
How to introduce the first complementary foods correctly. How to introduce the first complementary foods correctly Complementary feeding for a baby at 8 months of age


The article will give advice on feeding a baby at 8 months, a sample menu and diet.

New foods are added to the diet of an eight-month-old baby. This is necessary for the full development of the child’s body. If there are no restrictions from the pediatrician, products can be combined. The diet consists of 5 meals:

  • Around 6 am. This time is ideal for breastfeeding or formula feeding. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted until at least one year. This will help your baby adapt to the new diet.
  • 10 a.m. At this time, the child is given a nutritious breakfast rich in carbohydrates. It must be porridge. The types of porridges can be changed from day to day, giving preference to your favorite ones
  • 14:00 is a full lunch, which should consist of soup or broth. Also, you need to introduce meat into your diet. It will be given in puree form for now.
  • 18:00 - evening meal. It can be very varied, but the food should be easily digestible. This could be cottage cheese, baby yogurt or vegetable puree.
  • 10 pm - last meal, which, similar to morning feeding, should consist of milk

What kind of cottage cheese should I give my baby at 8 months, how much and how often?

Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, fluorine and vitamins, which are involved in the full development of the child’s skeletal system.

  • For children who feed on mother's milk, cottage cheese should be introduced no earlier than 8-9 months of age. For those who are bottle-fed, cottage cheese is indicated from 7 months
  • Cottage cheese should be given after vegetables, fruits and cereals have been introduced into the diet
  • First you need to establish how the baby’s body reacts to a new product. First, give a teaspoon of the product and observe the reaction.
  • If everything is good, then the portion is increased. It can reach 30 - 40 grams per day
  • It is better to give cottage cheese at the beginning every other day. Only starting from the 10th month can cottage cheese be given daily
  • It is better to prepare cottage cheese yourself from natural products. It is strictly forbidden to give store-bought cottage cheese, especially with additives.

Video: How to make baby cottage cheese?

How much yolk to give an 8 month old baby?

Egg yolk is usually mixed with breast milk or formula. Also, it can be added to puree or porridge.

  • Egg yolk is not a new product for a baby 8 months old. But you still don’t need to give this product in large quantities.
  • If the baby’s body’s reaction to the yolk is good, then it can be given in half. The portion can be increased with each month of life
  • It is better to give preference to quail eggs. Children are less likely to be allergic to this type of yolk
  • You need to feed your baby eggs carefully, without overusing this product on the menu.

How much meat to give a baby at 8 months: normal?

  • At 8 months, pediatricians recommend actively introducing meat into the baby’s diet. Naturally, it should be in the consistency of mousse for better perception
  • Meat contains many essential vitamins (A, B12, B2), amino acids and minerals. All of them participate in the development of the child’s body
  • The amount of meat for an 8 month old baby is up to 50 grams per day.
  • Meat should be introduced into the diet only in the absence of allergies, constipation and other negative reactions of the body
  • It is recommended to eat chicken, veal, turkey or beef in the diet. All meat must be fresh and have tender fibers.

How much porridge should a baby eat at 8 months?

  • At 8 months, the baby is usually given the following porridges: rice, buckwheat, oats or corn porridge. You can give other grains if the child accepts them normally
  • The norm for porridge at this age is up to 180 grams porridge
  • Semolina porridge should not be given to babies under one year of age, as it reduces the ability to absorb calcium.
  • Porridge can be ground or given in pieces. Over time, your baby will figure out how to chew them.

How to cook porridge for an 8 month old baby?

  • The cereals need to be washed with water and sorted. Then you can grind it in a blender
  • Then the cereal is poured with boiled water and cooked until tender. Be careful not to burn the cereal
  • Porridge is cooked in water for up to 8 months. You can add a little formula or breast milk to it before feeding.
  • Closer to the year, porridge is cooked in low-fat natural milk
  • From 8 months you can add butter to the porridge - 5 g

Norm of fruit puree and vegetable puree at 8 months

The norm for vegetable puree for an 8 month old baby is 180 g, fruit puree is 80 g

  • Purees can be special purchased or prepared at home
  • Store-bought purees must be fresh and contain no chemical additives. Read the ingredients of the product before feeding it to your baby.
  • Homemade baby puree should be prepared from organic fruits and vegetables, the tough skin should be removed. Prepare puree using a blender or metal sieve.

Video: How to prepare fruit puree for a child?

What kefir should I give my baby at 8 months and how much?

When choosing kefir for a child, study its composition. It should not contain preservatives or additives, and the shelf life is minimal.

  • For children on artificial nutrition, kefir is introduced into the diet as early as 7 months of age. For infants - after 8 months of life
  • You can introduce kefir after the baby is already freely eating cereals, vegetables and fruits
  • To make your baby love kefir, you can add applesauce to it. Sugar cannot be used
  • The first time the norm of kefir is up to 30 grams, gradually this dose increases to 100 grams
  • Fermented milk products are best given in the evening feeding. Drink kefir from a spoon or cup
  • To be sure of the quality of kefir, it is better to cook it yourself from natural milk

How to give Agusha milk from 8 months?

  • Agusha milk is intended for children from 8 months. Information about this is indicated directly on the milk packaging
  • According to the manufacturer, milk is enriched with vitamins A and C, promotes the growth of the baby
  • According to reviews, children drink this milk well and it rarely causes allergies.
  • This milk can be given at 8 months or later. It is usually given as an evening meal or added to porridge.
  • Milk does not have a long shelf life; it needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Milk "Agusha" for a child aged 8 months

How and what kind of cookies to give to an 8 month old baby?

Cookies are not a necessary food item for an 8-month-old baby. It can be given only if the child does not have constipation.

  • Baking should not become part of the diet for children under one year of age. Cookies can sometimes be given, but only as a treat.
  • Cookies for children 8 months old should contain a minimum of sugar and fat. The ideal option is crackers or biscuits.
  • You can give cookies between feedings. Sometimes it is added to the formula for feeding, so the child eats better
  • Cookies can be prepared by yourself, then you will be sure of its quality
  • According to reviews, the best cookies for children under one year old are "Baby" and "Heinz"

What kind of fish can a baby at 8 months old eat and how to cook it?

  • For an 8-month-old baby, you can give non-oily (hake, pollock, river perch, pollack) or moderately oily (herring, carp or bream) fish
  • Oily fish can be introduced only after the child is one year old
  • Fish is boiled for children. And fish broth can stimulate appetite
  • Some pediatricians recommend giving children special children's canned fish. But this issue is controversial. After all, not all beneficial properties are retained in such “fish”
  • The first acquaintance with fish will be in the form of puree. No salt, spices or oil are added to it

Video: The first fish in a child’s diet

Menu, diet and diet of a baby at 8 months while breastfeeding

An approximate diet for a breastfeeding baby will look like this:

  • First breakfast - 6 a.m. - 200 ml of breast milk
  • Second breakfast - about 10 o'clock - porridge without milk with butter, fruit puree (80 g)
  • Dinner - before 10 pm - breast milk 200 ml

Menu, diet and diet of a baby at 8 months with artificial feeding

Diet for a baby with artificial feeding:

  • First breakfast - 6 a.m. - 200 ml of mixture
  • Second breakfast - about 10 o'clock - porridge with milk with butter, fruit puree (80 g)
  • Lunch - 2 pm - Vegetable puree + vegetable puree (180 g), meat puree (or fish) (50 g), fruit juice
  • Afternoon snack - 6 pm - cottage cheese or kefir, cookies if desired, fruit puree (if not for breakfast)
  • Dinner - before 10 pm - mixture 200 ml

If a child is allergic to dairy products, then the afternoon snack is replaced with vegetable puree or porridge.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky on the nutrition of children under one year old

Regardless of whether the baby started feeding at 3 or 6 months, whether he is a bottle-fed baby or a baby, his digestive system at 8 months is already sufficiently formed to include a variety of adult food products in the baby’s diet. It's time to think about how to provide your baby with complete, balanced complementary foods at 8 months, so that he doesn't have any problems with his health in general and the functioning of his stomach in particular. Some useful tips will help you deal with this issue.

At 8 months, the child should already be eating milk porridge, to which you can gradually begin to add a drop of butter

According to the general table for introducing various foods into the diet of children under one year old, complementary feeding for eight-month-old babies may already consist of a fairly large number of foods.

  • Vegetable puree
  • Vegetable oil

No more than 5 ml per day. Added to vegetable puree. It is best to choose unrefined olive oil, which retains the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the child.

  • Fruit puree

It is recommended to give no more than 60–70 g. To prepare it, you can use apples, bananas, pears, peaches, apricots, and prunes. If 8 months of your baby fell in the summer and he is not bothered by allergies, you can very carefully introduce berries into complementary foods: cherries, black and red currants, blueberries, raspberries. However, there is definitely no need to rush into this.

  • Fruit juices

The daily dosage is 60–70 ml. Moreover, this is not a necessary product at this stage, but if the baby does not have allergies or stomach problems, you can try it.

  • Cottage cheese

It is allowed to give 10-15 mg per day with regular inclusion in the diet. It is one of the staples at 8 months. Cottage cheese can be given to your baby either a little daily, or 50 g, but twice a week.

  • Milk porridge

Up to 100–200 g per day. A child's complementary feeding at 8 months should include different types of porridge: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, corn. It is better to take cow's milk.

  • Meat puree

It is better to start introducing the baby to this important and valuable product for his development with a canned, ready-made puree, adapted for baby food of this age. The daily norm is 30–50 g. Meat is considered the main product of the 8th month of a baby’s life. It should be hypoallergenic, such as turkey and lamb. Veal, rabbit, beef, and chicken are also allowed. Complementary feeding with meat puree is administered in minimal doses so that excess protein does not put a strain on the baby’s kidneys. At the same time, pediatricians advise avoiding meat broths at this age for now, because they are still too heavy for a small stomach.

  • Dairy products

100–200 ml is allowed. Kefir can be an excellent option. If the child reacts normally to milk, you can begin to gradually give him grated cheese (no more than 5 g at a time), adding it to vegetable puree, for example. Pediatricians do not recommend giving sour cream to children up to a year old. But you can dilute the porridge with low-fat homemade cream instead of butter 1-2 times a week.

  • Butter

The new product is just being gradually introduced into baby's complementary foods. Per day - no more than 1–4 g. Butter is usually added to milk porridges.

  • Egg yolk

1/2 part can be given to the child twice a week as part of vegetable purees. But this is only provided that the baby does not have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to this product.

  • Fish

Fish for children is a very valuable and healthy food product, which, like meat, is a source of animal protein that is not produced by our body. For the first acquaintance with fish at 8 months, you need to choose canned puree, specially designed for 8-month-old babies. The first complementary food should not include fatty and red fish. It is recommended to choose sea fish (they are not so allergenic): hake, flounder, cod, haddock. Of the river species, a child can enjoy trout, silver carp, and pike perch.

  • Bread, cookies

8 months is the time to introduce your baby to bread. By this period, he was already actively consuming cereals in the form of porridge. It's time for him to get acquainted with flour products. The first complementary food can be small crackers or baby cookies. They are not only useful for the body as nutritious foods, but are also a great way to “scratch” the baby’s teething, which is what worries children at this age. The cookies become soggy with saliva and are easy to swallow. However, for those babies who react to sweets with allergies, such complementary foods are contraindicated. The child's first bread should be white. To disguise it, you can first simply soak it in porridge or vegetable purees.

Thus, already at 8 months a child can receive a variety of complementary foods, which will contribute to his full development and health promotion.

It’s too early to give up mother’s milk, but this should not prevent the little one from learning to hold a spoon and eat “adult” food on his own

Sample menu and schedule

An 8-month-old baby should be fed approximately 5–6 times a day. The approximate interval between feedings is usually 4 hours. An approximate diet (schedule) and one-day menu may be as follows:

  1. 6:00 a.m. Mother's milk (for infants) or specialized milk formula (for formula-fed infants).
  2. 10:00 am. Porridge (170 g), fruit puree (50 ml).
  3. 14:00 . Vegetable puree (170 g), meat puree (50 g), white bread cracker (can be replaced with bagel), egg yolk.
  4. 18:00. Cottage cheese (50 g), kefir (150 ml), cookies, if necessary, you can supplement with formula or milk.
  5. 22.00. Milk/formula.

Not all babies will be fed according to this scheme. Some may still wake up at night to enjoy their mother's milk, while others may no longer need the early morning 6:00 a.m. feeding. In this case, everything is very individual, so first of all, the mother should focus on the needs of her child and only then draw up a feeding schedule and menu at 8 months. Since now the baby’s diet must be varied, mommy will need to rack her brains about what can be cooked deliciously from such a limited range of products. Recipes for dishes designed specifically for children of this age will come to the rescue.

You can make a delicious dessert from homemade cottage cheese if you add a pear to it and beat thoroughly with a blender.


At 8 months, baby's complementary feeding consists of almost complete breakfast, lunch and dinner. We bring to your attention a delicious recipe for each of these meals. You can take them only as approximate ones, and based on them you can come up with similar dishes, but from other products

  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with berries

Pour cow's milk (100 ml) and water (100 ml) into a steel pan with thick walls and put on fire. Add granulated sugar (1 tablespoon), add semolina (2 tablespoons) in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Thus, without ceasing to stir, bring the porridge to a boil, reduce heat, and cook for about 5 minutes. Let the dish cool. At this time, prepare the berries (1 tablespoon): blanch them for a few seconds in boiling water. Remove the berries from the water with a slotted spoon, place in a blender along with the porridge, and beat until a fluffy, homogeneous puree is obtained. If berries are not yet in the baby’s diet, they can be replaced by any fruit that he eats with pleasure.

  • Lunch: pureed beef and vegetables

Wash the pumpkin (100 g), potato (100 g), onion (1/4 part), peel and place in a saucepan. Add to them beef tenderloin (70 g), cooked for 2.5 hours the night before and already cooled. Cover with water and cook until tender. Add a little salt for taste. Drain off excess water and blend everything in a blender until it becomes a puree consistency. Cool, add unrefined olive oil (1 teaspoon).

  • Dinner: Cottage cheese with pear

Wash the pear (50 g), peel, cut into small pieces, add homemade or special children's cottage cheese (100 g), beat in a blender. If desired, you can add a little granulated sugar.

Despite all the general advice and recommendations, parents should understand that each child develops differently, so sometimes deviations are needed even in nutrition. As a rule, complementary feeding for a baby at the age of 8 months can vary depending on the state of health, well-being and individual characteristics of the baby. Usually such issues are resolved together with a pediatrician, who has been monitoring the child since birth.

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A child’s diet at 8 months is noticeably enriched with new products. Previously unknown fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products and even cookies appear. What to cook for an 8-month-old baby to diversify his diet? In our article, we will create a sample menu for an eight-month-old baby and talk about permitted foods.

So, babies must continue to receive breast milk or an adapted formula at least twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening at night. Let’s immediately answer the question of whether it is possible to give milk to a baby at 8 months. Milk is not offered to babies in its pure form, with the exception of porridge with water mixed with milk. At the same time, make sure that no allergic reactions occur.

During the day, children have three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, the intervals between which are four hours. The volume of food per complementary feeding usually reaches 200 ml, if, of course, your baby is able to eat that much. Already at this age, teach your children to eat porridge for breakfast and soup for lunch - later it will be easier for them to adapt to kindergarten.

What an 8-month-old child should eat for breakfast depends on the time of introduction of complementary foods. All children at this age can be offered corn, rice and buckwheat porridge, milk or dairy-free. Complementary feeding with oatmeal and barley porridge is allowed if there are no contraindications. In addition, breakfast can be varied with fruit puree, cottage cheese (about 40 g) or half an egg yolk. You can offer drinks such as yogurt, kefir or juice.

Now let’s list what foods an 8 month old baby can have for lunch. Offer your baby soup with potatoes and cauliflower (not with meat broth) or vegetables, adding about 50 g of meat puree to them. Juice or compote is a good choice as a drink. For an afternoon snack, you can give your baby a cracker or cookies. Many parents worry about giving cookies to an 8-month-old baby if he doesn’t have teeth yet. To do this, take special children's varieties of cookies that melt in your mouth. This way the baby won't be able to choke.

For dinner, children at this age can be offered children's cottage cheese with fruit, porridge or vegetables if they were not eaten at lunch. Add meat or fish to vegetables. Fish is introduced into the diet only if complementary feeding was started at 4-5 months. Most often we are talking about artificial ones. What kind of fish can a child of 8 months eat: preferably sea varieties with white meat (cod, pollock, hake). So far, these dishes are allowed once or twice a week instead of meat.

What fruits can a child at 8 months

For the first fruit feeding at this age, a green apple or pear is suitable. If you have already introduced these fruits into your diet, it's time to diversify the menu. The baby can be offered prunes puree, fresh plums, peaches, apricots. Artificialists who are already familiar with many products are gradually introduced to black currants, blueberries, cherries and even raspberries. Is it possible for a child at 8 months of banana and persimmon, many mothers are interested. Banana can be tried by children who are already familiar with other fruits, but in small quantities. But it is better to postpone the persimmon for a month or two.

Start adding any fruit, especially red fruit, with one teaspoon per day, as there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction. Also, prioritize the seasonal fruits of your stripe. If it’s late autumn or winter, it’s better to buy ready-made jarred purees than fresh fruit of questionable quality in the store.

Vegetables and vegetable purees in the baby's diet

Vegetable puree for an 8-month-old baby is still one of the key dishes. Almost all children at this age already eat pureed zucchini, broccoli, and cauliflower. Now you can add pumpkin and carrots to your diet. At the same time, enter them very slowly, as there is a high risk of developing allergies. These vegetables go well with an apple - this way you can diversify the taste range of the crumbs.
Mashed potatoes for a baby 8 months old are rarely used in their pure form and in small quantities. This is due to the high content of starch in the vegetable. But you can gradually add potatoes to other vegetables, and the same applies to soup. If you cook your own food, we recommend soaking the potatoes in water for several hours to remove the starch. You can add a little dill to the vegetables for taste.

What kind of meat to give a child at 8 months

Meat products at this age must be included in the children's menu. Their choice depends on when the product was introduced into the diet. For first feeding and for babies receiving meat from 7 months, turkey, rabbit and horse meat are relevant. For a child who began to be fed from 4 to 5 months, veal, beef, poultry are acceptable, and by-products are also introduced for the first time - liver, tongue and heart. Be sure to introduce new dishes gradually, starting with the 1st teaspoon. It is important to know how much meat to give a child at 8 months: no more than 50 g per day. It is advisable to combine it with a vegetable dish for better digestibility.

How many eggs can you give an eight month old baby

Artificial babies begin to be given eggs from 4 to 5 months, while infants after 8 months. In this case, strictly chicken yolk from a hard-boiled egg is used. It is necessary to start introducing this product very gradually, literally with a few crumbs, since it is an allergen. Gradually increase the volume of chicken yolk by adding it to vegetables during lunch or dinner, and also offering it for breakfast with porridge. Please note how much yolk to give to an 8-month-old baby: no more than half a chicken yolk, provided that the product was introduced a long time ago and did not cause an allergic reaction.

Kefir and other dairy products

After the baby reaches the age of eight months, fermented milk products can be introduced into his diet: yogurt, biokefir, kefir, biolact. To do this, it is recommended to buy a specialized children's product in stores and introduce it gradually, starting with one spoon per day. Kefir helps improve intestinal microflora, stabilize the child’s stool, and enriches the body with calcium. Gradually you can increase the volume of fermented milk products to 150 - 200 ml per day.

Lure– this is the beginning of the introduction of new types of products to replenish the baby’s energy costs.

Based on WHO research data, general rules for complementary feeding were developed:

  • the first product in the baby’s menu is introduced between 4 and 6 months: at six months for natural babies, at 4 - 4.5 months for formula babies;
  • great attention is paid to readiness for a new type of food;
  • Complementary feeding by month involves the introduction of various types of food: cereals, vegetables, meat, dairy products;
  • food should be in pounded form (puree). If you have teeth, you can try kibble food;
  • - a guarantee of health, it must be continued until the age of two.

Pediatrician, doctor of the highest category Yakov Yakovlev believes: “You need to treat the number 6 well. This is a great age for adult food."

When complementary foods are introduced after the optimal period, the child will begin to lose weight and experience a lack of microelements. In the worst case scenario, there is a developmental delay.

With the early introduction of new products, the risk of developing allergies increases due to the unavailability of enzymes in the digestive system.

Complementary feeding rules

  • you need to give new food from 5 grams, increasing the portions over 2 weeks to 150 grams;
  • the child must be healthy;
  • the first complementary feeding is undesirable in the summer;
  • another product should be introduced only after adaptation to the previous one, approximately every 2 - 3 weeks;
  • food should be freshly cooked and warm.
  • You need to carefully monitor the child’s condition. If diarrhea occurs, it is better to remove the product from the menu for a while and try again after a week.

Complementary feeding at 6 months

The baby's first dish is vegetable. If you are underweight, eat porridge. We start with hypoallergenic broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower.

Broccoli doesn't have the best flavor, so save it for last.

You can buy vegetable purees in jars or prepare them yourself. When preparing puree, you should take a vegetable, wash it, peel it. It's better to steam it. Then place the finished vegetable in a blender. Grind until pureed.

The most delicious purees are from Gerber, but in terms of price they are much more expensive than “Babushkino Lukoshko”.

Do not add spices, salt, or sugar for up to two years.

In 2 weeks, the child should get used to zucchini. Monitor the condition of your skin and stool.

Cauliflower will be the next step in expanding the diet, but subject to the absence of rashes and other elements on the baby’s skin.

It should be given before breastfeeding, at 12 noon.

You can offer one dish 5-6 times. If the baby has not eaten the entire portion offered to him, perhaps he is simply full.

Some of the latest in vegetable complementary feeding are pumpkin and carrots. They are allergenic products, be careful.

Potatoes are the latest of all vegetables to be introduced into a child’s menu. A very allergenic product, the absorption of which requires a mature enzymatic function of the intestine.

Important information for those parents who are interested.

Complementary feeding at 7 months

Next up are fruits and cereals. We start with green apple and pears. Then offer prunes, apricots, peach or plums. Of course, in the summer there is a much greater choice of fruits.

We introduce fruits, like vegetables, starting with a teaspoon, from one fruit, after a month we move on to another.

Porridge is our nurse

Introducing complementary foods at 7 months should begin with dairy-free cereals. Up to 12 months there is no need for cow's and goat's milk, as grandmothers advise. These dairy products increase the acidity of the stomach and can provoke the development of gastritis or ulcers.

You can add breast milk or formula to the porridge.

Start with gluten-free porridges - corn, buckwheat or rice. For children under one year old, gluten is quite difficult to digest.

Don't be afraid to buy baby cereal in stores. They are already crushed and ready for use, just diluted with water. No additives needed. The Nestle company produces a number of very tasty cereals at reasonable prices.

Porridge is given for breakfast, along with fruit. The quantity is the same as with vegetables. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of butter to the porridge.

8 months - meat time

By this time, the baby already has a full breakfast. Now we will create a menu for lunch. The first meat dishes are rabbit and turkey, as they are hypoallergenic. We start with 5 grams of canned meat puree, either separately or mixed with vegetables. You can prepare the meat dish yourself in the form of minced meat.

After turkey and rabbit, beef, chicken, and veal are given. It is better to avoid pork before 2 years of age.

We do not add vegetable oil to jarred meat puree. But if you cooked it yourself, you should add ½ teaspoon of vegetable oil to vegetables or meat puree.

Yolk is a storehouse of vitamins

We give the yolk 2 times a week, starting with ¼ part. Add to dishes or dilute with milk. Typically given in the morning. Then by the year we increase it to half.

Table for introducing complementary foods for breakfast and lunch while breastfeeding

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Vegetable puree- - 5-100 grams - -
Fruit puree- - - 5-100 grams -
Fruit juice- - - 40-50 ml -
porridge- - - 5-100 grams -
meat- - - - 5-100 grams
yolk- - - - ½-1/4

Don't forget to give breast milk.

Formula-fed complementary foods table

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Vegetable puree5-100 grams
Fruit puree 5-100 grams
Fruit juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 grams
meat 5-100 grams
yolk ½-1/4

It's time for cottage cheese and kefir

Ukrainian doctor Komarovsky O.E. advises starting complementary feeding with kefir, as it is similar to mother’s milk. But WHO recommends otherwise. It is better to buy kefir for children, from the companies “Nasha Masha” or “Frutonyanya”. Kefir should be unsweetened and without dyes.

We also start according to the “golden rule” - with a teaspoon. We serve kefir for dinner at 20.00. We also choose children's cottage cheese: “Agusha”, “Tyoma”. We start the cottage cheese with a teaspoon and by the age of 1 year we bring it to 50 grams. We serve it in the evening for dinner along with cottage cheese.

10 months - kibble food

The child can be given cookies and dried biscuits, since the baby already has the required number of teeth. Give the fruits in pieces, peeling them.

A child with food should always be supervised!

It is better to make fruit juices yourself. Store-bought ones contain a lot of acids and sugar.

At 10 months, give fish dishes 2 times a week. Start with low-fat varieties - hake, cod, perch.

What should not be given before 1 year of age?

  • semolina porridge should not be given frequently, as it interferes with the absorption of iron and can provoke the development of anemia;
  • candies, chocolate;
  • goat, cow's milk;
  • tropical fruits, citrus.

General table for introducing complementary feeding to children

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months
Vegetable puree 5-100 gr.
Fruit. Puree 5-50 gr.
Fruit. Juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 gr.
meat 5-100 gr.
yolk ½-1/4
fish 5-100 gr.
cottage cheese 5-50 gr.
Kefir 5-100 gr.

Food in "banks"

Products are prepared only from environmentally friendly, carefully grown fruits and vegetables. This type of nutrition has a guaranteed composition. Lots of checks go through. It is impossible to find low quality baby food on the shelves.

There are no preservatives in this diet. Why do they last so long? Vacuum packaging and aseptic storage conditions do not allow the product to deteriorate.

You can start introducing complementary foods with industrial products. Then, when the child gets used to it, cook on his own. Be sure to check expiration dates.

Complementary feeding for children with atypical reactions

It is very difficult to feed a child if he has allergies. The following rules must be taken into account:

  • do not add sugar to prepared foods, especially juices;
  • start complementary feeding only with “clean” skin;
  • observe monocomponentism. Don't mix multiple vegetables or fruits. This will make it easier to identify what you are allergic to if it appears;
  • leave sweet fruit juices, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin for last, by 10-11 months;
  • egg, fish are best introduced from 12 months;
  • It takes at least 7 days for the baby to get used to each new dish;
  • if a rash appears, the new product is canceled;
  • If you are allergic to cow's milk, allergic reactions to beef are also likely.

Until the age of one year, the health of the baby is established. Proper balanced nutrition will help avoid many problems in the future. Your child will definitely like new foods if they are prepared with love. Each baby is individual, and only the mother will be able to understand when a new feeding period will begin.