
How to please a man: step by step description. How to satisfy a woman? The best tricks! (2 photos)


anchor method

What does the "anchor" method mean? Psychological "anchor" is a common way to satisfy a man in bed. Before you go to bed, you need to think about something positive. To make it easier for yourself to imagine the desired picture, you should surround yourself with things-memories. So, for example, Frank Sinatra's song will remind you of the first date, the aroma of vanilla will remind you of the first night of passion. A characteristic touch can serve as an "anchor". For example, stroking a man's back can evoke positive associations.

Below the belt

To think about household trifles during intercourse is not the way to satisfy a man in bed. Most often, it is everyday problems that penetrate into the intimate sphere. Such negative "anchors" affect physiological processes.

Men may not like some caresses, not because the girl is doing something wrong, but because they cause painful memories. For example,

gentle biting can cause fear and even pain if a man has ever experienced a negative experience associated with a bite.

To avoid such troubles, you need to ask in advance what your partner likes in sex.

The benefits and harms of the "anchor"

The opinions of psychologists regarding such a psychological technique as "anchor" differ. Some believe that programming is addictive. In other words, without certain music, caresses, smells, a woman will not be able to get her partner. There is an opinion that the "anchor" as a way to satisfy a man in bed violates the emotional perception of a person. Emotions seem to be sorted out. Intimate life is subject to careful planning and control. Experts advise using this method as an experiment.

visual way:

1. A nightgown, lace panties can become a tool of seduction if they evoke certain memories in a partner.

It is necessary to connect mind-blowing sex and some certain underwear in the mind of a man.

Every time you put it on, a man will be ready to get incredible pleasure.

2. If the partner is excited for a long time and cannot get satisfaction, it will help erotic picture. At the right moment, he will look at her and get excited. This is a great way to tie a man to you. It will be difficult for him without this picture. In the other bedroom, he will look for her with his eyes.

Sound way:

1. During a romantic night, you can put melody, which will remind you of the first romantic date

2. Instead of music, you can use special phrase uttered by a woman at the peak of her passion.

Women's sighs greatly excite the partner.

Kinesthetic way:

1. You can control a man's ejaculation using your special touch or stroking to the same point on the body of a loved one.

2. A kiss or pain, for example, a bite or a pinch, can become an instrument of excitation.

Taste way:

1. So that a man never cheats on his lady of the heart and is always satisfied with her alone,

you need not change your habits, namely, use the same perfume, body oil.

2. Some dishes have a stimulating effect - foods with flavor cinnamon, ginger. This should be the most favorite dish of a man - pies, gingerbread, pancakes with chicken.

verbal way:

1. Satisfy a man certain phrase on which you can catch your lover. Many men like it when a lady, during a passion, asks for some kind of rudeness, for example, a slap.

The strongest and surest of all methods is, according to psychologists, kinestatic (or touch). It is best that a special touch be on a point that is then not difficult to find on the body: shoulder blades, earlobe, finger bones, elbows. You need to touch exactly at the moment of reaching the peak.

If you want to please your loved one, then follow the tips below. And believe me, not a single man will remain indifferent after this and will want to answer you in the same way. So, below you will find 5 effective tips to please any (!) Man.
Tip 1. Create an environment! First, and most importantly, is the confidence that no one will disturb you. It is better to turn off the phone for a while and turn off the TV, close the door with a key. Arrange a love bed, light candles and turn on relaxing unobtrusive music. Second, call on scents to help increase your partner's sex drive. To exacerbate erotic sensations, use the scent of orange, for a loving mood - jasmine, for excitement - basil. And sandalwood and myrrh will help a woman become the most desirable. Love fragrances also include: lavender, lemongrass, eucalyptus, cedar, geranium. You can create an aroma in the room with the help of sticks, aroma lamps with essential oils or incense candles.
Tip 2: Give him a sensual massage! Position your partner as comfortably as possible, wear comfortable nice clothes or don't wear them at all, or better yet, undress each other yourself. Remove rings and bracelets from your hands. Start the massage with gentle touches on the back of the partner and move from the bottom up - to the neck. The main rule here is that the hands should be warm. Then, with slow, smooth movements, move to the armpits, slide your fingertips here, touching your nails a little, then move to the lumbar region and then to the buttocks. After massaging these areas, move to the inner sides of the thighs, but do not touch the genitals! Your partner will have a sweet languor, and you continue to move to the area under the knees and down to the ankles. So, now the partner is in the right mood.
Tip 3. Continue with your lips! A start! Now it needs to be strengthened. Start with gentle touches with your lips on your partner's earlobe, then tickle your tongue in the ear - it's very exciting! Now slowly lower yourself to the side of the neck - this is one of the main erogenous zones. An even stronger pleasure for your partner will be the touch of your chest on his body, rub it against him, believe me, it's worth it. Continue moving your lips to the back of the arms - the elbows. Then, with gentle light kisses, walk along the entire back of your beloved and lower to the sacrum. Turn him over on his back and do the same with the chest, dropping lower ...
Tip 4. Get a blowjob! Yes, you heard right. The fact is that the penis for men is the embodiment of the masculine principle, as a result, he subconsciously puts an equal sign between the attitude towards himself and his penis. In addition, for men, such caresses deliver much more acute pleasure than just sexual intercourse. If you're up to it, here are a few tricks: put your penis as deep as you can into your mouth and then push it out; open the head and tickle it with your tongue; suck on the penis with force, caressing the lower part of the foreskin with your tongue. An even more effective way is to grab the scrotum with your lips and suck it with force, as if swallowing, alternately one or the other testicle. So, now the partner is ready for intercourse.
Tip 5. Be on top! Men like it when a woman is on top during intercourse, this creates a feeling of dominance by a woman, which allows a man to relax and enjoy. Sit on top and direct the member yourself. Then move towards the partner as sharply and intensively as possible, without stopping. Try to sit on the penis so that it goes deeper, while moving, move the body back - with this position, the sensations intensify several times. After you have an orgasm, hug your partner and tell him how much you love him. Believe me, any loving man will answer the same.
We talked about the most effective ways to satisfy a man. However, they are not postulates, feel free to experiment and look for new ways to diversify your relationship!

So that a man does not change, and even does not have such thoughts, you need to be able to behave correctly with him. Every woman wants to be happy with the one who will respect, love and appreciate her. But for this, you yourself need to do something, and you need to start by finding out in general what your man likes, what his fantasies are about, what his interests and preferences are.

And it's not just about what happens in bed, although this is also important. We please a man and become happy together!

How to please a man

  • First advice: be interested in what a man likes. Share his interests, but sincerely. That is, you must be "in the know", otherwise you can get into an unpleasant situation. Likes football? Either you love it too and understand the teams and players, or don't even try to pretend that you are also into this sport. In any case, you can always find something in common and some common ground. Why else would you like it at all?
  • All men are vain and love praise and even flattery. Compliment his taste in clothes by noticing a new T-shirt or cool sneakers, tell him how great he is in something you notice. Doesn't drink? Talk at length about how great and valuable it is, you can say that he has wonderful parents, since they raised such a good son. Only in this case it is necessary to know about his relationship with them. Helped you with something? Say how grateful you are for him, describe his positive qualities, and that without him you would not have coped.
  • Do something pleasant for him more often: a light shoulder massage after a working day, an unexpectedly arranged “night of love” with all the ensuing consequences, some kind of surprise, etc.

  • In the joke that the way to a man's heart is through his digestive system, there is "a fraction of the joke." Indeed, many guys have a sweet tooth, but even if they are not, everyone loves to eat delicious food. Find out about his tastes in food, be sure to ask what he does not eat! Sausage pizza for a vegetarian or a shrimp dish for an allergy sufferer won't make him happy or add points to you. If there is no way to find out, go with him to a cafe, and there ask what he eats and what not. Track what he orders, draw conclusions and remember for the future.


How to learn to please a man if he is your first? First, try to avoid common mistakes:

  1. Do not discuss with him and with him his relatives: parents, friends and others.
  2. Do not go about with him disheveled, unkempt, with a mask on your face, in baggy old home clothes.
  3. Do not show your shortcomings with him, do not be lazy.
  4. Do not get into unpleasant arguments with shouting and swearing either with him or with anyone else with him.
  5. Show respect for your man, do not discuss his shortcomings with other people, especially if he hears it or can find out later.

A little about sex

If we are talking about sex, then you need to start by doing it with the right attitude, when there are no health problems, both of you are not tired, in a suitable environment. Start with flirting, praise something in the appearance of a man, flirt, seduce. Start stroking his arms and back, hug him, hugging him with your chest, look passionately into his eyes, kiss him on the lips.

When you are already having sex, show with all your appearance how you like what is happening. But it must be sincere, if you do not experience any sensations - change your position, turn off the light, in short, do everything to feel more comfortable and more confident, to relax and enjoy.

For any man, the main criterion for being good in sex is a satisfied partner. Therefore, when he sees that you like sex with him, then he himself becomes more confident. Please the man, but do not forget about yourself! Tell him about your desires and fantasies so that he can feel like your hero!

Video on the topic of the article

Many of the fair sex are concerned about the question: "How to please a man?". The description of this process will be presented in this article.

First, let's talk about the character of a woman. After all, if you are counting on a strong and long relationship, it will not be enough to stock up on knowledge of little things that can be used in bed in order to give him pleasure. An integrated approach is important here. Numerous studies and surveys have identified the main wishes of the stronger sex regarding the character that an ideal companion should have. As it turned out, they are incredibly excited by the presence of intelligence in a woman, while the length of the legs, the width of the waist and the size of the bust are significantly inferior to this criterion. She must be smart, interesting, gifted, sociable. And in no case should she compete with her man or put herself above him in anything.

A woman becomes truly desirable when she radiates coquetry, lightness, carelessness, demonstrates inner strength, an active life position and self-love. So that a man does not lose interest in a woman, she must flirt with him daily, be able to transform from a gentle domestic cat into a passionate lioness. The secret of success is to be able to behave atypically, to play on contrasts. The fatal mistake of many women is that they strive to put men's problems on their fragile female shoulders. This is a fatal mistake, since the male loses the opportunity to assert himself, to feel his strength.

Now let's talk about the erogenous zones of a man. At first glance, it may seem that finding all the points is a very simple task. However, in reality this is not the case. After all, everything is very individual. That is why all recommendations and advice need to be checked on a specific man. In order to understand the mechanism of excitation of a lover, it is necessary to show imagination, patience and dexterity.

How to please a man: description


As soon as it comes to caresses, many women often ignore this part of a man's body. Very in vain! Gentle breast kisses and light strokes can drive your partner crazy. The signal that you are moving in the right direction will be his rapid breathing and hardening of the nipples.


Take advantage of the fact that the ears are not only an erogenous zone, but also an organ of hearing. Give him tender kisses, whispering affectionate phrases about how much you want to make love to him, how much you admire him and how much you missed him. Men, like women, love with their ears.

head and face

Make a light massage of the scalp and temples. Stroking the skin with the fingertips of his face and ruffling his hair will quickly awaken a wild desire in him.

Back and buttocks

Run your nails slowly along his spine, he will be delighted with this. As for the buttocks, here you can already turn around. Pinch them a little, stroke them, kiss them, clap them - whatever you want.

Legs and hands

The inside of the legs and arms are very sensitive in men. He perceives every touch to these parts of his body with great gratitude and awe. Popliteal dimples - this is truly a real find. Touch them very carefully and gently, combining touches with passionate kisses on the inside of the thigh.

Any woman can improve her sexual skills and become a good lover for her lover, the main thing is to have a sincere desire to please her partner. The first thing to do is to put aside the uncertainty and liberate yourself. Modesty has no place in intimate life. Sexologists recommend that all couples openly share erotic fantasies with each other and turn them into reality.

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Effective ways to give your partner pleasure

By examining the body of her chosen one and watching his reaction, a woman can become a passionate lover and satisfy a man in bed so that he will not even mentally allow betrayal.



Role-playing games

Men love variety in intimate life. Showing up in front of your partner in a new way is a terrific way to surprise your husband.

A woman should overcome embarrassment and purchase an erotic costume: a maid, a nurse, a schoolgirl, a stewardess or a stripper. Here you need to focus on your own desires and take into account the intimate preferences of your boyfriend.

Guys usually like to dominate sex and love it when a girl becomes a submissive slave who needs to be punished properly.

Search for erogenous zones

There are a huge number of nerve endings on the human body, the impact on which will give the partner an unforgettable pleasure. The most sensitive place for men is the penis and scrotum. A woman should know that touching these parts of the body must be done with care, otherwise you can inadvertently hurt.

Some men go crazy when a partner caresses the anus area. To satisfy a man in bed, one should not be afraid to experiment by touching certain parts of the body and observing the reaction. This is the only way to find out what the spouse enjoys.

oral sex

The most common erotic desire of men is oral sex. Guys love it when a woman stimulates them with lips and tongue.

The girl should first practice on a banana before putting new techniques into practice. Movements during oral sex should be gentle and unhurried.


It is pleasant for men to look at a half-naked female body writhing in dance. To dance a striptease is a great way to give your loved one pleasure.

It is recommended to prepare for the process in advance: rehearse the dance, choose the appropriate outfit, set the table, stock up on wine, use candles and do not forget about the appropriate musical accompaniment. It is better to start a date with dinner and light snacks, and then give your loved one an unusual dance and passionate sex.

anal sex

For many women, anal sex is a taboo subject. Ladies are afraid to experience pain or disdain. However, most men secretly dream of taking possession of a partner in such an unconventional way. With the right approach, all unpleasant feelings can be minimized.

You should purchase an anal pear or beads, these accessories will help you properly prepare. It is also important not to forget about a special lubricant. During the process, it is necessary to completely trust the partner and relax, then both the woman and the man will enjoy each other.

New poses

In the oldest Indian treatise of love, there are more than a hundred positions, but many couples are limited to a few of them.

To diversify sex and satisfy a man in bed as much as possible, you should study the "Kama Sutra" with a partner and try out new techniques and poses in practice. It will refresh the relationship and impress the stronger sex at any age.

Sex in unusual places

An intimate relationship in bed loses all appeal after a few months of a serious relationship. Changing places will help add bright colors and new emotions. You can have sex anywhere: in the shower, on the kitchen table, in the car, on the balcony, on a chair, in an elevator, etc., only the fantasy of lovers serves as a border

Erotic massage

A woman who wants to please and please her partner in an unusual way can give him an erotic massage.

After a light dinner, you should invite the guy to relax, lay him on his stomach, get rid of excess clothes and, pouring a small amount of massage oil at room temperature into his hands and rubbing it, start stroking his back, gradually descending lower and lower.

It is necessary to influence the body of a man not only with hands, touches with bare breasts and buttocks are welcome

Games for adults

Today, the game "forfeits" is especially popular among couples. Its essence lies in drawing cards and performing unusual erotic tasks. The game allows you to refresh the senses and bring thrill to an established relationship.

Use of toys

If a woman wants to turn on a man and give him an unforgettable experience, erotic toys will come to the rescue. You can visit the online store and choose accessories together with a partner. Handcuffs, edible lubricants, anal beads, penis attachments, vibrating rings, dildos and other paraphernalia will help to diversify

sexy lingerie

New underwear can interest and excite a guy. A woman should get rid of non-sexual outfits and purchase erotic underwear: lace panties, stockings, garters, seductive pajamas or a flirty dressing gown

To charm any man, be it your own husband or a married lover, it is recommended to radically change your appearance - update your hairstyle, completely change your wardrobe using the services of a stylist, get a manicure, pick up new perfumes. The girl should do physical exercises and switch to proper nutrition, this will have a beneficial effect on both mood and figure.

Body guide: sensitive areas

A woman who wants to please her chosen one in bed is looking for a variety of ways to please, especially if sex is happening for the first time. Impact on certain parts of the body will revive the fire of desire in a man and warm up his interest.

Experts conducted a lot of research and identified the most sensitive areas of men:

Zone How to act
earlobesIt is enough for a woman to gently run the tip of her tongue over this area, hold her earlobe in her mouth, bite lightly - and the partner will be in seventh heaven.
nipplesNot only a woman's chest is an erogenous zone, men's nipples and parts of the body around them are very susceptible to caresses. You can sprinkle this area with cinnamon and gently lick the nipples with the tip of your tongue - so both partners will enjoy
back of the headMen love it when a woman strokes the back of her head and runs her fingers through her hair during a passionate kiss
BackYou can please your partner by giving him incomparable pleasure with the help of ice cubes. During love games, it is worth holding a piece of ice along the husband’s back, moving from top to bottom in the direction of the spine, and the beloved will be delighted with new sensations
NavelThe area around the navel is very sensitive, a woman can take advantage of this. The path of bliss is the name of the path from the navel to the lover's penis. This area is especially receptive to gentle caresses and touches of the tongue. If a girl is going to please a guy with oral sex, then starting to caress this zone is the best option.
pinky footUsing massage oil, you should rub the heels of your loved one, and then gradually move to the fingers, paying special attention to the little fingers. The partner is guaranteed to enjoy and get excited

The main task of a woman is to prevent intimate life from becoming a routine and routine, then a man will not look for missing sensations on the side.

zodiac signs in bed

A horoscope will help you find out the fantasies and secrets of a certain man.

How different zodiac signs behave in the bedroom:

Zodiac sign Peculiarities
AriesAries men are characterized by excessive haste, they want to get everything at once. In bed, representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to skip the prelude that is boring for them and proceed to the main thing. It is very difficult to win the trust and love of Aries, but having won his heart, a woman will forever remain in him. Bold experiments during intimacy will kindle a burning interest and desire in Aries.
TaurusThose born under the sign of Taurus appreciate long foreplay and are ready to shower the girl with kisses in the most unexpected places. Taurus men love all types of massage. Women who want to satisfy their partner in the bedroom are advised to master the technique of erotic massage and periodically please the chosen one with caresses
TwinsRepresentatives of this zodiac sign love talking about sex. Geminis love to share erotic fantasies with their girlfriend and bring ideas to life. They demand the same from women. You can excite a Gemini man by telling him about your sexual desires and preferences. Bold experiments and the use of sex toys will make your partner truly happy
CrayfishDespite their romanticism and modesty, Cancers are well versed in the art of seduction. You can excite a representative of this zodiac sign by creating a cozy atmosphere: setting the table with candles and champagne, turning on the appropriate music. Men prefer long foreplay and get real pleasure from massage. The most sensitive part of their body is the neck, back and hips
a lionLions will appreciate long foreplay. Representatives of this zodiac sign can experience multiple orgasms, so Leo's premature ejaculation is not a problem for a woman.
VirgoThe Virgo man is bold, proactive and determined. Representatives of this zodiac sign love well-groomed and attractive women. To interest Virgo, you need to carefully monitor your appearance, play sports and eat right.
scalesLibra men are gallant and courteous gentlemen. They love sincere compliments and prefer women who take good care of themselves.
ScorpionScorpios love to explore their partner's body. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer variety in bed, they welcome erotic games and the use of sex toys. Oral sex will help to satisfy a man in bed
SagittariusSagittarians are real adventurers. Representatives of this zodiac sign are relaxed in bed and prefer variety.
CapricornCapricorns do not compromise, and it is unlikely that a woman will be able to persuade a representative of this zodiac sign to try something new in bed. Capricorns are excited by gentle and romantic natures. Excessive activity in bed they do not accept
AquariusAquarius - creative and inventive personalities, able to realize any erotic fantasy of a partner. Representatives of this zodiac sign love to watch films of erotic content with their partner, and then try the techniques they see in practice. New positions, sex in unusual places and the use of intimate toys will help satisfy Aquarius in bed
FishesThe Pisces man loves to experiment in bed. You can seduce the chosen one by wearing an erotic costume

The best way to be desired

In order to interest a man and attract him to her for many years, a woman must first of all love herself and accept her body with all its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand that ideal people do not exist in nature, and a man is also imperfect. The main thing is not to go in cycles in negative qualities, but to focus on the pluses.

A man wants to be only with a self-confident and independent personality. Before demanding an appropriate attitude from a partner, it is necessary to change herself not only externally, but also internally.

How to get a partner interested:

  • get rid of excessive guardianship;
  • to surprise in bed;
  • radically change the appearance;
  • love yourself;
  • gain confidence;
  • delight in culinary delights;
  • be well-groomed;
  • become a versatile person;
  • be able to provide for yourself.

Boredom and routine inevitably creep into the marital bed after some time together, and in order to avoid losing interest on the part of a man, you should discard all fears and complexes and wake up your sexuality.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...