
Order to be depressed. What to do if you are depressed? Close people - family


Summer outside the window in the capital region this year is not encouraging. Cold, rain, clouds, wind. On such days we become unprotected and especially vulnerable.

Look around - there are so many gloomy and angry people who, hiding under umbrellas, walk with their heads down about their business.

The relationship between weather and human condition has been studied for centuries.

But one thing is certain: if a person’s eyes burn, they burn in rain and slush.

But what to do if you are depressed? If there is no sun not only on the street, but inside yourself?

But what to do if you are waiting for something bright, unusual, waiting for summer - but it doesn’t happen?

If everything is boring, nothing lights up, monotonously boring and predictable?

In this article we will tell you how to color your everyday life, if everything is known in advance, several decades in advance.

First, try to do the simplest exercise: go outside, watch your posture, smile lightly and walk forward along the street. But don’t hide your gaze from passers-by, but look around. Studying with interest.

I call it "the child's gaze."

Take your child's glance at the signs, posters, and passers-by. Find something unusual and atypical. Count the smiling people, count the sad ones.

In general, if something doesn’t suit you, there are three options: come to terms with it, break up or change.

So what to do if your eyes are dim and nothing lights up?

It’s very sad to come to terms with this. You can only make peace when all the following steps have been taken and nothing has helped.

Breake down. It’s possible to drop everything and leave. But it’s just important to know that wherever you go, you take yourself with you everywhere. And where is the guarantee that the extinct eyes will not follow?

Change. But how? What to do? And how do you know what will happen?

I use the IPO model for change. It consists of three steps:

Step 1 Start using something else you haven't used before

The absence of something new and predictability are the first causes of despondency.

So the first step is to start doing things differently.

Commuting to work is different than usual. If you walked one route - take another, took the metro - use ground transport, always by personal transport - go by bike, usually take a bus - treat yourself and order a taxi.

If you usually take food with you, don’t take it; if you eat in a cafe or canteen, dine somewhere else. When you usually order dinner or lunch, take it and choose what you want from the menu.

It is important to understand that such small changes add some intrigue to life. When we allow ourselves not to do “as usual,” but to listen to what we want.

You can and should spend your weekend DIFFERENTLY than usual, atypical for yourself or your family.

If the weekend usually means cleaning and a walk in the park, you can take and choose a hotel for two days in a neighboring city or even in your own, in another area.

Usually the weekend means home and TV - which means you can take a car, train and go to a neighboring city where you have never been.

You haven’t invited guests for a long time - gather your friends and invite everyone you know. Play board games.

Usually you always do the house cleaning yourself - invite an employee of a cleaning company, and while your house is being cleaned, just read a book.

If you cook at home more often, order food home.

And if you usually eat in a cafe or fast food, find recipes for unusual main courses, cake and bake the cake yourself.

Change your daily routine, change your habits.

It is important to remember only one thing - to start doing something new, you just need to stop doing something old.

After all, life is too short to put it off “for tomorrow.”

Step 2 - Let progress into your life

Changes will come into your life even if you do nothing.

  • The children will grow up, finish school and leave you.
  • Employees and bosses will change at work.
  • Summer will give way to autumn, and autumn to winter.
  • You will celebrate another birthday every year.
  • Inflation and the government, prices in stores will change.
  • And you may have absolutely no part in making all this happen.

Changes will come on their own. But more often than not, changes do not please us. They just happen to us.

Controlled changes, as well as what gives a person the energy of joy, are called progress.

You can manage progress in your life. Progress is a new achievement. This is a new profession or a new height.

Lack of progress is the second reason for despondency.

For there to be progress, a person must develop and grow.

To do this, you can find a new hobby, sign up for various creative courses, for example:

  • Cutting and sewing
  • Learn the basics of modeling women's panties
  • Dancing
  • Playing guitar
  • Drawing
  • Mastering a new profession

You can start learning something new, master a new program on your computer (for example, a video editing program or Photoshop, or maybe master a program for creating mind maps and planning).

You can study languages: English, French, Spanish.

You can say “yes” to morning running or douches - and this will be progress.
You can try yourself in a new business and learn how to create and edit videos - this will be progress.

Getting a new profession through advanced training courses or attending an expert summer school and mastering the profession of an effective teaching specialist is progress.

Step 3 - An environment that moves you forward

Progress in life often begins with changing your environment. Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are - it’s not without reason that this wisdom has been around for so many years.

It is believed that if you take the average monthly income of all the people with whom you communicate closely and divide it by the number of people, the resulting value will approximately correspond to your income.

There is a special practice - to communicate more often with people who earn more than you, and then your income will also begin to grow.

So where to start working with the environment? First, let's figure out who it consists of.

The crowd are observers who may or may not give advice.

But by and large, they don't care about you. There is no need to give them anything and take nothing from them. Let them watch.

Close people - family.

These are our other halves, children, parents. In fact, you just need to accept and love them. There is no need to ask them to understand you or, on the contrary, to teach you something. These people react most sharply to any changes in your life. Both your mood and theirs are always interconnected.

Like-minded people are people who understand you, and you understand them.

You can teach them something, or vice versa, learn yourself. You need to communicate with like-minded people as much as possible, strengthen connections, and take off with them. You can accept advice and criticism, ask and answer.


We are not talking about school teachers, but about people who are far ahead of you in your dreams or goals. These are the sages, or those who can guide the path faster and more reliably.

In ancient times there was a sage. He had many followers, many learned from him. And then one day two of his students argued among themselves. One claimed that he could ask the sage a question that would baffle him. The second one said it was impossible.

Early in the morning the first student went to the field and caught a beautiful little butterfly there. He held it in his palms so that it was not visible.

He came up with an idea to defeat the teacher with cunning: “I’ll ask him if the butterfly in my palms is alive. If he says no, then I will open my palms and it will take off. If he says yes, then I will crush her and, opening my palms, he will see only her lifeless body. This way he will end up in an awkward situation, and I will win the argument.”

A student came to his sage-teacher and asked him in the presence of everyone:

- Teacher, is the butterfly in my palms dead or alive?

- All in your hands…

Sometimes in life it seems to us that the people around us, the events taking place, etc., are all either black or white. But the real world is multicolored.

Many fairy tales and parables talk about wise men. About the teachers of our lives who open our eyes to many things. Teachers may be completely absent from some people's lives. And this inevitably affects a person’s fate.

You don't have to love a teacher. He must be listened to and heard.

Ballast are people who constantly pull back.

Who criticize your ideas or desires, comment on your actions, eat up your time or your energy, take advantage of you by drinking to the bottom.

Of course, you need to get rid of ballast first.

So, how to work with your environment to your advantage?

Ignore the comments of the crowd, love and appreciate loved ones without changing them, increase the number of like-minded people, find a teacher, get rid of ballast.

You can do all these steps separately, or you can change your usual actions in two months, adding new and exciting events in a circle of like-minded people.

Master a new profession as an expert in effective teaching, develop memory and learn how to create courses, conduct them and perform.

Master programs for creating maps and recording videos, learn to speak beautifully and explain simply.

Master techniques for working with information and receive additional sources of income.

Find yourself in a circle of like-minded people and, under my clear guidance, become a real expert at the summer school of experts.

Summer School of Experts is a program that will not only make this summer warm and bright, but will also be the best investment in your future and the future of your children.

Because we will invest in you for two months, pass on ten years of experience in educational practice, and you will become an expert, become the best teacher not only for your child, but also for hundreds of other people, thereby helping people.

And this fall you will be able to become an expert on our expert platform and start making money from a noble cause - helping people.

At the same time, you will not need to deal with technical issues, marketing issues and legal issues. We take it all upon ourselves.

All you have to do is do what you love in a circle of like-minded people and people who want to change their lives.

If your current life doesn’t make you happy, it’s time to change something.

And this is best done under the guidance of experienced people and a team of specialists who are ready to help you change, achieve new things and develop.

Join the Expert Summer School now.

We only have one place left in the top three at the current price, after which the price will be increased.

What to do if you run out of motivation, are terribly tired and have absolutely no strength to move on? Each of us reaches a point where we stop and begin to fade away. How to find your goal again and start moving forward?

Remember the guy who said “I’m kind of depressed”? This condition periodically covers us all. What to do if you run out of motivation and have absolutely no strength to move on?

It seems to me that the Dejected Man, or the Emergency Man, as I call him, is practically a hero of our time. The endless race brings us to the point where the inner fire begins to barely smolder. One day, my colleague, who had completed a large and complex project that had sucked all the juice out of her, lay down on the sofa, folded her arms and said: “I’m so tired of everything. My world has faded."

I think that people who are driven by some kind of Super Purpose, or Higher Purpose, are much happier than everyone else.

Find a higher purpose

Sometimes “subsiding” occurs because motivation by external benefits no longer works. My friend Albert, having earned the amount he dreamed of, finally became “despondent.” There was nothing left to strive for.

At first he bought himself everything he wanted, but this did not fill the inner emptiness. Then he decided that travel would “save” him. Albert traveled half the world with his family, but he quickly got bored with it. “It’s true what they say: ‘Travel is a fool’s paradise,’” he said, returning after yet another journey.

As a result, he came across an article that said that in just 20 years, scientists would be able to extend life by a hundred years using biotechnology. And Albert was hit. He realized that this thought really ignited him. “I’ve always been interested in creating new technology, but when it comes to extending people’s lives, that’s what gives me strength!” - he said.

Having a Higher Goal is always a win-win option against boredom. Fly to Mars, extend human life, rid the world of hunger and war, change the lives of millions for the better, invent teleport, discover a source of energy, save animals from extinction - this is our way!

Of course, it is not at all necessary to go into some global matters. It’s enough to start with what surrounds us: build normal schools for our children, make our city beautiful, build roads on which we can drive without fear of losing a wheel.

But one way or another it all comes down to one thing. We help others. Psychologist Sonya Lyubomirskaya with colleagues from the University

California conducted a study on happiness. They found that helping other people makes us happier, more harmonious and whole.

I really like the story of a guy named Adam Brown. He received a prestigious education, experience in hedge funds and was on his way to a successful career and a high salary. But one day he came to India and made friends with a beggar boy. When Adam was about to leave, he asked the boy: “What do you want more than anything in the world?” And the boy answered: “Pencil.”

Adam was turned upside down by this story. Of course, he gave him a pencil, and later founded the non-profit organization Pencils of Promise (“Pencil of Hope”). As a result, Adam traded his successful career for a big dream - to educate the children of the poor - and in five years he built about 250 schools around the world.

When people come to me and complain about their “troubles,” I always send them to help someone.

Lifehack from a depressed billionaire

Recently I was told a story about a despondent billionaire. He had a special case: he worked hard, donated money to charity, everything was going well in business and in his family. But the world went dark for him.

They tried to “reanimate” him in various ways, but then smart people advised him to do this thing: start a diary and write letters every day for your 12-year-old son, explaining to him how everything works and by what laws the world, business, and relationships live. And give these records to your son, for example, on his 16th birthday, when he is already entering adulthood.

And he wrote every day for several months. And this gave him strength again: thanks to the diary, he once again properly understood himself, organized his knowledge, made it accessible not only to his son, but also to his grandchildren and the rest of his family.

By the way, my friend has been keeping such a diary since her daughter’s first birthday and plans to give it to her for her 18th birthday.

For me, this story is also about the transfer of knowledge. When someone gains knowledge and experience and does not share it, all this beauty begins to “fade” in the head, and the person falls apart. So at a certain moment, in order for the fire to be rekindled, you need to become not only a student, but also a teacher.

By the way, all these ways to find motivation come down to two goals. First, live out your fantasies, challenge and not be afraid. Secondly, find the Higher meaning and leave behind something more than a couple of apartments.

To decide how to correctly write the prefixes pre- and pri-, you need to learn to distinguish what lexical meaning they give to a particular word. This is in most cases.

Because there are also words that you just need to remember or check in a dictionary.

Pre- and pre-. Their semantics

1. The prefix pre- means:

a) The highest degree of quality (action) with the meaning “very” or “very”. For example: very much, exaggerate, elderly.

b) The meaning of the prefix pre- is almost the same as that of the morpheme re-. For example: overcome (overpower), block (block), transform (rebuild).

2. The prefix pri- means:

a) Adding to something. For example: additional payment, addition.

b) Approaching or being close to something. For example: suburb, coastal.

c) An action that occurs at the same time as another action. For example: sing and dance.

d) Incompleteness of action. For example: open slightly, sit down.

e) The perfect form of a verb formed from the imperfect, if its meaning does not change. For example: beat-nail, think-invent.

More examples

The examples given below eloquently demonstrate the need (for the correct spelling of words) to distinguish what the prefixes pre- and pri- mean. Despise (shelter) and despise (consider insignificant, unworthy), arrive (arrive) and abide (be somewhere), give (add) and betray (change), receiver (apparatus that receives electric current, etc.) and successor ( heir), proceed (begin) and transgress (violate), pretend (cover) and implement (carry out in reality).

However, there are words in which the prefixes pre- and pre- have unclear meaning. For example: freedom, neglect, habit, welcome, sentence, adventure, picky, apply, decent, swear. This also applies to words of foreign origin: privilege, drug, president, priority. Their spelling should be checked in a dictionary or memorized. In addition, there is a group of words in which the prefixes pre- and pre- were previously identified as a separate morpheme, but now they are not. These include: subject, advantage, limit, contradict, preclude, deceive, obstacle, punctuation (signs), bicker, obstacle, satiate, notorious, stumbling, abhor, fastidious, device, order, comely, primitive, decent, take communion, claim , affection, reason.

Spelling: prefixes pre- and pr-

The rule again depends on the semantics of these morphemes.

Meaning of prefixes


The prefix pre- means:

"very", "very"

prosper, calm, fine, downplay

the same as the prefix pere- (“in a different way”, “through”)

undergo, transformation, transitory

The prefix gives the following meaning:


dowry, profit, appendage


arrival, affection, counter

incompleteness of action

lift, hold, smooth, press

formation of the perfect form of the verb from the imperfect while maintaining the meaning of the word

run, sew, invent

action happening at the same time as another

to smack, to smack, to smack

doing something in the interests of someone

save, hide, embellish

I study biology and chemistry at Five Plus in Gulnur Gataulovna’s group. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject and find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives homework that is realistic in scope (and not, as most teachers do in the Unified State Examination year, ten paragraphs at home, and one in class). . We study strictly for the Unified State Exam and this is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects that she teaches and always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


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