
How to properly prepare cocoa for a 2 year old child. We give cocoa to the child taking into account age and health. The benefits and harms of cocoa for a child’s body


Cocoa is a tasty and healthy drink that is recognized as a true children's treat, but only benefits if the child receives it at the right age and in moderation. Questions remain relevant: when and how to introduce it into a child’s diet. The safest age for introducing cocoa into the diet should be considered 3 years.

Cocoa can be given to children 2 times a week in small quantities - half the usual mug or small mugs in the morning. The maximum amount per week is 4 cups. It is best served for breakfast, especially if the child refuses to eat in the morning. It is recommended to increase the volume of cocoa consumed at one time to the volume of a full cup only after 6 years, but no more than 2 per day - this portion will be quite enough to saturate the body with its beneficial properties. You can drink cocoa every morning. The maximum amount of natural cocoa should not exceed 0.5 g per day per 1 kg of child weight.

When can you offer cocoa?

Healthy children who do not suffer from problems with the digestive system are still allowed to introduce the drink earlier - from 2 years of age. But only sometimes as a rare dessert.

  • Children suffering from food allergies should not try cocoa until they are 3–5 years old; in most cases, even at school age, cocoa remains prohibited for them. It is better to administer it carefully, in small portions starting from once a week, depending on the characteristics of the child and his state of health.
  • Children with metabolic diseases, in particular purine deficiency (gout,) should not be given cocoa even at an older age.
  • They should not be given, it is better for them to drink unsweetened low-calorie drinks.
  • Hyperactive children and choleric people do not need cocoa.

Attention! If, after consuming cocoa, a child develops signs of an allergy: inflammation of the eyelids, cocoa should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted about the possibility of its further use.

Why not before 3 years?

You should not experiment and introduce cocoa into your child’s diet before the required age. The tannins and tonic properties of this drink will not benefit a small child. Theothrombin, 40 aromatic compounds - it makes sense to protect a one-year-old child from all allergens, so we can definitely say that a one-year-old child does not need cocoa. But even if you decide to give cocoa to your child before the required age, then give preference to a high-quality and natural product; you should not accustom your baby to Nesquik-type drinks. Cocoa should be a dark brown powder without flavoring additives or aromas, without lumps or grains, and dissolve well. High-quality cocoa should have a fat content of more than 15% and smell of chocolate.

Benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is rich in vitamins and microelements, improves mood and tones.

  1. The composition of cocoa is very suitable for children; it is rich in the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins. In addition, cocoa, chocolate and desserts with its addition are among the most delicious.
  2. The most pleasant property of cocoa is that it improves your mood. In response to cocoa entering the body, the joy hormone endorphin is produced, which is why a bar of chocolate or a cup of cocoa helps cope with stress so well.
  3. Cocoa has excellent tonic properties.
  4. Cocoa contains the substance theobromine, which means it is useful to drink cocoa for a dry, painful cough.
  5. Cocoa is a high-calorie product that satisfies hunger.
  6. Helps and promotes rapid recovery of the body after training.
  7. It's good to drink.

Harm cocoa

  1. The incidence of allergic reactions is high.
  2. You should not drink cocoa before bed, because it tones, invigorates, is a high-calorie product, so the child will most likely be bothered by insomnia and heaviness in the stomach.
  3. With frequent consumption of cocoa, symptoms may appear.
  4. Cocoa provokes seizures.
  5. You should not rush to treat your child to hot chocolate; unlike cocoa, it is fattier, very high in calories and contains unnatural additives.

Cocoa recipe for children

For one serving of cocoa:

  • Milk – 250 ml,
  • Cocoa – 1 tsp. without a slide,
  • Sugar to taste - approximately 1.5 tsp.

Mix the cocoa powder and sugar thoroughly: the better you mix, the fewer lumps you will get. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil, slowly add the mixture of sugar and cocoa, stirring constantly, boil for up to 5 minutes. Leave for 5–10 minutes. You can add a cinnamon stick and a little vanilla to hot cocoa. To prepare cocoa, a third of the milk can be replaced with water, and at the end, for a pleasant aroma and delicate taste, add cream or baked milk.

Cocoa is not a more healthy drink than cocoa; cocoa is one of the ways to diversify your taste sensations and life in general.

The “About the Most Important” program generally talks about the beneficial properties of cocoa:

At what age can a child be given cocoa and how to do it correctly so as not to harm the baby’s health? Sooner or later, every young mother faces this question.

Cocoa is a very tasty and healthy product, but what is good for an adult often causes harm to a child’s body. No need to rush things - this delicacy should be introduced into the baby's diet gradually. When it is allowed to give cocoa to children, and what doctors think about this, we will try to figure it out in more detail.

The benefits of cocoa drink for children

Before understanding the question of when you can start drinking cocoa for children, let's try to understand - what, in fact, is it useful for the body of babies? Is this delicious drink healthy at all?

Cocoa is a storehouse of more than 300 minerals and vitamins. Zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium - this is only the most minimal list of substances with which this product is enriched. Of course, if we are talking about high-quality cocoa powder that does not contain any impurities, additives, preservatives.

Moreover, it also has some medicinal properties. In particular, it has a diuretic effect and helps to noticeably reduce sore throats in case of colds. And if you prepare a drink not with water, but with milk, then all its beneficial effects will double!

So, everything comes down to the same question: if cocoa is so useful, does this mean that it can be given to babies, regardless of age? Absolutely not! This drink also has its own characteristics of use, as well as limitations, especially when it comes to the health of the child's body. And they must be taken into account!

When is cocoa allowed to be introduced into children's diets:

The question of at what age a child can be given cocoa is a fundamental one. In view of this, parents are obliged to take it seriously. What does Dr. Komarovsky say about this?

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky claims that giving children cocoa, without fear for their health, is possible only if they have no contraindications to drinking this drink. Moreover, he emphasizes the importance of preparing a tasty delicacy correctly - only then will it retain all the useful and nutritious substances that the child’s body needs so much.

This product should be introduced into the baby’s menu no earlier than he reaches one and a half years of age.

But many pediatricians insist that this drink can be consumed by children starting from 3 years old. And since expert opinions differ, parents should take the average figure as a basis. Thus, it turns out that this drink is best introduced into the children’s diet when the baby reaches 2 years of age.

Although cocoa is not a medicinal drug, it has its own dosage regimen. Only if parents adhere to it will they be able to avoid adverse consequences for the health of their baby.

How to properly give a drink to children?

Children from 2 to 5 years old are recommended to drink 50 ml of the drink no more than 4 times a week. It is best to give cocoa to your child during breakfast, especially if it was prepared “for testing”. Thus, it will be possible to evaluate the baby’s body’s reaction to the innovation in his diet.

Starting from 6 years old, children are allowed to drink 100 ml of the drink at a time, every day. Schoolchildren over 10 years old can drink more than half a cup of the drink every day.

Important! You should not give cocoa to children at night. This drink is a source of energy, which can cause an attack of abnormal psychomotor and physical activity in the child.

How to prepare the drink correctly?

It is very important to prepare a delicious drink correctly. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this - you just need to follow these simple rules:

  1. Take a saucepan or other container (preferably aluminum), add 1.5 teaspoons of cocoa powder.
  2. Add the same amount of sugar and stir the mixture.
  3. Pour in 100 ml of boiling water and place the saucepan on low heat. The mixture must be stirred constantly to avoid lumps.
  4. Simmer the liquid over low heat until it boils, then add 150 ml of milk to it. It is advisable to warm it up a little before adding it to a boiling drink.
  5. Reduce heat, but do not remove the container with the mixture. After the liquid has completely boiled, the saucepan must be removed from the stove.
  6. Lightly whisk the finished drink with a whisk until a thick, fragrant foam forms on the surface of the liquid. In addition, thanks to this, all the ingredients are completely mixed, which makes the cocoa drink only tastier.

That's all - now the treat can be poured into a cup and given to the child. As you can see, preparing a cocoa drink is very simple.

But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the taste preferences of the child himself, and each baby has his own. Some people like a light cocoa shade, others a more chocolatey one. Therefore, a mother, before preparing a delicious treat for her child, needs to ask what kind of drink he will like.

Any additional goodies can be added to the cocoa drink - honey, sugar, condensed milk, chocolate, cream, etc.

Another useful tip: it is recommended to prepare a delicious drink with milk with a low percentage of fat content. This product contains less fat, but it contains a lot of protein, and it is much healthier.

But! You should not choose skim milk at all. It simply does not carry any benefit for the body, both children and adults.

When is cocoa contraindicated for a child?

Cocoa, like any other food product, has its contraindications for consumption. We will not dwell further on age restrictions, since we have already found out when it can be introduced into the children's diet. Instead, let's look at situations where it should never be given to a child.

According to Dr. Komarovsky and other pediatricians, cocoa is contraindicated for children:

  1. Obese. Cocoa is a very nutritious and high-calorie product. If parents still want to pamper their baby, then the drink should be prepared without adding milk and, alas, sugar. And this is unlikely to please a child.
  2. Prone to allergies. Of course, with the right approach to choosing cocoa powder and purchasing only a high-quality product, the child should not develop allergies. But, firstly, it is very difficult to distinguish low-grade cocoa powder from a high-quality product. Secondly, a baby may have a congenital allergy to chocolate, so under such conditions you cannot take risks, otherwise you can cause serious damage to his health.

Some doctors insist that children with mental disabilities should not be spoiled with this delicacy. The fact is that this drink is energy. It stimulates the brain and nervous system, which can lead to increased psycho-emotional or physical excitability in the baby.

When is a cocoa drink useful?

But for some children, a cocoa drink, on the contrary, is necessary and can be drunk. First of all, this applies to babies:

  1. with low body weight. And even if the child’s weight is normal, but he is very active and energetic, a cocoa drink will be an excellent “energizer” for him, since it gives him a boost of energy and gives him strength to play.
  2. who skip breakfast. Of course, this product cannot replace a nutritious diet, but it will relieve the baby from the feeling of painful hunger, since his stomach will no longer be empty.
  3. prone to acetonemia. One of the reasons for this condition is prolonged fasting, so cocoa drink is perfect for children from point 2, as well as for children who often suffer from infectious diseases.

Under such circumstances, a delicious drink will come in handy!

Maybe hot chocolate?

Another question that parents often ask is: “Is it better to give your baby hot chocolate?” Absolutely not!

Basically, what is this hot chocolate? This is a melted chocolate bar mixed with milk. Cinnamon, condensed milk, honey are added to such a delicacy - yes, anything! But this product cannot be called safe for children and even schoolchildren, even if it is prepared with your own hands. Schoolchildren over 10 years old are allowed to drink this delicacy, but smaller children should still limit themselves to a flavored cocoa drink.

As you can see, cocoa for children is both good and bad. Therefore, parents, knowing their baby well, can decide for themselves whether it is worth pampering him with this delicacy. If a decision has been made to introduce this product into the children’s diet, then this should be done gradually, and only after the baby is at least 2 years old!

Cocoa for many adults is associated with childhood, mother's care and warmth. And it’s not surprising that a mother wants to treat her growing child to such a delicious drink. In order for the baby to receive only pleasant emotions and benefits from it, you should know from how many months it is allowed to try such a drink, what the benefits and harms are, and also how to brew it for the child.

What is cocoa

A drink called “cocoa” is prepared from the fruits of an evergreen tree with the same name. It was first brewed by the ancient Aztecs, who called it "bitter water". When the fruits came to Europe, a drink from them was brewed only for royalty. Only in the 18th century ordinary people began to drink it. Nowadays, beans for making cocoa powder are grown mainly in Africa, and the drink is distributed throughout the world.

What is useful

  • The child will receive valuable proteins, fiber, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, vitamin B9, iron and other substances.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, thanks to which cocoa improves mood.
  • Rich in polyunsaturated fats, which are important for the formation of cell membranes. These fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol levels.
  • It attracts with its pleasant chocolate taste and perfectly satisfies hunger. It is useful to give thin children.
  • Theobromine in the composition is able to slightly inhibit the cough reflex, therefore, the drink is recommended for dry cough that torments the child.
  • If the baby refuses milk, then cocoa will help get out of this situation without conflicts, because for its preparation they usually use a recipe for milk.
  • The biologically active compounds it contains have a positive effect on mental activity. Drinking cocoa in the morning will improve the student’s performance and relieve stress from workloads during lessons.
  • It has the ability to accelerate recovery processes in muscles after physical activity, Therefore, this drink is recommended for children attending sports clubs.

Harm and contraindications

  • Allergies may occur therefore, if you are prone to allergic reactions, introduction to such a drink is postponed until a later age (at least up to 3 years). A negative reaction is manifested by spots on the skin, an itchy rash, inflammation of the eyelids and other symptoms. If they appear, you should immediately stop drinking and consult a doctor.
  • Acts as a source of caffeine and theobromine, whose properties are similar. These compounds in excess amounts increase the child’s activity and excite the nervous system. For this reason, cocoa should be avoided in cases of hyperactivity, as well as in children with choleric temperament.
  • Drinking cocoa at night can prevent your child from falling asleep.
  • The preparation of the drink involves the addition of milk and sugar, so the cocoa turns out to be quite high in calories. This limits its use in overweight children.
  • If you give it to your child before meals, the baby may refuse to eat, because the drink is quite filling.
  • It is contraindicated for children with impaired kidney function and problems with purine metabolism.
  • Too frequent use may cause constipation.
  • The drink may cause migraine.

At what age should children be given

Doctors do not advise giving cocoa to a one-year-old child, but recommend trying such a drink for the first time only from the age of 2. Unwanted consumption at 1 year of age is associated with an increased risk of allergies. In addition, such a small child also has no need for excess sugar and increased activity. That is why the first cup should be offered to a two-year-old toddler or an older child.

The first serving should be a small amount of the drink - just a few spoons. This way, the mother will be able to understand whether the child tolerates cocoa well or whether introduction should be postponed until the age of 3-5 years. If after the morning portion of the drink the child does not develop a skin rash or other signs of allergy by the evening, the next time the volume of the product can be doubled. The portion is increased gradually and very carefully to the age norm.

How much can a child drink?

At the age of 2 to 5 years, the optimal portion of cocoa per day is considered to be 50 ml, and the frequency of drinking the drink should not exceed 4 times a week. It is best to offer cocoa to children for breakfast. Let such a sweet drink be a rare delicacy in preschool age, and from the age of 6 you can drink it more often (even every day). A schoolchild under 10 years old can drink 100 ml at a time, and at an older age the portion can be increased to 150-250 ml.

Komarovsky's opinion

Komarovsky calls cocoa a healthy drink for children, but at the same time emphasizes to parents that it is a source of energy. According to a popular doctor, there will be no harm from one cup of cocoa a day, but mothers should remember that cocoa will increase the baby’s activity, so you should not drink this drink at night.

A short commentary from the doctor in the video below.

How to choose

How to cook

To prepare a delicious drink, pour 1.5 teaspoons of cocoa powder into a saucepan. Add the same amount of sugar and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour in 100 ml of hot water and, heating over moderate heat with constant stirring, wait until it boils, then pour in 150 ml of milk (it should be preheated).

Reduce heat and continue heating the drink, removing it from the heat before the cocoa boils. Take a whisk and whisk the drink for 15 seconds until foamy. This way you will mix the ingredients more thoroughly and prevent the formation of a film (many children refuse this drink because of it).

The proportion of sugar and cocoa powder can be changed according to the child's preferences. Some people like a sweeter drink, while others like it more chocolatey. If cocoa will be served with cookies or other sweet product, the amount of sugar in the recipe should be reduced. You can diversify the recipe by adding vanilla, cinnamon, condensed milk, baked milk or cream during cooking.

A preschool child can drink it either warm or chilled. Some kids really like to enjoy it through a cocktail straw.

For older children, you can prepare a dessert by pouring cold cocoa over a scoop of ice cream and decorating the top with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

During the cold season, schoolchildren can be offered a cocktail rich in vitamin C, to prepare it you need to combine 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, a glass of milk and 3 tablespoons of rosehip syrup using a blender. You can also add any berries or fruits to this drink to your taste.

Cocoa or hot chocolate

When a child has tried cocoa and fell in love with this drink, many mothers have the idea of ​​making hot chocolate for the baby from natural chocolate and cream, but this delicacy is less preferable for the children's menu, since the drink turns out to be very fatty, thick and high in calories. It should be included in children's menus no earlier than 10 years.

If we are talking about instant hot chocolate, which is bought in a supermarket, there is no need for children to get acquainted with such a drink. It’s good if it happens as late as possible, because the composition of such a product includes many stabilizers, flavors, emulsifiers and other additives. These substances are not useful even for adults, so children do not need such “hot chocolate” any more.

To learn about when you can give your child cocoa and why it is considered safer than coffee or tea, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

You will learn even more about the benefits by watching the program "Live Healthy".

Cocoa is a drink with a bright chocolate taste, which is also very healthy. And although it is considered a delicacy for children, many adults still remember this magical taste, familiar from childhood. We invite you to prepare cocoa, just like in kindergarten, the recipes of which will delight you and your child.

This delicacy is very nutritious and healthy. It is rich in various vitamins and minerals that will help the child strengthen the immune system. In addition, cocoa, not to the same extent as coffee, but can have an invigorating and tonic effect. However, it is important to note that a positive impact is possible only if the use of the product occurs in moderation and at the right age, when the child is no longer 1 or 2 years old.

Children who do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system and food allergies can start giving cocoa from the age of 2. But still, it is recommended to introduce it into the child’s diet only after reaching 3 years of age.

Many people love cocoa. This is a great option for breakfast or afternoon snack. But not everyone knows how to cook it correctly so that there are no lumps. There are a great variety of cooking options, choose according to your taste. We bring to your attention a classic cocoa recipe.

Classic recipe

  • We choose suitable dishes so that the drink does not burn. For example, you can take a saucepan in which you usually boil milk.
  • Ingredients for cooking must be taken in the correct proportions. For 1 liter of milk - 300 ml. water, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. If you need more cocoa (for example, when the family is large), then the proportions can be increased to the volume you need.
  • Mix water and milk, then put the dishes on low heat. Mix sugar and cocoa separately until a uniform mass is formed.
  • When the milk warms up, add a small amount of it to the finished mixture and beat well so that no lumps form.
  • Now the main secret is how to make cocoa tasty for children. Bring the mixture of milk and water to a boil over low heat, and then add the previously well-mixed mass to the container. While the drink is heating up, you need to stir it constantly.
  • After boiling, continue to boil for a few more minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Remove the dishes from the heat. Cocoa with milk is ready to eat!

A product cooked according to this recipe will be an excellent addition to breakfast or afternoon snack. A child can drink it with pies, buns and any other baked goods.

Note: video

Recipe with milk and cinnamon

How to brew a drink with milk and cinnamon? To prepare this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 ml. milk;
  • 1 tsp. cocoa;
  • ½ tsp. Sahara;
  • cinnamon (ground or stick).


  1. Pour milk into a small saucepan and put on fire. There is no need to bring to a boil.
  2. When the milk is hot, add cocoa and then sugar.
  3. Stir everything very well until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  4. Now it's time for cinnamon: add it to the milk and stir. Remove the pan from the heat and cover it with a lid, leave to brew for a few minutes.

If you want to make your cocoa especially tasty, you can use brown sugar instead of regular sugar.

Recipe on water

Some adults and children cannot drink milk for various reasons. But what to do if you still want to enjoy the bright taste of a hot delicacy? There is an exit. This drink can be made without milk. Instead, you can use special substitutes, cream, soy or powdered milk. Or you can cook it in water. Ingredients you will need for this recipe:

  • 200 ml. water;
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara.

If you decide to prepare a dairy-free product for your child, then you need to consider one important feature. For this recipe, you must use 100% natural cocoa powder with a fat content of at least 20%. In general, the higher the fat percentage, the better. If there is such a possibility, then it is advisable to use a powder that has not undergone additional processing. Only by using the “right” ingredient can you get a tasty drink and your child will be happy.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire.
  2. Then mix cocoa powder and sugar in another container.
  3. Add a little water to this mixture and grind everything until smooth.
  4. As soon as it thickens, add more water and mix again. The consistency of the mixture should resemble kefir.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with water. Then cook over low heat, stirring constantly.
  6. After the drink has boiled, continue to cook it for another 3 minutes. Remove from heat and you are ready to serve!

This delicacy would be especially appropriate with unsweetened cookies. The child will be delighted.

This chocolate treat is loved by children all over the world. The main reason, of course, is its rich taste. There are a lot of recipes for preparing this nutritious product. So this is a big field for experimentation. But it is important for all mothers to remember the existing restrictions on the use of this product. And, despite the child’s age, you should not abuse the drink. Only when consumed in moderation will it be as beneficial as possible.

A morning cup of cocoa with milk does not need advertising. The drink has long earned the reputation of being nutritious and healthy, which evokes warm childhood memories for many. But in their desire to offer their baby cocoa, parents are stopped by the risk associated with the high probability of allergies. So at what age can a child be given cocoa so that drinking only brings benefits?

The nutritional value of the product is determined by its composition, rich in vegetable proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In addition, cocoa for children can offer:

  • vitamins (B6, B9, B12, PP, A, E);
  • minerals (zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, fluorine);
  • flavonoids (flavonol);
  • alkaloids (theobromine);
  • fiber;
  • tannins (tannins);
  • pigments (melanin) and aromatic components.

Including cocoa in children's menus diversifies the diet, introduces new taste sensations and helps:

  • growth and formation of bone tissue and teeth;
  • normalize hematopoietic functions;
  • improve mood and cope with stress;
  • withstand physical activity and recover quickly from it;
  • protect from ultraviolet radiation;
  • satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase mental performance.

Cocoa is recognized as one of the best sources of natural antioxidants: the polyphenols contained in the beans remain in the same amount even after processing in the powder and drink. Flavonol is a significant representative of polyphenols. It protects against free radicals, the growth of malignant cells and numerous diseases.

Possible harm and side effects

The greatest harm that a drink can cause to a child’s body is allergies. It occurs with persistent frequency at 3-5 years of age and persists until school age, and sometimes throughout life. The cause is often cited as cocoa plant proteins and pesticides used to treat beans against multiple pests.

  • In case of impaired metabolism, purines contained in cocoa can cause excessive formation of uric acid and its salts, which affects kidney function. In this case, contraindications remain even at high school age.
  • The ability of the drink to tone and have a stimulating effect limits its use in very active and excitable children. For the same reason, children are not recommended to drink it in the evening or at night.
  • High calorie content and high fat content exclude the product from the menu of overweight children.
  • Tannins (in particular tannins), when consumed regularly, provoke stool retention, leading to frequent constipation.

At what age can you give?

Why not before?

Early acquaintance, especially at one year of age, will not bring benefit and, most likely, will do harm. Remember: the drink often causes allergic reactions, and the younger the child, the higher the risks.

The product contains theobromine, the effect of which on the nervous system leads to overexcitation. At one year of age, the processes of inhibition and excitation are still unstable. Even a small portion can upset the fragile balance.

The composition of the product may cause disturbances in the digestive tract. Their most frequent manifestation is constipation, which is a serious problem in yearlings.

There is no point in rushing to introduce a new drink into the diet of a child who, by age, absolutely does not need it. In the menu of a child from 1 to 3 years old, he will always find an equivalent and safe alternative.

Dating rules

The first acquaintance with the drink requires caution and compliance with the mandatory recommendations:

  • Only cocoa and no new products. On the first day, new products for the child and those for which allergy symptoms have already been noted should not appear on the menu.
  • Choose morning time for your first test. Better after breakfast. There will be a whole day ahead to monitor the child's condition.
  • Offer a freshly prepared drink in small quantities. For acquaintance, 10-15 ml will be enough, which is equivalent to 2-3 tsp.

If the child responded well to the first test, in the future, you can proceed to increase the amount at one time. In case of a negative reaction with the appearance of a rash, itchy pink spots or swelling of the eyelids, the product will need to be abandoned for a while. A second attempt will be possible by 5-7 years.

How often can children drink?

From 3 to 5 years old, the child is offered a drink in a small amount - up to 50 ml per day for breakfast and no more than 2 times a week. Late intake is not recommended due to the tonic and stimulating effect, which leads to a violation of night sleep.

From 6 to 10 years old, you can give up to 100 ml of the drink per day and up to 4 times a week. By the way, cocoa prepared with milk solves the problem of a child’s refusal of dairy products for breakfast.

After 10 years, it is allowed to have cocoa on the breakfast menu every day up to 150-200 ml at one time.

Tasty and healthy cocoa cannot be made from bad powder. A few tips for choosing a quality product will help you avoid disappointment:

  • The higher the fat content of cocoa, the better the taste (from 15% or more).
  • Indicating on the label that cocoa beans were grown in Indonesia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Malaysia increases the chances of purchasing a worthwhile product.
  • The best product from a European manufacturer can be bought in eco-shops or online stores with good reviews.
  • The contents of the package must meet 3 criteria: chocolate aroma without additional odors, brown color (dark, not whitish), no lumps.

The secret is in proper preparation

The traditional cooking method will require 20 minutes of mother’s time and a small set of ingredients: 1.5 tsp. cocoa powder and sugar, 250 ml of pure milk or diluted in half with water (both homemade and pasteurized or skim milk are allowed). Considering that cocoa itself has a high percentage of fat content, it is better to dilute homemade milk with water (in the classic recipe - in a 1:1 ratio). This will not affect the taste if you use quality ingredients.

  1. Mix sugar and powder in a wide bowl.
  2. Then pour in a little warm water or milk (up to 2 tablespoons) and mix again until smooth. The more thoroughly you mix, the less likely it is that there will be lumps in the drink.
  3. Pour the milk into a saucepan or saucepan and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  4. In a thin stream, stirring, slowly pour the contents of the cup into the pan.
  5. Turn off the fire 15-20 seconds from the start of boiling.

Culinary secret: to get a drink with a delicate foam and without a milky film, which children don’t like so much, you need to spend another 15 seconds on the contents of the pan, whisking it vigorously with a whisk.

Cocoa or hot chocolate?

The chocolate taste of the drink makes you think about making hot chocolate with cream, which contains similar ingredients: cocoa, milk or cream. When choosing between two incredibly tasty drinks, do not forget about their benefits for the child’s body.

  • Its composition is superior in fat and calorie content to cocoa, and the addition of cream makes the drink even “heavier” for the children’s digestive system.
  • Most often, the preparation of hot chocolate involves a ready-made packaged product with a certain content of sugar, vanilla, and food additives, the composition of which cannot be influenced. While high-grade cocoa is distinguished by its natural purity.

When it comes to cocoa powder, from the options offered by manufacturers, you can always refuse products with additives (vanillin, cinnamon, fruit essences, etc.).