
Diagnostics for the 2nd junior group on sensory. Sensory development of children of the first younger group. block - Games for developing olfactory perception

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Pedagogical project for children of the 1st junior group "I explore the world"

Deryagina Marina Anatolyevna.
Position, place of work: teacher, MADOU d/s No. 1 "Carousel", Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region.
I bring to your attention a pedagogical project for children 2-3 years old, aimed at the formation of sensory standards.
Intended for teachers and parents.

Modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education for the educational process in a preschool institution are changing the management system of preschool education, determining the need to develop new approaches to teaching activities and organizing interaction with the child, so that it is aimed at developing cognitive interest, cognitive independence and initiative.

An effective means of organizing the modern educational process is design technology and the project as one of the forms of search activity.

Currently, the following stages and levels of development of project activity in preschoolers are distinguished: the first - from 2.5 to 5 years - imitative-performing; the second – from 5 to 6 years – developmental; the third - from 6 to 7 years old - creative.

The imitative-performing level is characterized by the fact that children of primary and secondary preschool age cannot yet independently choose a problem and ways to solve it due to a lack of life experience and an insufficient level of development of intellectual and creative abilities.

Therefore, an active role in the project belongs to the adult, who helps to determine the problem “ordered” by the children, based on his observations of the needs and interests of the students. The project is implemented at an imitative-executive level through children completing tasks proposed by adults.

I am currently working on the pedagogical project “I Explore the World,” which is aimed at introducing children to didactic games that promote sensory development in an accessible and understandable form.

Having studied the works of psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.V. Venger, A.M. Fonareva, S.L. Novoselova), she revealed that the sensory education system is based on the following principles: a child is born with relatively developed sense organs, but is not capable of to the perception of objects around him in their integrity and constancy. Research conducted by Russian psychologists has shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children encounter during learning, especially in the first grade, are associated with a lack of accuracy and flexibility of perception.

In life, a child encounters a variety of shapes, colors and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items. The baby is surrounded by nature with all its sensory signs - colors, smells, noises. And, of course, every child, even without targeted education, perceives all this in one way or another. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without competent pedagogical guidance from adults, it often becomes superficial and incomplete.

The success of cognitive development is determined by the level of development of sensory processes.

The importance of sensory education is that it is the basis for intellectual development, develops observation, has a positive effect on the aesthetic sense, is the basis for the development of imagination, develops attention, gives the child the opportunity to master new methods of subject-cognitive activity, ensures the assimilation of sensory standards, provides mastering the skills of educational activities affects the expansion of the child’s vocabulary, affects the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.

I currently work with young children. The monitoring I conducted at the beginning of the year of the levels of development of sensory

The abilities of the children in the group showed that they mainly have a low level of sensory development.

During observations of children, it turned out that they do not know how and do not show the desire to play board and educational games or follow their rules. And the lack of knowledge of parents about the impact of such games on the mental development of their children, and how to present them to their children (which was revealed in the survey), further convinced us of the need to solve this problem.

In this regard, there is a contradiction between the real possibilities of project activities in the formation of cognitive and sensory activity of young children with the help of didactic games and the readiness of children and parents to accept them.

Based on the identified contradiction, I formulated the problem:

Organization of project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, promoting the sensory development of children and enhancing the participation of parents in the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of children.

Project object: sensory development of young children.

Subject of the project: the use of didactic games in the context of project activities aimed at the sensory development of young children.

The goal of the project: the formation of cognitive and sensory activity of young children in the context of project activities through the activation of didactic games on sensory development.

To achieve this goal, I identified the following tasks:
1. Study psychological and pedagogical literature and Internet resources on the problem of sensory development of young children.

2. Determine the most effective methods, techniques, tools necessary for the sensory development of young children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

3. Create conditions in the group that ensure a varied use of didactic games for the sensory development and cognitive activity of children during project activities through the addition of a subject-spatial environment.

4. Form an active parental position based on productive cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family in matters of sensory development of young children.

Expected result of the project:

1. Increasing the level of sensory development of children.

2. Involvement of parents in creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest and sensory development of children.

3. Increasing one’s own professional competence in the issue of sensory education of young children and introducing pedagogical technology into practice - the project method.

Project duration: from September 2015 to January 2016.
Type of project: educational - gaming.
Project participants: children of the 1st junior group, teachers, parents.

I. Preparatory stage
1. Study of the features of sensory development of young children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
Nowadays, a sharp update of knowledge in all areas, an increase in the flow of information that a person must quickly assimilate and use for his benefit, pose new, dynamic tasks for pedagogical science and practice. In this regard, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) was adopted, which contains significant potential for the further cognitive, volitional and emotional development of the child.

The problem of mental education of preschool children, the basis of which is sensory education, is acquiring great importance.

In clause 2.6. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education directly states that the content of the programs of children's preschool educational institutions “... must ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities and cover the following structural units representing certain areas of development and education of children (hereinafter referred to as educational areas): a) socially -communicative development; b) cognitive development; c) speech development; d) artistic and aesthetic development; e) physical development."

Achieving these five goals for the development and education of children seems achievable through the use of various methods and methods of teaching and raising children. And first of all, through the sensory development of the child.

As practice has shown, sensory development is not only the basis of the child’s general mental development, but also has, to a large extent, applied significance, since the full perception of external properties

Subjects are necessary for a child’s successful education in kindergarten, school, and for many types of work.

The importance of sensory development at an early age cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

Knowledge of the world begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception and are the result of their processing.

In life, a child encounters a variety of shapes, colors and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items. He is surrounded by nature with a variety of smells, sounds and colors. Of course, every child perceives all this. But, without sound pedagogical guidance, it may turn out to be superficial. But it is precisely at the time of growth of children's self-awareness, when it is still fragile and not solid, that sensations and perceptions lend themselves to development and improvement. Therefore, during this period of the child’s development, sensory education should be brought to the rescue - a targeted pedagogical influence that ensures the formation of sensory experience and the improvement of sensations and perceptions.

At an early age, the leading activity is object-based activity, that is, activity aimed at mastering various ways of acting with objects. It has a decisive influence on the development of all aspects of the child’s psyche and personality.

The child’s perception, attention, memory and thinking function and are formed mainly in the process of objective actions. Thinking at an early age has a predominantly visual-effective character, and entails the development of such forms as visual-figurative and

Symbolic thinking, which is also based on the experience of the baby’s practical actions.

The emergence and development of a child’s speech occurs in joint substantive activity with adults. On its basis, a procedural game is born. Thanks to the development of objective actions and speech, play substitutions appear in the child’s play. The formation of play substitutions gives rise to plot-role play, which becomes leading at the next stage of the child’s development.

In turn, role-playing games create conditions for the development of independence and determination of the child. The results (victories and defeats) in the role-playing game and their recognition by adults become for the child a way of asserting his own dignity, a measure of his Self.

The ability to perceive objects, analyze them, compare, and generalize are not formed by themselves in the course of one activity or another. Training according to a certain system is required, which is relevant in the development of young children.

Children in the third year of life (if the necessary conditions are created) are characterized by an accelerated pace of sensory development. During this period, sensory education is the main line of development; all other lines of development are based on a sensory basis. The child intensively accumulates impressions and ideas about the most important features and properties of objects. The accumulated sensory experience is associated with specific objects and phenomena.

The assimilation of the names of sensory properties of objects (color, shape) is significantly accelerated if, instead of words denoting these properties, their “objectified” names are used. For example, kids understand calling a rectangular block a brick, a triangular prism a roof, oval-shaped objects a cucumber or an egg, etc.

It is in the third year of life that the child begins to indicate sensory properties and signs with brief explanations; white spots on a blue background - this is “snowing”, “bunnies are jumping”; the orange spot is the “sun is shining”, “bun”. With color spots it represents grass, trees, leaves, etc. Using color, he generalizes the characteristic features of a fairly wide range of objects and phenomena.

By the age of three, a child has a definite idea of ​​the outcome of what he wants to do, and this idea begins to motivate his actions. The baby now strives to achieve a certain goal, to obtain the right result. The child needs to be helped to “hold” the goal, to direct him to achieve the desired result. To do this, it is advisable to use such games and toys, the actions of which require the presence of a model: figured pyramids, from which you need to assemble a certain object (a car, an elephant, a dog, etc.); all kinds of mosaics or puzzles; cubes or simple construction sets.

Timely sensory education at this age stage is the main condition for cognitive development, correct and quick orientation in an endlessly changing environment, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to perceive the beauty and harmony of the world. And the rapid activation of sensory systems is one of the key abilities of a person, the foundations of his full development.

2. Monitoring the sensory development of pupils
In September 2015 and January 2016, I monitored the sensory development of children in the group based on the diagnostics compiled by K.L. Pechora and G.V. Pantyukhina. Diagnostic data is presented in the Appendix (See Appendix 1).

At the beginning of the school year, 25% of children are able to distinguish between 4-6 contrasting shapes; 55% of children name some geometric shapes. According to the results of the intermediate diagnostics, the level for the same indicators was 70% and 75%, respectively. (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).

At the beginning of the school year, 55% of children know the four primary colors quite well and, at the request of an adult, can choose an object of the same color, but only 35% of children can name the colors. (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4)

By the middle of the year, 95% of children can, with a little help from an adult, choose an object according to color and 80% name the color.

If at the beginning of the school year half of the children in the group could assemble the pyramid correctly, based on the size of the rings, then in January 85% of the children can do it independently, without the help of an adult. (Fig. 6)

By the middle of the school year, 90% of the children in the group had learned to compare objects by size (large, smaller, small). (Fig. 5)

Based on the results of monitoring the sensory development of children at the beginning of the school year and intermediate diagnostics, positive dynamics of the sensory development of children according to the main indicators can be traced (Fig. 7).

Therefore, we can conclude that my work with children on sensory development is systematic, expedient, and productive.

3. Questioning parents
In order to determine how familiar the parents of the pupils are with such an area as the sensory development of children, I conducted a short written survey - a questionnaire among parents. 20 people took part in the survey (See Fig. 8). Questionnaire questions (See Appendix No. 2)

When asked if you have any idea what sensory development and raising a child is, yes – 50% of parents answered, no – 50%.

All parents – 100% – consider sensory education of a child important.

To the question whether conditions for sensory education have been created in the preschool educational institution
When asked whether conditions have been created at the preschool educational institution for the sensory education of a child: 50% answered yes, 50% said they don’t know.

To the question: does your group have information for parents about sensory education, we received the following answers: visual information is interesting and useful for me - 40%; the information is interesting, but has no practical significance - 30%; I don't pay attention to information - 30%.

Answering the question: how do you assess the level of development in your child of all types of perception, 60% of the parents surveyed answered average, and 40% - high.

80% of children have educational games at home, but most parents rarely play at home with their children, citing their busy schedule.

Answering the question: what kind of help do you need from a specialist and educator regarding the problem of your child’s sensory development? 20% answered that no help is needed, 50% needed systematic help, and 30% of parents answered - I don’t know, but are ready to learn in detail about ways sensory development of the child.

Thus, the analysis of the questionnaires showed that parents have little knowledge about this area of ​​children’s development, but recognize the importance of sensory development for a young child; most parents are ready to cooperate with the teacher and preschool specialists.

4. Long-term planning of direct organized activities with children for the 2015-2016 school year - “Games with didactic material” (sensory)

II. Practical stage
1. Subject-spatial environment of the group
To develop the cognitive interests of young children, the subject-spatial environment in the group is created taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The sensory center offers the following games:

2. Working with children to develop sensory abilities
To develop sensory abilities in my work with children, I use the following areas. (Fig. 9).

Direct organized activities on sensory development using didactic games are carried out 2 times a month, according to the long-term planning I developed.

Together with the music director, the group hosted the entertainment “Hello, beautiful matryoshka!” (synopsis in Appendix No. 3)

In joint activities, my children and I play various games. I have compiled a card index of didactic games on sensory development. (Appendix No. 4)

For visual perception (light, shape, size, for example: “We’ll hide it in the house”; “Find the same one...”; “Cockerel”, “Magic glass”, “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”, etc.
For auditory perception (auditory attention, timbre, dynamics, speech hearing): “Let’s knock and rattle”; “Who is screaming?” etc.

For the development of motor skills: objects - inserts, rods for stringing rings, boxes for pushing figures, didactic toys, including various types of fasteners (buttons, snaps, Velcro, hooks, zippers).

Games with large colored construction sets; with pyramids of different sizes, colors, shapes; with nesting dolls; geometric liners, etc.

Mosaic: table and floor.

Board-printed didactic games, puzzles.

We also consider illustrations in children's books, subject and plot pictures.

Children play games independently as they wish.

3. Work with parents aimed at increasing their competence in matters of sensory development of children

Based on the survey conducted with parents, we can conclude: all parents consider the sensory development of children to be important, but do not have sufficient information on this issue, so I conducted individual conversations with the parents of some pupils, consultation “Development of sensory abilities of young children” (Appendix No. 5), visual information is placed in the parent corner.

A gaming workshop for parents on the topic “Sensory education of young children” was also prepared and conducted; information about this event is posted on the kindergarten’s website. (summary of the gaming workshop in Appendix No. 6)

To replenish the sensory corner, parents made homemade sensory books and educational games (mosaics, lacing, “Pick a string to the ball,” “Dress Masha”).

III. The final stage
The result of the project:
1. Creation of a card index of didactic games on sensory development.
2. Game workshop with parents “Sensory education of young children.”
3. Replenishing the sensory corner - making sensory books and games.
4. Presentation of the project at the pedagogical council in the preschool educational institution.

During the implementation of the project, I became acquainted with the pedagogical technology “Project Method” and the features of project activities with preschoolers.

The group created conditions that ensure the effective use of didactic games and aids for the development of children's sensory skills.

Together with parents, the sensory corner has been replenished; parents have become more actively interested in the success of their children.

I have selected didactic games that I use in joint activities with children and have drawn up long-term planning of direct educational activities for the school year - games with didactic material.

According to monitoring data, there is a positive dynamics in the sensory development of children.

Consequently, we can conclude that the systematic use of didactic games in my work with children helps to increase the level of sensory development of pupils.

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Sensory development of children of the first younger group


Demidova Elena Vladimirovna

Sensory education is the development of a child’s perception and the formation of his ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, smell, taste, and so on. Knowledge begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Sensory development is a condition for successful mastery of any practical activity. And the origins of sensory abilities lie in the general level of sensory development achieved in early preschool age. The age of early childhood is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us. The child’s sensory experience is enriched through touch, muscle sense, vision, the child begins to distinguish the size, shape and color of an object.

Sensory education in the second and third years of life consists, first of all, in teaching children objective actions that require the correlation of objects by their external characteristics: size, shape, position in space. Mastering knowledge about the external properties of objects is achieved by correlating them with each other (since at this stage children do not yet possess standard ideas).

Sensory education of young children is carried out in those forms of pedagogical organization that ensure the formation of sensory abilities as an effective basis for the overall development of the child - this is a specially organized environment and routine moments.

Didactic games are used as a means of sensory education for children of early and early preschool age. They take into account the age and moral motives of the players’ activities, the principle of voluntariness, the right of independent choice, and self-expression.

The main feature of didactic games is educational. The combination of a teaching task in didactic games, the presence of ready-made content and rules allows the teacher to use these games more systematically for the sensory education of children. They are created by adults for the purpose of raising and teaching children, but not openly, but are implemented through a game task. These games promote the development of cognitive activity, intellectual operations, and the development of sensory experience.

In our work on the sensory development of children of the first junior group, we use games at different periods of routine moments - this is in the morning, and before lunch, when the assistant teacher sets the tables for lunch, and in the evening.

We use didactic games to develop and understand the shape of objects, colors and their standards:

Show red circle, green square, blue triangle, yellow square;

We offer two identical geometric shapes of different colors laid out on the table;

Find a pair: red square, yellow circle, blue triangle, green square.

Game “Different mugs for the hare and fox”

Develop ideas about color and shape;

Select rugs for the hare and fox;

Select the right mats and load them onto cars in the appropriate colors.

Progress of the game:

The teacher brings two houses and tells the children that one house is for the fox and the other is for the hare. The animals are renovating their houses, bought furniture, and decided to lay new rugs on the floor. Invites children to help the animals choose rugs that look like mugs. The teacher shows the rugs: green and red. The fox immediately liked the red rugs, the hare green. Children must select the rugs and load them for the fox on the red car, and for the bunny on the green car.

Game option: invite children to select large and small rugs of the same color or different colors.

We use a variety of games and play exercises for size, for example, we offer 2 objects each, sharply different from each other in length, width, height:

Show me the short ribbon. The yellow ribbon is short, and the blue one...(long);

Show me the wide path, the blue path is wide, and the red one...(narrow);

Find two identical Christmas trees (out of the three offered).

Game "Big and small balls"

Learn to distinguish between color and size (large - small);

Select balls for dolls by size;

Choose the right balls by color and size.

The teacher gives the children to look at balls of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow) and different sizes (large and small). Show them jumping and say rhythmically:

Jump and jump

Everybody jump and jump

Sleep our ball

Not used to it.

The teacher brings out two dolls - a large and a small one - and says: “The big doll Olya is looking for a ball for herself. Little doll Ira also wants to play with the ball.” Invites children to pick up balls for dolls. Children select balls of the required size (for a large doll - a large ball, for a small doll - a small ball). The doll Olya is capricious: she needs a yellow ball, the same as her skirt. The doll Ira is also angry: she needs a red ball like her bow. The teacher suggests calming the dolls: picking up the right balls for them.

Game "Decorate the butterfly"

Teach children to group by color.

To consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure of a circle, about the concept of many - one, large - small.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children butterflies and says that they have come to visit them. He says that the butterflies brought mugs of different colors with them and want the children to decorate their wings. The teacher offers to help the butterflies. First, he asks each child to choose mugs of the same color from the four offered. At the same time, he invites one or the other child to choose mugs of the color he likes. After all the children have chosen, the teacher gives them silhouettes of butterflies and invites them to decorate them.

At the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children.

Game “Help the bear find his plate”

Target: - Teach children to compare objects by size (large - small), compare them (small plate - for a small bear, large - for a big bear).

The teacher and the children look at the toys (small bear, large bear), then asks:

What plate should we give to little Mishka? (small) What plate should we give to the big bear? (large)

Game "Where did we throw the ball"

Purpose of the game:

Reinforce the concepts: “close”, “far”.

- Teach children to compare objects by size (large and small balls)

Progress of the game:

The teacher takes two balls of different sizes and throws one far, the other closer. She asks the children which ball she threw far and which one close. The second time she asks where she threw the big and where the small ball. Then two children throw the ball, and the rest determine which ball was thrown far and which was thrown close.

Game "Guess where they hid"

Purpose of the game:

To train children in the ability to navigate in space.

Progress of the game:

The teacher explains: “Now I will hide this toy, you will look for it, and I will help you: tell you which side to look for the toy from.”

The children leave the room, while the teacher hides the toy. Children enter and stop near some object. If there is no toy there, the teacher says, “Go forward, go back.” If the child is standing close to where the toy is hidden, the teacher says, “Look on the right, on the left.” When a toy is found, the child hides it.

To develop orientation in space, we use the child’s body and rely on his practical experience:

Show your right hand where you are holding the flag;

Raise the flag up, lower it down, stretch your arms forward, hide them back;

Show me where your ears are;

Where are the legs, below? And the head, at the top?

Name what is in front (behind, right, left) of you;

Having studied the theoretical foundations of sensory development of young children through didactic games, we can draw the following conclusion.

The process of mastering the surrounding world at an early age occurs through sensory cognition. Direct sensory perception of the surrounding world forms the basis of ideas. The completeness and accuracy of these ideas depends on the degree of development of sensory processes that provide a reflection of reality, that is, the development of sensation and perception. Preschool age is the age when sensory processes take shape and develop. Sensory development is the process of improving sensation and perception. It is a condition for the successful mastery of any practical activity, therefore sensory education during this period occupies the most important place.

In didactic games, children are given other tasks, the solution of which requires concentrated attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge.

In the general system of sensory education for young children in preschool educational institutions, didactic games solve educational problems. In addition, they are a good school for children to use the acquired sensory experience, ideas and knowledge and, finally, perform the function of monitoring the progress of sensory education.

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1 8.1. Monitoring the psychological development of preschool children. Diagnostic tasks for junior group 1. 1. DISASSEMBLY AND FOLD THE MATRYOSHKA. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to the size of objects, the presence of correlating actions, understanding of the pointing gesture, and the ability to imitate the actions of an adult. Equipment: two two-piece (three-piece) nesting dolls. Conducting an examination: the psychologist gives the child a two-part matryoshka doll and asks him to open it. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult opens the nesting doll and offers to assemble it. If the child cannot cope independently, training is provided. Training: the psychologist takes another two-part matryoshka doll, opens it, drawing the child’s attention to the nesting doll insert, asks him to do the same with his matryoshka doll (open it). Next, the adult, using a pointing gesture, asks the child to hide the small nesting doll in the large one. After training, the child is asked to complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; methods of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the result; understanding the pointing gesture; the presence of correlative actions; result. 2. DISASSEMBLE AND COMPLETE THE PYRAMIDS. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to magnitude, the presence of correlating actions, the leading hand, the coordination of actions of both hands, and the purposefulness of actions. Equipment: pyramid of three (four) rings. Conducting an examination: the psychologist asks the child to disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult disassembles the pyramid himself and asks to repeat it. Training: if the child does not begin to act, then the adult himself gives him one ring, each time indicating with a gesture that they need to be put on the rod. Then he invites the child to complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; taking into account the size of the rings, learning ability, attitude to activity, Result. 3. FIND PAIRED PICTURES. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual perception of object pictures and understanding of gesture instructions. Equipment: two (four) pairs of object pictures (fungus, house, umbrella, butterfly). Conducting the examination: two object pictures are placed in front of the child, an identical pair is in the hands of an adult. With a pointing gesture, he correlates them with each other, showing at the same time that his and the child’s pictures are the same. Then the adult closes his pictures, takes out one of them and, showing it to the child, asks to see the same one. Training: if the child does not complete the task, then he is shown how to correlate paired pictures: “This is mine, the same is yours,” using a pointing gesture. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; making a choice; understanding gesture instructions; learning ability; result; attitude towards your activities.

2 4. PLAY WITH THE COLORED CUBES. The task is aimed at identifying the child’s ability to identify color as a sign, distinguish and name colors. Equipment: colored cubes (four colors) two red, two yellow (white), two green, two blue. Conducting an examination: two (four) colored cubes are placed in front of the child and asked to show the one in the adult’s hand: “Take a cube like mine.” Then the teacher asks to show the cubes: “Show me where the red one is, and now where the yellow one is.” Next, they ask the child to name the color of each cube in turn: “Name what color this cube is.” Training: if a child does not distinguish colors, then the teacher teaches him. In cases where a child distinguishes colors, but does not distinguish by word, he is taught to distinguish two colors by word, repeating the name of the color two or three times. After training, independent completion of the task is checked again. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; a child's comparison of colors, recognition of them by words, knowledge of the name of the color; speech accompaniment, result, attitude towards one’s activities. 5. FOLD THE CUT PICTURES. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of holistic perception of an object picture. Equipment: two identical object pictures, one of which is cut into two (three) parts (ball, teapot). Conducting the examination: an adult shows the child two (three) parts of a cut picture and asks: “Fold the picture.” Training: in cases where the child cannot correctly connect the parts of the picture, the adult shows and asks to make the same one from the parts. If after this the child cannot cope with the task, the teacher himself superimposes part of the cut picture onto the whole one and invites the child to add another. Then the child must complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; method of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the result; result. 6. BUILD FROM STICKS (hammer or house). The task is aimed at identifying the child’s ability to act by imitation and demonstration. Equipment: four (six) flat sticks of the same color. Conducting an examination: in front of the child they build a house out of hammers and ask: “Build it like mine.” Training: if a child cannot construct a hammer (house) by demonstration, the teacher asks: “Look and do as I do.” Then he again asks the child to complete the task. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; the nature of the action (by imitation, demonstration); learning ability; result; attitude towards the result. 7. DRAW (a path or a house). The task is aimed at identifying the understanding of verbal instructions, the level of development of the prerequisites for an object drawing, as well as determining the leading hand, coordination of hand actions, and attitude to the result. Equipment: pencil, paper.

3 Conducting the examination: the child is given a sheet of paper and a pencil and asked to draw a path (house). No training is provided. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task and attitude towards it; assessment of performance results; understanding verbal instructions; result. All obtained results are entered into the table. Date Psychologist Group Summary table. First junior group F.I. child Matryoshka Pyramid Paired pictures Colored cubes Subtests Cut picture Build from sticks Draw a path Note

4 Diagnostic tasks 2nd junior group. 1. BOX OF FORMS. The task is aimed at testing the level of development of practical orientation towards forms, i.e. the ability to use the trial method when performing practical tasks. Equipment: a wooden (or plastic) box with five slots of a semicircular, triangular, rectangular, square, hexagonal shape (“mailbox”) and ten volumetric geometric figures, the base of each of which corresponds in shape to one of the slots. Conducting an examination: the psychologist takes one of the figures and throws it into the appropriate slot. Then he invites the child to omit the rest. If the child cannot find the right slot, but tries to push the figure in by force, then training should be carried out. Training: The psychologist takes one of the shapes and slowly demonstrates the actions, applying the shape to different holes until he finds the right one. Then he gives the child another figure and, together with him, applies it to the slots, looking for the corresponding one. The child lowers the remaining figures independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; methods of performing chaotic actions or targeted tests; learning ability; attitude towards the results of their activities. 2. DISASSEMBLE AND COMBINE THE MATRYOSHKA (four-part). The task is aimed at testing the level of development of size orientation. Equipment: four-piece matryoshka doll. Conducting an examination: an adult shows the child a matryoshka doll and asks him to look at what is there, that is, to take it apart. After examining all the nesting dolls, the child is asked to collect them all into one: “Collect all the nesting dolls to make one.” In case of difficulties, training is provided. Training: the psychologist shows the child how first a two-part, and then a three-part and four-part matryoshka doll is put together, after which he offers to complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; methods of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the results of their activities. 3. DISASSEMBLE AND COMPLETE THE PYRAMIDS. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to magnitude, the presence of correlating actions, the leading hand, the coordination of actions of both hands, and the purposefulness of actions. Equipment: pyramid of three (four) rings. Conducting an examination: the psychologist asks the child to disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult disassembles the pyramid himself and asks to repeat it. Training: if the child does not begin to act, then the adult himself gives him one ring, each time indicating with a gesture that they need to be put on the rod. Then he invites the child to complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; taking into account the size of the rings, learning ability, attitude to activity, Result.

5 4. FOLD A CUT PICTURE (of three parts). The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of a holistic perception of an object image in a picture. Equipment: two identical object pictures, one of which is cut into three parts (a rooster and a dress). Conducting an examination: an adult shows the child three parts of a cut picture and asks: “Make a cut picture.” Training: in cases where the child cannot correctly connect the parts of the picture, the adult shows the whole picture and asks to make the same one from the parts. If after this the child still cannot cope with the task, the experimenter himself superimposes part of the cut picture onto the whole one and asks him to superimpose another one. Then he invites the child to complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; methods of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the result; result. 5. BUILD WITH CUBES. The task is aimed at demonstrating the ability to work by demonstration, imitation, and act purposefully. Equipment: two identical sets of building materials: bars, triangular prisms, half rings (all the same color). Conducting an examination: an adult, in front of a child, builds a structure from three parts. Then he invites the child to build the same. If the child has completed the first task, he is asked to build another structure, and the position of the cubes relative to each other changes. Training: if the child cannot complete a demonstration task, then he is asked to complete it by imitation. The adult places a block on the table near him, gives the same block to the child and asks him to place it in the same way. Then the psychologist takes a triangular prism, places it on a block and asks the child to do the same. Next, he places a hemisphere and gives the same one to the child, drawing his attention to where it should be placed. After training, the child is asked to complete another construction based on the model. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; completing the task of imitation and demonstration after training; attitude towards the results of their activities. 6. FIND A PAIR (comparing pictures). The task is aimed at identifying the ability to analyze and compare images, find similarities and differences.

6 Equipment: three paired cards, each of which depicts geometric shapes circle, square, triangle in a different sequence. Conducting the examination: an adult takes three cards with different arrangements of geometric shapes and lays them out in front of the child; similar ones are in the adult’s hand. He shows the child one of the cards and asks him to find the same one, that is, a card on which geometric shapes are located in exactly the same way. After the child successfully completes the task, he is offered two other cards. In case of difficulties, training is provided. Training: the first type of assistance is assumed, in which one card is removed and the child must make a choice from two cards. If after this the child does not complete the task, then a second type of help is offered. The adult begins to correlate the shapes at identical points, alternately showing with a pointing gesture that they are similar: “Here is the first triangle and here is the same one; there is a circle here and this card has the same shape; square here and here. These cards are the same." After considering one pair of cards, the child is asked to choose another card. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; the ability to analyze and compare the image in the picture; learning ability; result. 7. DRAW. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of object drawing. Equipment: two colored markers, a sheet of paper. Conducting an examination: an adult, in front of the child, draws a balloon on a piece of paper and says: “Here I am drawing a balloon. I draw a rope for it. Here’s another ball, and you draw a string for it.” The child is given a felt-tip pen of a different color and is shown with a pointing gesture where to draw. If the child gets a rope, then he is asked to draw another ball with a rope. If the child does not succeed, then he is given another sheet of paper and asked to draw the same balls on it. Date Psychologist Group Summary table. Second junior group F.I. child Box of shapes Subtests Matryoshka Pyramid Draw Cut-out picture Colored cubes Paired pictures Guess what's missing? Note

7 Diagnostic tasks for the middle group. 1. BOX OF FORMS. The task is aimed at checking the level of development of orientation towards the form of practical trying on. Equipment: a wooden box with five slots of a semicircular, triangular, rectangular, square, hexagonal shape (“mailbox”) and ten three-dimensional geometric figures, the base of each of which corresponds in shape to one of the slots. Conducting an examination: an adult takes one of the figures and throws it into the appropriate slot. Then he invites the child to omit the rest. If the child cannot find the right slot, but pushes the figure by force, then training should be carried out. Training: The psychologist takes one of the shapes and slowly demonstrates the actions, applying the shape to different holes until he finds the right one. Then he gives the child another figure and, together with him, applies it to the slots, looking for the corresponding one. The child lowers the remaining figures independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; methods of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the results of their activities. 2. BUILD FROM STICKS. The task is aimed at identifying the child’s ability to work according to a model. Equipment: fifteen flat sticks of the same color. Conducting an examination: an adult behind the screen builds a structure of five sticks, opening the screen, offers the child to build the same one. If the child has completed the first task, then he is asked to complete the second construction. In case of difficulties, training is provided. Training: if the child cannot complete the task according to the model, then the adult shows how it should be done, and then asks the child to complete the construction on his own. In case of repeated difficulties, the psychologist uses the method of imitation. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; methods of execution (by model, demonstration, imitation); attitude towards the result; execution result. 3. DISASSEMBLE AND COMBINE THE MATRYOSHKA (five-piece). The task is aimed at testing the development of size orientation. Equipment: five-piece matryoshka doll. Conducting an examination: an adult shows the child a matryoshka doll and asks him to take it apart: “Look what it has inside.” After examining all the nesting dolls, the child is asked: “Collect all the nesting dolls to make one.” In case of difficulties, training is provided. Training: an adult shows the child how the two-part matryoshka is folded first, and then the rest of the nesting dolls. The demonstration is performed slowly, using a trial method. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting and understanding the task; methods of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the results of their activities.

8 4. FOLD A CUT PICTURE (of four parts). The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of the holistic perception of the subject image in the picture. Equipment: two identical object pictures, one of which is cut into four parts (cup). Conducting an examination: an adult shows the child four parts of a cut picture and asks: “Make a whole picture.” Training: in cases where the child cannot correctly connect the parts of the picture, the adult shows the whole picture and asks him to put the same parts together. If after this the child cannot cope with the task, the psychologist superimposes part of the cut picture onto the whole one and invites the child to superimpose another, after which he again asks the child to complete the task independently. Assessing the child’s actions: accepting the task; methods of execution; learning ability; attitude towards the result; result of ITEMS. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual memory. Equipment: 8 pictures with 1 item in each picture. The subject must be familiar to the child. Conducting the examination: 8 pictures are laid out in front of the child, please remember them. We remove the pictures. As the child names the pictures, he gets them back. 6. GUESS WHAT IS NOT (comparing pictures). The task is aimed at identifying the ability to analyze, compare images, find similarities and differences, and solve problems in figurative terms based on clarity. Equipment: two plot pictures depicting identical shelves and toys standing on them and the same girl. In the first picture, the toys are on the shelves in one order and the girl reaches out with her hand to the toy cat, and in the second the toys are drawn in a different order, and the girl leaves, carrying some kind of toy in her hands. It is not shown what she took. Conducting the examination: two pictures are placed in front of the child. The psychologist invites the child to look at the pictures, and then says: “This is a girl, Katya, she has a lot of toys, she rearranged them and took only one toy with her. Guess what toy Katya took away.” Training: in those cases when the child begins to redistribute all the toys in turn, the psychologist once again draws the child’s attention to the fact that the toys are in different places, reminding that the girl Katya took away only one toy. If after this the child has not solved the problem, then the adult shows the solution: he takes a stick and alternately matches the toys in the first and second pictures: “This cat stood here at the top, and Katya moved it down. This is Pinocchio. Katya put him upstairs. Here they are." Thus, an adult, correlating the toys, explains their location on the shelves of both pictures. Then he gives the wand to the child and “Next, check which toy is missing, which means Katya took it away.” Assessment of the child’s action: acceptance and understanding of the task; methods of execution independently solves the problem mentally, comparing and analyzing both pictures, solves the problem after an explanation from an adult (“You only need to name one toy”), solves the problem using the method of practical correlation shown by an adult; the result of the task. 7. NOISE PICTURES (study of the characteristics of visual perception) Equipment: a sheet of paper depicting figures whose contours are superimposed on each other.

9 Procedure: the child is asked to recognize all the images and give each object its name. 8. DRAW A PERSON (adapted version of the method (Goodenough-Harrison). The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of an object drawing. Equipment: a sheet of paper, colored pencils (felt-tip pens). Conducting an examination: a sheet of paper and colored pencils (felt-tip pens) are placed in front of the child and asked how 10 it is better to draw a person (man). If the child does not draw in full height, then he is asked to redraw it. At the end, an additional conversation is held with the child, in which unclear details and features of the image are clarified. No training is provided. Assessment of the child’s actions: acceptance, understanding tasks and interest in it; correspondence of the drawing to the verbal instructions; level of depiction of the subject drawing (drawing, background to the subject drawing “cephalopod”, image of a person, presence of the main parts of the body and face in the drawing). Date Group Summary table. Middle group Psychologist F.I. child Box of shapes Build from sticks Matryoshka Cut-out picture 8 items Subtests Guess what is missing Noisy pictures Drawing of a person Note

10 Box of shapes Noisy pictures Cut-out picture Standards Auditory-speech perception 10 objects 10 words Find the differences Correction test Pyramid Fourth wheel Sequential pictures Absurdities Find the “family” Seasons Orientation in space Lateralization Note Date Psychologist Group F.I. child Pivot table. Senior group Subtests

11 Recommended literature for monitoring older children. 1. Deinichenko L.B. Studying the characteristics of children of senior preschool age. Educational and methodological manual for students of psychologists. M.: Publishing house MGOU p. 2. Wenger A.L. Psychological drawing tests: An illustrated guide. M.: VLADOS-PRESS, p. 3. Pavlova N.N. Express diagnostics in kindergarten: A set of materials for educational psychologists in preschool educational institutions. / Pavlova N.N., Rudenko L.G.-M.: Genesis p. 4. Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical psychologist in education: a textbook. - M.: VLADOS p. 5. Semago N.Ya. Theory and practice of assessing a child’s mental development. Preschool and primary school age./ Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. - St. Petersburg: Rech, p.

12 2. Nonsense 3. House 4. “10 words” Luri. 5. Last pictures 6.Fig. Person 7.Spatial arithmetic dictation. 8. Analogies 9. Forbidden words 10. Visual memory 11. Find what’s missing? (Attention). 12. Copy the sentence 13. Copy the points. 14. Graphic 15. Motivation Summary table. Preparatory group Date: Group Last name, Subtests child's name 1. Psychologist Note Ladder R B1 B2 Recommended literature for monitoring children of the preparatory group. 1. Varkhotova E.K., Dyatko N.V., Sazonova E.V. Express diagnostics of school readiness: A practical guide for teachers and school psychologists. -2nd ed., ster.- M.: Genesis, p. 2. Kern-Jerasek School Orientation Test.

13 The following methods are recommended for diagnosing the emotional sphere. 1. Diagnosis of family relationships. Drawing test “Family” Purpose: to study the characteristics of intrafamily interaction, assess the emotional status of the child. 2. Diagnosis of social relations. Sociometry. Goal: assessment of the degree of well-being of socialization, social status, characteristics of his relationships with peers. 3. Anxiety test. (R. Tamml, M. Dorki, V. Amen) Objectives of the method: study of a child’s anxiety in relation to a number of typical life situations of communication with other people. 4. Graphic technique “Cactus”. (M. Pamfilova) Goal: identifying the level of aggressiveness and its direction. 5. Test “Non-existent animal” Purpose: diagnosis of mental states and personality traits. 6. Methodology for diagnosing parental attitudes by A.Ya Varga and V.V. Stolin. The educational psychologist may use other methods at his own discretion, depending on the request.


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Consultations for educators Didactic games for physical education of preschoolers Game is not only a source of positive emotions, it is also an opportunity to develop the qualities necessary for further

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Speech therapist teacher at gymnasium 1591 DO building 6 Sleptsova Marina Vladimirovna TNR is a severe speech disorder (alalia or ONR). In modern conditions, the conclusion of a TNR may imply any speech pathology,

Play and the early child Play is not empty fun, but an important activity for a child. In the game, imagination, memory, thinking work, and speech develops. Play for a child is a way of learning

Card index of didactic games on FEMP for the preparatory group Abstract The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is carried out under the guidance of a teacher as a result of systematically conducted

Sensory abilities are understood as abilities that manifest themselves in the field of perception of objects and their properties. They form the foundation of a child’s mental development. The development of sensory abilities is based on children’s mastery of sensory standards. That is, generally accepted samples of the external properties of perceived objects (color, shape, size). The sensory standards that preschoolers master include colors (seven colors of the spectrum), shapes (five geometric figures), and sizes (gradations and size parameters). Sensory abilities are the basis for successful mastery of various school subjects (mathematics, reading, natural history, etc.). Diagnosis of sensory abilities allows us to determine a child’s readiness for school.
Several methods are proposed here to identify the level of development of ideas about the standards of form - 1, 2, colors - 2, values ​​- 3, 4, 5, 6.
To complete the tasks, the child will need a simple pencil. While completing tasks, do not help him or make comments. When finished, be sure to praise your child.

Method 1

Look at the objects shown in the picture. Now look at the figures. Connect each object with lines to the figure it most resembles.

3 points – the child correctly connected all 6 objects with geometric shapes.
2 points – the child made 1–2 mistakes (did not connect an object with a geometric figure or connected it incorrectly).
1 point – the child made 3 or more mistakes.

Method 2
Look at the picture. Name all the geometric shapes and tell me what color they are

3 points – no errors
2 points – the child made a mistake when naming a rhombus and an oval
1 point – the child made a mistake when naming other figures

Method 3
Look at the picture. Place a cross with a pencil next to the house that is tallest. Now put a tick next to the house that is the longest.
Grade: ; ;

Method 4
Look at the picture. Place a cross with a pencil next to the tree that is tallest. Now put a tick next to the tree that is the lowest.

Method 5

Look at the picture. Place a cross with a pencil next to the ribbon that is the widest. Now put a check mark next to the ribbon that already belongs to everyone.

3 points – the child did not make a single mistake
2 points – the child made one mistake
1 point – the child made more than one mistake

Method 6
Look at the picture. Place a cross with a pencil next to the snake that is the longest. Now put a tick next to the snake that is the shortest.
3 points – the child did not make a single mistake
2 points – the child made one mistake
1 point – the child made more than one mistake

Interpretation of sensory abilities diagnostic results:
The overall result is more than 14 points - the child has an idea of ​​the standards of form and can correlate the standard with real objects. Distinguishes the shape of surrounding objects, knows the names of geometric shapes. Knows the basic colors and has a clear understanding of the parameters of size (height, width, length) and the gradation of objects according to these parameters (high - low, wide - narrow, long - short). Can name these parameters in surrounding objects.
The overall result is 9 – 14 points – the child does not have an idea of ​​all the standards of form and does not have sufficient knowledge of the actions of correlating standards with real objects. He sometimes does not distinguish between objects of similar shape (for example, round and oval, square and rectangular), and may not know some names. Sometimes confuses some primary colors. Has unclear ideas about size parameters and finds it difficult to compare objects by size.
The overall result is less than 9 points - the child has poor command of the actions of correlating standards of shape and size with real objects. Does not know many names of geometric shapes, does not distinguish them in the world around them. The size is indicated only by the words “big - small”. Often confuses the names of primary colors.

1. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L., Toporkova I.G., Shcherbinina S.V. is your child ready for school? Book of tests. – M.: JSC “ROSMEN-PRESS”, 2007
2. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions “Diagnostics of a child’s readiness for school” / Ed. N.E.Veraksy. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007

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Diagnostics of sensory education of children of early age group No. 1

Sensory development at an early age is considered by many researchers to be the best for improving the functions of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around them. Knowledge begins with the perception of phenomena and objects in the surrounding world. Therefore, it can be argued that sensory development is the foundation of general intellectual

Development of children of primary preschool age. The main task of sensory development of young children is to develop the ability to perceive objects and phenomena, to highlight their inherent external properties that determine how to act with them.

Diagnosis of sensory development involves identifying the level of development of practical orientation to shape and size; the ability to highlight color as a feature of an object; level of development of a holistic image of an object.

The methodology of Nikolaeva T.V. was taken as a basis for carrying out work to identify and assess the sensory development of young children.


1. wooden board with three (four) slots –

round, square, triangular, semicircular shapes and three (four) flat geometric shapes, the base of each of which corresponds in shape to one of the slots;

2. a plastic box with six slots - round, square, rectangular, semicircular, triangular and hexagonal shapes and twelve volumetric geometric figures, the base of each of which corresponds in shape to one of the slots;

3. one pyramid with three rings of equal size; pyramids of three rings, decreasing in size (two red, two yellow, one blue);

4. five large yellow cubes; two large red cubes; two large blue cubes;

5. five large yellow balls; two large red balls; two large blue balls;

6. colored cubes - five yellow; three red; three green; three orange; three white;

7. one three-piece and one four-piece nesting doll;

8. three pairs of subject pictures: in each pair, one picture is cut into two (three, four) parts.

Basic tasks for children 2.5-3 years old.

1. Place the geometric shapes into the slots of the corresponding plane.

2. Group objects by color when choosing from 4, for example, red, yellow, blue and green cubes.

3. Fold a three-part matryoshka doll.

4. Fold three pyramids of different colors (red, blue, yellow) from 3 rings of decreasing size.

5. Fold the subject picture, cut vertically into 3 parts.

Conducting an examination.

The tasks were presented to the child immediately for independent completion. Each child was asked to insert the figures into the corresponding slots; disassemble and assemble the pyramid; open the nesting doll and assemble it; put together a whole picture from parts. Moreover, all tasks had to be accompanied by natural gestures.


If the child had difficulty completing tasks independently, the corresponding action was demonstrated, and then the child had to reproduce it. If the child could not cope in this case, then the method of joint actions was used. For example, the child’s hands inserted figures into the corresponding slots; the pyramid was assembled taking into account the size of the rings; a cut picture was formed. Following this, the child was asked to act independently.

Assessing a child's actions.

For each task the following was recorded:

Desire to cooperate with an adult; accepting the task; the ability to detect the error of one’s actions; interest in the result of the activity;

Method of completing the task (independently, after demonstration, after joint actions, failure);

Result: exact match to the adult model, inexact match, failure.

Table 1 provides data on the possibility of the subjects performing each of the proposed activities:


F.I. child

1 task

2 task

3 task

4 task

5 task

Beloglazova Varya

Isaev Makar

Markina Daria

Melnikov Matvey

Slashilina Sofia

Kayumov Matvey

Uglyansky Stas.

Shamshurina Vika

Kulygin Denis

Shvetsov Sergey

The “+” sign marks tasks that the child completed independently (or after demonstration).

The “–” sign marks tasks that were not completed by the child (or completed with an inaccurate match).

In connection with the study, the levels of sensory development of each of the children were identified:

High level – 4-5 completed tasks independently or after showing them to adults (2 children);

Average level – 3 completed tasks (8 children).

In the process of observing the nature of the performance of the above tasks, the level of sensory development of young children was assessed. Accordingly, four levels of assessment were identified:

1. Ahead of the age norm - 2 children.

2. Compliance with the age norm - 8 children.

3. Lag from age norm – 0.

4. Significant lag behind the age norm – 0.


1. Ahead of the age norm: the child easily and quickly established contact with the teacher and met the proposed tasks with expressed interest. He remained interested in the results of his activities throughout the entire examination. He acted purposefully and accurately. If I made individual mistakes, I immediately noticed them and corrected them myself. He independently completed a series of tasks compiled for his age, and also independently and with minimal help from an adult coped with a series of tasks intended for older children (child under 2.5 years old - with tasks for children 2.5-3 years old; child over 2.5 years old - with tasks for children 3-4 years old). When completing tasks, the child used the sampling method, trying on, as well as a visual method of orientation. The leading hand is determined, the actions of both hands are coordinated.

2. Compliance with the age norm: he quickly established contact with an adult, the tasks interested the child. He maintained a positive emotional attitude towards the activity process until the end of the task. He acted purposefully, but corrected mistakes made, as a rule, with the help of an adult. The child independently and with the help of a teacher completed at least four tasks intended for his age, and completed tasks for older children with the help of a teacher. In some cases, the result obtained did not exactly match the adult sample. When completing tasks, the child used the trial method, practical trying on, and also used visual orientation. The leading hand is determined, but the actions of both hands are not always coordinated.

2. Identifying the interests and knowledge of parents of students.

In order to analyze professional activities on the topic “Sensory education of children” and identify the interests and knowledge of parents of pupils on issues of sensory development, a questionnaire was developed, which allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

Most parents have a superficial understanding of sensory education and cannot assess the level of sensory development of their child;

All parents are interested in receiving qualified help on this issue.

Appendix 2 provides a consultation for parents “Development of sensory abilities in young children.” This consultation will allow parents to obtain the necessary information for independent study with their children, to understand in detail the mechanism of the child’s sensory development and its importance in the learning process.


As a result of the study, it was noted that sensory development can be carried out in different types of activities - in actions with objects in games, drawing, modeling, activities with building materials, etc. Perception will be more complete if several analyzers are involved in it simultaneously, i.e. e. the child not only sees and hears, but feels and acts with these objects.

It is important to note that the impression gained from observing the actions of adults will be better cemented in the child’s memory if he reproduces these actions in his own play. Therefore, it is necessary to use aids and toys, by using which the child practically becomes familiar with the properties of objects - size, shape, heaviness, color and, by acting, reproduces impressions received from the environment. However, no matter how diverse the benefits presented to the child, they themselves do not ensure his sensory development, but are only necessary conditions that contribute to this development. An adult organizes and directs the child’s sensory activity. Without special educational techniques, sensory development will not be successful; it will be superficial, incomplete, and often even incorrect. Already in very early childhood, toys shown by adults evoke a longer, and therefore better, perception than a toy simply hanging in front of a child’s eyes.

It is necessary to promote the development of sensory abilities and better perception through various techniques during games, special activities and observation of the environment. Without sufficient development of perception, it is impossible to know the qualities of objects; without the ability to observe, a child will not learn about many phenomena in the environment.

In early childhood, the greatest importance is not the amount of knowledge that a child acquires at a given age, but the level of development of sensory and mental abilities and the level of development of such mental processes as attention, memory, and thinking. Therefore, it is more important not so much to give children as much different knowledge as possible, but to develop their orientation-cognitive activity and ability to perceive.

At this age, it is not yet possible or necessary to introduce children to generally accepted sensory standards and provide them with systematic knowledge about the properties of objects. Howeverthe work carried out should prepare the ground for the subsequent assimilation of standards, i.e., be structured in such a way that children can later, already beyond the threshold of early childhood, easily assimilate generally accepted concepts and groupings of properties.

The development of object-based activity at an early age confronts the child with the need to identify and take into account in actions precisely those sensory attributes of objects that have practical significance for performing actions. The child’s successful performance of practical actions depends on the preliminary perception and analysis of what needs to be done. Therefore, the sensory processes of each child should be improved, taking into account the content of his activity.

The period of preschool childhood is a period of intensive sensory development of the child. The success of mental, physical, and aesthetic education of children largely depends on its level.