
Fortune telling on cards, betrayal and meaning. Is there cheating, lover, mistress? Fortune telling methods

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Fortune telling about wife's infidelity

Fortune telling about wife's infidelity

All fortune telling about a husband’s infidelity are also suitable for testing your wife, so you can safely use them. There is another way specifically for the stronger sex. Just take the wedding ring off your finger and watch your woman's reaction. If your spouse is offended, it means she is faithful. If her reaction is violent, she is hiding something. And if your wife doesn’t notice anything, her thoughts are very far from you and the likelihood of betrayal is high.

Fortune telling for treason using Tarot

“Secret Pocket” is the most popular tarot card fortune telling. With it, you can find out about betrayals and the attitude of your love object towards you. You will need thirteen tarot cards. Sit quietly for a few minutes, relax and mentally ask questions about your spouse. Next, shuffle the deck and draw 13 cards. You can look up their meaning on the Internet. The first card is responsible for his relationship goal. The second, third, fourth and fifth talk about his inner attitude towards you. The sixth, seventh and eighth will tell about his actions. Cards nine through eleven will tell you what the spouse is going to do in the near future. The twelfth card will answer the question of what your soul mate is hiding. And the thirteenth card will make it clear why the spouse is hiding something.

One way or another, almost every girl in her life is faced with a situation when she begins to doubt the fidelity of her lover. This period of life cannot be called simple, much less pleasant. There are probably few things worse than betrayal, few things worse than doubts about fidelity. And here the most important thing is not to mess things up, not to do something rashly, so as not to regret it later.

But how do you know if your chosen one is faithful to you? Is it really possible to hire a private detective who will follow his every move? For mercy, but this is funny! After all, there are methods that are much less expensive, but no less accurate. For example, you can make a “Loyalty” layout using the cards of Maria Lenormand. This deck of cards will be able to orient you as accurately as possible in the current situation.

Fortune telling for fidelity is one of those fortune telling that cannot be used too often. Firstly, the deck is quite informative and, if I may say so, “serious”, therefore it is not recommended to “tug” it over trifles. Secondly, this fortune-telling illuminates the situation quite well, therefore the information received will be enough for you to draw the right conclusions.

Components of the layout

So, let's take a closer look at the fortune-telling of fidelity, consisting of ten cards:

  1. Card No. 1. Talks about whether your partner is happy today, being next to you.
  2. Card No. 2. Indicates that your partner is not happy in your relationship, however, he hides it from you (for example, he doesn’t like something about you or in your relationship, but for some reason, he prefers to remain silent about this).
  3. Card No. 3. Talks about the state of your partner, which he demonstrates openly.
  4. Card No. 4. Reveals the actions he plans and the thoughts that are in his head.
  5. Card No. 5. Shows what emotions your partner experiences while in the same bed with you.
  6. Card No. 6. This is his subconscious. (Through this card you can understand what he really wants, what kind of partner, what kind of relationship).
  7. Card No. 7. Talks about his feelings for you, which he himself realized.
  8. Card No. 8. This card indicates how your partner actually treats you.
  9. Card No. 9. It is the ninth card that answers the question: “Was there really adultery?” (So, if at number nine you got at least one of the cards below: Lily, Snake, Fox, Pisces, you know that betrayal took place).
  10. Card No. 10. The final card, which predicts how further events will develop.


What most often makes people in love or married people suffer from suspicion, suffer and worry? Of course, thoughts about whether your loved one is hiding something. What if he has an affair on the side or some kind of secret? When we become suspicious, it affects our relationships, and sometimes non-existent lovers and mistresses become the reason for real separation. To avoid tormenting yourself and your partner once again, perform the “Secret Pocket” Tarot spread - it will allow you to find out for sure whether your other half is hiding something.

Under what circumstances can you use the Hidden Pocket Tarot spread?

Fortune telling will be useful if you are tormented by any kind of doubts and suspicions. In the end, you will not lose anything: at best, you will breathe a sigh of relief when you find out that there are no secrets of the Madrid court behind your back; at worst, you will make sure that you have excellent intuition, since you were able to sense that your partner is hiding something important.

So, what will the “Secret Pocket” Tarot layout allow you to find out: does your other half have another partner, are there any other secrets that he prefers to remain silent about, how your loved one really treats you and what he is going to do

“Secret Pocket” layout: features and meaning of card positions

The “Secret Pocket” Tarot layout, the diagram of which is shown in the figure above, belongs to the category of medium complexity. The number of cards used is thirteen. A novice tarot reader who can already navigate the meanings of the Arcana quite easily can handle this fortune-telling.

Before laying out the cards, as usual, you need to ask the deck a question, shuffle it, and then pull out any thirteen cards, arranging them closed according to the presented diagram.

What do the positions mean?

  • 1 - The purpose of the person of interest relative to the questioner. The card describes what this person wants to achieve from the relationship, why he is near the questioner
  • 2, 3, 4, 5 - The true attitude of a loved one, his experiences, feelings, emotions, in a word - all the responses of his soul to this relationship
  • 6, 7, 8 - Real actions of your other half, his behavior, actions
  • 9, 10, 11 - Plans for the near future of the person you are interested in. How a person intends to act, what he is going to do, what he plans to do regarding the client and their relationship
  • 12 - That same “secret pocket”, a person’s secret, what he hides, what he doesn’t talk about, keeps silent
  • 13 - The reason forcing a person to remain silent

Many people are interested in how you can find out that a person is not hiding anything? But this already depends on the intuition of the tarot reader. In fact, if you understand human psychology, each of us has things that we prefer not to talk about even to our closest people. And this will not necessarily be a connection on the side. This may include secret fears, painful experiences from the past, some childhood grievances, or even family or inheritance matters that do not concern your other half.

An example of the interpretation of fortune telling “Secret Pocket”

To make everything fall into place, let’s imagine that a young man came to see us and was tormented by suspicions about his girlfriend’s infidelity. Suppose that a girl often leaves home under dubious pretexts, does not allow her to look at her phone, closes her page on a social network, in a word - she behaves very suspiciously.

We are doing a “Secret Pocket” Tarot spread for a young man and here are the cards we get.

1 - . Based on this card, it would be logical to assume that the girl has high hopes for this relationship. She wants to build a family, have children

2, 3, 4, 5 - , . All the fallen Arcana unanimously speak of sincere feelings, love, strong emotions, but the Lovers hint at some kind of choice that occupies the girl’s thoughts. And this choice is clearly related to relationships

13 - . Most likely, the girl is afraid to tell her loved one about this, because she believes that they are not yet old enough to join the family.

The most important thing in this layout is to try to feel the cards intuitively. Do not use book values. Believe that your gut instinct will tell you much more than any literature or brochure accompanying the deck.

No person is immune from treason. The fear of being lonely and losing a loved one gives rise to a feeling of jealousy, which burns from the inside like a flame. When doubts creep into the heart about the fidelity of the other half, a person cannot think about anything else, he begins to feel self-doubt, and one question arises in his head - is my beloved cheating on me?

Ordinary fortune telling will help determine the presence of treason.

Most often, jealousy is a manifestation of complexes and uncertainty about one’s own attractiveness. But regardless of the reasons that caused jealousy, any person wants to make sure of his partner’s fidelity or confirm his fears about his betrayal. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of how to find out about their spouse’s infidelity. An ordinary magical ritual - fortune telling for treason - can help in this matter.

How to do fortune telling correctly

The main thing in conducting any magical ritual is the precise execution of all actions and in strict sequence. It is strictly forbidden to add anything on your own or to arbitrarily change the sequence of actions. Because not only will this not help to find out the truth, but it can also bring a lot of trouble to the fortuneteller.

Improperly performed magical rituals work against the person performing the ritual. In addition, a person begins to program himself for the events that fortune-telling predicted for him. He, without knowing it, does things that are unconventional for himself, and in the end everything turns out as predicted.

Fortune telling by hand

The most effective and most truthful is fortune telling for a loved one using the lines that are on the hand. You can learn a lot about a person’s actions from the pattern of lines on your hand. The love line located near the little finger will show whether the husband is cheating. A clearly expressed line of love indicates that the partner is faithful and in his heart she is alone.

An almost imperceptible line confirms guesses about the presence of another lover in the life of a loved one and for him this relationship has become more important than family. It may not be about the betrayal itself. The partner is passionate about another, and all his thoughts will be occupied with her. But this is a temporary hobby that will go away on its own. In this case, you don’t have to worry, because your loved one will return soon.

Fortune telling by candle

Candles are used in many magical rituals.

The “behavior” of a candle is an indicator that helps to identify the betrayal of a loved one

They can be used in fortune telling about a husband’s infidelity. There are several ways to predict using candles:

  1. Option No. 1. A lit candle is tilted over a saucer and said:

    “Candle, light it, strange woman, show yourself.”

  2. Option No. 2. Holy water is poured into a container and three church candles are placed at the same distance from each other on the sides so that they form a triangle. Place a mirror in front of a bowl filled with water. The woman must concentrate and mentally ask to show her rival. If the color of the water has changed, then the chosen one is faithful, and the female silhouette warns of the presence of a rival.
  3. Option number 3. For the ceremony you need to buy two church candles. They must be the same size. One candle is placed in a favorite cup, from which the wife most often drinks, and the second in a new cup (purchased specifically for the ritual). In the evening, you need to lay out your spouse’s unwashed shirt on the floor and place both cups on it. Light the candles and wait for them to go out. The candle in the old cup went out first - the suspicions are not unfounded. The candle in the new cup went out first - the husband is not cheating.

How to find out about cheating with the help of fish

This method is unusual and not suitable for everyone. But when there is a great desire to find out the truth, then all methods will do. For fortune telling you need fresh, unpeeled fish. You need to remove nine scales from it, and then give it to your husband to clean. If scales get on it while cleaning the fish, they need to be removed and mixed with those that were removed earlier. An even number of scales means that the spouse is faithful, and an odd number means he is having an affair.

There is another way to find out the truth with the help of fish. Remove the scales from the cleaned fish and place it in bright sunlight. The scales should be exposed to direct sunlight for three days. After this period, it is necessary to carefully examine the appearance of the scales. Curled and darkened scales warn that there is a dark-haired rival, and if it is curled up and has not changed at all, then the rival is fair-haired. Dry scales have not changed in color or shape - the spouse is faithful and sincerely loves.

Fortune telling by ring

For this magical ritual, you can use a wedding ring or any other ring that your spouse gave you.

For a magical ritual to detect betrayal, any ring given by your spouse is suitable

Write the lover's name on a piece of paper and burn the sheet over a candle flame. The ashes are placed in a shallow container and a ring tied with a string is held above it. The ring begins to spin in a circle, this means that you don’t have to worry, since the husband is faithful, and if it swings like a pendulum, then there is another woman in his life for whom he has strong feelings.

You can check your spouse's fidelity in the following way. The ceremony takes place at midnight. They hang a wedding ring on three of their hairs, go out into the street and turn their faces towards the north. Holding the suspended ring, say:

“My ring, show your rival the porch.”

You must look for your opponent in the direction the ring points. The main advantage of this fortune telling is that you can find out the name of your opponent. You need to go in the direction in which the ring pointed, and while moving, list the women's names. The opponent is called by the name on which the ring begins to rotate.

Fortune telling on ashes

For magical rituals, you can use any means, even ash. It is best to use wood ash. The ritual is performed after the rain. They take a handful of ash in their hand and say to it:

“Zola-zolitsa, black dove. Wake up on the trail, give an answer from your rival.”

This ashes must be thrown after the departing spouse. But this must be done so that he does not notice. Ash quickly became wet - understatement and deception appeared in the relationship with her husband, and another lover appeared in her partner’s life. Ash remains dry for a long time - the spouse is faithful, his feelings are sincere and he can be trusted.

You can tell fortunes using ashes in another way. The ashes are wrapped in a bag and after the husband falls asleep, the bundle is placed under his pillow. After waking up, they take the ash out from under the pillow, pour it onto their hand and go to the open window. If the ash immediately flies off your palm, then you need to pay more attention to your husband, because you can soon lose him. Zola remained completely in the palm of her hand - the lover is faithful and does not even look at other women.

Determining betrayal by moles

You can learn a lot about a person from moles on the body. A mole on the cheek is a sign of a polygamous man who tends to be attracted to different women at the same time, and considers it normal to have relationships on the side. The most faithful and monogamous people are those who have a mole above their right eyebrow. Such spouses are devoted to their beloved and even after separation most often prefer to remain single.

Fortune telling on the mirror

A mirror is an indispensable attribute in many magical rituals.

A mirror is an indispensable attribute of almost any magical ritual.

To tell fortunes about treason you need a mirror, three candles and holy water. Holy water is poured into a bowl, a mirror and candles are placed nearby. The woman should sit in silence and then ask to see her rival. If a woman's silhouette appears in the mirror, then the fears are confirmed - the husband is indeed unfaithful. The water began to ripple - the husband is faithful.

Coffee fortune telling

Freshly brewed coffee is used for fortune telling. Coffee is poured into a cup and tilted to one side, then to the other and turned upside down. The inverted cup is placed on a plate and after two minutes it is turned back over and the patterns of the coffee grounds are carefully studied. A thick sediment of grounds at the bottom of the cup indicates that the lover has a secret, the figure of a woman indicates a rival, the cross is a bad sign and foreshadows divorce. A clearly visible wedding ring confirms the fidelity of the spouse, and the married couple will live together all their lives and very happily.

Coffee fortune telling can be done in another way. The spouse is given coffee to drink and the cup is turned over. The female silhouette is located next to the white dots - there is a rival, but simply one figure means the presence of another woman. There is a cross above the silhouette - the relationship may end and this will be followed by divorce. Wedding rings connected to each other indicate that love and harmony reign in the family. Two roads diverging to the side predict divorce. If the roads first diverged and then came together again, then the spouses may separate for a while, but then they will be together.

How to find out about betrayal using cards

Fortune telling on cards is most popular for making predictions and getting answers to various questions. You can get answers to your questions on playing cards or special fortune-telling cards (tarot) in different ways. You can perform one of the following rituals:

  1. The deck is shuffled and the cards are laid out by suit. Then they take the wedding ring, which they lightly toss on their right hand and look where it fell. The suit of diamonds indicates an unmarried young rival, the suit of the cross - a married rival, the suit of spades - the large number of connections of the spouse with other women, but all of them were before marriage, the suit of reds - the fidelity of the spouse.
  2. Sixes of all suits are removed from the deck. The cards are shuffled and, asking oneself a question regarding the presence of another woman with the husband, one card is drawn from the deck. The ten of spades means a cheating spouse, then the spouse has another lady in his heart, and the ten of clubs speaks of family happiness.

Online fortune telling

There are online fortune telling on special websites. Just a few simple manipulations and you can find out if your loved one is cheating. The user answers questions and, after analysis carried out by the system, receives answers to his questions. With the help of such fortune-telling, you can find out whether your husband is cheating or not, and how your relationship with him will develop in the future.

All these fortune telling can be used by a guy too. Representatives of the stronger sex will be able to find out about the relationship of their beloved to their ex, and whether she currently has someone else. It is important during the ceremony to strictly observe all the conditions and remember that even proven betrayal is not a reason to break off the relationship. It is necessary to analyze your family relationship with your spouse and understand what can be done to change it for the better. Every person who decides to tell fortunes needs to understand why he is doing it. Fortune telling makes sense provided that a person believes in it.

The “Secret Pocket” online layout is used when a loved one is suspected of cheating. This free fortune-telling on erotic Tarot cards of Manara will show whether there has been betrayal or its likelihood in the future, the relationship in a couple.

In conclusion, the cards will advise you on how to change your life, yourself, in order to build the relationships you strive for. The Manara deck is best suited for love situations.

The best time to use fortune telling for treason is Christmas time. However, throughout the year it can also be used on suitable days: Monday and Friday. It is not advisable to start work on weekends. Fortune tellers believe that these days the Higher powers can deceive a person and give him false information.

Questions the cards answer

1. What your relationship means to your partner.
2, 3, 4, 5. Feelings, thoughts, conscious and subconscious, of your partner towards you.
6, 7, 8. How the partner behaves in the relationship, what he is trying to demonstrate to you.
9, 10, 11. What the partner is trying to do in the near future.
12. Secret pocket, what is your partner hiding? Is there a fact of betrayal or a lover/mistress?
13. If the answer to the previous position is YES, then what motivates the partner to secrecy or cheating. If the answer is no, what needs to be done to improve the attitude.

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