
How to get rid of an annoying girlfriend. Annoying friend. What to do? obsessive girlfriend what to do


The world of human relationships is complex, often we have to communicate with people we don't like. When it is connected with work or forced neighborhood, then communication cannot be avoided. And if unpleasant people are imposed as friends, girlfriends, claim our time, require attention? What to do then? How to get rid of a girlfriend, communication with which is painful?

How obsessive girlfriends turn on

Most often, such annoying persons appear in life by accident. Acquaintance at the resort, a chance meeting, contacts with a colleague, a short communication - and a “girlfriend” penetrates into your life. She clings like a leech, begins to obsessively demand attention, talks about her problems, sticks her nose into your affairs and claims your time.

Often such "lady vampires" become the position of an unfortunate victim. And you cannot show callousness and inflexibility and begin to feel sorry for them, make concessions and very quickly become their victim yourself.

One of the causes of importunity can be envy. Seeing your success, well-being, attractiveness, etc., the envious lady, on the one hand, hopes to become a witness to how your well-being will collapse, and rejoice at this. On the other hand, often unconsciously, it seeks to get a piece of your luck, to “get infected” by it.

Such girlfriends are the most dangerous, if an envious person has appeared in your environment, then it is urgent to resolve the issue of how to get rid of an envious girlfriend.

Breaking up unwanted relationships is not easy, as most women avoid openly showing their dislike. But the longer you tolerate a sassy person next to you, the harder it is to part with her.

There are many tips on how to get rid of it. But if, due to excessive tact and modesty, you have allowed an unpleasant person into your life, then you are unlikely to be able to take advantage of them. For example, openly start flirting with a friend's boyfriend or talking nasty things about her on social networks.

Therefore, it is better to follow the tactics of distancing and ignoring.

  1. Do not answer calls, remove from contacts.
  2. In a personal meeting, say that you are very busy and you are not interested in her offer to "have fun."
  3. Do not succumb to pity and reject requests for help under various pretexts. A friend is likely to be persistent, but after a few categorical "no" will be forced to leave you alone.
  4. Find a reason to quarrel, if a girlfriend really annoys you, then this will not be difficult to do. The conflict, most likely, will only lead to a temporary cessation of relations - impudent people are not touchy. But how one of the stages of the gap will work.
  5. The most effective and honest way is a direct conversation. Find the strength to tell your friend that you do not want to communicate with her, that you are tired of her arrogance and obsession. After an open conversation, it will be easier to ignore her.

If direct and honest methods do not help, then you will have to show ingenuity. You can, for example, at every meeting constantly talk to a friend about her shortcomings, mistakes, problems. Few people can endure such communication for a long time, and the annoying person will finally leave you behind.

Very often, people who until recently were inseparable become the worst enemies or simply enemies. Why this happens cannot be unambiguously answered, because often the reasons can be completely different and dissimilar. Sometimes there may not be any reasons at all, you just now have no desire to communicate with her.

If suddenly your girlfriend has sharply bothered you or has become some kind of barrier in life, and you are trying to get rid of her, then we will try to figure out how this can be done.

1) If you were her closest friends, it will be really difficult to break the connection. After all, your friend has already managed to become attached to you, and for her it will be completely incomprehensible your desire to turn off all contacts for no reason at all. So here we have to invent some justification. The ideal option is a quarrel. But after all, she also needs a reason, and an impressive and very reasoned reason, so that suddenly her friend does not notice the falsification of this action. If you have absolutely nothing to share, you will have to pretend that because of something you have a growing antipathy for your girlfriend. In order to inflate the conflict to a loud scandal, you can take any of its minor flaws. For example, constant lack of punctuality. And after you start laying out your "accusatory speech" to her, it won't even take five minutes for her to start doing the same. And here there will no longer be an artificial quarrel, but a real one, because many of her words will surely anger you. After this, you can safely end the relationship. Even if a friend tries to start communicating with you again, it will not be difficult to chop them off in the bud with rude and cold behavior. Now she will no longer be tormented by questions about why you suddenly decided to nullify your communication with her.

2) If you are not the closest friends, but only good friends, all contacts can be rolled up sequentially, over time. For example, stop responding to her messages, calls, or talking reluctantly, invariably justifying this with insane workload. If you forget to call her back a couple of times, then she will probably begin to understand that you do not need her. And if she has even a modicum of self-respect, she will stop imposing her friendship.

3) You can also throw your desire to turn off communication on a friend, making it her fault. To do this, you simply need to get her mad by doing something that she doesn’t like. For example, start being nice to her boyfriend. Or just become a person with such a set of qualities that always annoyed her. You probably know what you need to be so that she stops enduring you. Be sure that after this, your friend will soon run away from you.

Friendship is a wonderful concept that has been valued for many centuries. It should be based on mutual understanding, mutual assistance and common interests. Friends spend a lot of time together, so they share a lot with each other, they often want to get advice, support in difficult moments, a like-minded person in moments of happiness or an attentive listener. But what if your girlfriend becomes more intrusive, leaves you less and less personal space, time for yourself and tells absolutely everything? Everything happens in life, and often people change their attitude. A girlfriend may, on purpose or unconsciously, increasingly need your help and support, while completely ignoring your needs, taking advantage of your location.

Difficult period in life or importunity?

There is nothing strange in the fact that a close friend trusts you and shares secret secrets, problems and successes. In our life, a loved one acts as a psychologist, whom we can unconditionally trust and receive valuable advice. But everything should be in moderation. You are not obliged to indulge all the whims of a girlfriend and spend all your free time on her. It's one thing when she occasionally asks you to listen to her, but it's quite another - daily retellings of all the small troubles and complaints about a failed life.

The main signs of an annoying girlfriend:

  • she always talks only about herself;
  • not interested in your affairs and problems;
  • asks for advice, but often does not listen to the end or still does everything in his own way;
  • despite your help and support, continues to do nothing to solve the problem, but simply complains and whines;
  • often calls and asks to meet on a trifling occasion;
  • absolutely does not notice your hints at her lack of measure.

This is what selfish people do, for whom their own person always comes first. It is important for them to be heard, to attract the attention of others and to receive approval. Or these are people who are terribly unsure of themselves: they cannot solve a trifling question on their own, choose clothes, doubt the correctness of the decision made, want to be supported and told how to behave correctly.

If, nevertheless, an annoying girlfriend attacked you, it is time to tactfully get rid of her. First of all, you should think about your interests, and if communication has become a burden, you should not endure it.

How to get rid of an annoying girlfriend forever

Tips on how you can cut ties with a shameless girlfriend:

  • it is best to say everything directly, if a person is adequate, he will understand everything and either stop behaving selfishly or stop communicating;
  • reduce the amount of communication, referring to the fact that you also have other things to do;
  • feel free to say no, then she will understand that you are not indulging her every whim.
  • spend time in a company where she will not tell personal stories, or in the cinema, theater (places where it is problematic to talk a lot);
  • refuse to discuss specific topics by saying that you do not want to influence her decisions too much.


Nastya Shadrina 2019.03.29 20:12


To answer

Lisa 2019.03.29 20:14

To answer

Ekaterina. 2019.05.20 13:11

A friend calls me after I didn’t refuse her service to give away unnecessary children’s things. Now he calls every day and several times, before that they had never communicated so often. Already from nothing to say sighs and is silent into the phone. To my question: you fell asleep, says no and then is silent. I don't understand why he is calling. I used to try to dilute the silence, now I am silent in response and this can go on for a long time. I already turn off the phone, and as soon as I turn it on, her call is heard, it seems to me that she is sick. I don’t know how to get rid of her, and I already very much regret that I took her baby things, now apparently I have to endure it?

In general, here is the problem.
There is a certain girl, very active, strange, lives in another city.
We met her as single mothers, on the forum, began to correspond, then met. and started calling.
Or rather, she calls me. For a whole hour, she rattles about all her new acquaintances, about how the peasants like her, and so on. She is very talkative, there is such a type of people - ...well, they are delusional or something. The mouth does not close, and it is impossible to insert a word. And I'm so ... judiciously calm. I do not particularly like to talk about myself, delicate.
She calls me several times a week. The words are - "Oh, Julia! I saw such a guy! So handsome, he looked at me like that! He smiled so much!" and so on. and it stretches for an hour - there are a lot of guys walking down the street ... "Yulka, the women at work envy me so much, but of course, I'm so charming, I can take anyone, so they get mad!" Etc.
It annoys me, the day before yesterday she called again, again about "a tall brunette who smiled at her, but was embarrassed to approach, apparently."
When I try to put in my five cents (and they don’t smile with me, they get to know me, ... not only on the street :-))), she interrupts and says, “uh, Yul, well, you yourself understand that you can’t I really like it., don't believe them, what, your husband wasn't enough? No, no.. he couldn't be seriously interested in you!"
Moreover, outwardly, I ... well, if I say that I’m better than her, it will be immodest. But she herself said more than once, “Of course, you are beautiful, but I’m not, but I’m so charming, I’m so funny !!! "

She sincerely considers me her friend. And therefore I am ashamed to cut her off somehow, to tell her that it is unpleasant for me that she treats me like this ... consumerly.

After her call, I am in some kind of prostration, emotionally exhausted, but at the same time ... well, what can I tell her? Don't call? But she sincerely considers me her friend, she talks about it. It's just, apparently, she is simple-hearted. And for some reason I feel sorry for her.

At the same time, I somehow feel that she’s not a fucking friend ... In real life, she only has one girlfriend, a quiet, quiet mouse, without education, painful ... Probably, she is the same with her .
I have many acquaintances, spinners, and all very interesting people, personalities. Intelligent. And they appreciate me.
And here... I'm confused.
I would not raise this topic on eve, if not for one BUT. I am the author of the topic- The situation in the garden. Now everything has settled down, the child really walks with pleasure, his upbringing has lagged behind him. BUT I was struck by how, it turns out, I am a silent sheep from the outside. (I am not at all offended by the members of the forum, on the contrary, I am grateful for this comparison.) After all, this is largely true.
I am overly delicate, "getting into position", ... well, it would be appropriate to recall the moral law that so admired Kant ... and I have it ... Like, I should be "above these trifles."
But it turns out that in many respects "sheep". And in these relations, which are incomprehensible and uninteresting for me. And, probably, in many other ways.
Decided to find out with the help of the forum.

  1. A friend who only talks about herself and loves to talk. You told her that you were going to the Crimea for the holidays, and you had to listen to her endless stories about how she went to Sudak with a friend and la-la-la, me, me, me. This girl may not be as self-centered as she seems. Her real problem is that she has an attention deficit, and she only pays attention to the part of the conversation that she can apply to herself, instead of focusing on what you want to say. Real friends are able to listen to you.
  2. The friend who sleeps with the guy you like. And she knows it, but she didn't even talk to you first. You are well aware that not every man you can fall in love with will reciprocate, and you are an adult to accept this. But it was as if expected from a friend that she would wipe away your tears about a failed relationship, in extreme cases she would explain herself, and not silently ride you on a dashing horse.
  3. A friend who is not happy for you when something serious and fateful happens in your life. For example, you got a new job, or you are getting married, or you are planning an amazing honeymoon in Spain. When you share with your friends, you expect them to be happy for you, and not try to outdo you, or change the subject, or say something questionable.
  4. A friend who expects you to do everything for her, but is not ready to return the same. You look after her cat every time she goes away, but she never took your dog for a walk. You come to visit her with a full package of sweets, and she comes to you empty-handed. You will always help her choose a dress or figure out the intricacies of relations with her MCH, and she won’t even pick up the phone if you need to speak out or urgently help with something. This is not friendship, but a one-sided game. Do you need it?
  5. A friend who won't say nice things about your other friends. We don't have to love each other's friends. But this does not mean that it is worth discrediting them in your eyes, because they are dear to you. It is unlikely that these people seriously annoyed her. Most likely, she just loves to make drama out of nothing.
  6. A friend who is jealous of you. This one is easy to recognize: she constantly makes ambiguous remarks about everything you do, and goes out of her way just to outdo you. If it is more important for her to compete than to be friends, is it worth spending time on her?
  7. Negative. She doesn’t like everyone you both meet, every party you go to, every shop, cafe, concert ... There’s nothing to even discuss with her, she scolds everything. Communication with such people just drives into depression. If you want to be happy, surround yourself with positivity.
  8. A friend who doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore once she has a new boyfriend. It doesn't matter that you supported her during the last difficult parting - now she is fine, and her friends are forgotten. So you forget, otherwise she will run to you to cry and disappear when everything is fine.
  9. A friend who gives you double entender compliments. From the series: “You are so natural! It's great that you're not obsessed with cosmetics. That's right, don't be ashamed of the wrong facial features! Or: “Listen, advise me how to get better. And then whatever I eat - everything is not in the horse's food. What do you usually eat, for example?”, “If I didn’t know, I would never have thought that you are 10 years older than me!”. And all this is usually voiced in front of a man who looks at you with interest. Oh well. The most idiotic thing is that people who give out such bitchy comments really think that it makes them beautiful. Pathetic, funny creatures.
  10. A friend who dynamizes you so often that it is not clear how she manages to live with such a level of responsibility. When you arrange to meet, you are more likely to marry Brad Pitt than to see her at the appointed time. At the same time, she either lies, writing excuses, or accuses you of finding fault with her and taking her sweet frivolity too close to her heart - oh-la-la! There is nothing charming or cute about this behavior: it just means that she does not respect you, your time and your friendship.
  11. A friend who tries to get you into drinking or experimenting with drugs."No" means "no", and end of discussion. There are people who believe that everything in life should be tried (for some reason, “everything” is often understood not as climbing a mountain peak and volunteering in Africa, but all sorts of bad excesses). Let them try - without you. If you know how to enjoy life without harmful addictions, why waste time on people who are dragging you down?