
Original tie knots. How to tie a tie: from simple to unusual ways. Ordinary "four": how to


Not every man has to puzzle over the question every day, how to tie a tie. If you work outside the office, if an informal style is allowed at work, then of course there is no need for such an accessory as a tie. And accordingly, you do not have to think about how to tie it correctly. But if you go to work in a suit, then you really need to know how to tie a tie!

On the other hand, besides work, there are also leisure hours. And only you decide how to spend them and what clothes to wear when going for a walk, to the theater or cinema with your girlfriend. Some prefer comfortable jeans and a T-shirt. But modern dandy guided by the desire for elegance and style, not comfort! And he will wear, rather, a beautiful suit with a shirt and tie. Therefore, today we will talk about how to tie a tie with various spectacular knots ... in pictures!

You can tie a men's tie with a dozen different knots. Some of them are simple and strict, others are quite difficult for a beginner, but also more elegant than an example. We will look at some of the most common patterns (ways) of how to tie a tie. Videos, photos and pictures are attached!

simple tie knot

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to tie a tie. It is he who can be advised to dandy beginners who are just starting to learn the art of dressing elegantly 🙂

  • Level of difficulty: simple.
  • Synonyms: free knot, Four-in-Hand, Four-in-hand, four.
  • Tie: any length, any material.
  • Shirt (shirt): any, the main thing is that the collar does not cover the knot.

Tie knot Windsor

A classic knot, whose history is associated with the name of the Duke of Windsor (the knot is named after him). It was he who invented how to tie a tie in this way and made it popular. This way of tying a men's tie is quite complicated, but the resulting knot is very elegant and beautiful. So if you want to know how to tie a windsor tie see the photo below:

  • Level of difficulty: medium difficulty, difficult for beginners.
  • Synonyms: Windsor, double knot, classic knot, elegant knot.
  • Tie : any, medium or long.
  • Shirt (shirt): a shirt with an English collar is ideal (this is when the corners of the collar are widely separated to the sides).

Detailed instructions - (with step-by-step instructions).

Universal knot (half windsor)

Quite a popular way to tie a tie, besides, justifying its name, it is actually universal, suitable for most cases. The resulting knot is a compact, neat, symmetrical triangular shape.

  • Level of difficulty: middle.
  • Synonyms: Half Windsor, Half Windsor, Half Windsor.
  • Tie: standard length thick silk tie, narrow tie, or wide tight tie.
  • Shirt (shirt): with any collar, but this knot looks most impressive in combination with a shirt with an open collar.

Tie knot Prince Albert

This is a fun and popular way to tie a tie, but it's also easy. This knot was named in honor of Duke Albert, the wife of Queen Victoria of Britain. How to tie a tie with a Prince Albert knot, see the photo diagram.

  • Level of difficulty: middle.
  • Synonyms: double simple, Prince Albert.
  • Tie: Any tie made of thin and soft fabric.
  • Shirt (shirt): with a wide and high collar.

Pratt tie knot

This is the last of the ways we are considering how to tie a tie. He appeared back in 1989. The invention of this tie knot is attributed either to Jerry Pratt or to Don Shelby. But this is not important to us, we are more interested in the Pratt knot tying scheme.

  • Level of difficulty: middle.
  • Synonyms: Pratt; Shelby, Shelby.
  • Tie: not very long.
  • Shirt (shirt): with a narrow collar.

It is not enough to be able to tie a tie beautifully, you must also be able to properly care for it! Here are some simple but useful tips on how to properly care for a tie so that it remains beautiful and of high quality for a long time:

  • tie by all meansneed to untie! If you simply remove it without untying it, then folds form;
  • stored tie should be in hanging position;
  • in no case do not iron and wash tie! So you will only spoil it, if the tie is wrinkled - roll it into a “roll” and leave it like that for the night, all the wrinkles will straighten out.

Bonus! A small table with several popular patterns for tying a tie:

How to tie a tie - popular schemes

And finally useful video how to tie a tie:

When copying an article or part of it, a direct link to

According to clothes they meet, as one well-known proverb says, so a successful man must definitely look brand new. This applies to the style of clothing, hair and hair styling, the presence of additional accessories and even manners. Stylists insist that the wardrobe of a modern man must have a classic suit, shirts, bow ties and ties for different occasions.

For beginners, even step-by-step instructions are offered on how to tie a tie, since when meeting this accessory, many men fall into a stupor. In fact, there is nothing difficult in tying a tie, it is enough to find a simple way for beginners, after mastering it, practice with more complicated techniques. And if a man has step-by-step instructions or video tutorials in his arsenal, this makes his fate even easier.

Before choosing instructions on how to tie a tie step by step, a man needs to familiarize himself with the basic rules and requirements from stylists and designers. Firstly, it is worth understanding that a tie should be an addition to the overall image, while it should not cause feelings of embarrassment and discomfort. Secondly, regardless of the fabric and variety, the tie knot should not be overstretched and crumpled. You need to weave a tie right around your neck.

For reference! A tie appeared in a man's wardrobe back in ancient Egypt, that's what the records from history say. Then it was a piece of geometric-shaped matter on the shoulders, talking about the high status of the owner. The ancient Chinese were also the progenitors of such an accessory; warriors and nobles had similar scarves around their necks.

When choosing a tie, you need to pay attention to 3 parameters - the width of the tie, its length, as well as the color scheme and pattern. To date, designers offer 3 types of accessories - classic for official events, festive and creative for creative people. The length of the tie should ideally be up to the line of the belt plaque. But there are a huge number of options for how to tie a tie for all types and occasions.

Do you wear fancy ties?


A simple knot: we knit and do not bathe

The easiest method on how to tie a tie step by step is the Kent knot or, as it is commonly called by the people. This technique is ideal for accessories sewn from strong and coarse fabrics, as well as under a shirt with a small or narrow collar. To perform a simple knot, a man needs to perform several actions, according to the instructions, namely:

  1. A tie is thrown around the neck with the front side up, so that the narrow strip is located on the left, respectively, the wide one is on the right. It is desirable that the thin part is above the location of the navel.
  2. Next, a wide strip is placed on top of a narrow one to form an intersection from them.
  3. Now, with the wide end inside out, make a loop around the bottom of the tie, wrapping it from left to right, after which the wide edge is pushed near the collar of the shirt from the outside forward.
  4. Now the end of the wide strip must be threaded into the resulting pocket from it, stretching the strip to the desired length.

Be sure to straighten the resulting knot and tighten it a little, but so that there are no folds and dents. A wide strip must be smoothed over the narrow part of the tie, lowered to the beginning of the belt on the trousers. The accessory must be woven in such a way as not to wrinkle the fabric and make a neat uniform knot in the center of the shirt collar. You can visually consider all the steps to create a simple node in the photo below.

Double knot step by step

The easiest way to style a classic tie is to double knot it. It is necessary to form such a knot strictly on the shirt, since individually the knot can turn out to be inharmonious or completely asymmetrical in tandem with a shirt and a suit. The optimal length of the location of the ends of the tie is not lower than 2 cm from the line of the belt.

The double knot step-by-step instruction includes the following steps:

  1. The tie is placed on the neck with the right side up.
  2. And then a wide strip crosses a narrow one from left to right.
  3. Now the wide ribbon is passed under the narrow one to form a pocket from right to left.
  4. After the knot is formed, a wide strip is pulled through a narrow one.
  5. The wide end of the tie is sent to the side to pull up the first knot.
  6. Next, the knot is again made on top of the first, wrapping a narrow one with a wide strip of a tie.
  7. Now the same edge of the accessory is lifted to the collar, from the inside it is pulled through the loop around the neck.
  8. A wide strip is threaded into pockets from a double knot.
  9. At the end, the tie is pulled down to the optimum length.

A wide strip must necessarily overlap a narrow one, stretching down to the very strap on the trousers. And in order to thoroughly master the technique for beginners, it is worth looking at each step in the picture below.

Beautiful knot: instruction in pictures for beginners

To learn how to properly tie a tie, you need to master the standard techniques and instructions that were described above. They are used most often for work environments and official events. But for holidays and bright events, another way of decorating a tie is more often practiced. A striking example is the Wismar tie knot, which is distinguished by sophistication and elegance.

You can learn a beautiful knot if you look at all the execution steps in detail, namely:

  • the tie is placed around the neck, after which the narrow edge is crossed with a wide strip;
  • then the same wide end is drawn up through the loop on the neck;
  • now make a knot on one side of the loop with a wide strip;
  • then a wide strip is threaded from the bottom of a narrow strip of a tie, as shown in the picture;
  • the wide edge of the tie is thrown from the outside inside the loop from its second side, but already from top to bottom;
  • now the strip is pulled down to make the second knot on the tie;
  • a wide strip is placed on top of a narrow one, lowering down along the shirt.

Theoretically, it is difficult to understand the procedure for weaving a beautiful knot, so each step is best compared with pictures and a visual illustration of the actions. The name of such a knot is pratt, it is practiced to create a solemn image of a man and women, preferring ties made of satin or silk. Today, this style is also welcomed in the office setting, but it is combined with fashionable and stylish outfits of modern style.

Video with step by step instructions

For some men, it is enough to look at pictures and illustrations of how to weave different knots from ties and neck scarves in stages. It is easier for others to learn such techniques with the help of video tutorials in order to visually view all the actions of a man. Therefore, experts offer the following videos for training:

Double knot:

Beautiful knot:

All three options are widely used around the world among men of all ages and styles of clothing. And if earlier each type of tie and weaving meant certain circumstances, today stylists promote freedom of choice and self-expression, including with the help of such accessories.


You can learn how to weave a tie in pictures, theoretically and with the help of videos, but it is better to combine all three methods in order to improve your knowledge and skills. A tie is an important attribute of a modern and successful man, it can be combined with classic suits, as well as with informal and stylish clothes. It is only important to know the rules for choosing an accessory, the methodology for its design and combination with certain items of clothing.

This article will talk in detail about the most popular tie knots, their types and methods of tying.

It's hard to believe, but there are about 85 types of tie knots.

Although, men most often use only four methods: the Windsor knot, Half Windsor, Four-In-Hand and Pratt.

To expand our horizons with you, below it will be shown in detail in the photo and video how to tie the knot you like.

17 types of the most popular tie knots

Before you start studying the material, remember that in honor of this attribute of clothing, an unspoken holiday "" is celebrated every year, and see the knot tying technique itself.

1. Four-In-Hand knot. Also known as "Simple Tie Knot", "Quadruple Tie Knot", "Italian Tie Knot".

The knot is considered universal, since it is easy to tie, and it looks beautiful and neat.

The knot is unpretentious neither to the material nor to the length of the tie, but it holds its shape especially well on a wide tie made of dense material.

You can tie it easily - in just 4 steps, so it is especially popular among beginners.

2. Half Windsor Knot- "Half Windsor Tie Knot" or simply "Half Windsor Tie Knot".

This knot, derived from the Windsor knot, is preferred by most men.

It looks neat, has the shape of an even triangle and is medium in size. It is larger than the Four-In-Hand knot, but smaller than the Windsor knot.

This knot is suitable for many ties, regardless of their width and the fabric from which they are made, but it works perfectly on thin material and medium-weight fabrics.

3. Full windsor node- "Windsor Tie Knot" or "Windsor Tie Knot".

It is the tie with the Windsor knot that men most often wear in everyday life.

The shape of the knot is a symmetrical wide triangle. The Duke of Windsor, after whom the tie is named, favored ties made of thick material, which looked good on a wide tie knot.

It is practical to wear and easy to tie. But for men who want to look original, it is better to learn other ways to tie a tie knot.

Widely spaced slanting collar looks great in combination with such a knot.

In order for such a knot to look beautiful, the tie should be 4 cm longer than usual. Despite its massiveness, it is comfortable to wear, since the neck is not squeezed with such a knot.

4. Nicky knot- Nicky's Tie Knot. Also known as "New Classic Tie Knot", "Olney Tie Knot", or "Free American Tie Knot"!

The knot is elegant because its triangle is quite narrow and upside down. The material should be medium in weight, and the tie should be long.

The shape of the knot resembles a pyramid, it is similar to the Plattsburgh knot. Ties with a pattern in combination with this knot look sophisticated and luxurious.

It is not so easy to tie it, it takes time and some skill.

5. Bow Tie- "The bow tie"

A butterfly, dressed with an elastic band and a bow tie, tied with one's own hands, at first glance, do not have a difference, but a person who understands this issue sees the difference.

You will feel comfortable if you master the technique of tying a bow tie.

For these purposes, the knee imitating the neck, which has a girth commensurate with it, is best suited. This knot is combined with a winged collar - this is a standing collar with bent corners.

If you have a simple regular collar, then a bow tie will also work with it.

6. Knot Oriental- Eastern tie knot. Also called "Small Tie Knot", "Oriental Tie Knot", "Asian Tie Knot", "Red Tie Knot".

The eastern knot is small in size, and you can tie it in 3 steps.

The knot is elegant, looks great on voluminous ties made from heavy types of fabric: woolen, knitted, woven, etc.

Beginners should not master this knot, because it needs to get used to it.

Otherwise, it may untie at the most inopportune moment or look not very neat.

7. Kelvin knot- "Kelvin Tie Knot"

If you complicate the East node a little, then the Kelvin node will come out, which is named after the famous physicist and mathematician.

It is necessary to wrap the wide end of the accessory around the knot again. The result will please you - a small elegant knot will appear in front of you, clear, dense and symmetrical.

The tie is tied with the seam on the outside. The knot is considered purl, but the seam is not visible, but is completely hidden under the collar.

8. Pratt Knot- Pratt Tie Knot. Also called "Shelby Tie Knot", "American Tie Knot".

The Pratt knot bears the name of its inventor, who worked for the American Chamber of Commerce.

He received his second name - Shebli, in honor of the famous American reporter, who unwittingly made him popular, constantly being on the air in a tie with just such a knot.

This knot is preferred by Americans. It is discreet, moderately wide and has its own peculiarity: a short tie is also suitable for it.

But on accessories that are too long, such a knot will not look. It goes well with shirts that have a narrow collar.

9. St Andrew Knot- "Saint Andrew Tie Knot". Also called "Saint Andrew's Knot" or "Saint Andrew's Knot".

The knot got its name in honor of the Apostle Andrew, crucified on an oblique cross.

This knot is tied exactly like this: crosswise. It is classified as universal, you can try it on different ties.

It will definitely look good if the tie is woolen and plain.

Saint Andrew is suitable for everyday wear, as well as for a costume for a celebration. It looks presentable in combination with wide collars.

10. Balthus knot- Balthus Tie Knot.

Balthus is the largest knot in size. It is large, wide, cone-shaped.

It was designed by the Swiss artist whose name it bears. The inventor of the knot presented his "innovation" in a somewhat strange way: the wide end of the tie lay on his chest, and the narrow end reached the waist.

If you prefer this knot, then practice well to be able to tie it, otherwise it will look unpresentable and sloppy.

The knot turns out beautiful from light and thin fabrics.

11. Hanover knot- Tie knot Hannover.

"Hanover" is a knot that forms a symmetrical triangle. It belongs to large knots and is larger than Windsor.

Knots of this type are suitable for collars with a wide neckline.

If you ignore this rule, then the shape of the knot may be distorted or the collar may bulge.

12. Plattsburgh Knot- Plattsburgh Tie Knot.

Plattsburgh is a wide inverted cone shaped knot that is suitable for light to medium weight materials.

If you have a worn but beloved tie, then with the help of this knot you can bring it back to life.

In form, Plattsburgh refers to asymmetric knots.

13. Grantchester knot- "Grunchester Tie Knot".

Grantchester looks like a big knot. A long tie will suit him.

It is large even when made of a narrow tie and light fabric.

In order to tie it, you need to learn 9 steps, which not everyone will like.

Granchester is better to choose men of small stature. It goes best with the Shark collar.

14. Victoria knot- Victoria Tie Knot.

The knot is wonderful against the background of a thin tie that has lost its appearance. In appearance, "Victoria" is similar to a simple knot.

The difference is an additional thickening, since the fabric of the tie is wrapped around the loop 2 times.

This makes Victoria ideal for tying thin or heavily worn ties.

15. Eldredge knot- Eldridge Tie Knot.

If you want something out of the box, then learn the 15 steps required to create an Eldridge knot.

It is difficult to perform, but your efforts will be rewarded.

Invented in 2007 by Jeffrey Eldredge, the fishtail knot has an impressive size. The popularity of the node was brought by the Internet.

Men who have chosen Eldridge for themselves should be careful, since the knot is rather “capricious”.

16. Trinity knot- Trinity Tie Knot.

Trinity is an unusual knot that appeared not so long ago, but is becoming more and more popular every year.

It has an asymmetric shape, which maintains interest in this node.

A person who has learned to tie it attracts attention, stands out from the crowd.

To acquire the necessary skill, you need to practice a little.

17. Christensen knot- Christensen Tie Knot. Also called "Cross Tie Knot" and "Square Tie Knot".

Christensen is suitable for shirts with a high collar. It looks beautiful on both narrow and wide ties.

The knot is effective for ties made of wool, cashmere or other dense fabrics.

It is easy to adjust, it has a small volume and is comfortably pressed.

Basic rules for wearing a tie

1. With its end, the tie should reach the belt buckle.

2. You can't tuck a tie into your pants.

3. In width, it should be commensurate with the width of the lapels of the jacket, but should not be wider.

4. If you prefer to wear the collar unbuttoned, then it is better not to wear a tie.

5. A tie does not need to use both hairpins and pins at the same time - your image will turn out to be “overloaded”. Use any of the listed elements, but only one.

6. Choose a knot for the type of your face. So, for example, if you have a narrow face, it is not necessary to have a massive knot that will bring disharmony into the image.

8. No need to combine such colors of a tie and clothes as a cage, stripes, patterns of the same size. For example, if your suit is pinstriped, then your tie may have a wide stripe. You put on a catchy shirt, then the tie should be calm tones.

9. First, get a suit, and already to him - a tie.

The existing rules, as well as the concept of "fashionable tie knot" can be considered subjective, relative. You have probably come across the fact that there are men who wear a tie contrary to existing rules and look quite presentable and non-trivial.

There are no strict rules and restrictions for a tie that adorns a delicate female neck - wear them as you like.

Try on the accessory not only with suits, try to wear it with a T-shirt or even a dress. Experiment, find new unusual images for yourself!

This advice is not just for women. Men also want to look great, dress beautifully.

After all, there are so many seductive women around ...

Please yourself with new suits, shirts, put on incredibly stylish ties for them and celebrate this unusual holiday with joy!

Many men use a tie not only with a shirt at a formal event, for them a beautiful tie is a fashion accessory that can emphasize individuality.

The ability to correctly combine colors and material with the type of tie knot will allow you to bring new interesting nuances to your style.

In order for the tie to look stylish and spectacular, it is important to select the knot to fit the collar of the shirt and the complexion of the man. Shades should be selected to match the color of the eyes or suit. Having the skills to tie one knot in your arsenal is not enough, by doing this you deprive your look of zest.

Features of a beautiful tie, types of knots and a combination of colors

The calmer the colors of a beautiful tie, the more complex knots can be applied to it, but this does not exclude the possibility of using a simple knot for creative models.

Photo of beautiful and original tied ties

It is better to tie bright, colorful, ties with a complex pattern with a simple knot, this will avoid repeated refractions of the pattern, but for calm colors, men have much more tying options.

Scheme: how to tie a simple knot beautifully

A simple knot is the most versatile option that any beginner can master in 2-3 workouts. This technique is suitable for a narrow opening angle of a shirt collar. A simple knot consumes minimal tie fabric and is the smallest in size. Great for slim men, slightly asymmetrical.

In order to tie a tie with a beautiful knot, you need to do it not in your hands, but on the collar. A simple knot should not have folds, it should turn out tight, but not loose.

Other types of knots for beautiful ties:

What else should a man know about how to tie a beautiful tie

  • The thicker the lining of the tie, the more difficult it is to form a knot.
  • Adjustment will help to give a complete look to the knot, for this you need to slightly pull the narrow end or move the knot upwards.
  • Do not over-tighten a beautiful tie, otherwise all knots will look the same.
  • A synthetic tie, no matter how beautiful, will never tie like a product made from natural fabrics.
  • A tie knot, matched to the type of his figure, will adorn a man. Wide massive knots are suitable for large men, thin and neat knots for thin men.
  • You need to select a knot based on the type of shirt collar and the material from which the tie is made.

How to tie a tie for a girl

A tie is an accessory that can "pull out" even the most boring set of women's wardrobe. It is important not only to be able to correctly select this original part of the toilet, but also to be able to tie it in accordance with the chosen style.

In most cases, a "Simple" node is enough

What will be useful:

  • tie;
  • iron;
  • clip;
  • mirror.

Your actions

The “small” knot is suitable for both girls and business women

  1. First of all, the tie needs to be smoothed out well to get rid of creases.
  2. Standing in front of a mirror, throw a tie around your neck with a seam inward. Align the ends of the tie, while the narrow one should be much longer than the wide one.
  3. Turn the wide end of the tie with the seam outward. Cross the ends of the tie so that the narrow end is under the wide end.
  4. Bring the wide end behind the knot, wrapping it around. Pass through the loop at the bottom and top. Pull the end forward and pass under the top layer of the knot.
  5. Straighten and tighten the knot so that wrinkles and stretch marks on the canvas disappear.
  6. The narrow end of the tie should not stick out from under the wide one, otherwise the process will have to be repeated.
  7. Secure the ends of the tie with a clip.


This method is best suited for ties that are plain or with a large pattern, emphasizing the image of a business woman. For a less formal style, a simple way to tie a knot is fine.

Massive knots are suitable for catchy ties in the style of "Dandy". Girls wear beautiful ties even instead of a belt on jeans - in this case, an arbitrary option will do.

Complete imitation of male knots limits the flight of fancy, because this is a whole science with a set of strict rules. Improvisation will help to create a unique, exclusive image, because famous women of fashion are guided by it.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video fragment, which presents the procedure for tying a stylish and beautiful Trinity tie. Enjoy watching!

The skill of tying a tie is useful to master not only for men, but also for their caring girls and wives. There are dozens of ways to tie a tie. They differ in technique, the thickness of the knot and the complexity of execution, they are united by one thing - the result: a man in a tie looks irresistible. has selected for you the most popular ways to tie a tie - from the simplest to the most intricate - and picked up tips on how not to make a mistake in choosing a shirt and suit.

Of course, it is easiest to use a simple node. First of all, lay the tie in such a way that the wide end is on the left hand, and the narrow end is on the right.

Throw the wide end over the thin one, wrap the wide end around the thin one, and then bring it out from below to the right side.

The wide end should be on top. You need to go into the resulting bezel. Now you have to move it to the left side.

In other words, one part of the tie must be brought in after another, while making a full circle, and then leading into a loop around the neck.

You have a double loop. You need to thread the wide part of the tie through it, resulting in a simple knot.

How to tie a Half Windsor

The knot is suitable for men with a high chin. It is easy to tie, and it looks quite advantageous. The Windsor is tied with a symmetrical knot with three equal knots. It is appropriate for a holiday, and for going to the club.
simple knot
Looks great with wide collar
Suitable for both narrow and wide ties

Knot "Pratt"

In the US, "Pratt" and "Windsor" are interchangeable. Moreover, "Pratt" is easier to tie and is well suited for ties made of special fabrics and elongated ones. It will be especially appropriate in the design of the image for a wedding celebration and a business meeting.
Suitable for wide collars
For tight ties


Perhaps this knot can be called the most concise for a tie. Suitable for the office, but also suitable for a date in a restaurant. In addition, you can not be afraid to tie such a knot on a tie made of bulky fabric.
Use for hard fabric ties
small knot
Looks especially advantageous on muscular men

How to tie a tie in a cross knot

The knot is very elegant. It is suitable for festive occasions. Looks good with wide collars.
Suitable for ties made of lightweight fabrics
Ideal for the office
Can hide a wide neck


Narrow elegant knot. Named after a physicist who lived in the 19th century. In the node, you can consider the continuation of the node "Kent". It is worth noting that to get the Kelvin knot you need patience: it is tied narrowly and for a long time.
Suitable for small collars

How to tie a Nicky knot

The knot got its name in honor of an employee of the Nicky tie manufacturing company. The company gave recommendations for tying ties in brochures. The knot is best suited for men with a flat chin and a small face, and thanks to its tapered shape, it favorably emphasizes the contours of the face.
Triangular shape, and pronounced
self untied


The knot looks voluminous even with narrow ties. It is not easy to tie it, and it is generally difficult for a beginner to understand these numerous curls. But those who master the "Granchester" will submit to all other knots. The knot looks pompous and solemn, because of this, men with an oval face should avoid it. As a rule, short men like it, since numerous curls shorten the tie in the process of tying.
Knot large, voluminous
self untied


The knot was invented by the artist Balthus in 1933. It is designed to give the right shape to beautiful narrow ties.
Volume knot
For large collars
Suitable for narrow ties


The name comes from the multimillionaire Aristotle Onassis. The knot is very extravagant: at the end of tying, the tie is superimposed on the knot, and it is completely hidden. Maybe because of the inappropriateness in high circles, this knot is not loved. If you like it, tie "Onassis" only in combination with wide collars.

For rare occasions
For high collar shapes

New Classic

The knot is suitable for shorter ties. It looks on the fabric in the form of a narrow triangle.
For medium weight fabrics


Suitable for narrow ties and is a double knot, quite large. The Windsor knot replaced the simple knot in 1940, and since then the popularity of large knots has increased: the knot completely fills the wide neckline of the collar.
The name of the node is associated with the legend. According to her, this type of knot was invented by Edward VIII, who abdicated and received the title of Duke of Windsor. In addition, the duke was considered a trendsetter. Boutonnieres, pullovers and stockings in a modern wardrobe are his merit. Only Edward VIII did not wear a tie at all, so the legend is just a legend.
For high collars
Suitable for tight ties


The knot is beautiful, it combines the classic "Windsor" and a simple knot. Looks especially advantageous on silk ties with a thin filler.
For tight ties

East knot

The knot is quite rare, but easy to tie. The method is ideal for ties made of heavy materials. Even knitted and woolen ties can be tied with them. When tying this knot, be careful: a wrong movement will turn the knot into a wrong one, and it will be unreliable and untie at the most inopportune moment.


A triangular knot, even larger than the Windsor. Therefore, it is used only with a wide neckline.

Tie and shirt combination rules

1. The color of the tie should be chosen a tone darker than the shirt. Of course, there may be exceptions, but they concern only summer options.

2.If you chose a tie with polka dots, make sure that the color of the polka dots matches the color of your shirt. Moreover, it is appropriate to combine such a tie only with a plain or striped shirt, but in no case in a cage.

3. You can think about choosing a tie if the suit and shirt are in the same color: in this case, any tie is suitable.

4. The colors on the tie should match the colors of the shirt and suit.

5. Not the best combination of a striped shirt and a plaid tie, and vice versa. Such a combination is permissible only if the drawing is of a different scale.

6. Business etiquette forbids the combination of a short sleeve shirt and a tie. There are requirements for the sleeve of the jacket: it should be no higher and no lower than the bone on the wrist. At the same time, he should open the sleeve of the shirt by about 1-1.5 centimeters.
7. A black tie and shirt are at the same time suitable exclusively for a mourning ceremony.
8. Length of the tie: it should just reach the buckle of the belt or the button of the pants.
9. The color scheme of the shirt, tie and suit should be no more than three colors.

Thin and thick ties: how to tie?
The most popular ties today are those whose width is from 8.25 to 9.53 centimeters. And among the clothes of young people, you can often find ties no more than 6.35 centimeters. In addition, a thin tie is increasingly appearing in the everyday wardrobe of men due to the popularity of casual style. The Quadruple and Half Windsor methods are best suited for him.

For thick ties, it is better to choose an oriental knot.