
Decorative overlay on a cape of footwear metal. Restoration and restoration of shoes. Buy Shoe sock metal of different types


As you know, the leather sole is not the most practical and not the most wear-resistant. Especially strongly it, as a rule, wears out in the bow. The rate of wear can depend both on the sole itself and on the characteristics of the gait. For some men, the toe of the sole wears out very quickly, for others it does better.

To protect the toe of the leather sole from wear, you can order the installation of metal heels (overlays), which are sometimes also called joints. As far as I know, some craftsmen put such heels on their own (thankfully they can be ordered on the Internet), but this is not so simple and easy, and there is even a chance to ruin the shoes forever.

Unfortunately, there are very few workshops where such "jambs" are put. In Moscow, this is Penny Yard; in St. Petersburg, you can contact the Checkroom store for the installation of "jambs". Perhaps there are other workshops, but in general in Russia the service of installing metal slips on the soles is still a rarity.

What is the asking price? Penny Yard charges 1,500 rubles for the installation of metal heels (for both boots, of course). For the sake of interest, I found out the price of such a service from the rather actively promoted Shoe Brush (British Shoes). There I was called the amount of as much as 3000 rubles. To the question why they have this service is 2 times more expensive than in Penny Yard, they answered that the matter could be in the manufacturer of "jambs". But it turned out that they use exactly the same “joints” - the Lulu brand.

Will metal heels last forever? No, they also gradually wear out and wear out, although much more slowly than unprotected skin. Accordingly, periodically these "jambs" will have to be changed. How often depends on how you walk, what roads and trails you walk on, and of course how often you wear a particular pair of shoes.

Do shoes with such metal linings knock when walking? No, because these overlays are placed on the toe of the sole, and not on the heel. Does this detail affect comfort? Hardly… although it should be noted that the feeling when walking in shoes with metal toe caps is slightly different. However, I emphasize that the pads themselves - as well as the screws with which they are screwed - no contact with the legs.

Is it always possible to install metal heels? No. Alas, it is impossible to put them on a too thin leather sole (because they are screwed on with screws). For example, if the thickness of the sole is only 4 millimeters, then heels of this kind cannot be supplied. But on a 6 mm sole - you can, as well as on thicker soles.

Do I need to give shoes for the installation of metal heels immediately after purchase, or can they be worn a little? It is quite possible to give immediately, but you can also vilify ... and vilify for quite a long time. The main thing is to prevent too much drift of the toe.

In the end, I note that it is not worth putting metal heels on rubber / polyurethane soles - there is no point in this, because such soles (including their nose parts) are very resistant to wear. But on leather soles with factory prevention, metal “jambs” can be put as well as on standard leather soles without prevention, and on leather soles with prevention, which was installed after purchase.

AT recent times we observe the growing interest of our friends and customers not only in classic shoes, but also in the art of caring for them. Buying a couple good shoes, people want to see it new after years of wear. Timely proper care of it can not only protect against such troubles as scratches and chips, dirt, dust and reagents, dried skin and creases, but also make shoes more beautiful and individual. After all, no pair just taken out of the box will ever be as beautiful as a pair that has been regularly worn, properly stored, cleaned and polished over time!

Shoe care is not only cleaning and impregnation, it's a whole world various techniques polishing, painting, patination, as well as shoe recovery. Shoe care masters are able to give it any shade of color, polish before specular reflection or restore, returning the shoes to their former or even better look.

Today we are pleased to announce that our doors are open to anyone who wants to leave their shoes in repair, purge or painting, as well as learn the basics of care or just chat and share knowledge.

For convenience, we have compiled a single list of types of shoe work, the quality of which will always be consistently high both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow.

Care, polishing, restoration

  • Basic Care- straightening and giving shoes their original shape, cleaning, impregnation and moisturizing, color renewal, moisture protection - 1500 rubles.
  • Complete Care- straightening and giving shoes their original shape, deep cleaning, impregnation and moisturizing, color renewal, scratch removal, moisture protection, polishing of the upper and sides of the sole, glassing of the toe and heel - 2500 rubles.
  • Shoe restoration- deep cleaning, removing the previous color, impregnation and moisturizing, removing scratches and stains, applying a fresh color to the upper and side of the sole, protecting against moisture, polishing - from 5000 rubles.
  • Shoe repainting- updating an existing one or repainting in a new color - from 3000 rubles.
  • Withdrawal of reagents / complete care- from 3000 rubles.
  • Patination- creation of an individual pattern of the top of the shoe - from 7000 rubles.
  • Glassage- polishing the toe and heel of shoes to a state of mirror shine - 2000 rubles.

Shoe repair

  • Rubber outsole- custom MTM outsole in rubber or rubber for any last shape - 1500 rubles.
  • Rubber heel- individual MTM heel made of rubber or rubber for lasts of any shape - 1200 rubles.
  • Leather outsole- custom MTM leather outsole for any last shape - 2300 rubles.
  • Leather heel- individual MTM heel made of several layers of leather for lasts of any shape - 3000 rubles.
  • Metal toe or heel tabs - 1600 rubles.
  • Metal toe or heel pads LU-LU"s - 2000 rubles.
  • Triumph metal toe or heel counters - 2500 rubles.
  • Sole replacement- price and production time on request.

IMPORTANT: this price list applies to the store in St. Petersburg. Repair prices in Moscow and Samara stores may differ.

An original and comfortable shoe detail that not only decorates shoes, but also protects them from damage and premature wear, because it is often the sock that deteriorates in shoes first of all. This is especially true for model women's shoes and sandals with an elongated pointed toe, but in other shoes there is a considerable load on the toe, multiplied by the bumps and defects in the road surfaces that we walk on every day.

Such a practical and impressive-looking shoe detail was appreciated by designers and fashion designers: leading fashion houses often include shoes with a metal toe in their collections. Among them are Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent, Mugler, Pringle of Scotland and others. And among the celebrities who love to flaunt in shoes with a metal toe are Gwyneth Paltrow, Heidi Klum, Chloe Savigny, Alexa Chung.

Metal decorative shoe sock gives shoes the following advantages:

  • additional protection;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • originality;
  • comfort in wearing;
  • spectacular appearance.

Shoes with a metal toe look sophisticated and unusual, whether they are classic pumps or stilettos, platform sandals or unisex boots. Such a detail of shoes focuses on itself and looks really chic.

Buy Shoe sock metal of different types

You can in our online store by choosing among the presented models the most suitable in terms of external and consumer parameters. The metal socks for shoes presented by us have various sizes, shapes, configurations, colors and decor. Sharp and rounded, smooth and carved, strict and elegant - you can choose a metal shoe toe for any type and style of shoes.

Metal shoe sock is used during the manufacture or repair of shoes, as well as for replacing worn out socks, restoring antique shoes and other decorative and practical needs.

Also in our online store you can buy other hand tools and modern equipment to equip a shoemaker's shop, an atelier for individual tailoring of shoes or a production site.


Restoration and restoration of shoes - modern methods and ancient technologies

Restoring shoes is a delicate, complex business, and not every repair shop takes on such work. It requires professionalism, experience, creativity and innate artistic taste. In addition, special equipment and materials are needed for a number of rare and complex rejuvenation operations or, conversely, stylish “aging” of shoes at the request of the customer. This is how the services of the Prosper-SB households are performed, because the quality of the work performed is the most important thing for us.

Refurbish or discard?

It would seem, why in our time, when you can buy shoes for every taste, to engage in its restoration? The reason for contacting the workshop for the restoration of shoes is often not at all constraint in funds and the inability to buy a new one. A person always gets used to shoes more than to clothes. Very rarely, new shoes immediately sit on the foot like a glove. You have to get used to it, wear it in, until you feel completely comfortable. Sometimes two or three months pass until the legs stop getting tired of new shoes, boots or boots. The next season is coming, the block becomes comfortable and cozy, the sole is not worn out, but the upper of the shoe is already “not the first freshness”, the boots in the shin are so worn out that it is necessary to sew in the top, metal jewelry, buckles, rivets have darkened, or even the style has gone out of order. fashion.

There are also cases when unfortunate misunderstandings occur with brand new, almost unworn shoes. Someone wanted to show his son how to hit on goal, and now - a sock is knocked down on fashion shoes. Someone has a stud of new boats stuck in the grating of the sidewalk and remains there forever, and now you want it or not, but you need to repair the heel. And someone did not have time to remove the shoes from the puppy, whose teeth began to erupt ... It's a shame! Especially if the shoes are really exclusive and expensive. In this situation, the restoration of shoes is the most rational way out.

There is a third reason why they turn to shoe restorers: when for a theatrical performance, show or just creating stylish look it is necessary to artificially “age” the product, turn modern shoes or boots into shoes in the “retro” style, or even old ones. All these works can be ordered in the workshop of the house of life "Prosper-SB"

Color update, gliding and accessories

Most often, customers who are interested in the “shoe restoration in Moscow” service still order “rejuvenation” of their favorite boots, boots or shoes. The main types of work that we carry out in this direction:

  • shoe dry cleaning;
  • water-repellent impregnation;
  • color update (regular painting);
  • excretion of salt;
  • replacement of lightning;
  • restoration of heel covering;
  • cleaning metal accessories or replacing them with new ones.

In addition, our workshop carries out gliding - manual polishing of the toe of a shoe or boot using water and shoe polish. This ancient method, the technique of which, as well as the art of rubbing real palace parquet, was almost undeservedly forgotten. After gliding, worn shoes acquire a noble sheen and look extremely elegant.

The dream of costume designers, actors and dudes

You can not only return the shoes to their former appearance, but also radically change their appearance - make a new shape of socks, replace heels. This is done, firstly, if the shape (round or, conversely, pointed toe) is out of fashion, and secondly, if the owner wants to give the shoe something special, original look. Samples of original and exclusive shoes, which are made by the masters of the Prosper-SB Public Service Center on the basis of ordinary worn shoes, could be envied by the heroes of the popular film "Dandies".

In our list of operations there are such rare types as:

  • blackout seams;
  • creating vintage transitions;
  • patination;
  • artificial "aging";
  • airbrush vintage.

Of particular interest is the procedure "patinage" or "patina". This is the application of a thin layer of paint of different colors, which changes their original color. Patina - a means of forming an "aged" noble appearance. The change of shades can be either sharp, contrasting, or smooth, when the transition of one color to another is almost imperceptible. An interesting solution is stretching, a stepped color transition.

In case of any incidents with your favorite shoes, you should consider what is more rational: the purchase new shoes Or restoring an old one. It would be wiser to lean in favor of restoration. After all, things are not always in such a way that it seems that there is no way out but to send your favorite shoes to the trash. It happens that it is enough to replace the sole or just replace the heel on the heel and all problems are solved. If this is your choice, then shoe restoration in Moscow can always be carried out by the craftsmen of the Prosper-SB household

Shoe restoration. Price-list

Heel extensions (pair) 300-500 rub.
Heel tint (1st place) 150-300 rub.
Heel restoration (1st place) 150-350 rub.
Repainting heels (pair) 700-1500 rub.
Leather-covered heel partial 300-800 rub.
Leather-covered heel full (pair) 800-2000 rub.
Cape extensions (steam, avioplasty) 300-500 rub.
Installation of a metal decorative trim on capes (pair) 500-1500 rub.

You can see the full price list by reading shoe repair price list or by calling the number closest to you