
Apple face masks Apple face masks


Maintaining the skin in good condition is very expensive: cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries require a lot of money. Apple face masks will replace many complex procedures. No need to arrange nerve paralysis with Botox injections, lie down under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon, who will not always be able to do the job efficiently. Do not torture yourself with doubts about how effective this remedy is, just try it. All you need is a desire: fruits grow throughout Russia, they can be purchased inexpensively in a store or on the market. No special skills are also needed, you can prepare any composition in a few minutes.

How will apples please the skin of the face?

Often, women with flaky, dry, porous or wrinkled facial skin blame everything for this problem: the environment, the lack of funds for good nutrition, the climate. Do not believe their complaints, they are just hiding their laziness and unwillingness to do anything to improve their appearance. How can the economic crisis and the wrong financial policy of the state prevent you from rubbing an apple and putting this mass on your face? What does not allow, while enjoying an apple, to cut off a slice and rub it on the forehead and cheeks?

The skin also needs nutrition and moisture, and if the body cannot fully meet these needs, you can give them the necessary components from the outside. Apples contain sugars, organic acids, a lot of moisture, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and many other useful substances. Unlike expensive cosmetic preparations, an apple mask gives the epidermis only natural nutrition. Buy fresh fruits from local orchards. Unprepossessing fruits from Grandma's bucket will be much more useful than a shiny imported apple that is treated with chemicals and can be stored for several years.

If you have dry skin, use masks from sweet varieties of apples, for women with oily and normal skin, it is better to give preference to sour fruits.

Look at yourself in the mirror: what skin problems do you notice?

  • Wrinkles?
  • Peeling?
  • Flabbiness?
  • Dryness?
  • Enlarged pores?
  • Inflammation and cracks?
  • Oily sheen?
  • Spots and freckles?

If you are already going to a beautician, postpone this visit for a couple of weeks and try apple masks. In such a short time, you will notice improvements that will make even the most zealous supporters of the latest advances in medicine believe in natural recipes. It is not for nothing that at all times women who want to conquer the hearts of men with their beauty used “cosmetics” from orchards.

Don't want to waste your time and energy? For the experiment, do the simplest procedure: grate an apple and apply the mass on your face. The work will take a couple of minutes, about a quarter of an hour - rest with a nourishing mask, but soon you will be able to be convinced of the effectiveness or futility of this method with full confidence. And if you do not regret a few more minutes and add honey, cottage cheese or sour cream to the resulting puree, the effect will amaze you as soon as you wash off the composition.

Problems are different, the solution is one - a fresh apple

Depending on the skin problems, the same apple can be used in a huge number of techniques.

The basic rules are the same for all recipes.

  • The composition can not be stored, it loses its medicinal properties.
  • To fully use the healing power, rub the apples together with the peel, under which the bulk of the beneficial components are concentrated.
  • Wash and dry fruit thoroughly.
  • Give preference to recipes that use fresh, uncooked fruit.

It is not difficult to prepare the compositions, but if you absolutely do not have time, use the simplest method: moisten a tissue napkin in freshly squeezed apple juice and apply on your face for 20 minutes. Dry skin must first be softened with cream or vegetable oil.

Men do not need to know by what means a woman achieves her beauty. Even if you have already celebrated a golden wedding, do not walk in front of your husband with a mask on his face, let him see not the process, but the result.

For healthy skin, which requires only nutrition and hydration, you can prepare such formulations

  1. On a fine grater, mash the apple and carrot halves, add 1 tbsp to the mass. a spoonful of cottage cheese and 2 drops of olive oil, mix and apply on the face for 15 minutes.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of nourishing cream to a grated apple, apply on the skin for 20 minutes.
  3. Boil 2 apples until softened, pour a little milk into the mass and simmer for a few more minutes over low heat. Apply a warm composition to the skin, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with a mixture of equal parts of milk and boiled water.

Oily porous skin with fine wrinkles will be healed by masks with a different composition.

  1. Beat the white of one egg into a stiff foam, add one grated apple, 2 teaspoons of potato flour and 0.5 teaspoons of glycerin or oil with vitamin A. Perform the procedure 2 times a week for 20 minutes, the course is 10 sessions.
  2. Bring a small amount of cream to a boil, stir in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grated apple, leave to cool under the lid for half an hour. Beat the white of 1 egg and mix with the cooled mass. The procedure lasts 20 minutes.

For dry and aging skin, the following compositions will be useful.

  1. In a grated apple, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, cinnamon and oatmeal. When applying, massage the skin from the center to the edges of the face, rinse after 15 minutes.
  2. Mix grated apple and a tablespoon of sour cream. To enhance the effect, first make a hot compress on the face, then apply the composition. Wash off after 15 minutes and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Young girls have their own problems: the bright sun has painted her face with freckles. This method will help whiten the skin: add 2 tbsp to half a grated apple. tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey, apple cider vinegar and ascorbic acid or rowan juice. The session lasts half an hour, then you need to wash off the mass with warm water and rinse your face with cold. Repeat once a week.

Teenagers are worried about acne and skin irritation, there is also a recipe for them: mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated apple, 1 beaten yolk, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 3 drops of camphor oil. Keep the composition on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apple mask is a great way to make the skin smooth and fresh. It is available to any woman and has almost no contraindications. An obstacle may be excessive sensitivity to ascorbic acid. For this problem, try boiled or baked fruit formulations. If there are serious injuries on the face, it is better to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist before the procedures.

Do not forget to nourish the skin from the inside: there should always be fresh fruits on the table. Are you young and the winners of beauty contests can envy your freshness? Then why wait until the charm of youth begins to fade, the best thanks to the skin for your charm will be apple masks that you can start doing from a very young age.

By secret

  • You missed a class reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And less and less often catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • Advertised skin care products don't refresh the face like they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to "preserve" youth for many years...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use any opportunity for this ...

Yesterday, no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

Apple- this is not only a delicious fruit, but also a fairly useful product for facial skin.

It is used in various face masks.

This fruit is available at any time of the year at a low price, so masks can be made with it. all year round.

Apple face masks are especially loved and popular for women of all ages who want to look beautiful and irresistible.

Such masks perfectly tone the skin, tighten and moisturize it, give it freshness and elasticity.

The advantages of apple masks are the low cost of the main ingredient and high efficiency.

Apple improves skin condition due to useful substances included in its composition. Apples contain:

  • vitamin A- It has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. In addition, it fights dryness, flaking and excessive sebum production;
  • vitamin B9– protector of the skin from negative environmental influences;
  • vitamin K- removes swelling and whitens the skin;
  • vitamin C- has a rejuvenating effect;
  • potassium– active humidifier;
  • iron– improves complexion, supplies cells with oxygen;
  • fruit acids- smooth wrinkles, make the skin more elastic.

Apple masks have a complex effect on the skin, solving several problems at once - they rejuvenate, cleanse, brighten, tone the skin. Mask prepared at home fast and easy, while apples are inexpensive and available at any time of the year. That is why, to eliminate imperfections on the skin of the face, it is worth preparing and trying this remedy.

Indications and contraindications

Apple face masks are useful to apply for the following problems:

  • the first signs of aging;
  • problem skin;
  • beriberi;
  • oily skin;
  • to remove freckles and age spots;
  • in the presence of microcracks on the skin of the face;
  • to narrow the pores on the skin with excessive oiliness;
  • in the treatment of skin inflammation;
  • to moisturize dry skin;
  • to maintain tone;
  • with pallor and withering of the skin - to nourish and saturate the skin with vitamins.

Attention! Apple face masks are contraindicated for owners of sensitive skin. In addition, do not use an apple mask for damaged skin.

Rules for making masks

In order for the mask to be as effective as possible, recommended purchase apples grown in the region of residence or nearby areas.

Such fruits are not pre-treated with chemicals and contain the greatest amount of nutrients unlike those brought from afar.

The variety of apple from which the mask will be prepared does not matter, but remember: sour apples work better on oily skin, and sweet apples on dry skin.

Preferably for a mask use fresh apples, because after the heat treatment, the vast majority of useful substances are lost in them. Before you start preparing the mask, wash the fruit thoroughly and wipe it dry.

A lot of useful substances are found in apples right under the skin, so preferably the fruit is not clean. It is necessary to make a mask immediately before use - the mass after processing darkens extremely quickly and loses many useful properties within half an hour.

Advice! If there is no time to apply an apple mask, then it is enough to cut off a piece from the fetus and rub it on a clean face for 3-10 minutes. This procedure will help in the shortest possible time to improve the color and appearance of the face.

Rules for applying a mask


You should not apply apple masks on your face daily, it is enough to apply them 2-3 times a week. Before applying the mixture, the skin must be prepared:

  • remove make-up with a special tool;
  • wash;
  • Additionally, you can clean your face with a soft scrub and steam out the skin over a steam bath so that the pores open and the skin gets the maximum benefit.

For a cosmetic procedure choose ripe fruit, not having even the slightest trace of rot or damage, after which:

  • The seeds are removed from the fruit. The apple is grated and, if provided for in the recipe, mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Do not use while metal containers, otherwise the mass will oxidize faster.
  • The finished mixture in a uniform layer of thickness in 2-4 mm applied to the face and neck, but at the same time avoid the area around the eyes and lips, and on the neck - near the thyroid gland.
  • Cotton swabs dipped in tea are placed on the eyes (this action has a double effect - the mask will not fall on the near-eye area and the eyes will look rested).
  • After the mask is applied, it is advisable to lie down, as this position helps to relax the facial muscles as much as possible and the skin can get the most benefit from the procedure.
  • Leave the mask on your face for 15–25 minutes, after which it must be washed off.
  • Remove the mask warm liquid- milk, herbal infusions, filtered or non-carbonated mineral water.

Special tools for mask application not required, it is enough to prepare the dishes where the ingredients will be mixed, cotton swabs, and also heat the liquid with which the mixture will be removed from the face.
These cosmetic procedures are incredible efficiency- their positive effect on the skin is felt immediately after the procedure.

Advice! If you need to give the skin extra nutrition or moisturize it, give preference to red or yellow apples when preparing masks, and green fruits are suitable to get rid of inflammation.

Apple face masks - useful and effective procedure, which, if carried out regularly and correctly, will improve the condition of the skin, relieve it of small defects, make it younger and more beautiful.

Apple face mask recipes

Apple face mask for normal to dry skin. A small apple needs to be peeled, grated on a fine grater. Mix it with a tablespoon.

After that, water is added to the mixture until it acquires a mushy state. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. You can apply it 1 time per week.

Recipe 2. Apple puree is mixed with and warmed honey (a tablespoon).

Acne apple face mask. The apple is peeled and core, rubbed on a fine grater. Grind 15 g and add to the apple. Beat the yolk a little and stir into the resulting mixture. At the very end add 3 drops. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. You can use it once a week.

Refreshing apple face mask. Peel the apple, grate it on a fine grater. Pour 30 g of warm cream of medium fat content. Let the mixture sit for an hour. Then apply the face mask for 15 minutes. Apply it once a week.

Apple masks are actively used in cosmetology to get rid of various problems and rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté. Such a skin care product cannot harm, since in case of an allergy, you can always use a green apple, which is hypoallergenic. For those who are likely to develop individual intolerance, it is better not to take a red apple for a mask. Indications for the use of an apple mask are age-related skin changes, acne, increased dryness or oily skin, as well as the desire to use predominantly natural cosmetics. Contraindication - the presence of open wounds.

Benefits of apple for skin

Useful properties of an apple are appreciated by cosmetologists. It has the following beneficial effects on the skin:

  1. Refreshes;
  2. Tones;
  3. Nourishes;
  4. Cleanses pores;
  5. Moisturizes;
  6. Eliminates oily sheen;
  7. Relieves inflammation and acne;
  8. Smoothes mimic and deep wrinkles.

In summer, an apple for the face is simply necessary, as the skin dries out in the heat. If there is no time for a mask, it is enough to wipe your face with an apple in the morning and evening. Apple juice for the face can be used as a light mask that is applied for 5-10 minutes.

Recipes for homemade face masks from apples

The best apple mask recipes have stood the test of time and apply today. Consider eleven effective facial remedies.

To fight acne

This remedy is effective against acne and not only relieves inflammation, but also restores the skin's natural defenses, preventing the problem from returning.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

For this you need:

  • small apple;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.

The fruit must be washed, peeled and finely grated. Add oil and mix. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and remove with room water. It is suitable for dry, oily and normal skin.

Recipe for wrinkles

Baked apple for the skin gives an excellent result in the fight against wrinkles. The mask from it tones and rejuvenates skin cells, restoring their elasticity.

Required Ingredients:

  • baked apple;
  • egg yolk;
  • heavy cream - 1 tsp.

The cooled baked apple without the skin should be mashed and mixed with the rest of the mask until smooth. The composition is applied in a thin layer for a quarter of an hour.

Mask for oily skin

This tool helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate oily sheen.

To prepare the mask you need:

  • one apple boiled in milk;
  • fresh egg white;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil .

The boiled apple should be cooled and mashed with a fork until gruel. Then add whipped protein and butter. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. In the same way, you can use an apple for aging skin, as this composition perfectly nourishes and tones the cells.

Another recipe for an oily face

Another mask for oily skin, in addition to degreasing, helps to even out complexion. For her, apple and cucumber are used, which are ideally combined with each other and make the mask unique.

The mask contains:

  • grated cucumber;
  • grated apple;
  • beaten egg white;
  • crushed herculean flakes.

All components are mixed until a single mass is obtained and applied for 15 minutes.

To moisturize dry skin

Dry skin prone to premature aging needs deep hydration. For this purpose, it is best to use carrots with an apple. This mask will give the skin a healthy look, eliminate the feeling of tightness and preserve youth.


  • finely grated apple;
  • finely grated carrots.

Both components of the mask are mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Skin nourishing mask with apple and honey

This mask is both nourishing and rejuvenating, restoring radiance to the complexion. In addition, such an apple face mask relieves irritation, accelerates the regeneration process in case of minor damage.

For the mask you need:

  • ½ finely grated apple without skin;
  • 1 tbsp fresh honey;
  • 1 yolk (raw);

The apple is mixed with honey and yolk until a single mass is obtained. The oil is then added and mixed again. The composition is applied for 25 minutes, then removed with warm water. After the face is washed with cold water.

Mask for perfect toning at home

Apple combined with oatmeal has a tonic, refreshing and cleansing effect on the skin.


  • 1 grated apple;
  • a tablespoon of hercules flakes.

Both ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin of the face and neck for 25 minutes. Remove the mask with cold water.

Apple milk mask

This cosmetic product moisturizes, refreshes and eliminates the oily sheen of the skin. Regular use of the mask with milk and apple makes the skin perfect.

Would need:

  • boiled apple;
  • milk of normal fat content.

The fruit without the skin is cut into pieces and boiled in a sufficient amount of milk until a gruel of the consistency of sour cream is obtained. The mask is applied in a warm form for 20 minutes. It must be removed with cold water.

Apple with sour cream for deep skin cleansing

Deep cleansing, which gives such a mask, allows the skin to "breathe" freely and shine with health and youth.

The composition of the mask is as follows:

  • the pulp of a finely grated apple without a skin;
  • 1 tsp medium-fat sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp starch.

First, combine the apple and sour cream, and then, vigorously stirring the mass, introduce starch. The mask is applied for half an hour and then washed off with room water.

Whitening mask with apple and lemon

To get rid of freckles and age spots, this DIY mask is just the perfect remedy.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 medium sized apple;
  • a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. kefir.

The apple should be peeled and seeds and grated on the finest possible grater. Then all the ingredients of the mask are thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied for 10 minutes. Remove the mixture with cold boiled water.

Apple and Egg White Mask to Tighten Pores

For oily skin with enlarged pores, this tightening mask is the perfect solution.

For the mixture you will need:

  • Apple;
  • egg white;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • 1/2 tsp glycerin.

The grated apple is mixed with whipped protein, after which starch and glycerin are introduced. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Homemade face masks will help in the fight for perfect skin. Below you can read the positive reviews of those who have already tried an apple for facial skin.

Video recipe: Moisturizing mask for oily skin from apple and honey at home

Homemade masks from apples. How to make an apple face mask at home?

About the benefits of apples

Apples are very popular in home cosmetology. They contain organic acids that help cleanse the skin, pectins and tannins. Apple masks help nourish and restore facial skin. Apple masks are very effective.

In ancient times, apples were considered a symbol of the feminine, fertility, motherhood and eternal love.

Apple mask for all skin types (universal)

A few small apples need to be baked in the oven until soft, mashed and added to 2 tbsp. l. apple pulp 1 beaten egg. Beat the mass with a mixer and apply for 15 minutes. Wash off with room temperature water.

Moisturizing apple mask

Peel a medium-sized apple, cut into cubes and boil in a small amount of milk until soft. Mash an apple with milk to a pulp and apply in a warm state on the face. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Apple mask for oily skin

The mask, prepared according to this recipe, helps to tone and tighten the skin, gives the face a haze. To prepare it, you need to bake an unpeeled apple in the oven, mash with a fork and add the beaten white of 1 egg. Apply 1/3 of the mask on a cleansed face with a thin layer. When the mask dries, apply another 1/3 of the mixture to the face, and after drying, the remaining mixture. When the mask dries, wash it off with cool water.

Apple mask for dry and normal skin

Peel the apple from the skin and seeds, grate on a fine grater and mix with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Rejuvenating apple mask

Grate 1 apple, mix with 1 tbsp. l. cream and with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm boiled water.

Apple mask for freckles and age spots

With the help of such a mask, you can make freckles more pale and invisible. To prepare it, you need to peel half an apple from the skin and seeds, grate it on a fine grater, add 1 tsp each. honey, ascorbic acid, vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly, apply the mask on pigmented areas of the skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse first with warm and then cool water.

Apple mask for hand skin

The mask nourishes the skin of the hands and reduces peeling. 1 st. l. fresh apple juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese, add the pounded yolk of a hard-boiled egg. Apply the mask on the back of the hands, leave for 20 minutes. To achieve a greater cosmetic effect, you can wear cotton gloves on your hands.

Apples provide strengthening of the immune system, improving health. They can be used to prepare various skin care products. For example, a vitamin apple mask for the face can not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also saturate it with useful elements. With its regular use, wrinkles are eliminated, color is improved and tone is evened out.

What are the benefits of apple components for our face

Apple face mask is suitable for all representatives, regardless of age and type of skin. When it is used, it has the same positive effect on young and mature skin.

It is worth noting! Apples are considered an affordable fruit that can prolong youth. But when using it, you need to take into account that the sweet variety is suitable for dry and thin cover, but the sour variety is suitable for normal, oily and combination skin.

Benefits of apples include:

  • They have versatility. This means that they can be safely applied to any type of skin. Fruits are usually used as the basis of masks, and other natural ingredients can be added to enhance the effect;
  • Provide fast results. Apple-based products will have a positive effect almost immediately, but it will take two weeks to achieve a visible result;
  • Natural composition. Fruits contain many useful elements. Among the main vitamins of group B, folic acid, C, E, P, carotene and many others can be distinguished. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, increase its elasticity and firmness;
  • They have a strong healing effect. Apples improve the appearance of the skin, eliminate wrinkles, accelerate wound healing, normalize metabolism, heal microcracks and eliminate inflammation;
  • They have peeling properties. These fruits cleanse the pores from impurities. When using them, there is a complete elimination of acne, pimples, black spots. Completely exfoliate the dead layer of the epidermis.

The above properties and qualities confirm the high benefits of apples. They are really necessary to improve the health of the body and to maintain the external beauty of the body. The content of a complete set of vitamins saturates the skin and restores its damage.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Apply apples to the skin of the face should be careful. Sometimes irritation can occur when using them. This usually happens when other elements are added to the masks.

It is advisable to test for sensitivity before using masks with other additives. It is better to apply the mass on the wrist. Then wait 15 minutes, if there is no allergy (redness, peeling, rashes), then the mask can be applied to the surface of the face.

Note! Apples contain high levels of vitamin C and fruit acids. For this reason, you should be careful when applying to skin with hypersensitivity. Also, masks with their content should be applied with caution to the damaged cover.

The best face masks using apples

You can make face masks at home from apples, they can be diversified with other useful ingredients and additives. They can be diluted with honey, homemade kefir, lemon juice, sour cream, oatmeal and other natural ingredients that will increase the effectiveness of cosmetics.

There are a huge number of types and recipes of products that are perfect for problematic, oily, dry, combination, normal skin. But first you should consider their rules of preparation.

The use of an apple and honey face mask can saturate the skin with vital components. After it, the face will become cleaner and fresher, wrinkles will disappear. You will look younger for several years without large financial investments and trips to beauty salons

Based on honey and apples, you can make popular and effective masks, which are listed in the table.

NamePreparation and application
Simple with honeyFor cooking, you need one green apple and natural honey. The fruit can be rubbed on a fine grater or grind with a blender. We spread it in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Everything is well mixed and applied to the face. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.
With cottage cheeseFor the mask, you will need a grated apple of 20 gamma, 1 teaspoon of natural honey and the same amount of cottage cheese. All components are combined and stirred. We spread the finished mass on the surface of the face and hold for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse everything well with warm water.
CinnamonPlace an apple slice in the blender bowl, add a pinch of cinnamon, add honey (1 tbsp) and oatmeal (1 tbsp). All components are thoroughly mixed. It is recommended to apply the finished mass on the surface of the face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse.

To eliminate wrinkles

Based on apples, you can make good face masks for wrinkles. They have a tightening and regenerating effect. After using them, the skin becomes fresh, elastic, and fine wrinkles disappear.

The preparation of an anti-aging agent is carried out using the following recommendations:

  • For cooking, you need one baked apple. It is recommended to completely remove the skin from it;
  • The pulp must be mashed until a homogeneous puree is obtained;
  • Egg white and cream are added to the mass;
  • Everything is mixed until smooth.

The finished mass must be spread on the face in a thin and even layer. Keep it for at least 20 minutes. After that, everything is rinsed with plain water.

Here is a video recipe for an apple mask:

For pimples and acne

Effective face masks for acne will help eliminate unpleasant lesions. They improve the color and tone of the skin, cleanse it of black dots.

An apple and olive oil mask will help fight severe inflammation. This prevents their occurrence in the future. The preparation is simple:

  • A small piece of fruit is rubbed on a fine grater;
  • Next, you need to add a little olive oil;
  • Everything mixes well.

The mask will require the following components:

  • One apple with a medium size;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • Wheat flour - 1 teaspoon;
  • Kefir - 30-40 ml.

To begin with, the fruit should be rubbed well on a grater with small cloves. Then all the components are laid out in a bowl and thoroughly mixed. The finished mass is laid out on the face in a thin layer and left for 10-15 minutes. After that, it is washed off with warm water.

with clay

For normal skin, nourishing clay and an apple are perfect. This combination will tone the skin, tighten and saturate with useful vitamins.

The preparation of the mask is simple:

  • Half an apple needs to be rubbed or ground in a blender;
  • Next, a little white clay is added to the apple mixture (1 tablespoon);
  • 20 ml of olive oil is poured;
  • Everything is well mixed until smooth.

On a note! We spread the finished mass on the face in the form of an even layer. We leave for 20 minutes. After that, everything needs to be washed off with warm water.

Face masks with apple and nutrients are useful and indispensable tools for every woman. During them, there is a visible improvement in the condition of the skin. Within a few weeks, you will notice that all wrinkles have disappeared, your appearance has been refreshed, and your skin has tightened. At the same time, they can be easily used at home, the main thing is to follow the rules of preparation and use.

Finally, we offer a carrot-apple recipe for the face: