
Mathematical fairy tale “Geese-swans. Physical education about birds Shuny kotep utyram


Yulia Irekovna Vasina
Mathematical fairy tale "Geese-swans"


fairy tale

« Swan geese»


Tutor Yulia Irekovna Vasina

Target: Pinning mathematical knowledge and skills through the game - travel.



to consolidate the ability to solve problems for addition and subtraction of the studied types;

to form a computational skill;

compare numbers;

consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;


develop mathematical thinking, memory, observation, attention;

develop children's ability to solve simple arithmetic

tasks, highlighting the condition, question, solution and answer in the task;


Cultivate friendship in the group;

interest in mathematics;

mutual assistance.


Forest staging: trees, apple tree, stove, path, hut,; pies with examples, flowers,

manual with the image of geometric shapes.

actors: Girl, boy, Baba Yaga.

Lesson progress:

A girl runs into the hall and asks for help.


My name is Masha and I had a problem, my brother Vanya was stolen from me.


Let's help Masha. You will have to overcome difficulties and obstacles along the way. You are ready?



But first, let's solve the riddle. And find out from which fairy tales she came to us.

Terrible birds flew

My dear brother was stolen.

Nothing will happen to him

His sister will rescue him.


- Swan geese


Right. And now, in order for us to get into fairy tale, we will close our eyes, turn left three times, turn right three times and count from 1 to 10 with our eyes closed. Now open your eyes and look. We found ourselves in fairy tale.


In order for us to continue the path, tell me who was the first to meet Mashenka on the way.



And here is the stove. Let's say hello to the stove.


Hello baker!


The oven is ready for the job. Let's sit down at the tables and complete the task.

Task number 1 (I take pies out of the oven, and examples of addition and subtraction are written on them)


Well done.


Guys, and who next met on the way.



Guys, let's turn into geese - swans and fly to the apple tree. (Children fly in a circle, flap their wings, cackle)


And here is the apple tree. Guys, say hello to the apple tree.


Hello apple tree!


Let's ask where geese - swans flew. Apple tree tell me where geese - swans flew. Oh, look, there is a letter for us on the apple tree. (is reading). …. Do my job, I'll tell you.

Task number 2

#1- Condition: 4 kittens played with a ball. Another kitten ran up to them.

Question: How many kittens were there?

Solution: 4+1=5

Now can we answer the question of the problem?

Answer: There are 5 kittens in total.

No. 2 - Three birds were sitting on a tree. Two more arrived. How many birds were there in total? (the problem is analyzed similarly to the previous one) .

Well done. Now let's remember again

What are the parts of the task?

What is a task condition?

What is a task question?

What is the solution?

What is a task response?


Guys, look at this, probably the apple tree gives us the answer. (Is reading). Well done, go straight ahead, don't turn anywhere.


Who next met on the way at Mashenka.


Milk river, kissel banks


Here is the milk river, jelly banks. Let's say hello to the river.

Children: Hello river!

Children: (they ask in unison) milk river, jelly banks tell me where swan geese flew.


Reads a message for children from the river - play with me, I'll tell you.

Fizminutka " Swan geese"

white swans,

Swans flew

And sat on the water

Sit down, sit down.

The swans are flying

Wings are flapping

Bent over the water

They shake their heads.

Straight and proudly know how to hold on

They sit very quietly on the water.


Well done boys. You are very brave, fast, brave and friendly. You have made it through this difficult journey. You are at the target. geese- the swans landed with Vanya right behind the bridge, but Baba Yaga is there.

Baba Yaga runs into the hall and He speaks:

Solve the last task and I will let Vanya go.

Task number 3

(Each child has 2 strings and a set of counting sticks on the table)

Take 4 sticks and make them, and from three sticks -.

How are these figures similar? (They have corners and sides)

What is the difference? (Y - 4 corners and 4 sides, y - 3 corners and 3 sides)

Make from 1 rope, from the other - 0 (oval).

How is and 0 different from and? (and 0 have no corners)

Baba Yaga released Vanya.

Masha and Vanya rejoice together and thank the children for their help.


Thank you very much guys, I'm very glad that you helped me find my Vanechka.

Final part.

Masha and Vanya say goodbye.


“Now we have to evaluate our work. Look, you have flowers on the tables. Think about how you worked for lesson: red flower - very good, blue - good, but could be better. Take the flower you have chosen and go to the hut. (Children one by one go to the house and lay out a path of flowers.

- What a beautiful clearing of flowers turned out! Our journey is over. We saved Ivanushka, it's time to go home.

Guys, we need to go back to kindergarten. Let's close our eyes three times. Let's turn left to right and count from 10 to 1.

Here we are in kindergarten. Thank you all for your courage and courage. Goodbye friends.

Darbishova Saniyat Kurbanalievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 "Pine"
Locality: Republic of Dagestan, Untsukulsky district, with. Ashilta
Material name: Methodical development
Topic:"Journey through the fairy tale Geese-swans"
Publication date: 12.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal state preschool educational


"Kindergarten No. 11 "Pine"

Summary of classes in the senior


"Journey through the fairy tale Geese-


Prepared by: teacher

Darbishova Saniyat K.



develop speech, observation, mental activity, ability

express and justify one's opinions

develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking

develop the ability to clearly, quickly answer the questions posed.


cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit

to work together, readiness to come to the aid of those who are in it


their requirements.


Continue learning to solve arithmetic problems for addition and


fix the names of the days of the week and their number and sequence,

fix the quantitative score within 10,

fix the ordinal score within 10,

to consolidate the ability of children to perform movements in accordance with the text,

exercise in the ability to make the number 8,

clarify children's knowledge about the properties of water.

Expected result: creation of conditions for cognitive

development through the formation of mathematical representations and

cultivate respect for parents and the desire to fulfill

their requirements.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive,

musical and artistic, reading fiction,

cognitive-research, motor, labor.

Individual work: Ilya Z., Angelina Z. - continue to teach children clearly and

accurately answer the question, Maxim R., Tanya B. - actively

participate in work.

Vocabulary work: passive - my dear, come back, tests,

active - you are welcome, kind people, crochet, coals, tukyran, days

Weeks, Mon., Tue., Wednesday, Thu., Fri., Sat., Sun.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales

illustrations in the book, listening to the audio recording and viewing

cartoon "Swan geese", prepared a presentation for the lesson, learning

songs and physical minutes, conversation on the topic.

Materials and equipment:

Demonstration material: ICT with a presentation on a fairy tale "Swan geese",

fairy tale presentation "Swan geese", slides, glasses of water (4 pieces),

green and blue paint, brush, water bottle.

Handout: paper sheets with tasks (game "Find

missing number"), pictures of happy and sad suns, pebbles of 8

pieces for each child.

Parent involvement: reading fairy tales to children, talking with children about fairy tales,

learning good greetings and round dance songs.

OOD progress:

organizational stage. (Children stand in a semicircle)


Guys, we have guests today. Greet guests and

give your smiles (children say hello).


Good afternoon and good hour.

Good morning for you.


Your kind eyes are a good sign.

Good friends - the heart rejoices.

We are glad to see you - good people.


You greeted the guests wonderfully, because the awards and everything are more expensive

the rest is a kind word from the heart.

I want everyone to have a good morning, good afternoon today, and especially you,

guys, because you came to kindergarten to learn to think, to learn a lot of new things.

Guys, today I received an invitation to an unusual journey into a fairy tale.

But how can we get into a fairy tale? (Children express their


1 slide. The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.


There are many fairy tales in the world

Children love fairy tales

Everyone wants to visit

And play a little

We close our eyes

We present miracles. (pause)

Now let's open our eyes

We all found ourselves in a fairy tale.

2 slide

illustration from the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

Play: Guys, from which fairy tale is the illustration?

Children: "Geese-swans"

Educator:- Well done, here we are in a fairy tale. (sit on carpet)

Play: - Which of you will tell the beginning of the tale?

Reb: -“Once upon a time there was a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to the city, and you take care of your brother. Not

get out of the yard, be smart. The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot that she

ordered, put her brother on the grass under the window, and she ran to

street. I played, I took a walk".

3 slide (Masha and geese)

Educator: When the girl played enough, she remembered her brother. She ran

Reb:- “Swan geese flew in, picked up the boy and carried him away to


And all this happened on the same day as today.

What day of the week is today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

How many days are there in a week?

List all the days of the week...

Then go

4 slide

(Masha runs through the forest)

Along paths and forests

We need to get through.

Everyone get up quickly

Have fun following me!

Only, fool! Keeping up!

We need to catch up with the geese!

5 slide


And I will show you the way.

Just do my job. "Find the missing number"(children perform tasks on leaflets)

Educator:-Well done guys helped the stove and the stove showed us the way

Educator: Guys, Mashenka ran on. Met on the way

to her? (answers)

6 slide

(Apple tree)

Dynamic pause

Apple tree, apple tree grew in the forest. (Walk in circles)

I will come to the apple tree to visit the apple tree. (Go to teacher)

The breeze shakes its branches. (Raise hands up. Shake)

And the leaves whisper: "How good we are!"(Hands up. Fingered)


(Masha and the apple tree)

Apple tree, tell me, show us the way.

8 slide. Problem solving.

1 goose flies over us

1 under the clouds

2 went down to the stream

How many geese were there? (4)

9 slide.

5 cars were driving along the road, 1 more car caught up with them. How

cars on the road? (6)

10 slide

3) 7 butterflies flew in the clearing, 2 butterflies flew away. How many butterflies are left

Thank you guys! You correctly completed my task, geese - swans


(Masha at the birches, the music of birds, forests plays)


Let's hurry to the fast river.

On the track, on the track

We jump on the right leg.

And along the same path

We jump on the left leg.

Let's rest a bit.

12. Slide "Woodpecker" (the sound of a woodpecker is heard)

Play - Balalar, boo nerse?

Children: -Tukyran.

Play: Let's remember the poem "Tukyran"

- "Tukyran"

----- Knock, knock, tukyran,

tukyldatyp utyram,

michte balesh peshame?

-Shuny kotep utyram.

Knock, knock, tukyran.

tukyldatyp utyram,

Agachtagy bar kortlarny

ashap beterem.

- We ran to the river


river (the song of the river plays)

River, river, help, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

Of course I will help, but first you play the game .

The game "Wonderful bag" (composition of the number 8).

Educator: - Guys, what do you think is in this bag? (children answer

teacher shakes)

- "Pebbles"! Let's count how many pebbles: 8. Now each of you will

number 8 of these pebbles. Whoever answers correctly is the winner!


(Hut, Baba Yaga)

Look, we have a house.

(physical minute)

--There is a hut in the dark forest (walking)

Standing back and forth (turn)

In this hut there is an old woman (slopes).

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Crochet nose (show nose)

Big eyes (show eyes).

Like coals are burning

Wow, what an angry (threaten with a finger)

Hair stands on end.

Look at Baba Yaga! (Picture) What is she like? (answers)

Children: - Hello, Baba Yaga, please return Ivanushka to us. his sister

Mashenka is crying, mom and dad are coming back, but he is not there, they will worry.

Show experiments with water.

Educator:- What do you guys need to do? (answers) -Let's show Baba Yaga experiments

The teacher invites the children to the table to conduct experiments with water.

Guys, look carefully, what color is the water in the glass? (children's answer).

Did you know that water can be a solvent for other substances?

For example, water dissolves sugar and salt. (shows). And now we will

one more small experiment and we will see how water dissolves paints.

You, water, water!

You are my student friend!

Become water, water,

Not simple, green!

(dip a brush with green paint in water).

You water-water!

Light as frost.

Become a water-voditsa

Not simple, but blue!

(dip a brush with blue paint in water).

So kids, what color is our water? (answers).

True, why did this happen? (answers).

That's right, well done!

Here we are with you all in a crowd

Get to know the water

From transparent and colorless,

Made it colorful!

15 slide. Baba Yaga is funny.

Educator: Well done boys! Look at Baba Yaga! (Picture) What

she? (answers) why did she become kind and cheerful?

16 slide

(the book contains Baba Yaga, Masha and Vanya)

Baba Yaga:

That's why I was evil

That I lived alone in the forest.

Forgive me old

I won't harm you anymore

And I won't be angry anymore

I want to make friends with you!


We forgive Baba Yaga

Let it come! We invite you!

Thank you guys, you helped Masha complete the tasks and find her brother, you

real friends. Masha and her brother ran faster home so that mom

Dad wasn't worried.


Well, it's time to say goodbye

The home is waiting for the kids!

We will meet again in a fairy tale

But now in another!

17 slide

(book) Music for closing a fairy tale.


And now we close our eyes

Have been with you in a fairy tale.

We open our eyes

And we returned from a fairy tale.

“Fairy tale, close the book! Let us go to kindergarten!

18 slide


Reflection: Guys, you are great, I liked how you coped with

tasks today you are just heroes. Guys, why do you think Masha

did you have to go through all these tests?

Children: Because Masha did not obey her parents, did not watch her

brother. Yes, guys, you need to obey your parents.

19 slide

(The sun is sad and cheerful)

Guys, who were interested in the lesson, and who easily coped with the tasks,

take a cheerful sun.

Guys, who had a hard time, take the sad sun.

I am very glad that you enjoyed the trip.


fairy tale

"Swan geese"

Prepared by:

Primary school teacher Alisheva A.T

Target: Consolidation of mathematical knowledge and skills through the game - travel.



    to consolidate the ability to solve problems for addition and subtraction of the studied types;

    to form a computational skill;

    compare numbers;

    consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;


    develop mathematical thinking, memory, observation, attention;

    develop children's ability to solve simple arithmetic

tasks, highlighting the condition, question, solution and answer in the task;


    Foster friendship in the classroom;

    interest in mathematics;

    mutual assistance.


    Forest staging: trees, apple tree, stove, path, hut,; pies with examples, flowers, an envelope with tasks.

    manual with the image of geometric shapes.

Actors: Girl, boy, Baba Yaga, Apple tree, Stove, Milk River.

Lesson progress:

A girl runs into the hall and asks for help.


My name is Masha, and I have a problem. My brother Vanya was stolen from me.


Let's help Masha!You will have to overcome difficulties and obstacles along the way. You are ready?




But first, let's solve the riddle. And we will find out from which fairy tale she came to us.

Terrible birds flew
My dear brother was stolen.
Nothing will happen to him
His sister will rescue him.


Swan geese


Right.And now, in order for us to get into the fairy tale, we will close our eyes, turn left three times, turn right three times and count from 1 to 10 with our eyes closed. Now open your eyes and look. We found ourselves in a fairy tale.


In order for us to continue the path, tell me who was the first to meet Mashenka on the way.




And here is the stove. Let's say hello to the stove.


Hello baker!


The oven has prepared tasks for us. Let's sit down at the tables and complete the task.

Task number 1 ( I get pies from the oven, and examples of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are written on them)

4x4= 12:4= 20:4= 15-7=

3x5= 2x10= 16:2= 20-3=

2 x 5= 15+4= 3x5+5= 16-6=


Well done.


Guys, and who next met on the way.


Apple tree


Guys, let's turn into geese - swans and fly to the apple tree. (Children fly in a circle, flap their wings, cackle)


And here is the apple tree. Guys, say hello to the apple tree.


Hello apple tree!


Let's ask where the geese - the swans flew.

Apple tree, tell me where the geese - the swans flew?

Apple tree:

Do my job and I'll tell you. (gives an envelope with tasks)

Task number 2

1- Condition: 4 kittens played with a ball. Another kitten ran up to them.

Question: How many kittens were there?

Solution: 4+1=5

Now can we answer the question of the problem?

Answer: There are 5 kittens in total.

2 – Condition: 40 buckets of potatoes were harvested from one field, 10 more buckets from the second, and 10 buckets more from the third than from the second. How many buckets of potatoes were collected from the third field?

Solution: 40+10=50 buckets of potatoes from the second field.

50+10=60 buckets were collected from the 3rd field.

Answer: 60 buckets of potatoes.

Well done.


- Guys, look at this, probably, the apple tree will give us an answer now.

Apple tree:

Well done, go straight ahead, don't turn anywhere.


Who next met on the way at Mashenka.


Milk river, kissel banks


Here is the milk river, jelly banks. Let's say hello to the river.

Children: Hello, little one!

Children: (they ask in chorus) milk river, kissel banks, tell me where the swan geese flew.

Milk River:

play with me, I'll tell you.

Fizminutka "Swan geese"

white swans,
Swans flew
And sat on the water
Sit down, sit down.
The swans are flying
Wings are flapping
Bent over the water
They shake their heads.
Straight and proudly know how to hold on
They sit very quietly on the water.


Well done boys. You are very brave, fast, brave and friendly. You have made it through this difficult journey. You are at the target. Geese - swans landed with Vanya right behind the bridge, but Baba Yaga is there.

Baba Yaga runs into the hall and says:

Solve the last task and I will let Vanya go.

Task number 3

(Each child has a set of counting sticks on the table)

Take 4 sticks and make  out of them, and ∆ out of three sticks.

How are these figures similar? (They have corners and sides)

What is the difference? (A has 4 corners and 4 sides, ∆ has 3 corners and 3 sides)

Baba Yaga released Vanya.

Masha and Vanya rejoice together and thank the children for their help.


Thank you very much guys, I'm very glad that you helped me find my Vanechka.

Final part.

Masha and Vanya say goodbye.



And now we have to evaluate our work. Look, you have flowers on the tables. Think about how you worked in class: a red flower is very good, a blue one is good, but could be better. Take the flower you have chosen and go to the hut.(Children one by one go to the house and lay out a path of flowers.
- What a beautiful clearing of flowers turned out! Our journey is over. We saved Ivanushka, it's time to go home.

Guys, we need to go back to school. Let's close our eyes three times. Let's turn left to right and count from 10 to 1.

Here we are at our school. Thank you all for your courage and courage. Goodbye friends.

Summary of GCD in mathematics for children of the preparatory group "How the guys saved Ivanushka", based on the fairy tale "Geese Swans".

Target: Formation of elementary mathematical representations
Program tasks:
1. To form the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction
2. Improve the ability to find a pattern of change in the series
3. Develop the ability to navigate on a plane and in space
4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to the hero of the work and his misfortune

Required material and equipment:
multimedia equipment
Hero voice speaker
Video and audio recordings
Counting material "pies", "apples", "stones"
Stove (small design)
Apple tree (decoration tree)
River (blue material)
Training polish
a piece of chalk
Colour pencils
Envelope for the game "Color the apples" (coloring book, instructions)
Reference pictures for the game "Continue the row"
Map for the game "Find a hut"

Educator: Guys, today we have gathered here for a reason, it seems to me that someone needs our help. Let's sit on the chairs and look at the screen.
(Masha: - Oh! I’m in trouble, trouble! I played with my girlfriends. Geese-swans flew in and stole my brother Ivanushka, carried them away, beyond the dense forest, beyond the fast river to the hut on chicken legs, to Baba Yaga! Oh, no I listened to my father and mother, did not save my brother. What should I do now! How to save him? Baba Yaga said that she would bring Ivanushka home, but on the condition that I learn to solve examples, find patterns, and determine where to the right, where to the left where is up and where is down. If you teach me this, then my brother will be at home again. Please help me!)

Educator:- Of course, we will teach, Mashenka. Well, well, and Masha and the guys and I set off, through the dense forest, across the fast river, to save Ivanushka.

We walk through the forest, step over the high grass (walking with high knees)
We go across the fast river, along the narrow bridge (walking along the "narrow" path - to balance)
We run from wild and predatory animals (running)

Educator: Run quickly to me.

Educator: Well, here we come. And what test did Baba Yaga prepare for us?
The teacher removes the cover from the stove, around which pies lie in different places and a voice is heard
VOICE #1 (Stove: - Ah! Guys, help me, Baba Yaga flew to me, waved her broom and scattered my pies. I don’t see where they are. Tell me, help collect.)
Exercise 1. "Where's the pie" (spatial orientation: to the right of the stove, to the left of the stove, behind the stove, in front of the stove, under the stove, near the stove, etc.)
Educator: - Well done, guys. Now let's see if we've done our job.
VOICE #2 (Stove: - Thank you, guys! You did this task, you collected all the pies, and now lay them out as shown in the picture, continue the row.)
The teacher shows a picture where the pies are arranged as follows: 2 large, 1 small, 2 large, 1 small
Task 2. "Continue the row of pies" (finding patterns: children are invited to take turns naming the size of the next pie)

Educator: What good fellows you are, let's ask the stove, did we do everything right?
VOICE #3 (Stove: - Well, guys, you did everything right, but only Baba Yaga confused me again, I lost count of how many pies I baked. Count.)
Task number 3. "Let's count the pies" (solving examples at the blackboard using pictures)

For example: The stove baked 3 pies, the guys came and ate 2 pies. How many pies are left?
Children: 1
Educator: Right
Educator: It's great, guys, and we coped with this task, let's listen to what the stove will tell us.
VOICE #4 (Stove: - Thank you guys. I am very grateful to you. Have a nice trip!)
Educator: We need to continue on our way to help Mashenka save her brother, get up
We walk through a dense forest, tall trees grow in the forest (stretch up), we have to jump over snags lying on the way (jump), and swim across a deep river (characteristic hand movements)
Educator:- Look, guys, what we still have to test
The teacher leads the children to the apple tree

VOICE #5 (Apple tree: - Baba Yaga visited me, knocked down my bulk apples and they all became colorless, help color the apples.)
Task number 1 "Color the apples"(orientation in space)

Educator: How are we going to color them? It seems that there is a hint here (an envelope is attached to the apple tree, there is an instruction in the envelope: “Color the apples on the apple tree on the left in green, on the apple tree on the right - in yellow, and under the apple trees - in red. Circle the hedgehog that goes to the right in the square, and the hedgehog, who goes to the left - in a circle")
Children do the task
Educator: Well, it seems everything is ready, what will the apple tree say
VOICE #6 (Apple tree: You painted it well, but here's another task for you - Baba Yaga cast her witchcraft here, blew a harsh wind, scattered apples on the green grass. Collect them as in the picture. Continue the pattern.)
The teacher shows the children a picture where the apples are arranged in a row as follows: red, green, yellow, red, green, yellow
Task number 2 "Continue the apple pattern"(finding a pattern: children are invited to take turns naming the color of the next apple)

Educator: Great guys. What's your next assignment, apple tree?
VOICE #7 (Apple tree: And the next task is this: count how many apples are ripe on my branches?)
Task number 3 "Count the apples" (solution of the problem at the blackboard with a picture and an example)

In the morning 4 apples ripened on the apple tree, by the evening 2 more apples ripened, how many ripe apples were on the apple tree?
Educator: Timothy, write an example on the board (4+2=6)
Educator: Well done, we coped with the task, let's listen to the apple tree.
VOICE #8 (Apple tree: Thank you guys for your help, have a good trip!)
Educator: And we're moving on
We go with a wide step, a small step, we bend over so as not to catch the branches of trees.
Educator: Here we come. Guys, the river runs on the way

VOICE #9 (River: Help me guys, remove heavy stones from my path, but just arrange them like in the picture)
Children are shown a picture where stones are shown in a row as follows: 2 large white, 2 small white, 2 large black, 2 small black
Task number 1: "Continue the stone pattern" (finding patterns: children are invited to take turns naming the color and size of the next stone)

Educator: Well done, they did everything perfectly, but the river wants to offer us one more task, let's listen to it.
VOICE #10 (River: Guys, Baba Yaga threw stones at me. Forest animals helped me remove them, but the evil old woman again covered me with them, help me count the stones)
Task number 2 "Count the stones" (solving examples on the board without pictures)

Educator: Let's count. There were 6 stones in the river, Baba Yaga threw 3 more stones into it. How many stones were there?
Children: 9
Educator: Mission completed. Does the river agree?
VOICE #13 (River: well done, you have almost come to Baba Yaga's hut. You just have to find her. The map will help you with this)
The teacher attaches a map to the magnetic board, where a river is depicted, and mushrooms, geese, a forest and a hut are depicted in different parts of the sheet

Task number 3 "Find a hut"
Educator: What is in the top left corner?
Children: Forest.
Educator: What's in the bottom right corner?
Children: geese
Educator: What is in the bottom left corner?
Children: fly agaric mushrooms
Educator: What is in the top right corner?
Children: hut
Educator: Guys, we found the hut of Baba Yaga, sit on the chairs, we will rescue Ivanushka from the captivity of the evil old woman.
Children sit down. A picture of Baba Yaga appears on the screen
VIDEO #2 (Baba Yaga: Okay, take your Ivanushka, it was not in vain that they taught Mashenka the mind)

Educator: That's it, you're all set, have a seat. We returned Ivanushka Mashenka, at the same time we taught Mashenka a lot. What did we teach her?
Children: Solve examples, find patterns ...
Educator: Mashenka, do you remember everything?
VIDEO #3 (Masha: Thank you guys for teaching me how to count, find a pattern, determine the direction, and most importantly, thank you for helping me save my brother. And now it’s time for us to go home, because mother and father will arrive soon. Goodbye !)

Educator: Guys, what did we do today? What was the most difficult, what did you like the most?
Children's answers

Purpose of the lesson: Improve phonemic awareness.



To consolidate the ability to find the place of sound in words;

To consolidate the ability to determine the place of words in a sentence;

Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables;

To consolidate knowledge about vowels and consonants, about their difference;

Improve dialogue and oral communication.


Develop logical thinking, attention;

Develop children's phonemic awareness.


Cultivate a sense of goodwill, responsiveness, a desire to help comrades;

Raise interest in fairy tales that bring kindness, justice.

Lesson progress:

On the carpet.

I propose today to go on a journey through a fairy tale. And according to what fairy tale - guess for yourself. Just say the answer quietly in my ear. Deal?

In a fairy tale the sky is blue

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.

apple tree save me

Rechenka save me

Cookie help!

(Swan geese ).

That's right, geese are swans.

Who is in trouble in this story? (With Ivanushka).

Why did this happen? (Alyonushka began to play and overlooked).

Do you want to help Alyonushka look for Ivanushka? (Yes).

Just keep in mind that for this we will have to get into a fairy tale and complete difficult tasks there. Are you ready? (Yes).

So, now we will say the magic words, only we will say them in a different voice. Listen:

-Ra-ra-ra - miracles await us (quietly).

Sa-sa-sa - the game begins! (loud).

Remember? Now let's get together.

Children repeat, the teacher offers to take places at the tables.

Well done. B-I sits in his hut and thinks: “No, Alyonushka will not find me. And if she finds it, then she will not cope with my tasks and will not save Ivanushka. Let's help Alyonushka cope with the tasks of Baba Yaga? (Yes).

Just know that the power of Baba Yaga is in the swans and as you complete tasks, the swans will disappear. There will be no swans - Yaga will not catch up with Alyonushka and Ivanushka.

So, tell me, children, where does Baba Yaga live? (In the dense forest). And what is happening there - you will find out by listening to a short poem. Only I will need your help - I read the beginning of the line, and you agree on the end.

phonetic charging.

Wolves are howling in the forest woo

Leaves rustle sh-sh-sh

Snakes crawl and whistle s-s-s.

What did you say? (Sounds).

What are sounds guys? (we hear and pronounce them).

What are the sounds? (vowels and consonants).

And how do I know if I just pronounced a vowel sound or a consonant? (Vowels can be stretched, sung, nothing interferes, but with consonants - there are barriers - lips, teeth, tongue).

Well done on the first task. ( I remove the first swan ).

So, Alyonushka is walking through the forest and sees - he is standing ... (Yablonka). And they grow on an apple tree ... (Apples). That's right, well done. Alyonushka came up to the apple tree and asked her something. What? (Where did the Geese-swans fly……..). That's right, eat my apple - I'll tell you. Alyonushka scored a lot of apples, and the apples are not simple, with words. And while she was collecting them - in the words the first letters fell off, scattered under the tree. Poor Alyonushka doesn't know what to do, she didn't go to school, she doesn't know the letters. Can we help her find the first letter in the word? (Yes).

The teacher distributes apples with words to everyone on the table, the children pick up the first letter (the letters are prepared in advance).

(I remove the second swan ).

The river says:

I've been here for so many years, people come, swim, drink my milk and leave. Nobody plays with me. Play with me, then I'll tell you where the geese flew.

Shall we play guys? (Yes).

I scoop up words in the river, read them out, and the children determine the hard or soft first sound, respectively, show a blue or green flag.

Thanks for playing with me. Now go all straight and straight until you see the third assistant.

What guys? (Stove).

(I remove the third swan ).

And the stove baked pies, but not the usual ones with cabbage and mushrooms, but with words. From these pies, the stove tried to collect an offer, but all the pies got mixed up, the words got mixed up and the offer at the stove did not work.

Let's read what words our oven baked. Can we help you put together an offer? (Yes).

I call one to the board to make a sentence from pies with words, the rest are laid out on the tables using a diagram.

(I remove the fourth swan ).

So Alyonushka ate pies - she was tired, she wanted to sleep, but she couldn’t sleep, she had to go further, help Ivanushka. Alyonushka needed to cheer up. Let's stand quietly at our chairs and cheer up too.


There is a hut in the dark forest (we walk)

Standing backwards (turn)

In that hut there is an old woman (tilts)

Grandmother Yaga lives (tilts)

Crochet nose (show nose)

Big eyes (show eyes)

Like coals are burning

Wow, what an angry! (wiggles finger)

Hair stands on end.

And here is the house of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga came out and said:

We coped with all the tasks, all my assistants geese - swans disappeared. But you definitely can't handle my tasks. Listen to the riddle:

On the edge

On the track

Worth a house

On chicken legs.

Did it. But you can't spell it exactly. ( Children go out one by one, write). Well, do not divide into syllables. (Children share with claps). The last task is the most difficult - you will never be able to do a sound analysis of a word. (We can).

Wow, what great fellows, I have no more tasks for you, I can’t think of anything else, we did it.

Baba Yaga had to give Ivanushka to Alyonushka, and she herself flew off to distant lands, never to meet such smart children as you and no one else saw her. And Alyonushka and his brother returned home, they were on time, before the arrival of their parents and told what tests they had passed, how Alyonushka tried to save Ivanushka, and Ivanushka told how he was not afraid of Baba Yaga, he was not afraid. End of our story.

Did you enjoy the journey through the fairy tale? And what did you like the most? And what was the most difficult, what test? What did you experience when you rescued Ivanushka? You all did your best, everyone was great, thank you. You can go to rest.