asks his wife for forgiveness. But here the passion needs to think carefully. The spouse can run like this endlessly.

Why are they coming back?

Ex-husbands return after divorce for the following reasons:

  • The bad recedes into the background. There comes a period when grievances are dulled, the soul is freed from negative feelings towards the ex, and forgiveness comes.
  • Spouses rethink the mistakes they made in marriage, analyze the situation, and reevaluate the motives and consequences of the breakup.
  • Love that, even after parting, does not give rest.
  • Children. When common concerns related to the well-being of the child bring them together, the spouses may decide that a new stage in the relationship has arrived. However, this is a misconception. After all, the knot of conflict that served to break it remained untied.
  • Old connections are severed, and new ones are not born. It happens that after a separation, a husband cannot start a new romance for a long time. And no matter how strange it may seem, the wife becomes an outlet here both sexually and morally.
  • Comparing the new one with the old one. A divorced partner may be too demanding when he leaves for someone else. He will also constantly compare his passions, which will make his mistress a loser.

It also happens that relationships are restored due to several of the listed reasons. But at the same time, the desire to renew ties must be mutual. If only one side wants this, then it is clear that it will be difficult to establish contact.

According to statistics, most cases when a husband wants to return back after a divorce occur on the initiative of the men themselves.

The perpetrators of the breakup can earn forgiveness in half the cases, but only on condition that they are able to convince their passion that they have changed and realized their guilt. Men are luckier in terms of receiving forgiveness - wives forgive their spouses much more often than they forgive themselves. Especially when it comes to cheating.

Men's pride is much more sensitive, and problem solving is more categorical than that of women. Therefore, if the culprit of the conflict is the spouse, there is less chance of the partner returning.

But the possibility cannot be ruled out. A lady needs to find wisdom within herself and use different tactics to get what she wants. Without losing your dignity.

By the way, the most inappropriate attempt to return marriage is one that humiliates women's dignity. For example, a woman suffered from the betrayal of her beloved, but, seeing that he is not doing anything to earn forgiveness, she initiates the return of her husband herself. Moreover, he chooses not the most worthy methods. This not only reduces the chances of restoring the marriage, but also greatly undermines the reputation of a beautiful person. And the reason for this behavior is low self-esteem and self-doubt. In such situations, former companions, if they return to their wives, do not do so for long.

Does a woman need her ex back?

If, after a breakup, you granted forgiveness to your partner and decided to take him back, take a break and honestly answer these questions:

  • Do you have a guarantee that your companion has changed and will not repeat past mistakes? If so, which one? You must understand that the probability is in equal proportions - 50/50. Therefore, prepare yourself not only for the honeymoon, but also for not very pleasant surprises.
  • Why do you need this relationship? If you are one hundred percent sure that your husband is your soulmate and you can’t live without him, then it’s your business. But if in doubt, don't rush. Perhaps divorce is a chance for a new life? Perhaps your spouse never appreciated your feelings and care for him? And if he was an avid reveler or an alcoholic, wouldn’t he return to his old life after a while?
  • What is the purpose of renewing the relationship? Maybe you have blurred priorities or a fear of being alone? And he, for example, sees you as a housekeeper and nothing more. Here even fortune telling is unnecessary - you will part at the same point as last time.
  • Does the end justify the means? Perhaps you decided to get back together not because you love and want to be together, but for the sake of the children, for example. You, as a good mother, have set the goal of raising them in a full-fledged family, no matter what. But, unfortunately, the following can happen - you will become psychologically dead, your feelings will atrophy. You will persuade yourself to stay, to endure a little longer, but deep down you know that you are deceiving yourself. The only excuse for torment will be the thought that you are suffering for the sake of a “high” goal - for the sake of the children. This behavior is fundamentally wrong. As a result, you will not live your life, and as you know, it tends to “pass by” quickly.

How to understand that his intention is sincere?

  • A once loved one is trying to awaken in your memory the best moments from your life together. Not verbally, but effectively.
  • Shows that he has changed, talks about those things that he rethought during separation.
  • Maximizes what you love and minimizes what you don't. This applies to all things and actions.
  • Confesses his fear of losing you again.

How often do people get together after a divorce? Then they take a break from each other and get back together, this is normal. Although it is better to endure this “ticklish” period in life. I know several such examples. They got together, wised up, and the relationship became better than it was before the breakup. Time heals, but love remains. My friends got together after 10 years of divorce; they couldn’t get along with their new partners. We met by chance on the street and never parted. Two daughters After a divorce, people get back together. After suffering without each other for a couple of months, they get back together. And since then they have been living for 30 years in a state of divorce. There is no divorce stamp in passports. As a rule, nothing good comes of it. I tried it once, but then we broke up anyway. If there is a child, and then another one, then everything is OK. This is an indicator. Mostly tragic outcomes. We are all masters of our lives. Everything is from you. If the relationship is not completed, then you will converge and diverge a hundred more times.

Is it worth getting together with your ex-husband after a divorce? Psychology

Children grow up and, depending on their age, scatter in all directions: some go to study in another city, others begin to live separately or actively communicate with friends, and still others start their own families. Parents are left alone with each other. If up to this point the partners did not get along, did not maintain a marital relationship, and performed only parental functions, they will have nothing to talk about. And here it’s just a stone’s throw from betrayal. But if, having stumbled, both partners understand that they are both to blame for adultery, many couples get back together.

Is it possible to restore a relationship after a divorce? Alas, not everyone manages to correct previous mistakes, and in some cases the second attempt is obviously doomed to failure. However, you can estimate the chances of success in advance. To begin with, both spouses must honestly answer the question: why does each want to return.

Is it possible to marry your own ex-husband?


One of the most unpleasant moments after a divorce is the uncertainty. Even after deciding to break up and going through multi-stage and complex legal procedures, we may still experience regret and a desire to restore the past for a long time. How reasonable is this desire and is it worth getting together after a divorce? Falling in love again The desire to return to a former partner overrides all arguments and is primarily reinforced by the conviction that the breakup was a mistake.

After a divorce, the husband does not express his feelings as actively as his wife, but this can only increase the drama of the moment. This is what you should check first. There are a percentage of cases where “slamming the door” seems like the best option. These are, as a rule, young couples who have no experience in solving problems.

Advice from a family psychologist: how to deal with your ex-husband and how to communicate after a divorce

A woman, especially one who is offended, does not want to accept her ex-husband’s offer on principle. But relentless numbers show that women are much less likely to remarry than men. Why do people get divorced? One of the main reasons (statistics claim that it accounts for almost 50 percent of marriages that end in divorce) is unpreparedness for family life.
And this unpreparedness is expressed not in the young bride’s inability to bake pies/cook borscht/cook pickles, not in the young husband’s incompetence in the field of hammering a nail/screwing in a light bulb/making money, but in the reluctance of both to seek compromises.

Getting back together after divorce - 4 ways to get your family back

You need to come to your senses, comprehend everything and only then, after a year or two, think about the next marriage. And a fairly common pattern arises: the second husband may turn out to be the first. Until the woman comes to her senses, finally calms down, decides for herself what is better: to get along with her husband or live without him, she should not make a hasty decision, try to dot all the i’s.
The ex-spouse’s decision to leave the family should not be considered final, because pretty soon he begins to realize that he acted rashly. But it’s worth thinking about whether she needs this again: worries about late arrival, his drunken get-togethers with friends, calls when he leaves the room to answer, and much more. But if the reason for the divorce was some insignificant reason, a trifle, then it is possible that the reunification of the spouses will not be long in coming.

Is it worth getting together after a divorce???

There are several reasons why a man may return:

  1. My mistress kicked me out of the house.
  2. Health problems have arisen and care is required.
  3. Problems at work and need moral support.
  4. Father's feelings for children began to play.

If after a year a “divorced” woman begins to come to her senses, then the man feels completely different. He doesn't see the appeal in casual sex, and he's no longer attracted to a variety of women. He gets drunk more and more often and stops taking care of himself, feeling lonely.

And the reason lies in disappointment: the same gray everyday life that was in the family began with his mistress, the solution of which requires great strength from him. The conflict situation is growing, which is common in the first years of marriage and is the cause of half of the divorces.

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Before you take the first steps towards reconciliation with your ex-wife, prove your prudence and seriousness of intentions. Is it worth getting your ex back after a divorce However, there are situations when spouses can get back together and live happily together for the rest of their lives. Often women turn to psychologists with the question of whether their husbands return after a divorce.
Let's look at why women sometimes need this and what can be done if the divorce happened in the heat of the moment and the woman greatly regretted it. Infidelity and betrayal of a spouse are the most common causes of divorce. Return marriage: getting together and diverging In fact, according to statistics, almost thirty percent of divorced people regret that they separated. And the vast majority of men after a divorce want to return to their wives. Is it worth agreeing to remarriage, that is the question. Even if the decision seems right, it is difficult to make.

Pavel Zygmantovich


But all other cases give a small chance of resuscitating the relationship. Signs Signs that your ex-husband wants to come back to you:

  1. Interested in your life directly or through friends. An indifferent person does not care at all about how you are doing, what happened to your mother, or what problems you have at work.

Consequently, you are remembered and perhaps missed.

  • Making up excuses to meet you. Has your ex-husband been unable to move his things for a month? It’s not a matter of forgetfulness; a man is a hunter who first lulls the vigilance of his prey and then attacks. But only the victim decides whether to surrender to the predator or run away.
  • He began to take care of himself.

    Remember how many times you asked your ex-husband to shave, but to no avail.

  • Why do men come back?

    Sometimes after a divorce a man is left without a good job and cannot find a similar position. In such cases, sometimes a decision is made to return: for the sake of a good salary, for the sake of connections. Alternate airfield Some men prefer to live “on two fronts”: they feel good in their new life, but they continue to perceive their old family as a place where they can always return if things don’t work out. They may spend several days a week with the family, be interested in the personal life of their ex-wife (and even be jealous), and promise that they will return soon. If the wife still loves her husband, this life can continue for years. She will try to please him, to be “ideal,” and he will take it for granted.
    Most likely, the ex-husband will not return “for good.”

    Do husbands return to their ex-wives after divorce?

    The portal tells you how to get your husband back after a divorce and make your new relationship happy and harmonious. This question worries many women who, let’s say, got excited and kicked their spouses out the door without a particularly compelling reason (or even in the hope that their spouse will return and come to their doorstep with flowers, diamonds and, of course, on a white horse) . Often, at the subconscious level, a woman finds a man who is almost identical to her ex-husband.

    Similar situations are not uncommon among men. Therefore, whether you arm yourself with life experience or rely on palmistry, the result of a new marriage after a divorce may be unexpected. Many broken couples attribute their failed marriage and divorce only to external reasons. The husband may blame himself for the fact that the woman chose a wealthier one, and the wife for the fact that her rival turned out to be younger and more beautiful.