
Unusual postcards for February 23. Simple and interesting postcards with your own hands. Original gift set "Grow greenery"


A do-it-yourself postcard on February 23 will surely please your beloved dad. You can come up with many different options. We propose to consider the ideas of do-it-yourself postcards collected in this article. Here are photos of different options that can inspire interesting crafts.

It is easy to make a card for dad with your own hands. In this case, any materials that are at hand can be used. For example, a do-it-yourself postcard for dad with a tank.

The easiest option is a tank application and the inscription "From February 23".

The track along which the tank rides can be made from semolina or millet. To do this, you need to anoint the card with glue and pour material on it. The remnants of the material that did not stick, after the glue dries, gently shake off the paper.

The next craft is also an easy do-it-yourself postcard.

But besides the tank, there is also a salute here, which gives the craft a 3D effect. It is necessary to cut out the details of the salute of different sizes from paper of different colors. And then stick it on a postcard.

Or here is an option, also voluminous.

Flowers add volume to the card. The application is made on the spread of the postcard. To do this, a tank is glued on one side, and flower stems are cut out on the other side so that they stay on the postcard on one side. Glue the flowers to the stems.

The fourth postcard is more complex.

First you need to draw a sketch of the picture, and then “colorize” it with small balls rolled from multi-colored napkins. Some details can be cut out of colored paper and pasted onto the picture.

And here is another version of a do-it-yourself postcard made of paper

First we make the background elements. Trees, clouds, snowy path. And then glue the tank.

And here you can present two do-it-yourself children's postcards at once - with a tank and an airplane.

Here is another postcard with an airplane. A simple application that even a toddler can do.

The volume of the postcard can paper origami airplane

And you can make a 3D effect inside the postcard, for example, like this

This option is somewhat similar, but still different from the previous ones.

Other do-it-yourself postcard options look great, the photos of which are below.

You can also make a beautiful postcard with your own hands with a volume effect if you make sails for the ship. For example, yes.

The photos above show different options for how to add volume to a postcard. But there are also more interesting do-it-yourself postcards. For example, like this.

You can add volume to the postcard with the help of waves. Like this

One of the favorite men's holidays in my family is February 23, and my children and I always make postcards for February 23 with our own hands to our relatives and friends. Perhaps someone will say that it is easier to buy ready-made cards, but the children really like to make them, so we do it together.

By the way, I heard a version from several acquaintances that only those who served in the army should be congratulated, but I do not support this point of view - every man is the defender of the fatherland.

What to portray

To make a beautiful one with a child with your own hands, first of all, you need to choose the plot of the product. If the man to whom the present is intended served in any army, then you can choose any suitable symbolism.

Similar variant:

And if not, then you can just pick up a courageous symbol - for example, my son often draws horses for his grandfather, my brother receives cards with a tank because of his addiction to a famous game.

Choose an artistic style of work, and get started - making it will not take much time, and your loved ones will be happy with such a gift for a long time to come.

Application option

Various inscriptions for download:

Making an application is quite simple - you can look at the photo of the postcard you like and repeat. But if you want to definitely do everything from scratch, then follow the instructions.

  1. On plain paper (it can also be in a box), first make a sketch of a future postcard - determine in advance the shape and color of all elements, location and composition, work out the shape.
  2. Make a pattern for each element (especially if you are doing it with a child - it is easier for them to circle the finished pattern). To do this, draw all the elements on one sheet of thick paper or even cardboard (if you plan to use the pattern repeatedly), mark the front side and cut it out with a sharp breadboard knife or good scissors.
  3. Pick a base for your postcard. It can be a piece of thick cardboard or even ordinary white drawing paper, special paper or a piece of paper from a watercolor album.
  4. Give the blank the desired shape - cut the corners, cut off the edges, make a creasing - a groove along which the postcard will fold. To do this, you need to draw a line along the ruler with any non-writing pointed object. The most commonly used is an old ballpoint pen.
  5. Pick up colored paper for the application and cut out the desired elements. You can use plain colored paper, you can buy shiny or velvet, neon or glitter.

    We always have scrapbooking paper at home and I let the kids take a few sheets for their postcards. And if you really need some color of paper, which was not at hand, then you can always just mix paints and paint the desired leaflet.

  6. Sequentially lubricate the elements with glue and stick in the right places, gently smoothing with a dry, clean cloth.
  7. Put the appliqué under the press in order to remove excess waves from the glue.
  8. Don't forget to sign the postcard.

Another option (it is better to make such a postcard from thick cardboard):

Volumetric work techniques

A beautiful do-it-yourself postcard to your beloved dad on February 23 can be voluminous. Think about how you or your child would like to add volume to the card - it can be quilling, voluminous appliqué, or even a card that becomes voluminous when unfolded.

I sometimes help children make scrapbooking cards, but much more I like to watch what they come up with themselves - so if the child is not averse to dreaming up, be sure to listen to his desires.


In this technique, it is easiest to make a voluminous postcard, especially since you don’t have to come up with any special plot, quilling is very attractive in itself, so it’s enough just to depict the date of the holiday in this technique. However, if you want, you can schematically depict something .

To make greeting cards using the quilling technique, you will need to purchase or make a blank for a postcard, as well as strips of quilling paper - you can buy them ready-made. You can choose the colors to your taste - these can be classic khaki shades, symbolizing military uniforms, or any others that seem appropriate.

paper cutting

Volumetric postcards are always very effective, and therefore it is not surprising that a child may want to make just such a postcard. Do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for February 23 can be quite complicated - if you have chosen this option, then it is better to watch a video tutorial.

Or you can use a hand-made sketch - especially when you plan to make a folding card.

For example, you can draw on paper some plot that is not too difficult to cut out, and make a postcard that can be placed on a table or shelf. Another one is glued to the carved part - the back, and a beautiful curly congratulation is obtained.

You can try to make a postcard, where the three-dimensional structure will be in the middle - for example, cutting and gluing a ship on the waves is not too difficult.

Or you can just make a three-dimensional application - the cut-out elements are not glued to glue, but to special adhesive pads and springs, and then the decorative elements are slightly behind the paper.

And a few more ideas for inspiration:

Now you know how to make a card that every father will be happy to receive!

For the holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland Day in kindergartens and schools, they begin to prepare in advance: educators and teachers need to figure out what their pupils will give to their beloved dads and grandfathers, and children - to bring all these ideas to life under the strict guidance of adults.

We offer to congratulate a man on Defenders of the Fatherland Day with the most expensive gift - a postcard or drawing made by the hands of a child. What can kids do for their dads and grandpas? Read in the article.

How to draw a card for February 23 with a pencil and paints for children?

In kindergarten, children learn to draw their first schematic drawings. Step-by-step lessons will help educators in preparing gifts for dads and grandfathers on February 23, because it is in a preschool institution that kids learn about the holiday and its meaning, and why men are congratulated on this day.

Let's start with a drawing. We will need:

  • protractor (we will use it to draw a star)
  • a compass or other device that can be used to draw a circle

Let's move on to drawing:

  • We draw a circle and draw two lines in it that will divide it into 4 equal sections.
  • We measure 72 degrees on the protractor and draw a line inside along two opposite sections.

We measure 72 degrees on the protractor and draw a line
  • Again we measure 72 degrees from the already drawn line and draw the second straight line, and then the third.

We repeat
  • In order not to get confused, we mark with dots what and from what we measure. How to draw the lines correctly can be seen in the photo.

  • We should get 10 identical sections. Let's outline a dash in the middle of each line (through one straight line). Draw a star and round the corners a little.
  • We erase the circle and additional lines inside the star with an eraser. Draw a contour around the star.

We draw a line around the contour
  • Now we will depict the St. George ribbon with the edges bent down. Continue the edges of the ribbon on either side of the star.

Draw a ribbon
  • We draw three parallel black lines on each part of the tape. We turn the schematic drawing into a postcard by decorating the star and ribbon, and adding the inscription "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day."

We bring the ends of the tape to the edges of the sheet

Draw stripes on the tape

Video: Simple drawings. Soldier

An excellent drawing on the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day - a valiant soldier on duty. Such a drawing will decorate both a postcard and a school wall newspaper prepared for the holiday.

For drawing you will need:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • ruler

  • We divide the sheet into two halves by drawing a vertical line in the center. The left side should be slightly narrower than the right. We draw an oval in the upper third. This will be the head. Under it we draw the outline of the future collar.
  • Focusing on the preliminary markup, we draw in detail the head of a soldier, on which a hat with earflaps is worn. Add neck, shoulders. The soldier will be in a pea coat, so we outline his outline.

  • We draw the face, hands. We finish the small details of clothes.
  • Do not forget to draw our defender the machine gun that he holds in his hands. First, sketch out the lines, and then draw in more detail. The photo shows what needs to be depicted.

  • Now you need to draw the protective coloring of the form and the outline of the banner in the background.

  • We write the inscription "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day" on the left side of the sheet and specify the background.
  • After that, it remains only to decorate the drawing.

If the previous drawing is difficult to draw, then the child can cope with the schematic representation of the tank presented in the step-by-step lesson below without the help of adults.

  • For the drawing you will need pencils and a sheet of paper. It is better to use a notebook sheet in a box. So it will be easier for the child to navigate and draw all the lines correctly.
  • Let's draw the muzzle of the tank: in the center of the sheet we draw a line 4-5 cm long, and above it, at a distance of about 1 cm, another parallel one.

  • On the left side of the line we will connect, and on the right side we will depict the beginning of the barrel with an oval.
  • Let's start drawing the tank's turret. To do this, we retreat down 1 cm and at a distance of about 1/3 from the length of the muzzle, draw an elongated rectangle 10-12 cm long. We retreat from the edge of the base about 0.5 cm, put dots and connect them in a semicircle.

  • From below we draw the base of the tank caterpillar. How to do this is shown in the photo. Draw 5 circles inside the base and draw them with a black pencil.

Draw a tank track

Paint over with black 5 circles at the base of the track
  • Let's draw an asterisk in the center of the tower and a developing flag on a long pole. We decorate the tank in green, an asterisk in red and add an inscription.

Video: Simple drawings. baby tank

Video: Postcard to Dad on February 23, Military Aircraft

A schoolchild can easily cope with the “Warship” drawing, which will be a good gift for dad or grandfather if tanks and planes have already been given to the heroes of the holiday.

Since Defender of the Fatherland Day once had the name "Day of the Soviet Army and Navy", it is celebrated by all the military: both on land and at sea.

Here is what we will draw:

To get started, let's prepare everything you need:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • simple pencil and black marker
  • colored pencils or available paints

  • Divide the sheet into two halves by drawing a horizontal line. Do not forget that we draw all the preliminary contours without pressing the pencil, so that later there is no trace of the erased lines.
  • The ship will be drawn in the lower half. First, draw a wavy line that will depict the water surface. Let's draw the stern with all the necessary ledges.
  • Draw a cannon on the left side of the stern. In the central part of the stern we will add the following elements: the captain's cabin and the radar. It is not difficult to draw them if you repeat all the lines exactly, as in the photo.

  • In the lower part of the captain's cabin, draw a battery of torpedoes, add a row of portholes.

  • We draw a developing flag and for greater realism of the picture we add a couple of birds flying in the distance.
  • You can stop there and move on to coloring. But for a greeting card, this is not enough: you will also have to add an inscription.
  • You need to color the drawing like this: a warship - gray-blue, water - blue, draw a red stripe at the bottom of the ship and select the right colors for the image of the national flag.

Video: How to draw a cool drawing for February 23?

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23 in kindergarten

  • The issue of preparing for the holiday on February 23 begins to worry kindergarten teachers and school teachers long before it comes. It only at first glance seems that there is nothing difficult in choosing the right option for a presentation.
  • But this is not at all the case, since the process of creating handicrafts or postcards with your own hands, which children will then give to the dearest people - dads and grandfathers, should captivate them, and therefore you should immediately refuse complex elements or multi-tiered paper structures.
  • A simple but original postcard or craft will appeal to both the little “creators” of the masterpiece and adults much more. What gifts can be prepared for the holiday on February 23 with children in kindergarten - see the photo selection below.

Cover for a postcard

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23 to school

The guys at school already know a lot, and therefore a simple image of a tank or an airplane will not bring such pleasure as creating a postcard with a surprise, retractable details, a special application, and so on with your own hands.

See the photo below for a selection of gifts for the holiday of February 23, made by schoolchildren, and be inspired!

  • We prepare a sheet for a postcard, using light colored paper for this: fold the sheet in half, and draw a place for an asterisk in the upper part.
  • Carefully cut out the asterisk along the contour on the main page of the postcard. We draw a small star nearby and write a beautiful congratulatory inscription. The inscription can also be printed on colored paper of the same color, or a contrasting shade can be used.
    • Cut out a star from colored red paper. To make it voluminous, you need to bend the "ears" that will be glued to the postcard. The star is bent along the lines with the outer edges outward, and the inner edges inward.
    • We glue the star on the wrong side of the postcard (turn).
    • We will decorate with stripes cut out of golden colored paper. We will also make a small star golden.
    • We glue 3 golden stripes vertically and horizontally on the front side of the postcard, as shown in the photo. Glue a gold star next to it. In order for the strips to stick evenly, it is better to first mark with a dotted line the places where they should be.
    How to fold an asterisk
    • A voluminous postcard can also be made using the quilling technique. To make a postcard, in addition to paper (colored and white), you will need toothpicks, glue and scissors.
    • Fold the sheet so that one part is slightly longer. We write on it large numbers of the date of the holiday. The deuce should be on the front side of the postcard. After the deuce is drawn, on the second page of the postcard we add a triple. Cut out the numbers along the outer edge.
    • We prepare "curls" from strips of colored paper. To make them, a strip of colored paper needs to be “planted” on a toothpick and twisted. How to stick the resulting curls on a postcard - you can see in the photo.
    • We apply each spiral with the glued side to the numbers, trying not to leave large gaps between the curls. Add an asterisk between the numbers and sign the card.
    • What card should I make for my brother by February 23?

      You can surprise your brother with the original “Ship” postcard.

      Postcard "Ship"

      Such beauty can be done in half an hour. So let's get started!

      • We draw a boat or print a ready-made template on double-sided cardboard.

      • Cut out some parts of the picture.

      • Fold the card along the fold line.
      • With a felt-tip pen, draw a dotted line along the edges of the postcard and the image of the boat.

      For a brother who has not yet served in the army, you can make a shirt card.

      Video: DIY / Postcard - SHIRT / Gift for February 23

    Amlodipine + Valsartan

    Latin name of substances Amlodipine + Valsartan

    Amlodipinum + Valsartanum

    Pharmacological group of substances Amlodipine + Valsartan

    Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AT 1 subtype) in combinations
    Calcium channel blockers in combinations

    Model clinical and pharmacological article 1

    Lekform. film-coated tablets -->

    Pharma action. Combined antihypertensive agent. Amlodipine - 3rd generation BMCK, inhibits the transmembrane entry of Ca 2+ into cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells, relaxing them. Reduces OPSS, which helps to reduce blood pressure (in the supine and standing position). Heart rate and the concentration of catecholamines with prolonged use does not change significantly. The glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma blood flow increase without changing the filtration capacity of the kidneys and proteinuria. In patients with normal LV function, the hemodynamic parameters of the heart change at rest and during exercise: the cardiac index slightly increases without changing the maximum rate of pressure increase and EDV in the LV. The decrease in blood pressure is not accompanied by a negative inotropic effect, even when used simultaneously with beta-blockers. The node's SA function and AV conduction do not change. Valsartan is a specific blocker of AT 1 angiotensin II receptors. An increase in angiotensin II can stimulate unblocked AT 2 receptors, which counteract the effects of AT 1 receptor stimulation. The affinity of valsartan for AT 1 subtype receptors is 20 thousand times higher than for AT 2 subtype receptors. Does not inhibit ACE, does not contribute to the accumulation of bradykinin or substance P, so the development of dry cough is unlikely. Does not interact with and does not block other hormone receptors or ion channels that are important for the regulation of CCC functions. The decrease in blood pressure is not accompanied by a change in heart rate. The combination of two drugs enhances the hypotensive effect compared to that against the background of monotherapy with each drug.

    Pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetics of amlodipine and valsartan is linear. Amlodipine: bioavailability - 64-80% (does not change with food intake). TC max - 6-12 hours. Distribution volume - 21 l / kg. TC ss - 7–8 days. Communication with proteins - 97.5%. 90% is metabolized in the liver to form active metabolites. In hepatic insufficiency, clearance is reduced, resulting in an increase in AUC by 40-60%. In elderly patients, clearance decreases slightly, respectively, increases AUC and T 1/2. Excretion is biphasic with a final T 1/2 - 30-50 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys (10% - unchanged, 60% - in the form of metabolites). Valsartan: bioavailability - 23%. TC max - 2–3 hours. When taken with food, bioavailability decreases by 40% in terms of AUC, and by 50% in terms of C max. After 8 hours, these indicators are similar both after ingestion with food and when taken on an empty stomach. A decrease in AUC does not affect the therapeutic effect. With mild and moderate hepatic insufficiency, bioavailability and AUC increase by 2 times. The volume of distribution (with a / in the introduction) - 17 liters. Communication with proteins - 94–97%, mainly with albumin. Metabolism is not expressed. In the form of metabolites, 20% of the drug is determined from the dose taken, the pharmacologically active hydroxyl metabolite is less than 10% of the AUC. With intravenous administration, plasma clearance is 2 l / h, renal clearance is 0.62 l / h (about 30% of the total clearance). Pharmacokinetics has a descending multi-exponential character (with T 1/2 - less than 1 hour and about 9 hours). Final T 1/2 - 6 hours Excreted unchanged through the intestines (83%), kidneys (13%). Amlodipine + valsartan: absorption is equivalent to the bioavailability of each drug separately. C max amlodipine + valsartan - 6-8 hours and 3 hours, respectively.

    Indications. Arterial hypertension.

    Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, unilateral or bilateral stenosis of the renal arteries, stenosis of the arteries of a single kidney, recent kidney transplantation, children under 18 years of age (efficacy and safety have not been established); pregnancy, lactation.

    Carefully. Liver failure (especially in obstructive biliary tract diseases), chronic renal failure (CC less than 10 ml / min), mitral or aortic stenosis, GOCM, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia and / or a decrease in BCC.

    Dosing. Inside, regardless of the meal, with a small amount of water, 1 tablet 1 time per day (amlodipine / valsartan at a dose of 5/80 mg, 5/160 mg or 10/160 mg).

    Patients with chronic renal failure (CC more than 30 ml / min), liver failure (including those with cholestasis), elderly patients do not need dose changes.

    Side effect. Frequency: very often (more than 10%), often (1%–10%), sometimes (0.1–1%), rarely (0.001–0.1%), in some cases (less than 0.001%).

    Allergic reactions: rarely - hypersensitivity reactions.

    From the nervous system: often - headache; sometimes - dizziness (including against the background of orthostatic hypotension), drowsiness, paresthesia; rarely - anxiety.

    From the senses: rarely - visual impairment, tinnitus; sometimes - dizziness of vestibular genesis.

    From the CCC: sometimes - tachycardia, palpitations, orthostatic hypotension; rarely - fainting, marked decrease in blood pressure.

    From the respiratory system: sometimes - cough, pain in the pharynx and larynx.

    From the digestive system: sometimes - diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, dry mouth.

    From the side of the skin: sometimes - skin rash, erythema; rarely - hyperhidrosis, rash, itching.

    From the musculoskeletal system: sometimes - swelling of the joints, back pain, arthralgia; rarely - muscle spasms, a feeling of heaviness throughout the body. From the genitourinary system: rarely - pollakiuria, polyuria, erectile dysfunction.

    Other: often - nasopharyngitis, influenza, pastosity or swelling of the face, peripheral edema, fatigue, flushing of blood to the skin of the face, asthenia, a feeling of heat.

    Laboratory indicators: hyperazotemia (more than 3.1 mmol/l).

    Side effects with amlodipine monotherapy: most often - nausea; less often - alopecia, change in the frequency of defecation, dyspepsia, shortness of breath, rhinitis, gastritis, hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the gums, gynecomastia, hyperglycemia, erectile dysfunction, increased urination, leukopenia, general malaise, emotional lability, dry mouth, myalgia, peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis, hepatitis, hyperhidrosis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, angioedema, erythema multiforme; an increase in the frequency of pulmonary edema in the absence of a significant effect on the frequency of deterioration in the course of CHF (III and IV stages according to NYHA).

    Side effects with valsartan monotherapy: viral infections, upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, rhinitis, neutropenia, insomnia, hypercreatininemia, hyperazotemia, hyperkalemia.

    Overdose. Symptoms: valsartan - a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, dizziness; amlodipine - excessive peripheral vasodilation, reflex tachycardia, a pronounced and prolonged decrease in blood pressure up to developed shock with a fatal outcome.

    Treatment: induction of vomiting (if the drug has been taken recently), gastric lavage, activated charcoal intake within 2 hours after taking amlodipine. With a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, it is necessary to place the patient in a horizontal position with raised legs; control of the function of CCC, respiratory and urinary systems, BCC; it is possible to use vasoconstrictors (with caution), intravenous calcium gluconate.

    Interaction. Drugs that affect the concentration of K + (including potassium-containing dietary supplements, potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium-containing salt substitutes, heparin) - the risk of developing hyperkalemia; it is necessary to control the concentration of K + in the blood.

    Special instructions. With combination therapy amlodipine + valsartan, blood pressure control is achieved with a lower likelihood of developing edema than with amlodipine monotherapy.

    Before starting therapy with the drug, if it is necessary to cancel beta-blockers, their dose is reduced gradually (to prevent the development of the "withdrawal" syndrome).

    With a decrease in BCC and / or hyponatremia (while taking diuretics), while taking angiotensin receptor blockers, symptomatic arterial hypotension may develop, therefore, before starting treatment, hyponatremia and / or a decrease in BCC should be corrected, or therapy should be started under medical supervision.

    Given the mechanism of action of angiotensin II receptor antagonists, a risk to the fetus cannot be excluded. In case of inadvertent use of valsartan in pregnant women, spontaneous abortions, oligohydramnios and impaired renal function in newborns have been described, therefore, if pregnancy occurs during the treatment period, the drug should be immediately discontinued.

    During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

    State register of medicines. Official publication: in 2 volumes - M .: Medical Council, 2009. - V.2, part 1 - 568 p.; part 2 - 560 p.

    Very soon there will come a holiday for dads on February 23rd. Every child wants to congratulate their beloved dads, grandfathers or brothers on this men's holiday and make a gift with their own hands. We offer unusual ideas on how to make simple postcards for February 23 with your own hands in kindergarten.

    Postcard with carnations

    • Thick colored paper under the base of the postcard;
    • Pieces of colored paper for flower stems;
    • Shavings from a colored pencil of red color (yellow can also be used);
    • PVA glue;
    • Markers or markers.

    First you need to prepare the buds for the nails. To do this, take a red colored pencil and make a few shavings with a sharpener. Connect the ends of the chips and glue, you get a flower. Make a bouquet of 3 flowers. Cut out stems and leaves from colored green paper.

    Prepare the base of the postcard from thick colored paper. Bend in half and glue the finished carnation flowers on the front. Inside the card, write kind words of wishes for the holiday. Such beautiful postcards for February 23 can be presented to dad or grandfather.

    Postcard - boat

    To make such a postcard you need to prepare:

    • Thick colored paper for the base of the postcard;
    • Colored paper in white, red, blue;
    • PVA glue (you can use a glue stick);

    • It is necessary to prepare all the details of the composition of the boat for the postcard.
    • To do this, cut a white boat in the shape of a trapezoid.
    • Also cut out 2 pipes and 2 clouds from white paper.
    • Cut out rectangles from red paper to decorate pipes and a boat.
    • From blue paper, cut out the windows on the hold of the boat in the shape of a circle.
    • Cut 2 long strips from blue paper and fold over a pencil to make wavy strips.
    • Assemble the boat: stick windows, a red stripe on a white base; glue pipes decorated with red stripes.
    • Fold thick colored paper in half.
    • Open the postcard and mark the location of the details of the composition.
    • Bend the base of the boat about 1 cm and glue the finished boat to the postcard.
    • Glue 2 clouds
    • Apply glue in parts to the bottom of the postcard and glue wavy strips on them, you should get three-dimensional waves.
    • The finished postcard can be signed with beautiful words.

    Postcard - mug

    To make such a postcard you need to prepare:

    • Thick cardboard of red color (you can optionally any color);
    • Colored paper in white, blue, yellow;
    • Colored markers or felt-tip pens;
    • PVA glue (or glue stick);
    • Satin ribbon.

    How to make a postcard with your own hands:

    • Cut out a mug shape from colored cardboard.
    • Cut out a blue cloud, white birds, a parachute and a gift from colored paper.
    • Decorate the gift with a satin ribbon.
    • Arrange all the elements of the composition on the mug shape and glue it with PVA glue or glue stick.
    • Ready postcard to sign from February 23.

    Postcard - uniform

    Adults will like original postcards with Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can make them easily and quickly, without applying special skills.

    For a postcard you need to prepare:

    • Thick colored paper;
    • colored paper;
    • felt-tip pens;
    • White sheet of paper;
    • Buttons 2 pcs;
    • Glue stick.

    How to make a postcard - a uniform with your own hands:

    • Cut out a tie, a pocket, a corner of a scarf from colored paper.
    • Draw a tie with a pattern (optional).
    • Fold thick colored paper in three and bend the edges.
    • On the resulting back, put a white sheet for congratulations inside and fix it with a glue stick.
    • Glue a finished tie on top, a pocket with a corner of a handkerchief.
    • Glue buttons on the right side.
    • The uniform for the holiday on February 23 is ready.

    Postcard - tank

    To make such a postcard you need to prepare:

    • White sheet format A-4
    • Black round buttons 30-35 pcs;
    • Brown oblong buttons - 15 pcs;
    • colored paper;
    • PVA glue.

    How to make a postcard - a tank with your own hands:

    • On a white sheet, mark the location of the details on the postcard: tank, green grass, cloud, sun.
    • Draw a tank template with a pencil.
    • Lubricate the drawn template with PVA glue.
    • Paste the template with black buttons: the top of the tank, wheels, gun.
    • Paste the caterpillars with brown buttons.
    • Cut green grass and stick on the bottom of the postcard.
    • Cut out a cloud and a sun, stick on top of the postcard.
    • Sign the card with warm words of congratulations for the holiday of February 23.

    Volumetric postcard

    Beautiful voluminous postcards for February 23 for children with their own hands will appeal not only to dads and grandfathers, but to brothers and friends.

    For a bulk postcard, you need to prepare:

    • Thick blue paper for the base of the postcard;
    • White paper;
    • PVA glue (or glue - pencil);
    • Felt pens (or markers);
    • Picture template.

    How to make a voluminous postcard:

    • Cut out the details of the picture from the finished template.
    • Bend the blue sheet in half - this will be the postcard itself.
    • Glue all the details of the picture with PVA glue (or glue stick).
    • Fold the white plume of smoke from the plane onto a pencil and stick it in 2 places: at the end of the plane on one side of the postcard and the end of the plume on the other side of the postcard. Get a volumetric loop.
    • Use felt-tip pens to paint the pilot's face.
    • The card can be signed with the holiday of February 23.

    Picture template for a three-dimensional postcard

    Holiday card - painting

    For such a postcard you need to prepare:

    • Multi-colored felt (or velvet colored paper);
    • Decor for the composition: white buttons, yellow satin ribbons, white wavy braid;
    • Picture frame;
    • PVA glue.

    How to make a postcard for February 23 with your own hands:

    • Cut out the base of the picture from the blue felt.
    • Cut out the sun from felt, glue rays from satin ribbons.
    • Cut out a cloud of felt, stick white buttons on them.
    • Cut out a boat with sails, decorate the sail with multi-colored ribbons.
    • Glue white waves to the base of the boat.
    • Glue blue water from colored paper onto half of the base of the picture.
    • Glue all the details on the prepared base of the picture: a cloud, the sun, a boat with waves.
    • Place the picture in a frame.

    Beautiful postcard from plasticine

    You can make such a postcard for February 23 with your own hands very easily and quickly. From plasticine, make the tricolor of the flag: white, blue, red. Blind from plasticine 23. Apply all the details of the composition from plasticine to the white base of the postcard from velvet paper. A beautiful and original postcard is ready.

    Postcard - star

    The simplest postcard from February 23 in a couple of minutes. Cut out a star template from colored paper, paste over or paint the star in red. Sign a card with kind words of wishes for the holiday.

    Postcard from February 23

    It takes a little time to make a postcard for dad on February 23. The most important thing is colored paper, scissors and glue.

    It is necessary to cut out all the details of the pattern from colored paper and stick it on a beautiful thick sheet. For the base of the postcard, you can use bright colors: purple and yellow. Even the smallest children in the kindergarten can make such a postcard. Do not forget to write congratulations on the holiday on February 23 on the card!