
How and how to whiten armpits at home. Ways to lighten the skin of your armpits How to whiten your armpits with peroxide


Darkening of the armpit area occurs in many girls and women. Some people don’t pay any attention to this, believing that such skin should be normal. Others, on the contrary, are worried about a cosmetic defect and are looking for a way out of the current situation. Which one is right? In fact, the skin of the armpits should not differ in color from other areas of the body. So why does it darken and how to deal with it?

Causes of darkening of the skin in the armpit area

Various circumstances can lead to this problem: from the use of aggressive deodorant to serious endocrine diseases. The fact is that the axillary area has fairly thin skin, prone to excess pigmentation, sufficient subcutaneous fatty tissue and many sweat glands. The exocrine glands in this area are different from those found in other parts of the body, which is why the armpits sweat so intensely. In addition, when you lower your arms, the skin of your armpits forms a fold, and this is where hyperpigmentation most often occurs.

Darkening of the skin in the armpit area appears due to problems such as:

  1. Endocrine diseases. First of all, this concerns Addison's disease, in which, due to reduced production of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands and increased secretion of pituitary hormones, darkening of the skin occurs in the area of ​​natural folds. In addition, dark spots can be signs of diabetes and obesity.
  2. Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the female body experiences a real hormonal storm, which can lead to darkening of the skin of the armpits.
  3. Hyperhidrosis. Increased sweating in the armpit area causes the skin to remain constantly moist. Because of this, it macerates, the upper layers of the epidermis lose their protective properties and darkening occurs.
  4. Wearing synthetic clothing. In clothes made from non-natural fabrics, the skin does not breathe, which also leads to changes in the epidermis and the appearance of dark circles.
  5. Frequent and rough shaving. The blade of a dull razor, especially in the absence of prior application of gel or foam to the skin, scratches the epidermis, which leads to microcracks, wounds and darkening. In addition, in this case, stubble can be visible through the skin, creating the illusion of darkening.
  6. Using depilatory cream. From the point of view of mechanical damage, the cream causes less damage to the skin than a razor. However, it contains harsh chemicals that can also cause darkening of the skin.
  7. Using alcohol deodorant. Antiperspirants and deodorants should be antibacterial, but not alcohol-based. The fact is that alcohol dries out the skin and causes it to darken.

Cosmetics to get rid of this problem are not on sale in pharmacies or stores, so you should prepare them yourself from available ingredients. Simple remedies to lighten the skin of your armpits:

  1. Lemon. Lemon juice has an excellent whitening effect. It is enough to take a thick slice of lemon and rub it under your armpits, the procedure should be repeated every day. If this method causes dry skin, then the juice of half a lemon can be mixed with yogurt and the resulting mixture can be applied as a mask for 10 minutes.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. For the procedure you need to buy 3% peroxide and cotton pads. Soak the disc in a peroxide solution and place it on your armpits for half an hour. This way you will lighten not only your skin, but also your hair.
  3. Cucumber. You can use fresh cucumber or cucumber extract sold in pharmacies. Rub the skin for 5 minutes daily.
  4. Potato. You can make a mask from raw grated potatoes, leaving it on your armpits for 15-20 minutes or rubbing potato juice into your skin. For the best effect, you should use both methods.
  5. White clay. This product is sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores. Dilute the powder with warm water to form very rich sour cream, apply the resulting mixture to the skin of your armpits for 20 minutes, and then rinse. Use twice a week.

Underarm skin care rules

  1. Give preference to waxing, sugaring or laser hair removal. These methods get rid of unwanted hair for a long time and cause less damage to the skin.
  2. Use a deodorant for sensitive skin that does not contain alcohol or harsh substances.
  3. Give preference to loose clothing made from natural fabrics.
  4. Fight hyperhidrosis. A balanced diet, treatment of endocrine diseases and Botox in the axillary area will help reduce sweating. In addition, you can buy special pads for the armpits; they will absorb moisture and prevent the skin from macerating.

If your efforts have not brought any results and the skin remains darkened, consult a dermatologist or endocrinologist. Perhaps this is just a symptom of a larger problem.

We can conclude that dark spots in the armpits appear due to various reasons. You can fight them with home remedies that are always at hand, and following the rules of skin care guarantees long-lasting results.

Video: how to whiten dark underarm skin

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Every woman always strives to look perfect. Many people are familiar with the situation when the skin in the armpit area darkens. This defect can be corrected using salon procedures, whitening cream or folk remedies. Each of these methods has its own advantages.

Ways to lighten armpit skin

Dark spots in the armpit area significantly spoil a woman’s appearance, especially if she prefers to wear revealing clothes. There are many products that can solve this cosmetic problem and whiten delicate skin, take at least these small tricks:

  • For depilation, it is better to use wax or sugaring rather than use a razor. Unlike other methods of getting rid of unwanted hair, shaving traumatizes the skin and contributes to its rapid darkening.
  • Try not to use solid antiperspirants too often. Such products not only block sweating, but also clog pores and can lead to darkening of the skin and inflammation of the hair follicles.
  • Shower regularly. Wash your armpits at least two to three times a day, especially if it's hot outside or you're playing sports.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics. It helps prevent excessive sweating and darkening of the areas under the arms.

Folk remedies

Most folk recipes are based on the use of accessible and simple ingredients. Armpit whitening at home is not considered the fastest way to get rid of a cosmetic defect, but it is safer compared to popular salon procedures and chemicals. Traditional medicine knows many plants that quickly eliminate age spots. Among them: cucumber, lemon, viburnum, cranberry, parsley.

In home armpit care, you can also use products from the pharmacy, such as hydrogen peroxide, zinc ointment, ascorbic acid, and white clay. Try different methods and choose the one that suits you best. Popular recipes:

Product name

How to cook

How to use

Frequency of application


Baking soda

Mix 2 tbsp. l. soda with a few drops of water so that you get the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the mixture to the armpit. Leave for 5-7 minutes.

2-3 times a week.

Whitens as a natural exfoliant can be used to exfoliate dead skin cells.

Lemon acid

Take one fresh lemon, cut in half, squeeze out the juice.

Using a cotton pad, apply lemon juice to your armpits. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. Immediately after the procedure, apply moisturizer.

In one day.

Lemon juice quickly whitens age spots and disinfects the skin.


Grate half a medium potato tuber on a fine grater. Lightly squeeze out the juice.

Apply mashed potatoes to the bleaching area and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

2 times a day.

Whitens and softens the skin.

Grind half a cucumber in a blender. Squeeze out the excess cucumber juice, add ½ tsp to the gruel. lemon juice and 1 tsp. chopped parsley.

Apply the mask to the armpit area. Leave for 15 minutes

Twice a day.

Moisturizes and brightens the armpit area.

Orange peel

Grind the dried orange peels, add kefir and rose water to them in proportions 1:2:1.

Apply the mask to the skin, hold for 15 minutes.

Every day.

Used as a mild cleanser and whitening agent. Eliminates unpleasant sweat odor.

Milk with flour and cottage cheese

Mix all ingredients in proportions: 2 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 2 tsp. cottage cheese.

Apply the mask to the armpit area for 15 minutes. Wash with soapy water.

In one day.

Brightens and moisturizes the epidermis.

Apply some apple cider vinegar to a cotton pad.

Wipe the problem areas with a cotton pad.

Twice a day.

Whitens, eliminates sweat odor.

Chickpeas with turmeric and yogurt

Mix 1 tbsp. l. ground chickpeas, with a pinch of turmeric and 1 tsp. yogurt.

Apply the mixture to your armpits for 30 minutes.

Every day.

The mask neutralizes unpleasant odors, whitens, and blocks sweat receptors.

How to choose the right whitening cream

To get rid of dark spots in home care, you can use whitening lotions, masks, and creams. To choose the right product, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • A good whitening cream for armpits should contain substances that block the production of tyrosine, an enzyme that, when oxidized, synthesizes the pigment melanin. These components include:
  1. arbutin;
  2. kojic acid;
  3. ascorbic acid;
  4. lactic acid;
  5. hydroquinone;
  6. niacinamide;
  7. deoxyarbutin;
  8. fruit acids.
  • Before purchasing, consult a dermatologist. Perhaps the reason for the appearance of dark spots lies in the disruption of the internal organs and a cream is not needed to solve it.
  • When choosing, be sure to take into account your skin type, age, and the presence of skin problems (irritation, redness, excessive sweating). For those with sensitive skin, a cream with the addition of natural soothing ingredients is more suitable.

The best products for lightening the skin of the armpits - top 5

The range of ready-made whitening products is impressive, so as not to get confused when choosing, read in advance the rating of the best products, according to customers:

Cream name

Active ingredients

Method, duration of use

Price, rubles

Nivea whitening roll-on deodorant with powder effect

Kaolin powder obtained by processing white clay

Shake and apply to the armpit area 1 time/day.

Natura Siberica Whitening body cream "Lingonberry"

Amur lingonberry, SabiWhite substance complex, Japanese sophora, Asian yarrow, retinol.

Apply to dry body with gentle movements.

LadyKin White Illuminating Body Cream

Bamboo extract, allantoin, papaya extract, hyaluronic acid, rambutan extract, niacinamide.

Apply a small amount of bleach to dry, clean skin.

Women often feel embarrassed about dark armpit skin and wear long sleeves to hide the problem. But dark circles are not the norm. Hyperpigmentation requires detailed study and elimination of the causes. The problem arises due to internal disorders, frequent shaving, synthetic clothing and a negative reaction to deodorants. To eliminate cosmetic defects, many resort to gentle skin whitening. The best way to deal with darkening is with pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine recipes.

Methods for lightening dark skin

Traditional recipes have a proven effect. Homemade scrubs, ointments and lotions are used for whitening. Let's name reliable and proven methods:

Means Application
Lemon juice Women use lemon to treat their armpits. Simply rub the pulp onto the pigmented area and leave to dry. If the skin is prone to irritation and dryness, then lemon juice is mixed with sugar. For half a glass of juice, take a full tablespoon of sugar. Apply for 15 minutes to cleansed skin and rinse with warm water.
Hydrogen peroxide The concentration of the drug is selected taking into account sensitivity. Apply a cotton pad to the armpits and wash off after 10 minutes. Repeat until the desired result is achieved.
Potato A slice of raw potato is used to treat the skin; you can use gruel or juice from the root vegetable. After 20 minutes, wash off the armpits with water.
White clay It is diluted with water until creamy, applied to the skin, kept for 20 minutes, and washed off. The procedure is repeated twice a week.
Milk Used for baths and local treatment. The whitening effect does not appear immediately, but the overall condition of the skin improves and irritation disappears. Apply a cotton pad soaked in milk to the armpits and wash off after 20-30 minutes.
Honey and lemon The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, a little oatmeal and turmeric are added until it becomes sour cream. Leave for 10 minutes. The product has a whitening and scrubbing effect.
Activated carbon 4-6 charcoal tablets are crushed, mixed with liquid honey, rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes, and washed off with warm water. Aspirin works similarly. Acetylsalicylic acid has a whitening effect, and honey eliminates irritation, nourishes and softens
Toothpaste Use a whitening paste, but without abrasive particles. Mint paste will eliminate not only pigmentation, but also unpleasant odor. Rub the product in for 2-5 minutes and rinse off.
Soda It is diluted with water to a thick sour cream, applied to the skin and washed off after 3 minutes.

After the lightening procedure The skin of the armpits is softened with a nourishing cream to avoid dryness, flaking and discomfort.

As for professional whitening products, the effectiveness has been proven:

  • South Beach Skin Solutions™– a hypoallergenic cream that allows you to whiten any areas of the body, including the intimate area and elbows;
  • Easy Spa– a thick cream that is used twice a day. Lightens, deodorizes, softens the skin;
  • Alen Mak Akhromin– eliminates darkening of any etiology: freckles, age spots, tan marks.

Ready-made cosmetics relieve excessive sweating, disinfect and prevent inflammation after depilation. Before using bleach, you need to do an allergy test.

Eliminating the cause of pigmentation

If there are no health problems, but there are yellow spots on your armpits, then you should think about changing your deodorant or body care cosmetics. With hyperhidrosis, you need to pay more attention to personal hygiene, and not to drugs that mask the problem. Take a shower twice a day, and after completing the water procedures, the skin is rinsed with acidified water. Add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the water.

  1. To ensure that the tan applies evenly and does not leave spots on the skin, it is recommended to regularly exfoliate your armpits with gentle ingredients. For example, applesauce, which needs to be rubbed into the skin using a soft cloth. The product exfoliates dead cells and kills germs.
  2. If the problem lies in a negative reaction to depilatory creams or razors, then you need to choose a different method of hair removal. After depilation with a razor, pigment spots and black columns, ingrown hairs and irritation appear. Although hardware depilation is expensive, it will cause less harm to the skin than a conventional machine.
  3. The armpit area needs delicate care. If you are hypersensitive, you should replace alkaline detergents with soft cosmetics: moisturizing milk, natural-based gel soap.
  4. High and narrow armholes on clothing cause unwanted friction. As a result, the armpits become injured, and constant irritation leads to changes in skin color. Loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials will eliminate this problem.

The presented whitening methods will help maintain the beauty of your armpit skin. But without eliminating the causes, it will not be possible to solve the problem radically. Hyperpigmentation due to hormonal disorders and other health problems will go away only after treatment of the underlying disease.

Many girls have to give up stylish open tops because of dark armpits. Darkening of the armpit area is caused by various factors. To solve the problem, you can take the advice of a dermatologist or use folk remedies. In this article you will learn what to do to restore the whiteness and beauty of your armpits.

Why are my armpits dark - what causes dark spots?

There are many reasons for the appearance of dark spots in the armpit area. The most common of these are hormonal changes in the body, as well as the aging process. However, there are other causes of dark armpits that you need to know to make the treatment as effective as possible.

  • Shaving. As a result of frequent shaving of the armpits, the skin becomes rougher, irritation and ingrown hairs occur. Therefore, we recommend giving preference to other methods of removing unwanted hair in this area.
  • Depilation. Depilatory creams, although they get rid of hair in this area, contain chemical components that cause darkening of the skin over time.
  • Excessive sweating. Another common cause of dark underarms is excessive sweating and poor ventilation in the area. Therefore, you should avoid wearing very tight clothing in case of excessive sweating.
  • Use of alcohol deodorants. Darkening of the armpits is often caused by the use of alcohol-based deodorants. Therefore, with regular use, the skin will gradually change shade.
  • Dead cells. Each cell of the body dies and a new one is formed in its place. This also applies to skin cells. Dead cells form in the underarm area, giving the skin a darker color. To solve this problem, it is best to use scrubs or other products.
  • Acanthosis nigricans. One of the symptoms of obesity or diabetes is acanthosis nigricans. This condition is associated with hyperpigmentation in the folds of the skin.
  • Smoking. Quite often, spots in the armpit area occur in smokers. This condition is called smoker's melanosis and is an excessive accumulation of melanin in tissues. Goes away when you quit smoking.
  • Melasma. Uneven pigmentation most often occurs during pregnancy. It may also be a consequence of taking hormonal contraceptives or hormone therapy.
  • Addison's disease. A disease that causes darkening of the skin that is not exposed to ultraviolet rays.

According to research by dermatologists, almost half of women are dissatisfied with the skin of their armpits. Advice from dermatologists will help you not only maintain your skin in perfect condition, but also get rid of dark spots in this area.

The main product for armpit skin hygiene is deodorant. His choice should be taken very carefully. It makes no difference whether you use a spray, roll-on deodorant or stick. The main thing is that the product does not contain parabens, which dry out the skin and cause darkening of the armpit area. The formula of deodorants should be hypoallergenic. It is also recommended that the product contains licorice root, which prevents darkening of the skin.

  1. To cleanse the skin of your armpits, use only detergents for sensitive skin.
  2. Lather and rinse skin thoroughly. Pat your skin dry with a towel. It is damp skin that causes the growth of bacteria, skin rashes and other problems.
  3. Use deodorant. It should be applied in a thin layer.

Carry out this procedure at least twice a day.

An important condition for healthy and beautiful armpit skin is proper hair removal. Regardless of the hair removal method you choose, there are general rules that will help maintain the beauty and health of the underarm area.

  • Before removing unwanted hair, the skin must be perfectly clean and dry. To clean it, you should not use antibacterial bar soap, otherwise you will dry out the skin. It is better to give preference to liquid detergent.
  • If you use a razor or tweezers to remove hair, disinfect them.
  • All hair removal products and preparations must be of good quality.
  • Hair can only be removed in the direction of growth. If you remove hair against the grain, germs can enter the pores, causing redness, inflammation, and clogged pores. This is what causes darkening of the skin.
  • After removing hair, be sure to moisturize your skin. An excellent option is a deodorant with moisturizing ingredients.

How to remove dark armpits at home - folk remedies

You can also use folk remedies to lighten the skin of your armpits. They are quite effective, affordable and at the same time completely safe for health.

The most effective and popular procedures at home:

  • Lemon. A universal skin lightening product. Can also be used to whiten the skin of the armpits. Just rub half a lemon on your skin after a shower.
  • Kefir. Kefir is also an excellent remedy for whitening armpits. It contains beneficial ingredients that reduce dark spots and heal the skin. It is enough to apply kefir to cleansed skin and rinse with warm water.
  • Baking soda and chickpea flour. Using these components, you can prepare a natural scrub to remove dead skin cells. To prepare it, mix a little soda with chickpea flour and natural yogurt.
  • Turmeric. To prepare a lightening paste, mix turmeric with lemon juice. Use daily after an evening shower until dark spots disappear.
  • Sandalwood paste. One of the most effective remedies against dark spots. Regular use of sandalwood paste not only brightens the skin, but also eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat and relieves irritation after removing unwanted hair.
  • Rice vinegar and flour. To prepare the paste, mix rice flour with a small amount of rice vinegar and apply for 10 minutes. This product brightens the skin and makes it fresh and velvety.
  • Cucumber juice. To prepare a brightening lotion, you need to grind the cucumber using a blender and give the juice. Use the juice with a small amount of turmeric to rub the armpit area daily.
  • Honey. To soften and whiten your skin, apply a thin layer of honey and lemon juice to your underarms. Then take a shower and moisturize your skin with lotion.
  • Potato. Potatoes are also a natural bleach. Therefore, you should prepare potato juice and apply it to clean skin for 20-25 minutes. For optimal results, use potato juice daily.
  • Coconut oil. The optimal product for lightening the skin of the armpit, as well as reducing the odor of sweat. You should use coconut oil after taking a shower.
  • Talc. If darkening of the skin occurs as a result of using alcohol deodorants, it is recommended to use talc. It will keep your skin dry and clean, but at the same time protect your armpits from darkening.

Stay Healthy – What You Should Know When Trying to Solve Dark Spot Problems

To solve the problem of dark armpits, it is not enough to use cosmetics and home remedies. You must change certain habits to solve the problem of dark spots in your armpits permanently. These habits include:

  1. Using alcohol-based deodorants. They not only cause skin irritation, but also make the skin dark and unkempt over time. Give preference to alcohol-free deodorants for sensitive skin.
  2. Ditch the razor. Shaving the underarm area causes irritation and darkening of the skin. Therefore, it is better to remove unwanted hair with wax.
  3. Natural clothes. We recommend avoiding clothing made from synthetic fabrics that are poorly ventilated. It is better to wear only cotton clothes and underwear.
  4. Comfortable and loose clothing. Do not wear tight clothing to ensure good ventilation in the armpit area. If your clothes are too tight, you can get irritated.

Many women have dark armpits. Some ladies do not pay any attention to this, but for others this problem causes self-doubt, especially in the summer, when you want to open your shoulders and arms as much as possible. But the situation is quite possible to change.

Reasons why armpits darken

Darkening of the skin in the armpits can be caused by many factors.


Removing hair in the armpit area has long been a natural procedure, like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. This is dictated primarily by hygienic requirements. Drops of sweat are retained on the hairs in the armpits, which is an ideal environment for the proliferation of microflora, the waste products of which give off an unpleasant odor. In addition, the aesthetic side is also in favor of removing hair from the armpit area.

Frequent use of a razor may cause your skin to darken.

Systematic shaving of hair, waxing or sugar depilation leads to the fact that the skin is constantly exposed to external mechanical stress during procedures. . The skin regularly receives microtraumas. The result is a change in its color.

Depilation in the armpit is the most common cause of darkening of the skin.

Health problems

Sometimes the color of the skin in the armpits darkens due to certain ailments in the body. These may be hormonal changes caused by diseases of the endocrine system, against which skin pigmentation may appear in any area of ​​the body, including in the armpits.

Pathologies of the nerve endings of the autonomic nervous system often cause increased sweating. The consequence of these processes is darkening of the skin.

With obesity, the skin rubs against each other a lot, which affects the change in their color, and when sweat is secreted, this problem is even more aggravated.

Application of cosmetics

Now it is difficult to imagine a modern person who would not use deodorants (sprays, roll-ons or solids) to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The components included in deodorants often cause dark armpits.

However, in most cases they contain perfumes that cause darkening of the skin..


Many girls, trying to emphasize the advantages of their figure, prefer to wear tight clothes. But in this case, it’s worth thinking about the fact that tight-fitting fabric creates additional friction on the skin..

In addition, under certain conditions (active movements, excessively warm rooms, stressful situations), the humidity in the armpits may increase, and then friction becomes much more significant. As a result, the skin becomes injured and begins to react by changing color.

It is also important what material the clothes are made from. Darkening of the skin in the armpit is often a reaction to synthetic fabrics.

Artificial fabric does not allow air to pass through well. The body, accordingly, begins to regulate body temperature, preventing it from overheating, and sweat is released much more intensely. More moisture appears in the armpits, the tissue becomes wet, and additional friction with the skin is created, which provokes darkening of the armpits.

Measures to prevent discoloration of armpits

If the cause is known, the consequence of which may be darkening of the armpits, then it must be eliminated, and then the problem will not arise at all. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should strictly follow the rules for various types of depilation in order to minimize skin injury. If this does not help, and your armpits still darken, you need to think about other methods of hair removal (for example, laser or photoepilation);
  • since it is impossible to exclude the use of deodorant cosmetics, it is necessary to select deodorants without perfume components that cause darkening of the skin, or switch to the use of environmentally friendly and recently fashionable crystals of freshness;
  • When choosing clothes, you should give preference to natural fabrics. As for models, you need to choose things with a free sleeve opening to eliminate unwanted friction;
  • You need to take care of your health, and if certain problems are identified, be sure to contact qualified specialists who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Skin whitening at home

If the skin in the armpits has acquired a dark shade and differs unfavorably from the main shade of the skin, then this problem can be solved with the help of special whitening creams or folk remedies.

Ready-made lightening compounds

Manufacturers of many whitening creams claim that the use of their products will not only lighten the skin of the armpits, but also prevent further darkening. Many of them claim that the product can act as a deodorant and also carefully care for the skin, since plant extracts and other active ingredients are added to its composition.

It is easy to use ready-made creams. The product should be applied twice a day to dry and clean skin. In this case, after applying the cream, the skin should be massaged for 1 minute. Then rinse off the composition with warm water.

Among consumers, the most popular whitening products are ISME whitening under arm cream with green tea, Beauty Skin cream, and A’PIEU Deo Armpit Brightener.

Gallery: whitening creams for armpits

Beauty Skin 2-in-1 helps to significantly brighten the underarm area, renew skin cells, revealing new, bright and clear skin
Regular use of the cream makes your skin smooth, lightens darkened skin, regulates sweating and destroys bacteria that cause unpleasant odor.
The product contains green tea extract, which provides skin care

Traditional methods

Among the available products you can find many whitening ingredients that effectively lighten the skin.


The use of scrubs allows you to remove the stratum corneum of the skin, activate blood microcirculation and thereby help renew skin cells. If the scrub contains whitening components, its effectiveness will increase significantly.

  1. Baking soda solution. Soda is often used in cosmetology to lighten skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc. Therefore, it can be used in whitening armpits. Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. water until you get a thick paste. Apply the scrub in a circular motion to the problem area and massage for 3 minutes. Then rinse off the product with warm water, wipe the skin dry and moisturize with cream.

    Baking soda has long been known for its whitening properties.

  2. Lemon scrub. To prepare it, take 100 ml of fresh lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Mix the ingredients and massage the resulting mixture into your armpits. After 2–3 minutes. Rinse off the product and apply moisturizer to dry skin. In this composition, lemon acts as a bleach and sugar acts as an abrasive.

    The brightening properties of lemon help tidy up your armpits.

  3. Activated carbon with honey. Activated carbon is a powerful sorbent and is often used as a bleach in cosmetology. Honey gently cares for the skin of the armpits, saturates it with nutritional components and promotes regeneration processes. Grind 2 tablets of coal into powder and add 1 tsp. honey. Treat the armpits with the mixture for 3 minutes, rinse with water and moisturize.

    The sorbing properties of coal can solve the problem of darkening of the skin

Application of other components

You can whiten your skin at home using milder means than a scrub, especially since you can only use it a couple of times a week.

The following ingredients should be used daily to effectively lighten the skin of your armpits.

  1. Sea buckthorn oil has a powerful whitening effect. Cosmetologists recommend applying it to age spots and freckles. Therefore, the product will effectively cope with the task of lightening the skin of the armpits. Sea buckthorn oil should be applied to the skin 2 times a day. After 15 min. After application, rinse off with warm water.
  2. Potatoes contain acids that help lighten the skin. It is recommended to lubricate your armpits twice a day with a cut slice of potato or potato juice. After 15–20 minutes. After treatment, wash the depressions with warm water.
  3. Milk has long been used for white skin. Everyone is well aware of Cleopatra’s milk bath, and Russian beauties also washed their faces with milk. To lighten the skin of the armpits, milk should be heated to 36–37 °C, soak cloth napkins in it, squeeze lightly and apply to the armpits for 20 minutes.
  4. Cucumber mask with boric acid contains two brightening components. Grate a 10 cm cucumber on a fine grater along with the skin, add 0.5 tsp to the cucumber mixture. boric acid and hold the resulting mixture for 3 minutes. in a water bath. The warm mass should be placed on two double gauze napkins and applied to the armpits for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the skin with water and moisturize with cream.
  5. Parsley juice effectively removes freckles and pigmentation on the skin. To whiten the armpits, the skin should be lubricated with freshly squeezed parsley juice twice a day. You need to wash off the product from the skin with warm water after 15–20 minutes.
  6. Apple pulp contains pectins and acids, which not only lighten the skin, but also have a bactericidal effect, thereby suppressing the smell of sweat. Grate one medium apple on a fine grater, rub the resulting puree into the armpits and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and moisturize the skin.
  7. Many people use coconut oil to whiten teeth. But its lightening properties will help tidy up your armpits. The skin is lubricated with creamy coconut oil 2 times a day. After 10–15 minutes. The product must be washed off with warm water. In addition to lightening, coconut oil also gently cares for the skin - nourishes and moisturizes it.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide is used in cosmetology to bleach hair because it has the ability to destroy color pigments. To lighten the armpits, the skin should be lubricated with peroxide 2 times a day. In 10 minutes. After application, rinse off the product and be sure to moisturize the skin.
  9. Apple cider vinegar contains a lot of fruit acids, meaning it is effective in removing dark spots. Mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, lubricate the skin with the solution and rinse after 5 minutes. Then treat the skin with moisturizer.