
What hormones affect women’s weight, how to lose weight and gain weight during hormonal imbalance. Prolactin and excess weight. Features of women's health at important stages of life Elevated prolactin affects body weight


Normal hormonal levels depend on the balance of hormones in the body. The endocrine system consists of glands that produce various hormones, which plays a huge role in regulating the weight of each person. The functioning of the entire body depends on the activity of hormones, including the processes of losing and gaining weight, metabolic rate, appetite, the formation of fat mass, and even the emergence of a sudden desire to eat something tasty. But how can hormones affect a person’s weight? To answer this question, you need to know not only what this or that hormone is responsible for, but also how changes in its level affect weight.

Hormones and weight: leptin

Translated from Greek, “leptos” means slender. This hormone is mainly responsible for the feeling of satiety and our appetite; it sends information to the brain about whether there are enough fat reserves in the body. Therefore, if leptin levels decrease, the brain immediately sends a signal to the human body that fat reserves must be replenished. And that’s why we really want to have a quick snack.

The conclusion suggests itself - by increasing the level of this hormone, you can “convince” the body of satiety and solve the problem of obesity forever. However, overweight people also have tens of times higher levels of leptin than thin people. This may be due to the fact that the body of an overweight person loses sensitivity to leptin, due to which it begins to be produced by the body in increased quantities. As weight begins to decrease, leptin levels also decrease.

A decrease in leptin levels also occurs due to constant lack of sleep. Therefore, usually those whose nightly sleep is less than 7 hours are prone to obesity. In order for the level of this hormone in the body to be balanced, it is recommended to eat seafood and fish.

Hormones and weight: estrogen

This hormone is female as it is produced by the ovaries. It performs many functions related to the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the distribution of fat deposits.

Estrogen is the main reason that fat deposits in young women are usually located in the lower part of the figure, and in men and women after menopause - above the waist, in the abdominal area. It is believed that excess weight gain is associated precisely with a lack of this hormone in the body.

A decrease in estrogen levels in the body is natural and usually occurs about ten years before the onset of menopause. This often manifests itself in an increased love for sweets. Estrogen levels decrease and the body begins to obtain it from fat cells, which it has to store more and more of. At the same time, the female body also loses testosterone, which manifests itself in a sharp decrease in muscle mass. Due to the fact that it is the muscles that are responsible for burning fat, the smaller they become, the more fat is deposited. Therefore, after 40 years, it becomes much more difficult to get rid of excess weight.

In order for the body to produce these hormones in sufficient quantities, it needs a mineral such as boron, the amount of which is insufficient when supplied with food. This means that if there is a deficiency of estrogen and testosterone, additional intake of boron is indicated.

A dangerous decrease in these hormones also occurs during stress. You can maintain muscle mass with strength exercises.

Hormones and weight: cortisol

In another way, this hormone is also called the “stress hormone”; it is considered a close relative of adrenaline, since it is also produced by the adrenal glands.

Essentially, this corticosteroid hormone is part of the human body's defense mechanism, as it is produced involuntarily during times of stress.

The effect of cortisol on the body is not clear. Being an anti-stress mechanism, it launches some protective processes and suspends others. Therefore, many people in stressful situations increase their appetite, thus the body accumulates strength to withstand a difficult life situation. At the same time, thanks to cortisol, the speed of the metabolic process decreases, for the same purpose - to preserve the energy that will be required to combat stress.

A person cannot influence the production of this hormone, therefore, if there is a tendency to “eat up” stress, one should try to avoid its sources. In addition, any methods of relaxation (dancing, yoga, meditation, etc.) are useful.

Hormones and weight: adrenaline

This cortisol-related hormone also affects metabolism, just in a different way. This is due to the fact that cortisol is the body’s response to stress, and adrenaline is a response to strong emotional arousal. So, when jumping with a parachute for the first time, a person experiences mainly fear, which means that the body produces cortisol. An experienced skydiver experiences an adrenaline rush at the moment of a jump, associated with emotional excitement.

Adrenaline also acts differently; it speeds up metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats. Adrenaline increases body temperature, which is associated with fat burning. In addition, usually when adrenaline is released, appetite decreases. But the more a person weighs, the lower his body’s ability to produce adrenaline.

Hormones and weight: insulin

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is responsible for regulating glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, excess sugar is converted into fat deposits. Disturbances in the body's production of insulin lead to diabetes. Simply put, this happens as a result of too intense activity of the pancreas, associated with excessive intake of starch and sugar into the human body. This means that you don’t need to overuse white foods, so as not to gain extra pounds and put a strain on the pancreas.

Minerals such as vanadium and chromium, as well as vitamin B3 (niacin), improve the functioning of the pancreas. Additional intake of these substances as part of vitamin-mineral complexes contributes to both the prevention and treatment of disorders associated with the functioning of the pancreas.

Hormones and weight: thyroid hormones

The short names of these hormones, similar in nature, produced by the thyroid gland are T1, T2, T3, T4.

If these hormones are not produced enough, the function of the thyroid gland decreases, which leads to a set of extra pounds. Increased production of these hormones (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) also leads to disorders.

For balanced functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is needed, which enters the body with food in the form of iodized salt, as well as as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing supplements. Iodine in combination with selenium is also useful.

Those who have low thyroid function should exclude peanuts and soy products from their diet. It is important to know that stress negatively affects the balance of thyroid hormones.

Hormones and weight: ghrelin

This hormone is produced by the stomach and sends hunger signals to the brain. The production of ghrelin provokes increased calorie consumption. The production of this hormone is stimulated by fructose, which is especially abundant in corn syrup, fruit juices and carbonated drinks. Thus, regular consumption of foods rich in fructose leads to an increase in hunger and, as a result, overeating.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that overweight people and those who are not helped by diets are recommended to have a blood test for hormone levels. And if a deficiency of any of the hormones is detected, it is often enough to change your diet and lifestyle, as well as start taking vitamin and mineral complexes as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Conclusion
  • Prolactin

    is considered an important hormone, the site of production of which is the pituitary gland. In the male body, its main purpose is to control the functioning of the reproductive system and maintain metabolic processes. An increase in the concentration of the hormone, as well as a decrease in it, is considered a dangerous condition and can be accompanied by the development of dangerous pathologies. You can find out what prolactin is in men and what role it plays in the body from a doctor.

    Prolactin in men is considered a hormone that is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. It is formed in small quantities in the adrenal glands, liver and epidermis. Its balance in the body is important for both men and women. The hormone influences the immune system, takes an active part in ensuring water and electrolyte balance and interacts with the hormones of the endocrine glands.

    Prolactin is mainly intended to control sexual function, produce the required amount of male germ cells and hormones. The concentration of the hormone in the blood is not constant and is in constant fluctuation. At the same time, increased or decreased prolactin can lead to dangerous disorders and the development of serious diseases.

    The role of prolactin in the body

    The main function of the hormone is to actively participate in the formation of testosterone. In addition, it promotes sperm development. This is due to the presence of amino acids and proteins in its composition, which affect the quality of male semen.

    Prolactin also performs the following functions:

    • providing a man with high libido and expression of secondary sexual characteristics;
    • increasing the efficiency of immune system structures;
    • stabilization of the functions of endocrine organs.

    At this time the indicators reach their maximum. This is due to the fact that the hormone enters the blood during sleep.

    If you notice a weakening of libido, you should not immediately go to the pharmacy to buy medications. It is necessary to consult a specialized specialist to determine the causes of this condition. This will help you choose the most effective treatment tactics, which will preserve the man’s health.

    Useful video

    Watch the video on how to take prolactin correctly:

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    Normal prolactin levels in men range from 2.5 to 17 ng/ml. These numbers can fluctuate throughout the day: in the evening the amount of the hormone decreases significantly. In addition, there is a table of prolactin levels in men by age.

    Peak levels of prolactin levels in men are observed at the age of 26-35 years. After reaching 45 years of age, the concentration of the hormone begins to decline sharply.

    Diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia

    Indications for a blood test for LTG are usually male infertility, erectile dysfunction, obesity and gynecomastia.

    A once-detected elevated level of prolactin in men is not a reason to talk about hyperprolactinemia. To exclude the influence of random factors on the result (for example, stress, excessive physical activity), the analysis is repeated twice more. In cases where hyperprolactinemia in a man is confirmed, a medical examination is carried out aimed at establishing its cause. It includes the following methods:

    • computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull– allows you to identify possible pituitary tumors;
    • blood chemistry– identifies possible dysfunctions of the liver, pancreas, kidneys (changes in the level of bilirubin, creatinine, urea, glucose are detected);
    • hormonal profile study– includes determination of the level of luteinizing, follicle-stimulating, somatotropic, adrenocorticotropic, thyroid-stimulating hormones, as well as thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

    If there are indications, a spermogram, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal organs, an ophthalmological examination (with determination of visual fields), etc. are additionally prescribed.

    Reasons for increased hormone levels

    Maximum prolactin levels are observed in the morning or during the rapid phase of sleep. Short-term increases in hormone secretion are observed after eating, as well as physical or emotional stress. Elevated prolactin in men over a long period of time is characteristic of a number of diseases and other related factors.

    The most common among them are:

    • hypothyroidism;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • systemic lupus erythematosus;
    • chronic renal failure;
    • vitamin pyridoxine deficiency;
    • drug use.

    Also, the causes of increased prolactin in men include treatment with antihypertensive drugs or antidepressants. These drugs can affect the structures of the pituitary gland, which entails an increase in the concentration of the hormone in the body.

    If symptoms of elevated prolactin are detected in men, it is worth undergoing a thorough examination. Timely detection of pathology significantly reduces the likelihood of developing severe complications in the future.

    Consequences for men of excessive hormone production

    If there is long-term suppression of testicular function by this hormone, then due to a lack of testosterone, the risk of progression of atherosclerosis increases. Patients become susceptible to heart attack, stroke, angina and hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. After 45-50 years, they experience accelerated destruction of bone tissue, which can lead to fractures with minor trauma.

    Changes in the level of gonadotropic hormones (follitropin and lutropin) provoke a violation of the formation and maturation of sperm. This affects the ability to conceive and is one of the causes of male infertility.

    For men who are intensely involved in sports, and especially those taking anabolic hormones for muscle growth, an increase in prolactin is typical. Since anabolic steroids also result in a relative excess of estrogens, growth of the mammary glands and the release of milk-like fluid from them is noted.

    What are the reasons for the decline

    Low prolactin levels in men can occur due to a number of factors.

    The most frequently noted among them are:

    Traumatic brain injuries also lead to a decrease in hormone levels. At the same time, many patients with low prolactin levels also have infectious diseases of the nervous system.

    Reduced prolactin in men

    Low prolactin in men is considered a rare phenomenon.


    The reasons for a decrease in hormones are as follows:

    • radiation treatment;
    • hereditary disease - Kallman syndrome;
    • skull injuries, which are accompanied by damage to the pituitary gland;
    • non-diabetes mellitus;
    • pituitary tumors;
    • long-term use of thyroid hormones, antihistamines and anticonvulsants;
    • previous operations on the pituitary gland.

    Reduced prolactin in men is caused by smoking, alcoholism and poor nutrition. After 50 years, the process of natural aging of the body begins, so the production of the hormone during this period decreases significantly. Signs such as dizziness, poor sense of smell, hearing and vision impairment may indicate low prolactin. In addition, tissue swelling, problems with sexual activity and an unstable psycho-emotional state may be observed.

    Interesting fact! The hormone prolactin helps regulate weight, stimulates the growth of new small vessels and takes part in the functioning of lymphocytes.

    How to increase prolactin in men

    To restore hormone levels, you need to eat more oatmeal, sesame seeds and quinoa. The fact is that whole grain oats contain protein that increases prolactin levels. Medicines that have an inhibitory effect on dopamine synthesis help increase prolactin. However, hormonal treatment negatively affects the functioning of many organs, so alternative medicine is considered the best option. Treatment should be aimed at stimulating the pituitary gland to increase low levels of the hormone. Among alternative medicine, the most effective are infusions and decoctions prepared from the following plants:

    • yellow egg capsule;
    • Glaux maritima;
    • Goat's rue or Galega officinalis.

    A good effect is obtained from products prepared on the basis of white clover, thousand-headed clover and fennel. To increase prolactin levels, it is necessary to eliminate stress factors, increase the functioning of the pituitary gland, and normalize the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems.

    When a test is required, symptoms

    Changes in the level of a substance observed over a long period of time indicate a hormonal imbalance in a man’s body. Doctors have identified a number of symptoms that are a reason to conduct laboratory tests.

    These include:

    1. Erectile dysfunction.
    2. Loss of desire for a sexual partner.
    3. Infertility.
    4. Gynecomastia.
    5. Sudden weight gain.
    6. Milky discharge from the breast.

    If these signs are detected, the man is recommended to consult with specialized specialists and also undergo a full examination. A correctly established diagnosis allows you to prescribe adequate treatment and return a man to his sexual health.

    Preparing for the test

    There are physiological (natural) stimulants for the release of already formed prolactin into the blood. These include:

    • sexual intercourse;
    • physical activity, especially exercises to train the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle;
    • irritation, stimulation of the skin of the mammary glands, chest massage, physiotherapy in this area;
    • exposure to open sun;
    • hot bath or sauna;
    • emotional experiences, both positive and negative;
    • contact with domestic animals, work at the zoo, at the hippodrome;
    • lack of carbohydrates (for example, strict diets, fasting);
    • excess proteins in the menu.

    All these factors lead to a temporarily elevated hormone level, so it is recommended to exclude their influence at least a day before the analysis. Diagnosis should be refused if the patient had the following during the week before the study:

    • attacks of pain;
    • chest injuries, surgeries;
    • herpetic rashes in the mammary glands;
    • acute infectious processes;
    • exacerbation of rheumatism.

    In such cases, you need to postpone the test for prolactin until complete recovery. . Another factor that changes hormone levels is taking medications. For 2-3 days, you should eliminate the use of energy drinks, dietary supplements, vitamins, herbs and herbs, especially those containing hop cones, red clover, and fennel. If the course of treatment cannot be interrupted, then all medications are indicated on the referral form.

    How to test for prolactin

    Men need to be tested for prolactin in the morning, on an empty stomach. The material is collected from the ulnar vein. Before diagnosis, you need to follow a diet and also give up bad habits for a while.

    How to prepare for a prolactin test in men

    The data is known several hours after the procedure. They are assessed by an experienced specialist. This will prevent incorrect interpretation of diagnostic results.

    How to give prolactin to a man correctly

    The day before the diagnosis, the following recommendations must be followed:

    • The usual eating style with a complete diet, with meat, fish and dairy dishes consumed in quantities of no more than 100 g, is better to avoid protein shakes.
    • Sources of carbohydrates include whole grain cereals, bread, vegetables, fruits, and berries.
    • Dinner the night before should be light, and then only plain drinking water is allowed for 8-10 hours.
    • It is forbidden to drink alcohol, even weak drinks containing it.
    • Physical activity should be moderate; if possible, training is postponed to another time (after the examination).
    • Avoid overwork, stress, lack of sleep.

    Proper preparation for analysis helps to obtain reliable results. It should also be taken into account that before taking prolactin, you need to avoid smoking, any exercise, physical procedures, examination (X-ray, tomography, ultrasound) for an hour.

    Consequences of not treating

    An excess or deficiency of prolactin in a man’s body can lead to the development of unpleasant consequences:

    • discharge of milk-like fluid from the nipples;
    • enlarged mammary glands;
    • reduction of secondary sexual characteristics;
    • erectile dysfunction;
    • decreased sperm quality and, as a result, infertility;
    • decreased sexual desire.

    Disturbed levels of the hormone also negatively affect metabolic processes.

    This increases the risk of developing:

    • diabetes mellitus;
    • osteoporosis;
    • dermatitis;
    • female type obesity.

    The nervous system may also be affected.

    Without timely treatment, high levels of the hormone will lead to the following disorders:

    Prolactin in men, which is in excess, also negatively affects the ratio of substances that are responsible for cholesterol levels. As a result, the likelihood of developing hypertension, coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis increases. If calcium begins to be washed out, kidney and bladder stones may form.

    The danger of the disease is that it can occur hidden. In this case, the man will not have any manifestations. But if obvious signs are left unattended, even more serious problems will arise, including malignant neoplasms in the pituitary gland, which can result in complete loss of vision if the tumor begins to compress the optic nerves.

    Elevated prolactin in men

    The following reasons can provoke high prolactin in men.

    Causes of elevated prolactin in men

    1. Pituitary tumors of various types. It is in this gland that the hormone is produced. With tumors, the size of the organ and the number of functioning cells increases, which causes excessive production of prolactin.
    2. Pathologies of the hypothalamus. The reasons that prolactin is elevated in a man may be hidden in diseases of the hypothalamus. It is this part of the brain that controls the production of prolactin due to the synthesis of prolactoliberin, which causes increased stimulation of the formation of the hormone.
    3. Other endocrine system disorders. The causes of increased prolactin in men can be diseases such as hypothyroidism and adrenal hyperplasia.
    4. Severe liver pathologies. Cirrhosis can cause an increase in the concentration of prolactin in the body due to the fact that it is in this organ that most hormones are inactivated.

    The reasons for increased prolactin in men can be different and must be clarified before starting treatment. Constantly exceeding the norm of the hormone in a man can cause infertility, weakened potency, obesity and sleep disturbances.

    Symptoms of elevated prolactin in men

    The following symptoms may indicate increased prolactin in men:

    • breast enlargement, like in women;
    • formation of rashes on the skin;
    • decreased libido and sexual function;
    • obesity and the appearance of female pattern hair;
    • nagging pain in the heart area with unclear localization;
    • prolonged headaches;
    • infertility.

    The causes of elevated prolactin in men are different, and the consequences are quite dangerous. It should be remembered that the higher the indicator, the worse the mobility of the male germ cells. In relation to metabolic processes, excess of the norm causes the development of diabetes mellitus, various types of dermatitis, excess weight and osteoporosis. With high prolactin in men, symptoms often manifest themselves in rapid fatigue, anxiety, memory impairment and irritability.

    Interesting fact! Beer stimulates the production of prolactin and causes feminization of men. This drink can cause breast growth.

    When prolactin levels increase in men, the ratio of substances that control cholesterol transfer is disrupted. The consequence of this pathological condition is atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia and hypertension.

    Prolactin production. Photo:

    How to reduce prolactin in men

    A common cause of high levels of the hormone is a benign neoplasm of the pituitary gland. Dopamine antagonists can be prescribed to treat pathology:

    • Cabergoline;
    • Bromocriptine;
    • Abergyn.

    If there is no positive result of the treatment, tumor removal is indicated or radiation therapy is prescribed. How to lower prolactin in men is determined by the factor that provoked the pathological condition. If the hormone level is high due to liver cirrhosis, taking hepatoprotectors and diuretics is indicated, as well as following a certain diet. A diet for high prolactin in men involves avoiding fatty and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. In addition, beer and soy products should be excluded from the diet, since they contain substances similar to hormones in the female body. They are able to influence the content of hormones provided they are constantly supplied to the body.

    What treatment can there be?

    After determining the etiology of changes in hormone levels, the doctor prescribes treatment. In most cases, in order to increase or decrease prolactin in men, the use of medications is sufficient. They are aimed at increasing the level of this substance or eliminating the causes of its hypersecretion.

    In the absence of the effect of conservative therapy and restoration of normal prolactin levels in men, surgical interventions are used. They are used to remove tumor-like tumors that affect the concentration of the hormone.

    It is possible to raise prolactin levels in men without the use of drugs thanks to traditional medicine. In this case, tinctures of medicinal herbs are used, as well as food products that increase testosterone and libido levels.

    Do not forget that before starting treatment you need to consult with specialized specialists. Self-medication can lead to the development of complications that negatively affect a man’s health.


    A patient with impaired hormone levels is recommended to take ergoline and non-ergoline drugs that normalize prolactin production. The most commonly used is Dostinex. The medicine is highly effective, has a prolonged action, and has a minimum of side effects. Unlike analogues, the drug is taken 2 times a week, not daily.

    Patients with elevated levels of the substance in the blood are recommended to take Abergin. By inhibiting the production of prolactin, the medicine does not disrupt the levels of other hormones. Its effect is longer, and side reactions are less pronounced.

    If the cause of the disorder is a certain disease, appropriate medications are prescribed. After the signs of the underlying pathology disappear, the hormone level usually returns to normal.

    If the concentration of the substance is increased due to liver cirrhosis, the use of diuretics and hepatoprotectors is recommended. The patient must also adhere to a diet excluding fried, fatty, and alcoholic drinks.

    If kidney failure is detected, a special diet is also prescribed. The patient may require hemodialysis or a kidney transplant.

    • plasmapheresis procedure;
    • taking corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    For lupus, glucocorticoids are prescribed. During treatment, it is necessary to periodically check prolactin levels and undergo an MRI or CT scan of the pituitary gland every 6 months.

    Prolactin in men returns to normal thanks to drug therapy. But there are situations when surgical intervention is indispensable.

    Surgery and radiation therapy

    Indications for surgical intervention:

    • the presence of a large tumor formation, especially if it grows quickly and puts pressure on the optic nerves;
    • drug intolerance;
    • ineffectiveness of drug therapy.

    The operation is performed through the nose. The procedure does not last long, and the tumor is effectively eliminated. In 70-90% of cases, small tumors are completely cured, in 3-40% - large tumors. However, during the first 6 years after surgery, half of the patients may experience a relapse.

    Possible complications of surgical treatment:

    • During the procedure, the internal carotid artery may be damaged and bleeding may occur;
    • intervention may result in paralysis of the oculomotor nerve;
    • there is a risk of infection in the membranes of the brain with the development of meningitis.

    Radiation therapy is used in rare cases. It is recommended for those who cannot be operated on, as well as for patients with aggressive forms of prolactinoma.

    Folk remedies

    Prolactin in men can return to normal as a result of using folk recipes and remedies. Their use is possible only if the disorder is not caused by severe pathology. However, taking soothing herbal infusions will be beneficial for patients in any case.

    In order to get rid of psycho-emotional stress, depression and insomnia, it is recommended to use the following plants:

    • valerian;
    • motherwort;
    • St. John's wort;
    • hop;
    • hawthorn.

    Herbs are brewed and drunk before bed. St. John's wort and hawthorn are not recommended to be abused.

    To prepare a herbal drink, you need:

    1. Choose a plant to taste (or several plants).
    2. 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour boiling water (1 l). Place in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
    3. Strain the drink, drink a glass a day. Treatment usually lasts 20 days.

    You can also drink chamomile infusion instead of tea. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused and consumed before bed.

    Products based on the following plants help increase the level of the substance:

    • raspberries Leaves and flowers of the plant (20 g) should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. Take 2 times a day, not exceeding the daily dose (400 ml);
    • sage Dry grass (5 tbsp) must be poured with 1 liter of water and left for an hour. Drink 100 ml twice a day;
    • hops For treatment, a tincture is used: hop cones and alcohol are combined in a 1:3 ratio, infused for three weeks and filtered. You need to take 10 drops twice a day;
    • oregano. You need 2 tbsp. l. pour dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and strain. Take a few sips throughout the day, not exceeding the daily dose (100 ml).

    Diet and lifestyle

    To normalize hormone levels, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. A man should give up alcohol and strong brewed tea.

    • conservation;
    • smoked products;
    • flour;
    • fried;
    • chocolate and sweets.

    Prolactin in men can be increased by adding to the menu:

    • rice;
    • nuts;
    • hard cheese;
    • fish;
    • wheat cereal;
    • parsley;
    • cauliflower;
    • carrots.

    The use of sesame and flaxseed oils, ginger, apples, and grapes is beneficial.

    To minimize the negative consequences of pathology for the body, patients are recommended to:

    Symptoms and signs of hormonal imbalance

    To appreciate the importance prolactin as a hormone - what is it in men, what is its role and significance for health, it is necessary to consider what its deviations from the age norm will lead to.

    Research carried out by specialists revealed that a failure in the parameters prolactin for men will contribute to:

    • late maturation of the boy;
    • lack of secondary sexual characteristics;
    • significant decrease in libido;
    • pronounced impairment of potency;
    • with complete reproductive health of the woman - no pregnancy in marriage;
    • formation of a tendency to depression, insomnia;
    • metabolic failures - obesity, osteoporosis or diabetes.

    How to maintain normal prolactin levels

    To maintain normal hormone levels, doctors have developed a number of rules that apply to a man’s daily life.

    These include:

    1. Alternation of work and rest.
    2. Maintaining an active lifestyle.
    3. Rejection of bad habits.
    4. Sleep duration is at least 8 hours.
    5. Avoiding stressful situations.

    The hormone prolactin is a substance that directly affects the life of the stronger sex. If you notice symptoms of changes in its concentration in the body, you should consult a doctor. This will prevent the development of severe consequences of increased prolactin in men and restore the health of their reproductive system.

    Article format: Vladimir the Great

    What is prolactin responsible for in men?

    In order to understand what the hormone prolactin is responsible for in men, it is necessary to study its functions. Studies have shown that it has a direct effect on the state of the reproductive system. Prolactin is responsible for complete spermatogenesis that occurs in the testicles. When the hormone is normal, a sufficient number of male germ cells with good mobility are produced. Such sperm are able to penetrate the egg and fertilize it. Prolactin controls the production of sex hormones and stimulates testosterone production. It has an indirect effect on ensuring that a man has a certain body structure, well-developed muscles and sufficient hair.

    Interesting fact! There is a version that the hormone has an analgesic effect and is a natural antiseptic. This is due to the fact that during the study, when it increased in the body, a decrease in pain was noted.

    Prolactin is elevated in men, causes fever, why, consequences

    Many people do not understand why prolactin is elevated in men and they feel feverish. However, it can actually increase as a result of many factors.

    Normally, prolactin in men should be about 10 ng/ml. Unlike women, in men its level rarely increases under stress. Its high level is mainly influenced by food, sexual intercourse, and physical activity.

    If suddenly prolactin is elevated in men, it can cause you to sweat, and other, more serious consequences will arise:

    1. Inability to have children.

    2. The number of sperm and male hormones will be lower.

    3. Decline of male strength, potency will gradually begin to disturb.

    4. Sudden weight gain.

    5. Gynecomastia.

    6. Sleep problems.

    The more prolactin in the male body, the higher the level of estrogen and vice versa. This is where all the negative consequences that need to be eliminated come from.

    The role of the hormone

    An experienced specialist can tell you what this hormone is responsible for. Its meanings for the male body are characterized as follows:

    1. regulates testicular function processes;
    2. sperm motility;
    3. testosterone level;
    4. supports the formation of secondary reproductive organs;
    5. helps increase libido, erectile function, orgasm;
    6. takes part in immune processes;
    7. reduces pain;
    8. controls water-salt balance;
    9. regulates body weight.

    By interacting with estrogen, as well as testosterone (the main male element), the component in question affects male reproductive function.

    This substance and testosterone are counterhormones that are interconnected. A high concentration of testosterone prevents prolactin from rising. But if its level is low, prolactin tends to increase.

    How to improve prolactin levels at home

    The maximum concentration of prolactin in the human body is observed early in the morning, and throughout the day its level gradually decreases, reaching its minimum in the evening. Doctors have established a connection between increased prolactin in men and physiological factors. Insufficient sleep and physical activity, stress, and excessive consumption of protein foods can cause a temporary increase in the level of the hormone in male blood. A longer-lasting phenomenon indicates various diseases:

    • Cirrhosis of the liver;
    • Chronic stress;
    • Lack of vitamin B6;
    • Autoimmune diseases;
    • Hypothyroidism;
    • Kidney failure;
    • Dysfunction or tumor of the pituitary gland.

    Heredity can play a negative role on prolactin levels. Some neuralgic diseases, accompanied by a disruption in blood supply, negatively affect the functioning of the pituitary gland, and, as a result, can affect the production of prolactin.

    1. Give up coffee and cigarettes;

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    Prolactin in men can be elevated for various reasons. Medicine distinguishes two groups of causes, which are divided into external and internal.

    • Excessive physical the load immediately before taking blood for analysis (1 day before) can distort the real prolactin indicator;
    • Fasting 12 hours before analysis;
    • Prolactin is elevated in men who are addicted to smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • Constant stress, nervousness, irritability;
    • Prolactin is elevated when there is pain in the body. It doesn’t matter if it’s an injury or an illness – pain increases hormone production;
    • Increasing proteins in the body before taking the test. This can happen if a man prefers protein foods;
    • Prolactin is elevated in those who are overly active, or, conversely, rarely have sexual intercourse.
    • Liver or kidney failure;
    • Any type of radio radiation (chemotherapy, work environment), etc.;
    • Pituitary gland oncology;
    • Vitamin B6 deficiency;
    • Side effect of certain types of drugs.

    How can you understand that the hormone prolactin has failed?

    There are a number of symptoms that need to be paid close attention to, since sometimes men do not associate these symptoms with a pathological process in the body.

    • Sexual activity decreases (apathy appears);
    • Obesity, weight gain. The norm of prolactin in men allows a man to always be in shape, because this hormone is responsible for metabolic processes. When violated, weight begins to gain, especially in the neck, chest, abdomen and back;
    • Temporary infertility (inability to conceive a new life);
    • White rash on the skin (acne);
    • Deterioration of sleep;
    • Depressive state;
    • Constant lethargy, fatigue (even after waking up);
    • Constant headaches.

    Elevated prolactin levels can be caused by a number of diseases. The reasons for the increase in the content of this hormone in the blood in men are as follows:

    • dysfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland,
    • frequent stressful situations,
    • kidney or thyroid diseases,
    • symptoms of liver cirrhosis,
    • addiction,
    • taking certain medications, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics,
    • hypovitaminosis B6,
    • chronic prostatitis,
    • autoimmune diseases.

    It is possible to confirm hyperprolactinemia only after confirming the stability of the increase in hormone levels. This can only happen after taking a blood test in the laboratory.

    Prolactin: how much should it ideally be?

    This indicator changes throughout life, and for each age group this figure is different. So, for a boy aged 10-14 years, a figure of 16.9-358.3 µIU/ml will be quite normal. At this age, rapid puberty occurs, and hormones are constantly “jumping”, which is why there is likely to be such a large gap between indicators.

    The largest release of prolactin is observed in the morning. Just 2-3 hours after waking up, its level noticeably drops. Therefore, if a doctor prescribes a blood test to detect prolactin levels, this procedure is performed exclusively in the morning. During the day, prolactin is released into the blood several more times, but it is difficult to “catch” these moments.

    If for some reason a man has deviations from the norm, this is fraught with serious problems in the future. To eliminate the negative consequences, high-quality treatment will be required. You need to clearly understand that the problem will not go away on its own.

    What is

    Prolactin is a substance consisting of one hundred and ninety-nine amino acids related to polypeptides.

    In structure, it is in many ways similar to growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Prolactin has the greatest effect on the mammary glands.

    It is necessary to ensure the lactation process, improves the development and growth of lobules and ducts in them. It is extremely necessary for women, but at the same time it is no less useful for the male half of humanity.

    Prolactin promotes better sperm release and faster recovery after orgasm. If the level of prolactin in the body is normal, then the hormone is quite useful. Its increased content often leads to negative consequences.

    Reasons for changes in prolactin concentration

    In men, unlike women, hyperprolactintemia is not physiological, but only pathological.

    The causes of pathological increases in prolactin are primary and secondary.

    Primary hyperprolactinemia is caused by diseases or tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

    Secondary hyperprolactinemia is caused by diseases of organs that produce hormones:

    • thyroid;
    • adrenal glands;
    • testicles.

    Another cause of secondary hyperprolactinemia is the use of certain pharmacological agents:

    • anabolic steroid;
    • neuroleptics;
    • antiemetics;
    • verapamil;
    • cimetidine

    A clear example of drug-induced hyperprolactinemia is the use of anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders, being carried away by such drugs, interfere with hormonal levels and greatly change the level of the hormone.

    In women, changes in hormonal levels in the blood are easy to detect, since this disorder usually causes menstrual disorders and discharge from the mammary glands, while in men it is not at all easy to detect hyperprolactinemia.

    A high level of a hormone may not be externally manifested in any way, and a blood test for hormone levels is very rarely prescribed for men.

    At the same time, there is one symptom that should certainly alert a representative of the stronger sex - this is a decrease in visual acuity or limitation of its fields. Visual disturbances are often accompanied by pituitary tumors (prolactinomas), accompanied by high levels of prolactin.

    Nonspecific symptoms are possible in the form of increased appetite and body weight, up to obesity. Less commonly - gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands) and galactorrhea (milk secretion).

    Frequent consequences of hyperprolactinemia in men are sexual disorders:

    • decreased libido and potency;
    • erectile dysfunction and ejaculation;
    • reduction in ejaculate volume and viscosity;
    • infertility.

    In the long term, hormonal imbalance increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, and cancer of the pituitary gland and genital organs.

    The consequences of elevated hormone levels in percentage terms are distributed approximately as follows:

    • decrease or absence of libido and potency - 50%-90%;
    • gynecomastia - 6% -25%; infertility due to oligospermia - 5% -15%;
    • reduction of male characteristics - 2% -20%;
    • discharge from the nipples - 0.5% -6%;
    • heart pain – 30%.

    Among all sexual dysfunctions in men, hyperprolactinemia, according to various sources, accounts for 10 to 20%.

    With high prolactin, psycho-emotional disorders are often observed:

    • depression, sleep disturbance in 20-30% of patients;
    • increased fatigue, weakness;
    • memory loss.

    Treatment for hyperprolactinemia may include:

    • surgery, such as removal of pituitary tumors;
    • drug therapy – used, among other things, for pituitary prolactinomas;
    • radiation therapy. With radiation therapy, irradiation of the tumor is less traumatic, but weaker compared to surgical methods.

    Three generations of dopamine receptor stimulants are used for drug treatment:

    • I generation – “Bromocriptine”;
    • II generation – “Quinagolide”;
    • III generation - "Cabergoline" or "Dostinex" - with increased prolactin in men, it has fewer side effects and is suitable for long-term use.

    All of these drugs normalize or significantly reduce prolactin, while simultaneously reducing tumor size.

    Testosterone replacement therapy does not normalize prolactin or treat sexual dysfunction. Only treatment with dopamine receptor stimulants is effective.

    Despite the fact that an increase in prolactin levels in men is quite rare, it should not be overlooked. Testing for hormone levels must be included in the general list of studies.

    Lyubov Maslikhova, therapist, especially for

    Useful video

    What can cause deviations in a man’s hormonal background? The reasons can be very different. Banal stress and mental overload can easily cause an increase in prolactin levels. Since this hormone is synthesized by the pituitary gland, any head injury can affect its concentration.

    The cause of the imbalance can be traumatic brain injury, impaired blood flow to brain cells, and even infectious diseases of the brain. Previous infectious processes, for example, tuberculosis, syphilis of the brain, can have a negative impact on the further functionality of the pituitary gland. Past exposure to radiation can also have a negative effect.

    Heredity can play a negative role on prolactin levels. Some neuralgic diseases, accompanied by a disruption in blood supply, negatively affect the functioning of the pituitary gland, and, as a result, can affect the production of prolactin.

    Bad habits that many men are guilty of also do not have the best effect on overall hormonal levels. Even living in a place that is not the most environmentally friendly plays a negative role in health. Constant increased physical activity, lack of sleep, and overwork lead to the same negative consequences.

    What exactly caused the hormonal imbalance can only be determined by the attending physician after a series of tests.

    Any deviation from the norm in hormonal terms is accompanied by a whole complex of associated symptoms.

    They can manifest themselves either in combination or individually:

    1. Late puberty. This sign is typical only for boys during puberty.
    2. The absence of secondary sexual characteristics in a boy at the age of puberty (the appearance of hair in the pubic and axillary area, a breaking voice, etc.) should be alarming.
    3. Significant decrease in libido - sexual desire.
    4. Obvious impotence in men.
    5. Unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child.
    6. Anxiety, insomnia, depression, nervousness, irritability appear.
    7. Metabolic failure - obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes.
    8. With an increase in prolactin in a man, the volume of muscle mass may decrease, but the fat layer will increase in size.
    9. Gynecomastia is another serious sign; a man’s breasts begin to grow according to the female type.

    It is important to understand that any delays threaten further problems.

    Hyperprolactinemia is the correct name for a condition in which the level of prolactin in the blood is elevated. A visit to the doctor should provide an answer to why the failure occurred. Correct and timely treatment can correct the situation.

    If you ignore the obvious symptoms of deviations from the norm, then in the future you may encounter a number of even more serious problems, including cancer in the pituitary gland.

    Elevated prolactin can lead to complete impotence. The possibility of developing infertility and osteoporosis cannot be ruled out.

    A man can begin to change not only internally, but also externally. He develops mammary glands and may even produce colostrum. The figure acquires more and more feminine characteristics, excess weight begins to be deposited in the abdomen and shoulder girdle.

    To make the correct conclusion, the doctor will prescribe a number of examinations:

    • CT or MRI of the pituitary gland, since it is this part of the brain that produces prolactin, you must first make sure that it is not damaged;
    • Ultrasound of internal organs, special attention will be paid to the adrenal glands;
    • Detailed biochemical blood test;
    • Blood test from a vein for hormone concentrations;
    • Spermogram - this analysis will help to identify the quality of sperm, determine their quantity and motility;
    • Examination of the condition of bone tissue, this will help identify the likelihood of developing osteoporosis;
    • Antibody analysis - to exclude the possibility of autoimmune pathologies;
    • Blood tumor markers will help identify the likelihood of developing cancer.

    Only having all these results in hand will the doctor be able to see an objective picture of the development of the disease.

    Having received the research results and drawn up an objective picture of the development of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Most likely, the basis will be drugs that help to qualitatively reduce the level of prolactin in the blood. You need to understand that it will definitely not be possible to reduce the level of the hormone just by diet and giving up bad habits.

    As soon as tests reveal elevated prolactin levels, appropriate treatment should begin immediately. But some men, not trusting qualified doctors in such an intimate matter, try to correct the situation on their own, with the help of traditional medicine. We can say unequivocally that folk remedies are good, but they definitely won’t help level out prolactin. They may well become accompanying means to help achieve the goal, but herbs alone cannot correct the situation.

    Although, some herbalists recommend herbal preparations based on bugs and hemlock, which can qualitatively improve the situation for the better. But it is worth knowing that all herbs that can affect the functioning of the pituitary gland are poisonous, and their long-term use is very dangerous for the entire body. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and abandon traditional treatment methods; do not expose yourself to unjustified risks.

    However, not everything is so sad, and there are a number of plants that can really help in a positive way in reducing prolactin. But their task is not to influence the hormone, but to stabilize the psychological component of health. Since prolactin is a stress hormone, herbs are most often prescribed to help you calm down and bring your psyche back to normal.

    They will help relieve tension and eliminate insomnia. Elderberry, lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort, hops, valerian - all these plants help stabilize the psychological background. You can make tea, decoctions, and infusions from them. All of them will qualitatively improve the situation for the better. Buying all these herbs will also not be difficult; they are all publicly available in any pharmacy.

    The parallel use of Novo-Passit will help supplement the effect of herbs. This drug is also created on the basis of natural ingredients and will help to significantly speed up the achievement of a positive result.

    But not only herbs and syrups can qualitatively help reduce prolactin levels. To stabilize the condition, sometimes it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle and make the required adjustments. It is quite possible that you will need to review your home medicine cabinet and exclude from it drugs, the use of which, to one degree or another, leads to an increase in prolactin:

    1. Review your daily schedule, include an hour of rest during the day, don’t stay up late and eliminate night gatherings;
    2. Choose a time to visit the gym; 2-3 workouts a week are enough;
    3. Give up coffee and cigarettes;
    4. Sleep at least 8-9 hours; in less time the body may not have time to recover;
    5. Avoid stressful situations.

    The characteristic symptoms of elevated prolactin in men have multiple manifestations:

    • decreased libido;
    • erectile dysfunction;
    • low sperm quality;
    • gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands);
    • high cholesterol;
    • headache;
    • blurred vision;
    • paralysis of the eye muscles;
    • depression;
    • sleep disorders.


    Increased prolactin: causes, symptoms and possible consequences

    Why are prolactin levels elevated?

    Normal values ​​for women are prolactin levels less than 12 ng/ml (or 240 mU/l). However, if the hormone level is higher than normal in only one test, this is not enough to diagnose hyperprolactinemia; it is necessary to repeat the study after a couple of weeks.

    Increased levels of prolactin are typical during pregnancy and breastfeeding. High levels of this hormone are normal even after the cessation of lactation (approximately another 2-3 years). There is such a thing as physiological hyperprolactinemia: prolactin is increased during severe stress, intense physical activity, after sexual intercourse, or recent surgery on the pelvic organs. These factors must be taken into account when interpreting test results.

    Other cases of hyperprolactinemia should be regarded as pathological. The following conditions may cause high prolactin levels:

    • pathology of the pituitary gland (pituitary adenomas - prolactinomas, somatotropinomas, hormonally inactive pituitary tumors, surgical interventions in the area of ​​the sella turcica with damage to the pituitary stalk);
    • taking certain medications (neuroleptics, metoclopromide, domperidone, estrogens, some antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, antidepressants);
    • neuro-reflex galactorrhea (excessive neuroticism with elements of fear of developing breast cancer, leading to their constant stimulation by checking for the presence of discharge);
    • ectopic hormone production (outside the brain), for example, secretion by tumor cells in lung cancer;
    • hyperprolactinemia, developing secondary to other diseases of the endocrine glands (primary hypothyroidism - decreased synthesis of thyroid hormones due to various diseases of the thyroid gland - autoimmune thyroiditis, severe iodine deficiency, etc., polycystic ovary syndrome).

    If, based on the results of an additional examination, there is no objective reason for an increase in prolactin levels (about 10% of women), a diagnosis of “idiopathic hyperprolactinemia” is made.

    In addition to the above reasons, high prolactin levels are sometimes determined as a result of high molecular weight prolactin (macroprolactin) circulating in the blood. This species is biologically inert, does not cause any pathological changes in the body and is not accompanied by clinical symptoms. This situation requires differential diagnosis with the clinical syndrome of hyperprolactinemia.


    Classic symptoms of hyperprolactinemia are:

    • menstrual irregularities;
    • infertility;
    • pathological galactorrhea;
    • rapid weight gain;
    • hirsutism (male pattern hair growth).

    Menstrual irregularities due to hyperprolactinemia are the most common symptom. This occurs as a result of disruptions in the fine regulation of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing). The natural consequence of this is the absence of ovulation, oligo- or amenorrhea and infertility.

    A more obvious, but less common sign of hyperprolactinemia is pathological galactorrhea (discharge from the mammary glands of a fluid similar in appearance to milk, occurring outside of periods of breastfeeding or pregnancy). The volume of discharge can vary: from a few drops when squeezed out to a stream flow without stimulation.

    Hyperprolactinemia promotes increased conversion of dietary carbohydrates into fats, as a result of which most women suffering from the disease are obese or overweight. Hair growth is also a characteristic feature of the syndrome, but is rarely pronounced.

    In addition to the manifestations listed above, there may be other complaints that women, as a rule, are embarrassed to voice or associate them with fatigue at work, etc. These complaints include:

    • decreased sex drive;
    • hypo- and anorgasmia;
    • dryness of the vaginal mucosa, feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse.

    Hyperprolactinemia is a rather insidious condition. Sometimes it remains asymptomatic for a long time, and later causes serious health problems. For example, with a pituitary macroadenoma, damage to the optic chiasm often occurs with the development of optic nerve atrophy. Unfortunately, women themselves and even doctors do not always pay attention to the appearance of vision problems, which leads to serious consequences (blindness). To prevent the development of serious complications is to promptly consult a doctor when characteristic symptoms appear.


    How to treat hyperprolactinemia depends on the cause of this condition. For pathology of the pituitary gland, drugs from the group of dopamine receptor agonists (Bromocriptine, Cabergoline) are prescribed. These drugs have a pronounced effect even with large pituitary adenomas. Similar tactics are also adopted for polycystic ovary syndrome, accompanied by an increase in prolactin levels. At the moment, Cabergoline (Dostinex, Agalates) is most often prescribed due to its convenient dosage regimen - once a week. The initial dose of the drug is 500 mcg. In the absence of clinical effect, the dosage is gradually increased. The maximum dose is 4.5 mg once a week. Pituitary macroadenoma, accompanied by compression of the optic chiasm, is an indication for surgical treatment.

    With ectopic prolactin production, it is necessary to establish the source of pathological secretion. The main method of treatment in this case is surgical removal of the tumor secreting excess hormone.


    The main problem of men with elevated lactotropin is a decrease in the level of testosterone and gonadotropins. These hormones respond to reproductive and sexual function. In fact, against the background of hyperprolactinemia, hypogonadism develops, which gives most of the symptoms.

    It would seem that the solution is simple: you need to prescribe testosterone drugs to the patient. However, in reality, the use of androgens in the form of drugs does not solve the problem of infertility, does not normalize spermatogenesis or improve erectile function. Only normalization of lactotropin levels leads to a sustainable regression of clinical symptoms and restoration of fertility. At the same time, there is no need to prescribe testosterone drugs: the level of this hormone, like LH and FSH, normalizes on its own over time.

    It is important to eliminate the cause of hyperprolactinemia. In most cases it can be installed. Treatment options:

    • discontinue medications that increase prolactin levels and replace them with analogues;
    • compensate for hypothyroidism by prescribing thyroxine preparations;
    • if prolactin levels are significantly elevated, remove the pituitary adenoma.

    However, after eliminating the cause, prolactin levels still remain elevated and need to be normalized. In addition, in many cases, conservative treatment is used for pituitary microadenoma. The tumor is not removed because it is very small (less than 1 cm) and does not threaten the patient’s life. At the same time, removal of an adenoma is fraught with a number of complications and hormonal disorders. In addition, it is associated with certain operational risks.

    Medicines have been developed that lower the level of prolactin in the blood. This pharmacological group is called dopamine receptor agonists or stimulants.


    Bromocriptine is historically the first drug for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. For a long time it remained the only treatment option. Although today other, more effective drugs have appeared.

    Bromocriptine is usually available in 2.5 mg tablets. Initially, the dose is prescribed low. The starting dosage is half or a quarter of this tablet. This is required to reduce the risk of side effects. Then every 3-4 days the dose is increased by a quarter of a tablet (0.625 mg). The effective dose is individual. Maximum men take up to 7 mg of bromocriptine per day in 3 divided doses.

    The drug has many disadvantages, so today it is rarely used.

    The main ones:

    • high frequency of side effects that develop in half of patients;
    • short duration of action - half-life no more than 4 hours;
    • insufficiently effective - in every third patient bromocriptine does not reduce prolactin levels to normal.


    Much more often, the drug cabergoline (Dostinex) is prescribed for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. It has many advantages over bromocriptine:

    • lower incidence of side effects – only 12%;
    • if side effects develop, they are less pronounced and do not cause the patient to refuse further therapy;
    • long-term action (provides the possibility of taking it once a day, which increases the patient’s adherence to treatment).

    The weekly dose ranges from 1 to 4.5 mg. The concentration of prolactin in plasma decreases within 3 hours after taking the drug. The effect lasts for 1-4 weeks.

    It has been established that long-term use of cabergoline for hyperprolactinemia of tumor origin is accompanied by a gradual decrease in the size of prolactinoma (pituitary tumor). The maximum effect is achieved after 1 year of regular use of the drug. In some men, the tumor disappears completely.

    Medications to lower prolactin

    Elevated prolactin in men is corrected conservatively. Reduce the hormone with drugs:

    • Apomorphine;
    • Bromocriptine;
    • Cabergoline;
    • Hvinagolid.

    A failure can be caused by taking certain medications, for example, to treat the stomach. And normalization of the condition can be achieved after discontinuation of medications. In addition, ashwagandha, a plant of the nightshade family, which is considered an adaptogen, reduces the concentration of prolactin. Supplements containing it increase stress resistance and help the body counteract unfavorable environmental factors.

    Recent studies have confirmed that three months of taking ashwagandha-based products increases testosterone concentrations by 40% and reduces prolactin levels in the stronger sex by 15%. The drug can be found in specialty stores in the form of capsules or a concentrated tincture (water extract is more effective).

    Chasteberry also has prolactin-lowering properties. The effect of this plant on men has been little studied, despite its recognition by traditional medicine. Studies have shown that with three weeks of use, Vitex does not affect testosterone levels, but there is a downward trend in prolactin levels. For best results, the course of treatment should be at least 90 days.

    Can be used to lower prolactin and tocopherol (vitamin E). This vitamin is effective both for women who are unable to get pregnant, and for representatives of the stronger sex suffering from infertility. When taking vitamin E, testosterone levels increase. As a result, the man produces large volumes of sperm.

    B vitamins and mineral complexes are also important in the process of reducing prolactin. B6 is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. With a dose of 300 mg, you can achieve a significant increase in the hormone. This will simultaneously lead to a decrease in prolactin. Vitamin B6 is taken alone, together with other B vitamins or with magnesium.

    You can also pay attention to vitamin-mineral complexes with zinc. This trace element also increases testosterone and at the same time reduces prolactin levels.

    When prolactin is much higher than normal, and pills do not help, specialists begin to suspect a pituitary adenoma. The pathology can only be treated surgically, but the result of the operation is determined by the size of the formation and the skill of the surgeon.

    If, after 2 weeks after surgery, prolactin does not fall, and pathological symptoms remain, additional complex therapy cannot be avoided. In difficult situations, irradiation with prolactin is used (in case of drug intolerance and contraindications to surgery). During therapy, it is very important that a man’s diet is balanced and his sleep is adequate. The patient must give up smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

    So, how to reduce prolactin levels? First of all, it is necessary to find the cause of the increase in lactotropic hormone. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease in men.

    Drugs that lower prolactin in pituitary tumors:

    • Abergyn. Dosage form: tablets. Men are prescribed a dosage of 5-20 mg up to three times a day. If adverse reactions develop, the dose is reduced until they are leveled out. Tablets are not prescribed for severe cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension, chronically low blood pressure;
    • Bromocriptine is a dopamine receptor antagonist. The dosage is selected individually. Use is not recommended against the background of hypertension, familial tremor, hypotension, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, or signs of dementia.

    Dopamine antagonists are well tolerated in most cases. Adverse reactions include severe dizziness and headaches, pain in the abdomen, disorders of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes patients complain of visual disturbances, increased excitability, convulsions, dry mouth, drowsiness, and vomiting.

    If drugs that reduce prolactin for pituitary tumors do not help, then surgery is recommended. The tumor is removed through the nasal sinuses. If surgery is not possible, radiation therapy is performed.

    When the increase in prolactin in the blood is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, the following medications are used:

    1. Diuretic medications.
    2. Hepatoprotectors.

    In case of renal failure, hemodialysis is performed, the water and salt balance in the body is corrected, and dietary nutrition is additionally required with limited consumption of animal fats. For endocrine disorders, when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, hormone replacement therapy is performed.

    To the question of how to lower prolactin, the answer depends on the root cause of hormonal imbalance in the male body. Additional methods include taking vitamins containing calcium to prevent bone fragility. For erectile dysfunction, drugs containing artificial testosterone are used.

    High prolactin levels in men are a pathological condition that can lead to metabolic and reproductive disorders. Alarming symptoms appear when there are significant deviations from normal values ​​over a long period of time. In most cases, treatment of the underlying disease allows the level of lactotropic hormone to normalize, so the prognosis is favorable.

    Substance meaning

    Prolactin is necessary not only for women: its role in the male body is also great:

    • regulation of spermatogenesis;
    • increased motility of germ cells;
    • stimulation of prostate secretion production;
    • stimulation of erection, orgasm and other sexual functions;
    • activation of the formation of other substances necessary for health and vital functions (testosterone);
    • participation in immune processes and activation of blood vessel development;
    • reducing pain, controlling water in the body and regulating weight.

    The effect of prolactin has not been fully studied, and therefore the list will be expanded over time. The hormone takes part in about 300 processes occurring inside the human body.

    Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia

    With elevated levels of luteinotropic hormone, a man may experience:

    • Weakening of sexual desire.
    • Erectile disfunction.
    • Increase in the size of the mammary glands.
    • Constant headaches.
    • Unreasonable weight gain.
    • Skin rashes.
    • Depression.
    • Increased fatigue and weakness.
    • Sleep disorders.


    The main symptoms of hyperprolactinemia are associated with sexual dysfunction. In men, this is a violation of potency, which gradually leads to infertility. Sperm become inactive and unable to fertilize an egg. Up to 15% of men with hyperprolactinemia face this problem. These are the main reasons for contacting a specialist!

    Every second man with high prolactin suffers from decreased libido and erection problems. These are the most common symptoms with which people come to the doctor's office.

    Along with sexual dysfunction, there is a violation of carbohydrate-fat metabolism and, as a consequence, obesity. Men may experience gynecomastia, accompanied by enlarged mammary glands. Pathology can be true or false. In the first case, they talk about an increase in the mammary glands itself, in the second case, these are fatty deposits. The dominant course of the condition is benign, in which a man’s breasts become similar to a woman’s breasts.

    Some men notice that they are starting to lose hair. Such problems in 20% of cases are caused by a failure in hormone production.

    Symptoms of elevated prolactin directly depend on the cause of the disorder. Thus, a tumor of the pituitary gland also causes neurological disorders, manifested by headaches and dizziness. Over time, vision becomes impaired.

    If a man has elevated prolactin, then his behavior also changes:

    • aggressiveness and irritability appear;
    • the level of performance decreases;
    • mood swings with a depressive bias;
    • The ability to remember and the degree of concentration decreases.

    It is important to monitor which symptoms appear first, because increased prolactin in a man’s body can lead to such serious diseases as infertility, diabetes mellitus (type 2) and atherosclerosis

    Prolactin increased consequences

    As with any pathology, violation of the norm of prolactin levels leads to certain problems.

    Typically, elevated levels occur in every second woman who suffers from infertility or menstrual irregularities. A high level of the hormone may indicate the presence of a tumor in the part of the brain where the hormone is produced - in the pituitary gland.

    Impaired prolactin levels in nulliparous women can cause milk to be released through the breasts. Milk begins to be released in small droplets, both independently and after slight pressure. The discharge may even come in trickles. As a rule, this entails the development of mastopathy in women and requires immediate treatment. In addition, the removal of essential calcium from breast milk causes osteoporosis. That is why anyone who is faced with the problem of milk secretion or nursing mothers should consume a sufficient amount of dairy products or cheese every day.

    Elevated prolactin in non-pregnant women leads to disruptions and disturbances in the monthly cycle. After a short time, menstruation may disappear completely. Excessive levels of this hormone affect both the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and hormonal levels in general. Patients with this pathology begin to suffer from increased appetite. Over time, this affects the woman’s excess weight.

    The hormone also affects the patient’s well-being. As normal levels increase, women complain of memory loss and confusion. A sharp deterioration in concentration and loss of vision may indicate a benign tumor that presses on the optic nerve. In all respects, an increase in prolactin has a detrimental effect on the state of the patient’s nervous system. Representatives of the fairer sex become nervous, irritable, and whiny. Depression worsens and hysterics arise even out of the blue. A depressed state develops against the background of chronic insomnia. Patients cease to adequately accept the reality around them.

    The occurrence of such a pathology as increased prolactin hormone in women is influenced by a number of different reasons.

    Prolactin high and low

    With elevated prolactin, a whole range of symptoms are observed in men:

    • decreased libido;
    • decreased testosterone concentration;
    • gynecomastia;
    • erectile disfunction;
    • headache;
    • skin rash;
    • sleep disorders;
    • depression;
    • weakness and fatigue.

    Hyperprolactinemia is the more common abnormality. But sometimes men also have low levels of prolactin.

    The main provoking factor for this phenomenon is pituitary insufficiency. Due to destruction, the cells of this brain structure cannot fully perform their functions. Often failures are caused by neoplasms of various nature, radiation therapy, as well as taking the following drugs:

    • analgesics;
    • antidepressants;
    • neuroleptics;
    • anticonvulsants;
    • medications with morphine.

    If you do not use AAS, then you need to check the performance of the organs that we have already talked about. At the same time, you should not neglect analyzing your vitamin B6 level, although this may not seem like a significant reason for you. Also, protect yourself from stress as much as possible, although this is quite difficult in modern life.

    If you use anabolic steroids, then immediately start taking Cabergoline. This medication can be purchased at a pharmacy. Let us remind you that the dosage of the drug is one tablet per week. You should also remember that estrogen and prolactin levels are closely related. For this reason, check the estradiol concentration. In addition, estrogen levels may increase due to fat gain.

    Reproductive and sexual disorders

    The most common and significant manifestation of excess prolactin is disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs, both in women and men. Let's first look at the signs of the fair sex, and then move on to men.

    We suggest you read: Causes of blood when urinating in men

    A symptom of increased prolactin is a rapidly decreasing bone density and the development of osteoporosis, which is often accompanied by pain. The severity of symptoms may be weakened by a decrease in prolactin in the blood.

    Prolactin has a stimulating effect on pancreatic beta cells, which leads to resistance, i.e. insensitivity to insulin. This is manifested by an increased level of insulin in the blood, but blood sugar is normal.

    Increased insulin in the blood causes increased appetite and fat deposition, leading to obesity. Therefore, about 40-60% of patients with hyperprolactinemia are obese. In addition, 19% have elevated cholesterol levels, and 15% have elevated triglycerides in the blood.

    The development of diabetes mellitus with hyperprolactinemia is rare. I will definitely talk about this phenomenon in my other articles.

    Psycho-emotional disorders usually in the form of depression and sleep disturbances. This occurs in approximately 20-30% of all patients.

    Patients also complain of increased fatigue, weakness, memory loss, and pain in the heart area without clear localization. This is observed in 15-25% of patients.

    Metabolic problems are one of the characteristic signs of increased prolactin. A rapid decrease in bone density, the development of osteoporosis, accompanied by pain, increased blood sugar and much more are very often observed in patients with this hormonal disorder. Due to an increase in insulin in the blood, men constantly feel hungry.

    Any changes in hormonal levels affect not only the physiological, but also the psychological state of a person. Thus, with an increase in prolactin, men often experience depression and insomnia (in 20-30% of cases). Many patients also complain of other deterioration in health:

    • Increased fatigue and weakness;
    • Memory impairment;
    • Pain in the heart area without a specific localization.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Methods of alternative (traditional) medicine can only be used after excluding tumor and endocrinological pathologies that require mandatory drug or surgical correction.


    Seaweed (fucus, kelp) is a well-known folk remedy for reducing prolactin, which is often used by women to stop lactation.


    To achieve a positive result, you need to take algae powder for at least 2-3 months, having previously examined the thyroid gland and the level of iodine in the body. Before use, algae powder must be mixed with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

    Kelp powder

    Take the mixture on an empty stomach in the evening, without combining it with meals. It is allowed to drink algae with a small amount of water, but not more than 50-70 ml per dose, since water load stimulates the secretion of prolactin.

    Freshly squeezed cherry or raspberry juice

    Cherry and raspberry juices are not recommended for women during breastfeeding, as they can suppress lactation. Take freshly squeezed juice (you can add fresh raspberry leaves to the resulting drink) 3 times a day on an empty stomach in between meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

    Cherry juice

    Note! Fresh cherry juice also has a pronounced sugar-lowering effect, so it is useful for people with diabetes, obesity and various endocrine disorders.

    Infusion of Potentilla erecta

    Cinquefoil erecta, also known as galangal root, is one of the most powerful remedies for lowering prolactin without the use of drugs.

    Cinquefoil erecta

    An infusion of galangal root can also be used to quickly relieve vomiting, diarrhea, and eliminate cramping pain in the stomach and intestines due to infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Kalgan root

    To prepare the infusion, you need:

    • chop a small amount of dried root (about 1-1.5 cm) and put it in a container;
    • pour 300 ml of boiling water;
    • cover with a lid and leave for at least 30 minutes.

    The cinquefoil infusion should be taken 2 times a day, dividing the resulting volume into two doses. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. In total you need to take three courses with a break of 14 days.

    Herbal collection

    This collection is especially effective for elevated prolactin in men, but it can be used by patients of any gender. To prepare a herbal decoction, you need to mix the following ingredients in equal proportions (1 dessert spoon each):

    • mint;
    • elecampane;
    • sage;
    • thyme;
    • oregano;
    • hop cones;
    • peony.

    Herbal collection

    Pour the collection with 700 ml of boiling water, place the container on the stove and cook for about 10-12 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Strain the finished broth. Take 1 glass 3 times a day for 2 months. The broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 72 hours.


    It is important to control the level of prolactin in the blood, since this hormone, in addition to ensuring the growth and development of the mammary glands, is also involved in other important processes, namely:

    • regulates metabolism;
    • participates in the breakdown of fats and proteins;
    • activates the immune system;
    • maintains water and electrolyte balance by inhibiting excess excretion of water and sodium ions by the kidneys;
    • secretion of progesterone in the corpus luteum of the ovaries (progesterone is necessary for the onset of pregnancy, its maintenance and development).

    In men, prolactin regulates the growth of prostate glandular tissue

    The mammotropic hormone is secreted under the influence of estrogens (female sex hormones), dopamine antagonists and other hormones.


    Normal levels of lactogenic hormone in the blood serum are shown in the table below.

    Prolactin in pregnant and lactating women: normal

    Prolactin levels in non-pregnant women can also vary significantly depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

    Norm of prolactin in different phases of the menstrual cycle in women

    Important! In men, the normal level of prolactin in the blood is no more than 10 mg/ml.

    Ways to increase prolactin

    Men with this problem are probably interested in the question of how to increase prolactin in the blood. It should be noted that the treatment regimen for this condition will directly depend on its cause, which must be promptly identified and eliminated. Only after this can the attending physician prescribe anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hormonal medications, which in this case are intended to eliminate the negative clinical picture.

    As an additional treatment, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures and a dietary regimen, strengthening the immune system by taking vitamin complexes, as well as giving up bad habits. All this reduces the level of the designated hormone in the blood of men.

    In addition to traditional methods of treatment, there are also traditional medicines

    Here it is important to take into account the patient’s individual intolerance to a particular medicinal plant. The most popular folk remedies are:

    1. Raspberry decoction, for the preparation of which both plant leaves and berries can be used. In a volume of 2 tablespoons, you just need to steam them in a thermos with a glass of boiled water and leave to infuse until the morning, and take them in the morning as a replacement for aromatic tea. The main thing here is not to overdo it and take no more than 2 cups of this raspberry decoction per day.
    2. A decoction based on sage also helps to put a person’s hormonal levels in order. To do this, pour 50 grams of medicinal plant into 1 liter of boiled water and leave to infuse for 4-5 hours. You need to take the resulting healing drink 1/3 cup, but no more than 3 times a day.
    3. A decoction based on the sweet clover herb, which is recommended to be taken in case of infertility, menopause, and also in case of deficiency of breast milk. To prepare it, you need to steam 1 teaspoon of the medicinal plant with a glass of boiled water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Take the decoction 3-4 times during the day in a volume of 3-5 tablespoons.
    4. Oregano decoction helps normalize hormonal levels and makes it possible to increase the volume of breast milk produced. To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of the medicinal plant must be steamed in a glass of boiled water, and then left to infuse and take 0.5 cups throughout the day.

    Thus, low levels of prolactin in representatives of the stronger sex are fraught with undesirable consequences for men’s health

    It is very important not to ignore the symptoms of a pathological condition that appear and consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will prescribe the necessary tests and provide appropriate treatment. All measures taken by the doctor will correct the patient’s condition and eliminate a number of pathological consequences that were caused by a deficiency of prolactin in the blood

    Ways to correct the violation

    To decide how to lower prolactin in men, the doctor must accurately determine the causes of hormonal imbalance. In most cases, it is possible to limit yourself to drug treatment. For this purpose, drugs such as Apomorphine, Bromocriptine, Cabergoline, Quinagolide are used. The use of the drug Parlodel, which blocks dopamine receptors, thereby preventing the production of prolactin, has proven itself to be effective.

    It must be borne in mind that this remedy should not be used by men suffering from hypertension, heart disorders, or mental disorders. In recent years, the popularity of Norprolac has been increasing, which is highly effective and has fewer contraindications and side effects. Testosterone-based drugs are also used.

    When an increase in prolactin levels is caused by a tumor process, surgical treatment is indicated to eliminate the tumor. The prognosis for this therapy is based on an assessment of the size of the tumor. In the case of a small tumor, normalization of hormonal levels after surgery occurs in approximately 90% of patients, whereas after removal of a large tumor, a decrease in prolactin levels to a normal level is observed much less frequently.

    Men diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia need to be in the open sun as little as possible, since ultraviolet rays activate the activity of the pituitary gland. If the prolactin level is low, this also requires treatment, since it has been proven that low levels of this hormone accelerate the aging process of the body and significantly increase cravings for alcohol.

    Knowing what prolactin is in men, you will be able to suspect a change in the level of the hormone based on your condition, and you will take into account everything you need to tell the doctor to quickly make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment regimen.

    Which hormone is to blame for obesity? The role of prolactin in excess weight gain.

    Recently, doctors are increasingly talking about the relationship between obesity and increased levels of prolactin, a hormone produced by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland. We already know that all troubles come from the head. But how exactly do the features of the brain affect the increase in body size? Is it possible to somehow control these processes from the outside? With this and other questions, the magazine “Pro Health” turned to Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Irina KUZNETSOVA.

    – What is this mysterious prolactin and what is its role in the body?

    – Oh, this is a completely mysterious hormone. He is the only one who intervenes in all processes, but his role for our health, meanwhile, is not fully understood. Its absolute importance for the formation of lactation is known; without prolactin, a woman cannot produce milk. But what he does while participating in other “scenarios” of our lives is not yet clear to scientists. We know that prolactin can affect the reproductive system, the bone system, and metabolism; it is also one of the adaptogens - it is released into the blood in response to stress and helps the body withstand excess physical or mental stress. But what metabolic processes does it trigger? For now, we can only state that prolactin increases for some reasons known only to it. Although the regulators of prolactin levels in the brain are well known. This is dopamine, which controls (reduces) prolactin production. The second regulator is thyrotropin-releasing hormone, a hormone that increases the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and, for company, prolactin. That is why, with hypofunction of the thyroid gland, prolactin can increase simultaneously with TSH. Prolactin levels also increase during sex, which is why doctors always warn patients not to have sexual intercourse before taking tests. But what role does he play in this? No one has explored it yet...

    – Perhaps it, as an adaptogen, prevents us from dying of love...

    – Or helps to enjoy it... Everything is possible, but not proven. This is a hormone that, on the one hand, helps everyone everywhere and, on the other hand, is always on its own. Much more is known about other hormones. For example, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), like prolactin, is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex. Thyroid-stimulating hormone increases the function of the thyroid gland, follicle-stimulating hormone regulates the activity of the gonads, forms the function of the ovaries, etc. And only prolactin does not initiate or stimulate anything. He is probably the only one that acts on his own, and not through some “intermediaries”. And at the same time directly - on tissues, adrenal glands, ovaries, peripheral endocrine glands. Perhaps this is a wise quirk of nature. And she very wisely insured us for various occasions. If some hormone doesn’t cope, here’s prolactin to help you. He can work “on all fronts” and with very multidirectional effects. But at the same time unpredictable. It is never known, for example, if prolactin is high, there will be some kind of menstrual irregularity or not. With the same excess weight. Against this background, someone will gain weight, and someone will lose weight. The body's reaction to prolactin is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the hormonal background. Today, only one thing can be said with certainty: when it comes to prolactin, there is always an ellipsis.

    – If everything is so vague, why then are we women, as soon as the doctor notices some problems in the reproductive system, immediately forced to take tests for prolactin?

    – Although the mechanisms of action of many processes are still completely unknown, doctors know that hyperprolactinemia (a persistent increase in prolactin levels) is a signal of disorders, sometimes very serious, especially in a woman’s body. And the first target of a pathological increase in prolactin levels is precisely the reproductive system. First of all, this is infertility, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). If a non-pregnant woman of fertile age does not have or has stopped menstruating, in 70% of cases we find elevated prolactin levels. Also, women and girls experience insufficiency of phase II of the menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation, ovulation disorders, and the release of colostrum or milk from the mammary glands in the absence of pregnancy and childbirth. With hypothyroidism and increased prolactin in girls, the mammary glands begin to develop prematurely. Fibrocystic mastopathy also often occurs against the background of an increase in the amount of this hormone. Another danger that high prolactin may signal is a disruption of the endocrine balance with the formation of hyperandrogenism (increased production of male sex hormones or increased sensitivity of tissues to them). For women, this is a visceral increase in fat and increased hair growth. But not only. These are also risks from the heart, blood vessels, and metabolic syndrome. The autonomic nervous system will also suffer, since prolactin is an adaptogen. Patients may feel hot flashes, palpitations, trembling hands, sweating, and dry skin. In the end, the process becomes somatized and results in a disease, sometimes cancer with the growth of tumors, and mental abnormalities may also appear.

    – Can a hormone cause cancer?

    – Let's try to explain everything from the point of view of physiology and pathophysiology. Stress is not just something we worry about. This is a whole chain of processes in the body. As we remember, the notorious adaptogen prolactin is released in response to stress. The more we experience, the higher its level. This is how the body reacts, mobilizing all its defenses. If stress is chronic, the body's reserves will gradually be depleted. The cell will suffer and will not have time to control what is happening in it. This would upset the balance of life and death in her life cycle. She will survive against all odds, but will start a pathological process. This is how cancer usually develops.

    - Let's go back to obesity. Why does modern medicine associate the appearance of excess weight with prolactin? And why do experts convince us that if you are overweight, you must lower your hormone levels and take hormonal medications?

    – Everything here is both complicated and simple. The fact is that with obesity it is never completely clear: excess weight forms hyperprolactenemia, or an increase in prolactin is formed as a result of dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in response to increased weight. But, be that as it may, we cannot equate obesity and prolactin. 95% of obesity is still overeating, 5% is due to hormonal reasons. Among these 5% there is not only hyperprolactinemia. Obesity must be treated, first of all, with diet and lifestyle correction. Hormonal drugs in this case are in last place. But if during obesity we observe a persistent increase in prolactin levels, it needs to be reduced in any case, because we know how much trouble can happen if it goes off scale. This is where special medications are required. By the way, high levels of prolactin also interfere with the process of weight loss. Diet and exercise simply won't work and help you lose weight.

    – For what symptoms should you go and get tested for prolactin?

    It is customary to envy those with a gorgeous bust. Like, it’s the most pleasant thing and men fall in stacks of such wealth. For the sake of acquiring such beauty, more than one hundred women have gone under the surgeon’s knife in an attempt to make their dreams come true, however, the large size of the mammary glands, due to a high amount of adipose tissue, may be a manifestation of such a hormonal imbalance as hyperprolactemia, in other words, excess prolactin.

    The role of prolactin in a woman’s body

    Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, its main purpose is to ensure breastfeeding. At the same time, prolactin along with progesterone, it lengthens the corpus luteum phase, that is, the second half of the cycle, to ensure favorable conditions for implantation and embryo growth. Prolactin increases markedly during pregnancy, reaching its peak during lactation. While the prolactin level does not occur at the height of ovulation, nature gives the woman the opportunity to calmly feed the baby, protecting her from re-pregnancy. Under influence prolactin in particular, an increased appetite of a nursing woman is formed, since during this period there is a need for more high-calorie and voluminous nutrition.

    What is hyperprolactemia

    If prolactin levels are elevated in a proven non-pregnant condition, then this condition is called hyperprolactemia. Its main symptoms are amenorrhea, infertility, discharge from the mammary glands, increased appetite, lack of ovulation, and an increase in fat in the chest and upper back. In addition, prolactin worsens the water-salt volume and retains fluid in the body. Therefore, young ladies suffering from its excess look not just overweight, but obese. Fight excess weight caused by hyperprolactemia It is quite difficult with normal dietary and sports efforts. A vegetarian diet gives good results, due to a decrease in protein intake, as well as taking iodine supplements. The fact is that more than 40% of cases increase the level prolactin directly depend on the function of the thyroid gland; with hypothyroidism, that is, its decrease, production increases prolactin. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made on the basis of a study of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), even if its value does not exceed the norm, but approaches the upper limit, iodine preparations or correction with small doses of artificial thyroxine are prescribed. After treatment in most cases prolactin comes back to normal.

    In addition to dependence on thyroid function, the cause hyperprolactemia macro and microadenomas of the pituitary gland can become, which are treated with medication or surgery.

    How to determine prolactin levels

    Level prolactin determined by a venous blood test, which is taken exactly at 5-7 (first phase) or 18-22 (second phase) of the menstrual cycle, taking into account the average cycle length of 27-29 days. In order for the analysis to be correct, it is best to refrain from any physical activity (including sex) for 2 days, do not drink alcohol, fatty protein foods, and also try to avoid effects on the mammary glands (applying cream to the chest, caressing etc). It has been proven that sharp jumps prolactin observed in stressful situations, therefore, upon arrival at the clinic, do not rush to the blood collection room, sit down, relax, calm your breathing and only after 15-20 minutes donate blood.

    Remember, the sooner treatment is started hyperprolactemia, the better the medical prognosis and treatment success! During which, you will experience persistent weight loss in your “problem area”.

    17-beta-estradiol (E2)- the dominant estrogen in the human body - is produced by the ovaries, and during menopause its formation completely stops. Estradiol improves insulin sensitivity, increases energy, promotes good mood, promotes clarity of thinking, good memory, concentration, normal blood pressure, optimal bone density, improved sleep, sex drive and normal, active metabolic process.

    Declining estradiol levels in middle age lead to decreased serotonin release. Loss of serotonin leads, in turn, to depression, increased irritability, anxiety, increased sensitivity to pain, digestive upset, obsessions, and disruption of normal sleep rhythms. Each of these factors can slow down the metabolism, and therefore a decrease in the amount of estradiol leads to the problem of excess weight and difficulties in losing it.

    Estrone (E1) produced by the ovaries and fatty tissues before and after menopause. When the amount of estradiol decreases during menopause, after a hysterectomy or tubal ligation, the body begins to produce more estrone. High estrone levels are associated with a low metabolic rate and, therefore, excess weight. Estrone does not prevent unwanted changes associated with menopause, such as changes in the skin, bones, hair, blood vessels, brain and other organs. High estrone levels also increase the risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer of the uterus.

    Estriol (E3)- the weakest of human estrogens, produced placenta during pregnancy, it is usually absent from the body of non-pregnant women. Because of its reduced potency, it is often advertised as a “safe” estrogen, but what is not advertised is that it does not provide the same benefits as estradiol (E2). Estriol does not replace estradiol lost during menopause and does not perform its metabolic functions, so it will not restore estrogen balance during menopause and will not speed up metabolism. But if you take enough estriol to relieve menopausal symptoms, this hormone can also stimulate the functioning of the uterus and mammary glands.


    Progesterone prepares the body for pregnancy and gestation, so the woman begins to eat for herself and for the child. Progesterone levels are high in the second half of the cycle, which explains the appetite during this period. Other changes - fluid retention and breast enlargement - are also explained by the work of progesterone in preparation for pregnancy.

    Progesterone slows down the movement of food through the digestive tract, which allows the female body to absorb more nutrients. In times of famine, this should serve pregnant women well. (This is why a woman may feel "bloated" during this period of her cycle.) Progesterone also affects the brain, having a calming effect, but for many women this leads to decreased activity and weight gain.


    The female body contains testosterone (in tiny amounts compared to the male body), and its content decreases with age. With the onset of menopause, the female body begins to produce 2 times less testosterone, but this can also happen at a younger age. Testosterone not only promotes healthy sex drive, but also plays an important role in weight regulation. This hormone is anabolic, that is, it promotes the growth of muscle mass, and uses fats as fuel, which, in turn, helps to reduce weight.

    I'll talk more about this in Part 2, where you'll learn that estradiol, along with testosterone, has a powerful effect on weight and can help you achieve a healthy balance of muscle mass and less fat. Since women lose up to 95% of estradiol and over 50% of testosterone when the ovaries stop functioning normally, it is not surprising that in middle age they are forced to struggle with excess weight. After all, they lose a huge amount of hormones that promote muscle growth, prevent fat deposition and speed up metabolism.


    DHEA is another “male” hormone produced by the adrenal glands and also by the ovaries before menopause. DHEA has been touted as a weight loss hormone, but it is only effective for men. Modern studies have shown that women taking this hormone gain weight and experience many side effects - hair loss and appearance on the face, acne, cravings for sweets, restless sleep and irritability. Medicines containing DHEA are widely available, but because the doses of the hormone are too high for women, unwanted side effects are common.

    Thyroid hormones

    T3 and T4 are the main thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland. These are the main regulators of the metabolic process, because they regulate the use of energy and its reproduction in all cells and tissues of the body. Metabolism depends on the normal functioning of thyroid hormones and the chemical reactions they cause at the cellular level. When the functioning of thyroid hormones decreases, especially when the functioning of ovarian hormones is impaired, women gain weight very easily, even if they begin to eat low-calorie foods. Sometimes, in cases of excessive amounts of thyroid hormones, women gain weight in the first half of the cycle due to increased appetite associated with the activity of these hormones.


    Cortisol is known as the hormone stress, stress the level of which rises in the presence of one-second or prolonged irritation. Short-term and severe stress also causes the release of adrenaline. However, due to both short-term and long-term reactions to stress and irritants, fat around the waist and entire abdomen is stored rather than broken down. Why? After acute stress, you feel hungry due to the release of adrenaline into the blood, this leads to a desire to eat, especially sweets, and as a result you eat more than necessary. Chronic stress leaves you overtired, completely exhausted and craving the “comfort food” of sweets.

    Insulin and glucagon

    Insulin and glucagon affect the amount of glucose (“sugar”) in the blood, as well as the ratio of fat to muscle mass. They are called counter-regulatory hormones because they have the opposite effect on blood sugar (glucose). Insulin lowers glucose levels by causing it to move from the blood into muscle cells, where it is burned and produces energy, or into fat cells, where it promotes fat storage. The speed and amount of insulin formation depend on the foods we consume, their combination and the time of their entry into the body. The action of glucagon is the opposite of the action of insulin. When the brain realizes that the amount of sugar in the blood is decreasing, glucagon causes the liver to “push” glucose from fats into the blood, through which it enters cells and is burned. The formation of insulin is influenced by ovarian hormones, and vice versa. At high level insulin if you are immune to it (insulin resistance) The woman's waist begins to gain weight. A similar disturbance in the response to insulin is observed with polycystic ovary syndrome and with a reduced amount of estradiol.


    Prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland and, in large quantities, causes excess weight. Prolactin regulates milk production during breastfeeding. In men and non-pregnant women, its amount is less than 15-20 ng/ml, but in the last trimester of pregnancy the level of prolactin rises to 300 ng/ml. In the first few months after birth, levels drop, even as the mother continues to breastfeed.

    When the level of this hormone exceeds 15-20 ng/ml, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and the formation of estradiol is suppressed. With prolonged release of large amounts of prolactin, menstruation may stop (amenorrhea), and milk will begin to come out of your breasts (galactorrhea). This is clear evidence of high prolactin levels, which is associated with other problems often overlooked by doctors - weight gain, breast enlargement, headaches and depression.

    Elevated prolactin levels affect weight by stimulating a nursing mother's appetite, causing her to consume more calories—for herself and her baby. But if you're not breastfeeding, you don't have to eat for two, and as a result, excess food gets stored in your body. Prolactin also affects weight by suppressing the work of the ovaries, which produce estradiol and testosterone, which are responsible for active metabolic processes, regulation of the ratio of insulin and glucose and promote the growth of muscles and bones. Bone erosion leading to premature osteoporosis also indicates an untreated case of high prolactin levels.

    With age and during menopause, the amount of this hormone increases, which affects the acquisition of excess weight in middle age. Its increased amount can also be caused by stress, exhausting workouts, hypothyroidism, nipple stimulation and many common medications, such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Luvox, tricyclic antidepressants - Pamelor, amitriptyline and others, Tagamet, Pepcid, antipsychotics ( navan, haldol, mallaril and others). Some growths in the pituitary gland that produce a lot of prolactin can cause loss of vision because these growths, even being benign in nature, put pressure on the optic nerve. If you suspect you have high prolactin levels, your healthcare provider will suggest a simple blood test. For a more accurate result, the test should be performed between 7 and 8 am.


    Leptin, a newly discovered protein produced in fat cells, plays an important role in regulating the amount of fat and its distribution in the body. Leptin secretion is disrupted in middle age and menopause, so it also affects weight gain. Its name comes from the Greek word "leptos" What means "thin". Leptin is produced in fat cells, but circulates in the blood and tells the brain about the amount of fat mass. By influencing the brain, leptin maintains normal glucose levels. Leptin also plays a role in reproductive function. The ability to procreate is reduced both due to excessive anorexia (lack of appetite) and excessive obesity. Patients suffering from these diseases were found to have high levels of leptin and dysregulation of its formation. Researchers believe leptin helps reduce amount of food consumed and increase the use of energy, the production of which requires the burning of fat cells.

    One of the main functions of leptin is to stabilize the synthesis and promote the release of neuropeptide Y (NPU) into the hypothalamus. The action of NPU is opposite to the action of leptin; it makes us take more food, reduces energy expenditure, and increases the amount of insulin and cortisol. Leptin also works through other brain chemicals to regulate changes in the amount of food needed, such as during pregnancy and lactation. Leptin affects thyroid hormones and adrenaline, which are also involved in regulating food intake, metabolic rate and the amount of fat stored.

    You've probably noticed the difference between male and female obesity in both humans and animals. Based on this difference, scientists conclude that estrogen, testosterone and progesterone influence leptin balance. Studies have been conducted on leptin levels during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and artificial insemination. During menopause, women experience increased fat content and an apple-shaped distribution on the body, as well as unhealthy amounts of leptin and disruption of the leptin system. It was hypothesized that in middle age women are less responsive to leptin and this contributes to the acquisition of excess weight. Leptin resistance explains the completeness in the presence of a sufficient amount of it in the body, as well as insulin resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Summarizing all this, we can say that with a normal amount of leptin in the body and sensitivity to it, fat deposits are being reduced. With low leptin levels or resistance to it, abdominal fat increases and type 2 diabetes can develop. This relationship is very complex, and we do not have an exact solution to this puzzle. Modern research suggests that by finding an estrogen replacement during menopause, a woman can improve her sensitivity to leptin.