
How to distinguish dry hair from oily hair. How to determine your hair and scalp type. Normal and combined type


When choosing hair care products, haircut shapes, hairstyles and styling, we are guided not only by personal preferences, but also by the type, thickness and level of hardness of the hair. Different races and nationalities have different hair texture, thickness, volume and shape. For example, the Negroid race is characterized by curly, black and thick hair. Aryans, for the most part, are blonde, with thin, straight hair. But the thickest and most durable hair is red.

The structure of human hair on the head

The life cycle of hair consists of three stages:

  • Anagen. During this period, intensive cell division occurs in the hair follicle, during which subsequent ones push out the previous ones and the hair shaft is formed.
  • Catagen. The follicle goes into a period of fading activity, and the hair bulb falls away from the follicle.
  • Telogen. Cell production stops until a new bulb is formed.

This entire process can take from 2 to 5 years depending on the genetic predisposition, environmental conditions and health of the person. The average person has up to 150,000 follicles on the scalp. Each of them is programmed to produce 25-27 bulbs. On average, the loss of up to 80 hairs is considered normal.

Human hair is made up of:

  • Hair follicle that surrounds the network of blood vessels. It contains the hair root attached to the papilla of the hair follicle.
  • Rod, which is essentially the result of the division of living cells.

The follicle is surrounded by tissues, muscles that hold the hair, and sebaceous glands. Each person is born with a certain set of follicles, the number of which is programmed at the genetic level.

Hair groups and their characteristics

There are 4 main hair groups:

  • Heavy hair. This is hair that has a lot of weight associated with great thickness. They are shiny and silky, the shape of the hair of this group is special - it has a core (marrow);
  • Curls of the second group thinner and less common than the first, but in terms of characteristics they differ little from them;
  • Thin, weakened and damaged curls that need special care;
  • Damaged as a result of exposure to chemical dyes. It can be either oily or dry hair type.

  1. Dry hair with different types of sebum secretion.

The structure of dry hair is different in that the hair shaft itself is very thin and has increased sensitivity to any influences. Reduced sebum production negatively affects the natural shine and elasticity of hair. They are more likely to suffer from dryness and brittleness. If you don't take care of such hair, then over time it will look like artificial hair. Very often people with this type of hair.

Dry, damaged hair is difficult to style and reacts negatively to any influence.– thermal, chemical or natural. The ends of such hair split. However, dry hair is not only the result of a genetic predisposition. Such problems arise from improper hair care, too frequent use of chemical dyes, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. If you have had one of the hair types that has turned dry, then you have health problems that need to be addressed urgently.

Restoring dry hair needs to start with additional nutrition. This normalizes the processes occurring in the follicle and hair shaft. To do this, you need to use herbal and herbal infusions and compresses. It is better if these are traditional medicine.

  1. Oily hair with increased sebum production.

Oily hair is covered with a protective fatty coating. They are much more elastic and stronger than other types of hair. However, the shine of such hair is matte. A little time after washing, this hair becomes oily and looks dirty and unwashed. The first thing you need to do to care for this type of hair is to use a diet that includes foods low in fat.

Hair can also become oily due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, nervous system, and hormonal imbalances., diseases requiring medical intervention, irregular and unhealthy diet. The scalp of this hair type is most susceptible to dandruff. Only in this case, dandruff is of the oily type.

  1. Mixed hair type with normal sebum secretion.

Such curls are usually oily at the base and becomes dry as it gets closer to the ends. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the lubricant does not spread equally along the entire length of the hair. As a rule, this type of hair is prone to split ends. You can only care for them with the help of special means.

Determining what hair type you have

If you still don't know how to determine your hair type, there are several simple observation methods for women. So, how do you know your hair type and how to care for it?

  • Dry hair is characterized by the fact that it does not “get dirty” for a long time after washing.
  • Immediately after bathing, the base of the hair is dry, after three days it is normal, and by the end of the week it becomes oily.
  • Your hair has a lifeless appearance and is very dull.
  • Blow-dried, these curls look like straw.
  • After a bath, you feel that your scalp is tight.

If you see all the listed signs, then in this case there is simply no question of how to understand whether your hair is dry or oily. You definitely have dry hair.

Caring for dry hair involves a whole range of actions and products. First of all, you need to stop washing them very often. When washing with shampoo and using additional care products, the shell of the hair shaft itself and the protective fatty layer of the scalp are damaged. At the same time, disruption of the sebaceous glands can turn your dry hair into oily hair, thereby only adding to the problems. When choosing a shampoo, pay attention to its purpose. The bottle must indicate “For dry hair.”

Comb your hair as little as possible and treat it with aggressive dyes or thermal devices - curling irons, flat irons, etc. Before washing, be sure to apply warm burdock oil to your entire head with the addition of rosemary, calendula or damask rose esters. Make a compress and hold it for 20 minutes. After washing, instead of chemical balm or conditioner, rinse your curls with table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

The following ingredients are suitable for homemade masks:

  • fat sour cream;
  • egg;
  • bananas;
  • ground nuts or nut butter.

Normal curls become oily by the third day. It may happen that their ends become dry or split, but this is extremely rare. Once dried with a hair dryer, this hair is soft and silky to the touch. If you don't know how to tell if your hair is dry or oily because it has characteristics of both types, then you are lucky - you have a mixed hair type.

Normal hair does not need frequent washing, otherwise it can cause breakage or split ends. It is advisable to select a shampoo that is exclusively suitable for your type of curls. You need to wash your hair with warm, but under no circumstances hot water. After washing, it is advisable to air dry your hair, only then comb it.

Suitable home remedies for normal hair care:

  • decoctions of herbs - chamomile, burdock, nettle;
  • rinsing with water and a few drops of lemon juice;
  • raw yeast;
  • milk;
  • any fruit (porridge);
  • cream.

Oily curls get dirty very quickly after bathing. This process takes no more than a day. The ends of such hair are never split. After washing there is no feeling of skin tightness. If you still don't understand how to determine whether your hair is dry or oily, contact a cosmetologist for help.

Despite the popular belief that the best way to care for oily hair is to wash it frequently, this is not true! The more often you wash your hair, the more active the sebaceous glands work and the hair becomes even greasy, and as a result dandruff appears on the scalp. Caring for problematic hair includes 3 stages:

  • gentle cleansing;
  • active hydration;
  • masks, creams, mousses and gels.

When choosing a shampoo, make sure that it is intended specifically for oily hair. It gently cleanses and does not dry out hair and skin, allowing you to wash your hair much less often. For washing you need to use slightly cool water, it is better if it is boiled. Rinse with a solution of vinegar (2 parts water to 1 part 9% vinegar).

Exposure to aggressive curling irons, mousses, foams and styling gels should be kept to a minimum. You can use a pore-tightening lotion or professional hair styling products. As components for homemade masks, you can use:

  • nettle, oak bark, chamomile;
  • essential oils – burdock, castor, almond, grape seed or wheat germ;
  • lemon juice, egg, low-fat kefir.

Answering the question of how to determine the hair structure is no less important for choosing the right care and cosmetics. This factor is largely characterized by the ethnicity of the person.

The structure of the hair is strongly influenced by the pigment and their localization on the scalp. The dependency here is simple - the darker the hair color, the stronger and thicker it is. The same goes for climatic conditions. The hotter the climate, the stronger the structure and the thicker the hair shaft.

Now consider the question of how to determine the density of hair by groups. There are a few simple home remedies for this. Hair density is essentially the number of hairs per 1 cm². There are 3 groups in total:

  1. Rare.
  2. Medium.
  3. Thick.

The average number of hairs on a person's head per square centimeter should be about 2000. This figure is approximate and takes into account hair that has already fallen out, growing and grown. Hair density depends on a person’s race, health, and genetic predisposition.. Statistics show that natural hair color is also an indicator of its thickness:

  • Blondes have up to 140,000 hairs.
  • Brunettes have up to 110,000 hairs.
  • For redheads - up to 80,000.

It should be remembered that this figure is highly averaged. So, for example, Irish women, the reddest on the entire planet, have always had very thick hair.

What are the types and types of hair coloring

On the Internet and hair salons you can find many photos of hair coloring with names. Any master will advise you on the best option and color, but it is worth remembering that on different types of hair, even the same dye will look completely special. The most popular types of hair coloring today are as follows:

  • Toning. Suitable for all hair types. Thanks to gentle, water-washable dyes, growing roots are not noticeable. Dyes are tonics, sprays, mousses or colored shampoos.
  • Neon coloring. These types of hair coloring involve immediately after lightening the application of a special gel, which ensures bright and uneven coloring.
  • Highlighting. Involves lightening individual strands up to 4 tones. The procedure involves the use of aggressive substances that destroy the hair structure. Therefore, not recommended for dry hair.

There are popular types of hair highlighting for dark hair. One of the most interesting is "shatush". This option is characterized by the fact that there are completely no color boundaries, the tones seem to blur with soft transitions from light to dark. No less interesting is coloring, which is perfect for light curls. Blonding is the same highlighting, only more gentle on the hair. Ombre is considered a universal method, suitable for any type of hair color. It does not affect the roots of the curls, because it is done at half their length.

Any highlighting is better to entrust the hairdresser. But if you have some skills in the process of hair coloring, you can do it at home, but it is best to use the cap method. It's much easier for beginners. To work, you will need dye, a towel, a container (preferably glass), a brush, hairpins, cellophane or latex gloves.

If you are going to do highlighting using a cap, then the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • A special cap is put on your head (you can buy it at hairdressing supply stores).
  • Using the thin side of the comb, pull out small strands from the holes at the distance you need. Experts advise pulling them out in a checkerboard pattern - every 1 (2) cm.
  • Dilute the paint in a bowl.
  • Apply the dye to the removed strands with a brush.
  • Keep the dye on your hair until you get the desired color.
  • You need to rinse off the product without removing the cap itself.

After that, remove the cap, rinse your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

We look at ourselves in the mirror and don’t think about what our beauty is from the inside. Having learned what your hair is, what factors influence its beauty and health, we can understand how to properly preserve its natural beauty and correct shortcomings. Knowing the types and groups of hair, we will be able to choose the right hair care products and be attentive to their requirements and whims. By the condition of the hair, one can judge the health of the human body as a whole.

Determining the type of hair is an important step in home care for curls. It is the condition of the strands and scalp that will determine which cosmetics and salon treatments will be most effective. What are the main types of hair? What features of home care do they have?

Dry type: gentle care with moisturizing cosmetics

The causes of dry hair can be different. Often this is a lack of important vitamins and minerals in the body, which requires a serious revision of the usual diet. Many external factors also have a negative impact on the condition of curls: numerous dyeing procedures with permanent dyes, regular styling without the use of heat-protective cosmetics, constant exposure of strands to hot sun or cold. With age, even oily hair often becomes dry, which is due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

You have dry hair if:

  • it is thin, brittle, inelastic and dull;
  • require washing no more than once every 5-6 days;
  • their ends are split;
  • poorly combed and amenable to styling, often tangled;
  • are constantly electrified;
  • dry dandruff is noticeable on the scalp.

Curls prone to dryness require careful care. They can react sharply to negative external influences - temperature changes, aggressive cosmetics.

Choose the “right” shampoo that has an active moisturizing effect. After washing your hair, soften your strands with balms and lotions. If you have dandruff, it is better to contact a trichologist who will select effective professional cosmetics. When styling with a hairdryer, curling iron or straightener, be sure to use heat-protective cosmetics in the form of a spray or leave-in conditioner. Protect your hair from the sun and cold with a hat when going outside.

Oily type: effective scalp cleansing, gentle styling

The reason for increased oiliness in hair lies in the active work of the sebaceous glands. Sebum “thickly” covers the strands in the root area, which is why they look untidy and dirty. Often the problem occurs in adolescents and pregnant women due to hormonal changes. Also, the active work of the sebaceous glands becomes a consequence of poor nutrition. There are also external factors that often make curls oily, styling using “strong” styling products, and uncontrolled use of base oils in home care.

You have oily hair if:

  • they lose their well-groomed appearance the very next day after washing;
  • oily dandruff is noticeable on the scalp.

Provide oily hair with proper care to keep it looking healthy and well-groomed. Replenish your makeup bag with a deep cleansing shampoo. It effectively cleanses the scalp, which gives a long-lasting feeling of freshness. If such a shampoo contains many aggressive components, it is better not to use it on an ongoing basis - alternate the product with a milder one. Homemade masks and rinses based on drying ingredients (lemon, mint, soda) are often used in care. It is believed that these products will help the hair stay clean longer. Be careful with homemade beauty recipes, since severe drying of the scalp can lead to even more active work of the sebaceous glands. If you often do “complex” hairstyles, use styling cosmetics with a weak or medium hold. Avoid varnishes, gels and waxes - they literally stick your strands together and give them an even more unkempt appearance.

Home hair care will not be effective unless you review your diet. It is better to exclude fatty foods, sweets and flour from the menu.

Normal type: maintaining the beauty and health of hair

Curls of a normal type do not have pronounced problems. They are well hydrated and look healthy. The sebaceous glands work perfectly, secreting exactly the amount of fat that is necessary to protect the strands from negative external conditions.

You have normal hair if:

  • they are thick, elastic and shiny;
  • after drying with a hairdryer, they become soft to the touch and thicker;
  • become dirty not earlier than 3 days after shampooing;
  • the scalp does not flake;
  • great for any styling
  • no dandruff.

Caring for normal type hair does not cause serious problems. The main task is to maintain the excellent condition of the curls. Use mild shampoos designed for normal or dry hair. Natural cosmetics with a minimum amount of aggressive ingredients in the composition are perfect. After washing your hair, you can rinse the strands with herbal decoctions. Do not overuse nourishing masks - do them no more than once a week. Normal type hair does not need intensive nutrition and restoration. Be sure to protect your curls from the negative effects of elevated temperatures - when doing heat styling, use protective cosmetics. Since the strands stay in the hair perfectly, there is no need to apply a large amount of “strong” styling products to them.

Combined type: moisturizing and nourishing dry hair ends

Combination-type hair is characterized by increased oiliness in the root area, and on the contrary, it is dried out at the ends. This happens because the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands covers the hairs unevenly along the length. The reason for this may be frequent heat styling, discoloration of the ends of the strands, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

You have combination type hair if:

  • they split at the ends and look greasy in the root area;
  • on the 3rd day after washing your hair, they look unkempt;
  • do not hold styling well in the root area;
  • The ends of the strands are often tangled and “frizzy” after drying with a hairdryer.

When caring for combination-type curls, you can use shampoo designed for normal strands. A product labeled “for all hair types” is also suitable. You can regularly apply base oils to the ends of your strands to make them look better. It is not recommended to include deep-cleansing shampoos and drying rinses in your care - this can make the ends of your strands even drier.

Determining your hair type will help ensure proper care for it. There are several types of hair that differ in their characteristics.

Knowing them, you can choose how to care for them and handle them skillfully. Let's look at the main ones.

Dry hair is often weak, lifeless, dull and lacking shine. This type is also characterized by split ends, tangling, tightness, itching and irritation, dandruff. Hair does not become “greasy” for up to 5-7 days due to reduced sebum secretion.

Causes of dry hair:

  • frequent procedures;
  • improper care (products, combs);
  • regular use of thermal hair tools (hair dryer, straightener, curling iron, curlers);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • climatic conditions - dry winds, sun.

Dry hair should not be permed, aggressively dyed or washed in hot water.

Dry hair care

Dry hair is difficult to style and comb. They require special care more than other types. There are certain rules for caring for them:

  • Cleaning and care products must be appropriate for the type.
  • Brush them when they are a little dry, and not immediately after washing.
  • Periodically pamper your hair with nourishing masks and special products.
  • If possible, reduce the impact of a hair dryer, straightening, or curling iron.
  • Avoid different types of dyeing.
  • Include foods rich in vitamins A and E, fruits, berries in your diet, and drink plenty of plain water.
  • Cut the ends of your hair using the hot method once every month.

Oily hair type

This type is characterized by excessive sebum production. This happens due to disruption of the endocrine system and metabolism.

Poor nutrition and emotional outbursts can also cause oily hair. They are characterized by the following features:

  • quickly become oily after washing (maybe during the first day);
  • matte, sticky, dirty in appearance;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • “greasy” shine;
  • styling and hairstyle do not last long.

  • Wash them no more than once every 2-3 days.
  • Wash them with a specially selected product with warm water.
  • Apply balms and gels for oily hair to the length of the hair, without touching the roots.
  • Replace combing brushes with wooden combs.
  • Eliminate fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods from your diet. Consume more dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Use drying agents at home.

Perm is suitable for oily hair, but massage is contraindicated.

How to make oily hair a little drier

For this purpose, it is important to use mustard - it reduces the production of sebum and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of dry mustard to a paste and rub into the scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

There is also another mask. Mix the juice from two raw potatoes with a glass of kefir, apply to hair for 40 minutes and rinse with warm water.

It is advisable to rinse oily hair with herbal infusions. Oak bark, sage, nettle, and aloe are suitable for this.

- a common occurrence. You can read here how to get rid of it and what needs to be done.

What should be included in shampoos for dry hair? We talked about this. Find out a ton of useful information that you won't find on other sites!

How to make fluffy and dry hair smooth? Useful recommendations are described in.
We have collected and published only the most working recipes and tips on this topic.

How to determine your hair type?

There are several methods to determine your hair type:

  1. Using a paper napkin. To do this, you need to take 3 white napkins - apply one to the roots of your hair and hold it a little, squeezing it with your fingers; go over the entire length of the hair with a second napkin; third - pinch the ends briefly. The oily type will leave an oily residue on all paper napkins. Dry - there will be no traces of sebum, but fragments of split hair may be present. With a normal type, all napkins will be clean. The mixed type will leave a greasy mark on the first napkin, and the rest will be clean.
  2. Using various tests. They include questions, by answering which you can determine your hair type based on the results.
  3. Contact a trichologist. Using laboratory methods and examination, a specialist will determine your hair type.

Combined hair type

Women often have a combination hair type, with oily roots and dry ends. Usually the main reason for such a case is improper care in combination with hormonal imbalances in the body and a lack of certain elements.

With frequent use of hot air from a hair dryer, coloring or perming, the hair structure deteriorates, and the ends are especially affected. Shampoos for oily hair contain strong chemicals that dry out the hair and scalp. In order to save, the sebaceous glands begin to work hard and produce fat, which explains the oily roots.

To properly care for such hair, you need to simultaneously address the greasiness of the roots and pay attention to the ends of the dry type.

There are some rules for mixed hair types:

  • do not use products for oily hair (it is better to use products for combination or normal hair types);
  • wash your hair 2-3 times a week;
  • limit or eliminate extreme instrument temperatures;
  • Organize a healthy diet and drink more fluids;
  • For dry ends, there should be additional care in the form of moisturizing, nourishing and softening masks, balms.

Apply shampoo to mixed-type hair at the roots, without massaging the ends too much. When using medicinal masks or balm, on the contrary, the product should be applied to the main length, without affecting the hair roots.

The following skin types are distinguished::

Hair options

The following hair types exist:

  1. Dry most often they lack shine and constantly split ends. This happens as a result of improper care. And with the right approach, they are restored. This type of hair should not be constantly dyed, but it is better to nourish it with healthy vitamins. It is recommended to wash them once a week, but the use of various masks is encouraged.
  2. Fat type gets dirty pretty quickly. The advantage for women is to create a beautiful hairstyle, the hair is easy to hold and lasts for a long time. It is recommended to use shampoos for oily hair, which will strengthen its structure and give it additional shine and volume.
  3. Mixed type It is considered when the roots have a greasy appearance, and the ends, on the contrary, are dry. This is due to the fact that the produced fat is not distributed throughout the day. It is recommended to wash once a week.

    Shampoos should be selected for oily hair; they will help nourish the entire hair structure.

  4. Normal hair that consumes all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities is considered. In appearance they look quite elastic and beautiful. Proper care will help keep them healthy for a long time. It is recommended to wash them several times a week.

How to determine?

You can determine your hair type using a special test.:

  1. You must first do a fat test. To do this, you need a napkin or paper towel.
  2. Take a strand and wash it with shampoo several times, then dry it with a napkin and leave until completely dry.
  3. Consider this napkin in the future; if it has a greasy appearance, it means you have oily hair type. But if there is no trace left on the napkins, then the hair belongs to the dry, normal and combination type.

With the help of such observations, it is quite easy to determine your hair type at home.

Human health has a great influence on hair type and on the condition of the scalp.

  1. It is important to monitor your diet and eat only healthy foods that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. And you can learn about the rules of nutrition for the scalp by clicking here
  2. It is also recommended to drink as much fluid as possible.
  3. Avoid bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, they negatively affect the entire body.
  4. During the hot season, you should wear a hat; it will protect your hair from drying out and becoming brittle.

A healthy lifestyle will contribute to the proper functioning of the whole body. The main thing is to monitor your health and choose the right care products. Then both your scalp and hair will be healthy.

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For complete and effective home care, it is important to know how to determine your hair type. It is depending on this characteristic that you need to select shampoos, conditioners, masks, and styling products. Maintaining healthy curls is impossible without proper care. What are the differences between all the available types?

Dry hair

The cause of dry hair can be both physiological characteristics of the body and external factors. This condition is caused by decreased activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. The lack of natural fatty lubrication along the entire length of the strands makes them brittle, dull, and inelastic. Often the problem arises with age, especially in poor health.

Dry strands can also occur as a result of improper care. Hair is very sensitive to the effects of cosmetics and atmospheric conditions. Their protective layer is destroyed due to frequent dyeing, thermal and chemical perms, blow-drying, and the use of styling products. Constant exposure to sunlight, chlorinated water, and sudden changes in external temperatures are also harmful.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Dry hair is very thin, brittle, and often resembles artificial hair. They are difficult to comb, difficult to style, quickly tangle and split ends. The scalp becomes flaky and irritated. Dry dandruff appears, which can be detected while combing: it settles on clothes in the form of light scales. If you properly care for dry hair, you can normalize its condition.

Fat type

The reason for fat content lies in the production of excessive amounts of sebum by the subcutaneous glands. The activity of fat cells increases due to problems in the body or as a result of exposure to any external factors. Most often, the problem occurs in adolescence and during pregnancy, when a surge of hormones occurs. Increased functioning of the sebaceous glands can also be caused by diseases of the nervous system, taking certain medications, and excessive physical activity.

The amount of sebum produced directly depends on nutrition. Including unlimited amounts of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats in the diet significantly aggravates the problem. The condition of curls can worsen with frequent use of styling products and the use of inappropriate cosmetics.

Oily hair is unkempt and heavy in appearance. They do not maintain root volume and hang in unsightly greasy strands the very next day after washing. The scalp is covered with an excessive amount of sebum, and there may be oily dandruff - yellowish crusts that cause itching. Without proper care, oily hair looks untidy.

Normal and combined type

Normal hair is healthy, fresh and well-groomed in appearance. They are quite thick, elastic, have a healthy shine and shimmer beautifully in the sun. The scalp is moderately oily, does not flake or become irritated, and there is no dandruff on it. Normal hair type retains these qualities for several days after washing.

By properly caring for normal hair, you can maintain its impeccable condition for a long time. They do not require complex care. Normal type hair is easy to comb both dry and wet. Even with frequent curling, they do not break, quickly restore their original appearance and can be styled into any hairstyle.

The roots of hair of a combined (mixed) type quickly become oily, while their ends remain dry. This is due to uneven lubrication of the strands produced by fat. The problem can arise as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent hot styling, or exposure to chemicals. In this case, combined care with the use of various means is required.

Hair type test

There are several ways to determine your own hair type at home. Before performing the test, wash your hair with your usual shampoo without using conditioner, then dry your strands. Take a thin paper napkin (parchment paper will also work). Apply it to the scalp behind the ears and on the top of the head. If you have oily hair, you will find oil marks on the paper. When normal or dry, the wipe will remain clean.

To more accurately determine the type of curls you have, evaluate the following statements. If you selected 4 or more points, your hair matches this type.

You have dry hair if:

  • they require washing every 6-7 days;
  • their ends split and break;
  • they have no shine;
  • after washing your hair, there is a feeling of skin tightness;
  • after drying with a hairdryer, hairs become fragile;
  • often become electrified;
  • do not lend themselves well to any styling.

Your curls are oily if:

  • on the 2nd day after washing they look untidy;
  • the ends almost do not split;
  • quickly acquire an unhealthy shine;
  • after washing your hair there is no feeling of skin tightness;
  • after drying with a hairdryer, they remain in their normal state;
  • are not electrified;
  • They lend themselves well to styling, but only for a short time.

You have normal hair if:

  • they become greasy on the 3rd day after washing;
  • ends rarely split and may be dry;
  • have a beautiful shine for 3 days after washing;
  • a feeling of tightness of the scalp rarely occurs;
  • after drying with a hairdryer they become pleasant to the touch and fluffy;
  • sometimes they can become electrified;
  • lends itself perfectly to any styling.

Your hair is of a combination type if:

  • become fat on day 4;
  • have dry split ends;
  • on the 3rd day after washing, they acquire an oily shine at the roots and lose shine at the ends;
  • very rarely there is a feeling of tightness of the scalp;
  • after drying with a hairdryer, the ends may become fluffy;
  • the ends are often electrified;
  • only suitable for root installation.

By properly caring for your hair, you can maintain its beautiful appearance, and, if necessary, normalize its condition.
How should you care for each type?

  1. Wash normal hair with appropriate shampoo no more than 3 times a week. Once every 2 weeks, use masks (preferably prepared at home). It is not contraindicated to perform various procedures in hairdressing salons.
  2. Wash oily ones daily (maybe once every 2 days). Choose a mild natural shampoo. Wash your hair with a deep cleanser once every 2 weeks. Do not get carried away with masks: it is enough to do them once a week. Pay attention to your nutrition. Limit the consumption of fatty, floury, spicy foods as much as possible, consume a sufficient amount of water.
  3. Dry wash no more than 1 time in 6 days. Use a silicone-free moisturizing shampoo. Regularly use dry hair care products that do not require rinsing, as well as self-prepared masks. Do not color or perm your hair with chemicals. Use only a wooden comb. Trim split ends once a month.
  4. Wash combination hair twice a week using shampoo for normal or mixed hair. Use conditioners, balms and masks in moderation. After washing, rinse your hair with herbal infusions (chamomile, sage, nettle). For the roots, prepare products including honey, aloe, medicinal herbs, moisturize the ends with vegetable oils (almond, burdock, olive), special leave-in balms and trim regularly.

Determining your hair type is the first step towards maintaining beautiful and healthy hair. Any hair can look great if you give it the right amount of attention. To keep your curls thick, soft, silky, rich in color and natural shine, do not neglect the care recommendations.