
Is it possible for pregnant women to take Tsiprolet? Antibiotics during pregnancy, effects on the mother and fetus. Allowed and prohibited drugs during pregnancy


Expectant mothers need increased caution and attention during pregnancy. The health of the pregnant child may depend on any decision made. In the event of an illness, an approach to the choice of medications in any trimester is considered a necessity. Many diseases may require the use of antibiotics. Considering their possible negative impact on the course of pregnancy, experts disagree. In any case, there are a number of medications, the effect of which on the developing child’s body any mother should have an idea.

Features of antibiotic treatment

Specialists prescribe antibiotics when necessary to treat infectious diseases. At the same time, it is necessary to have at least a minimum of information about these medications in order to eliminate negative consequences during pregnancy, both in the early and late stages. Antibiotics are products of the life processes of microorganisms. Synthetic production of such drugs is also possible. Antibiotics either kill bacteria or stop them from spreading. Thus, there are two basic types of drugs:

  • bactericidal (kills harmful organisms);
  • bacteriostatic (stops the proliferation of bacteria).

It must be remembered that such drugs do not help the body at all in the fight against viruses - influenza, colds, runny nose and other similar ailments. Pregnant women - and especially in the first trimester of pregnancy - should not forget that any drug is prescribed by a doctor. In addition to harmful bacteria, antibiotic drugs can also destroy natural microorganisms. There are certain rules for competently taking such medications:

  • The drug cannot be stopped before the end of the course of treatment;
  • if there are no objective reasons, taking medications is unacceptable;
  • no self-medication, even if the attending physician prescribed the same drug in the past or friends take it for a similar disease.

When is antibiotic treatment necessary?

Each disease has its own antibiotic, and manifestations of allergic reactions are not excluded. Women during pregnancy prefer to do without medications at all and therefore wonder how safe it is to take antibiotics in the early and late stages. Some physicians divide medications into those that are acceptable for use during pregnancy and those that are unacceptable and can harm the fetus. There are also drugs that occupy a position approximately in the middle of this list.

When a woman is expecting a child, she must clearly understand the extent of responsibility - both taking the pill and refusing it can cause harm to the baby. If only an antibiotic can help the mother's health, she needs to take it. It is important to evaluate everything: the dose of the substance taken, the duration of use, the duration of pregnancy, trimesters, and the individual sensitivity of the body. The danger of the influence of antibiotic substances on the embryo is especially great in the first trimester. Any toxin can negatively affect the developing organs of the fetus, disrupting or even stopping this process.

You cannot do without antibiotics in the case of pneumonia, pyelonephritis in pregnant women, purulent bronchitis, chlamydia, tonsillitis, tuberculosis. They are also mandatory prescribed for chronic kidney and urinary organs, acute intestinal infections and other similar infectious pathologies.

Allowed and prohibited drugs during pregnancy

Doctors consider the most common drugs approved for use by women during pregnancy:

  • Medicines of the penicillin group that do not inhibit fetal development.
  • Cephalosporins: in ampoules ceftriaxone, cefazolin, cefepime, in tablets suprax and others. They are able to penetrate the placenta, but do not cause harm to the embryo.
  • Tablets of rovamycin, erythromycin, and vilprafen are acceptable during pregnancy; they do not interfere with development.
  • Sumamed and zitrolide tablets are used only in cases where other antibiotics do not help.
  • Furadonin tablets are prohibited in the first and third trimester, used exclusively in the second trimester.
  • Gentamicin injections are used exclusively for mortal threats (blood poisoning), as they can lead to deafness in the baby.

For use by women carrying a child, the following are prohibited:

  • ciprofloxacin, ciprolet - in early and late stages lead to damage to the child’s joints;
  • tetracycline and dioxycillin accumulate in the bones and are toxic to the liver;
  • chloramphenicol has a negative effect on the bone marrow;
  • dioxidin can cause deviations and mutations;
  • Biseptol slows down the development and growth of the child, increasing the risk of congenital anomalies.

Side effects of ciprofloxacin during pregnancy

Ciprofloxacin is used as a drug that acts against bacterial infections. However, its safe use in any trimester has not been confirmed. In this regard, the use of the drug is questionable in cases of the lactation period. If we consider its effect on the child’s body in more detail, then the use of the substance during feeding is even more contraindicated than during pregnancy.

What is the most important information about ciprofloxacin that women who are expecting a baby need to know? The effect of this antibiotic substance on the fetus is unfavorable. During lactation or preparation for upcoming breastfeeding, taking ciprofloxacin is unacceptable. The medicine causes the following side effects:

Nausea and vomiting are side effects of the drug

  • migraine;
  • abdominal pain;
  • stool disorder;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pathological urination.

To date, there is no irrefutable evidence of the absolute danger of ciprofloxacin to the fetus. At the same time, there are results of testing the drug on animals. According to them, ciprofloxacin has a negative effect on the developing child. In addition, there is information about the possibility of its penetration into the amniotic environment. This fluid surrounds the fetus in the womb. Since the effect of this antibiotic has not been fully studied, it is advisable for women to avoid its use in early and late pregnancy. Exceptions are possible only in cases where the expected benefit of the drug outweighs its possible negative impact.

Ciprofloxacin can pass into breast milk. Moreover, depending on the duration of its use by the mother, during lactation and feeding, it enters the baby’s body. Accordingly, one should take into account the emerging possibility of the formation of pathologies in the child. As a rule, to eliminate this possibility, doctors recommend either stopping ciprofloxacin (if the mother’s condition allows it) or stopping breastfeeding.

Release form and indications for use of the drug

Release form of ciprofloxacin:

  • liquid;
  • pills;
  • tablets with extended release of the active ingredient.

When the attending physician prescribes the use of this drug, it is necessary not to violate the dosage established by the specialist. It is also prohibited to replace one type of antibiotic with another. In general, the side effects that occur are not critical, but there is a possibility of their aggravation. Particularly serious side effects include:

  • stool disorder, in which the resulting diarrhea may be watery or with bloody inclusions;
  • pathological urination;
  • pain and sensitivity of the joints, their swelling;
  • convulsions;
  • changes in the skin (rash, redness and other manifestations);
  • atypical behavior, statements, impaired assessment of reality.

Expectant mothers should remember that during the process of bearing a baby, a situation may arise that requires taking certain medications. The fear of harming your child is natural, but refusing treatment can be disastrous for both the child and his mother. A good recommendation is to find a competent specialist during pregnancy and strictly adhere to his recommendations.

Everyone knows that during pregnancy the use of any medications, especially antibiotics, is contraindicated, since they have the property of penetrating the fetus through the placenta and affecting its growth and development. However, it should be noted that the period of bearing a child itself provokes an exacerbation of diseases in a chronic form, and also increases the risk of developing new ones, because a woman’s immune defense during this period is greatly weakened. What to do if a pregnant woman needs treatment with antibiotics? In this case, the expectant mother has a lot of questions about taking antibacterial drugs, their dosage, side effects, etc.

Antibiotics are considered substances of biological origin that are synthesized by microorganisms and have a detrimental effect on the growth of bacteria and other microbes. Taking antibiotics can be a threat to the health of the unborn baby. Some representatives of these substances are generally contraindicated during pregnancy, since they can provoke various developmental anomalies and cause deafness and disability in the child.

And yet, almost every second pregnant woman is forced to take antibiotics in order to preserve the life of the fetus and her own health. For example, a future mother has been diagnosed with pyelonephritis; in this case, the entire pregnancy will be accompanied by taking antibiotic drugs, because this is a vital treatment.

The advisability of using antibacterial drugs can only be determined by a specialist. But still, every woman should know some things while pregnant. In particular:

  • Antibiotic drugs are effective only against bacterial diseases of an infectious nature. In other cases, these drugs are dangerous and cause harm to the body.
  • The sources of ARVI and influenza are viruses, so treatment with antibiotics for these conditions is not effective. It is also worth noting that such biological substances do not have an analgesic or antipyretic effect. They are not a remedy for cough (in addition, the causes of cough can be very different from a viral infection to increased sensitivity of the bronchi to external irritants), do not help with intestinal disorders (since the causes can also have a wide variety of “roots”), and do not treat fungal infections (skin fungal infections, thrush). In the latter case, special drugs that have a narrow specificity are used.
  • It is also necessary to remember that taking antibacterial drugs before conception still affects sperm and eggs, provoking the development of embryo pathologies.
  • It is undesirable, I would say contraindicated, to take antibiotic drugs in the first three months of pregnancy (especially from the third to the sixth week), because it is during this period that the formation of all the organs and systems of the baby occurs. If there is an urgent need for up to five weeks of pregnancy, antibiotic therapy is prescribed with extreme caution, and treatment of the expectant mother is carried out under the strict supervision of specialists over her condition and the condition of the fetus. However, it is worth remembering that after the end of therapy, the medications will still have a damaging effect on the organs of the unborn baby, but without causing any further deformities in him.
Therefore, if the mother’s infections do not threaten her health or the health of the fetus, then treatment is best done after twenty-four weeks of pregnancy. In this situation, if the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy for you, you should clarify its feasibility. The main reasons for the use of antibiotics during pregnancy are considered to be acute intestinal infections, pyelonephritis (or inflammation in the kidney tissue), sexually transmitted infections, as well as various serious diseases, for example, purulent-inflammatory, septic diseases (complicated ARVI, bronchitis, sinusitis , pneumonia) and other diseases associated with the activity of pathogenic bacteria. During pregnancy, this disease has a more severe course than in the normal state, so it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible.

If taking antibiotics is absolutely necessary during pregnancy, you need to understand some rules for taking them:

  • This or that type of drug can only be prescribed by the attending physician (no self-medication!), taking into account the timing of its use and the woman’s general health.
  • Before your doctor prescribes an antibiotic drug, you should tell the specialist in detail about any health problems that occurred before pregnancy, your genetic predisposition, and it is especially important to talk about allergic reactions.
  • During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to change the duration of the treatment course, change the dosage, etc., otherwise its effectiveness may be reduced.
  • If obvious side effects occur when taking antibiotics, as well as any discomfort, their use should be discontinued immediately.
The influence of antibacterial drugs during pregnancy.
According to numerous studies, it has been established that antibiotics do not affect the genetic or hereditary apparatus and do not provoke the occurrence of congenital malformations. And, nevertheless, some types of antibiotics can cause an embryotoxic effect, expressed in impaired kidney function, tooth formation, damage to the auditory nerve, etc.

In the early stages of pregnancy, these drugs are strictly limited in use and are prescribed with great caution. The most preferred drugs for treatment are penicillin drugs (Amoxicillin, Oxacillin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, etc.). Even with prolonged use, they do not contribute to the development of abnormalities in fetal development. But they also have their drawbacks, including the resistance of some microorganisms to them. In other words, therapy with these drugs may be completely ineffective for some diseases.

If antibiotic therapy is necessary at an early stage of pregnancy, the doctor, having assessed the pros and cons, may prescribe antibiotics from the cefazolin group (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, etc.) to the expectant mother. They are usually prescribed for serious illnesses such as pneumonia. For ENT diseases, drugs in the early stages of pregnancy are prescribed for local use whenever possible. For example, the drug Bioparox can be used without fear at any time.

In the second half of gestation, there are significantly more options for antibiotics that can be used at this stage, however, they should only be prescribed by a leading specialist.

Antibiotics prohibited during pregnancy.

  • Tetracycline, Doxycycline, because they have a toxic effect on the fetal liver and also accumulate in the bones.
  • Ciprofloxacin, Nolitsin, Tsiprolet - have a damaging effect on the joints of the fetus, and at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Furagin, Furamag, Ersefuril - generally have a negative effect on the fetus.
  • Levomycetin and the drugs in which it is present, since it affects the baby’s bone marrow, disrupts the process of blood formation.
  • Dioxidin - provokes the occurrence of various mutations and deviations in the development of the child.
    Biseptol - slows down the growth and development of the baby, significantly increases the risk of congenital anomalies.
Antibiotics and conception.
Very often there are situations where women were unknowingly treated with antibiotics while pregnant. What to do in this situation? Could this somehow harm the baby? If the drug used belongs to a safe group, then it will either have an effect on the fetus or not. If the drug was from the group prohibited during pregnancy, then in the early stages all this may result in a miscarriage, or the drug may provoke a frozen pregnancy.

In the first case, there is only one way out: you need to stop taking the antibiotic and wait. If the drug has a negative effect, a miscarriage will occur, but if the fetus survives, then, in most cases, it will continue to develop without deviations.

To detect a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for hCG, several times. The same results or low rates will be evidence of fetal development arrest. Another criterion is a vaginal ultrasound at less than four weeks.

There is no need to rush to have an abortion right away for fear of abnormalities in the baby’s development. After all, if there was a negative effect of the drug, the embryo in most cases dies. Malformations usually develop against the background of harmful exposure at later stages during the period of organ growth.

When planning a pregnancy, you should completely stop taking any medications, lead a healthy lifestyle, and engage in light sports.

During pregnancy, taking many medications is contraindicated, especially. This is due to the fact that antibacterial agents easily penetrate the fetus through the placenta and have an adverse effect on its development and growth.

During pregnancy, the protective functions of the female body decrease and often provoke an exacerbation of many chronic pathologies, so it is necessary to resort to the help of various medications. Tsiprolet is considered one of the effective antibacterial drugs, however, its use when carrying a child is prohibited. This is due to the fact that Tsiprolet during pregnancy has a damaging effect on the joints of the fetus.

Tsiprolet: pharmacological features of the drug

Tsiprolet is an antibacterial drug that has antimicrobial properties

A drug such as Tsiprolet provokes a disruption of DNA synthesis, which disrupts the process of growth and division of bacteria. The attached instructions indicate that such a remedy is effective in the treatment of pathologies that are caused by the active activity of gram-negative bacteria.

In addition, some types of gram-positive bacteria, for example, streptococci, are particularly sensitive to such an antibacterial drug.

Medical practice shows that Tsiprolet is widely used to combat diseases caused by the progression of intracellular microorganisms in the human body.

This medicine helps to quickly and effectively get rid of pathologies, the development of which is provoked by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Tsiprolet does not have a positive effect in the treatment of infections of viral and fungal origin. In addition, it is characterized by low activity against mycoplasmas and anaerobic infections.

After entering the human body, Tsiprolet is well absorbed into the blood, and the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed within 1.5-2 hours after administration.

The antibacterial agent Tsiprolet is available in two forms:

  • for oral use
  • for injection

The attached instructions say that for the product to be highly effective, it is recommended to take it in the morning and always on an empty stomach. In this situation, the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed within 1.5 hours after administration.

When the drug is administered by injection, the highest concentration of the drug is observed after 30 minutes, and most of it is excreted by the kidneys. Tsiprolet injections are used exclusively in hospital settings under the supervision of a specialist.

Tsiprolet eye drops are used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes on the organs of vision.

Treatment with this remedy for the following eye pathologies has a good effect:

  • conjunctivitis
  • corneal ulcer
  • keratitis

Tsiprolet eye drops are prescribed as a prophylactic agent after eye surgery. This medicine helps prevent secondary infection in case of injuries to the eyeball of various types, as well as the penetration of foreign bodies into it.

Tsiprolet is available in tablet form, which can be taken by children over 15 years of age. The timing of taking the medicine does not affect its effectiveness, but it is best to take it before meals.

Indications for prescribing the drug

Tsiprolet is an antibacterial drug that is used to treat many diseases. Experts identify the following indications for prescribing this medication:

  • This remedy is considered effective in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes that affect the respiratory system. This antibiotic is prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with pneumonia in both acute and chronic forms.
  • Tsiprolet is prescribed as a prophylactic agent for those patients who suffer from immunodeficiency. In addition, the use of such an antibiotic is indicated when treating a patient with antidepressants, during the period after surgery and if a cesarean section is necessary.
  • An antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of ENT organs:, , And .
  • Tsiprolet is often prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder. This antibiotic is a popular drug for treating urological diseases such as prostatitis.
  • Experts often prescribe Tsiprolet for severe skin lesions and purulent abscesses that affect connective tissue. In addition, this drug is indicated for diagnosing infectious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammation of the gallbladder. Many experts recommend taking this drug for blood poisoning and peritonitis.

Contraindications to antibiotics

Despite the effectiveness of this drug, in some cases treatment with Tsiprolet is contraindicated. ABOUT

You will have to refuse to use such an antibacterial drug in the following situations:

  • pseudomembranous colitis
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

The attached instructions indicate that Tsiprolet should not be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

In addition, children under 18 years of age should not be treated with such an antibacterial agent, because during this period the process of active formation of the skeletal system is underway.

Only in severe cases can Tsiprolet be prescribed to children over 15 years of age, but under the close supervision of the attending physician.

With extreme caution, this drug is prescribed to patients suffering from the following pathologies:

  • circulatory disorders in the brain
  • mental disorders
  • atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels

Tsiprolet should be taken with special caution by those patients who have been diagnosed with chronic liver and kidney pathologies. In addition, it is not recommended to use the drug when treating elderly patients.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

Laboratory studies on the effect of the drug on reproductive function were carried out on animals, and it was found that Tsiprolet does not have a negative effect on the fetus. Unfortunately, there is no data on the effect of such an antibacterial drug on the female body during pregnancy.

Medical practice shows that Tsiprolet is not prescribed for the treatment of women during pregnancy, children and adolescents. This is due to the fact that its use causes the development of a pathological condition such as arthropathy.

With such joint damage, the patient experiences severe pain and even ligament ruptures. This negative effect of the drug on joints was established during laboratory studies on animals.

Possible side effects

Treatment with Tsiprolet is often accompanied by the development of side effects, which manifest themselves in disruption of the digestive tract. The patient experiences dyspepsia, which is accompanied by the development of pain and problems with defecation. In addition, diarrhea with attacks of nausea occurs.

Side effects also affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and are expressed in the following symptoms:

  • periodic increase in blood pressure
  • hot flashes
  • rapid pulse

Allergic reactions may develop, which are accompanied by itching and redness of the skin.

Antibiotic treatment during pregnancy

Studies have shown that antibacterial drugs do not affect the hereditary and genetic apparatus, and attacks do not cause the development of defects in the fetus. At the same time, treatment with certain types of antibiotics provokes an embryotoxic effect, which is expressed in disruption of the functioning of certain organs.

In the early stages of pregnancy, treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out only in severe cases and with extreme caution. During this period, penicillin antibiotics are most often prescribed, which do not cause the development of abnormalities in the fetus even with long-term use.

Treatment during pregnancy can be carried out using:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Oxacillin

In addition, if it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs in the early stages of pregnancy, a specialist can prescribe drugs from the cefazolin group, among which the following are considered the most effective and safe:

  • Cefazol
  • Ceftriaxone

Antibiotics of this group are prescribed in the first months of pregnancy when complex pathologies, such as pneumonia, are diagnosed. When a woman has diseases of the ENT organs, they resort to topical medications. Often, when carrying out drug therapy, she prescribes a drug that can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Useful video - Is it possible to take antibiotics during pregnancy:

It has a slowing effect on the growth and development of the fetus, and also increases the risk of developing congenital anomalies.

Often during pregnancy, a woman is diagnosed with diseases that require taking antibacterial drugs. In most cases, such a need arises when women are diagnosed with genital infections and inflammatory processes in various organs. Treatment of all diseases during pregnancy should be under the supervision of a doctor!

Tsiprolet is not allowed to be used during pregnancy, even though it is a fairly safe drug that rarely causes side effects. The reason for this ban is that clinical trials of Ciprolet were not conducted on pregnant women.

When and what antibiotics can be used in pregnant women

All medicinal substances that are allowed to be used during pregnancy must undergo laboratory and clinical trials. In fact, not all drugs undergo clinical trials on pregnant women. Therefore, according to the danger for pregnant women, all medications are divided into groups:

Particular care must be taken when using antibiotics during pregnancy. Antibiotics are dangerous in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the formation of internal organs occurs. But since the final timing of organ development is unknown and in most cases they are individual for each woman, prescribing antibiotics after the twenty-second week of pregnancy is considered safe.

The most studied and safest use during this period is the antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group. But even these safest antibiotics should be used only after a doctor’s prescription.

How the effect of ciprolet on the body of pregnant women was studied

Tsiprolet passed only laboratory tests on animals. As a result of these studies, it was found that ciprolet does not have any negative effect on reproductive function (fertility) or teratogenic effects on the fetus (teratogenicity is the ability to cause developmental abnormalities in the fetus). At the same time, in an experiment on animals, they were prescribed doses of ciprolet that were six times higher than the usual daily dose for humans. But this is on animals. There is no data on how Ciprolet acts on pregnant women, since clinical studies have not been conducted.

Tsiprolet is not approved for use in pregnant women, children and adolescents also because in some cases it causes arthropathy - joint damage, which is accompanied by pain and sometimes even rupture of ligaments. This effect of ciprolet was revealed in laboratory studies on animals - arthropathy occurred mainly in young animals.

Side effects of Ciprolet also include such manifestations as pain in joints, muscles and ligament rupture. Therefore, Tsiprolet is not recommended for use in the treatment of growing organisms.

What to do for pregnant women who need to use antibiotics

Indeed, in some cases a pregnant woman requires such treatment. This is often necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of intrauterine infection in the fetus if the mother has some kind of genital infection. Antibiotics are also prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs, for example, pyelonephritis.

In this case, the use of antibiotics is necessary and there is no great risk in taking them as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. Obstetrician-gynecologists and antenatal clinic therapists know very well which antibiotics can be prescribed and at what stage of pregnancy. It’s another matter if a woman decides to treat herself with antibiotics - the risk of such treatment is too great, because you should not rely only on the instructions that drug manufacturers have developed. Firstly, they are written for doctors, and a person without a medical education cannot always understand them, and secondly, in addition to instructions, doctors have special manuals and guidelines that explain certain issues regarding the treatment of pregnant women.

A pregnant woman cannot take a single pill without a doctor's prescription!

Total pages: 2
Pages: 01

Last place of work:

  • Federal State Institution of Science "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
  • Institute for Complex Problems of Restoring Human Reserve Capabilities.
  • Within the framework of the national program for demographic development of Russia
  • Job title:

  • Senior Researcher. Obstetrician-gynecologist, infectious disease specialist.
  • Education

  • 1988-1995 Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. Semashko, majoring in general medicine (diploma EV No. 362251)
  • 1995-1997 clinical residency at MMSI named after. Semashko in the specialty “obstetrics and gynecology” with an “excellent” rating.
  • 1995 “Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology” RMAPO.
  • 2000 “Lasers in clinical medicine” RMAPO.
  • 2000 “Viral and bacterial diseases outside and during pregnancy” NTSAGi P RAMS.
  • 2001 “Breast diseases in the practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist” NCAG and P RAMS.
  • 2001 “Basics of colposcopy. Pathology of the cervix. Modern methods of treatment of benign diseases of the cervix” NCAG and P RAMS.
  • 2002 “HIV – infection and viral hepatitis” RMAPO.
  • 2003 “candidate minimum” exams in the specialty “obstetrics and gynecology” and “infectious diseases”.

  • Question: Good afternoon. At the moment, at the beginning of the cycle, I am finishing treatment for sinusitis with the drug Tsiprolet. Can I plan to get pregnant next cycle? Or should I wait a few months?

    Doctor's answer: Hello! ZHelatel "no podozhdat" eshche mesyats.

    Medical services in Moscow:

    Question: Hello, I am 33 years old, second pregnancy, on the 13th day of the cycle cystitis worsened, I took Monural, on the 16th day of the cycle I fell ill with ARVI, took 7 tablets of Ingaverin, Polydex in the nose and Hexoral and antiangin in the throat, from the 21st day of the cycle cystitis again, drank Ciprolet 2 tables each 5 days and one dose of fluconazole for thrush. I found out about pregnancy after a delay on the 30th day of the cycle. Tell me, please, what is the risk of pathologies for a child? And what tests do you need to undergo? Have I really harmed the unborn baby? How big are these risks? What is the accuracy of ultrasound and HD in detecting congenital malformation?

    Doctor's answer: Hello! Risks are possible. You need to wait for the first screening at 12-13 weeks.


    Doctor's answer: Hello! Only you and your husband can make the decision. The doctor can only warn. In your case, fetal deformities of up to 50-60% are possible.

    Question: Good afternoon I have been tormented for a long time by one question about the pregnancy I terminated. It turned out to be an unpredictable situation: I was 7 weeks pregnant. And two months later, that is, at the time of pregnancy, I became very ill with a sore throat and, out of ignorance, started taking Ciprolet for ~ a week. When I went to the gynecologist, she definitely told me to have an abortion. I said that I would. But the doctor answered whether I was in my right mind, that there could be anomalies. Out of fear of damage to the fetus, I decided to take this terrible step. Then, after the abortion, a month later, my sore throat worsened, I had to call an ambulance, they sent me to the hospital, it turned out to be an abscess, and I had to go through it for 2 months. During pregnancy, I had to have my tonsils removed due to an infection. And now, after a while, I worry all the time that maybe everything would be fine with the child? This was my first pregnancy. How serious would the effects of the antibiotic be?

    Doctor's answer: Hello. It is not advisable to use Tsiprolet during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It is almost impossible to assess the likelihood of hereditary pathology. Decision is made. Pregnancy must be planned. Before doing this, it is important to consult a gynecologist. Get tested.

    Question: Hello, Doctor! Please advise me on my situation: first pregnancy 9 weeks, 29 years old, the last 7 years - chronic inflammation of the appendages, but pregnancy is uterine (ultrasound). The pregnancy was unplanned and occurred during treatment with doxycycline (since before conception, menstruation was absent for 2 months and there were enlarged appendages, pain in the sides, suspicion of endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy - this was still before conception). Further, being already pregnant (neither I nor the doctors knew), I took Ciprolet during the 2,3,4 weeks of pregnancy, and had electrophoresis with zinc.

    Help! What to do!? What could be the consequences of taking antibiotics and electrophoresis in early pregnancy? Is it necessary to have an abortion? I really want to give birth to a healthy baby! What if this is the only chance?! After all, I am in danger of obstruction of the pipes...

    Doctor's answer: Hello. The use of antibacterial drugs is undesirable, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. The child can certainly be born healthy. Modern diagnostic techniques allow careful monitoring of a developing pregnancy. You should consult a gynecologist, a specialist in medical genetics. The final decision always remains yours.

    Total pages: 2
    Pages: 01