
The journey begins with one step. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step


How many conversations in the kitchen in the old Khrushchev building end long after midnight with unresolved disputes about the meaning of life. Every day, people post pompous quotes on social media about how to live their lives better. But there are so few of those who gave up writing electronic treatises on the meaning of life on the Internet, of those who locked up their smoky kitchens and went to simply live, explore the world and look for answers to their questions in practice.

However, today before you are precisely those who decided to take such a step, who said goodbye to their “ordinary” life and went in search of something new, interesting, exciting and full of meaning.

Let me introduce you to the first round-the-world trip of ordinary amateurs, yesterday's office workers and typical city dwellers of big cities!

The world knows many professional travelers around the world and expensive television travel projects. But we want to prove that traveling around the world and living in the whole world is not the lot of professionals and the rich, but something that is available to everyone who has at least a simple desire to live like that!

We look like ordinary “office plankton”. And it was we who decided to change our lives, to abandon modern career values, imposed stereotypes and far-fetched “rules” of life.

In order to fulfill our dream, we are ready to forget our usual way of life, quit our office professions, get out of the vicious circle “work-home-computer-bed”, sell our living space and, having bought a yacht with the money received, go on a trip around the world!

However, of course, to make this idea a reality, some effort will be needed. And our project was created precisely to show that such a lifestyle can be accessible to everyone, and at the same time, “give instructions”, literally tell step by step how to bring this idea to life. Using our trial and error, failures and successes as an example, you can go all the way around the earth with us!

Our trip will take place on a yacht. And together with us you will begin preparing for the trip, then leave your usual homes and go overseas to help us choose and purchase a yacht, and, finally, the circumnavigation itself!

Literally in real time, you will see how we will live on a yacht, travel the world, communicate with different people and meet “overseas” cultures. Our plans are to go around the world on a yacht at least twice, visiting all the trails known and unknown to tourists.

Due to the fact that we decided to travel on a yacht without such experience, a separate page of our story will be a story about how successful we will become sailors, what are the advantages and disadvantages of life on the water.

We will make photo, video and text reports about our journey and new lifestyle. In addition, we will prepare something like a “world guide”. We will talk about non-tourist places, happy moments of our trip and troubles, sights, problems, people.

Two or three times a week you will find stories, opinions and video reports from team members, a logbook and much more so that everyone can realize how possible and accessible it really is to change your routine life for one eternal journey and harmony with yourself!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Chinese proverb

Even if you are on the right path, you will not get anywhere if you just sit in one place.
W. Rogers

After you realize who you are and where you are moving, after you have a map in your hands along which you are moving. We need to start doing it. JUST DO. And this is what separates successful people from others. The first ones do it, they either succeed or fail, they do it again, then again, then they do it again, then they do it again. And the latter sometimes cannot even begin. And if they’ve already started, they give up after one or two failures. It is DOING, constant doing that will bring you closer to your goals. Very often, even having a plan, having the opportunity, the means and, most importantly, having a great desire, we don’t do it. We fear. We are afraid of failure, we are afraid that it won’t work out. We are afraid of obstacles, we are afraid that we will not have enough strength to reach the end. We are afraid of criticism, which really keeps us in place. We are also afraid that everything will work out, that we are truly worthy of our goals. Here I am talking about the most terrible part of DOING, about the FIRST STEP.

It's very important to start. It is very important to come for the first time, it is very important to open your mouth for the first time, it is very important to take a step. First step. It is when starting out that most people have problems. Only later, when the action has started, you find yourself in a process that is very difficult to stop, and you no longer want to. But starting the process is often incredibly difficult. This chapter is as short and as incredibly important as STEP ONE itself.

It's scary to jump out with a parachute when you're standing at the door of the plane and looking at the ground. But you only need to take ONE STEP. When you jump out, you are already in the process. There is no turning back.
When you are standing opposite another man and you know that you will fight with him now anyway (the reasons are not important, and what can be done is not important). You need to START. Deliver one FIRST STRIKE. When you get into a fight, you are already in the process, it overwhelms you.
When you see a beautiful girl you like, in order to get to know her, you need to take the FIRST STEP in her direction. When you come up and start communicating, even crookedly, even incorrectly, even if not “according to science,” you are already in the process. It cannot be stopped. And I don’t want to ;)
When you want to manage your time, do your time management, when you know how you will plan it, when you have already decided everything, when you even already have a diary, you need to write the FIRST ENTRY in it.
When you decide to lose weight, you have a uniform, shoes, you know where you will run, you have a player to listen to music, when you have free time, you need to go out onto the track and take the FIRST STEP on it.
When you decided to write a book, when you already know what it will be about, when you know what it will be called, when you decided that you will print it on a computer and not by hand, when you know what idea it carries , when you know in what style you will write it, you just need to sit down at the computer and type the FIRST PHRASE.
When you need to have a tough conversation with a person who is poisoning your life, you need to pull yourself together, open your mouth and start speaking the FIRST WORDS.
When you want to get a job, you have a list of telephone numbers in front of you (from a newspaper, from the Internet, a bunch of business cards - not the point), it is very important to dial the FIRST NUMBER and talk. When I started talking, I got into the process. And it’s very difficult not to finish (read: not to finish), don’t you agree?
When you decide to quit smoking, it is very important not to smoke the FIRST TIME you feel the desire. Get over it. Take a break. Eat. Nibble on some seeds. START refusing.

And this first step is needed everywhere. It is the smallest and, ironically, the hardest to make. But when you do it, it’s like starting a car engine with a simple turn of the key. You started it and you're good to go. Do it today, right now. Read the chapter to the end and do it. Call whoever you wanted (just a call, you may not get through, don’t care), write what you wanted (just a couple of lines), tell someone close to you now what you’ve wanted for a long time but couldn’t (just a few words), go outside and do what you’ve been wanting to do for a long time (at least go outside and try). Get started. Take these small steps and the world will transform. You won't recognize him.

So many people just need to start, and everything for them depends on this starting point. That's why they go to training. They are looking for a kick, and then they will roll on their own. Or even just permission, just approval of their plan by authority figures. It’s so little and so overwhelmingly much at the same time. People create their own problems, often only in their own heads.

One day a young man came to the sage. He had come a long way to find answers to his questions, but no one could say anything that would satisfy his curiosity. This sage was his last hope, for, as people said, no one but him knew the secret of secrets, which allows him to know everything. And so, at dawn, with trembling in his heart, he approached the house and knocked on the door. But no one opened it. He waited for a while and knocked again. His soul was filled with confusion: he did not know whether to knock or wait. But the desire for knowledge won the day, and again, trying to be respectful, he knocked. And again nothing happened. And now fear has entangled his soul: the fear of doubt - is there a sage behind this door, about meeting whom he so dreamed, and the fear of self-doubt - does he have the right to so persistently strive for the most respected one to devote time to him, an insignificant one. And it was noon and evening came, and the young man remained between fear and doubt. And the wind blew, foreshadowing night, and suddenly a gray-haired man appeared on the threshold.
- What are you doing here, oh young man? - he asked in surprise.
- I knocked on the door to ask you questions to which I want to know the answers.
The sage looked at him carefully and said with a smile:
- Do you know that THIS door was never closed?

And again - you don’t need to invent anything, you don’t need to guess from photographs, you don’t need to read other people’s thoughts. This problem is universal. Before a competition, athletes in their heads endow their opponent with more experience than themselves (either with anabolic steroids or the abilities of a super hero). Seducers build castles in the air without even having exchanged a few phrases with the girl; they have already met, fallen in love, slept together, live together, had children and changed 4 cats. Businessmen are already sharing the annual profits from the project, without even having a new office yet. You, too, if you start thinking, are most likely mistaken. You better do it.

Very often on the pickup forum where I consult (and as soon as you call listening to children’s tears literary), I see the same question. It comes in different combinations, from different people, under different sauces, but its essence is always the same. “The girl doesn’t know about my existence, but I’m in love with her, what should I do?” And then there are different variations: they met on the Internet, never saw each other, and she, you see, lost interest in him; then they are 25 years old, they have been dating for a month, and it’s not that there was no seedy sex between them, he didn’t even kiss her; then they study together at the institute on different courses and only meet a couple of times in the cafeteria. Give him recommendations. Step-by-step seduction instructions. And the funny thing is that there are people on the forum who seem to have been in our topic for a long time, but they still give such instructions to the poor guy. “Make it crazy, lower its significance, then get closer and further, speak on the phone in direct style” and other pick-up artistry. But there is actually only one advice, it is the only correct one, gentlemen. YOU DO SOMETHING! And you will think later, judging by the reaction. And 100% it will not be what you expected.

What to do if it’s hard? What if something gets in the way? If you're afraid? If, bitch, it’s so scary that you can’t even hold up your legs?! You won't believe it, but there is only one way. DO. And you either do and live like a hero, or you don’t and die as a nobody, in oblivion, in your own contempt for yourself.

If you just can’t force yourself to work... If you are tired of your work... If you are only thinking about how to quickly go home
If everything around you is annoying... After all, if you are just in a bad mood...
Think about this. Imagine if you were a Reindeer Herder in the Far North... What would your life be like then? Let's see.

Monday. You are herding deer.
Tuesday. You are herding deer.
Wednesday. You are herding deer.
Thursday. You are herding deer.
Friday. You are herding deer.
Saturday. Thought it was a day off, right? Horseradish!!! You are herding deer.
Sunday. Well, you already understand what you are doing, right? Right. Herding deer.

You have one day off a year - this is the day when geologists come and you exchange deer for vodka.
In the plague you will find: a terrible wife, seven hungry children, scorched vodka from geologists, and salted venison for dinner.
You wash twice throughout your life: at birth and after death.
You've never seen hot water.
A real treat for you are the berries and roots collected by your children.
If you don't herd your reindeer well, you'll starve to death.
Compare this life with what you have now. Rejoice. Cry with happiness. Hug your co-workers and give each one a gift.
Thank your company's management for their wisdom and good attitude. Thank your family and friends for having them. And finally, thank yourself for not becoming a Reindeer Herder of the Far North... And finally stop doing crap. Start working!

In this excellent collection, the main topic is: Lao Tzu 9 best quotes, more precisely 10: =) for self-knowledge and self-development with photos and pictures, as well as other interesting and smart sayings of famous people.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

You are controlled by the one who makes you angry.

Never judge a person until you have walked a long way in their shoes.

Life is short and therefore you should not waste time, you should enjoy it.

He who thinks he has comprehended everything knows nothing.

The law of the worthy is to do good and not quarrel.

It is better to be soft on the outside and hard on the inside than hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

If you measure your success by the measure of others' praise and blame, your anxiety will be endless.

Overcoming the difficult begins with the easy, the realization of the great begins with the small, for in the world the difficult is formed from the easy, and the great from the small.

Be attentive to your thoughts, they are the beginning of actions.

Quotes from other authors:

It's worth the effort. Cicero Marcus Tullius

A woman loves a man because he loves her.

The most popular form of slavery in the world is lying to yourself. Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev.

We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds may also be bitten. Ralph Emerson

An obstacle is what a person's gaze rests on when he takes his gaze away from his goal. Tom Krause

Don't be humiliated, true love, without humiliation.

Hidden in your subconscious is the power that can change the world. William James

To improve relationships, the Almighty brought us to reason by endowing us with the wisdom of the elders. M. Gorbachev

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found. O. de Balzac

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love increases, prudence decreases.

If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant. Denis Diderot

The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.

Remember: every time you are copied, it means you are doing something right. Salvatore Ferragamo

You have found a devoted friend if, having risen, he has not become acquainted with you. Labruyère.

Mistrust kills friendship.

Happiness is when reality is better than a dream.

We want to be the source of all the joys or, if this is not possible, all the misfortunes of the one we love. J. Labruyère.

The jackdaw has no use for the lyre. Gellius Aulus

If we don’t take care of our reputation, others will do it for us, and they will certainly put us in a bad light.

All victories begin with victory over yourself. Leonid Leonov

I am exactly the same as everyone else: I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it. Paulo Coelho. Alchemist

Success is the only criterion of conventional wisdom. Edmund Burke

Love is easy to experience, but difficult to maintain!

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for. Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

Gold, even if it is lying in a dirty puddle, will still remain gold. Dust, no matter how high it rises, will not turn into gold.

Pleasure in love, without love - just a contract!

Labor is the only title of true nobility! This is the power and joy of a human creator. Romain Rolland

Having reached the pinnacle of our plans, we realize that the path from dreams to success passes through the thorns of failures, without which it would be impossible to have what we have. Amos Bronson Alcott

What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of unhappiness! Oliver Goldsmith

If you want to make someone laugh at your jokes, tell them that they have a sense of humor. Herbert Procnow

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes

The hand of the diligent will rule, and the lazy will be under tribute. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

A child is love made visible.

Work is the noblest healer of all ailments. There is nothing more joyful than work. Nikolai Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

Harold Jenin, American manager

Every girl should never forget that she doesn't need those who don't need her.

Children are the anchors that hold their mother in life. Sophocles

Like-mindedness creates friendship. Democritus

Love hurts everyone.

Love for every age has its suffering.

It is better to love and lose love than to never love at all. Alfred Tennyson

Do not enter your friend’s house more often, lest he become bored with you and hate you. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

It's always scary to meet a friend's new friend. Especially if you slept with him...

Many people tend to exaggerate how others treat them - for some reason it seems to them that they evoke a complex range of likes and dislikes in everyone. Francis Scott Fitzgerald "Tender is the Night"

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Everyone knows this well-worn proverb. Just like millions of other maximally concise phrases that burn through our brains with their logic and indisputability, and in the same way do not change anything.

One step. That's what's important. It has to be done, it's easy. But walking a thousand miles is difficult. The human psyche is very weak crap. 90% of people on the planet know what laziness is. They don’t know that these are only 10% of the lucky ones who were born in shit with nothing, without parents, or with alcoholic parents, without shoes, clothes, home, food and prospects for tomorrow. In general, their choice is simple - do something or die. In this case, there is no laziness - the fear of death and the accompanying sensations: hunger, cold, loneliness, pain, shame, overpower absolutely everything. And damn laziness too.

So what am I talking about? Well, here's the thing - as soon as we think that we need to do some large-scale undertaking, our brain will immediately come up with a million reasons not to do it, and in the absence of sufficient willpower (the habit of doing exactly this, and not paying attention to the delusional arguments of reason), you Most likely you will merge.

The only thing I have achieved in any way in this life is as a mediocre athlete. Why mediocre? I don’t fight at the world level, I don’t win Olympics, so I’m just average, at best. BUT. I can do some things that a lot of people can't do. For example, train twice a day, go for a run at 6 am, be an example for other athletes in Thai and Jiu Jitsu clubs, and for the guys I train myself. And once I thought, why am I able here, but in business, career, personal life - everything is not so smooth for me?

It's simple. I'm not superhuman. When I run out at 6am for my morning workout and happen to think about what I have to do, my brain freaks out. This is a run to the park - 2-3 km. (10 minutes), 24 forms of tai chi (5 minutes), qigong/breathing exercises (30 minutes), makiwara set of blows (60 minutes), walk home (20 minutes), work out with weights (30 minutes), SPT (20 minutes), stretch (15 minutes) and stand on your fist (5-10 minutes). TOTAL from THREE hours of time!! You can count it. And this is my STANDARD morning workout. 98% of people will not be able to do it even for 2 weeks in a row.

What helps me do it six times a week for many years?

I don't think. There is no need to burden your psyche with complex and large-scale tasks. You need to think only about what you are doing NOW, and think only about how to do it MAXIMUM well, and very preferably getting PLEASURE from it. Almost all world doctrines and teachings speak about this in completely different forms and formulations. About this simple thing.

The same approach works with any other tasks for which you are tormented by laziness. We do the first action immediately and without thinking. For example, today you need to add content to a site of 20-30 thousand characters, instead of sitting and thinking about what time of night you will get up - you need to open a file with the topics of these articles and immediately start looking for sources or information on the topic. After all, it’s not difficult - surfing the Internet is no different from any other surfing, for which many spend half a day of their time.

Or you need to agree with your business partner on the availability/absence/prices for some items. And there are hundreds of them. Instead of overthinking yourself about the complexity of this task, just take it and call. Find out how he is doing, chat, tell a joke. Then you can switch the conversation in the right direction and slowly start working.

The same thing applies if you need to coordinate the figures in your report with an accountant or go to the tax office/administration/other government office. institution (yes, exactly where the queue is for 4-5 hours). The first action gives impetus to the future - the task no longer seems so difficult and you “get involved” in the matter. It is quite possible that you will even want to do more, because... “switching” and “pulling” from one thing to another takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, I prefer to solve the issue at once and get the final result that I want.

It’s almost impossible to do anything from the “sitting on the couch” position. 90% of the energy is spent on the launch - this applies to everything: the launch of a rocket, the start of movement of a train, and the start of any business by a person. Try to do any action - and it will be much easier for you to do the next one. Try it, implement it - it works for me, like most people, and I’m sure it will work for you too!

PS: this text was a clipping from a chapter, a draft version of a book that I have been writing for a long time, and really hope to finish this year.