
Healthy soup recipes for children under one year of age (infants). Cooking the first course for lunch for babies Soups for complementary feeding at 9 months


Tender and delicious soup for a 9 month old baby and older, based on meat and vegetables, has a pleasant texture and taste. The consistency of the soup resembles soup well crushed with a fork, i.e. contains small whole pieces, teaching the child not only to swallow food, but also to learn to chew it.

The basis of the soup is chicken liver and vegetables, so the soup turns out rich not only in taste, but also in the content of nutrients - vitamins and microelements. Carrots are rich in vitamins PP, C, B1, K, B2, and also contain a lot of carotene. Zucchini also contains vitamins E, A and group B. Cauliflower is a rich source of vitamin C, it contains 2 times more than lemon and orange. Chicken liver is rich in proteins, amino acids, contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, calcium, vitamins B, D, E, K, β-carotene, ascorbic acid.

onion – 1 pc.
carrots – 1/2 pcs.
zucchini – 1 pc.
chicken liver

Cream soup for children from 9 months, recipe:

Rinse onions, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower thoroughly in running water and peel.

Pour 1 liter of purified, filtered water into a saucepan. Place the liver, carrots cut into thin pieces, and onion cut in half into a saucepan.

Salt the water and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes.

When the water in the pan boils, add the chopped potatoes.

Cook the broth over medium heat until the potatoes are half cooked, about 10 minutes.

Cut the zucchini and cauliflower into small cubes.

After 10 minutes, add chopped vegetables to the pan.

Cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes over medium heat, then turn off the heat.

Cool the finished soup a little, put it in a blender and grind, but so that whole pieces remain. You can simply mash the soup with a fork before eating.

If desired, add 40-50 grams of butter to the finished puree soup.

Serve the finished soup warm to the child.

Store leftover soup in the refrigerator for no more than a day. At the age of 9 months, it is better for a child to cook a fresh portion of soup each time.

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At the age of nine months, the child begins to actively engage in adult food and experiment with new tastes and products. In order to make this process as comfortable as possible for the baby’s digestive system, it is recommended to prepare dishes whose composition and consistency will make the baby’s introduction to new food pleasant and healthy.

One of these dishes will certainly be homemade soup, the preparation of which is very simple and takes very little time.

Features of cooking for a baby aged nine months

At the age of nine months, babies still do not have teeth with which they could chew solid food elements. Therefore, often, a child may refuse to eat a dish that contains large pieces. Sometimes these refusals are quite categorical, which leads to despair for mothers - they worry that the baby will never love such a healthy dish as soup. Therefore, it is easier and healthier for a child at this age to cook not a classic soup, but a puree soup from steamed ingredients.

Puree soup: options and cooking features

A steamer or multicooker with this function will be a wonderful helper in a family where the baby is growing up. The fact is that preparing food for a child in a double boiler will preserve the vitamins and nutrients contained in vegetables. In a classic soup, the preparation of which requires long-term cooking, much less vitamins are retained.
To prepare the simplest vegetable puree soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • several types of vegetables;
  • some chopped fresh herbs;
  • a piece of bay leaf;
  • a piece of butter (or a few drops of vegetable oil)
  • some salt;

You can use frozen vegetables if you are cooking in winter, but if it’s summer, it’s better to use fresh vegetables that are available in season.

This is any type of cabbage: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli. Potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, green peas - everything that is currently sold in the store, or you froze in the summer.

Before you start preparing the soup, the vegetables you decide to use must be cleared of dirt, rinsed under running water, peeled and cut into small pieces. The water from which you will cook the soup and pour it into the bottom of the steamer must be filtered, since you will still need the vegetable broth left after cooking. You can put a piece of bay leaf in this water - it will give the vegetables and broth a light, pleasant aroma.
When the vegetables are cooked, grind them in a blender so that they turn into a puree consistency, and add a few tablespoons of the remaining vegetable broth. First dilute the broth with regular boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, this will make the taste of the puree more rich.

Add a piece of butter or a few drops of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn) to the still warm puree soup. You can experiment, choosing the oil that your baby will like best. Sprinkle the finished puree soup with finely chopped herbs.

At first, in order to interest the child, it is advisable to prepare soup with a lot of brightly colored vegetables - let it be broccoli, pumpkin, carrots.

Important nuances

At first, in order to interest the child, it is advisable to prepare soup with a lot of brightly colored vegetables - let it be broccoli, pumpkin, carrots. Do not abuse the cooking time - for frozen vegetables - this is no more than 10 minutes in double boiler mode. Fresh ones will require a little longer cooking time - about 15 minutes. If the vegetables retain their bright color, it means that you chose the cooking time correctly, and in addition to color, they also retained the entire set of vitamins. If the vegetables turn brown, become soft and do not look very unappetizing, then the cooking time needs to be reduced.

Calculate the amount of vegetables based on your baby’s appetites, as well as the fact that he will eat this soup only once, freshly prepared. That is, you prepare one serving.

Additives in puree soup

As the child tastes and loves the puree soup, you can begin to add the following additives to an already familiar dish.

Meatballs. You can use your own preparations, or ready-made meatballs from baby food. Meatballs offered by baby food manufacturers, as a rule, are more adapted for use by babies at the age of nine months - they have a delicate taste, there are no veins in the meat, and practically no salt or spices. Start with them. Add a few meatballs to the already prepared vegetable puree soup, look at the child’s reaction. Don't rush him, let him try it and get used to the new taste. Don’t insist if your baby doesn’t like the meatballs and refuses to eat them. You can begin his acquaintance with meat products in another way.

Chopped meat. An excellent alternative to meatballs (if the child refuses to eat them) is minced meat, which must be prepared in advance and added to the already prepared puree soup. Boil a piece of white meat (chicken, turkey) or lean veal. During cooking, add a little salt, you can add a bay leaf. Cooked meat must be ground in a meat grinder or blender. Add a little to the puree soup, literally a couple of teaspoons. Gradually, the amount of minced meat in the puree soup can be increased if the child has become accustomed to the new taste and does not refuse the offered dish.

If a child is reluctant to eat pureed soups, but has a positive attitude towards solid pieces of food, then you can prepare and offer him a classic version of soup in our understanding.

If the child is reluctant to eat puree soups, but has a positive attitude towards solid pieces of food, then you can prepare and offer him a version of the soup that is classic in our understanding.

Soups with broth. The usefulness of meat decoctions has recently been strongly questioned by pediatricians and child nutrition specialists. This is due to the fact that children in the first years of life still have a very immature gastrointestinal tract system, and often the pancreas, which produces the necessary enzymes for processing meat products, cannot cope. Therefore, experts do not recommend overusing broths in feeding children under two or three years of age. A vegetable broth followed by the addition of separately prepared meat products (meatballs, pieces of meat) will be optimal for a child aged nine months.

How to cook a classic version of soup using vegetable broth.

Finely chop several types of fresh vegetables; you can first fry them in a drop of vegetable oil - literally for a couple of minutes, but no more, the taste of the soup will be more intense. However, you should not overuse frying in oil.
Then put the vegetables in the prepared boiling water, add a piece of bay leaf and cook over moderate heat for no more than 15-20 minutes. Add the meat and herbs prepared in advance when the vegetables are almost ready.
When preparing meat products, remember that after the meat has boiled, you must drain the first broth, rinse the meat, and pour in a second portion of water in which it will continue to cook. Meat can be added in the form of minced meat, or simply cut into small pieces.

Supplement options.

Cereals. At the age of nine months it is primarily buckwheat and rice. Millet cereal may not be very easy for a nine-month-old baby to digest, so it is better to introduce it into the child’s diet later, after a year.

Add cereal at the initial stage of cooking, when vegetables are added to boiling water. If you want to make soup with the addition of cereals, then it is better to reduce the amount of vegetables, leaving onions, carrots (pumpkin), potatoes and herbs.

Pasta. Cereals can be varied with pasta; fortunately, there is now a large selection of these products in various shapes and colors. A soup with multi-colored vermicelli in the form of interesting shapes and figures will certainly interest the baby, and he will try it with great appetite.

Salt. To add or not to add?

A question that puzzles many mothers. It must be said that only excessive salt consumption can harm a child. And when preparing soup for a nine-month-old baby, a mother can automatically add the same amount of salt that she is used to putting in when she needs to cook soup for adults. This, of course, will be wrong, and the child may simply refuse to eat too salty soup. However, not adding salt to dishes at all is also not an option, since a small amount of salt will optimally emphasize the taste of the ingredients in the soup.

In chapter Parenting to the question Moms, how do you cook soups for 9 month old babies? given by the author Valide The best answer is I cook the meat separately - children cannot have broth, there are too many extractive substances that irritate the stomach and pancreas. I boil carrots, onions, zucchini and potatoes in water. Sometimes I add frozen dill (I grew my own in the summer). A little salt. Place the meat in a blender and finely mash the soup with a fork. It is better to give chicken after a year, and at 9 months - rabbit, turkey, and if this is not possible - veal. Well, fish 1-2 times a week. There is not very much meat in canned meat. Mostly starch or rice.

Answer from Jhosline[guru]
boil frozen salmon, a small piece of 150 grams in 500 ml of water. there are potatoes, rice (ground in a coffee grinder), carrots. then I crush 200 grams of this soup in a plate using a rolling pin.
I make steamed meatballs in the same way - I add broccoli or cauliflower. cabbage (in jars) no reaction.
10 months for us. I don’t serve pork in any form. I often mix jarred ones.

Answer from Elena Buzunova[newbie]
The doctor introduced beef to us at 5 months; at 7 months I was already cooking soups in beef and chicken broth (I diluted the broth). Honestly, I don’t recognize jarred purees.

Answer from BUGS[guru]
I definitely cooked it and still cook it. At 9 months At this age, a blender is no longer needed, just mash with a fork and grind the meat in a coffee grinder
Boil the broth, then add carrots, onions, potatoes, vermicelli or rice, add a little salt....

Answer from Elena[guru]
Start with veal. Cook for 2 hours, then finely chop or grind. Chicken can cause allergies. and the soup is made with meat broth, boil the vegetables in it and grind them in a blender or with a spoon until mushy.

Answer from Yoolntse[guru]
Start with vegetable soup.
For a 200g serving:
1 sprig of broccoli, one quarter of a medium potato, carrots (cm3-4 by eye), zucchini (50 g), pepper for flavor (frozen if available), add water and cook over low heat until boiling. Add a pinch of salt. Cool, mix in a blender.
Before moving on to meat soup, a week after taking vegetable soup, add a level tablespoon of cereal (buckwheat, rice...), and a week later - a teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and only then can you safely move on to meat soups.
Buy meat (veal, rabbit), make minced meat, form it into balls (4 grams = small walnuts), put it on a plate and in the freezer, it will freeze, put it in a bag and store it in the freezer (convenient and practical).
For the first preparation of meat soup, one ball (meatball) is enough.
Cook like vegetable soup, but when it boils, throw in the meatball, it will float to the top and it’s ready.
Fish (hake, admiral... not fatty fish)... cook like meat soup.

Your baby is growing very quickly - he will soon turn one year old. The child already knows a lot: he gets up on his own to sit down, crawls, stands holding onto a support, walks holding the hands of an adult.

Some children try to walk without support. Now the individual characteristics of his character are manifested in every possible way. At this age, his personal uniqueness is actively formed. The baby already consciously pronounces some syllables, such as “ma”, “pa”, “na”, copies the sounds of animals, for example, a dog: “Aw!” In general, both physical and mental development proceeds at a rapid pace. At the same time, the daily routine changes: the child sleeps only twice during the day, and the period of wakefulness increases to 4 hours. Accordingly, the diet of a 9-month-old child should change slightly. If previously the baby ate every 3 hours, now he can easily withstand 4 hours. It will be very convenient to switch to 5 feedings a day. The optimal interval between feedings, a diet for 9 months, a sample menu and a variety of recipes - all useful tips on proper nutrition are collected in this article.

Changes in feeding routine

For most children, the feeding schedule at 9 months does not include night feedings. They sleep all night, and in the morning, as soon as they open their eyes, they demand mom or a bottle. If your baby eats very late in the evening or even in the middle of the night, has a good appetite during the day, and is gaining weight well, you should stop feeding at night. Often, the mother herself is to blame for the baby’s habit of eating at night - before the child has time to wake up, the mother offers him a bottle or breast so that he does not cry. There is no need to do this anymore. It will be easy for some to give up night feedings - upon waking up at night, the baby will roll around a little and fall asleep. Another child may cry for milk. In this case, you can pump him up a little, offer him some water, and after some time the cub will fall asleep. The first time he may cry even for 20 or 30 minutes, but after a few days he will sleep peacefully until the morning.

Baby's nutrition at 9 months

During this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of breast milk or formula. Nutrition for a 9-month-old child involves a varied menu, including cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products. We'll talk more about diet later. Already three times a day the child should receive solid food and twice - in the morning and evening feedings - breast milk or formula.

When to feed

Solid foods take longer to digest and provide energy for a longer period than liquid formula (or breast milk). Therefore, the time between meals should increase. Often, children themselves refuse the next feeding and eat what is offered with appetite within an hour. Therefore, if the first milk feeding was at 6 a.m., the next one will be at 9 a.m., then lunch should be moved from 12 to 1 p.m., approximately plan the afternoon snack for 5 p.m., and leave the evening feeding, the last one, for 9 p.m.

Expanding the diet

Baby food for 9 months includes quite a lot of dishes from a variety of products. Kids at this age are already familiar with fruit juices, vegetable and fruit purees, cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk, kefir, porridge, meat puree, bread and cookies. For a 9-month-old baby, nutrition, called complementary feeding, provides all the necessary nutritional components that are no longer sufficient in either breast milk or infant formula, namely proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and minerals. The diet of a 9-month-old child should be expanded if possible. But you must remember that it is important to introduce new foods carefully, starting with small portions, and monitor your child for several days. If everything is in order, the child is calm, there are no allergic reactions to new food at 9 months, the menu may include new products, but not earlier than a week later you can try something new. A nine-month-old baby should have long been accustomed to boiled, well-chopped meat. This meat is rabbit, veal, beef, turkey. The diet of a 9-month-old child may include chicken, as well as liver, preferably beef or rabbit, heart and tongue. These by-products are rich in iron and vitamins, which is especially necessary for children with low hemoglobin. It is highly undesirable to use store-bought minced meat - everything must be prepared with your own hands. You can use canned baby food. They can be only meat or mixed with vegetables and cereals. You can also use canned fruits and vegetables.

But it is still better to leave industrial baby food in case of some trips or during the off-season of certain products. This mainly applies to vegetables, fruits and berries. When feeding a child, it is necessary to adhere to the principle - everything is freshly prepared from those products whose quality there is no doubt. Among other things, feeding a 9-month-old baby involves including lean white fish in the diet. These are pike perch, cod, flounder, hake. You can replace meat with fish once a week. First, you should give boiled fish with vegetables and side dishes; later, when the child gets used to the taste of fish, you can prepare fish puddings and steamed cutlets. Separately, I would like to highlight vegetable and butter - if you still don’t have them in your dishes, you should include them. Vegetable oil must be added to vegetable purees, and butter to porridge, both in an amount of 5 grams per serving.

Wipe or knead

The nutrition of a child at 9 months is based on accustoming the baby to thick food. If you do not introduce solid food into complementary foods in time, problems may arise after a year - the child will simply refuse such food. Hematogenous dishes are gradually replaced with mashed ones when the child is 9 months old. The baby's development and nutrition are moving to a new level. His chewing apparatus is actively developing, and to stimulate the development of the digestive system, it is necessary to change the consistency of complementary foods. This must be done carefully and gradually. In general, babies at 9 months willingly eat food mashed with a fork. In addition, with great pleasure, the child can pull some pieces into his mouth and chew them. It’s a good idea to give your baby a piece of apple, pear, biscuits or a crust of white bread. By the end of the 9th month, you can offer your baby pieces of boiled fruit or vegetables. For now, the meat needs to be wiped or ground in a blender to a hematogenous mass.

Sample menu

As you can see, a baby has a very varied diet at 9 months. The children's menu is very similar to the adult menu.

  1. First breakfast: milk (breast or formula), if the child does not protest, demanding the usual milk in the morning, you can give kefir - 180-200 grams.
  2. Lunch: porridge (buckwheat, rice, barley) with or without milk - 150 grams, fruit puree - 40 grams, juice, milk or tea - 30 grams.
  3. Dinner: vegetable puree - 150 grams, meat or fish puree - 50 grams, a piece of bread, juice or compote - 50 grams.
  4. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese - 50 grams, fruit and vegetable puree - 50 grams, kefir - 100-120 grams.
  5. Dinner: milk (breast or formula) - 200-210 grams.


A child (9 months) should receive only freshly prepared food. The recipes below describe the preparation processes for basic children's dishes. Ingredients from recipes can be replaced or added depending on how varied your baby's diet is. It's not bad if you have a steamer in your house. This makes mom’s work much easier, and the food retains nutrients better. But you can do without a double boiler - they cook for the child in a saucepan with a small amount of water under a closed lid.

Vegetable puree


  • potatoes - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 50 grams;
  • broccoli - 100 grams;
  • zucchini - 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a third of a teaspoon.

Vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into medium pieces. Place the carrots first in boiling water. Boil until half cooked and add potatoes and broccoli to the pan. The last thing to put in is the zucchini. When the vegetables are ready, you need to add vegetable oil to the pan and, after boiling for 2 minutes, turn off. If the baby eats mashed food, we knead it; if it is still pureed, we wipe the main mass. Leave it a little to knead. You can also give your child a piece of carrot or cabbage in his hand - he will chew it with pleasure.

Milk buckwheat porridge


  • buckwheat (or flour) - 50 grams;
  • milk - 400 milliliters;
  • salt, sugar - you can use a pinch, you can not use it at all.

The milk goes to the stove. When it boils, add buckwheat or flour to it. If flour is used, it must first be mixed with a small amount of milk. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and cook until done for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add butter, if necessary, you can add salt and sugar to the porridge.

Veal puree soup with vegetables


  • veal - 60 grams;
  • potatoes - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 40 grams;
  • onion - 10 grams;
  • cauliflower - 60 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a third of a teaspoon;
  • greens - to taste.

The veal must be cut into pieces, pour cold water and boil until half cooked. Then add vegetables one by one, first carrots, then onions, potatoes, cauliflower. When everything is ready, add oil and turn off. When serving, you need to add greens.

No matter how long the meat is cooked, it remains a little tough for the child. Therefore, it is better to grind the soup using a blender or crank only the meat and grind the vegetables.

Rice porridge with apples


  • rice - 12 grams;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • water - 30 milliliters;
  • apples - 1-2 pieces;
  • butter - a third of a teaspoon.

The rice must be sorted and washed several times. Boil milk and add water to it. While stirring, you need to add the rice to the liquid. Over low heat, bring the consistency to a homogeneous mass. Apples need to be peeled and cored, cut into small pieces, and added to the pan with the porridge. If necessary, you can also add salt and sugar if the apples are sour. Cook for another five minutes, stirring constantly. Add butter to the finished porridge.

Semolina porridge with pumpkin


  • semolina - 10 grams;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • milk - 100 milliliters;
  • butter - a third of a teaspoon;
  • salt - 0.5 grams;
  • sugar - 5 grams.

The pumpkin must be cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into small pieces. Boil a third of the milk and simmer the pumpkin in it until soft. Afterwards, rub the mixture into a homogeneous consistency. Mix semolina with sugar, salt and pumpkin mixture, add the remaining milk and cook over low heat until tender. At the end of cooking, add butter.

Homemade cottage cheese


  • Children's kefir - 250 milliliters.

Kefir must be poured into an enamel bowl and placed in a water bath. After a few minutes, the whey will begin to separate. Then you need to drain the cottage cheese onto a sieve or cheesecloth. The whey will drain, leaving a delicious, tender curd.

You can prepare fruit or fruit and vegetable puree with it.

Pumpkin and apple puree


  • apple - 1 piece;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 5 grams.

The pumpkin must be cleaned of seeds and peel and cut into small cubes. We also clean the apple from seeds and peel and cut into larger cubes. Place in a steamer and sprinkle a little sugar on top. Cook for a couple of minutes 25. At the end of cooking, you can mash with a fork or rub through a sieve.

With the introduction of the first complementary foods, when the baby is 6 months old, many mothers ask different questions about this. A complementary feeding calendar can help you figure out when and in what order new foods should be introduced into your baby’s diet. One day the moment comes when it’s time to introduce your child to a dish like soup. In this article you can find information about when to give soup to infants, how to prepare it correctly, and what products can be used.

Dates for introduction to the menu

According to generally accepted norms for the introduction of complementary feeding, vegetable vegetarian soups appear on the children's menu after the introduction of vegetables into the diet. Essentially, you offer your child vegetable purees that are liquid in consistency by adding a decoction.

Pediatricians have somewhat different opinions about the age at which to start giving the first one. Some believe that the optimal age is 6-7 months. Others believe that the appropriate age is 7-8 months for formula-fed babies and 9-12 months for breastfed babies.

At about the age of 8-10 months, when meat already appears in the child’s diet, you can add meatballs or boiled chopped fillet. From 9-10 months, instead of puree soup, you can already offer your baby the first one, the vegetables in which will be chopped with a fork. This will stimulate the baby's chewing skills.

Closer to 1 year, the children's menu can be diversified with fish soup.

When introducing a new dish, always start giving broth with 30 ml and observe the reaction. Thus, you can gradually increase the volume of product consumed to the age norm (80-100 ml per day).

Cooking features

Soup for a child is significantly different from the one prepared for an adult table. The first for a baby should be cooked exclusively on the basis of water, and not meat or fish broth, since this is still too heavy food for the baby. Toxins released during cooking can place excessive stress on the pancreas and liver. Fish is a strong allergen, so it should be postponed until a later date. It is better to purchase purified drinking water in bottles, intended specifically for feeding infants.

Start introducing these dishes into your diet with vegetarian recipes. Use only those vegetables that you have already introduced into your baby’s menu earlier, and to which he has not experienced an undesirable reaction from the body.

The first can be prepared from several types of vegetables. It is useful to use rice, buckwheat, and millet in cooking. Alternate different foods to diversify your child's taste sensations.

But it is not advisable to give legumes, bay leaves, smoked meats, tomato paste, garlic and pepper, as this can cause digestive problems for the baby. Adding salt, spices or herbs is also an individual question. It is recommended that at the beginning of complementary feeding you limit yourself to only greens - parsley, dill, etc. Always cook fresh food for each feeding to avoid intestinal infections.

For kids who are just getting acquainted with this dish, it is recommended to chop the vegetables using a blender or fork. Then you should add a little of the remaining broth to the resulting vegetable puree so that the consistency is uniform. A little later, you can switch to soups consisting of small pieces, and the broth will help the child chew and swallow food.

After introducing meat into complementary foods, you can add meat puree or boiled fillet of chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or veal to the dish. The choice depends on what your baby prefers. Try to buy lean meats. Up to a year, give preference to boneless meat.


Knowing the main features of preparing vegetarian and meat broths for infants, you can start cooking. We offer simple and tasty recipes that will help you diversify your baby's diet.

Cream soup

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For infants who cannot yet chew solid food, puree soup is a real godsend for young parents. The dish has a uniform consistency and does not contain lumps. Thanks to this, the puree soup does not irritate the stomach and intestines of the baby and is suitable for dietary nutrition.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. chop and boil 100 g. any vegetables, such as zucchini and cauliflower, until fully cooked
  2. pour the resulting broth into a separate container, and pass the prepared vegetables through a fine sieve, or grind with a blender
  3. dilute the puree with the broth, bring to a boil again
  4. The soup can be seasoned with butter (3 grams) and grated yolk (1/4).


Soups to start complementary feeding must be vegetarian. Use potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, onions and carrots. If the baby is already 9-10 months old, the finished dish can be chopped with a fork, leaving small pieces for a gradual transition to more solid food. Below is the simplest and most popular recipe.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • water – 1 l.
  • potatoes – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 100 gr.
  • carrots – 1/2 pcs.
  • rice – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt to taste

Place rice and chopped potatoes into boiling water. In 10 min. Before the rice is ready, add grated carrots and crushed peeled tomatoes. Cool the finished product to the desired temperature.

Pumpkin soup

The first pumpkin is rich in fiber, vitamins A, E, K, ascorbic acid and microelements. This dish has a positive effect on the digestive tract and removes toxins from the body.

You will need:

  • pumpkin – 250 gr.
  • baby milk – 1 l.
  • butter – 30 gr.
  • sugar, salt to taste

Combine the pumpkin pulp, cut into small slices, with boiling milk. It is necessary to cook until the pumpkin softens. Add sugar, salt, butter. Cool the finished product and grind it using a strainer.

The recipes are not complicated at all. In addition, you can safely change the combinations of ingredients and consistency based on the individual preferences of your baby.


To make chicken soup you will need:

  • water – 0.5 l.
  • chicken fillet – 100 gr.
  • potatoes – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • thin vermicelli - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • green onions or other fresh herbs


  1. cover the fillet with water and bring to a boil
  2. drain the first chicken broth, rinse the meat and prepare the second
  3. after that put chopped vegetables and vermicelli in it
  4. cook until tender, and then puree in a blender
  5. Before serving, do not forget about the greens. Bon appetit!

Chicken soup with vegetable broth is prepared as follows. The fillet and vegetables should be cooked separately, and then the finished products with the addition of broth should be crushed in a blender.

With meatballs

To prepare the first one with meatballs you will need:

  • veal or lean beef – 250 gr.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • water – 250-300 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • greenery

Cooking method:

  1. pass the meat and half an onion through a meat grinder several times
  2. combine the resulting minced meat with an egg
  3. form meatballs
  4. cook them over low heat for 10 minutes
  5. then add chopped potatoes, carrots and remaining onions
  6. cook until tender; before serving, you can garnish with herbs

If your baby doesn't like the recipes and won't eat what you've prepared, try adding a few drops of lemon juice before serving. But, as with the introduction of any new products, you should not rush your baby. Start giving small portions, gradually increasing them to the recommended amount. After all, breast milk remains the main food for up to a year. Be patient and one day your culinary efforts will be appreciated.