
How to recognize women? Psychotypes of women. Types of women according to Jung


In fact, men are omnivores in love, it’s not for nothing that they say: “There is a lid for every pot.” But still, there are 10 types of women who are especially preferred by men, depending on the personal characteristics of the latter. Find out if you are in this top ten...


A kind of Lolita, naive, romantic and playful. She looks younger than her years, loves curls, pink, bows and ruffles. She rejoices in every little thing, whether it is a rose or a pleasant word. Often attracts strong men who need someone to patronize and take care of someone. However, often men prefer such girls because they are something like a dough from which you can fashion a future ideal wife, that is, completely customize it for yourself.

2. Sexy vamp

Like it or not, men have always been and will be driven by the basic instinct. A sexy fatal beauty will always attract the attention of any man, but whether he sees her as a future wife and mother of his children is another question. Men are terrible owners, and they usually want to see the sexuality of their soulmate open only for themselves.

3. Gray mouse

A decent, shy and inexperienced girl. Outwardly inconspicuous, but it is in such women that men find future wives and mothers for their children. Very often, the stronger sex prefers such gray mice to bright and liberated beauties.

4. Mommy

Mommy women, caring, experienced and ready to take on some of the problems, are usually preferred by infantile and inexperienced men who did not receive maternal warmth in childhood. Here a woman should think about whether she needs such a “Big Child” and whether she is ready to take responsibility for him.

5. Mysterious Lady

Men love understatement in women - this is a fact. When a girl becomes an "open book" for them, she often ceases to be interesting. There should always be a share of mystery and mystery in it, but you should not overdo it with this either. Otherwise, it will look like a lack of trust in a man.

6. Fighting girlfriend

Here, as in Nekrasov: "... he will stop a galloping horse, he will enter a burning hut ...". He is actively involved in far from female sports, is interested in motorcycles, can hammer a nail without outside help and fix a faucet in the kitchen. Men love active women, but, in any case, you need to let him know that he is stronger.

7. Bitch

She knows how to bring to white heat, but it is never boring with her. Has a healthy dose of depravity. However, in everyday life it is better not to demonstrate it, but to leave it for bed, since a man is unlikely to like a rude “husband” next to him.


She solves her problems herself, achieves everything herself, does not need outside help, etc. It is beneficial for men to be with such ladies, however, sometimes you need to let him feel that he is stronger and give him the opportunity to help you.

9. Kid

She is her boyfriend, she will support the conversation about football and racing, she will understand truly male humor, she will not fix her hair every five minutes. Men are comfortable with them, however, femininity should not be forgotten either.

10. Superstar

Luxurious, unattainable, inaccessible. Everyone admires her, however, few people have the courage to approach her. Often superstars remain only male unrealized fantasies, so they themselves need to be able to show signs of attention to the men they like.

We found out the main types that men like, however, I can say that certain pronounced types of women in real life are not often found, usually several types coexist in us at the same time. If you do not find yourself on this list, do not go to extremes and pose as a sexy lady, you risk looking comical and inappropriate. Be yourself, appreciate your individuality and others will appreciate it too!

Most sexologists now distinguish several forms of the female orgasm. According to the localization of orgasm: four physiological forms - clitoral, vaginal, uterine(orgasm of the cervix, or cervical), perineal and several pathological oral, rectal(anal) nipple.

Orgasm- a complex psychophysiological process, the foundations of which lie in the corresponding processes in the brain. Excitation of specific pleasure zones of the brain leads to an objective manifestation of orgasm. The inclusion of these zones occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the female genital organs.

The motor activity of the woman's body and its individual parts resembles convulsions. In some cases, the body tenses and stretches, possibly raising the pelvis and arching the body like an arc (with support on the back of the head and heels), the arms are tense and stretched out, the jaws are clenched, the eyes are tightly closed. In other cases, the body bends, wriggles, beats, makes throwing movements, arms and legs scatter, make sharp chaotic movements, the head spins in different directions. All this is accompanied by sound phenomena (screams, screams, sobs, moans, creaking of teeth, as well as sounds muffled by volitional effort or spasm of the speech muscles, groans, sighs, etc.).

Sometimes separate words and incoherent phrases break out. There is a spasm, i.e., a rather sharp contraction of the muscles of the vagina, uterus, perineum and other muscles of the small pelvis. Usually, a young woman who has not given birth with well-developed muscles has 2-3 strong spasms and several weak ones that gradually fade. In women with weaker muscles, older in age, who gave birth, only one strong spasm and 1-2 weak ones are possible. All of these spasms can be felt by a man's penis.

The increase in discharge into the vagina is sometimes so sharp that the penis loses the feeling of the walls of the vagina, as if "floating" in it. In rare cases, a large amount of fluid even pours out.

During true orgasm, a woman's breast nipples swell and harden (nipple erection).

The totality of all signs is an external, objective picture of the physiological orgasm of women. The subjective inner picture can be described based on their stories. Many women note a feeling of intense heat in the lower abdomen, in the genitals and in the depths of the vagina, a kind of heat wave in these areas, a feeling of a blow in the depths of the small pelvis or painfully sweet spasm, squeezing inside, in the depths of the genitals.

Everything described concerns a relatively simple type of female orgasm, namely the physiological orgasm. Such an orgasm is more or less regularly observed in three-quarters of women who are sexually active. The most common is the so-called clitoral type of orgasm.

How important is the so-called "anatomical correspondence" of the genitals of a man and a woman for a woman to get an orgasm?

The size of the genital organs in sexology and in society has always been given great importance. In reality, however, the situation is much more prosaic. First of all, for a fully valuable sexual life in all respects, a particularly large penis is not required.

As you know, four types of orgasm are possible in women, and with three of them (clitoral, vaginal and perineal), the size of the penis does not matter. With the fourth type of orgasm - cervical (uterine) - a certain length of the penis is necessary, but even then it is very moderate, since the cervix of the uterus in most women is relatively shallow.

There is no relationship between the overall dimensions of the body, in particular the height and size of the penis, in a man and the volume of the vagina in a woman. Anatomical discrepancy can occur only with a roughly pronounced pathology of the vagina (underdevelopment of it, cicatricial narrowing after injuries, burns). In other cases, the genitals of a man and a woman represent a functional system in which the vagina can be significantly stretched with a large penis and, conversely, shrinking tightly around a small penis.

What is a clitoral orgasm?

It used to be that this type of orgasm was reserved for very young women, and as they get older, the orgasm moves into the vagina. However, it is not. A clitoral orgasm can be characteristic of any woman, regardless of her age, physique, etc.

Clitoral stimulation is required to produce a clitoral orgasm. Women who have a clitoral orgasm can hardly get it in the usual, most common position in Europe. At the same time, the clitoris remains outside the field of irritation during frictions.

During normal intercourse, the necessary irritation of the clitoris is achieved by its contact with the back of the penis, for which it is necessary to enter the penis at a certain angle (from top to bottom). This is possible with a normal distance of the clitoris from the entrance to the vagina (about 2.5 cm). If the clitoris is located higher, then the penis does not reach it. In this case, it is necessary either to change the position of sexual intercourse, or to apply titillation (small monotonous irritating movements) of the clitoris with a finger, both in the preparatory period and during intercourse.

The head of the clitoris is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, so irritation with his hand should be very light, gentle. Sometimes it is helpful to lubricate your fingers with petroleum jelly or moisten your finger by inserting it into the vagina beforehand. With excessive sensitivity of the head of the clitoris, irritating effects with a finger can be transferred higher, to the body or tail. These parts of the clitoris are deeper, and therefore a more dramatic impact is acceptable.

Women with a clitoral type of orgasm are not suitable for intercourse from behind. The following position is more acceptable: after the beginning of coitus in the classical position, move the legs, then the penis irritates the clitoris with each friction. In this case, the husband and wife can change places - the husband is below, and the wife is above. An objective sign of a clitoral orgasm is a significant increase in the size of the clitoris (erection), an increase in its temperature.

How does a vaginal orgasm occur?

The second type of female orgasm is vaginal. In this case, the lower third of the anterior wall of the vagina serves as an erogenous field, which requires a special technique of sexual intercourse, which consists in closely pressing the glans penis against the anterior wall of the vagina during frictions.

In addition, special “small” frictions are also practiced, i.e., shallow, capturing only the lower part of the vagina. In this case, the impact on the lower third of the anterior wall of the vagina is enhanced ("Spanish" sexual intercourse). There are also cases of combined orgasm, that is, clitoral-vaginal. In the preliminary period of caresses in women, it is effective to irritate the clitoris and the anterior wall of the vagina with the hand at the same time, and during intercourse - the simultaneous impact on both erogenous zones with the penis or hand.

For any form of orgasm, the maximum overflow of the cavernous bodies with blood is necessary, and the lower part of the vagina is precisely covered by muscles closely associated with the cavernous bodies. By contracting these muscles, a woman not only enhances the filling of her own cavernous bodies - squeezing the base of a man's penis during intercourse, but also impedes the outflow of blood from his cavernous bodies, sharply increasing her husband's erection and creating additional pleasant sensations for him.

Unfortunately, the work of these most important muscles for orgasm is not always complete. On the one hand, in some women they are weak, and on the other hand, there are women who do not know how to use them properly. The task of a sexologist in both cases is to teach a woman how to use these muscles.

The power of any striated muscle increases with exercise, so we give some frigid women homework - special sexological gymnastics: daily repeatedly compress the main muscle - the vaginal constrictor, and if a woman does not know how to do this, we advise you to retract the anus.

The lower third of the vagina and the muscles of the perineum play an important role in the formation of an orgasm. These muscle parts, when tensed, form the orgasmic cuff. Objectively, the vaginal orgasm is expressed in 5-12 contractions of this cuff with an interval of 0.8 seconds. After orgasm, the cuff and the walls of the vagina quickly relax. With a vaginal form of orgasm, a woman can get sexual satisfaction in any position.

What is the peculiarity of the uterine orgasm?

During this type of orgasm, uterine contractions begin at the bottom of the uterus and move to the body and lower segment. The strength of uterine contractions is equal to the strength of orgasm. This orgasm is characterized by the so-called "suction effect", in which the cervix seems to stick to the upper part of the vagina. Then the uterus returns to its original position.

With the uterine form of orgasm, a woman needs irritation of the cervix with the penis. The penis may not reach the cervix if it is short, or vice versa if the vagina is too large. In these cases, it is necessary that sexual intercourse takes place in a position where the woman lies on her back and pulls her legs to her stomach, which significantly shortens the vagina. It is also possible that the man lies on his back, and the woman squats on top.

With various types of deviations, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bnot located in the posterior fornix, but "looks" forward. In order to "put the uterus in place", you can again change the position, apply gynecological massage and knee-elbow breathing exercises. In this case, it is also better to recommend sexual intercourse in a position where the woman lies on her stomach or on her side. In this position, the penis does not fall into the posterior fornix, but into the anterior one, as in the knee-elbow position of a woman.

With excessive obesity of a woman, coitus is possible only in the back position on the side with the legs strongly bent at the hip joints or in the knee-elbow position of the woman. The same position is almost the only one possible with excessive obesity in men.

The technique of sexual intercourse with this type of orgasm is that the man produces deep frictions, rhythmically affecting the cervix and posterior fornix. And in this case, strong blows to the neck should be avoided.

What is a perineal orgasm? The fourth type of orgasm is perineal. It occurs much less frequently. The corresponding nerve impulses come from the perineum when it comes into a state of vibration. Women with this type of orgasm sometimes experience it while riding a horse, cycling or motorcycle. The technique of sexual intercourse in this case consists in the impact of the head of the penis on the back wall of the vagina in its lower segment.

How do you feel about imitation of orgasm by women?

The widespread phenomenon of imitation is especially often observed in women instead of the orgastic period. A woman imitates an orgasm with the means available to her, thereby solving some socio-psychological problems. She wants to prove her sexual usefulness to her partner (if she tends to regard herself as a "cold" woman). She wants to convince her partner that he is a complete man, if this is important to her. She wants to prevent his aggression (reproaches, reprimands) if she thinks that the partner will blame her for not engaging in sexual intercourse. She wants to prevent a reaction of self-blame and despair from a partner in the event that she assumes that such a reaction will interfere with their further relationship. In short, the imitation of orgasm is a complex and responsible action of a woman, to which she attaches great importance. However, this widespread female action is misguided.

Most of the listed problems and tasks facing a woman can be solved in a different, “open”, but tactful way, namely, a joint friendly search for shortcomings in technology and psychological communication, a friendly construction of a true orgasm that connects both partners. As already mentioned, only that part of the manifestations of orgasm is available for imitation, which is amenable to arbitrary or conscious regulation.

Is it possible to achieve simultaneous orgasm of a man and a woman?

For sexual harmony, it is desirable that the orgasm of a man and a woman coincide in time, and if she has an orgastic series, the coincidence of a man's orgasm with the last orgasm of a woman is desirable. A perfect match is not always necessary. If the woman is already in the pre-orgasmic period, then the man after ejaculation should not remove the penis from the vagina for a few more seconds without making frictions, and the woman will automatically have an orgasm after the pre-orgasmic period. If simply waiting is still not enough for a woman to have an orgasm, a man can immediately stimulate a woman after ejaculation in some other way, for example, with his hand, etc.

What is a psycho-emotional orgasm?

Psycho-emotional orgasm is much less common in both men and women. In fact, this is a complex psycho-physiological experience that unfolds on the basis of a simpler, elementary, physiological orgasm. The probability of the onset of a psycho-emotional orgasm depends on the emotional make-up of a person, his general culture, the ability to express emotional experiences in general: delight, ecstatic states. We can say that the frequency and quality of psycho-emotional orgasm have a significant social conditionality of the general way of life of people. In the era of sentimentalism or romanticism, psycho-emotional orgasm was probably more common.

The emergence of a psycho-emotional orgasm in both a man and a woman depends on the type of attitude of a man to the image of a woman in general, on his assessment of this image, the value of a woman in life. At a time when a woman is an object of worship for a man, an ideal of beauty, moral perfection, such a complex of emotions arises that contributes to the onset of a psycho-emotional orgasm in both partners. It has long been noticed that the emotional state of a man during intercourse contributes to both the excitation of a woman and her inhibition, depending on the nature of these emotions.

Psycho-emotional orgasm can be psychologically interpreted as a significant narrowing of the field of consciousness of both partners. Against this background, an emotional upsurge occurs in the form of an ecstatic state with the appearance of brightly colored fantasies and even with impaired perception (feeling of flight, weightlessness, any changes in one's body, etc.). The leading emotion at this time is the experience of happiness, joy, liberation. At the same time, the content of emotional experiences in men and women is different. So, a man has a “motive of mastery”, up to “devouring a woman”.

A man, as it were, completely merges with a woman, taking her into the depths of his soul. This is also consistent with the most common words in this situation that a man pronounces, for example: “I will eat you without a trace”, “you are mine”, etc. a man, dissolves in him. This state corresponds to such words as “take all of me”, “I am yours”, “do with me what you want”, etc. The emotion of bestowal is manifested not only in words, but also in gestures, as if belittling, giving oneself man.

How many orgasms can a woman experience in one sexual intercourse?

Approximately 20% of women have a need during the same sexual intercourse to have not one, but three or four orgasms in a row. This means that for them the concept of satisfaction and saturation are different. Each orgasm brings satisfaction, but only their combination leads to saturation, that is, to the disappearance of a further need for orgasm. This phenomenon is called the orgastic series. It is absolutely normal. This must be emphasized, because some men, and sometimes women, consider it a manifestation of some disease, and men, in addition, a manifestation of the woman's licentiousness or depravity. Of course, the husband or long-term partner of a woman should be aware of her orgastic series and, taking this into account, build his sexual relationship with her.

What happens to a woman's body after intercourse? Sexual arousal of a woman and after full saturation decreases gradually. In this regard, she painfully reacts to the sexual indifference of a man, which occurs after the end of sexual intercourse.

There are a lot of complaints that men quickly move on to everyday prosaic conversations or fall asleep. In fact, these complaints express the woman's need for the so-called post-coital caresses, that is, for the caresses of a man after intercourse. These caresses should not be of an exciting nature, therefore they do not boil down to irritation of erogenous zones, but, on the contrary, consist in influencing the non-erogenous parts of a woman's body.

The psychological content of these caresses is an expression of gratitude, tenderness, emotional looseness. At the same time, a woman in the period of postcoital caresses expresses gratitude to the man and appreciates him as a sexual partner. Indeed, every man during and after intercourse has a hidden need to receive a tactful assessment of his actions from a woman.

It contributes to his self-affirmation, but at the same time, he becomes especially vulnerable to reproaches and generally disapproving statements. That is why, when we recommend that a woman carry out with a man the necessary adjustment of his actions in the preparatory period and during the period of sexual intercourse, we always emphasize that this should be done at a different time, but by no means immediately after intercourse. During this period, the assessment of a woman should be, of course, positive in any case. It must be remembered that this is not only the final assessment of this proximity, but also an incentive for the future. A man will always want to justify a woman's assessment in the future, especially if she was slightly higher than the objective assessment.

This is an extremely responsible psychological moment, and, of course, it is difficult to describe how a woman should do this. For example, one woman said briefly: "It was a fairy tale", another did not say anything, but raised her thumb, and the third whispered: "I forgot the whole world except you." Although, according to the conditions of life, partners, including husband and wife, sometimes have to get up after this and do household activities, the psychologically most perfect state of partners after the described period is sleep. A woman should fall asleep before a man, resting in his arms, and not vice versa (except for a woman of the “mother woman” type).

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Girls differ not only in appearance, but also in character. In order not to miscalculate with the choice, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible options, determine which one you want to see next to you and start searching.

What are girls - nine types

Glamor blonde

Standard type of girls about which many anecdotes have already been written and told. They can be immediately noticed by their excessive love for pink and glamorous. Such ladies should always look spectacular, otherwise they will start to panic. They carefully monitor their hair and manicure, which are updated almost every week, each of their blouses is bought at a sale, and always fashionable, the smallest and funniest handbag is chosen. The handbag usually contains a mobile phone decorated with strasses. Strassies are also placed in other places - a blouse, shoes, hair, and sometimes on the face of a blonde. They generally love everything shiny, and they also endlessly love to chat and hang out at parties. The presence of intelligence may well be present, but not all representatives. Here, as luck would have it.


These girls love to lead and control, and they also love to intrigue, weave conspiracies and arrange intrigues. They hate other women, especially if they have at least some hint of success, look attractive or seem smarter. Bitches are ready to do anything, just to get what they want more than anything in the world - and this can be both a profitable place and an enviable groom. Not every man can tolerate such a woman nearby. However, they also have a couple of advantages - such women, as a rule, are smart and successful in society.

Combat Companion

It can be said that this type of girl is worth its weight in gold- are rare, but very much appreciated by men, as they are almost the best wives. They are smart, try to constantly develop, often have talents. They understand at a glance, they are ready to help even in those situations when a man does not show himself from the best side. They look simple and natural, if necessary, they know how to present themselves and change for the better before our eyes. They are not just wives, they are reliable comrades who can be trusted with anything.


Such girls wear short haircuts, pretend that they are not interested in men and are always ready to take part in a fight. Almost all their clothes are in dark shades, sporty or military style. They are well versed in cars, play the guitar, love to drive on some kind of vehicle. Relations with such girls will leave pleasant impressions, as they love sex, do not like to stay at home and love adventure. You can get acquainted with this in a club, sports or night. But only strong men have chances, because they hate weakness.


The standard type is a girl with glasses, without makeup, with neatly combed hair, an incredibly high IQ and amazing modesty. They would rather spend an evening reading books than going to the best fashion hangout. There are not so many pronounced types. Usually these are softened options, and such women are well versed in the ways of caring for themselves, the ability to control the conversation. They also easily enjoy socializing with friends, but still find a book the most interesting way to spend their time. Do not mind making discoveries and building a career. They do not strive to be feminine, but usually they get it by themselves.

Good friend

With such girls it is good and comfortable. In the company, they rather resemble another guy, because they know how to smoke, drink, and use foul language. You can go to the stadium with them, and they show no interest in socks and cleaning. However, mothers are usually not happy with such girls, because they prefer loving and calm housewives.


These ladies love to try on all sorts of images and at the same time constantly check what impression they make on others. The mood changes depending on the image, and the number of images is unlimited. The image is constantly changing, as they love to work in different images. Can be an interesting subject to study, especially if the man is willing to play along. Such persons are often romantic.

Perfect wife

This is the type that mothers usually look for for their sons. Ideal wives know how to wash, clean, cook, while they look great, their children are always well-groomed, the apartment shines, there are at least five dishes in the refrigerator. However, their sphere of interest can be concentrated exclusively around the family, over time they take less care of themselves, become dumber and more and more difficult to leave the house. Husbands cheat on ideal wives more often than others, trying to get a mistress - the exact opposite of a wife.


Such girls are a little strange, they constantly dream about something, have somewhat exalted hobbies and often voice their fantasies as something natural. In general, it is quite possible to get along with them, if you do not pay attention to all these oddities. It can be interesting with them, and sometimes even exciting, to look for some mystery in them. They easily make contact, but it is difficult to fall in love. When a man thinks that he has already managed to charm the chosen one, he may receive an unexpected refusal.

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Basic types of women All women are unique. Each has its own unique features. However, according to psychologists, there are only five main types of female characters in total. Based on this feature, a man must choose a woman who is right for him, reducing the risk of disappointment and disappoint his chosen one.

Types of women can be divided into the following:

women mothers

These women usually get married easily, you feel comfort and peace with them, and caring for your husband and children brings them joy.

Their husbands feel needed and valued, often successful at work. She acts as a faithful companion and provides support. Usually the head of such a family is a man.

Cougar women

Such women are only interested in financial solvency. She makes her choice by evaluating the social condition. She directs a man with all her might to climb the social ladder, assists him and knows all his affairs. She makes sure that her chosen one looks well-groomed and tidy, and believes that this will increase the chances of reaching heights. These women always have a strong character, and they are quite capable of putting forward tough decisions. Naturally, in a relationship, she is the leader.

Capricious women

First of all, they appreciate the attention, as her behavior resembles a child. Often their chosen ones are older men, and they become their patrons.

Such women are usually selfish and spoiled. They do not care about their husband or childcare, but they want to be the center of everyone's attention, such a woman cannot become a support. (See Types of Bad Girls)


woman friend

Such a woman can easily be a friend to her partner. She will give advice, listen, try to understand and regret. In such a relationship, the head is the man, and the woman is the neck. By keeping the situation under her invisible control, she creates the illusion that the man is the undisputed leader, and all decisions remain with him. She is an excellent friend, a caring mother, an excellent lover. She knows how to create comfort in the house, brings up children, contributes to the success of her husband, and is a very good housewife.

Photo: By Lies Thru a Lens

According to life values, lifestyle, appearance, women are conditionally divided into several types. Such a classification helps, first of all, the opposite sex to find common ground with their lady of the heart.

Types of women by character

  1. Business lady. In the century of equality between a man and a woman, many beauties put their careers in the first place in their list of life priorities. Of course, creating comfort in the family is not alien to them, but homework will not bring them any pleasure. The main interests of women of this type, according to the teachings of psychology, are business. She is often in constant tension, she has a habit of proving something to someone. If we talk about social roles, then a business woman at work plays an excellent role as a boss, and at home - a passionate lover. Often, such women feel comfortable next to successful men.
  2. maternal type personality always gets married. For such a girl, the age of her husband is unimportant. They are unfamiliar with manifestations of jealousy and scandalousness. Everyone can learn from them a huge stock of patience and indulgence towards their chosen ones. A woman-mother is, in a way, a muse, an inspirer for a spouse. It was thanks to her that her betrothed made a brilliant career.
  3. Predator. Cruelty, ruthlessness, leadership qualities - these are the main criteria that describe the nature of this type of women. They are talented in the ability to organize the material wealth of their family. In choosing a spouse, they do not rely on his intellectual and physical data, but on the ability to earn money.
  4. devoted friend. These women are too demanding in relation to themselves, and at a later age - also to their lover. They start a family quite early. They are characterized by sincerity, honesty.

Types of women by seasons

What type of women do men like? What beauties do they turn after? Those who know how to choose colors correctly, based on the time of year to which they belong.

  1. The spring type has thin skin, with a peach complexion, sometimes decorated with freckles. Hair delights the eye with its honey-golden, beige color. Eyes - blue, light brown, gray-blue.
  2. Summer has a cold tone of the face (olive). Hair from a shade of blond to brown. Eyes hazel, gray-blue.
  3. Autumn type. Golden skin. Green, brown, gray eyes. Hair color: from bright red to chestnut.
  4. Winter is characterized by fair skin, dark hair and eye color, dark eyelashes and eyebrows.