
We don’t keep what we have, having lost it, we cry Yesenin. Philosophy of loss. What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry. Who helped these words become famous?


I look at this question, and maybe it’s true that it started with love!!!
For example, I personally put LOVE first and my favorite parable is this
A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards in the street courtyard. She didn't recognize them.
She said, “You may not be known to me, but you must be hungry. Please come inside and eat.”
“Is your husband at home?” they asked.
"No," she replied. "He's not there."
“Then we cannot enter,” they replied.
In the evening, when her husband returned home, she told him what had happened.
“Go and tell them that I’m home and invite them into the house!” said the husband.
The woman came out and invited the old men.
"We can't go into the house together," they replied.
“Why?” she wondered.
One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another, “And his name is Luck, and my name is Love.” Then he added, “Now go home and talk to your husband about which of us you want in your home.”
The woman went and told her husband what she had heard. Her husband was very happy.
“How good!” he said. “If we really have to make a choice, let’s invite Wealth. Let him come in and fill our house with wealth!”
His wife objected, “Darling, why don’t we invite Luck?”
Their daughter listened to everything while sitting in the corner. She ran up to them with her proposal: “Why don’t we invite Love? After all, then love will reign in our house!”
“Let’s agree with our girl,” the husband said to his wife. "Go and ask Love to be our guest."
The woman came out and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love? Come into the house and be our guest.”
An old man named Lyubov walked in the direction of the house. The other 2 old men followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Luck: “I only invited Love, why are you coming?”
The old men replied: “If you had invited Wealth or Luck, the other two of us would have remained on the street, but since you invited Love, wherever it goes, we always follow it. Where there is Love, there is always Wealth and Luck!” !!"

Now I'll continue
How often do we think about what is valuable to us. In the hustle and bustle of life, we often do not appreciate the little things that make up our life; they are not important to us as long as they exist. But when we start losing these little things, they become valuable to us.
What do I value most in life? Well, probably life itself, which is given to us only once and for this reason it is priceless. What am I afraid to lose? People close to me and health. No one and nothing in the world can return them to us. What do I regret? The fact that I didn’t know how to appreciate the little things that surround me and I really regret that. But life goes on, and if it is no longer possible to change the past, then you need to live in the present, appreciate everything that surrounds you, love people and look to the future with hope.

Oh why don't we appreciate
Oh why are we so stupid:
We don't value people during our lifetime,
As if they are eternal

We do not appreciate our mother and brother,
We do not appreciate all our relatives,
We don't value people so sacredly
How we appreciate them when in a coffin

They lie in cold peace,
When they no longer hear us,
How we weep in sorrow over them
And without closing your eyes,

When they can't see anymore
How sacredly they are revered,
When already in a damp grave
They lie there and they don’t feel

Flowers falling from above
And the graves are filled up!..
Ah, if so, during life everything
They would give it to the living! -

Flowers and honors
The meanings would be appreciated.
Vyacheslav Klenin

Love your loved ones, every second... because we don’t have much time While they are still with you!!!

What we have, we don’t keep, having lost it, we cry
The name of one of the vaudeville plays (1844) by the Russian playwright and vaudeville performer S. Solovyov.
But the expression became popular as an aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “The Fruits of Meditation” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

What we have, we don’t keep, having lost it, we cry

An aphorism from “The Fruits of Thoughts” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov, who repeated the name of S. Solovyov’s vaudeville (1844).

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “What we have, we don’t keep; having lost it, we cry” is in other dictionaries:

    What we have, we do not store; having lost, we cry. There is an old (father) who would kill him; If it wasn't old, I would have bought it. “You only know the value of a thing when you lose it.” Wed. We, for the most part, learn the value of people who truly love us at the time when we lose them.... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    There is an old (father) who would kill him; If I don't have an old one I would buy it. You will know the value of something when you lose it. Wed. For the most part, we learn the value of people who truly love us at the time when we lose them. Pisemsky. A thousand souls. 2, 9. Cf. Eher schätzet man das… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    What we have, we don’t keep, having lost it, we cry- wing. sl. An aphorism from “Fruits of Thoughts” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov, who repeated the name of S. Solovyov’s vaudeville (1844) ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Franz. the word Vaudeville comes from the word vaux de Vire, i.e. the valley of the city of Vire in Normandy, the birthplace of the national poet Olivier Basselin, who here first began to compose humorous songs called vaudevilles, and later vaudevilles. IN… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    The collective pseudonym of Russian writers: Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy and the brothers Alexander Mikhailovich, Alexei Mikhailovich and Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikovs The barometer in agriculture can be replaced with great benefit... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    This article provides an incomplete list of the repertoire of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. It must be taken into account that at first the troupe of the Maly (Maly Theater opened on October 14, 1824) and Bolshoi Theaters (Bolshoi Theater opened a little later than the Maly ... Wikipedia

    List of episodes of the American television series "Private Practice" in the genre of medical drama with Kate Walsh in the title role of Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery. The series was released on September 26, 2007 and is currently airing. TV series... ... Wikipedia


    LIKE BEHIND A STONE WALL- who to be; live, feel completely safe, under protection, under reliable protection. This means that a person (usually a woman) or a social group (X) does not have problems and difficulties in life, since all the care is about her (him) ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Luggage storage, Sokolov B.. The title of the book is based on the well-known saying: “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.” In order not to lose ground under your feet and remain human, it is necessary to protect wealth from oblivion,...

Answer from Irina Robertovna Makhrakova[guru]
WHAT WE HAVE, WE DO NOT KEEP, WHEN WE LOSE, WE CRY - this is a Russian folk proverb.
If our contemporary uses a folk proverb in his poem, this does not mean at all that he is its author.
This proverb existed long before the birth of the author of the above poems. It is recorded in the Great Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary of Michelson (1825 - 1908):
What we have, we do not store; having lost, we cry (ѣ is the letter yat, capitalized and printed it looks like this: Ѣ; ъ at the end of verbs is the letter er; these letters and a number of other letters were abolished in 1918).
The graphics themselves confirm that the recording was made in pre-reform times, when not only Valentin Baginsky, but also his parents (and even, apparently, his grandparents) were not in the world. And pay attention to the years of M. Michelson’s life.
The proverb WHAT WE HAVE - WE DO NOT KEEP, WHAT WE HAVE - WE CRY is given in Wiktionary - in the dictionary entry dedicated to the word link, it is in all collections of Russian folk proverbs and sayings, including in.
By the way, Baginsky himself does not claim the authorship of these words: pay attention to the quotation marks - he QUOTES this proverb.

Answer from Anastasia.[guru]
Valentin Baginsky. Genre of the statement: lyrics; philosophy.

Answer from Yatiana[guru]

Answer from Alina Gribanova[newbie]
Author: Valentin Baginsky
“What we have, we do not keep;
If we lose, we cry,”
From such funny pictures
Life goes on and on.
Guardian - executioner -
Calls for service
To fear from the sword
Hanging over the “necessary” one.
The executioner can handle everything,
Stump or deck:
“I’ll cut off the extra organ.
Keep fear strictly."
Guardian - to the service of cassocks,
Kneeling down
To shake his conscience, -
“Necessary” - for prayer.
To shake the conscience is a master,
Doc he is famous:
“What is needed is needed - so.
Keep your shame on a cross. »
“What we have, we don’t keep...” -
A difficult riddle.
“What we have” is smoke,
From grains of sand - masonry.
No answer - there is a question -
Above the “have” quota.
It is invisible, very simple,
Ridiculously: “Who are you? »
Outside the window there is fog, a snowstorm...
Crows don't care.
A bird's trill is barely audible.
The sky is light gray.
Note. roof slopes
Through the fog they turn white...
No, the weather is not for skiing...
Someone is ringing the doorbell.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Very often in speech there is such a popular expression: “When we have, we don’t value it, but when we lose, we cry.” Many even believe that this is a Russian folk saying. However, this is not entirely true. After all, the phrase “Having, we don’t value, but having lost, we cry” has an author who gave it life.

Who came up with these winged words

Some people believe that the famous expression “When we have, we don’t value, but when we lose, we cry,” came up with a contemporary author, some poet who wished to remain anonymous. Actually, this is facilitated by the fact that many who like to dabble in versification introduce these words into their works without reference to the real author. Thus, they mislead the reader, who attributes this wise thought to the very poet from whom he first encountered it.

However, at first the phrase “Having, we don’t value, but having lost, we cry” was used by playwright-vaudeville artist S. Solovyov in 1844. True, it sounded a little different: “What we have, we don’t keep; having lost it, we cry” and appeared as the title of one sensational performance in those years.

Who helped these words become famous?

Later, a decade later, already in 1854, this expression was used in the collection “Fruits of Thought” by Kozma Prutkov. It should be clarified that in fact this author did not exist as such. “Kozma Prutkov” was the pseudonym under which the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers and Vladimir, as well as the poet Alexei Tolstoy, worked. Therefore, many are mistaken in attributing to them the words “When we have, we don’t value it, but when we lose, we cry.”

We now know who said this phrase first - Solovyov in his vaudeville. But she became famous thanks to the co-authors of “Fruits of Thought”. So we can consider that this wisdom has several “parents”.

The meaning of the words “When we have, we don’t value it, but when we lose, we cry”

Hidden in this phrase are the words themselves that can be applied to any aspect of human life. And the main thing is that people do not know how to appreciate their present, they always want more, which is why they curse what they own.

Speaking about what the saying means, we can recall the following caricature. A man complains that his sneakers are unfashionable. And walking past in a wheelchair is a man who has no legs at all. That is, having legs, few people think about what a great happiness this is. But having lost them, a disabled person fully understands how great it used to be to live, walk, and run, even if in unfashionable shoes.

Having become rich, a person often remembers his hungry student years with reverence. Yes, it was once difficult for him, he may even have considered himself a martyr, he wanted more. But, having received everything he dreamed of, for some reason a successful businessman becomes sad and cries about those years when there was no abundance of bread, but there was friendship, devotion, love, youth, and health.

Love while you love!

This catchphrase also applies to human relationships. Children often quarrel with their parents, do not listen to their instructions, and offend them with their rude words. Many consider themselves deeply unhappy because, in their opinion, they inherited “ancestors” who did not understand them. Growing up, children understand that there is no one closer to their parents in the whole world. Only by that time the mother and father already become old, sick, exhausted due to troubles in the families, the initiators of which were the children themselves.

And sometimes you have to feel how difficult it is without a mother or father, how strong their devotion and love is already in adolescence or even childhood. And then the teenagers will curse themselves a thousand times for not taking care of the relationships that were given to them by nature, for not appreciating the happiness they received.

How many calls do we hear from adult daughters and sons to take care of our loved ones! We hear, but we always take it to heart. Many consider parental devotion obligatory, take it for granted, and do not value it.

Not renounce loving!

Spouses who have long been accustomed to each other cease to enjoy their family relationships. So many stupid jokes have been written on this topic! Husbands call their wives cobras and snakes, and in return they reward their other halves with no less colorful epithets, calling them goats, rams and other words. The conversation is about the most ordinary married couples, in which there are no special problems - only the fading of passion. And it seems that separation should make them both happier, but no. This is where former lovers understand that losing a spouse is tantamount to spiritual death.

The same applies to friends and lovers who think that everything that is happening now is not serious, not so valuable. Therefore, disagreements and misunderstandings often occur between close people. And only after the breakup do people begin to understand how important their previous connections were for them. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to restore lost relationships.

With the light hand of poets

Poems have this peculiarity - to figuratively and briefly express the essence of reflections on life. Therefore, two lines often contain very capacious thoughts and conclusions that a thinking poet comes to. This is how modern sayings about life appear, which are included in our speech.

“It’s impossible to run away from yourself, no matter how fast you run!”; “It’s not a sin to laugh at something that seems funny!”; “Shaming a fool, joking with a fool and arguing with a woman is the same as drawing water with a sieve. God deliver us from these three!”

Often lines from fables become sayings and proverbs. It is they, being the moral of this short work, that reveal many aspects of human passions, shortcomings, and mistakes. In this regard, the fabulist Krylov probably takes the lead.

Proverbs are the true expression of what happens to people or the world around them. People very accurately notice both human weaknesses and strengths, and natural phenomena. A short phrase contains a deep meaning that can be conveyed in many different words. The proverb “We don’t keep what we have, and when we lose it, we cry” is from that category of folk wisdom when one short phrase replaces long explanations.

Proverbs of the Russian language

The rich heritage that the Russian people left, composing proverbs and sayings since ancient times, concerns many aspects of life.

These centuries-old observations of people's actions and their consequences are the basis of many Russian proverbs. “Friends are known in adversity,” people say, meaning that only trials can show whether friendship is true or not. And so in all areas of life.

Proverbs about the loss of something are also numerous in Russian folklore, for example: “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.”

What we have - we don’t store

The first part of the statement is dedicated to the habit of people of what they have right here and now, and not appreciating it. The human consciousness can both quickly adapt to any conditions and get used to what surrounds it.

When some feeling enters a person’s life, for example friendship, love or sympathy, it is recognized as important only for a while. Soon perceives a friend, lover or beloved as something that will always be there. You can quarrel with them, insist on your own, even break up and get back together, and assume that it will be like this forever. In this case, it is very useful to remember the saying: “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose, we cry.”

Love and friendship simply become part of a person's daily life, and the perception begins to dull, becoming a habit. Separation helps restore the need to consciously see a loved one or friend and perceive the importance of his presence in life. When loved ones or friends separate, there is a spiritual emptiness that can only be filled by their return. It is at such moments that the importance of the presence of such people in life is realized.

Having lost, we cry

It's more difficult when a loved one or friend dies or leaves forever. They will never become a part of a person’s life again. This realization does create a feeling of irrevocable loss, especially if it involves death. It is at such moments that the expression “When we have, we don’t keep, when we lose, we cry,” takes on meaning.

What has become a familiar part of life is gone, there is no return, and the depth of the loss is realized only with the loss. The writer Lewis Stevenson said: “That which is not regretted is not lost.” It is when a feeling of emptiness and pity for the lost is created that crying for it occurs.

And if it is easy to cope with the loss of things and work by getting new ones, then it is sometimes very difficult to establish a friendly or love relationship again.

Proverbs about loss

Losing something and regretting it is common to humans. This does not become a problem if the person has accepted the loss as a thing of the past and let it go. Often, attachment in the form of regret prevents new things from entering people’s lives, and then problems begin.

These are properties. “Don’t be a grouse, fight the loss,” people said in a joking manner, inviting a person to adapt to life with loss. This makes it clear that living in constant memories of something lost is a futile endeavor.

The same applies to the expression “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose, we cry.” Proverbs and sayings on this topic suggest timely appreciation of what you have right now.

Vasily Steklyannikov

Reasoning and thoughts about losses, about how to get everything back, and how to live on - this is the basic philosophy that arises in the mind of a person who has learned a lesson from life according to the proverb: “What we have, we do not keep, but when we lose, we cry.” Vasily Steklyannikov, a young Russian poet, wrote a rap poem on this topic in 2008.

This verse is about lost love. The hero’s feelings about this cause sadness and sympathy among readers. The young man worries that he is constantly ruining his own happiness, and he has to “close” his heart from love so as not to “torment his already disheveled soul with torment.”

For the hero of the poem, everything ends sadly; he cannot cope with the despair and sadness of loss, so at dawn he gets into the car and at high speed does not fit into the turn. His destiny is to look at his beloved “from heaven” and regret what he has done. Now her heart is broken and will “rust” along with his heart.

This is a sad story about how a person does not appreciate what is next to him. This young man did not cope with the problem, so the proverb “What we have, we do not keep; when we lose, we cry” fits perfectly into the text of the poem.

The author managed to reveal the essence of this expression very well. The conclusion that each reader must come to on his own is the need to appreciate what he has been given. Don't take life and the whole world for granted. Human life is too short not to pay attention to what surrounds us.

Work, everyday life, problems - all this deprives people of awareness of existence. Unfortunately, it comes only after the loss of what, it turns out, was truly dear.

With his poem, the young poet addresses the reader’s soul rather than his consciousness.

Reading about the sad fate of a young guy, every reader remembers those losses that are important to him. Everyone experiences loss in their own way, but the main thing is to learn a lesson for life: appreciate and love what you have right now. Not in the past, not “maybe someday in the future,” but here and now.