
How to clean sweat from a jacket? How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes: effective methods with and without washing How to get rid of the smell of sweat on a jacket


Sweating is a natural process of our body. All harmful bacteria come out with sweat. Excessive discharge brings great inconvenience. The sweaty smell causes unpleasant sensations for yourself and others. To avoid such situations, you need to keep an eye on your belongings. Clothes can be soaked, washed thoroughly, but it is already more difficult to effectively remove sweat from a coat or down jacket. Don't throw away a good and expensive thing? People who have found a way to fix the problem share their personal experiences.

Modern methods

The first thing that might come to mind is to submit your outerwear for chemical treatment. But dry cleaning services may not be available nearby. Moreover, this method is expensive and time-consuming. Not everyone can afford to use this method constantly.

A quick modern way to remove various odors is sprays.. Any household chemical store offers similar products. In a well-ventilated area, spray onto sweat-smelling areas and leave. The composition of the sprays includes harmless proteins that do not mask, but destroy odors. This method is fast and effective, but may not always be at hand at the right time.

Traditional methods

When you need to remove the effects of sweating without washing your outerwear, products that you always have at home will help.

Apple vinegar

Activated carbon can save a down jacket or coat. Grind 2-3 tablets into powder, apply to the desired area, leave for several days. Then carefully clean with a special solution of 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 2 glasses of water.

Ammonia with water will help. A glass of water, 1 tablespoon of alcohol, use a sponge to lightly rub the desired part. You can add 1 teaspoon of salt to achieve better results. It is advisable to leave it so that the odors dissipate and the down jacket dries out.

Regular vinegar can remove sweat. Mix table acetic acid and water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 glass of warm water. Apply this mixture and let it soak. Baking soda can help with strong odors. After treating with the solution, lightly sprinkle the armpit area, then clean with an outerwear brush.

Baking soda can also help get rid of sweat odor.

You can remove the problem with apple cider vinegar. Use a cotton swab or clean cloth soaked in undiluted solution to rub the sweaty area. You can sprinkle citric acid on the areas after slightly wetting them in advance.

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can get rid of the problem. You need to carefully pull the lining, dip it in the essence, wait 30 seconds, squeeze it out and hang it out. This method is suitable for outerwear with thick lining fabric.

You can remove sweat using gasoline, then ammonia. The method should be used rarely and carefully. Frequent use may damage the coat.

Vodka can also remove odor. Moisten the problem areas a little and wait a couple of hours. If the material allows, treat with a steam iron; otherwise, hang it in fresh air.

Using cold you can fight the smell of sweat

Before using all traditional methods, it is recommended to first check the reaction of outer clothing by treating an inconspicuous small area.

Long-proven methods will help you get rid of unwanted odors without washing.

The sweaty smell will help remove the cold from your outer clothing. When processing a down jacket in winter, it is enough to place it in a cold place. In summer, wrap your down coat tightly in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for half an hour. Then straighten and let dry. Thanks to the cold, the bacteria freeze and the unpleasant odor disappears. Anything can be processed this way.

Newspapers can remove sweat odor. Fasten the coat with buttons or a zipper, stuff it with clean newspapers, and leave it for several days. Pay special attention to the sleeves. Then it is advisable to hang the down jacket for airing.


The smell of sweat causes trouble for its “owner” and the people around him. This “aroma” can ruin the whole impression, even if you are dressed to the nines and in the most fashionable things. It also happens that even after washing it remains - it is so durable. Fortunately, there are several useful tips on how to get rid of the scourge from items of clothing.

Sometimes, in order for the unpleasant odor to disappear, it is enough to simply dry the item in the sun and fresh air after washing. But regular washing does not always help; sometimes special modes or additives to the powder are required. There are also traditional proven methods of removal.

Removal by washing

To begin with, it is worth soaking the smelling item for 30–40 minutes before washing to ensure that unpleasant odors are killed. When soaking, add half a glass of vinegar or a salt solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Before the main wash, we also recommend soaping problem areas with regular laundry soap - it will degrease stains and remove aroma.

When removing the smell of sweat, do not neglect soaking

Do not leave things that smell of sweat next to other clothes - the smell of sweat easily transfers to surrounding objects.

If time is pressing and you simply don’t have time to soak, then when washing in the washing machine, use stain removers as additional support for the washing powder. For colored laundry - oxygen bleaches, and for white - chlorine.

It is better to wash items that smell of sweat with a double portion of washing powder, but do not forget to put the items in an additional rinse.

Popular tip: pour half a glass of vinegar into the rinse compartment of your washing machine and wash as usual.

Modern household chemicals also offer a solution to the problem with the help of special products against various odors. For example, “SmellOFF sport” is a product that can be used when washing, and also sprayed locally on certain areas. According to the instructions for the product, it is enough to add it to the powder at the rate of 100 ml. by 10 kg. linen The composition includes surfactant detergent components, enzymes and plant extracts.

The universal product “SmellOFF” for removing various odors can also be used against the smell of sweat

Another product based on organic silver is “Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse”. Its action is based on the disinfecting properties of silver, thanks to which microorganisms that produce an unpleasant odor are killed. The instructions say that before washing, just soak the clothes in the product and then wash. Or soak and dry without rinsing.

"Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse" - a product that kills bacteria on clothes

It is worth noting that both products are suitable for all types of fabric.

Unfortunately, the problem does not always go away after washing. This is especially true for the armpits - the places where sweat is produced the most. In this case, you need to treat the smelly areas separately. For this you can use folk remedies.

Folk remedies for removing sweat odor

Unfortunately, this problem is not new. Therefore, today housewives have accumulated several effective recipes for combating unpleasant odors. The most effective means are actually at everyone's fingertips. Let's list them:

  • Vinegar. If the smell is fresh, then vinegar essence is suitable, but for a stubborn, old smell, it is better to use pure vinegar. To remove, spray the desired area and lightly rub the product into the fabric. After this, rinse. Vinegar does not harm the color, so it can be used on any fabric.

    Vinegar effectively fights sweat odor

  • Salt. Apply a salt solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water) to areas that emit an odor, or rather rub it into a cloth. Then rinse with water. If you are removing amber from white clothes, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia to the solution to also remove yellow stains. After treating with an ammonia solution, it is better to wash the item.

    The salt solution can be applied to any tissue

  • Lemon acid. A slice of lemon can deal with the fresh smell that has not yet been absorbed into the fabric: rub it on the area that smells of sweat and rinse in warm water. For older ones, it is better to use citric acid: dilute one teaspoon of acid in a glass of water and wet the smelly area on the clothing, then rinse the item.

    An unpleasant odor will be eliminated by a solution of citric acid.

  • Shampoo. The hair shampoo degreases well and also contains fragrant fragrances. Apply shampoo to the sweat stain and wash the area. Rinse afterwards.

    A drop of shampoo will add a new scent to your clothes

  • One of the most effective remedies is regular laundry soap. Just wash the necessary areas with soap and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse.

    Laundry soap is an economical and effective remedy for sweat odor

  • Soda. Wet the cloth and sprinkle baking soda on the desired areas. Lightly rub baking soda into the fabric and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse the item.

    Baking soda can eliminate sweat odor in dry form

  • Aspirin. Make a paste of 4-5 aspirin tablets and apply it to sweat stains. After half an hour, wash as usual. We recommend using aspirin on white things - it will remove odor and yellow stains from sweat.

    Aspirin has the property of bleaching fabric

  • Drying clothes correctly

    One of the conditions for the absence of unpleasant odors on clothes is proper drying after washing.

    Sun and fresh air will help get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes.

    The sun and fresh air will help with this. To dry an item in the sun, you need to turn it inside out so that the color of the item is not damaged. The sun's rays should reach all problem areas.

    But the sun does not always please us with its light. In this case, after the items have dried, iron them through gauze previously soaked in a weak vinegar solution. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat and more.

    How to get rid of different items of clothing

    The methods and means of struggle listed above are not always universal. For example, you cannot wash a wool sweater on the longest cycle. And outer clothing cannot always be washed. Therefore, you should consider the type of clothing and fabric when choosing a method.

    Leather jacket, jacket, coat

    A leather jacket cannot be washed. Nevertheless, the problem of the smell of sweat also concerns her - it remains on the fabric lining, as a rule, in the armpit area. To remove it from the lining of a leather jacket, use vinegar. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the undersides of your armpits. There is a more radical method: pour hot water into the bath and add about a glass of vinegar. Hang your jacket, inside out, over the bathtub. Steam from a vinegar bath will solve the problem.

    Another removal method can be applied to a jacket, blazer or coat: sprinkle baking soda on the underside of the armpits and leave overnight. Shake off the baking soda in the morning.

    To remove the smell of sweat from a jacket, jacket or coat, your armpits can be treated with ammonia. To do this, prepare a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio, apply ammonia to a sponge or cotton pad and wipe the armpits on clothing. Do not rub from the front under any circumstances! Ammonia is an extreme measure used for old “aroma”.

    Another popular method of removing it from outerwear is to stuff a coat or jacket with dry newspapers. They will absorb the smell over a few days and remove excess moisture.

    If it's cold outside, you can simply hang your clothes out in the fresh air. The bacteria causing this phenomenon will die and the item will no longer smell bad.

    Items made from natural fabrics

    For natural fabrics - linen, silk and wool, use salt. Apply the saline solution to the unpleasantly smelling area, and then rinse the item in warm water.

    For woolen sweaters, you can use ammonia: add 2-3 tbsp to a bowl of cool water. l. ammonia and soak the item for 30 minutes. After that, wash it.


    It's no secret that the leader in sweatiness is sportswear. This is logical, because physical activity involves profuse sweating. Therefore, it was primarily for sportswear that special products were invented, which are described above - “SmellOFF sport”, “Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse”.

    But if there is no special remedy, then you can turn to folk remedies. The peculiarity of removing odor from sportswear is that it is better not to apply any product locally, but to soak the entire item. Because when playing sports, all sweat glands actively work, and almost the entire thing suffers from sweat, and not individual areas. A saline solution is perfect for any tracksuit - 3 tbsp. l. per glass of hot water. The salt should be mixed thoroughly.

    But boxing gloves cannot be washed, because they can become deformed and become unusable. For gloves, you can also use special anti-odor sprays or stuff them with newspapers, for example, at night, and remove them in the morning. After each workout, it is recommended to hang the gloves in fresh air.

    Clothes made from synthetic materials

    Things made of synthetics do not allow air and moisture to pass through easily, so stains and the smell of sweat appear on them more often than on things made from natural fabrics. Therefore, synthetic clothes should not be worn for a long time and should be washed regularly. But if the problem has already arisen, then such products as laundry soap and soda will do. Saline solution can also be used on synthetic items.

    How to prevent unpleasant odors

    It is easier to prevent any problem than to solve it. Ours is no exception. To prevent unpleasant odors, follow these rules:

  • change clothes regularly. Do not wear sweaty clothes for more than one day, and if possible, immediately change them to fresh ones.
  • Use antiperspirant deodorants that prevent sweat odor.
  • Remove hair from the armpit area - smooth skin smells less.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics. Then the skin will “breathe” better, and there will be less sweat than in synthetic things.
  • Wear cotton T-shirts or T-shirts under warm clothes.
  • How to remove odor from clothes under your arms. Video

    All people sweat - it's inevitable. But it is not at all necessary to endure this phenomenon and wear foul-smelling clothes. Knowing the means to combat this nuisance, you will be able to wear your favorite things for a long time and communicate with others without hesitation.

    Sweating is a natural process. But sweat has a rather unpleasant odor. This is what causes problems for many people. Athletes and just people who sweat intensely know firsthand how difficult it is to wash clothes from the smell of sweat. From this article you will learn many options for solving this delicate problem, namely: how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes.

    Supporters of everything environmentally friendly try to use traditional methods even in the fight against traces of sweat under the arms. We have collected the most common methods that will help you get rid of odor and sweat from clothes.

    How to remove armpit sweat odor from clothes without washing

    It happens that it is not possible to wash clothes or the fabric from which these clothes are made will not survive such treatment. What to do in this case? How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes? Here are some no-wash cleaning options:

    • On the contaminated area of ​​clothing, in the place where the armpits are located, you need to pour a thick layer of baking soda, rub a little and leave it like that until the morning. The baking soda will absorb the unpleasant odor and all you have to do is shake it off the product.
    • Boil water in a small saucepan and add a few tablespoons of 9% vinegar to it. While the water and vinegar are boiling, hold the item that emits unpleasant odors over the steam.
    • You can wipe problem areas with pure vinegar 9%. No need to rinse. Wait for the clothes to dry. It is best to air dry; the smell of vinegar will disappear quickly.
    • The smell of sweat on clothes can be removed using this method. You need to mix 1 unit of salt, 4 units of water and 4 units of ammonia. Mix thoroughly and apply with a sponge to the stained area. Rub in lightly, and after 10 minutes wipe with a sponge soaked in clean water.

    How to remove ingrained sweat odor from clothes

    The longer dirty clothes sit unwashed, the more the smell from sweat will be absorbed. And the more difficult it will be to get it out. Therefore, try to clean such products as quickly as possible.

    • Table salt works great for stubborn sweat stains. You need to add 2 tablespoons per glass of water. Rub this solution well into the fabric and leave for half an hour. Then wash. This method is more suitable for natural fabrics.
    • The “smelling” mark can also be washed off using laundry soap. Lather generously on sweaty areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash as you are used to.
    • In a salt solution (a tablespoon of salt per glass of water), add one tablespoon of ammonia. Treat contaminated areas and leave for 15 minutes.

    How to remove sweat smell from a jacket

    There is no need to send outerwear to the dry cleaner. You can get rid of the unpleasant odor yourself. There are several ways to keep your jacket fresh.

    • It is necessary to regularly ventilate it in the fresh air.
    • You can stuff your jacket with newspapers. They absorb odors and moisture well. To do this, you need to fasten the product and fill it with crumpled newspapers.
    • Places where excessive sweating has left its mark can be treated with ammonia and water. After that, just take the item outside and ventilate well.

    How to get rid of sweat odor on a leather jacket

    Leather has a special porous structure. Therefore, it absorbs various odors very well, including unpleasant ones, like sweat.

    • If the smell is not strong, try gently washing the area of ​​the lining where the armpits are located. Try not to wet the skin so as not to spoil it.
    • An unpleasant odor is caused by pathogenic bacteria. They can be easily destroyed using a disinfectant such as soda. You need to make a thick paste out of it, adding a little water to it. Treat the inside of the jacket with the resulting mixture. It must be applied in a thick layer. Wait for the baking soda to dry. After this it should be removed.
    • A leather product can be removed from an unpleasant odor using citric acid. It needs to be diluted in half with water and treated from the underside of the skin. After wiping, leave the jacket in the fresh air.

    How to get rid of the smell of sweat on a jacket

    Some people, due to their profession, have to constantly wear a jacket. In this case, of course, one cannot do without problems such as an unpleasant odor. Then the question arises of how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, namely from a jacket.

    • Take one part rubbing alcohol, one part ammonia and three parts water. The solution needs to be mixed and treated with it on problem areas from the inside. Next, blot with a clean cloth. After the jacket dries, the odor removed should disappear.
    • If you need to clean your jacket in winter, it will be enough to take it out to the balcony. In the cold it will be well ventilated and the smell will go away. Or you can use the freezer. Before sending your jacket there, pack it in a plastic bag.
    • If the product can be washed (check the tag on it), then do this by adding grated laundry soap to the water. You need to rinse in water with a small amount of vinegar.

    If the smell of sweat remains on clothes after washing

    Fabric softeners and fabric softeners will quickly deal with the problem of unpleasant odors.

    In the wardrobe of each of us there are many things made of synthetic materials. Namely, they absorb odors remarkably well and do not “let go” of them for a long time. It is enough to wear such clothes once, and you will already need to wash them. But it often happens that even this does not save you from the pungent aroma. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes in such cases?

    To avoid such unpleasant surprises after washing, you need to carry out the procedure correctly.

    • Before washing soiled clothes, soak them in warm water for 45 minutes. Pre-soap under your arms with laundry soap. Add a little vinegar or soda to the water. You need to soak it separately, without mixing it with other clothes, otherwise the smell may be absorbed into other things.
    • Before turning on the washing machine, add half a glass of 9% vinegar and 3 tablespoons of soda to it, namely to the drum.
    • The amount of powder needs to be increased slightly.
    • You can use oxygen bleach; you can also wash colored items with it.
    • Use fabric softener.
    • All washing machines have a pre-wash function. Use it, as it will help rid your clothes of unpleasant odors and heavy dirt.
    • Dry washed items only in air.

    How to get rid of sweat odor on white clothes

    Yellow sweat stains are especially visible on white items. Getting rid of them and the smell will not be easy, but it is possible even at home.

    • Mix water and vodka in equal proportions. Treat the area where your armpits are with the resulting solution. And then wash as usual.
    • Hydrogen peroxide will do an excellent job of removing yellow marks and a strong aroma. You need to add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. You need to soak the product in this solution for half an hour. After treatment, wash the items in the washing machine. You can add a whitening agent to the powder.
    • Add two aspirin tablets to a glass of lukewarm water. They need to be crushed first. Stir until completely dissolved and treat stained areas. Leave for 2-3 hours. After this, rinse and wash with powder.

    Special sweat liners prevent stains on clothes.

    Removing the smell of sweat and its traces is a rather difficult process, so try to prevent the problem. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash things more often using high-quality powder. In winter, wear a T-shirt under your sweater. If you still cannot control your sweating, you can purchase special anti-sweat pads. They are very thin and will be invisible to others.

    Important! When using any product, do not forget about the possibility of ruining the thing. Therefore, be sure to test before use. Apply a small amount of the selected product to an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If its structure and color do not change, you can safely use this method.

    Not really

    Sweating is a natural process, but it entails the problem of an unpleasant odor. Light clothes can be washed and dried quickly, but with winter clothes everything is more complicated. You can remove the smell of sweat from a down jacket if you know some secrets.

    Recognized folk remedies, successfully used by housewives, will help you quickly and easily get rid of the smell of sweat on your down jacket. If they don’t help, buy a specialized product to combat unpleasant odors at the store.

    Home methods

    The smell of sweat penetrates into the fabric and leaves unsightly stains. Sometimes absorption agents and washing are required.

    1. Crush two tablets of activated carbon to a powder and apply to the area that emits the odor. Leave the down jacket for a day. Gently shake off the powder and clean the clothes using a prepared solution of 100 grams of water, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of salt. Blot the fabric with a sponge and hang it on the balcony for ventilation. This method will remove the smell from the down jacket, but is suitable if you have a couple of days left.
    2. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Treat the armpits. After complete absorption into the material, cover the area with baking soda and gently clean with a clothes brush after five minutes. Vinegar will help get rid of the stench.
    3. Treat the stain with apple cider vinegar, sprinkle with citric acid, then remove. The components used will help remove the unpleasant odor of sweat from the down jacket.
    4. Soak the lining in hydrogen peroxide, squeeze it out, and place it in the fresh air.
    5. Use gasoline or ammonia as a last resort. The process will speed up, but frequent use of products carries the risk of tissue damage.
    6. Pour table salt onto the problem area from the wrong side, leave for two hours, and wash.
    7. Combine dishwashing detergent (1 tbsp) with salt (3 tbsp), treat the item, and wash it after three hours, selecting the delicate cycle.
    8. Dilute salt (1 tbsp) in a glass of water, add ammonia. Use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to treat stains and wash.
    9. Dissolve a pinch of citric acid in water and treat stained areas. After an hour, treat with 10% vinegar and wash.
    10. Crush 3 aspirin tablets and dissolve in water. Before washing, soak problem areas with the prepared solution.
    11. Rub baking soda into the stain, wait, and rinse the fabric.

    Home remedies are good if one condition is met: before applying, test how the product affects the fabric in an inconspicuous area. Any item must be ventilated after processing.

    You cannot remove the smell of sweat on outerwear using deodorant, air freshener, eau de toilette, or perfume. Instead of aroma, you will get an unpleasant mixture.

    Review of household chemicals

    Regular detergents and special formulations will help you cope with sweat stains and unpleasant odors. These include:

    • laundry soap - before washing, rub problem areas, soak the item for half an hour, wash by hand;
    • washing powder - soak before washing, the powder usually copes with the smell of sweat;
    • hair shampoo – has a pleasant aroma, soaking in it for 2 hours followed by rinsing will help cope with light stains;
    • stain removers - remove stains without a trace and cope with odors (Vanish Oxi Action, Ecover, Chirton Oxygen, Typhoon Oxy Pro), they are recommended to be added to the washing machine;
    • sprays - apply to the contaminated area, cover with polyethylene for half an hour, and dry.

    Dry things properly. The place should be in partial shade and well ventilated. When drying in the sun, it is recommended to turn clothes inside out.

    Is it possible to remove odor from a down jacket without washing?

    On outerwear, be it a leatherette jacket, a drape coat or a down jacket, there is a label on which there are instructions on how to clean the item, whether it can be ironed, washed, and at what temperature.

    There are products that cannot be washed. The best option is to use dry cleaning. Our specialists will properly clean your outerwear without damaging the fabric. If there are no stains, but you need to remove the terrible odor, you should use effective methods:

    1. Wet the damaged area with vodka, treat with a steam iron, and ventilate in the fresh air.
    2. Mix ammonia with water in proportions of one to ten, add a pinch of salt, treat the lining of a down jacket or jacket.
    3. Dilute vinegar in water, soak gauze in the solution. Iron the fabric through it with a hot iron.
    4. Take the down jacket out into the cold and keep it on the balcony as long as possible.
    5. Crumple the newspapers, fill the sleeves and the down jacket with them, fastening it with a zipper. To enhance the effect, take it to the balcony and ventilate.
    6. Purchase a special odor-eliminating spray from a household chemical store, treat the down jacket, and take it out into the air.
    7. Rub the armpit area with lemon. The persistent odor is destroyed with a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar.

    If the problem with sweating constantly causes inconvenience, you should use special pads for the armpit area, which protect clothing from the effects of sweat.

    Features of eliminating unpleasant odors

    When removing persistent sweat odor, the best way is washing, sometimes in combination with pre-treatment.

    Each item requires its own type of processing, depending on the fabric. Outerwear also requires careful handling. Washing and cleaning products with natural filling in the form of fluff and feathers differs from those insulated with synthetic padding.

    Natural fillers

    Pre-treatment – ​​removing old stains using professional or folk remedies.

    If the down jacket is not very dirty, you need to hang it on hangers and treat it with a soapy sponge, rinse off the remaining soap with water. In another case, the item is immersed in water and washed by hand at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees using a mild detergent, but not powder. There may be divorces left.

    The most suitable option is to place the down jacket on hangers, rub it with a brush and soap, and rinse it off with a stream of shower. Leave until the water drains, but dry only in a ventilated area, ideally outside.

    Machine washable with great care. Use a mild detergent, delicate wash cycle. To prevent lint from clumping, it is recommended to place a couple of tennis balls in the machine.

    Do not dry near heating devices, this will ruin the down. During the drying process, beat the product several times, distributing the fluff over the surface.


    Filling in the form of padding polyester can withstand hand and machine washing. You need to choose gentle modes and detergents. Squeeze manually, but it is also allowed at low speeds.

    Washing outerwear is a troublesome task and always involves risk. No one has canceled preventive measures. If excessive sweating is a constant companion, you need to pay more attention to hygiene, use deodorants, applying them exclusively to clean skin, dress lighter and choose natural fabrics. Then your outerwear will stay clean longer!

    Sweating is a natural process that occurs in the body of every person. Bacteria are released along with sweat. When sweating profusely, a person experiences some discomfort. The sweaty smell creates unpleasant sensations both for the person himself and for the people around him. To avoid such situations, you need to carefully monitor your belongings. Therefore, the question often arises of how to effectively remove the smell of sweat from a down jacket.

    Today, there are several ways to remove unpleasant odors from outerwear. The easiest option is to dry clean your items. In every city there are companies that provide this type of service to the population. But, despite the effectiveness of the method, it has some disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting the high cost of services and the duration of its implementation. Dry cleaning of down jackets and other outerwear is not cheap. Therefore, not everyone can afford this method.

    If you need to quickly remove the smell of sweat from things, then you should pay attention to modern sprays. They can be found in any store that sells various chemicals. Using a spray, the down jacket is treated and left for a certain time. The procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated area. This method allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of unpleasant odors.

    Folk methods of struggle

    Folk remedies can remove the smell of sweat from a down jacket and other things. Among the popular methods it is worth highlighting the following:

    Before ridding outerwear of an unpleasant odor using traditional methods, it is worth checking the reaction of the material to a particular product. You also need to remember to ventilate your clothes. Otherwise, things will smell not like sweat, but like a cleaning agent.

    Old and well-known methods

    The cold will help get rid of the sweaty smell on your outerwear. This method is especially widely used in winter. In this case, it is enough to simply place the down jacket in a cold place. In summer, you just need to place the item in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. When exposed to low temperatures, the bacteria freeze and the unpleasant aroma disappears. This method can be used to refresh any clothing.

    Newspapers are also a good option. The down jacket is zipped and stuffed with newspapers. Clothes are left for several days. In this case, special attention is paid to the sleeves. The stuffed down jacket is hung out in the open.

    How to prevent sweat odor

    Unfortunately, a person cannot stop sweating, since sweating is a natural process for the human body. But, there are methods that can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors on outerwear. So, you can solve the problem in the following ways:

    • Today on the market you can find special pads for the armpit area that can be used on any thing. They will need to be changed periodically.
    • Frequently airing clothes in the fresh air will prevent the accumulation of large numbers of bacteria, which are the main cause of unpleasant odors.
    • Excessive sweating often occurs due to body overheating. Therefore, clothing must be selected according to weather conditions. There is no need to dress very warmly, as this will lead to a rapid increase in body temperature. As a result, the body will begin to secrete sweat in large quantities.
    • To reduce sweating, you should pay attention to clothes made from natural fabrics such as silk, linen and others. In such clothes the body will breathe, which will prevent sweating.
    • Under the sweater, you must wear a cotton T-shirt. This will prevent sweat from absorbing into the down jacket.
    • Use a strong deodorant and other products that help hide unpleasant odors and reduce sweating. The choice of product must be approached very carefully. Frequent use of deodorants can lead to some complications.

    When solving this problem, it is worth paying attention to the fact that increased sweating may occur as a result of the presence of some disease. In this case we are talking about hyperhidrosis. If this problem occurs frequently, then you should seek help from a doctor.