
Congratulations on your wedding day to your son and daughter-in-law. Congratulations to the mother at the wedding of her son in verse and prose. Original congratulations to mom in the form of a fun song


Blessing from the mother of the groom

Son's wedding day is one of the most important events in my mother's life. In addition to all the pre-wedding worries, worries and tears of joy, the groom's mother will have to say her wishes and parting words to the young couple. Perhaps the most difficult thing on such an exciting day is to manage your emotions. And although women are always more sentimental, it is still worth keeping yourself in control. loving mother sincerely wishes happiness to his adult son and seeks to protect him from possible life hardships. So that excessive emotions do not cast a shadow on the holiday, you need to properly prepare for this joyful event.

Blessing from the mother of the groom

Usually, after the official registration of marriage, the groom's parents greet the young with bread and salt with words of blessing. Particularly touching are warm wishes from the mother of the groom, who blesses the newlyweds for a happy family life.

Our beloved children! Accept my sincere congratulations! Your joint path begins, along which you will go hand in hand. We sincerely wish prosperity, prosperity, happiness! Treat each other with love and respect, cherish and appreciate feelings! On the threshold of a new life, let me treat you to a loaf. This is not just bread, but a symbol of well-being and wealth in the family. Break off a piece, children, dip in salt and treat each other. Remember that life is not only sweet, but also salty. And you will overcome all trials together. May warmth and love remain in your hearts, and the house will be a full bowl! Advice and love!

Dear children! Today means a lot to all of us. I thought I was losing my son, but in reality I have found a wonderful daughter. Now my family has grown, this is also happiness. I bless you, live in harmony and appreciate each other. May ringing laughter always be heard in your house, and let the smiles of two loving people. I wish you healthy children, to the delight of grandparents, to help mom and dad. Cherish the love!

Dear children! Your family life is just beginning. However, remember that the family is a joint work. Walk this path hand in hand, be a support to each other, keep warmth and love in your heart! We present this beautiful loaf to you with the hope that your life path will be just as sweet. Help yourself to bread and salt, children, treat each other as a sign that in the future you will take care of your soul mate. We bless you! May you live happily ever after!

Beloved, dear, respected, son and daughter, please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, which marked the beginning of a new family. This loaf is not just a delicious dish, but a symbol that you will live prosperously and have prosperity in everything. Break off a piece of a delicious pie and present to each other. Warm bread served at your wedding, let it keep warm in your hearts to each other forever! I wish that you always have something to treat your guests. On the day of such a wonderful wedding, I want to wish health to you, future children, the unceasing fire of love, peaceful happiness under the roof of the house. My son has always made my heart happy, I am honored that our family has also got a daughter! I am sure that we will all live loving each other, because kindness and understanding warms our hearts. Happy wedding, young people!

Dear children, on your wedding day,

Receive blessings from your parents

Be happy always

Let life give you only inspiration!

Live as a friendly family

Give us grandchildren,

Good health to you, prosperity,

May life be long and sweet!

Today you have become the towel of fate,

We heartily congratulate you,

May all your dreams come true

Good news let them surprise you!

We bless you for a long life

We sincerely wish you all the best,

Appreciate and love each other always,

May the Lord keep you from troubles and evil!

Like two white doves

In peace and harmony

You, our good ones,

Live happily!

This day is beautiful

A new one is born

marked by love

Your family!

Bless you children!

Keep your love

Have strong children

And appreciate each other!

Words of congratulations from the mother of the groom in prose

In order not to get lost in the most important point, it is worthwhile to plan in advance your appeal to the bride and groom. During the wedding, the hearts of the guests will surely melt mother's words of excitement and concern for the fate of the child. However, to them it is worth adding friendly words addressed to the chosen one of the son. It is generally accepted that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are initially in a difficult relationship, often forcing young husband take sides. The best way to break this stereotype - to congratulate the newlyweds beautifully, not bypassing the dignity of the bride.

Dear children! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the start family life! Now you go hand in hand and build your happiness! Take care of each other, let your union be based on love, mutual understanding and respect! Carry the fire of your love through the years so that both children and grandchildren know how deep your feelings are! Happiness and prosperity to you, children! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, beloved son and beautiful daughter-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event, your wedding day, the beginning of a long journey together. Now I remember myself: how exciting it was to sit at the head of the table, among hundreds of guests on the day when my family life began. Then I knew that love would cope with any troubles, everything would be fine. You will have difficult moments, you will be happy, the main thing is not to leave each other, do not let despondency and bile appear. You, son, show respect to your wife, and you, daughter, protect your husband.

Dear son! More recently, you ran around the house and waited for dad and me from work. The memory of the joint evenings is very dear to me, but it's time for you to create your own family! I am calm for you, because next to you is a wonderful girl whom you called your wife. Dear children! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May your home be cozy and happy. Plant trees, raise children that you will be proud of later. Your union is the key to success in life. As long as you have each other, you are not afraid of any trouble. Happiness to you, prosperity and kindness! Bitterly!

Dear children! May your happiness and love last for many years! I am proud of the man you have become, son, and what a wonderful companion you have chosen. Family life is a cozy and calm haven, but it cannot escape storms. Always remember and take care of each other. Then harmony will always reign in your union! Be happy every second, because these moments are unique, and time flies so fast. I want to raise this glass to you newlyweds! We wish that love will continue to illuminate your path and warm your family with its rays. Walk through life confidently, holding hands tightly! Bitterly!

My beloved son, there is no greater joy for a mother than to see her own child, whose eyes are shining. You are all glowing with happiness. I thought I'd be jealous when the time will come let you go adult life, to give to a girl who will take care of you... But on your wedding day, I feel something else: fun, joy, pleasure and gratitude to the beautiful bride who made my son smile so widely! I congratulate you, young people, on your wedding, I wish that this radiance, radiating now, never leaves your eyes!

Dear son, I turn to you first. You were a strong boy, you made your mother happy. I remember how I helped around the house, met me with a cup of tea after a hard day's work, diligently taught even those subjects that I didn't like in order to avoid my frustration. Sometimes, son, you and I had a hard time, but we got through these difficult moments. Now look at yourself: you are so strong, beautiful, successful, sitting next to you is a beautiful wife, whose radiant smile illuminates this wedding all day long. Dear bride, daughter, I am happy that you have become the chosen one of my son. Like any mother, I am proud of my child, love, trust his choice. If he fell in love with you, then surely there is no more beautiful than your soul in the world. I wish you to live peacefully from today's wedding day until old age, helping each other, always giving a shoulder of support, together reaching those peaks that cannot be mastered separately. And I will do my best to help if needed. Happy wedding to you!

Our dear son and daughter! Time flies so fast, and the baby, whom we remember as a very tiny baby, has now become a real man - strong, strong, ready to take responsibility for the family on his shoulders. And we are very proud of you, son! Looking at you, we ourselves become younger, and your joy fills our hearts with warmth and light. We are glad that you found each other, because a person can live alone, but he will never be more important and significant than in a family. To be a beloved son, dad, husband - isn't this the best destiny for a man? And now you, son, have the opportunity to be realized in every role. Take care of your spouse, appreciate her love and support, protect her from adversity! May your family become stronger every year, and bitterness is felt only in noble drinks and on a worthy occasion! Bitter young!

My beloved children! I never liked the word "marriage", because it is ambiguous. You enter into a union of loving hearts and begin your journey together. It will not always be easy, but as long as you have each other, even bitter will seem sweet. May your family life be long and happy, and every day be like Honeymoon. Good to you, warmth and well-being! Keep your hearth, plant trees, raise children that you will later be as proud of as we are of you! Together you will conquer peaks that are not amenable to a lone traveler! May you live happily ever after!

Congratulations from the mother of the groom in verse

On this solemn holiday

You have a lot to wish for:

Happiness, love, understanding in everything,

Live well, interesting and friendly!

The most important thing is to trouble

Your house has always bypassed,

So that you always have the main guest

It was family happiness!

Your adviser and your companion

May wisdom and loyalty always be.

Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful

May you never run out!

Children grow up obedient, sensitive,

Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.

Let the year go by in minutes,

Life goes on without worries!

Let never friends or acquaintances

The house is not bypassed by you.

And most importantly, be in love

Love each other with all your heart!

Together you live a very long time until old age,

May everyone come to you again every year

Happiness, luck, family joys,

As they say: Advice and Love!

I want to wish you happiness

And congratulations on the responsible step.

So that you do not see bad weather in your life,

So that you are next to each other!

My heartfelt congratulations

I can't convey in words.

I will hug you my hearts

I will wrap my two arms around you!

Yes, and what to express in words.

You are so beautiful today.

You are warmed by love rays.

I would like to congratulate you

Wish you many years without separation.

And guide you to the right path

And put your hands between you.

Let happiness be endless!

I wish without any doubt

So that your love and cordiality

survived to the last days.

Golden you are our children!

Accept congratulations from us,

We don't need thanks!

Live in peace always!

Congratulations young couple!

You gave your life to each other

And hearts are united for a century,

Before Heaven, God and People!

O love! Take your children!

So that they always love each other,

Drink the cup of happiness to the end!

I'll pour myself some wine for a toast

And I will say from the two of us:

We are very happy for you - sincerely, in full!

I will multiply this happiness by six:

Matchmaker, matchmaker, my husband and I, young -

It's a whole family...

How can I not rejoice today

If the family has multiplied.

Let's drink guests to the health of the young,

May our family multiply

Let them give birth to golden children,

Shout "Bitter!", Dear people!

The hearts of the young are knocking in unison,

Flowers and gifts, like a fairy tale, like a dream,

The bride is a princess, shining in flowers,

The groom from emotions soars in the sky!

And you are not more beautiful on the whole earth,

You opened your souls today to a dream,

What so sought not a day or two -

From now on, the road through life is one!

Live together - love and advice,

On the way, let the light of joy shine on you,

Burning in the sky of happiness and your star,

And the pain and sorrow will go away forever!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,

We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:

For two, luck is twice as joyful,

And sadness will be divided in two.

So you become dearer to each other.

The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,

Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.

(name of the bride) we wish you patience,

(groom's name) only love her alone!

For the young! For husband and wife!

You have a nice day today!

You connected two destinies

And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.

That is the first step in life!

In the family - to further years of happiness!

The fire of love lit the hearth,

So that there is light in the house, and not darkness,

To take part together.

In building a nest of love

So that children grow up in joy

And wherever you are on the road

I longed to come home.

Let your house be a full bowl!

Keep love until gray hairs,

So that your union is indestructible

And became stronger over the years, more beautiful!

Parting word from the mother of the groom

An important day has come for me, which I have been waiting for and afraid of - the marriage of a child. Here is my testament to you, son, on your wedding day: be a strong husband, let your wife feel like behind a stone wall. Be patient, son, because everyone has disagreements, do not hurt your beloved with a sharp word when the moment of anger comes. Be loving, do not forget to affectionately address your wife, then you will become the happiest husband. Try to be understanding, even if you do not see the reasons for her fatigue or irritation - after all, the differences between a woman and a man are great.

Have fun while the wedding is buzzing, while the congratulations from the guests interrupt one another. But when the celebration is over, start working hard, because you have become the head of the family. Not only will you have to work to earn money, son, but you will also have to constantly work on relationships. If love is not nurtured like a flower, it will wither away. Do not be afraid of difficulties, boldly go towards life's adversities, do not hesitate to ask for support from your beloved wife. From the day of your wedding, this girl will be your mother, sister and best friend, but do not forget about your roots - about me and dad.

I wish you to become a worthy husband, as you always were for your mother worthy son. Protect your family, children, wife, and then you will be happy. Let your life become a real adventure that you and your spouse will experience together until the very end. Happy wedding! Happiness!

My beloved son and my new daughter! Do not look that I am crying - this is from joy for you, my dear children. Your family was born today. Let this day be only the first of an infinite number of happy and warmed by your love days. Live together, enjoy every minute, try never to leave each other for more than a few hours. Face all adversity together, then they will turn into nothing. And happiness divided by two will increase tenfold. And most importantly - love and respect each other!

You know, dear children, the greatest happiness in our life happened when we had a child. Since that time, we have not felt more vivid and quivering emotions: it was a unique moment that you will definitely experience. But today we felt something similar again, because our child is leaving us in new life. We want you to take care of each other the way we have taken care of you all this time. Happiness to you!

Dear son! Today our family is very happy - my dad and I have a daughter. Your meeting is a gift from heaven, but now the main thing is to keep feelings and fire in your hearts. Family is work, but it is rewarded. Love in the eyes of a half, children's laughter, tears of parental pride. Be happy, our dear children. Plant trees, raise wonderful children, strengthen your relationships! Your happiness is more valuable to us than all gifts! May there always be prosperity and harmony in your home, and may your love illuminate your path and be the best adviser! May you live happily ever after!

Dear son! Once I read you a fairy tale about how a soldier divided a goose and managed not to offend anyone. He gave his head to the master, because it is the man who is the head of the family, and the neck to the lady, because a woman can always turn the situation in her favor. This is how responsibilities are distributed in the family. You, son, protect your wife from sorrows and hardships, so that her eyes shine, and her heart does not know pain and disappointment. You, daughter, lend your fragile shoulder to your spouse in difficult times, and for you he will move mountains! Live in peace and harmony, let your guide in family life be yours. true love. If you need help or advice, dad and I will always be there. May you live happily ever after!

Dear children! It is said that Adam and Eve were the first gardeners in Eden. Paradise was their garden, and in order for it to flourish, it must be looked after. So your married life should become your paradise. Love each other, protect, cherish - then the garden will be green and flourish. And let jealousy and resentment in - and the Garden of Eden will wither. May your union only grow stronger over the years. You, like trees, will intertwine with roots, and become one! May happiness, harmony and prosperity settle in your home, in all matters there will be good luck and prosperity. And over time, cheerful children's voices will ring out. We will be happy to remember our youth and retrain as nannies! Happiness to you and good! Live in peace and harmony. Bitterly!

Son, today is your holiday,

You have become the head of your family.

Be patient and learn wisdom

Work hard, don't be lazy.

With all our hearts we wish

You live in harmony and love.

Love your wife, pamper your children

Don't be offended, don't be jealous.

Let there be only happiness in the house,

Let's say together "Bitter!"

Children grow up quickly and now they are ready to find their personal happiness. The son's wedding day means, first of all, new stage in the lives of parents. Perhaps the parents of the newlyweds are on the verge of a happy period when grandchildren appear, when it will finally be possible to pay more attention to family and recreation. And there will be many happy events ahead!

We are categorically against banal phrases: beautiful congratulations newlyweds from their parents should be at least fresh and original. And most importantly, the words of the parents at the wedding simply must be sincere and sincere. In our selection - toasts, phrases, poems that will not fail to be remembered.

Toasts from the groom's parents in prose

We offer to evaluate original toasts young from parents. Poems, as a rule, sound more solemn, but their meaning is captured worse. Prose is much more sincere and more pleasant to listen to.

Newlyweds, almost everyone has probably already told you how important today is. We would like to wish you to be not just a couple, but a family with a capital letter. So that in absolutely any life situation you never forgot about it for a minute. Share painful things with each other, learn to keep goodness in your heart. Rejoice, have fun, solve problems, most importantly - together! We are immensely happy for you and want you to live a long and happy life, side by side with each other. Let's drink to it!

Dear son! Today in our family there is joy and addition - my mother and I have a daughter. As you already noticed, beautiful, skillful, cheerful, perky and smart. Take care of your girl, because you are with us a real man. We want to wish you to be bold and courageous, affectionate and gentle. Let the years rush, children grow up, and harmony and grace reign in your family. We raise our glasses to our children, love, peace, prosperity to your family! Bitterly!

Toasts from the parents of the bride in prose

Mother's wedding toast:

Beloved and dear children, we have parting words for you! Today you have the most long-awaited, the most important and the happiest and kindest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember when it becomes sad. We wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly in the whole world, be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring keeper hearth, best friend and happy mother. We would like to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family! For you, our dear ones, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will work out! This is what every parent dreams of. Bitterly!

Father's wedding toast:

Today you are as beautiful as ever ... I would like to believe that this is not a dream, because our children are already old enough to get married ... Your wedding is the most significant event in the life of us, your parents, and we will try our best to help you so that you lived a very long and very happy life! Know that nothing should break your union, and it is in your hands. Let bright sun happiness illuminates your life together, and the stormy wind of change, if it changes something, is only for the better. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, because you can’t wait to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, smooth living together well-being, mutual understanding and great love.

Congratulations on the wedding in verse from parents

In honor of your wedding - congratulations and toasts,
For you - a banquet and petals of beautiful roses,
Motorcade of cars and dressed up guests,
And traces of happy tears shine in the eyes.
May there be joy and fun in your life,
The worries of everyday life will not overshadow love.
May amazing, bright moments
They give you tenderness and excite the heart again.
Let adversity dissolve in kisses,
The cold leaves from the embrace of warm hands.
We wish you feelings to carry through the years,
And may you never be apart!

All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth.
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that your union is only a joy,
So that the children are near you,
To you, young people, we will simply say:
Live in harmony good hour!

Wedding ... How many in this word
Prospects, hopes, aspirations.
But in the midst of a sea of ​​congratulations
Don't forget the base:
For a happy life together
It's not enough just to live with each other -
Only love in any blizzard
Keep your marriage honorable!
So love each other
All measured years
Let the family weather
It will never be winter.
May we always be happy for each other
And souls will be opened
May unity not be broken
No heat, no thunderstorms with hail,
Let it always be a single rhythm
Two loving hearts are beating
And never part
Wherever you happen to be!

Cupid gave you happiness
Fairytale sparkling crown,
So that the bodies always burn with passion,
So that the beat of hearts is one,
So that you live together and happily,
Kiss interrupting the argument.
Let the whole century burn beautiful
And your unique outfit!
Let him not allow parting,
Hot, excites your blood,
After all, that crown, as the legend says, -
Faithful and eternal love!

Heartfelt congratulations on the wedding from parents in verse

You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meeting.
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
May your life never
Days like these won't come back
Love is always meant to be
And only one time to get married!

The hearts of the young are knocking in unison,
Flowers and gifts, like a fairy tale, like a dream,
The bride is a princess, shining in flowers,
The groom from emotions soars in the sky!
And you are not more beautiful on the whole earth,
You opened your souls today to a dream,
What did not strive for a day or two -
From now on, the road through life is one!
Live together - love and advice,
On the way, let the light of joy shine on you,
Burning in the sky of happiness and your star,
And the pain and sorrow will go away forever!

Lovers, let the wedding be kind!
Two destinies in one dear long
Must connect.
You must become consonants,
That the song was born
And let your life become like it.
And let the children grow up in your house,
Not knowing in the age of an orphan's lot.
Let the tornado of fire not crush your shelter,
May fate not promise you separation,
May your happiness be long-long!
Keep good impulses in your souls.
Keep the fidelity of feelings, as long as you are alive,
So that the flame of the hearth could burn,
Do not kiss other people's lips in the future,
But only those that you have found today.

Congratulations from parents in prose in your own words

The most difficult thing is the wishes of the young people for the wedding in their own words from their parents. It is important that the words are impeccably chosen, but at the same time come from the heart. In no case do you need to memorize such wishes word for word - just be inspired.

Of course, today is the day when all the warmest words are sent to you. We would very much like to say something unbanal, original, something that you have not yet wished for. But this is unreal! Because real happiness is really in three things: love, health and children. And we, as parents, madly want these three components of happiness to be in your home. Desires will come true, joy will come, friendship will not decrease. But only mutual feelings will warm you in the evenings for the rest of your life. Be happy!

Our lovely children! The peculiarity of today is not in a rich table, not in a snow-white dress and not in in large numbers guests. Today is the day when you radically changed your destiny. Now you are together. And you will be close to each other, just as you were close to us parents. We really want you to understand that family life is not only about joy. There is also sadness, grief, adversity. And a strong family is one that knows how to overcome the bad. Respect each other, listen to each other, appreciate each other. You will definitely succeed!

You know, dear children, the greatest happiness in our life happened when we had a child. Since that time, we have not felt more vivid and quivering emotions: it was a unique moment that you will definitely experience. But today we again felt something similar, because our child is leaving us for a new life. We want you to take care of each other the way we have taken care of you all this time. Happiness to you!

Such a crucial period as preparing for a wedding requires thoughtful decisions. Every couple wants the wedding to be perfect, there were no surprises and surprises. Except for the wedding guests who come to enjoy the celebration and have fun, everyone else has a specific task, parents, witnesses, friends. Of course, the responsibility is great and it is impossible to let the young down. There are a lot of congratulations at the wedding, but the parents should say the most important words and prepare them better in advance, as the fuss can prevent you from concentrating. Here are some tips on what congratulations the groom's mother should have at her son's wedding and how to avoid mistakes.

Fundamental rules

Very often at weddings, words that are not entirely appropriate may sound, they can hurt and leave an unpleasant aftertaste forever. Therefore, the following mistakes should be avoided:

  • No need to express regret, for example, the words: it's a pity that ...;
  • Make sure that there is no dissatisfaction, for example: we are happy for you, but ...;
  • inappropriate jokes;
  • reproaches;
  • Lots of advice;
  • Warning statements.

This does not mean that the mother has malicious intent and wants to ruin her son's wedding. Just on this day, she lets her child go to create another family, she is overwhelmed with emotions and unfamiliar feelings. Of course, she worries and wants only the best for her child, and at such moments an unnecessary phrase can involuntarily escape.

That is why it is so important to think over in advance the words that will be heard at the celebration. They should be approving, saying that the parents are also happy for their son, they love him and are proud of him. There can be several options for congratulations, and here everyone has the right to choose what is closer to him.

In verse

If a mother is ready to compose touching lines in verse on her own, of course, this will be a big plus, because she will be able to convey all the tenderness, affection and care. But if this is not possible, you can choose a ready-made verse-congratulation on your wedding day.

  • It can be a short congratulation that conveys the main meaning. Such spiritual lines should touch and convey the mother's love for her son.

  • You can choose a large poem that will surely convey everything that you so want to say. But you need to make sure that the poem contains as few banal phrases as possible, because you won’t surprise anyone with such words, your son will be pleased, but it may seem boring to guests, and their interests also need to be taken into account.

  • A very beautiful poetic congratulation containing deep meaning, able to convey emotions and pleasantly surprise everyone present at the celebration.
  • It will not be superfluous at all if there are several lines addressed to the future daughter-in-law in the poems. It will be pleasant not only for her, but also for her son, who has made his choice and is waiting for approval.


Congratulations from parents in prose sound very beautiful, they touch to tears. After all, the best words are those that come from the very heart, sparkling, pure, sincere. Here, every mother can express her feelings in her own words and convey what she considers the main and important. The only important point is to avoid phrases that can have a double meaning.

  • It is important for the son what the parents feel and this should be mentioned, but at the same time it should be remembered that this is the holiday of the bride and groom.
  • This is their day and congratulations should be addressed to the couple, the future family, the right choice.
  • It would be useful to mention family values, how important support, understanding, respect are.
  • If the mother of the bride speaks words that convey the tenderness, affection and fragile nature of her daughter, they will be appropriate. But with the groom, everything is different, you can’t use too many affectionate words, talk about a vulnerable nature, a soft character, as this can create the impression of a completely not courageous person.

  • This day is the beginning of family life, created new family and it will be relevant to mention future children. To say that the young couple is also waiting for the wedding of their children and at which they will speak parting and touching words.
  • It will be very pleasant for the son to hear that his mother supports his choice and is confident in their future family life.

You can congratulate the young beautiful song. It can be your own piece of music or well-known, but slightly altered. It is very important not to forget that this is a holiday for two, on which love, warmth, tenderness, pleasant and vivid emotions should reign.


Your son has grown up
It's too big for games
Stopped messing around in the sand
And I decided - it's time to get married!

We are very glad to congratulate you!
Your son is your joy!
May he be happy
Kudos to you for him!

Thank you for your son
Now you have a daughter!
Snoshenka is a beauty!
We all like it very much!

Let the fun hit for now
Congratulations to the mother of the groom!
After all, she is the main guest here,
She had to raise her son!

May your children be happy
Let them be a joy for you
Let them give birth to grandchildren,
May you be loved and respected!

Dear bride and groom
It will be very honest
If low, to the ground
Bow to your mother!

Happy to congratulate the groom's mother!
She raised her son - that's what you need!
Finally decided to get married
He brought a beautiful bride down the aisle!

We wish you to be friends with the daughter-in-law,
To cherish each other dearly
And to bring you to raise your grandchildren,
So that you do not know even the slightest boredom!

wish good health- must come true!
After all, with grandchildren, it will be very useful to you!
Thank you for raising my son!
He is a gentleman and just chic - a man!

To make the children happy
Mommy should be there!
Let's start with the mother of the groom!
Let's congratulate her!

Thank you mom for your son
After all, he is a real man!
He was brought up properly
You gave guidance for life!

We wish you health, happiness,
To be able to take part
In the life of a son with a daughter-in-law,
Always to be young!

Everyone screams "bitterly" here! Everyone shouts "hooray"!
We will be distracted by the mother of the groom!
We congratulate you on such an important moment in life,
After all, your son is the most beautiful groom today!

We wish you to be friendly happy family,
And in the house so that harmony and peace reign!
Health so that you have the strongest
And fervent fervent, young not a bit faded!

You will have to love not only your son now,
Appreciate your daughter-in-law, and be her mother!
May you succeed at any, of course, hour.
Once again, congratulations and hugs!

We are happy to congratulate the mother of the groom on such an event!
Your son is your support and joy!
We wish the daughter-in-law to love very hard,
So that the son left the house was imperceptible!

Let the kids come to visit you more often,
Even in holidays, even on weekdays they visit!
Let them give you cheerful grandchildren,
So that with the children, as before, they could mess around again!

May everything always be fine with you,
Let the son be interested in your health hourly!
May all the dreams of you and your children come true,
And let the joy in the house never end!

Today is my son's wedding
Your man has already grown!
The bride is very pretty
Face and body and soul!

May they be happy
May their days be bright!
Don't forget about you
You are very loved and respected!

And we wish you health
Congratulations on your son's wedding!
May everything be great for you!
We wish you great happiness!

Congratulations to the mother of the groom!
We wish her a lot of joy, love of children!
Just raised a wonderful son,
And the daughter-in-law always dreamed of such a thing!

Let your kids be happy
Let them not even think to be sad!
Yes, and always be happy!
Smile to the world with a radiant smile!

Let the children love you, honor you,
They come to visit you more often,
Let them help with the housework, always
So that you never get tired!

So my child got married!
Congratulations on your wedding!
And I don't close my eyes.

All I think: love and happiness
We must save you in the world!
I cling the threads to my wrist,

Will I carry this load?
But I boil like foam
Now to drink for the union!
That you will not live in poverty!
And souls, children, are like clothes:
Wash, steam and sew!
It is very necessary to see the grandchildren,
Go to the ranks of the old woman!
So fasten your hands
And create the best!

The birch of life has not drooped,
I also got a daughter-in-law!

Son remembers his mother
In her blooming years!
You chose the best immodestly
And your choice is approved - yes!
I wish you well for joy,
Bed with feather beds of love!
Will not become a shallow fish!
And the rings create a pattern
Who will argue with beauty
Strollers, I remember, can
Do it today! I can't wait!
Kiss! I rejoice! Proud!

Dear son, congratulations

Don't offend anyone
Remember me more often

Congratulations dear
wedding is the crown of love,
You are a son, if you chose
then appreciate your wife
Help always in the household,
provide for the family
And then the wife will decorate
your happy life.
Since you have decided in your heart
it's time for you to get married
Be patient with each other
does not interfere with learning
Trust in everything and believe
that love conquers all
And the problems and disagreements
sometimes everyone has.
I want not to know
you are neither idleness nor boredom,
I want, of course,
so that grandchildren are born soon,
May marriage last
Settle the rest

Touching congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the groom in verse

So my child got married!
Congratulations on your wedding!
May your day be cheerful, call!
And I don't close my eyes.

All I think: love and happiness
We must save you in the world!
I cling the threads to my wrist,
I don't know how to get up and lie down!
The mother-in-law's ribbon was woven into the outfit.
Will I carry this load?
But I boil like foam
Now to drink for the union!
I bring hope to the parade ground in balls,
That you will not live in poverty!
And souls, children, are like clothes:
Wash, steam and sew!
It is very necessary to see the grandchildren,
Go to the ranks of the old woman!
So fasten your hands
And create the best!

Touching congratulations from the mother of the groom

I'm mother-in-law now! Not used to.
I congratulate you on your wedding!
The birch of life has not drooped,
Gave sprouts throughout the estate!
I also got a daughter-in-law!
Someone on the side, and my daughter!
I liked it in a white branch,
Like I was in the past! Exactly the same!
Son remembers his mother
In her blooming years!
You chose the best immodestly
And your choice is approved - yes!
I wish you well for joy,
Bed with feather beds of love!
May your closeness, your sweetness
Will not become a shallow fish!
Let your union rock the sea,
And the rings create a pattern
Who will argue with beauty
With lake blue, mountain snow!
Strollers, I remember, can
Do it today! I can't wait!
Now there are more of you! On the road, be brave!
Kiss! I rejoice! Proud!

Dear son, congratulations
I want you with the beginning of a new life,
I am glad to accept my daughter-in-law into my house,
And my parting words will not be superfluous:
Treat each other with care
Don't offend anyone
Maybe soon you will please your grandson,
Remember me more often
You in all mutual understanding,
It means a lot to a family.
In fidelity you made a promise
Good luck! Love you and good luck!
Beautiful poems for the wedding from the mother of the groom Congratulations dear
wedding is the crown of love,
You are a son, if you chose
then appreciate your wife
Help always in the household,
provide for the family
And then the wife will decorate
your happy life.
Since you have decided in your heart
it's time for you to get married
Be patient with each other
does not interfere with learning
Trust in everything and believe
that love conquers all
And the problems and disagreements
sometimes everyone has.
I want not to know
you are neither idleness nor boredom,
I want, of course,
so that grandchildren are born soon,
May marriage last
tenderness, optimism and kindness,
Settle the rest
you can use an umbrella. Congratulations, son, today is your wedding,
You take on this responsibility
The husband is the breadwinner, he must be the support of the family,
I want to wish that they do not know the need,
So that advice and love, so that the world be and harmony,
To always look in one direction,
To always keep their promises
May your dreams and wishes come true.

Congratulations on your wedding day to your son from mom

Dear newlyweds,
beloved son and beautiful daughter-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on this
wonderful event, your wedding day, the beginning of a long joint
way. Now I remember myself: how exciting it was to sit at the head of
table, among hundreds of guests on the day when my family
a life. Then I knew that love would cope with any troubles, that's all.
will be good.
You will have difficult moments, you will be happy,
the main thing - do not leave each other, do not let despondency appear,
bile. You, son, show respect to your wife, and you, daughter,
take care of your husband.
I'll be honest with the guests of this magnificent
wedding, I will worry about my son, because I raised, fed,
brought up. Now a lot has changed, my role is to help than
I can, give advice, if necessary, be a true friend of the new
families. Please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, dear
newlyweds, be happy, successful, love each other. May God
will reward you with little children to please you as you -
me. Let a lot of things turn out for you the way you yourself want it.

Dear son, I turn to you first. I had you
strong boy, pleased his mother. I remember helping me around the house
met after a hard day with a cup of tea, diligently taught even
the things I don't like to avoid upsetting me.
Sometimes, son, you and I had a hard time, but we got through
those difficult moments. Now look at you, you're so strong
beautiful, successful, sitting next to you is a beautiful wife, whose
a radiant smile illuminates this wedding all day long.
bride, daughter, I am happy that you have become the chosen one of my son.
Like any mother, I am proud of my child, love, trust his choice.
If he fell in love with you, then surely there is no more beautiful than your soul in the world.
I wish you to live from today's wedding day to a ripe old age
peacefully, helping each other, always offering a shoulder of support, together
reaching those peaks that cannot be mastered separately. And I
I will do my best to help if needed. happy wedding
you! My beloved son, there is no greater joy for a mother than to see
own child, whose eyes shine. You are all glowing
happiness. I thought I'd be jealous when it's time to let go
you into adulthood, give to a girl who will take care of
you ... But on your wedding day, I feel something else: fun, joy,
pleasure and gratitude to the beautiful bride who made
my son to smile so widely! I congratulate you young
wedding, I wish that this radiance radiating now will never
left your eyes! An important day has come for me, which I
so waited and feared - the marriage of a child. Here is my testament to you, son,
wedding day: be a strong husband, let your wife feel,
like behind a stone wall. Be patient, son, because everyone happens
disagreements, do not hurt your beloved with a sharp word when the
moment of anger. Be loving, do not forget to affectionately address your wife,
then you will be the happiest husband.
Try to be understanding
even if you do not see the reasons for her fatigue or irritation -
because the differences between women and men are great.
Have fun while
the wedding buzzes as congratulations from the guests overwhelm one another. But
when the celebration is over, start working hard, because you have become
the head of the family. You will not only have to work, earning money,
son, but also constantly work on relationships. If love is not
nurture like a flower, it will wither away. Do not be afraid of difficulties, boldly
go towards life's adversities, do not hesitate to ask for support from
his beloved wife. From the day of the wedding, this girl will be your mother,
sister and best friend, but do not forget about your roots - about me and
I wish you to become a worthy husband, as you have always been for
his mother a worthy son. Protect your family, children, wife, and then
You will be happy. Let your life be a real adventure
which you and your wife will experience together until the very end. With day
weddings! Happiness! If you lived in the village
I would have been known as a womanizer for a long time!
Only you, my son
The guy, fortunately, city!
Finally, the soul is calm -
Your mom is happy!
You have found a place in life
And he got himself a wife! Be a support and hope for your wife,
Always protect your family.
Strict with others, but only gentle at home,
Don't forget to say "I love you" to your wife.
May the children be happy, loved,
And we will pamper our grandchildren!
Let it be all you need:
House, children and a large orchard! On the wedding day, we want to congratulate our son!
We can't take our eyes off you today!
You are imposing Attractive man!
And we want to sincerely wish you:
Build lasting, lasting happiness
On the foundation of trust, love!
And so that crazy winds and bad weather
They couldn't do anything to him! Son, congratulations on your wedding!
You honored us with your choice!
We love your bride!
Like a daughter now she is for us!
Live long with her and carefree!
Let everything argue with you with a smile!
If we can, we'll be happy to help!
Happy wedding day, dear ones! Good time! Son, you made an important step.
Today, this glorious day!
Now you will decide for yourself
In your family you are the main one;
But how many damn reasons
Parents for sadness!
After all, you are the only one with us -
Handsome, smart, giant ...
Happy wedding day, our beloved son!
And we will not allow tears! Son, you made the right choice.
Your bride is so tender
What do you have now?
Spring reigns in the soul!
So be a happy couple
Let your life be like a garden
Let love be a beautiful spell
A hundred years know no barriers! You are our dear son!
Congratulations on your wedding day!
We are happy for you with all our heart
And we do not hide happiness!
We wish you a big family -
We dream of grandchildren!
Survive until the wedding "golden"!
We bless you! You have grown up, our boy, already quite an adult,
Do you remember how they built a house out of sand?
How did you ask us funny questions?
How did he like to hang from his father in his arms?
You will become the head of the family so soon!
What a joy to know that you grew up like this:
Beautiful and smart, reliable support
Your wife and future children!
May your union be kept by fate,
We will support you always and in everything!
For us, you remained a beloved son,
Be happy with your wife! We are proud of you son!
You are one of many options
I chose that one as my destiny
What is more precious than all diamonds!
Save her love
Millions of competitors
They will try again
Everyone bring down the ramparts! Congratulations on your son's wedding day.
What do you want him to do on this day?
Pastoral picture -
Don't chase around for an answer.
Smile more on this day.
Let family life last
As the day wedding will take place- U.S. too
A dream about your happiness will be a dream. Single life is over
It's time for the party
Now there is a young family
And you, son, have a head in it.
Now you are responsible for two
Worthy walk this path
Become the happiest of all in the world,
And be a great husband. Son, now you're not a child
Today I have become a husband
We know you all from the cradle
Oh God, how mature you are!
Now on your shoulders, our son
Lie down house, family, wife
We know you will be happy
Happy wedding! Joy, warmth! Be a good kind husband
Don't be late for dinner
Don't forget about your wife
More time pay.
You go to the cinema, the theater,
Stay at home with her.
In life you need day by day
Once caught in the net
To be alone with your wife
Be responsible for everything.
Temper, my friend, your will and patience,
And the wife will start to nag, answer her with singing.
If you make the floor wash - act very boldly,
It looks like it's your favorite thing to do.
Don't go to sleep overgrown
Don't be lazy to shave more often.
Husband unshaven like a hedgehog
Although beautiful, but not good.
So that the abdomen does not grow -
Eat less bread, fat.
Be slender, like a cypress,
Take care of the exercise.
Be worthy of respect
And love and admiration
So that you do not twirl,
How her soul wanted.
Don't forget to buy flowers
And don't forget congratulations
On the bright day of her birth! Dear guests! On this solemn and happy day once again we
We can clearly see how true the assertion is that
loneliness is hard. Our fiance proved it in practice, and the result
today before our eyes.
Driven by a short leash
love, he will walk along life path. So what? After all, also
It is common knowledge that the fetters of love are easy. In addition, it is considered that
the path of life is easy and pleasant if you choose love as a companion. AND
when today a young spouse with eyes glowing with happiness
says: "I found her, I'm calm," then we fully understand him. Is
not an enviable share to walk along the road of life hand in hand with dearly beloved
creature?! So, don't you think that vodka is bitter? Bitterly! Dear guests! Everyone who knows our newlywed closely knows
how passionately he loves ... hunting. Therefore, especially for him, I
I will tell a fairy tale about hunting happiness. Once three friends went
hunting and met a blue bird in the dark thicket. Long but unsuccessful
they pursued this rare bird, and, finally, weary of this
fruitless chase, lay down to rest and saw in a dream that the prey was all
fell into their hands. Waking up, they returned to the bitter
That's the whole fairy tale, but its meaning is as follows: Blue
the bird is a symbol of an unusually rare happiness that is not given in
hands, only having a dream in a dream, but is conquered by stubborn efforts.
I dare to hope that our newlywed will not be offended that I compare
her with the Blue Bird - this rare and so desired happiness. Our
the groom-hunter met all kinds of game in the forests, knew all the hunting
trails, but he still has not been able to track down the Blue Bird.
The desire to find this rare prey inflamed him more and more.
hunting passion. The zeal of the hunter did not hide from the eyes of the Blue Bird,
who, fortunately, guessed that the intentions of the pursuer
noble that he does not thirst for her blood, but dreams of settling a bird
happiness in your home. So the noble being felt trust in
hunter, allowed himself to be tamed and even ringed. Hunter
it is now known that his prey is important gentle care and attention.

So let's wish the newlyweds to be as stubborn in preserving
his family happiness, his dreams, as they were in his
Good luck, dear newlyweds! Expensive
newlyweds and dear guests! On this happy and solemn day, I,
unfortunately, I must disappoint you. I will open the cards - I
disguised detective and came here to find among you and arrest
person guilty of arson. I ask you not to worry
although he carried out his intention, it did no harm to anyone.
I'm very sorry, but this criminal is the highlight of today's program -
This is our newlywed! He lit the flame of love in the heart of his chosen one.
If you take a closer look at our bride, then there will be (or on her face)
the results of this arson: her eyes radiate light, and her cheeks glow!
Thus, dear groom, it is my duty to arrest you and imprison you in
prison, although I see that it is not necessary. After all, you are already in chains.
The victim herself was chained in the chains of her love. Apparently I have
only wish that these chains would bind the young spouse so much
time, how long the fire lit by him will burn, moreover,
May this flame never go out! Dear bridegroom, wear your chains with
dignity, and may Love and Luck never leave you! Dear newlyweds, dear guests! I won't tell you anything new
if I say that a girl who decided to connect her fate with a lawyer,
must have great courage and determination. After all, a lawyer
will definitely bring a particle of his vocation into family life and
professions. Together with a lawyer, fines, sentences, arrests,
fraud, both legal and illegal. Every word of the spouse will
checked for legality or illegality, each of its actions will be
be subject to suspicion and scrutiny and promptly
under known articles and paragraphs of the law.
That's why I want an extra
once again to remind our dear groom and that the goddess of justice
Themis is always depicted blindfolded, which means that
she, like love, is blind. Therefore, dear friend, close often
eyes on the words and deeds of your chosen one. After all, as it shows
life, young wives often adopt professional techniques from their
husbands and very soon learn to conduct investigations, pass sentences;
this is how roles change, and a strict lawyer or judge himself is subjected to
condemnation, fines and penalties, and then no one will help him
appeals or cassation complaints.
It is well known that a lawyer
it is the representative and guardian of the law. And so he constantly
feels, thinks and acts justly, and if the family reigns
justice and truth, then this family is already happy.
I believe that it will be quite fair of us to drain our glasses for the happiness and longevity of our newlyweds! Son!
You took a beautiful girl as your wife,
But the wife is not a mitten -
You can’t shake off a white pen,
Yes, you can’t shut your belt.
You are now the head of the family
So be an example to your wife:
To be proud and cherish, to please as best she could.
Always groomed carefully and caressed gently.
After all, a treasure is not needed, if the family is in harmony! Behind it festive table,
Spouse glorifying the young,
I want to remind you of one
old rule,
What is in the future and in the past
Very helpful for anyone.
Here are the plowmen bending over the plow
Or sowing rye,
They will talk to each other more than once,
Like, what you sow, you reap.
So in the family:
Don't wait, don't demand
From the young wife of
which he did not sow.
Do you want bread
Grow it first.
And forever, my friend, remember
What was originally just grain.
You sow the seed of love in the house -
It will ripen as an ear. How our fellow (name of the groom) went astray,
To everyone's surprise, here's an eccentric, he suddenly got married.
After all, I told you: "Do not fall in love!"
You didn't listen to me, that's it.
You were a single guy, not obligated,
And now you are forever tied to your wife.
Your freedom is over, and only
Pour a glass of wine, I'll shout bitterly! Always be kind to your wife
Never be rude to her.
Always coming home
Kiss and hug!
Young groom!
So that the wife loves not an hour, not a year,
Kiss her one more time!
Bitterly! Man, beloved husband, remember!
Don't be cruel in your desires.
Love is like an echo, and according to all laws
Must have a source and a source.
Love is the hearth! When it's on fire,
She is generous, open, bright.
You provide the hearth of love with firewood,
Then demand light and heat! Folk wisdom says that the first wealth in life is
health, and the second - the wife. A good wife is half the happiness. Not
better friend than true girlfriend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and
joy is double joy. A good wife has no price for her husband. Let's
let us wish our newlywed to justify these proverbs and drink to
her! The time has come for the king's son to marry. He liked the daughter of a poor peasant. And then the matchmakers came to that and said:
- You are a happy man, the prince liked your daughter, he will marry
thought up, - and added with a grin: - We hope you will not refuse!
“I will refuse,” the peasant answers unexpectedly. - Does he know any trade?
- And why does he need a craft, if he is the king's son? - matchmakers were surprised.
- Today the king's son, and tomorrow - a swineherd ... The prince began to
masters to walk: who says that three years are needed to
learn who's four. Where is the prince's patience when he is out of love
loses his mind. Once he meets a man, he watches how quickly and
deftly weaves mats. In three days, he says, I will teach. rejoiced
prince, entered his apprenticeship and three days later again matchmakers to
sent to the man.
“Now I’ll marry his daughter to him,” he says.
peasant. - If the need looks to them, a mat for thirty kopecks
sell and buy bread - they will not die of hunger!
So let's raise our glasses
for a groom who does not have to learn any craft in order to
marry. For the reason that he has golden hands and a smart head. Our fiance has one anatomical feature ...
Do not be surprised! His heart is not on the left, but on the right side, there
sits his young, charming wife. We wish, dear friends,
so that this phenomenon persists throughout his long and happy life,
so that his heart always reaches out to his wife, and the heart of his wife reaches out to
husband and that the union of these hearts was not subject to any storms,
vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather. For your well-being and happiness!

Congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the bride, groom

Not many, trust me friends
They have experience to understand me.
Of all the sacred things, the family is the most important.
The saddest thing in the world is only a mother,
What gives in today's time,
Covered by a veil of ignorance,
My own daughter, the support of my soul ...
Now you're moving away from fate.
How much I already told you
How much more I want to say.
How glad I am - you found love,
God won't let me lie now.
You are given the gift of building a family,
Create a hearth. Having created, always keep
And take care of family foundations,
Do not allow ice in your eyes.
Love and do everything to be loved
Support and just inspire.
Then you will be happy too
Then you will not be afraid of sadness together.
You, daughter, always think first,
And then say. And don't forget:
To offend with a word is so easily gloomy,
And it's harder to build a paradise nearby.
Walk with him through everything, be a support,
And he will give you back everything.
You do not hide wisdom in the abyss of controversy
And keep pride not for show.
May you path of marriage and happiness
Always leads without turning into the distance,
Away from cliffs and bad weather.
May your union remain like steel.


I want to congratulate my daughter
Let me read poetry
And remember every line
What did mother say in farewell.
I want everything to work out
You are on a long journey.
So that you always smile
After all, only the best lies ahead.
So that you can support each other
Love reigned in your house,
Could not defeat her disputes,
But would boil in the veins so that the blood.
Mother's covenant you accept:
No matter how hard it is for you,
You just love each other.
Well, you're lucky with your husband.

My dears! A wonderful event happened today - you became
husband and wife. Live always in love, peace and harmony. And remember
that you are now one. I wish you replenishment in the family,
financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for
for many, many years. And if it gets difficult, we, the parents, will always help.
kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

My mother's command
In wedding fun
It will sound sweet
Will be the very first.
Children! Sweet fate to you
Happiness endless,
So that you live together
Yes, with eternal love.
So that without quarrels and without worries,
With tenderness and affection
Built a family life
They lived like in a fairy tale.

Today you have connected
Not only hands, but hearts.
I wish you to be
Love and happiness without end.
You keep these feelings
In myself for many years.
After all, this is the main thing, believe me:
Keep love always, always
And I, like a mother, smile,
After all, I see that marriage is strong.
Help, if necessary, I will try,
Sometimes you can't do without it!

Dear and dear children,
Today you have become husband and wife.
You are now responsible for each other,
You now go along the path alone.
Save your feelings
Do not let insults, separations into your house.
Respect your family, appreciate
After all, a family is a union of hearts and hands.
I wish you kids soon
So I want to be a grandmother.
Let there be two or three
And what gender - you decide.

A simple parting word
I want to give you children:
Family is sacred
The most valuable thing in the world.
You take care of her
As difficult as it may be
learn patience
And compromise too.
And even in small things
Understand each other
So that there are no caustic quarrels,
Give up wisely.
Your big love
Cherish and keep.
And most importantly, I'm waiting
Give me grandchildren.

My children, I am a happy mother.
I wish you health and long love
I want your marriage to be strong.
May all your days be bright.
Love one another, do not quarrel in vain.
The kids are healthy, let them be with you,
Let everything be fine in your life,
So that your love does not go out.

Dear children, congratulations
With this bright, very kind day.
I wish to live in love until old age,
To be in trouble and in joy together!
Kindness, tenderness, just understanding
Will be with you every moment and hour.
Let love confessions sound
Bringing you happiness every time!
May God give more patience
Be wise and kind people.
Let troubles, shocks bypass,
Nightingales sing to you all year round!

Be patient with each other
Don't quarrel over little things.
You always pity each other
To be an example for children.
Don't hide resentment inside
So that the wall does not crack the feelings.
Do not take rubbish out of the hut,
Hold hands always.

Honorable, nice
Responsible, sweet
Raise a toast to you
Yes, tell you guys:
Relatives, you have become a family today,
And I, your mother, with warmth and soul,
With all my heart I wish you great love.
Oh, happiness, please, live next to them!
Cosmic feelings, and in the hearts - magic.
... if mom wants, then mom is right!
Real hopes and fulfillment of desires,
Smiles, kindness and mutual recognition!

Congratulations on the wedding from the mother-in-law (from the mother of the groom)

I can't believe in a miracle
How did this happen all of a sudden?
Only yesterday was the son of a boy,
And now a husband!
You, dear daughter-in-law,
Be wise, forgive him.
You, son, your wife
Take care and protect.
Stick together in hard times
Rejoice in fate!
Well, I will say without flattery:
I got lucky with my fiancee!

Dear my children,
You have become one family.
May love shine brightly on you
There will be only peace in the house!
Your wedding has come
I'm already a mother-in-law now
But I won't bother you
And I will not spoil the blood.
I love you dear ones.
Be happy always.
Understand without advice
How to live in love for years.

My dear children, dear son and wonderful daughter-in-law, congratulations
you on your wedding day. I wish you sincere joy and good
hope, sincere feelings and eternal love, bright happiness and
stable welfare, family health and prosperity.

I always dreamed of a daughter
And today the dream comes true
You became my son's wife,
And that means a daughter to me!
Happy wedding day, I congratulate you
Today we are one family.
I wish you happiness and all the best,
I love you folks with all my heart!

Dear newlyweds
I want to dedicate a speech:
Be happy folks
Feelings you must save.
I promise not to disturb you
And with the notation do not climb -
Even though I'm a mother-in-law, I'm not evil.
There is also a sense of tact.
You always live together
Don't just scold.
There will be joy in your life
And all the problems - a trifle.

Happiness came to us and my son,
He brought his wife to the house, and his mother - a daughter!
You are beautiful now and young,
And happy to tears, relatives!
So hold on until old age
And walk together and work,
Give us more grandchildren
And live in joy longer!
Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
Be happy for you and your children
Be healthy and patient
Protected by our God!

So my son has grown up
Brought a beauty into the house
He doesn't take his eyes off her.
Apparently, I like it a lot.
Children, dear, relatives,
I wish you love
For the family to grow
To become a grandmother.
May the joy be endless
From acquired family ties,
May your family be perfect
May your union be eternal.

My dear children! I cannot express my joy at the fact
that you have made a responsible decision to create a real family union.
I wish you the most amazing, reliable, strong family that
will make you happy. I really hope that you will give me
beautiful, healthy grandchildren who love their parents and, of course,
grandmothers! I love you very much and am glad to share your happiness today.
together with you, close relatives and friends.

You, my son, fell in love.
Clearly, for life.
And today you got married.
Hold on to your wife
And your big feelings
Don't hide in vain
After all, love is an art
Get to know him in action.
You, daughter-in-law, be
To only cause delight,
And you are not my mother-in-law,
You can call mom!

I congratulate you children
With this important day in life.
Mother-in-law gained the title
I will go into the house with him today.
I wish you to live in patience,
Happiness, kindness, love.
So that in the union only family
Thankfully you could find it.
Let them bypass
Your home is trouble and sorrow.
And cheerful laughter is only children's
From your windows it flies into the distance.

Dear my children,
Congratulations on your wedding day.
I am a son to my daughter-in-law,
With a good heart, I do.
I wish you much happiness
Live a wonderful life.
Stay close together
And you love each other!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day from the mother of the bride

Hello my newlyweds!
Congratulations on your wedding!
I didn’t know, daughter, that you are Madonna,
Your appearance today is amazing!

My beautiful daughter
And your husband is my glorious son-in-law!
You, as if having played enough blind man's blind man,
Revealed the meanings between the lines.

To the sounds of Mendelssohn's march
Set the rings in place.
I follow with a handkerchief at the platform
For how spring carries you!

May your feeling last long
Better yet, a whole century!
I want to always share
Without keeping claims receipt!

Do you value love and honesty?
And the purity of good words!
Don't throw me into the unknown
And remember your first blood!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride

My beautiful baby
And your second head!
How wonderful it all turned out for you:
Married! I congratulate you!

My son-in-law! He suddenly took something expensive -
Mine, I always need.
I'll take it standing
My teardrop is nonsense!

The main thing here is to be happy
And warmth, and tenderness of feelings!
May your age be without adversity
And give a new circle for life!

I promise to be a grandma
Not average, but excellent!
Let the pots fill the house
And breathe in the aroma!

Son! Let me have that word!
Build a palace of trust!
Nail a horseshoe at the cross!
You will have everything! I believe!

Keep your health
Especially sincere!
Do not tear flowers from other people's fields,
Be the first to each other!

Poems for newlyweds on their wedding day

Happy wedding day, children, congratulations,
You will live together until gray hair!
I am the mother of the best daughter in the world,
And her husband is now my son.

There are a lot of jokes about mother-in-law
Invented for fun.
I swear, for my dear son-in-law
I will not be a hindrance.

Live together and share
All for two: sadness and joy,
And let your union not destroy
Neither life, nor someone's evil envy.

Learn to understand each other
Give birth to our beautiful grandchildren,
Let them go hand in hand with you
Love, harmony and happiness.

Dear newlyweds,
I congratulate you on your wedding day,
And my own daughter
I entrust you with a son-in-law and a son.

Now you are responsible for her
Keep like a rare talisman.
Do not offend in vain with a word,
Don't inflict heartache.

And you, daughter, try
Keep your family hearth,
And provide a worthy husband
Home comfort and peace.

With offspring, do not pull for a long time
And give us grandchildren.
Let your feelings not cool down
And there will be peace and harmony in the house.

Daughter is a sweet bride
You are my beloved son-in-law
I congratulate you on your wedding day,
Happy doves!

Happiness is flawless
And love goes through life
An endless thread.

Together in joy and sorrow
Walk side by side
Well, we have beautiful grandchildren
Give birth soon!

Congratulations on your wedding day from the mother of the bride

That's all. Now I am a mother-in-law!
My destiny is to knead pancakes
And make sure that the son-in-law becomes fatter
And he didn’t “drive waves” on his daughter.
Well, of course it's a joke!
In the heart of joy and sadness -
My little one has grown...
Before you all the breadth and distance!
From birth threshold
You go to another house.
Be easy your way!
Be a good wife!
Take care of yourself and your husband
Create comfort in the nest.
The main thing that a husband needs:
Know that they are waiting for him at home,
Always ready to listen
Cheer up and caress
Live in love, not in chains,
Be sure to trust.
And then it won't get stronger
your young family,
More harmonious and lighter
You will become with children later.
Well, I'm always ready
And to pancakes, and to be a nanny.
And I want for you again
Sip this drink!

Congratulations on the wedding day of the children,
I want to touch on subtle topics:
Starting family life
Alas, do not get away from problems.
And here you can't write anything -
Life is designed like this
And in the dispute you are looking for the truth,
And sometimes nerves falter.
Don't ruin life with conflicts
I wish you guys!
Decide everything together, not argue,
Divide worries in half.
Reduce disagreement to a joke
Keep the word of anger in our hearts,
Catching happiness in every minute
On the wings of consent to fly.
To achieve understanding in everything,
Doubts are always resolved.
May these wishes come true!
You are best! Keep it up! You are like from the picture today
Daughter seems to be gone.
You are now two halves
You are a young family.
you suit each other
There are even some similarities.
Gently hold hands
This does you credit.
Save you for years
Respect and dreams.
Let adversity bypass you
Arguing for the right.
Let there be peace in your house
May joy always live.
Let luck not decrease
And love never die. What could be prettier for a mother
How happy is the shining daughter here?
Long forgotten lullaby song
But I want, as before, to help me:
Save you from troubles and from misfortunes,
Protect sacredly with your love.
But now you have another happiness,
Now you and your husband, daughter, will live.
So let this life fairy tale
Blooms, sings, and pleases you!
May happiness be an endless sea
Which burns, beckoning with a star.
And you, my glorious son-in-law, remember the advice:
Take care of your daughter like a treasure.
Bread and salt, let prosperity come to the house -
And good luck, my loves! Dear children, let them be happy
There will be your nights and days.
May it always bloom in a beautiful soul
A fairy tale flower of your love.
May the sun smile on you forever
And keeps the family life and home.
May cherished dreams come true -
With tenderness, smile and kindness.
Let people treat you with soul,
Let the laughter of children ring out.
Everything that is in the plans - let it come true.
Be young, be the best! My mother's command
Accept from the heart.
In this life every hour
You worship!
Enjoy your heart with everything
Every moment of the world.
Let love reign everywhere
Bright colors of summer.
Let harmony, warmth
They live in the house.
You are lucky with each other
So live long. Daughter, dear, are you dear?
Little by little I remember you
Brown eyes, smile, freckles.
Since childhood, she was mischievous, naughty!
I watered my dolls with delicious tea,
You loved to braid them pigtails,
But the golden time has flown by.
You are entering a new life today.
The man you love is next to you.
He loves you with all his heart, soul,
Happiness to your family, plenty of money.
Now I will say: “Bitter!” So ​​that life is sweet! Happy smile, white veil,
Dear girl, you are now a wife!
Your beloved son will be for us now,
Life will be beautiful, believe in the future!
We would like to wish you today
Kindness and patience, live - do not lose heart!
Go through life boldly, love dear,
Love for him and loyalty forever to keep.
The road will be long and difficulties will come.
Clouds will cover the sun, and rain and hail will fall.
But together you are stronger than bad weather and trouble,
He is protection for you, love and tenderness - you.
Sweet baby, sunny days!
Joyful moments, star lights!
May this happy day continue forever!
May your loved one always be by your side! Zyatek, listen to the instructions,
After all, I became a second mother,
I wish you without delay
Cheerful life, daring.
Zyatek, love your wife madly
Take care of troubles and gossip.
I know you will be smart
And live in love! I congratulate you, daughter,
After all, today you became a wife,
Of course I wish my son-in-law
So that he sees only your image.
I looked at you with delight,
I only loved you sincerely
You lived for a long, long time
And let not a day pass without affection. Son and daughter, dear,
You accept congratulations!
You are so happy
I wish you patience.
And in the family life of happiness,
Nowhere to despair
So that true love
Could keep warm forever! Special day today -
Another family was born.
And let the Lord's care
It will be with you day by day.
Congratulations young
And I want to wish you
So that you love each other
And we tried to understand.
I wish my daughter
For her husband to help her
And she, to understand
If needed for business.
Well, I wish my son-in-law
To love his wife
Everything will grow together, I know it -
You are not alone in the world. Carry on my children
You are love through the years.
Be happy in the world
May there always be peace.
Well I don't need much
If only in about a year.
God would have given you
My favorite granddaughter. Dear our children!
Let the sun shine on you!
May your union be strong
And your house is very happy,
Let the kids be born -
Both girls and boys
Let there always be enough money
And friends don't leave.
Daughter, stay cute
Do not quarrel with our son-in-law!
Be a friendly family
Well, we are for you! We marry our daughter
And gathered today
To celebrate this holiday
Let it be happy life.
We love you, our relatives,
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Let the family be yours
Hurry for the child! Dear newlyweds!
You have found your soul mate...
And from the parents of the bride
Accept these wishes.
So that your life path, we want
generously rewarded with gifts,
It was strewn with leaves of happiness,
And drove away trouble, bad weather ...
To respect each other
Appreciated work, loved, waited.
And so that the mysterious time
It gave no reason to doubt.
Keep your spouses true,
Love is powerful and immortal!
Let parting words into the hearts,
Take care of the family! Dear young people,
You are so kind to us.
We give the daughter in marriage,
Let's call the son-in-law.
Be happy love
And take care of each other.
And God gave a child
There is a lot of happiness on the threshold. Our dear daughter,
Happiness fills the heart
Looking at you today
All our relatives are happy!
This wedding day is wonderful
We wish that together
You and your husband walked along the path
And they took care of each other. Newlyweds, happiness to you!
Thank heavens for that
That you met and fell in love
May life be full of goodness and warmth!
We wish our daughter to be a good wife,
Respect and appreciate your husband
Son-in-law of success and male strength,
May prosperity and peace reign in the house! You have become a legitimate family today,
Take care of your feelings and your beautiful union,
Be respectful and faithful to each other
Reach the desired height together!
Son-in-law, dear, love your wife dearly,
Appreciate, give her your strong shoulder,
In the family, be a leader and a stone wall,
May your daughter be happy with you! Our dear, our dear children,
Here is the most important step you have taken.
Do not find anyone dearer to you on the planet,
May your marriage be strong and happy.
May happiness suddenly burst into your house,
Let luck knock loudly,
And in the hearts, let loyalty remain,
And let love and passion run through the veins. A wedding is so beautiful
Two loving looks as one!
We wish you love, hugs, affection -
Let life be like in a sweet fairy tale!
And we have a double holiday today:
We have acquired a beautiful son!
Keep our girl like the apple of an eye,
And relax in Bali! Today our children have become a family!
Take care, appreciate your beautiful union,
Walk together to new shores
And save the feelings of mutual temple!
God bless you beloved, desired children,
Harmony, strength, many joyful days,
Live with all your heart, with a wide soul,
The road to you is bright, happy, great! We are happy, because the children have a holiday -
Your wedding day is the brightest day in your life!
You now accept congratulations,
Carry your love through the years!
Always love and always forgive
Understand each other, trust.
And may we be with relatives in years
Walk at your golden wedding! We give the daughter in marriage,
Be happy together!
We congratulate the young
We want understanding.
Live in harmony and love
Have kids soon.
So that prosperity reigns in the family
And the work was in order.
Our dear daughter,
You are our beauty and pride.
Let everything work out for you
Our children, have a good time! We give our daughter
In caring hands.
Do not quarrel, children, never,
But, and do not know boredom.
We wish you an easy way
Prosperity and good luck
Treat and appreciate each other
And grandchildren - we will understand. How our daughter has grown!
She has a family now.
Fell in love with your son
Now we are sons-in-law.
Let's wish them
To live together, do not grieve!
Happy wedding, children, congratulations!
We will drink for you today! We wish young
Happiness and luck,
Walk hand in hand
And nothing else.
We raised our daughter
Were married
You live in such a way that
We were proud of you! We're getting our daughter married today!
We wish you a long journey together,
love each other, respect
Give warmth and affection.
May there be many bright days
Have the children you want
Dream and strive for the best
May the bird of happiness be with you!